首页 中药饮片管理制度



中药饮片管理制度中药饮片管理制度 1、为加强中药饮片管理,体现中药治病特色,发扬祖国传统医药,根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》等相关法律法规,特制定本制度。 2、医疗机构必须向具有合法生产、经营资格的饮片生产、经营企业购入中药饮片。 3、购进进口中药饮片应有加盖供货单位质检部门原印章的《进口药材批件》及《进口药材中药报告书》复印件。 4、购进中药饮片,必须标明品名、规格、产地、生产企业、产品批号、生产日期、购进数量、购进价格、购进日期等内容。票据和购进记录保存至超过药品有效期一年,但不得少于三年。 5、医疗机构购进的中药...

中药饮片 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 1、为加强中药饮片管理,体现中药治病特色,发扬祖国传统医药,根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》等相关法律法规,特制定本制度。 2、医疗机构必须向具有合法生产、经营资格的饮片生产、经营企业购入中药饮片。 3、购进进口中药饮片应有加盖供货单位质检部门原印章的《进口药材批件》及《进口药材中药报告书》复印件。 4、购进中药饮片,必须标明品名、规格、产地、生产企业、产品批号、生产日期、购进数量、购进价格、购进日期等内容。票据和购进记录保存至超过药品有效期一年,但不得少于三年。 5、医疗机构购进的中药饮片应有包装,包装必须印有或者贴有标签,包装不符合规定要求的,不得购进和使用,实施批准文号管理的中药饮片还应注明批准文号。 6、验收中药饮片应符合规定,对照实物进行品名、规格、批号、生产厂家以及数量的核对,并附有质量合格的标志。如发现有质量不合格现象或票货不符的,有权拒收,不得入库。 7、中药饮片出库应执行先产先出、先进先出、易变先出的原则,不合格饮片一律不得出库。 8、在库中药饮片应定期进行养护,根据药品特性及季节变化特点,采取干燥、降氧、熏蒸、除湿等方法进行养护。 9、中药饮片装斗前应进行质量复核,不得错斗、串斗。饮片斗前应写正名正字。 10、配方使用的中药饮片,必须是经过加工炮制的中药品种。 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, and diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy interstitial difference with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis and normal processing; emergency treatment of hemorrhage of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and 中药饮片采购制度及流程 1、采购中药饮片必须严格按《药品管理法》、 《药品经营质量管理 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 》及医院的相关规定执行。 2、保管员根据库存与临床用药情况提出采购 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,采购员根据保管提出计 划拟定采购计划,报药剂科负责人审核后交主管院长审批后,采购员从已备案合法的供应单位购进中药饮片。 3、购进中药饮片必须坚持公开、公平、公正的原则,考察、选择合法、合格的中药饮片供应单位。严禁擅自提高饮片等级、以次充好,为个人或单位谋取不正当利益。 4、采购中药饮片,应当验证供货公司提供的《营业执照》《药品经营许可证》《GSP证书》、销售人员的授权委托书、资格证明、身份证复印件。 首营企业还必须与原件对照,填写首营企业审批表和首营品种审批表以及产品所属生产企业的《营业执照》、《药品生产许可证》、《GSP证书》、销售人员的授权委托书、资格证明、身份证复印件,所提供的所有资料均需加盖公司原印章,审查合格后归档保存以备查。 5、每年与中药饮片供应单位签订明确质量条款的“药品采购 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 ”和“廉政协议”,供应单位保证所供药品是合法,质量合格的药品。 6、所购中药饮片应有包装,中药饮片包装上应有生产企业、品名、产地、 产品批号、生产日期、药品生产许可证号。实施批准文号管理的中药饮片,还应当验证注册证书并将复印件存档备查。每批中药饮片还需提供质量检验报告。 7、中药饮片的购进坚持“按需进货择优选择、质量第一”的原则,注重药品购进时的时效性和合理性。做到供应及时,合理使用。 8、 购进进口中药饮片应有加盖供货单位质量管理部门原印章的《进口药材 批件》及《进口药材检验报告书》复印件。 9、 该炮制而未炮制的中药饮片不得购入。 10、每年应当对供应单位供应的中药饮片质量进行评估,并根据评估结果及 时调整供应单位和供应 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, and diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy interstitial difference with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis and normal processing; emergency treatment of hemorrhage of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and 11、采购流程: 保管员提出计划 采购员拟定采购计划 科主任审查 主管院 长审批 采购员按批准采购。 中药饮片验收管理制度 1、验收员应按照法定标准和合同规定的质量条款对购进的中药饮片进行逐批验收; 2、验收时应同时对中药饮片的包装、标签及有关要求的证明或文件进行逐一检查; 3、验收应按照规定的方法进行抽样检查; 4、验收应按规定做好验收记录,记载供货单位、数量、到货日期、品名、规格、生产厂商、生产日期、质量状况、验收结论和验收人员等项内容; 实施批准文号管理的中药饮片还应记载药品的批准文号和生产批号; 5、验收记录应保存至超过药品有效期一年,但不得少于二年; 6、对特殊管理的中药饮片,应实行双人验收制度。 中草药保管制度 1、中草药应按计划购进,严把入库验收质量关。 2、中草药仓库应整洁卫生,药缸或贮器应物名相符。 3、要努力做好防虫、防霉、防鼠、防盗等工作,个别品种应及时翻晒清洗,严把质量关。 4、药品的调拔、领发应遵循先进先出的原则。 5、注意防火、防盗,关闭门窗落好锁,做好库房安全保卫工作。 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, and diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy interstitial difference with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis and normal processing; emergency treatment of hemorrhage of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and 中药饮片储存与陈列管理制度 1、应按照中药饮片储存条件的要求专库、分类储存,按温湿度要求储存于相应库中,易串味药品应单独存放; 2、中药饮片应按其特性采取干燥、通风、避光、阴凉、对抗方法养护,根据实际需要采取防尘、防潮、防污染以及防虫、防鼠、等措施; 3、中药饮片应定期采取养护措施,按季度对饮片全部巡检一遍。夏秋季节,即每年 5—9 月份梅雨期,每月要将全部饮片检查一遍; 4、中药饮片装斗前应进行装斗复核,不得错斗、串斗,并做好记录; 5、中药饮片装斗前应进行净选、过筛,定期清理格斗,饮片标签应写正名、正字,与药典名、医院处方给付管理办法规定相一致,防止混淆、混药; 6、饮片上柜应执行先生产先出、先进先出,易变先出的装斗原则; 、每天应校对所有衡器具,工作完毕后整理调剂台,保持室内、调剂台清7 洁,无杂物; 8、不合格中药饮片的处理按有关制度执行处理,严禁不合格药品上柜发放;发现质量问题,应立即报告质量管理部门,并采取有效措施。 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, and diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy interstitial difference with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis and normal processing; emergency treatment of hemorrhage of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and 中药饮片的调配管理制度 1、严把饮片销售质量关,销售的中药饮片应符合炮制规范,并做到计量准确,配方使用的中药饮片,必须是经过加工炮制的中药品种; 2、中药饮片必须凭医师开具的处方销售,经处方审核人员审核后方可调配和销售,调配或销售人员均应在处方上签字或盖章,处方留存一年备查; 3、中药处方调剂员、审核员应严格按处方内容配药、销售,对处方所列药品不得擅自更改; 4、对有配伍禁忌或者超剂量的处方应当拒绝调配销售,必要时,经处方医师更正或重新签字,方可调配、销售; 5、严格按配方、发药操作规程操作,坚持一审方、二核价、三配方、四核对、五发药的程序; 、按方配制,称准分匀,总量误差不大于?2%,剂量误差不大于? 5%。处6 方配完后,应先自行核对,无误后签字交处方复核员复核,严格审查无误签字后方可发给病人; 7、应对先煎、后下、包煎、分煎、烊化、兑服等特殊用法单包注明,并向病人交待清楚,并主动耐心介绍服用方法; 8、配方人员不得自带配方,对鉴别不清、有疑问的处方及时与处方医师联系,外带处方不配,并向病人讲清楚情况,或经过本院医师审核后重新开具; 9、代煎处方要严格按照医院待煎中药制度要求,仔细填写中药代煎卡,不能漏项。并及时向病人交代取药时间等事项。 10、配方用毒性中药饮片按特殊管理药品制度执行。 11、中药处方调剂员、审核员应严格按照处方内容配药、发药,对处方所列药品不得擅自更改和代用。对有配伍禁忌或者超剂量的处方应当拒绝调配,必要时,经处方医师更正或重新签字,方可调配、发药。 12、配方用毒性中药饮片按特殊管理药品的制度执行。 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, and diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy interstitial difference with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis and normal processing; emergency treatment of hemorrhage of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and
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