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黑龙江大学法学院历年考研试题黑龙江大学法学院历年考研试题 2001年部分 民法学 一、1、原始取得与继受取得 2、继承期待权与继承既得权 二、1、简述附条件民事法律行为的概念及有哪些种类, 1、 简述用益物权的概念与特征是什么, 2、 简述保证的概念及有哪些种类, 3、 简述继承恢复请求权的个概念及特征是什么, 4、 简述不当得利的构成要件有哪些, 三、1、简论我国公民民事权利能力的开始与终止 2、简论违约责任与侵权责任的区别 综合 一、 概念: 票据的涂销、挂失止付 股份有限公司、吸收合并 职务作品、创造性 二、 简答...

黑龙江大学法学院历年考研试题 2001年部分 民法学 一、1、原始取得与继受取得 2、继承期待权与继承既得权 二、1、简述附条件民事法律行为的概念及有哪些种类, 1、 简述用益物权的概念与特征是什么, 2、 简述保证的概念及有哪些种类, 3、 简述继承恢复请求权的个概念及特征是什么, 4、 简述不当得利的构成要件有哪些, 三、1、简论我国公民民事权利能力的开始与终止 2、简论违约责任与侵权责任的区别 综合 一、 概念: 票据的涂销、挂失止付 股份有限公司、吸收合并 职务作品、创造性 二、 简答 票据行为的要件、票据利益返还请求权的要件及效力 公司设立的条件和程序、我国公司法规定的发行新股奶跫? 侵犯著作权的表现形式、专利法不予保护的客体 2002年 民法学 一、1、物权与债权2、后位继承与补充继承(5分) 二、1、简述合伙事物执行人的权利与义务(10分) 2、简述诉讼时效期间的中止 3、简述占有人与返还请求权人的关系 1、 简述合同解除的条件 2、 简述职务侵权行为的构成要件 三、1、简论买卖合同当事人的义务(20分) 3、 简论我国法定继承中的遗产分配原则 2003年 民法学 一、 解释下列概念,并简要指出每组概念之间的区别(每组10分,共30分) 1、 民事权利与民事权利能力 2、 遗嘱继承与法定继承 3、 不当得利与无因管理 二、 简述下列各题(每题10分,共60分) 1、 简述合伙债务的承担 2、 简述诉讼时效期间的起算 3、 简述占有的推定 4、 简述承诺应当具备的要件 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 5、 简述共同加害行为的构成要件及法律后果 6、 简述代位继承应当具备的条件和遗产分配原则 三、 简论下列各题(每题20分,共60分) 1、 简论买卖合同出卖人的义务 2、 简论抵押权当事人的权利 3、 简论狭义的无权代理 综合 一、 概念(每小题3分,共30分) 本国优先权,邻接权 上市公司,股份两合公司 票据的更改,空白票据 二、 简答下列各题(每题12分,共120分) 实用新型与发明的区别 我国《著作权法》关于合理使用的规定 国有独资公司与一般有限责任公司组织机构的差别 转让公司债券应符合哪些要求, 我国票据法关于追索权的行使要件的规定 票据伪造的构成要件及效力 2004年 民法学 二、 解释下列概念,并简要指出每组概念之间的区别(每组10分,共30分) 1、 按份共有与共同共有 2、 侵权责任与违约责任 3、 无因管理与无权代理 三、 简述下列各题(每题10分,共60分) 1、 简述我国公民民事行为能力的种类 2、 简述诉讼时效期间的中断 3、 简述占有的保护 4、 简述合同解除的程序和法律后果 5、 简述产品缺陷侵权责任的构成要件 6、 简述代位继承与转继承的区别 四、 简论下列各题(每题20分,共60分) 1、 简论合同订立中的要约 2、 简论抵押权当事人的权利 3、 简论一般侵权行为的构成要件 综合 一、概念(每小题3分,共30分) 外观 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 、商标、职务作品 股份有限公司、公司法、董事会 票据权利、出票 二、简要论述下列各题(每题12分,共120分) 简述实用新型专利与发明专利的区别 简述专利权人的权利和义务 简述商标侵权行为的种类与认定 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 简述有限责任公司的特征 简述设立股份有限公司的条件 简述有限责任公司股东出资的方式 简述票据抗辩的法定情形及除外规定 简述一般转让背书的效力 2005年 民法学 一、 解释下列概念,并简要指出每组概念之间的区别(每组10分,共30分) 1、 民事权利能力与民事行为能力 2、 同时履行抗辩权与不安抗辩权 3、 遗赠和遗赠扶养协议 二、 简述下列各题(每题10分,共60分) 1、 简述债的发生原因 2、 简述留置权的取得 3、 简述合同解除的条件 4、 简述诉讼时效和除斥期间的区别 5、 简述死亡宣告 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 6、 简述一般人格权 三、 简论下列各题(每题20分,共60分) 、 简论物权的变动 1 2、 简论缔约过失责任的性质 3、 简论侵权行为的归责原则 2006年民商综合 综合 一、概念(每小题3分,共30分) 5、 实用新型 2、发表权3、证明商标 4、 股东大会5、公司债券6、授权资本制 7、 票据行为8、汇票 10、 一夫一妻制10、结婚 二、简要论述下列各题(每题12分,共120分) 1、 简述邻接权内容 2、 简述知识产权的特征 3、 简述专利实施强制许可的种类 4、 简述公司上市的条件 5、 可转换公司债券的概念和特征 6、 国有独资公司与全民所有制企业的区别 7、 票据上的票据关系和非票据关系的种类 8、 票据责任的特点 9、 离婚对当事人的法律后果 10、 夫妻财产约定的有效条件 2007(民法刑法综合) 一、名词解释 1、连带债务 2、不安抗辩权 3、正当防卫 4、结果犯 5想象竞合犯 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 二、简答 1、预期违约与不安抗辩权的区别 2、侵权责任抗辩事由 3、普通累犯要件 4一般自首要件 5、刑法法定刑的三种形式 三、论述 1、论刑罚的功能 2、一般侵权的构成要件 3、论物权的变动 2008年民刑综合 民法与刑法 一、名词解释 按份责任 隐名合伙合同 刑事责任 减刑 徇私枉法罪 二、简答 1,典权的消灭 2,遗产的清偿原则 3,民事法律行为的形式 4,公平责任原则 5,数罪并罚的几种情况. 三、论述 生命权 损害行为与损害结果的关系 转化型抢劫罪 2009年民商法 民商法 名词:每题5分 1作为 2不安抗辩权 3遗赠抚养协议 4共同危险行为 5紧急避险 6侵占罪 7结果加重犯 8形成权 简答:每题10分 1合同变更与解除的条件 2产品缺陷致人损害的侵权行为 3债权人的代位权的成立要件 4犯罪预备的概念和特征 5剥夺政治权利的内容 6犯罪客体的分类 论述:每题25分 1担保物权的竞合 2刑罚的功能 黑大历年法理学,宪法学综合卷真题 法理学 一、 名词解释 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 1、 法律溯及力(01`民商法•综合) 2、 法的继承(01`民商法•综合) 3、 法治(02`民商法•综合) 4、 法律部门(02`民商法•综合) 5、 法律意识(02`) 6、 法的体系(02`) 7、 法律制裁(02`) 、 法律行为(03`) 8 9、 法的历史类型(03`) 10、 司法(03`) 11、 法律编纂(03`) 12、 法律权利(03`) 13、 法律部门(04`) 14、 权利和义务(04`) 15、 法律文化(04`) 16、 归责(04`刑法•综合) 17、 法的溯及力(04`刑法•综合) 18、 法的清理(05`刑法•综合) 19、 法律关系(05`刑法•综合) 20、 行政执法(05`刑法•综合) 、 法的实效(05`经济法•综合) 21 22、 司法体系(05`经济法•综合) 23、 法律解释(05法制史•综合) 24、 法的作用(05法制史•综合) 25、 法律行为(05法制史•综合) 26、 法的价值(05法制史•综合) 二、 简答 1、 法的 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 作用(01`民商法•综合) 2、 法与国家的关系(01`民商法•综合) 3、 法的制定的基本原则(02`民商法•综合) 4、 社会主义法的本质及基本特征(02`民商法•综合) 5、 大陆法系与普通法系的区别(02`) 6、 中国法治化的道路选择上应处理好哪些关系,(02`) 7、 权利和义务的分类(03`) 8、 法与民族习惯的区别(03`) 9、 法治的精神要件(03`) 10、 我国社会主义法关于宗教的基本原则(03`) 11、 法与政治的一般关系(03`) 12、 法律规则的分类(04`) 13、 资本主义法律制度的特征(04`) 14、 我国司法的原则(04`) 15、 法的一般分类(04`刑法•综合) 16、 法律责任的构成(04`刑法•综合) 17、 法律移植的必然性和必要性(04`刑法•综合) 18、 我国法律调整制定的基本原则(05`刑法•综合) 19、 立法的民主原则(05`刑法•综合) market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 20、 执法的合理性原则(05`刑法•综合) 21、 知识经济与法治文明的关系(05`刑法•综合) 22、 简述法对效率的促进作用(05`经济法•综合) 23、 简述法律解释的原则(05`经济法•综合) 24、 简述法的一般分类(05`经济法•综合) 25、 简述法治的形式要件(05`法制史•综合) 26、 简述法对秩序的维护作用(05`法制史•综合) 宪法学 一、 名词解释 1、 政权组织形式(02`) 2、 选举制度(02`) 3、 国家象征(02`) 4、 统一战线(03`) 5、 国家结构形式(03`) 6、 选举制度(03`) 7、 刚性宪法(05`法理学•综合) 8、 国家结构形式(05`法理学•综合) 9、 宪法秩序(05`法理学•综合) 10、 民主集中制原则(05`法理学•综合) 二、 简答 、 人民民主专制的基本特点(02`) 1 2、 我国公民的基本权利有哪些,(02`) 3、 我国1982宪法的特点(03`) 4、 权力制约原则在各国宪法中的体现(03`) 5、 宪政建设的条件(03`) 6、 简述宪法的基本人权原则(05`法理学•综合) 7、 简述宪政的特征(05`法理学•综合) 民法学(综合科目) 一、 名词解释 1、 相对权(02`) 2、 公信原则(02`) 3、 合伙(03`) 4、 表见代理(03`) 5、 紧急避险(03`) 6、 监护(04`) 7、 附条件民事法律行为(04`) 8、 不当得利(04`) 9、 公序良俗原则(05`法理学•综合) 10、 要约(05`法理学•综合) 11、 代位继承(05`法理学•综合) 二、 简答 1、 民事法律关系特点是什么,(02`) 2、 民事法律行为成立要件有哪些,(02`) market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 3、 人身权的种类有哪些,(02`) 4、 债的特征(03`) 5、 不当得利成立的条件(03`) 6、 债发生的原因(04`) 7、 法人应具备的条件(04`) 8、 智力成果的主要类型(04`) 9、 简述代理权行使的原则(05`法理学•综合) 、 简述债的发生原因(05`法理学•综合) 10 2005年法理学专业试题 一、 简述(15`*4) 1、 简述法律行为的特征 2、 简述法的局限性 3、 简述法律在规范微观经济行为中的作用 4、 简述法律解释的原则 二、论述(30*3) 1、 论法治的实体要件 2、 试述程序的一般价值 3、 论人权 2006法理宪法综合 一、名词解释: 法律体系 法系 立法 法律监督 法律方法 国家性质 人民代表大会制度 民族区域自治 特别行政区 国家元首 二、简答题 法的一般分类 当代中国法律体系的部门划分 当代中国法律制度的特征 法律职业的特征 人民主权原则在各国宪法中的体现 宪法作用于公民和国家的方式的区别 基层群众性自治组织的特点 我国公民有哪些方面的基本权利 中国政党制度的特色 2007法理宪法综合——这一年题目有所偏,下一年应该有所收敛 一、名词解释 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 法的渊源 法律发展 不成文宪法 宪法关系 政权组织形式 二、简答 法的特征 生态法律制度的基本原则 宪法的基本原则 违宪责任的特征 公民与人民的区别 三、论述 论述我国现行的法律监督体系及其完善 论法对自由的保障作用 宪法实施的条件 2008年法理与宪法综合 一、名词解释 英美法系 政权组织形式 国家结构形式 特别行政区 基层群众自治组织 二、简答 1,法律规则与法律原则的区别 2,法与道德的区别 3,宪法的特征 4,宪法关系的内容5,全国人民代表大会 的职权 三、论述 法治的内涵 法对秩序的维护作用 我国公民基本权利和义务的特点及其行使原则 2009年法理与宪法综合 名词: 1特别行政区 2选举制度 3守法 4立法体制 5法律事实 6法律行为 7法律部门 8不成文宪法 简答: 1我国国家机构的组织与活动的原则 2近代宪法的主要特点 3社会主义法治国家的基本特征 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 4法律行为的特征 5法律责任的构成 6我国公民基本权利和自由的界限和行使原则 论述: 1健全和完善我国的违宪审查制度 2法对秩序的维护作用 04\05\06三年刑法真题,供各位考生参考 2004年(满分150) 一名解(每题10分,共50分) 1`犯罪客体 2`法律认识错误 3`能犯未遂 4`集合犯 5`立功 二简述(每题15分,共45分) 1`过于自信的过失与间接故意的异同 2`吸收犯的成立要件 3`假释适用的条件 三论述 1`论影响刑事责任能力程度的因素(30分) 2`论连续犯的成立要件及处断原则(25分) 2005年(满分150) 一名解(每题10分,共50分) 1`罪责刑相适应原则 2`犯罪目的 3`犯罪未遂 4`结合犯 5`自首 二简述(每题15分,共45分) 1`不作为的义务来源形式 2`挪用公款罪与贪污罪的界限 3`假释与监外执行的区别 三论述 1`论量刑的原则(25分) market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 2`论牵连犯的成立要件及处断原则(30分) 2006刑法真题 一 1.间接故意 2.结果犯 3.即成犯 4.特殊预防 5.侵占罪 二 1.刑法解释的种类 2.想象竞合犯的成立要件 3.一般累犯的成立要件 三 1.论教唆犯的特征及刑事责任 2.论犯罪中止状态的概念和特征 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service
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