首页 【琅嬛】初一《体育舞蹈----恰恰恰舞》教学设计及课时计划与点评



【琅嬛】初一《体育舞蹈----恰恰恰舞》教学设计及课时计划与点评【琅嬛】初一《体育舞蹈----恰恰恰舞》教学设计及课时计划与点评 初一《体育舞蹈----恰恰恰舞》教学设计及课时计划与点评 教学设计 一、指导思想 本课依据《课程标准》的基本理念,以“健康第一”为指导思想,无论从教学内容的选择还是教学方法的运用方面,都十分注重激发和保持学生的运动兴趣,培养学生终生体育的意识。在课的各个环节,都考虑到以学生的发展为中心,通过“学习、实践、创新”的教学模式,充分发挥学生学习积极性和学习潜能,提高体育学习能力。在教学中关注学生的情感体验,提高学生享受美、体会美、表现美、创造美的能...

【琅嬛】初一《体育舞蹈----恰恰恰舞》教学 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 及课时 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 与点评 初一《体育舞蹈----恰恰恰舞》教学设计及课时计划与点评 教学设计 一、指导思想 本课依据《课程标准》的基本理念,以“健康第一”为指导思想,无论从教学内容的选择还是教学 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 的运用方面,都十分注重激发和保持学生的运动兴趣,培养学生终生体育的意识。在课的各个环节,都考虑到以学生的发展为中心,通过“学习、实践、创新”的教学模式,充分发挥学生学习积极性和学习潜能,提高体育学习能力。在教学中关注学生的情感体验,提高学生享受美、体会美、表现美、创造美的能力,让每个学生在学习中体验到“我参与、我运动、我快乐、我成功”的愉悦感受。 二、教材内容 体育舞蹈----恰恰恰舞 三、教材选择 《课程标准》中鼓励广大教师积极利用和开发课程资源,因此,本着开发体育课程内容资源的目的,把新兴的运动项目----体育舞蹈引入中学课堂,并在初中女生教学中进行了尝试。 体育舞蹈是一项新兴的体育运动项目,它融艺术、体育、音乐、舞蹈于一体,集形体美、动作美、音乐美、服装美于一身,近年来这项运动越来越受到大众的熟悉和欢迎。它既是一项竞技性很强的运动,同时也是一项健身性、娱乐性、表演性很强的大众体育运动,非常适合在中学生中开展。恰恰恰舞是体育舞蹈中的拉丁舞种之一,其欢快活泼、俏皮洒脱、热情奔放的风格,很符合正处于青春发育期的青少年朝气蓬勃、充满激情、开拓进取的形象,且它的一些常用的舞步和基本的练习方法极具有健身价值。 四、教法与学情分析 本节课主要采用讲解示范法、音乐教学法、启发式教学法、游戏法、展示激励法等多种教法,并相互渗透到课的各个环节中。 本节课教学对象为初一年级的女生,这个年龄段的女生正处于身心发展的关键时期,身体柔韧性好、活泼好动、求知欲强,对新知识的学习只要教师采用的教法得当,学生学练兴趣很快就会被调动起来。但因大多数学生没有舞蹈基础,针对学生的具体情况,在教学中本人采用有别于专业性的教法,以基本舞步的教学为主,对动作进行简化,采用由浅入深及多种形式的练习方法,着重激发学生练习的兴趣,树立能够学会的信心。 针对恰恰恰舞的动作特点,在具体的教学中,本人采用以下方法: 1.因恰恰恰舞曲的第一拍是强拍子,第二拍才迈出第一步。为了让学生更好理解与接受,本人采用“1.2.恰恰恰”、“慢.慢.快快.慢”等学生比较容易听得懂的口令来教学,舞曲则选用repercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelve-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-General of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other aspects 节拍性强、旋律明显且节奏较慢的,最好是比较通俗的恰恰恰舞曲。 2.以学会脚步动作为主,先练脚步的移动,待脚步移动的节奏和要领基本掌握后,再循序渐进地加上手臂和上体以及胯部的动作。 3.先进行个人单个动作的练习,再进行双人练习,最后集体练习。 4.采用A+B+C(递加法)的教学方法,即每做完一个新动作,连接前面的动作一起复习,这样更能促进学生的学习效益。 五、教学 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 课堂常规?复习左右横并式及进退锁步式基本步?学习常用步----手接手?创编组合动作?组合动作展示、互评?伦巴舞放松练习?评价、小结。 六、教学目标 1.预计本课将有90%的学生能够较好地掌握所学恰恰恰舞的三个基本动作,并能进行组合动作的创编与展示。 2.学生乐于学习、情绪高,团结协作,勇于创新,大胆展示,课堂气氛好。 教学设计课时计划 学习阶段:水平四教师:蔡鹏姿 年级:初一女生课次:第三次课时间:2004年4月16日 教学目标: 1.使学生初步了解体育舞蹈的基本知识。 2.进一步学习提高恰恰恰舞的几个基本舞步,启发、引导学生小组合作创编组合动作,培养学生良好的团队合作精神和创新意识。 3.通过练习,增强学生的柔韧、灵敏、协调等身体素质,培养正确体态和良好的气质风度,提高对音乐的感受能力。 教学内容: 1.复习左右横并式基本步和进退锁步式基本步 2.学习常用步----手接手 repercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelve-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-General of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other aspects 3.创编组合动作 场地器材:操场、大黑板、三幅挂图、若干张小图片、CD便携机、CD带 教学过程: (课前,学生自由观看挂图。) 一、课堂常规 1.体委整队, 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 人数。 2.师生问好,安排见习生。 3.教师提问,学生回答,导入本课教学目标与内容。组织:四列横队。 二、复习左右横并式及进退锁步式基本步 1.学生领做,音乐伴奏,教师语言引导并参与练习,学生跟随喊口令。 组织:学生手拉手成体操队形散开。 2.基本步组合练习。 (1)请两位学生示范,针对上节课练习中存在的问题,教师提出改进意见。 (2)在音乐伴奏下学生两人一组进行基本步组合动作的练习,教师巡视指导,适时参与练 习。 组织:成双层圆,如下图。 3.游戏:“交换舞伴” 组织:同上图。 (1)教师启发、引导学生回答问题,从中讲解游戏方法。 (2)在音乐伴奏下师生进行练习。 三、学习常用步----手接手 1.教师利用挂图讲解、示范动作,然后指导学生进行单人动作的练习。 repercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelve-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-General of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other aspects 2.学生两人一组自主练习,教师巡视,从中指导。 3.在音乐伴奏下学生两人一组集体练习。 四、创编组合动作 1.教师启发、引导学生把所学的三个舞步组合成小套路。 2.各小组根据教师提供的图片进行探究、练习,并创编组合动作。 3.教师巡视指导并参与练习。 组织:成四个小组。 五、组合动作展示、评比 1.各小组分别进行创编动作的展示,小组互评。 2.鼓励个别同学表演,大胆展现自己。 3.全班在教师引导下进行三个舞步的套路组合练习。组织:成双层圆,同上页图。 六、放松练习 教师语言诱导,学生跟随进行伦巴舞的放松练习。 组织:成双层圆。 七、提问、小结本课 1.教师提问,引导学生回答问题。 2.师生共同小结。 组织:成散点靠拢教师。 八、布置课外练习 九、布置收拾器材 附:恰恰恰舞的几种基本步和常用步的图解 repercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelve-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-General of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other aspects 一、左右横并式基本步 预备:开立,重心在右脚,左脚侧点地,两臂自然张开在体侧或叉腰。 第一小节: 2拍:左脚向前一步,右腿稍屈膝,重心中间偏前,胯向左后扭摆,如图1。 3拍:右腿伸直,重心回到右脚,胯向右后扭摆,如图2。 4拍:左脚向左侧出一步,胯部左扭,如图3。 半拍:右脚追并左脚,胯部回扭,如图4。 1拍:左脚再侧出一步,重心在左脚,胯向左后扭摆,如图5。 第二小节: 2拍:右脚后退一步,重心后移,左腿伸直,胯向右后扭摆,如图6。 3拍:重心前移到左脚,胯向左后扭摆,如图7。 4拍、半拍、1拍三拍动作同第一小节,唯左右交换。 二、进退锁步式基本步 预备:开立,重心在右脚,左脚侧点地,两臂自然张开在体侧或叉腰。 第一小节: 2、3拍同图1、图2。 4拍:左脚向后伸退一步,随即重心后移,如图8。 半拍:右脚追退成锁步,如图9。 1拍:左脚再后退一步,重心在左脚,胯向左后扭摆,如图10。 repercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelve-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-General of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other aspects 第二小节: 2、3拍同图6、图7。 4拍、半拍、1拍三拍动作同第一小节逆向,前后、左右相反。如图11、12、13。 三、常用步----手接手 预备:两人面对面双手相拉站立,两脚分开,一人重心在右脚,另一人重心在左脚,另一脚侧点地。 第一小节:(以其中一人为例) 2拍:以右脚掌为轴左转90?,左脚后退成右并肩位,右手拉同伴左手前伸,左手向左侧展开,如图14。 3拍:重心移到右脚,胯向右后扭摆,身稍右转,如图15。 4拍:继续右转至90?,左脚向侧一步,胯部左扭与同伴双手相拉,如图16。 半拍:右脚追并左脚,胯部回扭,如图17。 1拍:左脚再侧出一步,重心在左脚,胯部左后扭摆,如图18。 (第二人动作方向相反) 第二小节动作反方向进行。 点评:宋超美 (体育舞蹈之恰恰恰舞----蔡鹏姿) 《体育舞蹈之恰恰恰舞》是一项新兴的体育运动项目,这节课是把校本课程中的部分舞蹈内容引入体育课堂,符合新课标的精神,这份教案它有如下几个特点: 1.这节课,蔡老师充分发挥自身舞蹈的特长,对已开发的社会体育资源----恰恰恰舞进行了教学尝试,使学生在学习过程中能够体验到:“我参与、我运动、我快乐、我成功”的愉悦感受。 repercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelve-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-General of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other aspects 2.结合课前观看恰恰恰舞几种基本步和常用步的图解设疑置问,教师引导学生回答问题,使学生能加深对完整动作的印象,为接下学习打下基础。 3.在复习左右横并式及进退锁步式基本步过程,教师鼓励学生主动参与领操,发展自身能力,培养学生学习的主动性、积极性。 4.让学生在学习三个舞步组合的基础上,教师为学生提供舞蹈图片,由各小组组织探究、创编组合动作,激发学生主动学习,培养学生创造能力,最后教师组织展示活动,各组互评,教师适时点评,使学生能辨别是非。 5.本课还有一个特点,教师鼓励“勇敢者”大胆上台表演,展示创编的动作,相互交流,取长补短,促使学习气氛的提高。 但本课教师在关注个体差异方面显得不足,使基础差的学生不能得到更有效的帮助;另外,本课的学习和复习内容可适当减少,这样更有利于学生提高动作质量。 ————全国继教网 repercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelve-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-General of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other aspects
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