首页 地方病防治知识讲座



地方病防治知识讲座地方病防治知识讲座 重点地方病防治知识 地方病 是指某些在特定地域内经常发生并相对稳定~与地理环境中物理、化学和生物因素密切相关的疾病。地方病是指具有严格的地方性区域特点的一类疾病。全国各省、自治区、直辖市都有不同的地方病发生~地方病主要发生于广大农村、山区、牧区等偏僻地区~病区呈灶状分布。 碘缺乏和碘缺乏病 一、碘缺乏病及其原因: 我们知道,食物是身体内碘的主要来源。如果我们生活环境的土壤含碘少~生长在这种土壤上的植物含碘也少~吃了低碘饲料的各种动物,如羊、牛、狗和兔等,~也会碘营养不足。如果我们长期以...

地方病防治知识讲座 重点地方病防治知识 地方病 是指某些在特定地域内经常发生并相对稳定~与地理环境中物理、化学和生物因素密切相关的疾病。地方病是指具有严格的地方性区域特点的一类疾病。全国各省、自治区、直辖市都有不同的地方病发生~地方病主要发生于广大农村、山区、牧区等偏僻地区~病区呈灶状分布。 碘缺乏和碘缺乏病 一、碘缺乏病及其原因: 我们知道,食物是身体内碘的主要来源。如果我们生活环境的土壤含碘少~生长在这种土壤上的植物含碘也少~吃了低碘饲料的各种动物,如羊、牛、狗和兔等,~也会碘营养不足。如果我们长期以含碘低的粮食和肉类为食品~就会出现碘营养不足~健康就会或多或少受到影响~所有的人都不能幸免~特别是儿童和妇女。虽然大多数人看上去似乎很“正常”~只有部分人会表现出明显病态-地方性甲状腺肿和地方性克汀病。但实际上~这种“正常”是一种隐藏的病态。科学家把碘缺乏对人身体和智力发育造成的全部不良影响,病态,叫做碘缺乏病。 二、碘缺乏的危害 碘缺乏严重危害人类健康~碘缺乏病的危害主要有: 1、损害儿童大脑神经发育~表现为不同程度的智力缺陷、学习能力低下~这是碘缺乏最大的危害。 2、地方性甲状腺肿~俗称粗脖根或大脖子病,严重碘缺乏会引发地方性克汀病。表现为聋、哑、呆、傻。 3、导致胎儿死亡、畸形、聋哑或流产、早产。 、成人体力和劳动能力下降~儿童生长、发育受到影响。 4 5、碘缺乏病不明显影响牲畜的生长发育、繁殖和生产力~降低肉、蛋、乳等的产量和质量。 科学家的研究发现女性比男性更容易受到缺碘的影响。幼儿和青春期少年儿童生长发育较快~体内需要的碘也就多。由于生理的原因~处于青春期的女孩和怀孕的妇女更是需要碘~因此~她们对碘缺乏非常敏感。 that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the 怎样判断我们体内是否缺碘 判断我们的体内是否缺碘~可在医院通过体检尿液中的碘或观察有无甲状腺肿大来确定。 1(验尿:我们每天从尿中排出的碘能反映身体内碘的水平。吃的碘多~尿中的碘就多~吃的碘少~尿中的碘就少。所以尿碘是判断我们吃碘多少的最敏感指标。如果多次验尿发现尿碘不足~就应该及时就医~否则~时间长了~有可能患碘缺乏病~给身体造成伤害。 2(看甲状腺肿:儿童体内碘缺乏持续3,4个月之后~甲状腺就会出现明显的肿大~表现出“粗脖根”或“大脖子”。 儿童生长发育迅速~需碘量多~因此儿童是碘缺乏最敏感的人群。我国将8,10岁的学龄儿童定为碘缺乏病监测的主要目标人群~通过定期检查这些儿童的甲状腺肿大情况~以及他们尿中含碘多少~就可以判断该地人群碘缺乏情况。 碘缺乏病最明显的表现 地方性甲状腺肿和地方性克汀病是碘缺乏病最明显的表现 地方性甲状腺肿~正常人和地方性克汀病病人 在碘缺乏病中最易被认出的是颈部的甲状腺肿大~俗称“大脖子、大脖子病”~即地方性甲状腺肿中。另一种是“傻子”或“呆小病”~即地方性克汀病~病人表现出较明显的智力缺损~具有典型的痴呆表情~他们身材矮小~甚至聋哑等。 is thelf acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance ng seeligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishi (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used isrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. -out according to acceptance of concealed workent, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried finished products. 8. quality assessm-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi2 碘缺乏病最大的危害 儿童智力缺陷是碘缺乏病最大的危害 碘是甲状腺制造甲状腺素的原料~是脑组织正常发育必不可少的营养物质。在脑组织生长发育期~无论是轻度还是重度缺碘~都会影响脑发育~损伤智力。 聪明的脑子离不开碘。从母亲怀孕开始~一直延续到出生后的两周岁以内~这段时间是脑以育的关键期~如果在关键期内发生任何程度的碘营养不足~都会造成大脑发育的不正常。关键期内因缺碘造成的脑发育不良问题是不可康复的~因此~从脑发育离不开碘这个角度上说~碘是“智力元素”。 缺碘所致的智力落后不能治愈 长期的实践经验表明~缺碘引起的智力缺陷与其他智力缺陷一样~都是脑功能障碍的表现~任何治疗不可能使碘缺乏患者的智力落后恢复到正常水平。 如何预防碘缺乏病 食用加碘盐是预防碘缺乏病最经济最有效最方便的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 补碘的重点人群――儿童、新婚妇女、孕妇和哺乳期妇女 。 rements: (1) covert acceptance is theogress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requiion prjects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow constructce of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other prorelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptan-ity inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed worked products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its qualfinish-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi3 盐是我们每个人每天都必须吃的食品~把一定数量的碘加在食盐里~便能确保每人每天都能吃到一定数量的碘。只要我们长期坚持食用合格碘盐~就能保证我们的碘营养。 使用碘盐应注意什么 因为碘在高温、潮湿环境~或遇到食醋等酸性物质时很容易挥发掉~所以家庭在购买、保存和使用碘盐时应该注意以下几点: 1,务必购买小塑料袋包装的、印有指定商标、贴有碘盐标志的碘盐~千万不要随意购买私盐或无,低,碘盐。 2,不要存放时间太长~随吃随买。 3,装入有盖的棕色玻璃瓶或瓷缸内~存放在阴凉、干燥、远离炉火的地方。 4,炒菜、做汤在快熟出锅时放盐效果好。 5,不要用油炒碘盐。 6,腌制咸菜一定要用碘盐腌制~不要淘洗碘盐。这样可保证咸菜内也含碘。 为了避免碘的丢失~炒菜、煮汤时应在出锅时再加碘盐~ 碘盐储存容器放于避光处~并加盖。 如何识别真假碘盐 家庭检查真假碘盐可以先从食盐的外包装着手。我国实行食盐专营~经盐业 is thelf acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance ng seeligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishi (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used isrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. -out according to acceptance of concealed workent, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried finished products. 8. quality assessm-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi4 管理部门认可的合格碘盐~对外包装材料有严格的要求~包装上的说明和标识十分明显~字迹完整清楚。以北京地区为例~碘盐的包装材料是塑料复膜~有蓝色“加碘”二字标识~并有白色“精制食盐”四字说明~国家规定全国所有碘盐必须贴有防伪“碘盐标志”。实在难以辨认~可以去找疾病控制部门解决~他们有专用的化学试剂~只需往盐上滴一滴药水就能做出判断。 碘盐标志 碘盐标志的含义是:把碘的化学符号英文小写字母"i"形象为健康人~体内有“碘”字~外面的正方形为盐的晶体结构~对角上印着“食”“盐”字样。激光防伪标志上的人体图形周边闪烁着霓虹~正方形底部有一弧形彩色闪光点。 特别提醒:对甲状腺功能亢进患者、甲状腺炎患者等极少数人不宜食用碘盐~生活在高碘地区的居民~因治疗疾病~不宜食用碘盐的~可到当地盐业公司购买非碘食盐。 哪些食物含碘丰富 天然含碘较高的食品有:海带、海鱼和紫菜。经常吃海带不但可以补充体内的碘~而且还可以摄入微量元素、氨基酸和维生素等。海产品是自然界中含碘较高的食品~平时应注意多吃这类食品。 地方性氟中毒 地方性氟中毒~是在自然条件下~人们长期生活在高氟环境中~主要通达饮水、空气或食物等摄入过多的氟而导致的全身慢性蓄积性氟中毒。在儿童主要表现为牙齿出现斑釉~即氟斑牙~成人表现为四肢、脊柱关节持续性酸痛~功能障 rements: (1) covert acceptance is theogress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requiion prjects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow constructce of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other prorelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptan-ity inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed worked products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its qualfinish-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi5 碍~即氟骨症~俗称“糠骨症”、“大黄牙”或“干勾牙”。发病人群轻者牙齿黄黑~裂碎脱落~重者背驼腰弯~丧失劳动力和生活自理能力。 什么情况下会发生氟中毒, 在一个固定地区~饮水含氟量在0.5mg/L以下~龋齿发病率增高,0.5,1.0mg/L是龋齿和斑釉齿发病率最低的范围~无氟骨症发生,在 1.0mg/L以上时~随水氟的增高~斑釉齿发病率上升,当大于4mg/L时~氟骨症逐渐增多。饮水中含氟量超过国家规定标准,0.5,1.0mg/L,或因食物中含氟过高~即造成人群发病引起地方性氟中毒。 地方性氟中毒临床表现 氟斑牙 表现为牙齿表面出现白色不透明的斑点~斑点扩大后牙齿失去光泽~明显时呈黄色、黄褐色或黑褐色斑纹。严重者牙面出现浅窝或花样缺损~牙齿外形不完整~往往早期脱落。 氟骨症 表现为腰腿痛、关节僵硬、骨骼变形、下肢弯曲、驼背~甚至瘫痪。妇女因骨盆变形而造成难产要表现是牙齿和骨骼的损害~慢性氟中毒病人~有头痛、眩晕、食欲不振、恶心、腹痛、腹泻以及记忆力减退~易困和反应迟钝等表现~此外还是心血管疾病、癌症的诱因之一。 is thelf acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance ng seeligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishi (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used isrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. -out according to acceptance of concealed workent, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried finished products. 8. quality assessm-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi6 地方性氟中毒的预防措施 饮水性地方性氟中毒病区预防的根本措施是降低水氟会含量~使之达到生活饮用水卫生标准的要求。 改换水源:如引用江、河、水库的地面水~打低氟的深井以及收集、储备天然降水等。 除氟:常用的方法有:人工降氟,沉降,法有明矾法、三氯化铝法、过磷酸法及骨炭法等。 健康教育:进行健康教育宣传~改变不良生活习惯,改善营养,增强体质等。 地方性氟中毒的治疗原则 地方性氟中毒治疗方面~由于发病机理不太清楚~故目前沿未研究出根本有效的治疗方法~治疗原则是减少机体对氟的吸收,促进体内氟的排泄,改善生存条件,增强机体抵抗力,缓解症状和对症治疗~减轻病人痛苦。 rements: (1) covert acceptance is theogress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requiion prjects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow constructce of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other prorelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptan-ity inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed worked products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its qualfinish-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi7 is thelf acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance ng seeligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishi (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used isrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. -out according to acceptance of concealed workent, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried finished products. 8. quality assessm-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi8
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