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驾校教练员教学教案驾校教练员教学教案 教练员教学教案 科目:上下车动作 目的:使学员掌握安全上下车的方法。 内容:1、上车前的安全检视 2、上车动作 3、下车动作 4、容易出现的错误和注意事项 重点:安全检视 时间:10分钟 方法:讲解、示范和练习 要求:1、认真听,仔细看,反复练; 2、积极主动地进行模拟练习 ; 3、注意训练安全。 教学过程: 学员们好~上一节课我们学习了行车前的检查,现在我们来学习上下车的动作,在这节课里,我们不仅要掌握上下车的动作要领,更重要的是培养安全意识,养成安全检视的习惯,...

驾校教练员教学 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 教练员教学教案 科目:上下车动作 目的:使学员掌握安全上下车的方法。 内容:1、上车前的安全检视 2、上车动作 3、下车动作 4、容易出现的错误和注意事项 重点:安全检视 时间:10分钟 方法:讲解、示范和练习 要求:1、认真听,仔细看,反复练; 2、积极主动地进行模拟练习 ; 3、注意训练安全。 教学过程: 学员们好~上一节课我们学习了行车前的检查,现在我们来学习上下车的动作,在这节课里,我们不仅要掌握上下车的动作要领,更重要的是培养安全意识,养成安全检视的习惯,下面我们分为四个方面讲解: 一、上车前的安全检视:安全检视的方法是按逆时针围绕车一周检视, 安全检视的内容包括两个部分: 1、观察车辆周围有无行人和障碍物; 2、检查车辆轮胎技术状况,车身表面有无异常、车身下的路面有无滴痕等。 二、上车:上车包括开门前的观察和上车的动作。 1、开门前的观察。上车打开车门前应向右转身或向右侧转头观察 车后方交通情况,在确定安全的情况下打开车门上车; 2、上车动作。面对车门站好,左手打开车门,将手随身移至车门the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 内侧,左脚向左前方迈一步,右手握住方向盘左侧,迈右腿, 侧身进入驾驶室,右腿轻放在油门踏板上,身体顺势坐下,收 左腿。左腿放在离合器踏板左下方,关好门。 三、下车动作:下车包括开门前的观察和下车动作: 1、开门前的观察:下车时先通过左后视镜,观察左后方交通情况, 确定安全后打开车门约30公分再向左转头观察后方交通情况, 确定安全后下车; 2、下车动作:下车时左手打开车门,然后按上车相反的动作下车。 四、容易出现的错误和注意事项: 1、上车前不绕车安全检视; 2、开、关车门前不转头向后观察。 下面请学员轮流上车练习安全检视和上下车动作,其他学员在下徒手模拟练习。 停,练习结束。现在讲评:在今天的训练中,我们共同学习了上车前的安全检视、上车和下车,大家比较认真,基本掌握了上下车的方法,但也有的学员还没有完全掌握安全检视和观察的内容,课后要继续练习,我们要把今天学习的内容体现在每一次训练中,养成良好的安全习惯,在考驾驶证中,上车前不绕车安全检视,开车门前不转头向后观察都是不合格的项目,请牢记。下一节课进行六大操纵机件训练,请学员提前预习。大家还有什么问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 和要求的吗, 好,下课。 科目:转向盘的识别和操作 目的:使学员掌握方向盘的操作 内容:一、转向盘的功用 二、转向盘的操作 三、容易出现的错误和注意事项 重点:转向盘的操作要领 时间:12分钟 方法:讲解、示范和练习 要求:1、认真听,仔细看,反复练; 2、积极主动地进行模拟练习; the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 3、注意训练安全。 教学过程: 学员们好~上一节课我们学习了上车前的安全检视和上下车动作,这一节课我们接着学习驾驶操作机件,驾驶操作机件包括转向盘、手制动杆、变速杆、离合器踏板、制动踏板和油门踏板,我们简称为“一盘、二杆、三板。”下面我们分三个方面讲解: 一、转向盘的功用:转向盘也叫方向盘,它的功用是改变汽车行驶的方向,在一般情况下向左打方向盘,汽车向左行驶,向右打转方向盘,汽车向右行驶。 二、转向盘的操作:转向盘的操作包括转向盘握法、双手操作法和单手操作法。 1、转向盘握法:转向盘握法要掌握手握在哪里和怎么握。 (1)握的位置:在一般情况下,左手握在左上方,右手握在右下方,如果把转向盘比喻成时钟的话,那左手握在9-10点的时位,右手握在3-4点的时位。也可将左右手分别握于3点9点的时位; (2)握的方法:两手放于方向盘轮缘,拇指向上自然伸直,按在轮缘上缘,其余四指由外向里握住轮缘外缘。 2、双手操作法:双手操作法又分为推拉法,推滑法和交叉法。 (1)推拉法:推拉法是指一只手推,一只手拉,以推为主的操作方法; (2)推滑法:推滑法是由推拉法演变的,是指在推拉方向盘过程中,拉方向盘的手在不方便拉动时转为虚握,让方向盘在手中滑移的操作方法:?向右转操作方法:左手向上推,右手向下拉,拉到5点的位置,放松五指,变为虚握,使方向盘在手中滑动;?向左转操作方法:右手向上推,左手向下拉,拉到7点的位置,放松五指,变为虚握,使方向盘在手中滑动; (3)交叉法:交叉法是指双手反复交替转动方向盘的操作方法,其操作方法是:向右转操作方法,左手向上推,右手向下拉,拉到5点位置时,右手顺势移握9-10点位置继续拉,左手回到7点位推,以此反复,直至把方向盘打到底。 3、单手操作法:单手操作法分为单手推拉法和单手循环法。 (1)单手推拉法:是指用一只手向上推或向下拉方向盘的操作方法; (2)以左手操作向左转为例:左手向下拉,拉到8-7时位时四手the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 指伸直,手掌压住方向盘转动,同时向右转腕。方向盘转到4-3时位时,五指并拢握住方向盘继续转动,以此反复,直至把方向盘打到底; (3)以左手操作向右转为例:左手向上推,推到3-4时位时四指伸直,手掌压住方向盘转动,同时向左转腕,方向盘转到7-8时位时,五指并拢握住方向盘继续转动,以此反复,直至把方向盘打到底。 三、容易出现的错误和注意事项 1、原地打方向;2、窜轮打方向;3、掏轮打方向;4、双臂交叉打方向;5、双手离开方向盘;6、转向时要做到打多少回多少,快打快回,慢打慢回。 下面请学员轮流上车练习转向盘操作方法,重点练习方向盘的操作方法,其他学员在车下进行徒手练习。 停,练习结束。现在讲评:在今天的训练中,我们练习了方向盘的识别和操作,大家比较认真,基本掌握了转向盘的操作方法,但也有的学员不熟练,突出表现在双手交叉方向盘和单手操作转腕动作上,课后要继续练习,全面掌握转向盘的操作方法,在考驾驶证中,双手同时离开转向盘,或不能用单手有效控制转向盘,都是不合格的项目,请牢记。下一节课进行手制动训练,请学员提前预习,大家还有什么问题和要求的吗, 好,下课。 科目:手制动的识别和操作 目的:使学员掌握手制动的操作 内容:一、手制动的功用 二、手制动的操作 三、容易出现的错误和注意事项 重点:放松手制动的操作方法 时间:8分钟 方法:讲解、示范和练习 要求:1、认真听,仔细看,反复练; 2、积极主动地进行模拟练习; 3、注意训练安全。 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 教学过程: 学员们好~通过学习我们知道驾驶操作机件,包括转向盘、手制动杆、变速杆、离合器踏板、制动踏板和油门踏板,我们简称为“一盘、二杆、三板。”这节课我们学习手制动的操作,下面我们分为三个方面讲解: 一、手制动的功用:这是驻车制动器操纵杆,也叫手制动或手刹。 它的作用:1、防止车辆在停放时自动溜动; 2、在危险情况下配合脚制动,实施紧急制动。 二、手制动的操作:手制动操作包括拉起和放松操作。 1、拉起操作:车辆停放或紧急情况时,应拉起手制动,其操作方法是:五指并拢,握住拉杆上部向上拉紧; 2、放松操作:需要解除制动时,应放松手制动。其操作方法是:四指并拢,握住拉杆,拇指虚按按钮向上拉,然后拇指按下按钮将手制动推到底。手制动的操作可归纳为三个字:“拉、按、推”。 三、容易出现的错误和注意事项: 1、起步前没有放松手制动; 2、手制动代替脚制动使用; 3、拉不到位,推不倒地。 下面请学员轮流上车练习手制动操作方法,重点练习拉起放松手制动的方法,其他学员在车下进行徒手练习。 停,练习结束。现在讲评:在今天的训练中,我们练习了手制动的识别和操作,大家比较认真,基本掌握了手制动的操作方法,但也有的学员不熟练,突出表现在放松手制动时不按按钮,课后要继续练习,掌握手制动的操作方法。 在考驾驶证中,不松手制动起步扣10分,请牢记。下一节课进行变速杆的训练,请学员提前预习,大家还有什么问题和要求的吗, 好,下课。 科目:变速杆的识别和操作 目的:使学员掌握变速杆的操作 内容:一、变速杆的功用 二、变速杆的档位 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 三、变速杆的操作 四、容易出现的错误和注意事项 重点:变速杆的操作 时间:10分钟 方法:讲解、示范和练习 要求:1、认真听,仔细看,反复练; 2、积极主动地进行模拟练习; 3、注意训练安全。 教学过程: 学员们好~通过学习我们知道驾驶操作机件,包括转向盘、手制动杆、变速杆、离合器踏板、制动踏板和油门踏板,我们简称为“一盘、二杆、三板。”上一课我们学习了手制动,这节课我们来学习变速杆的操作,下面我们分为四个方面讲解: 一、变速杆的功用:这是变速器操作杆,也叫变速杆,它的作用是通过变速换档位,改变发动机的扭矩和转速,并使汽车前进和后退。 二、变速器档位:变速器档位分为空档,前进档和倒档,在前进档中又分为低速档、中速档和高速档:变速档现在的的位置是空档,它的上方是3档,下方是4档,把变速杆向左移到底,上方是1档,下方是2档,把变速杆向右移到底,上方是5档,下方是倒档,用“R(倒)”表示,变速器档位排列顺序是:1、3、5和2、4、R(倒)。 三、变速杆的操作:变速杆的操作方法包括握法和操作要领: 1、握法:变速杆的握法是以掌心贴住球头,五指自然握住球头。 2、操作方法: (1)基本操作方法:变速杆的操作方法是以手腕和手臂关节的力量为主,肩关节为辅挂档和摘档。 (2)摘——空——挂操作法:如1、2档和3、4档之间互换。 (3)摘——移——挂操作法:如2、3档和4、5档之间互换。 (4)摘——移——按——挂操作法:如挂倒档 3、操作要求:变速杆必须与离合踏板配合使用,没有踏下离合踏板不准换档位。 三、容易出现的错误和注意事项 1、操纵变速杆时低头看; 2、变速杆在空档位置时来回晃动; the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 3、变速杆移入倒档时必须在停车时进行; 4、挂档时发响,不要强拉硬挂。 下面请学员轮流上车练习变速杆操作方法,重点练习换挡的方法,其他学员在车下进行徒手练习。 停,练习结束。现在讲评:在今天的训练中,我们练习了变速杆的识别和操作,大家比较认真,基本掌握了变速杆的操作方法,但也有的学员不熟练,突出表现在握变速杆时低头看,课后要继续练习,学会用眼睛余光观察变速杆,最好达到盲握的程度。在考驾驶证中,换档时低头看档,连续两次换档不进和行驶中空档滑行,都是不及格的项目。另外,选择档位不当,挂错档和换档时发生齿轮撞击的声音都会被分别扣分的,请牢记。下一节课进行离合器踏板训练,请学员们提前预习,大家还有什么问题和要求的吗, 好,下课。 科目:离合器踏板的识别和操作 目的:使学员掌握离合器踏板的操作 内容:一、离合器踏板的功用 二、半联动接力点的判断 三、离合器踏板的操作 四、容易出现的错误和注意事项 重点:半联动接力点的判断 时间:10分钟 方法:讲解、示范和练习 要求:1、认真听,仔细看,反复练; 2、积极主动地进行模拟练习; 3、注意训练安全。 教学过程: 学员们好~通过学习我们知道驾驶操作机件,包括转向盘、手制动杆、变速杆、离合器踏板、制动踏板和油门踏板,我们简称为“一盘、二杆、三板。”上一课我们学习了变速杆,这一节课我们学习离the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 合器踏板的操作,下面分四个方面讲解: 一、离合器踏板的功用:驾驶室底板有三个踏板,左边的踏板是离合器踏板,也叫离合。它的作用是控制发动机动力与传动装置分离和结合的机件,踏下离合器踏板发动机动力切断,抬起离合器踏板发动机动力传递。 二、半联动接力点的判断:离合器主动部分和被动部分开始接触的点叫半联动接力点,其判断方法有三个: 1、凭听觉判断,听到发动机声音变低; 2、凭视觉判断,看到车辆抖动; 3、凭触觉判断,感到离合器踏板顶脚,除此之外,还可以用抬起离合器踏板的高度判断半联动接力点。 三、离合器踏板的操作:离合器踏板的操作包括踏法、踏下和抬起的要领: 1、踏法:用左脚掌踩在踏板上,用膝关节和裸关节伸屈动作踏下和抬起离合器踏板,禁止用脚尖,脚心和脚跟操纵离合器踏板。 2、踏下踏板的要领:踏下离合器踏板要迅速,有力,一踏到底。 3、抬起踏板的要领:平路起步时抬起离合器踏板要按“快——慢 ——快”的要领操作,即抬起踏板开始时要快,抬至半联动接力 点时变慢,当离合器主、被动部分完全 结合又变快。抬起离合器 踏板也可以按“快——停——慢”的动作要领操作。 四、容易出现的错误和注意事项 1、不用脚掌踏或踏不到底; 2、车辆正常行驶中把脚放在踏板上; 3、车辆在正常行驶中不能长时间使用半联动; 4、踏下油门踏板不能踏下离合器踏板。 下面请学员轮流上车练习离合器踏板操作方法,重点练习半联动的方法,其他学员在车下进行徒手练习。 停,练习结束。现在讲评:在今天的训练中,我们练习了离合器踏板的识别和操作,大家比较认真,基本掌握了离合器踏板的操作方法,但也有的学员不熟练突出表现在: 1、踏不住踏板,脚发抖;2、找不准半联动接力点。 课后要继续练习,尽快掌握离合器踏板的操作要领,在考驾驶证中,遇到情况时不会合理使用离合器半联动控制车速的被扣10分,请牢记。 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 下一节课进行制动踏板训练,请学员们提前预习,大家还有什么问题和要求的吗, 好,下课。 科目:制动踏板的识别和操作 目的:使学员掌握制动踏板的操作 内容:一、制动踏板的功用 二、制动踏板的操作 三、容易出现的错误和注意事项 重点:在各种情况下踏下踏板的方法 时间:8分钟 方法:讲解、示范和练习 要求:1、认真听,仔细看,反复练; 2、积极主动地进行模拟练习; 3、注意训练安全。 教学过程: 学员们好~通过学习我们知道驾驶操作机件,包括转向盘、手制动杆、变速杆、离合器踏板、制动踏板和油门踏板,我们简称为“一盘、二杆、三板。”上一课我们学习了离合器踏板,这一节课我们学习制动踏板的操作,下面分三个方面讲解: 一、制动踏板的功用:请大家看,驾驶室底板上有三个踏板,中间的踏板就是行车制动器踏板,也叫制动或刹车,它的作用是使汽车减速或停车,踏下去车辆减速,直至停车。 二、制动踏板的操作:制动踏板的操作包括踏法、踏下和放松要领。 1、制动踏板的踏法:用右脚前脚掌踏制动踏板,利用膝关节的伸屈动作踏下或放松。 2、踏下踏板的要领:踏下踏板首先把右脚从加速踏板移至制动踏板,然后根据需要操作: (1)需要降低车速时应先轻后重缓慢踏下; (2)需要停车时,除按减速要领操作外,在车辆即将停车时放松踏板再缓慢踏下; the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use (3)需要紧急制动时,应迅速有力将踏板踏到底。 3、放松踏板要领:放松踏板也应根据需要操作,可以一次放松,也可以分次逐渐放松。 三、容易出现的错误和注意事项 1、用脚尖、脚心踏制动踏板; 2、踏下制动踏板时应紧握方向盘; 3、不准在踏加速踏板时踏制动踏板。 下面请学员轮流上车练习制动踏板操作方法,重点练习踏下踏板的方法,其他学员在车下进行徒手练习。 停,练习结束。现在讲评:在今天的训练中,我们练习了制动踏板的识别和操作,大家比较认真,基本掌握了制动踏板的操作方法,但也有的学员不熟练,突出表现在:移脚的动作不够快,下踏力量控制不好,课后要继续练习,尽快掌握制动踏板的操作方法。在考驾驶证中错误使用制动踏板,也就是把油门踏板当成制动踏板时是不合格项目,请牢记。下一节课进行油门踏板训练,请学员们提前预习,大家还有什么问题和要求的吗, 好,下课。 科目:油门踏板的识别和操作 目的:使学员掌握油门踏板的操作 内容:一、油门踏板的功用 二、油门踏板的操作 三、容易出现的错误和注意事项 重点:踏下踏板动感的控制 时间:8分钟 方法:讲解、示范和练习 要求:1、认真听,仔细看,反复练; 2、积极主动地进行模拟练习; 3、注意训练安全。 教学过程: 学员们好~通过学习我们知道驾驶操作机件,包括转向盘、手制the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 动杆、变速杆、离合器踏板、制动踏板和油门踏板,我们简称为“一盘、二杆、三板。”上一课我们学习了制动踏板,这一节课我们学习油门踏板的操作,下面分三个方面讲解: 一、油门踏板的功用:大家请看,驾驶室底板上有三个踏板,右边的踏板就是加速踏板,也叫油门踏板,它的作用是控制发动机转速的机件,踏下去转速提高,抬起来转速降低。 二、油门踏板的操作:油门踏板的操作包括踏法、踏下和抬起要领: 1、踏法:右脚跟抵在底板上并为支点,前脚掌轻放在踏板上,用裸关节和膝关节的伸屈的力量,抬起或踏下; 2、踏下要领:踏下加速踏板的操作要领是:轻踏、平稳、缓慢,不能忽快忽慢,也不能忽踏忽抬,更不能一脚踏到底; 3、抬起要领:抬起加速踏板的操作要领要缓抬,不能一下抬到顶。 三、容易出现的错误和注意事项 1、踏下踏板用力不均; 2、踏下加速踏板时不能同时踏下制动踏板; 3、变速器在空挡位置时不能踏下加速踏板; 4、在颠簸的道路行驶时一定要稳住加速踏板。 下面请学员轮流上车练习加速踏板操作方法,重点练习轻踏、平稳、缓慢三个环节。 停,练习结束。现在讲评:在今天的训练中,我们共同学习了加速踏板的识别和操作方法,大家比较认真,基本掌握了油门踏板的操作方法,但也有的学员不够熟练,突出表现在平稳、缓慢两个动作上不够柔和,课后要继续练习,尽快掌握加速踏板的操作方法,下一节课进行发动机启动和停熄训练,请学员们提前预习,大家还有什么问题和要求的吗, 好,下课。 科目:平路起步 目的:使学员掌握平路起步的操作 内容:一、操作要领 二、技术要求 三、常见错误 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 四、评判 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 重点:离合器踏板和油门踏板的配合 时间:12分钟 方法:讲解、示范和练习 要求:1、认真听,仔细看,反复练; 2、积极主动地进行模拟练习; 3、注意训练安全。 教学过程: 学员们好~上一节课我们学习了起步前的准备,为驾驶操作训练打下基础,在这一节课我们学习平路起步,起步时汽车由停止到行驶的开始,它是驾驶车辆行驶的第一基本动作,也是关键动作,能否做好这个动作直接关系到其它动作的训练,所以,我们一定要做到起步一次成功,下面分四个方面讲解: 一、操作要领 1、分解动作: (1)踏下离合器踏板; (2)将变速杆挂入一档; (3)打开左转向灯; (4)通过视镜及观察周边情况; (5)按喇叭; (6)放松手制动杆; (7)快抬离合器踏板; (8)到半联动接力点位置时放慢,同时轻踏油门踏板; (9)起步后,左脚放在左下方,观察后方情况,缓慢向左转向; (10)如后方有车驶近,沿原路缓行,确认安全后并入行车道,关闭转向灯。 2、关键动作:平路起步的关键动作是离合器、油门的协调配合,也就是“油离配合”,即离合器踏板抬到半联动接力点位置后,在转入慢抬得同时,缓慢踏下油门踏板。 3、连贯工作:为便于大家记忆和观察,下面我用代字做连贯动作,“一踏二挂三拨灯,四看五按六松闸,七快八慢同时加,九抬离合再观察,安全并道十关灯” 二、技术要求:平路起步的技术要求是:“一平二不三无”。“一平”the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 就是平稳,“二不”就是不前冲,不熄火。“三无”就是无转速过高,无明显空油声,无漏项。 三、常见错误分析: 1、起步前冲 原因:油门大,离合踏板抬得快 2、起步熄火 原因:油门没有跟上或未放松手制动或挂错档 3、空油门声过大 原因:离合器没有抬到位就加油,且加油过大。 4、车体发抖 原因:离合器踏板忽抬忽踏。 下面我仅做一下起步空油声过大的错误动作示范。 四、评判标准:评判标准即是评定考试成绩的依据,又是 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 中的重 点和难点,大家不能忽视,必须掌握。 平路起步的评判标准是: 1、考试时出现以下情况之一的,考试不及格: (1)没有系安全带起步; (2)没有关车门起步; (3)没有通过后视镜和左方侧头,观察左、后方交通情况。 2、没有打转向灯起步扣20分 3、考试时出现下列情况之一的,扣10分: (1)没有松手制动起步; (2)起步时车辆发生闯动(前冲); (3)开转向灯不到3秒起步; (4)起步时,加速踏板控制不当致使发动机转速过高,扣5分。 下面请学员轮流上车练习平路起步操作要领,其他学员在车下利用模拟器或徒手练习,熟悉平路起步操作要领和顺序。 停,练习结束。现在讲评:在今天的训练中,我们共同学习了平路起步的操作要领,大家比较认真,掌握了起步的操作要领,除了个别学员外,都能做到起步一次成功,他出现的错误是起步熄火,原因是油离配合不好,纠错办法是抬离合器踏板是要分三步,“快——慢——快”在慢抬的同时平稳加油。 下一节课课我们进行坡道起步训练,请学员们提前预习,大家还有什么问题和要求的吗, 好,下课。 科目:坡道起步 目的:使学员掌握坡道起步的操作要领 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 内容:一、操作要领 二、技术要求 三、常见错误分析 四、评判标准 重点:放松手制动的时机 时间:12分钟 方法:讲解、示范和练习 要求:1、认真听,仔细看,反复练; 2、积极主动地进行模拟练习; 3、注意训练安全。 教学过程: 学员们好~上一节课我们学习了平路起步,大家基本掌握了操作要领,我们回忆一下,“什么是平路起步的关键动作,”“油离配合”好,“油离配合”是关键动作。这一节课我们来学习坡道起步,坡道起步是汽车在坡道路上由停止到行驶的开始,它的操作要领与平路起步基本相同,其区别主要是放松手制动的时机,下面分四个方面讲解: 一、操作要领 1、分解动作: (1)踏下离合器踏板; (2)将变速杆挂入一档; (3)打开左转向灯; (4)通过后视镜及侧头观察周边情况; (5)按喇叭; (6)根据坡度大小适当踏下油门踏板; (7)抬起离合器踏板到半联动接力点位置时稍停; (8)放松手制动杆; (9)在慢抬离合器踏板时同时踏下油门踏板; (10)起步后,左脚放在踏板左下方,观察后方情况,缓慢向左转向; (11)如后方有车驶近,沿原路缓行,确认安全后并入行车道,关闭转向灯。 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 2、关键动作 坡道起步的关键动作是:油、离和放松手制动时的配合,实质是放松手制动时机,即是离合器踏板在半联动接力点位置停顿时,放松手制动,如果前放松会使车辆后溜,如推迟放松会使车辆熄火。 3、连贯动作 为便于大家记忆和观察,下面我用字做连贯动作,“一踏二挂三拨灯,四看五按六给油,七抬停时八手闸,九抬加油十观察,十一并道再关灯” 二、技术要求:坡道起步的技术要求是:“一平三不三无”。“一平”就是平稳,“三不”就是不前冲、不熄火、不后溜。“三无”就是“三无”就是无转速过高,无明显空油声,无漏项。 三、常见错误分析: 1、起步前冲 原因:油门过大,离合器踏板抬得快; 2、起步熄火 原因:油门没有跟上或没有放松手制动杆或挂错档; 3、空油声过大 原因:离合器没有抬到位就加油,且加油过大; 4、车体发抖 原因:离合器踏板忽抬忽踏; 5、起步后溜 原因:放松手制动时机过早。 下面我仅做一下起步后溜的错误动作示范。 四、评判标准 评判标准既是评定成绩的依据,又是培训中的重点和难点,大家不要忽视,必须掌握。 坡道起步的评判标准是: 1、考试时出现下列情况之一的,考试不及格: (1)没有系好安全带起步; (2)没有关好车门起步; (3)没有通过后视镜和向左方侧头,观察左、后方交通情况; (4)起步时车辆后溜距离大于30厘米。 2、考试时出现下列情况之一的,扣20分: (1)起步前不使用转向灯; (2)起步时车辆后溜,但后溜距离小于30厘米。 3、考试时出现下列情况之一的,扣10分 (1)没有松手制动起步; (2)起步时车辆发生闯动; (3)开转向灯不到3秒起步。 4、起步时,加速踏板控制不当,致使发动机转速过高,扣5分。 下面请学员轮流上车练习坡道起步操作要领,其他学员在车下利the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 用模拟器或徒手练习,熟悉坡道起步操作要领和顺序。 停,练习结束。现在讲评:在今天的训练中,我们共同学习了坡道起步的操作要领,大家比较认真,掌握了起步的操作要领,除了个别学员外,都能做到起步一次成功,他出现的错误是起步后溜,原因是放松手制动过早,纠错办法是掌握放松手制动的时机,即:离合器踏板抬到半联动接力点,停顿后放松手制动 好,下课 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use
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