首页 房地产项目总经理



房地产项目总经理房地产项目总经理 项目总经理要求 房地产项目总经理应该是一位统率千军万马的将军,门旗之下,抚剑稳坐战马之上,手握令旗,镇静自若,他心中早就谋定,只需催动战鼓,顷刻之间便会拿下敌营。这是对项目总经理的角色定位, 一、项目总经理在公司既是决策者又是执行者房地产项目开发对管理者要求很高,在角色定位上,既要坚定的执行董事会的投资意图,在工程进度、工程质量、成本控制、营销推广上容不得半点差错,同时,身为 “前线”指挥官,又必须拟定项目各系统的整体开发计划和分步执行计划,参与到公司决策当中。特别是在公司要求与项目实际情况...

房地产项目总经理 项目总经理要求 房地产项目总经理应该是一位统率千军万马的将军,门旗之下,抚剑稳坐战马之上,手握令旗,镇静自若,他心中早就谋定,只需催动战鼓,顷刻之间便会拿下敌营。这是对项目总经理的角色定位, 一、项目总经理在公司既是决策者又是执行者房地产项目开发对管理者要求很高,在角色定位上,既要坚定的执行董事会的投资意图,在工程进度、工程质量、成本控制、营销推广上容不得半点差错,同时,身为 “前线”指挥官,又必须拟定项目各系统的整体开发计划和分步执行计划,参与到公司决策当中。特别是在公司要求与项目实际情况有冲突时,必须对事不对人,仗义执言,阐明自己的观点,去影响决策。而不是去逃避、甚至隐瞒实情,当项目总经理处理好了这个关键问题后,反倒会增加老板的信任,并获得下属员工的拥护,树立权威。 承上启下才是对的!如果项目总把自己当成“领导”只去决策,或者理解为只是简单的“执行”,角色就是错位。 二、项目总经理至少有50%精力去创造良好的外部条件 房地产开发政策性很强,从发改委立项,到申办五证,土地证、用地证、规证、开工证、预售证,,还有市政手续的办理,包括供电、燃气、自来水、雨水、中水、污水、道路、电信、有线电视、供暖、园林、人防等,无不要准时拿到政府批文,否则,谈不上施工。据统计,一个项目下来,大大小小要盖近150个公章。 在搞房地产之前,我都不理解政府设那么多部门干吗?现在明白了,都在那等你去报文呢,这150个公章,一个盖不下来,整个项目就失败了。为什么项目总经理压力大,甚至要拿出至少一半的精力去跑批文,原因就在于此, 处理突发事件也很重要!赶上周围居民因为项目夜间施工扰民,与项目情绪十分对立,latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 甚至发生冲突。无奈我迅速抽专人负责维护周边小区关系,包括依法发放了十几万元的扰民费,获得居委会认可后,其出据了手续,项目才得以在建委办理了夜施证。否则,别看这件小事,影响的可是工期这件大事。处理好周边关系还会受益呢!一个好的外部关系的处理就能节约1300万,一件扰民纠纷处理不好就影响工期,一个公章盖不下来房子就交不了„„,这决定了项目总经理必须要挑起在外部为项目创造好的开发条件。 三、开源节流并用好资金是项目总经理的重要职责 在交房中,特别强调了电、自来水、中水与物业公司的交接,保证开发商不再承担任何费用,而改由物业公司从收上来的物业费中支出,为公司最大限度的节流。在移交中,将生活水箱间、电梯、消防控制室、锅炉房等功能用房,一并移交物业公司正式签字盖章,明确管理责任,避免出现诸如电梯停电等引起业主投诉,而开发商与物业公司之间扯不清责任的状况出现。 在商业销售中,只有竣工备案后,银行才放按揭,于是,随着竣工备案,明确客服部和商业部明确责任人催款,也是我的工作重点.就是这样,开源节流和盘活资金,毫无争议的是项目总经理份内职责。 四、打造凝聚力强的优秀项目管理团队事半功倍 项目管的好不好,关键在于团队建设的水平高低。 房地产项目中,部门多、链条长、专业跨度大,所以团队沟通和系统协调非常重要。项目50万平米同时开工,仅工程部经理按地块分就有3位,再加上预算部、采购部、开发部、人事部、财务部、保安部、企划部、商业销售部、住宅销售部、合约部、客服部、技术部共15位职能部门经理,当时有二位副总,再加上有的部门有副职,光认人记住名字也要二三天,可见这么多部门协调一致去完成一件工作,需要多大工作量。凝聚人心就一定要让项目每个员工了解公司的工作计划,从而去统一思想。形成合力。为此,周一我亲自主持项目全体人员的晨会,除向每位员工交待本周工作重点外,还会点评上周工作,对有责任心并在日常工作中做出成绩的员工点名表扬,对管理中出现的问题加latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 以分析,并批评责任人。我一直认为,一个团队风气必须正,必须奖勤罚懒、奖优罚劣、能者上、庸者下,只有这样才会调动每一位员工的工作积极性,才能树立 “把本职工作当成自己家的事一样去干”的良好氛围。 项目共经历的几大阶段:一是主体工程封顶,二是为保证冬施的供气供暖及安装门窗,三是一期工程顺利竣工验收,四是一期正式通电和供水并如期交房。在这几个重要阶段中,明确了主要责任人,并让他们受到口头、书面、出国旅游、加薪、特殊贡献奖、升职等奖励。这些举措让大家懂得,只要努力、只要保证了公司计划的实现,公司就会认可你,作出贡献就会受奖。这样做的结果是项目人人奋勇,个个争先,责任心普遍提高,工程进度和质量得到保证.增强企业凝聚力还需要一些实实在在的举措.重视员工思想动态、加强沟通协调、推进项目文化建设、树立良好的风气,这样的努力,使项目团队凝聚力大大增强。 总之,房地产开发是一种投资行为,增收节支、控制风险、对外求支持、对内求团结,这都是项目总经理的角色定位。项目总经理在日益激烈的市场竞争中,位置会越来越重要,也会发挥越来越大的作用。 最近两年来,一直在关注智联招聘上关于房地产项目总经理的能力要求,同时同各种朋友也一直交流项目总经理的能力要求,项目总经理,其实看看这个名字就知道,它已经远远超出了施工单位项目经理的范畴,虽然我们企业的发展源头是施工出身,国内所有知名品牌的企业,包括万科、保利、富力等,都称之为项目总经理,实际上这已经是一个公司的概念,管理一个公司,当然需要管理公司的综合能力,而不是一个施工项目,只要手房地产项目总经理有哪些是所具备的素质下几大专业人员齐全,摆平质检、甲方就可以完成一个项目,房地产项目的投资大、风险大、时间长的特点已经决定了一个专业技术人员已经不能适应项目总经理的要求了。 身旁放着一本书《哈佛商业管理》,记得是5年在济南买的,对于上面关于总经理的描述虽然随着时代进步不是很全面,但感觉房地产公司可以借鉴一部分,因为我的latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 志向就是成为一个项目总经理,5年来,一直阅读,沈阳2年,更是此篇打印出来,置于笔记本包中,不离开身边,感悟很多 1、 深厚的涵养,心胸宽广,宽容,诚意,有打动人心的力量。 2、 启发部属的力量,我个人是这样认为这句话,就是团队作战,现在这个世界的复杂性,有些事物并没有 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 答案,包括房地产而言,目前的房地产行业已经发生了质的变化,已经不是过去,拿地、找人 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 、卖房子、数钱的那样简单了,需要各环节通力配合,产品深耕、成本节约、营销创新,因此做成功一件事情必须依靠团体作战。 3、 三分侠气,个人认为,对于总经理个人方面的考虑。 4、 获得老板信任 5、 计划能力,对于计划,几年来我有了新的感悟,所谓计划,不仅仅拥有调配各种资源编制计划的能力,还要有预见性调配资源解决问题、 实计划的能力。 6、 决断力与责任感 7、 成熟,个人感觉主要是品质方面的要求 8、 消除员工不安的能力 9、 要让人利用的本钱 10、 要能从不合理中发现道理 对于上面的叙述,并不是很全面,虽然能让人管中窥豹一番,但还是缺乏什么东西。笔者认为缺乏两点, 1、 上面叙述仅仅是共性,缺乏专业性。房地产一个项目的完成,实际上需要很多资源的支持,经过了土地----资金—规划---前期—工程—物业各个环节,每个环节都可以是一个独立运作的公司体制,都关系着项目运营的成败以及大量的外联存在,其中站在投资角度上,除了土地之外,工程又是牵涉投资比较大的环节,更是事关项目的latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 收益,因此对于项目总经理的要求更加业务专业性,业务综合性,熟悉房地产流程的各个环节,且必须熟悉工程管理、成本管理。 2、 上述对于信心、成功欲望的重视不足。这个世界是复杂的,房地产行业也是面对一个复杂的世界,目标客户的不确定性,导致了很多事情答案的不唯一性,想要把项目做成功,已经不仅仅是业务能力、知识能力的范房地产项目总经理有哪些是所具备的素质畴了,它需要包括道德范畴在内的更多的内容。借用西点军校对于军官的要求,诚信、责任、坚韧、信念 ---这也是对于上面的补充,八个字,相辅相成,只有对于项目做成功的信念,才能坚韧,才能把项目做成功当做一种责任,而这些,需要项目总经理诚信为人。 所以,对于上述汇总一下,项目总经理需要具备, 一、 道德能力,诚信、责任、坚韧、房地产项目总经理有哪些是所具备的素质信念。 二、 技能能力,上面叙述的关于《哈佛商业管理》的议论。 三、 知识能力,专业知识、社会常识、心理学知识等等 我们常说房地产的门槛是土地和资金,一个项目营销的成功40%是地买的成功,30%是定位做的准确,20%是营销执行到位,10%是少犯错误。可再成功的项目不也是人干出来的吗,同样的土地不同的人干效果如何,同样的定位不同的人干结果怎样,同样的错误不同的人应对结局又有何区别, 房地产需要什么样的人才,一个地产项目其实需要8个总经理 每逢8月3月,各大上市公司纷纷推出年报,举办业绩沟通会,高大冷艳处于食物链顶端的分析师们从庞杂的数据中整理出土地储备、利润率、现金流、负债率、净资产latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 收益率等关键指标,稍加咀嚼便可消化出“买入”“持有”或“卖出”的结论,牛逼的无以复加,佩服的目瞪口呆。 冷冰冰的 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 似乎不能反映企业核心管理团队的从业资历及是否稳定,凉薄的几百页报告也显示不出一线核心员工的热情高涨或心凉如水。数字推演出的结论固然有道理,但鲜活的一线不是更具有生命力吗,所以牛逼的路演就该请那些分析大拿到一线去,听骨干员工讲故事,听业主讲故事,再回办公室听老板讲故事。 我们常说房地产的门槛是土地和资金,一个项目营销的成功40%是地买的成功,30%是定位做的准确,20%是营销执行到位,10%是少犯错误。可再成功的项目不也是人干出来的吗,同样的土地不同的人干效果如何,同样的定位不同的人干结果怎样,同样的错误不同的人应对结局又有何区别, 结论不言而喻,优秀人才必然是优秀企业的核心竞争力之一。有的企业认识得到,政治清明,企业蒸蒸日上,大伙抬轿子上山,兵强马壮。有的老板妄自尊大,认为老子有钱天下第一,老子有地天下第一,老子有关系天下第一,老子有商业模式天下第一,或不尊重高层团队经营思考,或不照顾核心员工长期规划,或不关心青年员工储备培养,发展停滞不进则退,只得花几倍价钱从市场寻找靠谱或不靠谱的雇佣军解决问题,这样的例子也比比皆是。 关于人才,今天讨论几个问题, 1、房地产需要什么样的人才, 窃以为,身到,心到,眼到,手到,口到。 latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 所谓身到,就是要尽量事必躬亲,尽量多去一线接地气,搞营销读懂售楼处,搞工程就得两腿泥,没有经历过炮火的将军软蛋一个,没有开过盘交过楼的项目总也是花架子居多。 所谓心到,就是打这份工就要操这份心,打好这份工就要全心全意投入,将这份工打到最好就要为之激情澎湃,为之夜不能寐,不疯魔不成活呀, 所谓眼到,就是要眼里有活,随时保持警觉,及时发现问题。 所谓手到,就是能否解决问题是判断人才的首要标准。 所谓口到,没有一个行业更比房地产需要通过沟通来推进项目的。 总之,脑子清楚,善于沟通,有志向,无官气,有条理,无夸夸其谈,踏实做事,灵活做人是从事我们这个行业的基本标准。 2、每一个行当都有这个行当的独特气质 项目总经理就得镇得住场子,算得了细账,搞得定衙门,带得了团队,喝得了大酒,不耽误开会。 营销老总就得社会资源丰富,脑子活泛,见多识广,见风使舵,同时沉得住气,放得下身段,吃得了苦头,带得了兵,能打胜仗大仗硬仗也不怕打败仗。 工程老总就得扎得了领带,耍得了流氓,戴眼镜开会,撩起腿踢人,看得了图纸,骂得出脏话,拍得了马屁,装得出孙子。 设计老总就得喝得了红酒,住得惯安曼,打得好高尔夫,穿得起阿玛尼,当然也得改得了图纸,下得了工地,加得起夜班,吃得惯盒饭。 latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 办公室主任最不容易,一句话,应付得了任何人,不能答应任何事,还能和你乐哈哈。 3、一个项目的8任总经理 一个项目不同阶段的主要矛盾不一样,有些老板就在不同的阶段使用不同类型的总经理。 比如项目前期阶段就用开发见长的人做总经理,预售证拿下来就用营销人才做总经理,快交楼了调整工程老总做总经理,项目收尾阶段让办公室主任或者自己秘书上任锻炼锻炼,也不失为独特的一套用人逻辑。 4、榛棘不除,则兰蕙减色,害马不去,则骐骥短气 对于有潜质的人才,不加培养,不加使用,是人才的浪费,这还不是最可怕的。 可怕的是企业选人用人的机制单凭在上者的喜好或印象进行保举和提拔。难保不会有人潜心研究领导的喜好,领导的讲话稿,领导不喜欢的方方面面,于是你说的话就是领导的原话他能不赞同吗,你干的事都是刻意做给领导看的他能不喜欢吗,于是这些阴谋家野心家被当作人才重点培养和使用,严重干扰了企业正常经营选人用人的秩序。这些人上位干正事也就罢了,就怕要把自己付出的变本加厉在下属身上找补回来。 5、解决问题才有价值 除去专业层面的要素,人的品格意志价值观尤为重要。项目遇到困难,你是挺身而出还是全身而退,工作遇到问题,你是主动担当还是推卸责任,业主集体投诉,你是坦诚直面还是退避三舍, 员工通宵加班,你是带头尽快结束还是悄悄回家吃饭。 latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 这个行业不缺专家,不缺嘴炮,不缺眼里只有领导的马屁精,最后怎么样,靠墙墙倒靠山山跑,最后沉淀下来的不都是那些诚实劳动独立思考靠本事吃饭视解决问题为己任的人们。 6、千里马常有,而伯乐不常有 平台与人才,显然人才替代性更高,平台稀缺性更高。 千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。如果一个人感觉能在平台上发挥光热,甚至如鱼得水,千万要冷静不要膨胀,千万要感恩不要自恋,很可能平台离了你一切如常,而你离开了平台什么都不是。一个个体必须依托于平台才能发挥价值,未必每个平台你都适应,找到了,适应了,人家欣赏你,重用你,珍惜吧,那就是最好的时光。 最后这段是曾国藩的话,送给慈冰、甘放和海洋以及他们的偶像司马迁、孙膑和毛新宇。 古人患难忧患之际,正是德业长进之时,其功在于胸怀坦壤,其效在于身体康健,圣贤之所以为圣贤,佛家之所以成佛,所争皆在大难磨折之日,将此心放的实,养的灵,有活泼之胸襟,有坦荡荡之意境,则身体虽有外感,必不至于外伤 《非金钱激励员工的108种手段》 一、榜样激励 为员工树立一根行为标杆在任何一个组织里,管理者都是下属的镜子。可以说,只要看一看这个组织的管理者是如何对待工作的,就可以了解整个组织成员的工作态度。“表不正,不可求直影。”要让员工充满激情地去工作,管理者就先要做出一个样子来。1、领导是员工们的模仿对象2、激励别人之前,先要激励自己3、要让下属高效,自己不能低效4、latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 塑造起自己精明强干的形象5、做到一马当先、身先士卒6、用自己的热情引燃员工的热情7、你们干不了的,让我来8、把手“弄脏”,可以激励每一个员工9、在员工当中树立起榜样人物 二、目标激励 激发员工不断前进的欲望,人的行为都是由动机引起的,并且都是指向一定的目标的。这种动机是行为的一种诱因,是行动的内驱力,对人的活动起着强烈的激励作用。管理者通过设置适当的目标,可以有效诱发、导向和激励员工的行为,调动员工的积极性。10、让员工对企业前途充满信心11、用共同目标引领全体员工12、把握“跳一跳,够得着”的原则13、制定目标时要做到具体而清晰14、要规划出目标的实施步骤15、平衡长期目标和短期任务16、从个人目标上升到共同目标17、让下属参与目标的制定工作18、避免“目标置换”现象的发生三、授权激励重任在肩的人更有积极性有效授权是一项重要的管理技巧。不管多能千的领导,也不可能把工作全部承揽过来,这样做只能使管理效率降低,下属成长过慢。通过授权,管理者可以提升自己及下属的工作能力,更可以极大地激发起下属的积极性和主人翁精神。19、不要成为公司里的“管家婆”20、权力握在手中只是一件死物21、用“地位感”调动员工的积极性22、“重要任务”更能激发起工作热情23、准备充分是有效授权的前提24、在授权的对象上要精挑细选25、看准授权时机,选择授权方法26、确保权与责的平衡与对等27、有效授权与合理控制相结合 四、尊重激励 给人尊严远胜过给人金钱尊重是一种最人性化、最有效的激励手段之一。以尊重、重视自己的员工的方式来激励他们,其效果远比物质上的激励要来得更持久、更有效。可以说,尊重是激励员工的法宝,其成本之低,成效之卓,是其他激励手段都难以企及的。28、尊重是有效的零成本激励29、懂得尊重可得“圣贤归”30、对有真本事的大贤更要尊latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 崇31、责难下属时要懂得留点面子32、尊重每个人,即使他地位卑微33、不妨用请求的语气下命令34、越是地位高,越是不能狂傲自大35、不要叱责,也不要质问36、不要总是端着一副官架子37、尊重个性即是保护创造性38、尊重下属的个人爱好和兴趣五、沟通激励下属的干劲是“谈”出来的管理者与下属保持良好的关系,对于调动下属的热情,激励他们为企业积极工作有着特别的作用。而建立这种良好的上下级关系的前提,也是最重要的一点,就是有效的沟通。可以说,沟通之于管理者,就像水之于游鱼,大气之于飞鸟。39、沟通是激励员工热情的法宝30、沟通带来理解,理解带来合作41、建立完善的内部沟通机制42、消除沟通障碍,确保信息共享43、善于寻找沟通的“切入点”44、与员工顺畅沟通的七个步骤45、与下属谈话要注意先“暖身”46、沟通的重点不是说,而是听47、正确对待并妥善处理抱怨48、引导部属之间展开充分沟通 六、信任激励 诱导他人意志行为的良方领导与员工之间应该要肝胆相照。你在哪个方面信任他,实际上也就是在哪个方面为他勾画了其意志行为的方向和轨迹。因而,信任也就成为了激励诱导他人意志行为的一种重要途径。而管理不就是要激励诱导他人的意志行为吗,49、信任是启动积极性的引擎50、用人不疑是驭人的基本方法51、对业务骨干更要充分信赖52、信任年轻人,开辟新天地53、切断自己怀疑下属的后路54、向下属表达信任的14 种方法55、用人不疑也可以做点表面文章56、既要信任,也要激起其自信七、宽容激励胸怀宽广会让人甘心效力宽容是一种管理艺术,也是激励员工的一种有效方式。管理者的宽容品质不仅能使员工感到亲切、温暖和友好,获得安全感,更能化为启动员工积极性的钥匙,激励员工自省、 自律、自强,让他们在感动之中甘心情愿地为企业效力。57、宽宏大量是做领导的前提58、宽容是一种重要的激励方式59、原谅别人就是在为自己铺路60、给犯错误的下属一个改正的机会61、得理而饶人更易征服下属62、对下属的冒犯不妨装装“糊涂”63、latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 善待“异己”可迅速“收拢”人心64、容许失败就等于鼓励创新65、要能容人之短、用人所长66、敢于容人之长更显得自己高明 八、赞美激励 效果奇特的零成本激励法人都有做个“重要”人物的欲望,都渴望得到别人的赞美和肯定。赞美是一种非常有效而且不可思议的推动力量,它能赋予人一种积极向上的力量,能够极大地激发人对事物的热情。用赞美的方式激励员工,管理者所能得到的将会远远地大于付出。67、最让人心动的激励是赞美68、“高帽子”即使不真也照样塑造人69、用欣赏的眼光寻找下属的闪光点70、懂得感恩才能在小事上发现美71、摆脱偏见,使称赞公平公正72、赞美到点上才会有良好的效果73、当众赞美下属时要注意方式74、对新老员工的赞美要有区别 九、情感激励让下属在感动中奋力打拼 一个领导能否成功,不在于有没有人为你打拼,而在于有没有人心甘情愿地为你打拼。须知,让人生死相许的不是金钱和地位,而是一个情字。一个关切的举动、几句动情的话语、几滴伤心的眼泪,比高官厚禄的作用还要大上千百倍。75、感情如柔水,却能无坚不摧76、征服了“心”就能控制住“身”77、你要“够意思”,别人才能“够意思”78、“知遇之恩”也是可以制造的79、替下属撑腰,他就会更加忠心80、不可放过雪中送炭的机会 房地产职业经理人须具备的素质 打牢基础知识掌握好经营管理知识和艺术,通晓房地产项目或房地产企业的各项专业知识,以及整个房地产开发工作流程,具有对所负责工作较强的运作本领。作为房地产职业经理人,不仅要具备企业管理、项目动作、财务、技术、销售等知识,也要懂得 人力资源 卫生院人力资源管理制度人力资源管理咨询——主要流程人力资源管理课程教学大纲某公司人力资源分析报告护理人力资源调配方案及措施 的管理,担负选拔人才的责任。同时还要具备较强的理财能力。职业经理人的latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 重要职责之一就是要搞好财务监督,做个好“管家”。因此,职业经理人应具备一定的财务知识,应能看懂反映企业财政状况的各种财务报表和其他指标,严格控制支出。具有较强的敬业精神和对企业和雇主的忠诚度一个合格的房地产职业经理人必须具有较强的爱岗敬业精神、对企业和雇主的忠诚度,把企业或项目的效益与自己的前程和效益紧密挂钩,做到企兴我荣,企衰我耻。 职业经理人最可宝贵的不是自己的薪酬,而是自己的名声。“人过留名雁过留声”的道理一定要记得。一定不要做损害原企业利益的事情,一定不要对同事做阴暗卑鄙的小人勾当。在任何一家企业,只要你干一天,就要全心投入,敬业爱岗。简言之,一个房地产职业经理人要对自己的职业岗位始终怀着一种敬畏的精神,始终主伙你的工作岗位是神圣的崇高的,你不是在为别人打工,你是在书写你自己的人生履历,每一次书写都应毕恭毕敬,记录在人生履历上的文字都要工工整整,每一个过程获得的成绩都要追求优秀。调整好心态,做到宠辱不惊,具有良好的人格魅力在中国目前的房地产企业,职业经理人的人格魅力仍然是影响经营班子好坏的重要因素,只有职业经理人这个头带好了,才会带出一个好的管理队伍。 打工无尊卑,无论你今天是普通工程师,还是贵为总经理,心态上都要保持平衡一致,反映在具体表现上就是与人为善,永远保持谦虚谨慎。 且勿太注重商薪。如果你今天能够赚到你的月薪自己觉得还可以,就不要处心积虑谋求升值加薪。能够做到激流勇退。当感觉到自己已经爬到顶峰时,无论职位还是薪酬都已经达到了无法再逾越的高度,一定要开始寻找全身而退的道路,换句话讲,如果你已经达到顶峰,而还赖在这个位子上不寻求变化,就是你的失败。在这方面,房地产界的例子非常多。如早期的林少洲离开北京万科,近期的陈长春离开金地集团等等。 培养自己的管理能力而不是亲自动力手能力?一个房地产职业经理人如果能成为一个好的聆听者,那么他就能满足每一名员工的需要了,?你也许是一个很能干的经理,但latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 如果你不能准备好做一个好的演讲家,你的光芒就无不显示了。如果你想成为一名出色的房地产职业经理人那就要努力提高你的演讲能力,?作为一名房地产职业经理人,你要经常激励员工自觉地努力工作。同时你也要经常进行自我激励。?作为一名房地产职业经理人,你必须知道什么是必须做的,但不必知道如何去做它,作为一个企业领导必须学会把权力授予适当的人。授权的真正手段是要能够给人以责任、 赋予权力,并要保证有一个良好的报告反馈系统。最成功的领导者是那些把工作授权给别人去做的人,是把下属培养为领导者的人,是把领导者变为变革者的人。陈长春是金地集团教养出的杰出人才,他1994年进入金地,因成绩突出,从弄虚作假普通工程师迅速成长起来,曾先后主持金地多个项目的市场营销全程工作台并取得优异成绩,创造了多个同行业中的 “深圳第一”,之后金地首次开辟民地市场,陈长春被外派。通过他带领的团队,金地北京公司获得了金地格林小镇、金地国际花园品牌建设各市场热销双丰收,金地北京公司已经跻身北京房地产一流企业的行列,在项目开发和团队建设诸方面都积累了成功的经验。做好健康管理,经理人在工作之时,为了成功,往往不顾自己的身体及健康,认为事业才是一个人最重要的支柱。许多立志要成功但最后壮志难酬的企业领导人,往往是因为不能战胜他最大的敌人,这个敌人就是自己不健康身体。如果你每天工作都很疲惫的话,你的健康一定会被拖垮,因此要早一点关心你的健康。身体是革命的本钱,只有身心健康的人才胜任职业经理人的角色,才能有条件为企业,雇主,奉献心智才力。均瑶集团的王均瑶英年早逝,丢下曾经的理想与一手打下的江山,虽然他的成就的目共睹,但他的早逝却令人扼腕叹息。 均瑶事件后,许多职业经理人也意识到,如果没有健康的身体,一切到最后只是一句空话。美国管理界流行着一个观点,不会管理自己身体的人亦无资格管理他人,不会经营自己健康的人就不会经营自己的事业。 优化时间管理将时间看成生命工程,分秒必争,把有效的时间放到最重要的工作上,latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 做到单位时间内获得的效益和效率最大化,以提升时间效益。 时间管理的关键其实是对习惯的管理。有人说过,养成一个好习惯,比一年赚100万还有价值。创造习惯就是创造自己,创造自己就是创造未来,任何人都不能否认习惯在左右我们的命运。成功者, “习惯”之积也, “习惯”者,成功之器也。没有好的习惯,事业很难成功。习惯不会说话,但却是你行为的代言人。 培养抓工作重点的能力和意识 房地产职业经理人一定要培养和逐步具有将问题分出轻重缓急,解决问题也要按主次和重要程度来排序的能力和意识。把主要的精力和有效的时间用于解决关键和重要的事情上。 具有危机管理意识和能力,善于处理危机或突发事件的能力也是对一个房地产职业经理人的要求。 企业的发展不可避免地会出现短期或长期的危机及不可预测的突发事件,怎样才能最大限度地降低负面效应,减少危机对企业正常的生产经营的冲击,带领员工奋发图强,走危机笼罩的阴影,是优秀职业经理人必备的素质之一。 具有不断学习能力,坚持不断充电。随着知识经济的到来,技术发展是新月异,高科技产品换代迅速,为企业的经营和管理产生的深远影响。为适应这一变化,作为职业经理人,要做学习培训的鼓吹者和实践者,只有不断学习、不断提高自己,才能深入和了解当今国内乃至世界上本行业的前沿情况和发展趋势,只有这样,才能保持战略性的远见卓识和高质量的决策水平。 文化和创新能力的培养?清晰了解自己的值价观和个性,找出你的个性与理想的联系,把个人价值观与职业价值观结合在一起,以统一的价值观对待工作与生活,?学会用故事描述你的价值观和公司的价值观是怎样联系在一起的,通过日常的领导工作传达给下属,?充分利用机会来验证由你的个性所驱支的每一个决策,最终让 “做正确的选择”成为你的习惯,?培养自己的观察能力。观察是另一种非常有效的 “隐性需求分析”latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth ,HNA,手段,通过观察投资者,老板,的表情、言行和动作等细微处,可以了解投资 者,老板,的隐性需求。通过观察客户的肢体语言和其它细微的姿态,能够抓住客户隐 性需求的一些线索,而这些线索常常是被忽略了, ?一个房地产职业经理人要有为他人着想的精神,不可缺少的是善良和诚实之心。善良 和诚实是把事业永远推向繁荣的根本。 latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth
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