首页 花城版花城版《走进音乐世界》四年级上册音乐全册教案



花城版花城版《走进音乐世界》四年级上册音乐全册教案花城版花城版《走进音乐世界》四年级上册音乐全册教案 第一课 我们的国歌 中华人民共和国国歌 教学目标: 一、通过学唱《国歌》对学生进行爱国主义教育,让学生真正了解《国歌》,唱好国歌。 二、能用庄重坚定和清晰准确的声音演唱好《中华人民共和国国歌》。表达一个中国人的信心和决心。 三、学会模拟鼓号队的演奏,并能用其中的几件打击乐器统配节奏型参与歌曲的伴奏活动。 教学内容: 一、歌曲:1、《中华人民共和国国歌》。 二、欣赏军乐等多种形式唱(奏)的《国歌》,学习用打击乐器参与乐曲的演奏。 教学重点: 围绕《国...

花城版花城版《走进音乐世界》四年级上册音乐全册教案 第一课 我们的国歌 中华人民共和国国歌 教学目标: 一、通过学唱《国歌》对学生进行爱国主义教育,让学生真正了解《国歌》,唱好国歌。 二、能用庄重坚定和清晰准确的声音演唱好《中华人民共和国国歌》。表达一个中国人的信心和决心。 三、学会模拟鼓号队的演奏,并能用其中的几件打击乐器统配节奏型参与歌曲的伴奏活动。 教学内容: 一、歌曲:1、《中华人民共和国国歌》。 二、欣赏军乐等多种形式唱(奏)的《国歌》,学习用打击乐器参与乐曲的演奏。 教学重点: 围绕《国歌》开展演唱、演奏等活动。 教学难点: 感受三连音在作品中的运用。 教 具:录音机、教学欣赏带。 时:2。 课 第一课时 教学内容: 学唱《中华人民共和国国歌》。 教学重点: 学唱国歌。 教学过程: 一、组织教学: main construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4-owned 5-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 2-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10-owned three-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned Z50 4 3-owned semi-automatic cutting machine GZ-100A 15-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-owned owned φ 150 100-owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 4-owned 2U-6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 1/2 ″ ~4 ″ 11 tube Bender 5-owned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the low-down, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must 二、导入新课教学。 1、欣赏:根据学生的已有经验,让学生用语言相互交流心中对国歌的印象,播放《国歌》,请学生仔细欣赏,再谈谈听后的感受。 2、议论: 1)了解国歌歌词的作者,讲讲国歌的由来及创作花絮。 2)联系当今社会的实际,引导学生有感情地诵读歌词,对学生进行爱国主义教育。 三、学唱国歌。 1、用比较法学唱:由于学生会唱国歌多年,老师先录下他们的声音,再与原音比较,让学生自己一句句找对错,找差距。 2、欣赏国歌,辨别三连音节奏。 3、讨论三连音在歌曲中的作用。 4、找出难点乐句,如歌曲中的三连音、附点节奏、弱起小节、重音记号、渐强记号,听老师范唱并练习。 5、跟琴学唱国歌,用歌声感受歌曲的情绪。 6、跟录音演唱,用动作感受歌曲雄壮的节奏型。 三、拓展 1、每当学校升国旗,同学门唱起雄壮的国歌时,你的心情是怎样的, 2、在哪些场合你还会看到升国旗唱国歌的情景, 四、小结。 第二课时 教学内容: 欣赏军乐等多种形式唱(奏)的《国歌》,学习用打击乐器参与乐曲的演奏。 教学过程: owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li2pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2 一、组织教学: 二、复习国歌:用坚定勇敢的气势、唱出中国人的精神。 三、欣赏军乐等多种形式唱(奏)的《国歌》,学习用打击乐器参与乐曲的演奏。 1、老师提前收集各种形式的国歌资料,如:军乐(吹管乐)、管弦乐、童声齐唱、成人齐唱、男声独唱等,能配上画面更好,让学生比较、欣赏。 2、选择用大小军鼓、钹和合适的打击乐器为军乐《国歌》伴奏。 3、用声势伴奏代替乐器,注重人人参与,声响音型让学生自己 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 。 4、在节奏分声部练熟后,可挑选几位同学用以上几件乐器进行合奏,全体同学用自创的音响进行配合,自信而骄傲地进行本班的“鼓号队”表演。 5、模拟学校的升国旗仪式:鼓号队奏乐——学生出旗——全体起立——唱国歌、行队礼——结束本课。 四、小结。 第二课 秋天的联想 教学目标: 一、引导学生在欣赏与歌唱活动中尽情感受秋天的美好。 二、初步了解人声分类的音乐常识,感受人声的美妙音色,激发自己的歌唱兴趣。 三、能用不同的情绪、不同的音色唱歌曲《红叶》和《土风舞》,用歌声表达自 己对秋天漫山遍野的赞美之情,表现出捷克人民喜庆丰收的热闹景象。 四、在不同的音乐作品中体验音色、情绪、速度、节奏、旋律等音乐要素的重要 作用。能完整地填充并创作《秋天》这首儿歌,发展学生的创新思维。 教材 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 :略 教学内容: 一、学唱并创作歌曲《秋天》。 二、学唱歌曲《红叶》、《土风舞》。 三、听听、看看、画画。 四、美好的音色——人声的分类。 -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm3m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi 教学重点、难点:对学生对秋天的自然现象与声音色彩牵引力的培养。 课时安排:5课时 课前准备:收集与秋天有关的素材如:树叶、果实、图片等。 第一课时 教学内容:学唱并创作歌曲《秋天》。 教学过程: 一、组织教学(略) 二、导入:学生们共同分享在户外寻找的代表秋天景色的素材,结合课本上的四 幅色彩不同的图片,让学生把看 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 对大自然的感受用语言描述出来,比如说 “金色的秋天稻麦飘香“即参与第8页的活动练习。 三、新课教学: 1、老师带上小乐器及歌词卡片,带领学生在校园里观察秋天的景色:秋高气爽、 树叶变黄了、风一吹满地落叶………帮助学生积累创作素材。然后师生围坐 在草地上开始学唱《秋天》,老师以小乐器伴奏或清唱,注意最后两小节 “4 2 1 7 1——”的音准。 、编一编、演一演。 2 采取室内与室外结合的办法学习和编创歌曲。 1、分组创作填词演唱,再互相评价。 2、出示课本创作的歌词,比较自己遗漏的秋天,丰富对秋天的知识。 四、拓展教学: 变换主题:如“冬天”、“春天”、“夏天”进行创作,进一步培养学生的创造性思维。 五、小结。 第二课时 教学内容:学唱歌曲《红叶》。 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li4pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1- 二、导入:复习《秋天》引出学习《红叶》这首歌。 三、新课教学: 1、听伴奏录音,感受歌曲的情绪。 2、划分乐句并大致明白演唱的内容。 3、朗读歌词,感受:“秋风、夕阳、枫树、红叶、山坡、河流”这一美丽 的画卷,体会美的意境。 4、跟琴轻轻哼唱歌曲。 5、说说自己演唱此曲后的感受。 6、用优美、动听的歌声演唱,充分表现秋天美的意境。 7、分男女组进行演唱感受不同音色之美。 8、第二声部视学生的实际情况决定唱与不唱,要以“情”感染学生,以“美” 引领学生走进音乐。 9、试一试演唱歌谱,充分感受歌曲旋律之美。 一、拓展: 用优美的动作为歌曲伴舞。 、分组根据歌曲的情绪、内容创编动作。 1 2、汇报表演。 3、师生评价。 二、小结。 第三课时 教学内容:学唱歌曲《土风舞》 教学过程: 一、情景导入 1、伴着快乐的音乐律动进教室。 2、师生问好~ 二、复习歌曲《红叶》。 要求:用优美、轻柔的声音演唱歌曲。 三、导入新课: -owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm5m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre (一)忆与秋天有关的歌曲内容。 (二)出示歌谱《土风舞》。 四、学唱新歌。 (一)听一听。 1初步聆听《土风舞》。(感受歌曲的情绪) 1)它描写了秋天哪方面的内容, 2) 听完音乐,你的心情怎样,你怎么会有这样的心情呢,(从歌词、旋律入手) 3)你可以用什么方式来表达自己的心情, 4)复听《土风舞》歌曲。(用手臂画出音的高低进行的线条,感受旋律进行的特点) (二)唱一唱。 1、按节奏朗读歌词。 2、播放课件感受歌词的咬字、吐字。 3、跟琴轻轻哼唱(学生找出难点,教师重点教唱。) 4、师生互换接唱。(接唱清楚、准确,重点突出切分节奏) (三)玩一玩。 音乐游戏:《找一找》 1、宣布游戏规则。 师小结:离玩具越近,我们的歌声就变强,而且是渐渐变强,所以我们就把这个变化叫做渐强,反过来,谁来说说看, 2、曲中找:找找学过的音乐记号。 3、照着唱:按谱中的音乐记号用热情、轻快、饱满的声音歌唱,从而表现欢乐的情绪。 4、敲一敲:由学生选择自制乐器进行伴奏,以欢乐的情绪边唱边击。 5、试一试:试着唱曲谱。 6、播放学谱课件,自己纠正自己唱得不够的地方。 7、比一比:和歌曲《红叶》比较不同之处。(出示表格) (四)编一编、评一评。 1、简单了解捷克概况。(播放幻灯片) -d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li6pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1 2、简单了解什么是土风舞,(出示概念) 土风舞一词是由英文Flok Dance 翻译而来的,源自非洲,是一种富有乡土风味的舞蹈 ,旋律欢乐,节奏较欢快。跳的时候,所有的人围成一圆圈,没有男女老幼之分,表现了人们庆祝劳动收获的愉快心情;流传到世界各地,形成了各个地方特色的舞蹈。如:夏威夷草裙舞,法国小步舞曲。 3、了解并欣赏各国的土风舞。(播放、影片、课件、图片)。 4、播放现场演唱课件,引导学生模仿创造。 5、实践:分组为歌曲编创土风舞并进行现场表演。 1)学生按自己的选择自由组合,积极进行小组讨论创作。 2)分组表演。 3)教师进行综合评价。 5、尽情地欢舞起来吧~。 五、小结。 六、下课。学生随音乐律动快乐出教室。 第四课时 教学内容:欣赏1、陕北民歌《秋收》、2、丹麦民歌《丰收之歌》、3、小 提琴协奏曲《四季》中〈秋〉第三乐章。 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、导入: 唱丰收歌〈土风舞〉,表现捷克人民载歌载舞庆丰收的情景,导入新课。 三、新课教学: 1、听丰收曲:想了解我们中国农民是怎么庆丰收的吗,请结合画面欣赏陕 北民歌〈秋收〉。引导学生随歌声哼唱体验当时的幸福情景。 2、演丰收景:根据丹麦人民豪放开朗、能歌善舞的风俗特点,在欣赏丹麦 民歌《丰收之歌》时,采取这样的教学:听着音乐,结合画面,你能想 像丹麦农民庆丰收的场景吗,如果你被他们的欢乐所感染,请你和他们 一起来,随着音乐的节奏边唱边跳,自由做律动。 -owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm7m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre 3、画丰收景:让同学们谈一谈对两首丰收歌的感受,结合第三首曲子的欣 赏,边听边找画、配画。 赏丰收曲:重点欣赏小提琴协奏曲《四季》中〈秋〉第三乐章。 1)初听,感受到什么, 2) 唱一唱它的主题:1 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 5 4 3 2 2 2……. 3)复听,数数主题出现了几次?并为它寻找一幅插图. 4)再听,自创动作配合音乐主题进行表演. 四、小结。 第五课时 教学内容:1、音乐知识:美好的音色——人声的分类。 2、欣赏歌曲:《牧歌》、《回声》、《我爱你中国》、《老人河》、《阿童木之歌》。 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、新课教学: 1、自画秋天的色彩:师:前几节课我们尽情地感受了秋天的美好,听昌了一些 些关于秋天的歌曲,下面请同学们用颜色来描述一下自己喜欢的秋天,只要 能表达自己的感受就行(还可请几位学生到黑板上随意画)。 2、联想乐器的色彩:启发学生把美术表现的秋天色彩,牵引到乐器音色的听 辨上, 由视觉到听觉加以感受,播放大提琴、双簧管、小号、三角铁等乐器的声音和图片,师小结“什么叫音色,” 3、听辨乐器的音色,让学生为形容音色的两个形容词“嘹亮”、“清脆”找到 合适的乐器(小号和三角铁) 4、人声的美妙:音乐中使用的乐器都有自己特有的音色,而人的歌喉也是一各 最为自然的特殊的乐器,它也有着美妙 的音色。请同学欣赏纯人声演绎的两 -d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li8pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1 首无伴奏合唱《牧歌》、《回声》,真切地感受到人声的美妙与魅力,激发 学生对合唱和人声的兴趣,同时又自然过渡到本课音乐知识“人声的分类” 的讲解。 5、了解人声的色彩:童声、男声(高中低音)、女声(高中低音)。为避免枯 燥,每讲解一种都配一个演唱片断,使学生真实体验而又记忆深刻。 6、分辨人声的类别:欣赏歌曲《我爱你中国》、《老人河》、《阿童木之歌》 片段后,让学生抢答属于人声的哪一类并填空。设问:你们还能举出男声、 女声、童声的歌曲曲名吗, 7、激发歌唱欲望: 1)让学生尝试用自己的嗓音来任意模仿各种人的音色。 2)指导学生学会保护自己的嗓子,正确地运用嗓音来和谐地歌唱,唱出自己的 美好心声。 3)学生自由选择本单元最喜欢的一首歌曲,分别组成“秋天组”、“红叶组”、 “舞蹈组”进行歌唱、表演。为这个单元做一个总复习。 三、小结。 第三课 放牧歌谣 教学目标: 一、 五首中外牧童题材的音乐作品为我们塑造了各种栩栩如生的牧童形象。 通过这些作品可以感受到放牧孩子的不同心情及他们不同的生活背景,在音 乐中感受牧童生活的变化,激起学生热爱生活,热爱大自然的情感。 二、 能用自然好听的声音演唱《牧童之歌》、《牧童》、《牧羊姑娘》、《牧 羊女》,体验不同的情绪表达出不同情感。在欣赏《牧童短笛》过程中能随 音乐即兴律动表达牧童在放牧劳动时的欢快惬意的情绪。 owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm9m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi- 三、 了解音符的名称及读法拍法:认识加入我们小音库中的两个新音符SI 和DO并结合前面学的音符做“七个好朋友”的音乐游戏。 教材分析:(略) 教学内容: 1、学唱歌曲《牧童之歌》、《牧童》、《牧羊女》。 2、对答式歌表演《牧羊姑娘》。 3、音乐游戏:七个好朋友。 教学重点、难点: 课时安排:6课时 第一课时 教学内容:学唱歌曲《《牧童之歌》 教学过程: 一、组织教学(略)。 二、新课教学: 1、边听边看。师边有节奏地念着歌词“红太阳,从天上 慢 慢地爬上,风 吹 绿 草 马儿把头扬…….,”边在黑板上画着简笔画,展现出”红太阳、绿草地、 马儿、羊儿和马背上的孩子。 2、边讲边读。 1)设问:黑板上的画表现了什么情景, 2)揭示课题,解释“牧童”的含义。 3)你能像老师那样把画里的意思试着读出来吗, 3、边唱边做: 1)跟着琴声用“LU”模唱。 2)跟琴填词演唱,重点唱好“骑上骏马扬起鞭,赶着牛羊下河滩”,这句 中每小节弱拍上的附点节奏以及八度大跳音程的音准。 3)引导学生根据画面设计几个动作来记住歌词。 4)让学生说说自己了解的新疆哈萨克族的地域文化风情。 -owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li10pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 5)老师展示民族知识讲解课件,详细地介绍哈萨克族的地域文化风情。 4、边找边记:复习学过的音符种类。 1)欣赏钢琴版的《牧童之歌》,在钢琴声中中老师出示四种音符卡片来做 一个游戏。 2)全班分四组,派一名代表为自己组选择一种音符卡片。 3)四组在《牧童之歌》的曲谱里寻找与自己选择的音符长得相似的音符, 再派代表把找到的音符写在黑板相应的音符卡片旁。如: 5— 5 一组:1—、6— 二组:3、2、6、6、4 5 三组:剩下的全都是有一条小横线在下面的音符 5 四组:6、2、4、7 4)先请学生思考回答这些音符的名称。 5)最后老师小结:第一组找的叫二分音符,第二组找的叫四分音符,第三 组找的叫八分音符,第四组找的叫十六分音符。 6)设问:你们知道他们怎么读,怎么拍吗,看了书中的列表就明白了。 7)边读边拍:看书本一起边拍边读四种音符 8)设计其他节奏练习:如《雨快要停了》或《火车到站了》 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 | 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5| 滴答滴答 滴答滴答 滴答滴答 滴答滴答 咔嚓咔嚓 咔嚓咔嚓 咔嚓咔嚓 咔嚓咔嚓 5 5 5 5 | 5 5 5 5 | 5 5 | 5 5 | 滴 答 滴 答 滴 答 滴 答 滴 答 滴 答 咔 嚓 咔 嚓 咔 嚓 咔 嚓 咔 嚓 咔 嚓 -owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm11m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine 5— | 5— | 滴 答 咔 嚓 三、小结。 第二课时 教学内容:学唱歌曲《牧童》。 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、复习《牧童之歌》,用愉快、自然的声音演唱。 三、新课教学: 1、模仿模仿语言:老师按歌曲节奏地说一句话“朝霞 里 | 牧 童 在 | 吹 小 | 笛 0 |”,请学生联系自己的生活实际也来说一说,培养学生的创新思维、熟悉并掌握切分节奏。如:“校园 里 | 我 们 在| 玩 游 | 戏 0 |” 2、拍打节奏:初听范唱拍节奏,说说切分节奏出现了几次,(五次) 3、分析乐句:复听范唱划 乐句,找出重复出现的节奏型:第一、二、四句节奏完全相同。XX X | X X X | X X | X 0 | 4、模唱旋律:随琴声用“噜“分别模唱两声部的旋律,注意唱好每句尾的休止符。 5、小乐器进课堂:采用小乐器口风琴分声部吹奏旋律,熟悉后再合练。 熟悉本曲旋律音准时,再进行二部合唱。 6、二部合唱: 1)分声部练习。 2)老师与学生分别唱一个声进行合唱。 3)学生分组分声部进行合唱。 四、小结。 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li12pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 第三课时 教学内容:学习对答式歌表演《牧羊姑娘》 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、新课教学: 1、思考:让学生眼看歌谱初听歌曲,想一想它与前面所学的两首牧童年歌有什 么不同, 2、表达:学生自由发表自己的想法…….通过熟悉歌词引导学生说说歌曲表现的 是什么年代的故事, 3、朗读:歌曲是以问答的形式进行的,让男学生学生扮演“问者”,女学生扮 演“牧羊姑娘”,启发他们非常有感情地朗读歌词,充分体会人们和牧羊姑 娘之间的情感交流。 4、歌唱: 1)“对”字是整首歌的第一个字,启发学生要一张嘴就唱出应有的音高,切忌滑上去。 2)整首歌曲的演唱中要引导学生注意声音的放松、柔和。 5、感悟:演唱中要引导学生注意表达问者与牧羊女的一问一答的感情色彩。前 者要表现出充满同情、怜悯的情绪,后者要表现出充满衰怨、愤恨及无可奈 何的情绪。 6、处理:第一乐段中的末尾句作渐慢处理,似乎表达了人们的深切询问,要唱 得稍迟缓一些,唱得纯朴、真挚。第二乐段要力求把对善良而饱受苦难、孤 苦无依的牧羊女的无限同情表现出来。 7、分组练习。 8、表演:评选出优秀表演组。 三、小结。 owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm13m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ- 第四课时 教学内容:听赏钢琴曲《牧童短笛》 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、新课教学: 1、看后听:牧童骑在牛背上吹着笛子,这是一幅多么淡雅的水墨画。这一情景 你能想像吗,音乐如何去表现这一情景,请听听~(播放《牧童知笛》第一 部分) 2、听后说。再听一遍。设问:你能从音乐中体验这一情景吗,听完后说说你的 想像与感受,老师可以简单介绍作者贺绿汀及本作品的来历。 3、说后唱。师生讨论对第一乐段的感受„„„提示课题《牧童短笛》,哼唱主 题旋律[1]。 4、再听议。聆听第二乐段。设问:这段音乐描绘牧童在干什么,在速度上、节 奏上与第一乐段相比之下有什么变化,师生讨论第二乐段提出的两个问题并 哼唱主题旋律[2]。 5、听后演。完整地听全曲。设问:全曲分几段,为什么,有没有相同或基本相 同的乐段,再次完整聆听全曲。根据你自己对乐曲的理解边听边即兴用肢体 动作来表演(肢体动作是无声的,一定要保持教室的安静,使大家能真正做 到在音乐中表演。) 第五课时 教学内容:学唱歌曲《牧羊女》 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、新课教学: 1、聆听音乐,分析乐句。设问:这首歌曲分几个乐句,有相同或基本相同的用 动作或图形表示出来。如:? ? ? ?。 semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li14pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ- 2、看图式,学唱歌曲。老师唱?代表的第一、二、四句,学生唱?代表的第三 乐句,然后互换。注意三个相同的乐句句尾都有所不同,要唱准确,而对比 句的前后力度要唱出区别来。 3、编声势,配合演唱。相同乐句可以找寻一种方式表现出三拍子的感觉,对比 句可以辅以“羊叫”的动作,左右或上下动。 4、学舞蹈,表现快乐。这一内容,设计成让学生随音乐跳集体舞,速度可随意。 方法:大家围成一个双圆圈。第一、二乐句:外圈人右手牵里圈人左手举过 头顶(另一只手放背后或叉腰),踏着音乐的节拍往前走。第三乐句:唱“白 羊儿”时两人弯腰屈膝背对背,手放头上做“羊”状;“咩咩”时反向面对 学“羊”叫。后半句同前。第四乐句;两人面对双手相握高举(1小节), 再甩开或分开外面的手(2小节),最后两手回握高举,里圈人手高举不动, 外圈人翻身从里圈里两人高举的手下转出去,接着与下一位合作从头跳。 5、分组表演,请学生参与评价。 三、小结。 第六课时 教学内容:音乐游戏:七个好朋友 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、导入:前几节课,我们学习好多首歌曲,今天我们就来和音符玩玩游戏, 放松放松,好不好, 三、音乐游戏: 1、找音符:出示一歌谱,让学生认一认,哪些音我们小音库还没有, 5-4|3 5 1|7 6 7|1 5 0| 2、认音符:在老师的键盘上听唱这两音7和1,并找到它们的音名B和C’ 的位置。 owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm15m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre- 3、唱音阶:认识音阶1234567并变找花样(变力度、速度、节奏)唱一唱。 4、学歌曲:《七个好朋友》共四个乐句,师生合作把每句分成前后来接唱, 这会唱得很有趣。 5、玩游戏:请八名学生分别戴上音符头饰在《七个好朋友》的歌声中被当 作键盘,来玩“弹钢琴”的游戏。当同学们慢速歌唱时,请一同学当演 奏员,随唱到的音符按代表相应音高同学的头,被按同学就蹲下。可以 找同学反复玩。 6、总复习: 1)唱一唱四首牧歌和游戏歌,他们全都是由七个好朋友组成的; 2)比一比四首放牧歌的异同点; 3)听一听描写放牧孩童的乐曲片断,说出曲名; 4)玩一玩:乐器+游戏+表演。 四、小结; 教学后记: 第四课 走进童话世界 教学目标: 一、 通过演唱歌曲、欣赏音乐中的童话故事,引领学生走进童话世界,感受 童话故事中各种人物形象,抒了美好情感,懂得善良美好终能战胜邪恶的道 理。 二、 能用优美和谐的歌声演唱歌曲《多年以前》,并能随旋律配唱新词;通 过歌声和动作大胆表现出活泼风趣的七个小矮人形象;能与他人合作表演音 乐童话故事《白雪公主》,并能自信地用语言简单复述故事情节,锻炼语言 智能。 owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li16pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2 三、 认识并了解拍号的含义;通过声势感知节奏节拍;利用小乐器——口风 琴在玩中掌握扩指与缩指的演奏方法。 教学内容: 一、学唱歌曲《多年以前》、《七个小矮人之歌》 二、欣赏动画片《白雪公主》 三、综合训练活动。 四、玩乐器——口风琴 教材分析:(略) 教学重点、难点:引导学生参与童话中的音乐意境和故事情节中不同人物形象的感受。 课时安排:4课时 第一课时 教学内容:学唱歌曲《多年以前》 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、导入新课: 请同学们打开自己的小音库找出学过的音符朋友,老师一一列举在黑板上,比比谁记得多唱得准, 1、请学生随老师的手号或手势自由指点着唱一唱,比比谁反应快、唱得准。 2、老师有目的地按歌曲《多年以前》旋律音的走向点唱,第一遍不论时值长短自由点唱,第二遍有节奏地点唱,使学生对歌曲旋律有个初步印象。 三、学唱歌曲《多年以前》 1、唱一唱、评一评。 1)把学生分成四个小组进行进行自学练唱,只要求学唱旋律部分,让学 生独立学会识谱。 owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm17m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ- 2)以小组为单位进行交流汇报,引导学生互相倾听,教师评价以鼓励为 主。 2、练一练,合一合。 1)铺垫练习:将学生分两组随老师手号慢速做三度音程的各声练习。如: 5 4 3 | 2— —| 4 3 2 | 1— —| 3 2 1 | 7— —| 2 1 7 | 1— —| 通过同上练习,初步建立音程的概念。 2)当学生会唱旋律后,再播放范唱录音,请学生说说有何不同,(有和声、 好听、很丰富„„)引导学生也来试试。 3)进入歌曲中的合唱练习,注意轻声演唱、互相倾听,尽可能让两个声部 和谐统一。 3、分一分、唱一唱。 1)从听觉上划分乐句,能听出分几句, 2)从视觉上分析,哪几句相同, 3)再讨论可以用几种演唱形式来表现歌曲的结构, 4)如:甲组男生唱第一句+乙组男生唱第二句+女生唱第三句+乙组男生 唱第四句;或: 5)甲组女生唱第一句+乙组女生唱第二句+男生唱第三句+乙组女生唱第 四句。 6)请会弹这首歌曲的学生上台为大家伴奏。 四、小结。 第二课时 教学内容:欣赏动画片《白雪公主》 教学过程: 一、 组织教学:(略) 二、 提示课题: -owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li18pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 1、复习歌曲《多年以前》导入曲老师扮演“外婆”讲述故事——《白雪公 主》。 2、故事接龙:四年级的学生对《白雪公主》并不陌生,让一些学生以故事 接龙的形式将《白雪公主》的情节讲给老师听,吸引学生的兴致。 方法:1)挑选积极主动要求讲述的八名学生; 2)提醒学生用简洁的语言表达故事情节; 3)每讲到一小段,老师可以叫停,下一位学生要接得准确而流畅。 3、片断联想:播放动画片《白雪公主》里的几段音乐:A白雪公主惊慌逃 跑的音乐;B七个小矮人之歌;C公主和小矮人的歌舞;D白雪公主放声 高歌;让学生来猜猜各段描写的是什么情节,与书中哪部分故事内容相 符, 4、视听赏析: 1)完整欣赏动画音乐《白雪公主》; 2)要求学生边听边思考自己联想对了几段,重点引导学生注意各部分音 乐的变化。 )出示相应的问题打乱后板书在黑板上,让学生用连线把编成的序号的3 音乐段落与下列问题对应连一连。 问题:序奏音乐,——公主逃跑的音乐,——在小动物们的关心下公主 开心歌唱,——七个小矮人之歌,——公主与矮人的欢乐歌舞,——终 曲, 5、合作表演。让学生随音乐来表演《白雪公主》。可以选择利用身边的一 些物体当成“镜子、毒苹果、皇冠”等道具。 三、 小结。 owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm19m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre- 第三课时 教学内容:学唱歌曲《七个小矮人之歌》 教学过程: 一、 组织教学(略) 二、 新课教学: 1、在歌曲声中踏步走进教室,感受进行曲的风格。 2、听歌曲录音,请学生说说歌曲中的内容以及歌曲的情绪、速度等。 3、按节奏朗读歌词:先放慢速度读准确后再渐快,老师适时地配弹音乐,形成 一种有强有弱的朗读高潮。 4、有情绪地唱: 1) 先慢后快的方法学习歌唱。 2) B段“要继续铲要继续挖,你会很快脱贫致富”这一句特别要慢速练习, 并作为难点处理; 3) 曲中第四、五小节和第八、九小节有相似之处,提醒学生注意区别; 4) “美丽钻石闪闪亮”的亮字的延长音里可以设计一些感叹词,如:啊、喔、 呀„„,来表达七个小矮人的惊喜、赞叹和强烈的劳动热情,使学生的情感 与音乐中的人物产生共鸣; 5) 四个“嗨”字要唱出力量、唱出精神,也可以请一组学生在大家的歌声中加 上轻声对应“嗨嗨”的回声式的喊声,增加动感。 5、有激情地演:学会歌曲后让学生自编动作边唱边玩。 方法:七名学生为一组扮演七个小矮人,其他学生拍手加油演唱;教师提示学生变化速度来演唱,以此考验“七个小矮人”的智慧。“慢唱”你该怎么演,“快唱”你该怎么演,培养学生的表演能力、反应能力、对音乐的感受能力,最后评出一组表演得最形象逼真,获得表演奖。 三、 小结: 1、让学生谈谈对本课的学后感受,老师再有意识地评说。 2、作业:我们中国也有很多的民间故事和传说,请大家下去以小组为单位分头 查找资料,下节课回来与大家交流。 (如:木兰从军、哪咤闹海、牛郎织女、吴刚筏树等) -d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li20pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1 第四课时 教学内容:1、综合训练活动。 2、玩乐器(三)。 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、交流作业: 1、以小组为单位,相互分享; 2、每组推荐代表上台来讲一讲; 三、复习歌曲: 1、复习歌曲《多年同前》。 2、有韵律地吟诵《嫦娥吴刚》; 3、请学生尝试着用《多年以前》的旋律填唱《嫦娥吴刚》; 四、玩节奏游戏: 1、看各种颜色球分布的图示,随老师手指的路线做声势,看谁反应快; 2、熟悉后加上音乐《闪烁的小星》,边听边做声势练习。 3、音乐和路线不变,改变声势动作顺序玩(如:原来红球拍手现改为踏脚 等 ),看谁配合得好。 五、拍号的意义: 1、了解拍号的定义、含义; 2、找一找我们学过的歌曲的左上方是不是都有这种记号,这就是拍号。 六、玩乐器:学习扩指和缩指: 按课本教材练习。 owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm21m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre- 第五课 多彩的乡音(三) 教学目标: 一、继续了解多彩的乡音,学唱中国本土民歌,激发民族的自豪感。 二、学唱民歌《太阳出来喜洋洋》、《小白菜》、《对鲜花》,能比较和发现各 地方民歌不同的风格特点,领悟民歌音乐中不同的情感表现。 三、能与他人合作演唱《对鲜花》,并能根据歌曲特点自编歌词进行演唱。 四、在歌曲的学习中掌握“连音线、波音”的演唱方法;能听辨出音乐的节奏型、 乐句、音乐的速度和力度的变化,并随音乐的变化用身体的动作来表现。 教材分析:(略) 教学内容: 一、学唱歌曲《太阳出来喜洋洋》、《小白菜》、《对鲜花》。 二、活动与练习:听觉训练。 教学重点、难点:比较和发现各地方民歌不同的风格特点,领悟民歌音乐中不同的情感表现。 课时安排:3课时 课前准备: 第一课时 教学内容:学唱歌曲《太阳出来喜洋洋》和《小白菜》 教学过程: 一、组织教学(略) 二、新授课: 1、复习引入:先播放前两册已经学习过的歌曲《鄂伦春小唱》、《捕鱼歌》、 《凤阳花鼓》、《草原就是我的家》等歌曲片断,让学生回答它们是哪里的 民歌,曲名是什么,你们能把它唱出来吗,导入新课——走进“多彩的乡 音”。 -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li22pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned 2、完整聆听。播放课件,请学生完整聆听听歌曲《太阳出来喜洋洋》和《小白 菜》,设问:大家注意到两首歌曲的风格、情绪有何不同呢,听后的心情又 怎么样,师生共同讨论„„ 3、了解地域、风土人情: 1)看课件、看地图,说民俗,各个地方都有自己独特的音乐素材、音乐特点, 这样就产生了丰富多彩的民歌体系。 2)简介两首民歌所产生的时代背景及所要表达的内容。 4、复听歌曲,让学生随着音乐在纸上画旋律线条,进一步感受两首歌曲的不同 之处。《太阳出来喜洋洋》为级进发展成的上下小起伏的旋律特点,《小白 菜》的旋律特点为连续的级进下行。 5、分别学唱。 学唱《太阳出来喜洋洋》: 1)老师演唱时学生配合吆喝声唱衬词不达意“罗儿”“郎郎扯光扯”。简单 而又能激发学生的兴趣。 2)再把学生分成两组来合作演唱,“衬词组”演唱时手拍节奏,“歌词组” 边唱边根据内容自编动作来表现。 3)歌曲中的装饰音是本课的难点,引入音乐知识“波音”和“连音线”的练 习,采用先感受后理解其含义的方法,解决难点。 学唱《小白菜》: 1)让学生合着音乐用手画旋律线,设问:你感受到的旋律线是以上行为主还 是以下行为主,并说说为什么,然后播放课件,要求学生能背唱歌曲。 2)通过六段歌词的学习,让学生对比着说一说旧社会农村那没有娘的孩子的 苦,讲一讲今天过着幸福生活孩子们的甜,教育学生学会感恩、学会珍惜。 3)让学生设计几种演唱形式,充满感情地歌唱全曲。 6、分析比较:学会两首歌曲后让学生分析讨论、比较发现他们的异同点。 歌名 拍号 节奏 旋律 调式 情绪 风格特速度 力度 点 《太阳 连续八上下小五声商乐观 衬词和中速 强 出来喜分节奏起伏 调式 波音的 te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm23m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua- 洋洋》 显得很运用 急促 《小白 平稳 连续下六声徵凄凉 节奏先慢 弱 菜》 行 调式 短后 长、旋 律级进 下行, “呀” 安的拖 腔形成 哭调 7、巩固复习。要求学生在自己的歌声中融进体验到的情感,演唱才会更出色。 三、小结。 第二课时 教学内容:学唱歌曲《对鲜花》 教学过程: 一、组织教学(略) 二、新授: 1、谜语导入:一开始始老师用有节奏的谜面:我说 一个 一,你对 一个一,什 么 尼 开 花儿 在 水 里,直接进入教学活动。 2、积极思维,展开想象。老师接着说第二个、第三个、第四个谜面,由学生自由应对。对学生奇异的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 、丰富的想像老师应给予肯定。 3、变换形式学习: 1)将歌词一一对应在黑板上,引导学生尽情地、问答式地对答起来。 2)由歌词对答转为歌词对唱,增加了学习难度。 -owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li24pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 3)变换多种形式对唱:如:师生对唱、男女对唱、一人问众人答或众人问一人答等。 4、发扬民主,激励创新。 1)引导不认识这些花的学生,可以根据歌词的内容,充分发挥自己的想象力,在黑板上画出自己想象出来的花, 2)请学生自由讨论歌词中出现的四种花,有资料的同学可以互相展示,共同认识。 3)请学生进一步继续往下创编歌词“你说一个五,我说一个五„„” 三、小结。 第三课时 教学内容:活动与练习听觉训练。 教学过程: 一、组织教学(略) 二、活动与练习: 1、听音乐说歌曲名。 老师先将本单元的三首民歌片段逐一播放,让学生抢答似地说出歌名和地 名,以此复习引入新课教学。 2、听音乐找节奏。初听《大路歌》,听完设问:你能找出课本中哪一处是 在《大路歌》中出现过的,大家一起来拍一拍。 3、听音乐辨别乐句。 1)听出有几个乐句, 2)你所听到的几个乐句,用下列的哪个图式表示正确, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? -owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm25m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre 4、听音乐辨明速度。听同一段旋律演奏了三次,设问:哪一次速度有变化, 哪一次力度有变化,哪一次两者都没有变化, (第一次速度变、第二次力度变、第三次都没变) 5、听音乐填空视唱。老师有节奏地慢速弹钢琴,学生看谱听辨,将漏掉的 音填在括号里,大家再唱一唱,检查自己听对了几个音。启发学生听唱 后自己发现第二句就是歌曲《牧女》的一个乐句,只是句尾稍有变化。 6、听音乐走走停停。 引导学生音乐停人就停,音乐走人就走而且要走出音乐的快慢、强弱、渐强 渐弱、渐快渐慢„„总之引领学生用自己的身体动作来表现音乐的变化。 三、小结。 第六课 环球音乐探宝——拉丁美洲之旅 教学目标: 一、欣赏闻名于世的墨西哥“草帽舞”、巴西的“桑巴舞”,参与巴西狂欢节,感受拉丁美洲地区的民族风情和音乐文化的特色。 二、能用活泼的歌声演唱歌曲《我们在广场上相遇》、《快来吧~朋友》,学会墨西哥舞的基本舞步并能随着音乐表现,欣赏古巴歌曲《卖花生》并做到即兴表演。 三、了解拉丁美洲音乐的风格特点,认识拉丁美洲音乐中几种常见的打击乐器及典型的节奏型——切分节奏X X . X并能随《桑巴舞曲》用打击乐器敲一敲。 教学内容: 一、走进墨西哥、学唱墨西哥歌曲《我们在广场上相遇》、《快来吧~朋友》; 欣赏〈墨西哥草帽舞〉; 二、走进巴西、欣赏《桑巴舞曲》; 三、走进古巴、学唱古巴歌曲〈卖花生〉。 教学重点、难点:引导学生对拉丁美洲音乐文化的感受。 -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li26pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned 课时安排:,课时 课前准备:收集关于墨西哥、巴西、古巴三国各种形式的资料,如:图片、文字、影片等。 第一课时 教学内容:1、走进墨西哥。 2、学唱墨西哥歌曲《我们在广场上相遇》、《快来吧~朋友》; 3、欣赏〈墨西哥草帽舞〉; 课前准备:选择几位女孩子从家里收集一些帽子和围裙。 教学过程: 一、组织教学(略) 二、新授课: 1、回忆引入: 让学生回忆以前去过欧洲、亚洲“探宝旅游”,老师提问学生在这些地方找到了哪些音乐宝藏,让他们畅所欲言,导入:这节课老师再带大家去拉丁美洲看一看——播放〈墨西哥草帽舞〉„„让同学们猜猜我们的第一站是哪里, 2、看一看:了解墨西哥的首都、国旗、国徽及风土人情、地理环境、音乐风格等。(教师展示各种图片资料) 3、听一听。 1)播放墨西哥歌曲〈我们在广场上相遇〉和〈快来吧~朋友〉,引导学生实听时随音乐有节奏地自由舞动身体; 2)复听一次,请同学们选一首喜欢的歌曲来学唱,并说说为什么喜欢它。 4、学唱〈快来吧~朋友〉: 1)看谱认真地、安静地听范唱录音。 2)将学生分成两组,一组静静地“看”,一组尽情地“动”,由看者点评动者,然后互换角色,听熟悉音乐后再唱。 3) 演唱歌曲时,在“tata“处加上自己创编的动作。 4)自己学习教材第47页的儿歌和短曲。 5、跳一跳。 -owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm27m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre 1)学唱基本的墨西哥舞步。请学生自找一位同学结为舞伴,分面对面或肩并肩或背对背三种形式,随口令“右左右 左右 左 ”跳,练习基本舞步。 2)熟练后随音乐《快来吧~朋友》的歌声来跳,为使同学们的表演更逼真,老师指导大家动手用报纸设计一些帽子戴着来跳。 3)基本舞步熟练后,播放《墨西哥草帽舞》让大家尽情模仿,将课堂气氛推向高潮。 三、小结本课。 第二课时 教学内容:1、走进巴西 2、欣赏《桑巴舞曲》。 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、新课教学: 1、展示收集的资料:让学生在课前收集有关巴西的图片在课上展示。如班里有 到过巴西的同学,请他给大家介绍一下巴西,并展示自己在那里的留影,效 果会很好。 2、参与巴西的狂欢:播放教学配套课件——看看巴西有名的狂欢节„„引导学 生参与狂欢,情不自禁地随拉丁美洲特有的节奏敲起来(利用身体各部位及 身边可以发声的桌椅、笔盒等)跳起来。教师要引导学生注意合着音乐的节 奏进行律动,切不可游离在音乐之外乱起哄。 3、感受桑巴的音乐: 1)欣赏桑巴舞。这是巴西代表性舞蹈,源自黑人舞蹈,闻名与世。让学生了解 桑巴舞的表演形式、舞蹈服饰、舞蹈节奏(切分音)、音乐的情绪等。 2)认识桑巴舞节奏(切分音):拍一拍、读一读(教材50页中节奏谱例)。 3)认识桑巴舞音乐常用的打击乐器,并尝试用他们来敲一敲。(练习教材49 页中的桑巴舞音乐的基本节奏) 4)播放《桑巴舞曲》音乐片刻,边听边用手拍节奏,也可以寻找音源或小敲击 乐器来试奏。 5)再次播放桑巴舞片段,请大家模仿学习两个动作并随之舞蹈、伴奏等。 -d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li28pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1 三、小结。 第三课时 教学内容:1、走进古巴。 2、学唱歌曲《卖花生》 教学过程: 一、组织教学(略) 二、新课教学: 1、欣赏与了解:播放一段速度中等、音乐缠绵、舞态柔美、舞步动作婀娜款摆 的古巴代表性舞蹈“伦巴”,学生自由模仿。老师引入简介古巴的地理环境、 风土人情、音乐风格等。 2、初听与交流:让学生聆听古巴歌曲《卖花生》,和大家分享对歌曲音乐风格 特点的第一感受。 3、复听与观察:请学生对照歌谱听录音,看看这首歌曲的节奏有何特点(切分 音是拉丁美洲音乐的典型节奏。 4、拍击与感受:老师讲解古巴民歌的节奏特点,请学生用自己的手腿来拍击感 受(书中第51页的练习)。 5、再听与表演:先请学生有感情地朗读歌词;再请学生创设情景来“喊”歌词, 即尝试着表演“卖花生”的场景;最后让学生在音乐中即兴模仿表演“卖花 生”。 三、小结。 教学后记: 第七课 学唱两首黄自创作的歌曲 教学目标: 一、了解我国著名的音乐教育家——黄自,并能从他的作品中获得美的享受。 owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm29m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ- 二、学唱歌曲《西风的话》,能用优美连贯的声音歌唱秋天的美景,教育学生热 爱生活、珍惜时间。 三、学唱歌曲《采莲谣》,感受乐曲清新典雅的情绪,并能用活泼、愉快的心情 来歌唱。 四、建立“我的小音库”,认识和唱准唱名5、6、7;学习新拍号 ;在键盘乐 上学会“玩”换指与转指的演奏方法。 教学内容: 一、学唱歌曲《西风的话》、《采莲谣》,整理“我的小音库”。 二、介绍作曲家黄自,玩乐器。 教材分析:略 教学重点:通过歌曲的学习,使学生初步了解和喜爱黄自的代表作品。 课时安排:3课时。 第一课时 教学内容:1、整理我的小音库。 2、学唱歌曲《西风的话》。 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、新授课: 1、打开我的小音库。 1)忆一忆:复习整理“我的小音库”。教师引导学生对学过的八个音的唱名和 音名进行整体的复习和认知。A、随老师的手号准确回忆演唱自己小音库里 的音;B、让学生找一找其中最高的音是谁,最低的音又是谁,C、请学生按 由低到高的顺序排列在黑板的台阶上,即do re mi fa sol la si do 或C、D、 E、F、G、A、B、C。 2)认一认:学认新唱名。认识带低音点的“sol la si ” 3)找一找:老师播放歌曲《西风的话》,要求学生边听边找,哪几个乐句是用 上了新的唱名的,哪几个没有,自然进入歌曲的教学环节。 -owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li30pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 4)唱一唱:打手号变化速度和力度来唱音阶;视唱新唱名,让学生尝试看着课 本第53页的歌谱来唱一唱,用手指点唱歌曲第二段。 2、学唱《西风的话》 1)听中议:以歌曲音乐为背景,利用多媒体手段,播放着一年四季的景色变化。 请学生谈谈自己的感受,设问:作者借“西风”的“嘴”向我们表白了什么, 2)听中读“老师轻轻地弹奏歌曲的优美旋律,让学生有感情地朗读歌词,将学 生带入歌词描绘的美丽意境中。 3)听中唱:老师弹奏旋律,学生先用“lu ”跟唱,再唱第二段的唱名,旋律熟 悉后最后才唱歌词。 4)唱后评:让学生边唱边议歌曲中的力度记号、圆滑线、渐慢等标记的运用是 否准确到位,怎么样才能唱出歌曲的意境等等歌曲处理。分组表现,互相评 价、改正。 三、小结。 第二课时 教学内容:学唱歌曲《采莲谣》。 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、导入新课: 1、对话游戏:换没有写出拍号的节奏对话谱放大在屏幕上,引导学生齐读,再 分师生对话、两个学生对话、两组学生对话等形式熟悉节拍的动感,并说出 这首歌曲的拍子,引出新课。 2、让学生感受完后再配上拍号。讲解新拍号 的含义和强弱规律,并让学生边 按节奏拍手边摇身体来感受 的节拍韵律。 3、合唱练习:学唱一首 拍的歌曲《采莲谣》。分声部采用听唱和视唱相结合 的方法进行教学。 1)初听,随音乐摇摆身体,感受歌曲的摇荡感。 owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm31m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre- 2)分声部练习旋律,难点是第三句,先放慢速度,再回原速。能和谐地唱准二 声部歌谱是合唱的关键。 3)二声部合唱时先用轻声,彼此倾听是否和谐,还应该注意每句旋律线条的起 伏和重音。比如一、二乐句节奏舒展,旋律流畅,要唱得抒情优美,三、四 乐句节奏紧凑,旋律跳动,要唱得轻快活泼,使音乐内涵能充分表现出来。 4)让学生充分感受并认识到力度记号在此曲中的重要作用,并准确表现出来, 这是使学生的演唱富于音乐性的关键。 5)整体欣赏:听唱《西风的话》、《采莲谣》这两首歌曲,并让学生说说这两 首作品有什么相同之处,《描写的景都很美,都用了很多力度记号来表现, 作曲者都是黄自„„》 4、课后作业:让学生以小组为单位下去查找作曲家黄自的资料,尽量收集其作 品,下节课在课堂上交流。 三、小结。 第三课时 教学内容:介绍作曲家黄自。玩乐器。 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、复习歌曲《采莲谣》 三、检查作业: 1、分组汇报:指导学生以小组为单位上来介绍作曲家——黄自。 2、片断欣赏:欣赏黄自的作品片段。 3、激情演绎:把对作曲家黄自的尊敬转化为更好的表现他的歌曲,让学生设计 多种形式来开一个“黄自作品演唱会”。如:合唱《采莲谣》、男声齐唱《西 风的话》、独唱《西风的话》、女声齐唱〈采莲谣〉、男女对唱〈西风的话〉、 老师独唱〈花非花〉、〈玫瑰三愿〉、〈踏雪寻梅〉等。 4、玩玩乐器: owned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li32pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semi 利用口风琴先学习“换指与转指”,再综合练习扩指、缩指、换指与转指,熟悉掌握的同学请他到钢琴上为同学们表演。 四、小结。 第八课 十二生肖篇 教学目标: 一、 了解我国的民间传统文化——十二生肖,弄清它的名称、排序 及由来和生肖动物各自的特点。 二、 用自然的声音、诙谐的情趣演唱歌曲《十二生肖歌》并能根据 音乐和动物的特点创编动作进行表演,培养学生的表演能力、 创造力。 三、 学会使用“快板”这一艺术形式来说说十二生肖。 四、 教育学生要热爱大自然、热爱小动物的情感。 教学重点:十二生肖知识的学习,活泼风趣的演唱和即兴创作表演。 教学难点:唱准X X O X和X O X节奏 教学用具:教学用琴、音响资料、多媒体课件、生肖卡片、生肖头饰、部分打击乐器(响板、镲、双响筒、木鱼等) 课时安排:2课时 -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm33m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi 第一课时 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) 二、新课教学: 1、想一想、说一说。设问:你知道今年是什么年吗,那我们这学期就快要结束了,春节也就要到了,你能算出明年又是什么年呢,讨论思考„„ 2、讲一讲、记一记: (一)音乐知识:快板。 1、师手拿响板念教材上的:“说快板”(出示纸片) 2、师问:1、我刚才这种表演形式有哪个同学知道或在电视上看到过是 什么形式,2、十二生肖是怎样排序的, 3、介绍“快板”这一艺术表演形式。(出示纸片) 、同学们说一说。让学生找出难点练一练。(出示纸片) 4 5、第二个问题:十二生肖是怎样排序的,请学生上来排十二生肖的图片, (放《十二生肖趣歌》作背景音乐) 6、它们为什么这样排序呢,为什么小小的老鼠排在第一位了呢,请学生 讲讲自己了解的生肖动物故事或传说。 7、了解我国古老的记时法——时辰。 师:老人说过去每天算做12个时辰,每个时辰相当于现在的两个小时, 每个时辰都有个名称即“子、丑、寅„„”,据说老鼠最爱在“子时” 出来活动所以就以“子鼠”相连,这样每个时辰就有一个动物来相配了。 请同学们一起来读一读记一记它们的时辰关系。 (二)听一听、乐一乐。 播放《十二生肖趣歌》请大家放松欣赏,为下节课的学习做铺垫。 三、小结。 d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li34pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1- 第二课时 教学内容:歌表演《十二生肖趣歌》 教学过程: 一、组织教学:(略) (过渡:下面我们来学习一首歌曲能帮助我们更好地记住它们的顺序。 (出示歌曲名)) (三)学唱歌曲《十二生肖趣歌》(20分钟) 1、听歌曲——带问题思考。歌中唱的是什么内容,你觉得曲调熟悉吗, 有哪些音乐记号,(反复记号、段落记号)(播放《十二生肖趣歌》) 2、听后讨论:歌中唱的是什么内容,你觉得曲调熟悉吗,说说是根据哪 一首歌曲改编的, 3、复习唱《对鲜花》第一段。 4、再听一遍,听听这首歌曲与《对鲜花》相同与不同之处,感受音乐记 号的作用。 5、学唱歌曲: (1) 跟琴轻声用“LU”哼唱。 (2) 学生找出难点,师生共同练唱。 (3) 全班跟琴练唱一遍。 (4) 歌曲情绪处理。师:我们已经会唱这首歌了,那这首歌给同 学们的感觉是什么样子的呢,我们应该用什么样的速度,什 么样的情绪,什么样的声音去唱呢,(中等的速度,活泼的 情绪,诙谐的声音)。那我们就用中等的速度,活泼的情绪, 诙谐的声音把整首歌演唱一遍好吗, (5) 多种形式跟伴奏练唱:如:A、全班分成三组,一组唱一段, (合)则全班共同唱;B、男生唱甲段问,女生唱乙段答,男 生唱丙段问,女生唱(合);C、女生唱甲段问,男生唱乙段 答,男生唱丙段问,女生唱(合)。 owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concre-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-ne QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower craneowned truck cra-owned 5-ting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4ain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifm35m mustpair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and foror re properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replacenstruction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working uction. (2) machine check: needed for codown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil constr-.. A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of .- 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 2U-4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -φ 150 100 owned owned-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-owned semi-owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-ack 10T 10l Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jowned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manua-te pump truck forklift truck 5T 1 (过渡:同学们唱得可真好,现在十二生肖想跟你们做个游戏,它们想考考你们 谁扮演它们最象,谁敢来挑战一下呀,) 二、 表演:(10分钟) 要求:扮演的同学必须用动作来表演动物形象,可以边唱边演,不能用嘴发出其它声音;动作与歌曲节奏相符;观看的同学可以演唱,不唱的同学必须安静,尊重别人的表演。 1、先挑选个别学生表演扮演的动物。 2、挑选12个同学,戴上头饰随歌曲范唱即兴随意表演,其他同学当观众并评评谁扮演的十二生肖动物最出色, 3、学生分成三组,自由讨论表演的顺序,看看哪一组表演得最好。(每组表演 甲段和乙段) 4、全班表演。挑选12个同学演十二生肖动物,走出亮相后,由其余同学唱第1 段“问”,12个同学表演唱第2段即“答”,第3段又由12个表演的同学 来“问”,后面也由其他同学表演。为了使气氛更加热烈,我们可以在再“合” 的部分加些什么,(打击乐器),请个别学生伴奏。 四、小结:(1分钟) 今天我们的收获真大,我们认识了十二生肖,还知道了十二生肖的排列顺序、了解了“快板”这一艺术表演形式,最重要的是我们还学会了唱《十二生肖趣歌》,希望同学们在以后的生活中要热爱热爱各种小动物、学习中要象十二生肖一样相亲相爱、和睦相处。十二生肖是我国古老的传统文化,在好多文化领域中我们都可以看到它们的身影,比如说:它们与时辰的关系、十二生肖的民间剪纸、生肖邮票等,课后,希望同学们更广泛地去了解有关十二生肖的知识,下节课我们举办一个“十二生肖知识大比拼”,看谁能得冠军,好不好, 听音乐出教室。 semiowned -owned Z50 4 3-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned three-owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10 owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-d 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2owne-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-owned 2-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 5-tion equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4fting and transportamain construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, li36pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must nd reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) allsafe achinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is rsonnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction madown, deeper knowledge of engineering construction pe-the lowowned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give - 11 tube Bender 5″ ~4 ″owned 1/2 -6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-2Uowned -4owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 -owned owned φ 150 100-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-100A 15-automatic cutting machine GZ-
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