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初中英语介词用法总结初中英语介词用法总结 初中英语介词用法总括 1.in 序号 功能 含义 理解核心 典型例句 朝代、古今、世纪、年代、年、季、月、星期、 早、下午、晚上、过去、将来等不具体的、模糊的thIn Tang dynasty;in the 19 century;in 1980;in this 大于1天的时间段。 1 表示时间 在某段时间 year;in spring;in a week; in a month;in the morning (注意和at在这方面的区别:at指的是短于1天 的时间点) 国家、地区、省、...

初中英语介词用法总结 初中英语介词用法总括 1.in 序号 功能 含义 理解核心 典型例句 朝代、古今、世纪、年代、年、季、月、星期、 早、下午、晚上、过去、将来等不具体的、模糊的thIn Tang dynasty;in the 19 century;in 1980;in this 大于1天的时间段。 1 表示时间 在某段时间 year;in spring;in a week; in a month;in the morning (注意和at在这方面的区别:at指的是短于1天 的时间点) 国家、地区、省、市、区、太空、天空等„ 在某个地方 In china;in huabei;in Beijing;in the sky (自然意义上的地方) 车、教室、超市等 (注意和at在这方面的区别,at一般用在:家、在某个场所 In the train; in the classroom; 2 表示位置 角、店、站、口等可能有和露天接触的地方) We are in the classroom; 除实物里面外,注意“光、灯、影、树荫、雨、森甲处于乙中„ They are sitting in the shade of a tree; 林”,有全身置入某种环境之中的含义在内。 They are studying in the birghtlight. 3 表示将来 在„以后 用在一般将来时中,是从“现在时间点往后..” They will come back in 10 days 语言 关于“材料“,注意和with在这个用法上的区I wrote a novel in Russian; 4 单位 / 别。 The length is measured in meter, and centimetre; 材料 (with偏向“工具”,in偏向“材料”) This board was cast in gold. He wasn’t in good health,so talk in low voice. 状态 状态:既可以指人的状态,也可指物的状态; Our country in rich in natural resources; 5 方面 / 方面:既可指具体,也可指抽象方面; A good teacher must be an example in study 服饰 服饰:尤以颜色和状态常考 He is in red shoes today in all 总计;in general 一般来说;in time 及时;in advance 事前;in the meantime 与此同时;in place 适 当地; in the hope of怀着„„希望;in connection with 和„„有关;in contact with 和„„联系;in addition to 除„„以外;in case of 倘若,万一;in conflict with 和„„冲突;in force 有效的,大批;in depth 彻底地;in regard to 关于;in the neighborhood of 大约、邻近;in retrospect 回顾,一想起;in behalf of 代表„„利益;in the long run 从长远说来;in one's opinion 在„„看来;in word 口头上;in a 介词短语 word 总之;in vain 无益地, 白白地;in case 如果,万一,以防;in detail 详细地;in haste 急急忙忙地;in 初中阶段应掌握的 conclusion 总之;in spite of 尽管;in other words换句话说;in return 作为回报;in the name of 以„„名In的常见短语 义;be confident in 对„„有信心;be interested in 对„„感兴趣;in doubt 怀疑;in love 恋爱中;in debt 负债;in hesitation 犹豫不决;in wonder 在惊奇中;in public (secret) 公开他(秘密地);in a good mood (情 绪)好; in danger, in debt(负债), in a hurry;in stock(有库存);in peace(平安) (at peace和平), believe in信任; break in break in 闯入,插嘴,打断;bring in引起;产生;带来; come in进来;流行;call in下令收回; take in吸收、卷起;订阅,上当,受骗; turn in上缴,归还;fill in填充;get in收获;动词短语 succeed in成功;check in到达登记,cut in插嘴,插入;count in包括; draw in时间接近; drop in顺路拜 访;give in投降、屈服; go in for 参加;爱好,追求;hand in 交上,上缴;pour in源源而来。 2.on 序号 功能 含义 理解核心 典型例句 thOn Sunday(Mon.Tue„);on May 12 1998;on the night of 在某天或一天内的某在星期几、具体的某一天or某日的早、中、晚 th1 表示时间 Oct.29;on Wed.morning;on a cold night;on 个时间段 (时间前有定语修饰) children’day(核心提示:所有的节日都是用on) There are a lot of books on the shelf; On the face; on the head;on the floor\football (具体)在„„上面 与物体表面相接触(注意与above\over的区别) field\playgroud\road\roof\ On the farm \on the market(常考) 2 表示位置 收音机、电视、电话、网络、手机、问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 、纸张 On TV; on radio; surf on the internet;on the phone; (抽象)在„„上面 (所有有形的,无形的“新闻媒体上”都是用You are wrong on all these issues on) On the left; on the right; on both sides; 在„„(边)上 左、右、两边 there is a hotel on the lake On duty; on show; on fire; on strike; on sale;on 3 表示状态 处于„状态 人或者物的目前状态; business;on schedule; on time;on the country;on scale 关于„文章or论著 I want a book on South Africa. On指专门论述(注意和about相区别) (高中阶段掌握) He wrote an article on the importance of birth control 4 表示关系 The people in the south live on rice; 靠„„ 相当于depend on的含义 You can't afford the expensive ring on an income of 1000 yuan a month; on foot 一„就„ 5 特定时间 相当于as soon as+主语的含义 On entering the room, he found his friends dancing; (高中阶段掌握) On the spot当场;立即;on the run在逃跑中;On the air在广播中;on fire着火;on time准时;on duty 值日;on strike罢工; on sale上市;on the country相反地;on schedule按时间表,准时; on business 公事; on display在展出;on the one hand一方面;on the other hand另一方面; on one’s way to在„介词短语 路上;on one’s own=by oneself;on top of;and so on等等;on purpose故意,专门 特别注意:乘坐交通工具都用by,但on foot 步行;on horse骑马;on donkey骑驴 初中阶段应掌握 In的常见短语 Bring on引起,导致; call on 号召,拜访;decide on 决定;depend on依靠,取决于;get on上车;相 处;进展; go on继续; get on with进展,相处; look on旁观,观望;look on„as把„„看/当作;look 动词短语 down on看不起,轻视;pass on传递,传交;hand on传递下去;put on 表演,上演;戴/穿上;假装;take on 呈现,具有;流行;承担,雇用;turn on打开(灯,气,水,电器等);work on 继续工作, 钻研(学问 或技术); carry on继续开展,坚持; hold on 继续;(电话)不挂断;抓牢,坚持;try on试穿。 3.at 序号 功能 含义 理解核心 典型例句 At noon;at night;at midnight;at dawn;at lunch;at breakfast;at supper;at dinner;at the moment;at the same time;at once;at the beginning of;at the end of;at 1 表示时间 在„时刻\岁时 In是时间段,at是时间点,相对更精确 the age of; at daybreak;at sunrise;at sunset; at 7 o’clock„„at(on) the weekend常考 at the foot of;at the corner of ; at the crossroads;at the gate of;at he bottom of; at the top of;at the 2 表示地点 在„„位置或场所 家、脚、角、店、站、口、底、中心、核心 center of; at a distance;at the edge of ;at home;at the barbar’s;at the airport;at the station; at 405 Victory Road „ 速度 以„速度 The car ran at 120miles an hour; At full speed 3 表示度 温度 在„度 Water usually boils at 100?; at 10 degrees centigrade 价格 按„价格 The pen was sold at a good price; at low cost Aim at向..瞄准;shout at向..大喊;throw at向..扔;4 表示方向 朝„,向„ 表示动作的方向 smile at向..微笑;rush at向..冲去;fire at向..开火 一般用在系表结构中,对形容词的原因进行说I was surprised at the news; 5 表示原因 由于(高中阶段掌握 明 He was discouraged at his failure 固定考点:be good at;be bad at;an expert 6 表示能力 擅长于„ He is good at drawing(at后接名词或动名词) at at first 首先,开始时;at last;at most;at least 至少;at all events 无论如何;at home 在家,无拘 束;at a loss 不知怎办;at any rate 不管怎样;at length 详细地;be at high tide 处于高潮期;at our invitation 应我们的邀请;at our request 应我们的请求;at the news 听到这消息;at the risk of 冒„„危险;at a great expense 以巨大费用;at intervals of 每隔;at the sight of 一见到at the 介词短语 point of 接近,靠近;at the thought of 一想到;at the speed of 以„„速度;at the cost (price) of 以„„为代价;at leisure 闲着、失业;at stake 在危险中、在成败关头;at bottom 实际上、本质上;at 初中阶段应掌握 short notice 一得到通知;at seeing us 看到我们;at the present stage 在现阶段;at the weekend 周In的常见短语 末;at all times 永远; call at访问(某地);come at袭击,攻击; get at意指,本意是;理解;到达; knock at 敲打(门窗),敲 动词短语 击; look at看; work at从事, 致力于, 钻研; laugh at嘲笑;glare at怒目而视; glance at匆匆一瞥; point at指向 4.about 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 1 关于、有关 This is a book about how to study english I will be with you in about 3minutes; 2 大约„, 近于„ 表示时间或数量 There are about 30students in the classroom. 3 到处,在„周围,附近 相当于here and there He walked about the street. 4 What about„?(习惯用语) About为介词,所以后接动词ing形式 What about taking a break? go about着手,四处走走;set about着手,开始;worry about为„担心; come about 发生;care about关心、在意; bring about引起,带来,导致;knock about漫游;look about四处看看,四处环顾;set about doing着手做,开始;动词短语 turn about向后转;think about考虑(是否去做);argue about争论; know about了解;hear about听说;ask about询问;chat about闲聊;quarrel about争吵;speak,talk about谈论;complain about报怨 5.above 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 The mountain is 2000meters above the sea level(位置); I know you're above me socially, but I must say you are rude man(职位) 表示位置、地位、年龄、价格、量(重、1 高于,在„之上 The old lady is above eighty(年龄); 数、度)、音调等 There are above forty girl students in the class(数量); Our private car weighs 1.8tons(重量); Any money earned over that level is taxed(度量) The maths problem is above me; 2 非„能力所及,超出 能力、行为、品质等 Honest above everything else; He is above doing such things(他不至于做出那样的事情来) Above all首先,最重要的是,最要紧的是; 介词短语 He was above all a good and tireless writer; above all, we must be health 6.across 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 He swam across the river; 1 横过、穿过 表示动作的方向 The policeman helped the old man walk across the street. He lives across the street; 2 在对面,在那一边 表示位置上的对应关系,在隔着的对面 Japan lies across the pacific ocean 常见短语 Come across偶遇;get across横穿马路;能理解,被听懂;run across偶遇,横跨; 7.against 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 I have hit my head against a wall; 1 撞到、紧靠 表示动作的方向,有靠、撞击的意思 She stood with her back against the tree; The rain beat against the windows Are you for or against the plan? 反对(赞成的反义) There were 20 votes for her and 12 against her; 2 反、逆、违背 逆方向; He is swimming against this current. 违背(意愿等) She did it against her own will 3 以防 (大学阶段掌握此用法) They saved money against old age. The red flag is fluttering against the blue sky; 4 表示陪衬 (高中阶段掌握此用法) His red clothes stook out clearly against the snow. Go against违反、违背、反对;stand against反对,不支持;turn against(转而)反对,背叛;run against 常见短语 违反,偶然遇到;fight against与„„斗争; over against正对着,在„„对面 (fe: he lived over against the school) 8.after 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 After breakfast he ordered a taxi. Shut the door after you; 1 (时间、顺序、位置)在„之后 表时间时,后面跟的是个时间点 After you,please. A few kilometres after the village, turn right to Montelabate A police is running after a thief; He is after a job at our place; 2 探求、追求、追寻、找 与be动词或其它动词合用时,有此含义 I think he is only after money. What are you after? I am looking for my wallet. Make sentence after the example 3 按照、仿照、依照、效仿 相当于according to的含义 That was a play after Shakespeare. They named the building after the scientist. After failing in the last two English tests,he made up 4 由于,尽管 高级用法,高中阶段掌握 his mind to spend more time on English study. After all his efforts,John has failed. Day after day日复一日;year after year年复一年;One after nother一个接一个地,相继;after a little/moment/while过了一会;after all毕竟,终究;after one’s heart合„„的心;after service售介词短语 后服务,after the fashion勉强(fe: He can speak and write English after a fashion他多少会说一些英 语但不太好); 常见短语 Look after照顾,照看;take after相像,长得像,效仿(John takes after his dad);ask after问候, 动词短语 be after寻求,do(sth.)after学着做,go after设法得到, inquire after问候, run after追求, seek after追逐 9.along 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 1 顺着,沿着 表具体:沿着具体物体的边缘 We walked along the street. 表抽象:沿着抽象事物的方向发展 2 顺着,沿着 My life is going along nicely (该用法为along的副词用法) 1.Along with与„一起(fe: The baby's mother escaped from the fire along with two other children); 2.all along一直(fe: I've been fooling myself all along) 常见短语 3.bring along把„带来,领来;使发展(Did you bring along some books?) 4. come along 出现;沿着„„过来;加油;进展 5. get on / along (with..)进展;相处 10.among 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 I found him among the crowd 表具体:三者或者三者以上之中 Please divide the cake among you four 1 在„之中;在..中间 Most important among the country’s problems is the lack of 表抽象 health facilities. 2 „„之一 相当于one of的功能 Einstein is among the greatest scientists -among 与between的区别:三者与两者之间的区别。但在下列情况,between 可用于三者:(1) 当两个以 上的人或物用 and 连接时:between A, B and C 在 A、B、C 之间;(2) 涉及事物之间的区别或各国之间的 关系时:the difference between the three of them 他们三者之间的区别the relations between various countries 备注 各国之间的关系;(3) 表示“由于„合作的结果”时:Between them they landed the fish. 他们协力把鱼拖上 了岸。(4) 在 divide, share 等表示“分享”之类的动词之后,若接一个表示三者或三者以上的复数名词时, 用 among between 均可:He divided his money among [between] his five sons. 他把钱分给了5个儿子。 11.as 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 Don’t treat me as a child; 注意和as for的区别 1 作为,当作 I speak now as a friend,not as a teacher. (as for为至于,关于) As for me, I don’t mind going there by train; The play started as I got there; 2 当„时候,在„同时 As I was a child,I liked singing very much as当“连词”时的用法 3 正如,就像 As you can see,we are still working. We have a very wonderful TV, but we hardly watch it as we 因为,由于 have so much housework to do. 1. As….as 像….一样 (fe: the little girl over there looks as beautiful as my daughter); 2. as long as只要(fe: As long as you can keep away from them, you're safe) 3. as a matter of fact adv. 事实上(fe: I'm leaving for Beijing tomorrow, as a matter of fact.) 4. as a whole adv. 总体上(fe: We must consider these matters as a whole) 5. as far as adv. 远到, 直到, 至于( 备注 6. As if 好象„„似的 仿佛„„一样 7. as well as adv. 也,又 8. as well 也 (fe: Water is colourless, air as well) 9. not so much...as... 与其说...不如说是...(fe: He is not so much a writer as a reporter) 10. such as 像, 例如;譬如;诸如(fe: Many basic foodstuffs, such as bread and milk, are tax-free) 11. look on….as 把….看作…. 12.before 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 表示时间 在„以前; We have to finish the work before 10 o’clock. 1 在„前面; 表示位置 He made a speech before a lot of audience 在„之前 He arrived before me. 表示顺序 2 以前,以往 (此时Before做副词) She had never been to Italy before 3 在„以前 (此时before做连词) I want to think it over before I decide about it 1. before long 不久; (fe: I hope to see you again before long) 常用短语 2. long before很久以前 (fe: We've seen that film long before) 13.behind 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 Your ideas are behind the times; 1 比„晚;迟于„ 表示时间 He arrived ten minutes behind time. He hide himself behind the tree. 2 在„后面 表示位置 There is someone behind you. I am far behind you in English 3 落后于,低于,不如 表抽象:表示力量、能力等 John’s behind the rest of the class in reading. 4 支持;作为„的后盾 此时相当于support的作用 He had his mother behind him. 1.behind schedule 不准时 2.behind the times 过时的 常用短语 3.behind the curtain 在幕后 4.far behind 在后面很远,把…远远的甩在身后 5.left behind 遗留,留下(被动语句中更常用) 14.below 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 具体:表示位置 Don’t write your answer below this line; 1 在„以下 (below含某个水平线或水平面以下的意思,Fish were swimming below the surface of the water. 而under是某个物体以下) 2 表示年龄 He can’t be below fifty. He is below me in the class; 低于,在..以下 3 表示能力、级别、价值、程度、数量等 His income is below the average income in the area; During the night,temperatures dropped below zero. 15.beside 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 He sat beside her all night; 1 在„旁边;在..附近 表具体位置:表示地点 I want to buy a beautiful beside the river. Beside his ,my trouble is nothing; 2 和„相比 引申用法(大学阶段掌握) My work condition looks poor beside hers Be beside oneself (with sth) 短语 I was beside myself with joy. 因„而忘形,失去控制 16.besides 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 注意和except的区别 Besides English ,we have to study math,Chinese and so on. (except 用来引出陈述中唯一不适用的事Besides cancer, smoking can lead other diseases 1 除..以外(还有) 物、情形、人或想法,是从整体中除去;She is a nice girl except a bit ugly. 而besides只是特别强调而已) There wasn't anything in the box except a few dirty clothes 2 另外,再说 (此时当副词) I don't like that new dictionary, besides, it's too expensive 17.between 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 The lunch hour is between 11 and 13pm; 1 具体:表示时间、位置、数量 Shanxi province is between henan and gansu The temperature is between 25 degree and 30 all week 在„之间(两者) What’s the differencde between women and man? (常和and常用) They shared the chocolate between the two of them; 2 抽象:表示比较、分配、关系、性质等 The relations between teachers and students are excellent My job is between a secretary and a personal assistant. 18.beyond 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 在„的那边; The airport is 20miles beyond the town; 1 表示具体位置:在某物体的范围之外 在„以外; What lies beyond the mountains? This book is beyond me; He is living beyond his income; 2 超出,高于 表示抽象的范围、限度等 The beauty of West Lake ia beyond words; The watch is damaged beyond repair 3 过了,比..晚,迟于 表示时间 He came home beyond the usual time; 19.but 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 1 除了..;除了..之外 She has no choice but to cry. He not only studies hard but also works well; 2 常用短语 Not only„but also 不但„而且 Not only did he make a promise, but also he kept it(倒装) 20.by 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 表示位置,相当于beside的意思 He stood by the window and look out over the fields; 1 在..旁边,身边 只是by可以用于引申含义 I haven’t got any money by me. He is sure to come by 3 0’clock. 2 到„时候(为止,以前) 表示时间(跟时间点) The homework need to be ready by next Friday. In America many workers were paid by the week; 3 按„; 以„ 表示标准,度量,数量 Don’t judge a man by his clothes/looks; The cotton crop has increased by 25% this year by land (air, sea, water, bus) 陆路(航空,水陆,水路,乘公共汽车); by chance 偶然 表示方法、方式、手段等 4 乘、靠、用、以、通过、被 by accident 偶然,无意中 (海、陆、空、车、偶、被) The law of relativity was formulated by Einstein. I will contact you by letter/phone 表示程度 He missed the train by five minutes; 5 相差 (高级用法,大学阶段掌握) He is taller than his father by 2 centimeters 1. call by 顺道访问; 2. come by 从„旁走过; 3. go up by 上升到了„ 动词短语 4. go by(从„„旁)走过/经过;依照,遵循;顺便走访; 5. pass by 经过 6. stand by 支持(某人);袖手旁观; 7. By and by 不久以后; By mistake由于差错导致; Day by day一天天地 By oneself 独自地; By the way顺便问一句 介词短语 Little by little逐渐地,一点点地; One by one一个一个地; Side by side 肩并肩; Hand by hand手拉手 Learn by heart记住
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