首页 基础英语口语,每天十来句(1)



基础英语口语,每天十来句(1)简单/基础口语,每天十来句,保证提高 Then make a left turn 然后向左转 I am on the top floor 我在顶层 The restaurant will hold our table 餐厅会保留我们的席位 I have to use the employees entrance 我要从员工入口进去为 Why are you so negative? 你为什么如此消极? I am realistic 我非常现实 Success takes time 成功需要时间 T...

简单/基础口语,每天十来句,保证提高 Then make a left turn 然后向左转 I am on the top floor 我在顶层 The restaurant will hold our table 餐厅会保留我们的席位 I have to use the employees entrance 我要从员工入口进去为 Why are you so negative? 你为什么如此消极? I am realistic 我非常现实 Success takes time 成功需要时间 This is my first choice 这是我的首选 Put what you want on the list 把你要的东西写在单上 I can’t believe how many forms I have to fill out 真不敢相信有这么多 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 要填写 He plays golf consistently,day in and day out./The mail carrier comes day in and day out to deliver our mail. 他日复一日地打高尔夫球/ 邮差日复一日地送邮件 He waited until the applause died down before he began his speech. 他等到掌声渐渐落下才才开始演讲 The Wilsons dropped in on us just as we finished dinner. Wilsons一家在我们刚吃完晚餐时突然来访 You must face up to your fear, and do it anyway. 你必须勇敢面对你的恐惧,不管如何都要做下去 I don’t feel like going outside. 我不想出去 I know you’re tired, but do you feel up to helping me move some boxes? 我知道你很累,但是你觉得还能帮我移动一些箱子吗 The two lottery winners decided to split the money fifty-fifty./You have a fifty-fifty chance of getting it. 两位彩票得主决定平分奖金/你得到它的几率时50% With his strong accent,it’s hard to figure out what he’s trying to say. 口音太重,很难听出他在说什么 I try my best,but the coach finds fault with everything I do. 我尽力了,但是教练对我做的每件事挑剔 This time it’s over for good. 这次时永远结束了 One scoop of coffee for me. 一勺咖啡 That’s a nice idea 这个想法不错 I appreciate your help 很感谢你的帮助 We live in California. 我们住加州 Just a second, I’m almost ready here 稍等一下,我快要准备好了 Hold my hand 握住我的手 Give me a kiss Would you like some coffee Tell me about your book -Would you like to see them? -Yes. I’d like that.我想要看看 I hope I can make it. 我希望我能做到 You drive me insane 你把我逼疯了 Don’t slam the door 不要甩门 I’m late anyway 反正我晚了 Do you have enough change for the bus? 有零钱坐公交车吗 I’d like to deposit the whole check into my savings account, please. 请把支票上所有的钱存入我的储蓄账户里 I can’t stand you 我受不了你 I think you are making a big mistake 我觉得你在犯一个大错误 You are a stubborn woman 你是个固执的女人 Don’t be so modest 别这么谦虚 There was no one else 没有其他人 May I ask which vacancy you are enquiring about now? 请问你问的是哪个职位? You will be informed of the interview. 我们会通知你面试 I think Kevin is qualified for the sales manager position because he has very self-motivated personality. Kevin适合这个职位,因为他具有非常积极的个性 I’m just like a gunshot and ready for anything this morning. 我蓄势待发... The therapist said it’s helpful to relieve my pressure 按摩师说脚底按摩可以解除我的压力 Though aspirin may relieve your pain,it’s not healthy to take it too much. 虽然阿司匹林可能减轻你的疼痛,吃太多还是不健康。 I am off tomorrow. Can you be my deputy for tomorrow. 我明天请假一天,你可以做我的职务代理人吗。 A conference is to be held regarding the environmental protection. 关于环保的会议即将举行。 I have a tight schedule today. Please make the meeting quick and short. 今天我很忙,会议时间请短一点 Mr. Smith is in charge of the company. 斯密斯先生负责管理这个公司。 I’m taking too much of your time. 我耽误了你很多时间 I was expecting him here at five forty-five. The traffic is very heavy at this hour. 这个时间公交很糟 I like the color on me. I think it looks terrific on you. 你穿着它不错 I had a really bad day. 今天很糟 I lost a whole day’s work. Tell me about it on the way home. I’d love some ice cream. 我想吃冰激凌 I keep thinking about that movie. 我一直在想那部电影 He show me his photo. 他让我看他的照片 He told me all about you. thank you for taking time and trouble to return it. 谢谢你花时间不怕麻烦将它送来 Do you have a picture of her. 你有她的照片吗 I have to leave. 我该走了 What do you think of him?你觉得他怎么样 Your downstairs neighbor let me in. 你楼下的邻居让我进的 I brought you a little gift. 我给你带了一件小礼物 You two must be close. 你们两个关系一定很好[家庭成员间] My work keeps me busy. 我总忙于工作 It just takes time to feel comfortable in a new place. 适应一个地方需要时间 I think he’ll like being here with us. That’s a neat idea. 这是个好主意。 Is this all his stuff ? 这都是他的东西吗 I’m very excited about his arrival. 我对他的到来很兴奋 She’s had to go to Chicago on a business trip 她得到芝加哥出差 Let me help you with this. 让我来帮你 Do you want to sit by the window? 你要坐窗户旁边吗 I like the aisle seat better. Would you kindly hold these keys, please? 帮我拿一下钥匙好吗 I do have very close friends in New York City. 我在纽约有很好的朋友Are you going to live with them? 你打算跟他们一起住吗 But it’s too early to know for sure. 还不确定 Some people don’t mind being alone. 有些人不在乎单独生活Please check to be sure you have your belongings 记得带您的行李 He needs a day off 他需要休假一天 This one really brings back memories 这张照片唤起我许多回忆 She called to say the plane was delayed 她打电话来说飞机晚点了 Do you have the key to the trunk? 你有衣柜的钥匙吗 The task might be approached in a variety of ways. 这个工作可以用很多方式完成 You must carry out the task in a prescribed way 你必须用 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 的方法来完成任务prescribe 指定 I don’t feel alone anymore The advanced class is nonstop 高级班不停歇 Yes,quite a bit different 是啊,相当不不同 Are you kidding me? 你取笑我吗 I can……and not feel a thing? 我能…, 丝毫没感觉 If I win, you cook dinner for the entire family 你为全家做饭 I bet it will rain tomorrow. 我相信明天一定会下雨。 bet [bet] v.打赌, 确信无疑n.赌注, 确信 give him a call 给他打电话 Why don’t you go to school around here.?你为何不在附近的学校上学? They give me financial aid. 他们给了我经济支柱 She really wants me to stay 他想让我留下 He will get used to it 他会习惯的 When are you going to quit smoking? 什么时候戒烟 It’s on sale 减价出售 Who can afford this stuff? 谁能买得起这东西 This is 30% off. 这件降价30% It’s cheaper if you buy your ticket a few weeks in advance 提前几周买票会便宜一点 All by yourself 就凭你一人? You are nuts你是疯子 so you want something you can count on. 一定要买靠得住的东西 I don’t want to leave with you angry at me 我不想离开了你生我的气 I’m going back to school 我要回学校 I’ll try to find you a good teacher 我帮你找个好老师 They offered her financial help 他们给她提供紧急援助 I guess so 我想是的 Why don’t you talk her out of this 你为什么不说服她 But dreams don’t pay bills 可梦想付不了账单 She’s gotta have a decent car 她需要一辆说得过去的车 For me, price is not so important as quality. 对我来说,价格没有质量重要 They talked about the link they have found between business culture,employee loyalty ,customer loyalty and revenue growth. 他们在谈论他们发现的企业文化,员工忠诚度,客户忠诚度和收入增长之间的关系If I have had a good experience as a customer, I’ll recommend the company to my friends. 如果我作为顾客的体验很好,我会把这家公司推荐给朋友们 That is going to make the shareholders happy 这会让股东们高兴 it looks in tip-top shape 一流的款式 Don’t be so stingy 不要这么小气 How about a little sympathy 有点同情心好不好 I think I’m heading home 我想我要回家了 Tomorrow we’ll go car hunting again 明天我们继续找车 The work you’ve been doing may be outsourced to India next year. 你做的工作可能明年被外包到印度。 roughly 粗略地;大体上;大致上 He roughly examined the old records. 他粗略地检查了一下旧记录。 rough 粗糙的; 不平的 prosperity 兴旺, 繁荣 accommodate 容纳; 提供空间 Are there enough shelves to accommodate all our books? 有足够的书架容纳我们所有的书吗? Accommodate 向…提供住处; 提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等) The hotel can accommodate 600 guests. 这家旅馆可供600位来宾住宿。 resident 定居的; 常驻的 resident 居民,住户 I’ve been resident in this place for five years. 我已经在这个地方住了五年。 Others have lost residents because of failing industries and migration Stagnant [?st?gn?nt] 1,不流动的, 停滞的2.不发展的;不景气的;停滞的 1.不流动的, 停滞的 There is a stagnant pool at the botom of the garden. 在花坛底部有个死水塘 2.不发展的;不景气的 Due to low investment, industrial output has remained stagnant. 由于投资少, 工业生产一直停滞不前。 buoy 浮标, 航标vt.使漂浮;使浮起 flagship .(舰队的)旗舰旗舰公司 hub 2.中心, 中心所在 Chicago is a hub of airline traffic. 芝加哥是航运中心。 dominance 1.优势;支配地位 diversify 1.使多样化; 多样化 Our company is trying to diversify. 我们公司正力图往多样化方面发展。 Flint was unable to diversify to prevent a population exodus. exodus [?eks?d?s] 1.(包含一大批人的)迁移;出走,外流,撤离;仓促逃 离 capital exodus 资本逃避 rural exodus 农村迁离 devastate 彻底破坏;摧毁;毁灭 A storm devastated the island. 一场暴风雨使这个岛遭到彻底破坏。 Devastating 毁灭性的 It is the most devastating storm in 20 years. 这是20年来破坏性最大的风暴 property财产 take for granted想当然 municipality 市政当局 guarantee 1.保证; 担保 We can’t guarantee our workers’regular employment. 我们不能保证我们的工人定期受雇 division 1.分开; 分配部门除(法) Have you learnt division? 你学会除法了吗? census 人口普查, 统计 A census of population is taken every ten years. 人口普查每十年进行一次。 Survey 眺望; 调查,向…调查;考察;检验 眺望; 纵览 I surveyed the view from the top of the hill. 我从山顶眺望景色。 Survey 1.眺望; 纵览 I surveyed the view from the top of the hill. 我从山顶眺望景色。 3.检查, 鉴定 Survey the car before you buy it. 买车之前先对它鉴定一下。 4.通盘考虑, 回顾 Let’s survey the events leading up to the crime. 咱们全面回顾一下导致这一罪行的所有事件。 5.调查,向…调查;考察;检验 significantly 显著地值得注目地 their populations have actually decreased significantly I’m in perfect health 我很健康 What do you do for a living 你做什么的 stretch your arms 伸胳臂 stretch 1. 伸展; 拉紧 lift your arms like this 像这样台你的胳膊 I’ll make you two fried eggs 我给你煎两个蛋 You are working pretty hard these days 这阵子工作得很卖力啊 Here we go 现在可以开始了 Drop it into the water. 然后将它扔到水里 The important thing is to get the hook close to the fish 最重要的事情是让钩子靠近鱼 It’s almost lunchtime. 差不多到午餐时间了 Wrap him in the blanket 用毯子将他裹好 I guess I ruined your day. 我想我今天让你扫兴了 Why are you back so early 你们怎么回来这么早 I’m changing my schedule 我把工作重新安排一下 I’m on the phone. 我在打电话 【离别时】take care!多保重! What’s going on 发生什么事了 [送礼物时]You deserve it. 你应该拥有它 Speechless (由于强烈的感情、震惊等)说不出话的 I bet you spent a fortune on it. 我猜想你一定花了好多钱 I get butterflies in my stomach. 我心里七上八下的 I hope so. I shouldn’t take all this stuff. 我用不着带所有这些东西 Are you all packed? 都收拾好了吗 I crossed over the Mississippi and into the plains. 我跨过密西西比河进入平原 The car has been pretty good so far. 车辆依旧很好 It’s out of business. 停业了 Do you want to roll down your window? 你摇下窗户好吗 It is not your fault. 不是你的错 I guess I don’t have much choice. 我想我没有太多的选择了 Maybe I could make a phone call from there 也许我可以在那儿打电话 My car broke down. 我的车抛锚了 Just a second. 等一会 Let’s just take it one step at a time. 我们现在只能一步一步来 We are open from seven to four, Monday through Friday. 我们这一时间营业。 Please leave a short message 请留言 Scratch card. 刮卡 Do you have any rooms available? 还有房间吗。 Do you take credit cards? 你们收信用卡吗 Do you serve food? 你们供应饮食吗 This is your third cup of coffee. 这是你第三杯咖啡 Can you do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗 He’ll be grouchy. 他会发牢骚。grouchy a.发牢骚的;好抱怨的 He’ll get over it. 过一会就好了 He will be here about five. 他大约5点到这里 I look forward to seeing you. 我等着见你 You remind me so much of my classmate. 你让我想起了我的妻子 Let me think 让我想想 You go first. 你先讲 You want team A to win 你希望A队赢 It sounded like a dog barking. 听起来像狗叫 The number is no longer in service. 这个号码现在是空号 The library is open till nine P.M. 图书馆开到9点 I hope so 我希望这样 There’s no other information. 没有其它资料 -Can I adopt the dog? 我可以收养这狗吗 -If the owners don’t claim the dog in 48 hours, then you can apply for adoption 如果狗主人48小时之内不认领,你就可以申请收养 I’ll take your advice.我接受你的忠告。 I’d like to make a reservation.我想订票。 I’m on my way.我这就上路。 It won’t happen again.下不为例。 I was moved. / I was touched.我很受感动 I want to reserve a room.我想预定一个房间 It’s better than nothing.总比没有好。 It’s just what I had in mind.这正是我想要的。 I don’t know for sure.我不能肯定。 I couldn’t get through.我打不通电话。 The rain has stopped. 雨停了 He was making too much noise. 他很吵 My I ask you a favor. 我能请你帮个忙吗 I have to call back in two hours. 我必须在两个小时之内回电话 I am starving. 我饿了 What a coincidence. 真是巧合 I’m sure she will make a decision quickly. 我相信她很快就能做出决定 I’m sure you could sell it for a decent price. 我想你可以卖个好价钱 Lord knows, it’s my good deed for the day 上帝知道,这是我今天做的善事了 I feel really embarrassed. 我觉得很尴尬 I like the way you think. 我喜欢你的思维方式 My bus leaves in less than an hour. 我的汽车一小时内开车 That sounds good. 听上去不错 It’s hard to find a decent job without a …没学历不好找到体面的工作 He’s too frail. 他太虚弱了 This is extremely difficult for me. 这对我太难了【经济状况不好,不能给你优惠】 I wanna pay my share. 我会付我那一份 He help me out. 这人帮了我 He said these trips wear him out. 他说这些旅行让他精疲力尽 wear v.【‘穿’之外有:‘使疲乏, 使软弱无力’之意】 I got this shirt on sale. 50 percent off! 我在减价的时候买的这件衬衫,五折 I’m off to school, and then off to my part-time job. 我要去学校,然后做兼职 I slept like a log, I was dead to the world. 我睡得像块木头,都不止外边发生了什么事情The coffee smells good. 咖啡真香 Good luck with your interview. 祝你面试好运 【解释】We tried to notify everyone. 我们试着通知每个人 I was counting on that money to help pay for tuition and living expenses 我指望着这些钱来付学费和生活费 We do have some alternatives. 我们确实还有其它的选择 Please print it out./ You can use the computer print the resume out. 请将它打印出来/ 你可以用计算机将简历打印出来 I can come over right now. 我现在马上就来 I supervised a small department. 我负责一个小部门supervise v. 监督, 管理 We need someone with a background in data entry. 我们需要一个有数据输入经验的人 I could learn very fast 我可以学得很快 【面试时谢绝对方】Thank you anyway for coming in. 谢谢你能来 I have experience as a team leader. 我有当小组长的经验 I’m a hard worker. 我努力工作 I just want to make sure it’s definitely a part-time job. 我想确认这确实是兼职工作 I won’t take no for an answer. 我不接受否定的回答 To tell you the truth, I’m starving. 实话对你说,我饿坏了。 I keep thinking about the dog. 我一直在想那条狗狗 I have good news and bad news. 我给你带来好消息和坏消息 Come by one day and look at some of the other goods. I’m sure there’s one for you 有空来一趟,看看其它的商品,我相信有你喜欢的 I need your special talent for handling special matters. 我需要处理特殊状况的特殊才能talent n.才能[除‘天才’以外的意思] The company makes good use of its talent. 该公司很好地发挥了内部人才的作用 Well, I’ll try to arrange the schedule. 我尽力去安排 He’s had so many colds and sore throats recently. 他最近常感冒,喉咙痛 You won’t feel a thing. 你不会有感觉的【打针时不会痛】 You and I will talk this over. 我们俩协商/商量一下 Does your throat hurt? 你喉咙痛吗 22课有特色,再看一遍 You can learn as we go. 你跟着我们学【做yoga的时候】 Absolutely right. 完全正确 What’all the cheering about? 这么高兴是为什么 It’s one of the best schools in the country. 这是全国最好的学校之一 I’ll see you all at dinnertime 吃饭的时候见你们 It’s no big deal 没什么大不了的 I can’t name it. 我说不出了…【举例时】 You seem to have some reservations. 你看起来有点犹豫/有所保留 One piece of advice. 给你一句忠告 They didn’t say anything for sure. 他们没有任何肯定的答复 I’d like to follow in my own footsteps. 我想走自己的路footstep 脚步(声) He told me he was very impressed with you. 他告诉我他对你印象很好 I was clear about my future. 我对我的未来很清楚 What’s the schedule today? 今天的工作是怎么安排的 Make sure everybody is at that meeting. 要确保每位都出席会议 When was your last day off? 你上次休假时在什么时候 You really ought to take some time off. 你应该休息休息一下 He is very talented. 他很有才华talented adj.有才能的 I find myself in an embarrassing situation. 我现在的处境很尴尬 Can I help you with the lemonade? 我帮你倒点柠檬汁好吗 What were you two talking about. 你两个刚才谈什么 Can you wait till I make a phone call? 让我打个电话好吗 I’d like to ask you to take a look at the board right now. 我要求你们现在看看黑板 I have a lot of experience. 我很有经验 Oh. I forgot to mention,…我忘记说。。。了 So-so. 一般 Keep your eye on the ball 眼睛盯住球【棒球】 Let me see, what else. 让我想想,还有什么 No, I insist…不我坚持。【送行时】 You just need a little practice. 你只是需要多点练习。 He is trying to reach you. 他正在找你 Why are you in such a happy mood? 你为什么有如此好的情绪?
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