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大唐西市博物馆.doc大唐西市博物馆.doc 大唐西市博物馆 大唐西市博物馆是建于唐长安西市遗址上的中国首座民营遗址类博物馆,占地面积15亩,建筑面积3.2万平方米,展览区面积0.8万平方米,其中遗址保护面积0.25万平方米。馆藏文物两万余件,以西市遗址出土文物和博物馆创办人二十年来精藏文物为主,上起商周,下迄明清,跨越绵绵三千余载。精美神秘的青铜器,绚丽多彩的陶瓷器,千姿百态的陶俑,璀璨夺目的金银器,精美绝伦的丝绸,巧夺天工的玉器,还有大量的货币、墓志、宗教、建筑类文物充盈库藏,为精彩纷呈的陈列展览奠定了坚实基础。 大唐西市博物...

大唐西市博物馆.doc 大唐西市博物馆 大唐西市博物馆是建于唐长安西市遗址上的中国首座民营遗址类博物馆,占地面积15亩,建筑面积3.2万平方米,展览区面积0.8万平方米,其中遗址保护面积0.25万平方米。馆藏文物两万余件,以西市遗址出土文物和博物馆创办人二十年来精藏文物为主,上起商周,下迄明清,跨越绵绵三千余载。精美神秘的青铜器,绚丽多彩的陶瓷器,千姿百态的陶俑,璀璨夺目的金银器,精美绝伦的丝绸,巧夺天工的玉器,还有大量的货币、墓志、宗教、建筑类文物充盈库藏,为精彩纷呈的陈列展览奠定了坚实基础。 大唐西市博物馆设有基本陈列、专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 展览、临时展览、特别展览等完备的陈列展览体系,集历史、艺术、民俗、藏友收藏等内容为一体,常看常新。这座造型独特、气势恢宏、环境优美、功能齐备、服务一流的新型博物馆必将成为西安市又一重要地标性建筑、公众喜闻乐见的文化场所、对外开放的重要窗口。 基本陈列《丝路起点 盛世商魂》展出了唐代西市东北“十字街”遗址、车辙遗迹和部分出土文物,介绍了历史上西市的概貌、交易品类、商业文化和繁华胜景,专题展览《丝绸之路“百工”体验》为您演绎了几种古代丝路上的传统工艺制作过程,临时展览是一个文物交流与展示的场所,将陆续推出反映丝路文化、唐代商业文化及不同主题的各类展览,特别展览《精品选粹》将让您近距离鉴赏文物,领略古器物之美,精彩的陈列展览让您如身临其境。 弹指千年,沧海桑田,徜徉大唐西市虽当年的繁华已逝,但美好的记忆永驻,在这里,您将跨越时空,回到盛世长安,重睹西市风采。 机构设置 大唐西市博物馆实行理事会领导下的馆长负责制。 根据西市博物馆民营性质,本着机构精简、一专多用、专兼结合的原则, 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 化管理和社会化服务相结合的原则。拟暂先设一室六部, 一室,办公室 集政务、馆务、事务、票务于一体的综合管理和服务部门,负责上传下达、宣传贯彻、协调落实。 六部, 1、文保科研部 负责遗址保护、文物保管、保护修复研究工作,展陈组织策划工作,展品、展览维护,文物征集工作。 2、展览宣教部 负责对外宣传、营销、讲解、接待、展陈、展厅工作。展陈组织策划工作,相关社会活动组织策划工作。 3、经营开发部 负责馆内经营招商管理工作,负责开发具有西市特色旅游纪念品及特色商业活动。 4、保卫部 负责全馆文物、财产、观众及本馆社会综合治理工作,负责技防、消防及与公安、消防等部门的联络工作,负责保安的监督、安排工作及保安公司的协调工作,负责馆内等级以上接待内保工作。 5、财务部 负责财务管理及会计核算工作。 6、会所运营部 负责会所的策划、营销、运作、服务、综合管理和事务工作。会员的发展、服务,藏品的展示、交流、鉴赏、交易,各种论坛、峰会等活动的策划组织。 参观 指南 验证指南下载验证指南下载验证指南下载星度指南下载审查指南PDF 展览分布,,具体请了解“大唐西市博物馆简介”, 1、 一楼,基本陈列《丝路起点 盛世商魂》遗址展览区、《江文湛捐赠作品展》、 尾厅展览《今日西市》 2、 二楼,基本陈列《丝路起点 盛世商魂》 3、 三楼,专题陈列《丝绸之路“百工”体验展》、临时展览《至尊国礼——丝绸之路沿线国家国礼展》、 多媒体活动厅 4、 四楼,特别展览《精品选粹》 讲解, 人工讲解,有中文、英文和日文。一名讲解员最多可带领30名游客参观。 自动语音导览机,有五种语言可供选择——中文、英文、法文、日文、韩文。 旅游产品, 序厅一层西南角专营各式风格的丝织品,并专营隋唐历史及文化、陕西民风民俗、旅游等书籍,一楼西门为休闲茶餐厅,三楼平台专营咖啡、饮品等,三楼百工体验区将展演和销售相结合,分为茶艺坊、乐器铺、工艺坊、波斯店、丝织品、陶器坊、画坊、卜肆、珠宝店等十种类别。 文艺演出, 一楼遗址大厅将不定期为观众举办演艺活动。演出内容以“丝绸之路”和“大唐西市”为特色,同时兼容其它高雅、大气、品位、精粹的文艺 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演形式和剧种,给观众奉献一份视觉美宴和精神大餐。 藏友天地, 藏友天地展出的“珍品文物展”将是文物爱好者交流的乐园。 参观时间,全年开放,除夕闭馆, 冬季,11月1日到次年3月31日,,9:00-17:00,16:00停止售票, 夏季,4月1日到10月31日,,9:00-17:30,16:30停止售票, 票价公示, 凡进馆参观的游客必须持票进馆,一人一票。售出门票,当日有效。 一、 普通票 单票,60元/人,常设展览, 套票,120元/人,常设展览,特别展览, 二、 优惠票 1. 半票, 年满65周岁以上,含65周岁,的老人、现役军人,含武警,、在校学生,不含成人院校学生,持本人有效证件参观享受半票优惠。 2. 免票, 年满70周岁以上,含70周岁,的老人,需有家属陪同,、由家长携带的身高1.3米以下儿童、残疾人、离休干部、享受政府特殊津贴的专家、导游持本人有效证件参观实行免票。 3. 团体票, 团体参观,实行团体优惠,凭介绍信到票务室办理相关手续。 注, 1. 有效证件为有效期内的身份证、老年证、寿星证、军官证、士兵证、学员证、学生证、残疾人证、政府特殊津贴证、导游证。 2. 免票仅限常设展览。 交通信息, 广大游客可乘坐市内公交,NO.15、24、43、106、107、201、251、262、322、502、503、518、521、720、800、916,到劳南市场站下车即到。亦可乘坐教育专线在劳动南路下车,向北500米路西即到。 通讯方法, 名称,西安大唐西市博物馆 [1]地址,陕西省西安市劳动南路1号 国际在线消息,驻陕西记者 雷恺,,被誉为国内规模最大、档次最高、展品最齐全的“第六届大唐西市海外回流文物展”,今天,4月6日,在隋唐丝绸之路起点——西安大唐西市举行。 本届文物展吸引了美国、法国、阿富汗以及中国内地和港澳台等地区的60家知名收藏机构参展,展出陶器、青铜器、玉器、瓷器、杂项等近万件珍贵文物,包括了上至新石器时代的祭祀用具,下至明清文人雅士的文房清玩,生动地反映了历史各个时期文物的独特魅力和鲜明时代气息。 值得一提的是瀚一堂明清官窑瓷器的展出,成为此次展览的一大亮点,更好地提升了 明清艺术品在展览中的地位。 为了继续增强各地民办博物馆之间的交流与合作,互相学习借鉴彼此的经验,依据 “ 2011海峡两岸博物馆文教发展座谈会”上代表们共同期望联合举办海峡两岸民办博物馆论 坛的提议,大唐西市博物馆承办以海峡两岸民办博物馆发展为主题的第三届民办博物馆发展 西安论坛即将于2012年4月6日正式拉开帷幕。本次论坛由陕西省文物局、陕西省海峡两 岸交流促进会主办,西安市文物局、陕西省博物馆协会协办,西安大唐西市博物馆和陕西省 民间博物馆协会承办,拟邀请各级政府及文博界的领导、民办博物馆馆长、国内外专家学者 100人,其中特邀请台湾民间博物馆协会会员近40位莅临会议,以探讨交流海峡两岸民办 博物馆的健康可持续发展,推动两岸合作双赢和文化产业发展,实现两岸文化及博物馆事业 的繁荣。 西安大唐西市博物馆即将举办《丝绸之路古代货币展——大唐西市博物馆藏货币选粹》 展。本次展览共展出123枚丝路货币和26枚中国珍稀古货币,首次将丝路货币与中国泉珍 同汇一室,通过这些货币所蕴含历史背景、文化理念和精神追求,可以引导我们认知中国货 币的丰富内涵及古代丝绸之路沿线的人文地理风貌,同时也为大家提供了鉴赏中外货币精华 的机会, Tang West Market Museum Tang West Market Museum is the first civilian on-site museum in China, which is established on the site of the West Market of the Tang Chang’an city. The museum occupies a total area of 15 mu(mu:Chinese measurement for area, about 263 acres) land with a construction area of 32000 m?and display area of 8000 m? including 2500 m? on-site preservation area. In the total collection of more than 20,000 pieces of cultural relics, the collection mainly exhibits those of the cultural relics from the archaeological site of the West Market and the meticulously collected treasures from the founder of the museum as well, ranging a long history of over 3,000 years from the Shang and Zhou dynasties to the Ming and Qing dynasties. The collection includes exquisite and mysterious bronze wares, splendid and colorful pottery wares, rich postures of terra-cotta figurines, brilliant gold and silver wares, gorgeous and delicate silk remains and jade pieces which are of wonderful workmanship expelling the nature, as well as a great number of relics respecting currency, Epitaph, religions and architectures filling the storage of the museum, which has put a solid foundation for the remarkable exhibition. Tang West Market Museum has a complete exhibition series including “Permanent Exhibition, Thematic Display, Temporary Exhibition, Special Exhibition & Treasures Appraisal Club ”. It gathers the collections referring to history, arts, folks and private collectors, which often brings to visitors new visual experiences. The museum with its magnificent and unique design, the beautiful environment, full-functional and first-class service will surely become a successive important architectural landmark, a cultural site of public- loved and a prominent window for the opening of Xi’an. The Permanent Exhibition “A Thriving Trade Center at the Starting Point of the Silk Road” displays with a part of the unearthed relics and rutting from the archaeological site of “Cross Street” north-east of the West Market, tells about the once overview, trade category, commercial culture and flouring pomp of the West Market. The Thematic Exhibition “Experience of Craftwork on Silk Road”demonstrates several making process of traditional craftwork on ancient Silk Road for you; The Temporary Exhibition , as a communicating and displaying area of cultural relics, is going to successfully held a variety of exhibitions on Silk Road culture, commercial culture of Tang Dynasty and so on; The Special Exhibition “Gem of Museum Collections” will permit you have an eye-touching appreciation for cultural relics. You would have an immersed sense in its wonderful exhibition. With the changing of the world, although the prosperous Tang Dynasty West Market has gone away, it remains people of the beautiful memories. Here you will seem to ramble along the corridor of history, returning back to the prosperous Tang Dynasty Chang’an city and reviewing the elegant demeanor of the West Market! Basic Collection——A Thriving Trade Center at the Starting Point of the Silk Road As the eastern terminus of the Silk Road, the Tang West Market was once an active and prominent participant in the history of the world trade. The inclusiveness and openness of the Tang Dynasty (AD618—907) contributed in making the market a place where businesses from everywhere of the world could be found. At that time, stores were standing side by side and merchants flocked here from everywhere. The market boasted the center of all possible commodities one can imagine. People felt intoxicatingly free in making choices. For a period of 320 years the market remained a highly prosperous place of commerce, handicrafts and local culture. The West Market was not only the paradise for consumers, but also a dreamland for many merchants in making a fortune. Chinese culture and western culture met and melted harmoniously here. It highly demonstrated the diversity of the brilliant international metropolis of the capital city of Chang’an (name for Xi’an in the Tang Dynasty). This place is the only remaining commercial site found so far from the Tang Dynasty. The splendor of the place has gone with time. But the memories will be refreshed in the museum where you will be able to envision the grandeur of the Tang Dynasty by visiting the West Market Museum on the original market site. Special Exhibition——Selected Exhibits With a collection of over 20,000, the cultural relics displayed in the Tang West Market Museum boast a long history ranging from the Shang Dynasty (16th -11th century BC) about three thousand years ago to the Qing Dynasty (AD 1636-1911). Various artifacts can be found here, including mysterious bronze wares, colorful porcelains, life-like clay figurines, shining gold and silver vessels, exquisite silks, delicate jade carvings, ancient coins, epitaphs, religious objects and architectural antiques. These collections are good reflection of profound Chinese culture and wisdom of ancient Chinese people. Great respect should be paid to the relic collectors as we appreciate the high value of the exhibits. Zhu Guangqian, a famous aesthete, once said: “Art is the form of one’s temperament, which originates in real life.” The aim of collecting is to explore the profound meaning behind it. That is why we are more than happy to offer the carefully selected bronze wares, gold and silver vessels, ancient coins and elegant porcelain vessels to the visitors. We sincerely hope that such a cultural banquet can feast your heart, and that we can make friends by displaying and sharing these exquisite exhibits.
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