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卫生间洁具安装010卫生间洁具安装010 鲁JJ-005 0 1 0 山东万得福装饰工程有限工程名称 施工单位 公司 交底部位 工序名称 洁具安装 交底提要:洁具安装的相关材料、机具准备、质量要求及施工工艺。 交底内容: 1,材料要求 1.1 卫生洁具的规格、型号必须符合设计要求,并有出厂产品合格证。卫生洁具外观应规矩、造型周正,表面光滑、美观、无裂纹,边缘平滑,色调一致。 1.2 卫生洁具零件规格应标准,质量应可靠,外表光滑,电镀均匀,螺纹清晰,锁母松紧适度,无砂眼、裂纹等缺陷。 1.3 卫生洁具的水箱应采用节水型 。...

卫生间洁具安装010 鲁JJ-005 0 1 0 山东万得福装饰工程有限工程名称 施工单位 公司 交底部位 工序名称 洁具安装 交底提要:洁具安装的相关 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 、机具准备、质量要求及施工工艺。 交底内容: 1,材料要求 1.1 卫生洁具的规格、型号必须符合设计要求,并有出厂产品合格证。卫生洁具外观应规矩、造型周正,表面光滑、美观、无裂纹,边缘平滑,色调一致。 1.2 卫生洁具零件规格应 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,质量应可靠,外表光滑,电镀均匀,螺纹清晰,锁母松紧适度,无砂眼、裂纹等缺陷。 1.3 卫生洁具的水箱应采用节水型 。 1.4 其它材料:镀锌管件、皮钱截止阀、八字阀门、水嘴、丝扣返水弯、排水口、镀锌燕尾螺栓、螺母、胶皮板、铜丝、油灰、铅皮、螺丝、焊锡、铅油、麻丝、石棉绳、白水泥、白灰膏等均应符合材料标准要求。 2,主要机具 2.1 机具:套丝机、砂轮机、砂轮锯、手电钻、冲击钻。 2.2 工具:管钳、手锯、铁、布剪子、活板手、叉扳手、手锤、手铲、錾子、等。 2.3 其它:水平尺、划规、线坠、小线、盒尺等。 3,作业条件 3.1 所有与卫生洁具连接的管道压力、闭水试验已完毕,并已办好隐预检手续。 3.2其它卫生洁具应在室内装修基本完成后再进行稳装。 4,操作工艺 (1) 箱坐便器安装: A 背水箱配件安装: purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the 鲁JJ-005 0 1 0 山东万得福装饰工程有限工程名称 施工单位 公司 交底部位 工序名称 洁具安装 交底提要:洁具安装的相关材料、机具准备、质量要求及施工工艺。 (a) 背水箱中带溢水管的排水口安装与塞风安装相同。溢水管口应低于水箱固定螺孔10—20mm. (b) 背水箱浮球阀安装与高水箱相同,有补水管者把补水管上好后煨弯至溢水管口。 (c) 安装扳手时,先将圆盘塞入背水箱左上角方孔内,把圆盘上入方螺母内用管钳拧至松紧适度,把挑杆煨好勺弯,将扳手轴插入圆盘孔内,套上挑杆拧紧顶丝。 (d) 安装背水箱翻板式排水时,将挑杆与翻板用尼龙线连接好,扳动扳手使挑杆上翻板活动自如。 B背水箱、坐便器稳装: (a) 将坐便器预留排水管口周围清理干净,取下临时管堵,检查管内有无杂物。 (b) 将坐便器出水口对准预留排水口放平找正,在坐便器两侧固定螺栓眼处画好印记后,移开坐便器,将印记做好十字线。在十字线中心处剔φ20*60mm的孔洞,把φ10mm螺栓插入孔洞内用水泥栽牢,将坐便器试稳,使固定螺栓与坐便器吻合,移开坐便器。将坐便器排水口及排水管口周围抹上油灰后将便器对准螺栓放平,找正,螺栓上套好胶皮垫、眼圈上螺母拧至松紧适度。 (c) 对准坐便器尾部中心,在墙上画好垂直线,在距地平800cm高度画水平线。根据水箱背面固定孔眼的距离,在水平线上画好十字线。在十字线中心处剔φ30*70深的孔洞,把带有燕尾的镀锌螺栓(规格φ10*100mm)插入孔洞内,用水泥栽牢。将背水箱挂在螺栓上放平,找正。与坐便器中心对正,螺栓上套好胶皮垫,带上眼圈、螺母拧至松紧适度。坐便器无进水锁母的可采用胶皮碗的连接办法。上水八字水门的连接方法与高水箱相同。(3) 洗脸盆安装 A洗脸盆零件安装: purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the 技术交底 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 鲁JJ-005 0 1 0 山东万得福装饰工程有限工程名称 施工单位 公司 交底部位 工序名称 洁具安装 交底提要:洁具安装的相关材料、机具准备、质量要求及施工工艺。 (a) 安装脸盆下水口:先将下水口根母、眼圈、胶垫卸下,将上垫垫好油灰后插入脸盆排水口孔内,下水口中的溢水口要对准脸盆排水口中的溢水口眼。外面另上垫好油灰的胶垫,套上眼圈,带上根母,再用自制扳手卡住排水口十字筋,用平口扳手上根母至松紧适度。 (b) 安装脸盆水嘴:先将水嘴根母,锁母卸下,在水嘴根部垫好油灰,插入脸盆给水孔眼,下面再套上胶垫眼圈,带上根母后左手按住水嘴,右手用自制八字死扳手将锁母紧至松紧适度。 B洗脸盆稳装: (a) 洗脸盆支架安装:应按照排水管口中心在墙上画出竖线,由地面向上量出规定的高度,画出水平线,根据盆宽在水平线上画出支架位臵的十字线。按印记剔成φ30*120mm孔洞。将脸盆支架找平栽牢。再将脸盆臵于支架上找平、找正。将φ4螺栓上端插到脸盆下面固定孔内,下端插入支架孔内,带上螺母拧至松紧适度。 (b) 铸铁架洗脸盆安装:按上述方法找好十字线,按印记剔成φ15*700mm孔洞,栽好铅皮卷,采用21/2″螺丝将盆架固定于墙上,将活动架的固定螺栓松开,拉出活动架将架勾勾在盆下固定孔内,拧紧盆架的固定螺栓,找平、找正。 C洗脸盆排水管连接: (a) S型存水弯的连接:应在脸盆排水口丝扣下端涂铅油,缠少许麻丝。将存水弯上节拧在排水口上,松紧适度。再将存水弯下节的下端缠油盘根绳插在排水管口内,将胶垫放在存水弯的连接处,把锁母用手拧紧后调直找正。再用扳手拧至松紧适度。用油灰将下水管口塞严、抹平。 (b) P型存水弯的连接:应在脸盆排水口丝扣下端涂铅油,缠少许麻丝。将存水弯立节拧 purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evac3 uation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the 鲁JJ-005 0 1 0 山东万得福装饰工程有限工程名称 施工单位 公司 交底部位 工序名称 洁具安装 交底提要:洁具安装的相关材料、机具准备、质量要求及施工工艺。 在排水口上,松紧适度。再将存水弯横节按需要长度配好。把锁母和护口盘背靠背套在横节上,在端头缠好油盘根绳,试安高度是否合适,如不合适可用立节调整,然后把胶垫放在锁口内,将锁母拧至松紧适度。把护口盘内填满油灰后向墙面找平、按实。将外溢油灰除掉,擦净墙面,将下水口处外露麻丝清理干净。 D洗脸盆给水管连接: 首先量好尺寸,配好短管。装上八字水门。再将短管另一端丝扣处涂油、缠麻、拧在预留给水管口(如果是暗装管道,带护口盘,要先将护口盘套在短节上,管子上完后,将护口盘内填满油灰,向墙面找平、按实,清理外溢油灰)至松紧适度。将铜管(或塑料管)按尺寸断好,需煨灯叉弯者把弯煨好。将八字水门与水嘴的锁母卸下,背靠背套在铜管(或塑料管)上,分别缠好油盘根绳或铅油麻线,上端插入水嘴根部,下端插入八字水门中口,分别拧好上、下锁母至松紧适度。找直、找正,并将外露麻丝清理干净。 ,4,蹲便器稳装: (a) 首先,将胶皮碗套在蹲便器进水口上,要套正,套实。用成品喉箍紧固(或用14#铜丝分别绑二道,但不允许压结在一条线上,铜丝拧紧要错位90度左右)。 (b) 将预留排水管口周围清扫干净,把临时管堵取下,同时检查管内有无杂物。找出排水管口的中心线,并画在墙上。用水平尺(或线坠)找好竖线。 将下水管承口内抹上油灰,蹲便器位臵下铺垫白灰膏,然后将蹲便器排水口插入排水管承口内稳好。同时用水平尺放在蹲便器上沿,纵横双向找平、找正。使蹲便器 进水口对准墙上中心线。同时蹲便器二侧用砖砌好抹光,将蹲便器排水口与排水管承口接触处的油灰压实、抹光。最后将蹲便器排水口用临时堵封好。 (c) 稳装多联蹲便器时,应先检查排 purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the 技术交底记录 鲁JJ-005 0 1 0 山东万得福装饰工程有限工程名称 施工单位 公司 交底部位 工序名称 洁具安装 交底提要:洁具安装的相关材料、机具准备、质量要求及施工工艺。 水管口标高、甩口距墙尺寸是否一致。找出标准地面标高,向上测量好蹲便器需要的高度,用小线找平,找好墙面距离,然后按上述方法逐个进行稳装。 (d) 延时自闭冲洗阀的安装:冲洗阀的中心高度为1100mm。根据冲洗阀至胶皮碗的距离,断好90度弯的冲洗管,使两端合适。将冲洗阀锁母和胶圈卸下,分别套在冲洗管直管段上,将弯管的下端插入胶皮碗内40—50mm,用喉箍卡牢。再将上端插入冲洗阀内,推上胶圈,调直找正,将锁母拧至松紧适度。 扳把式冲洗阀的扳手应朝向右侧。按钮式冲洗阀的按钮应朝向正面。 (5) 立式小便器安装 A立式小便器安装前应检查给、排水预留管口是否在一条垂线上,间距是否一致。符合要求后按照管口找出中心线。将下水管周围清理干净,取下临时管堵,抹好油灰,在立式小便器下铺垫水泥、白灰膏的混合灰(比例为1:5)。将立式小便器稳装找平、找正。立式小便器与墙面、地面缝隙嵌入白水泥浆抹平、抹光。 B将八字水门丝扣抹铅油、缠麻、带入给水口,用扳子上至松紧适度。其护口盘应与墙面靠严。八字水门出口对准鸭嘴锁口,量出尺寸,断线铜管,套上锁母及扣碗,分别插入鸭嘴和八字水门出水口内。缠油盘根绳拧紧锁母拧至松紧适度。然后将扣碗加油灰按平。 ,6, 成品保护 6.1 洁具在搬运和安装时要防止磕碰。稳装后洁具排水口应用防护用品堵好,镀铬零件用纸包好,以免堵塞或损坏。 6.2 在釉面砖、水磨石墙面孔洞时,宜用手电钻或先用小錾子剔掉釉面,等剔至砖底灰层处方可用力,但不得过猛,以免将面层剔碎或震成空鼓现象。 purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evac5 uation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the 鲁JJ-005 0 1 0 山东万得福装饰工程有限工程名称 施工单位 公司 交底部位 工序名称 洁具安装 交底提要:洁具安装的相关材料、机具准备、质量要求及施工工艺。 6.3 洁具稳装后,为防止配件丢失或损坏,如拉链、堵链等材料、配件应在竣工前统一安装。 6.4 安装完的洁具应加以保护,防止洁具瓷面受损和整个洁具损坏。 6.5 通水试验前应检查地漏是否畅通,分户立阀门是否关好,然后按层段分房间逐一进行通水试验,以免漏水使装修工程受损。 6.6 在冬季室内不通暖时,各种洁具必须将水放净。存水弯应无积水,以免将洁具和存水弯冻裂。 ,7,应注意的质量问题 7.1管钳。应采用平面扳手或自制扳手。 7.2 坐便器与背水箱中心没对正,弯管歪扭。原因:划线不对中,便器稳装不正或先稳背箱,后稳便器。 7.3 坐便器周围离开地面。原因:下水管口预留过高,稳装前没修理。 7.4 洁具溢水失灵。原因:下水口无溢水眼。 7.5 通水之前,将器具内污物清理干净,不得借通水之便将污物冲入下水管内,以免管道堵塞。 项目(专业) 交底人 接受交底人 技术负责人 注:本记录一式两份,一份交底单位存,一份接受交底单位存。山东省建设工程质量监督总站监制 purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the
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