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考博英语翻译与写作考博英语翻译与写作 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱 其所为,所以动心忍性,增益其所不能。 When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man, it always first frustrates his spirit and will, exhausts his muscles and b...

考博英语翻译与写作 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱 其所为,所以动心忍性,增益其所不能。 When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man, it always first frustrates his spirit and will, exhausts his muscles and bones, exposes him to starvation and poverty, harasses him by troubles and setbacks so as to stimulate his spirit, toughen his nature and enhance his abilities. 天行健,君子以自强不息。 As Heaven’s movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without learning ends in danger. 追忆往事 (英译汉) The old lady had always been proud of the great rose-tree in her garden, and was fond of telling how it had grown from a cutting she had brought years before from Italy, when she was first married. She and her husband had been travelling back in their carriage from Rome (it was before the time of railways) and on a bad piece of road south of Siena they had broken down, and had been forced to pass the night in a little house by the road-side. The accommodation was wretched of course; she had spent a sleepless night, and rising early had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn. She could still, after all these years, remember the blue mountains with the bright moon above them, and how a far-off town on one of the peaks had gradually grown whiter and whiter, till the moon faded, the mountains were touched with the pink of the rising sun, and suddenly the town was lit as by an illumination, one window after another catching and reflecting the sun’s beam, till at last the whole little city twinkled and sparkled up in the sky like a nest of stars. 老太太总以自家花园里那棵高大的玫瑰树为荣.她非常喜欢告诉别人,数年前她 初次结婚时从罗马带回来的枝条,是如何长成如今这般高大的.那时,她与丈夫乘 马车从罗马旅行归来(那时还没有火车),途经锡耶那南部的崎岖路段时,马车坏 了,他们被迫就宿于路边的小屋里.住宿条件当然非常差;她一夜未能安眠,一早 便起身穿好衣服,立于窗前,感受着扑面而来的席席凉风,等待着黎明的到来.事 隔多年,她仍然记得那情景.明月高悬在青山群峦之上.远处山峰上的小镇逐渐明 亮起来,月亮慢慢消退,晨曦把群山涂得粉红.突然之间,一束阳光照亮了城镇.城 里的窗户相继明亮起来,反射出耀眼的光芒.最后,整个小城宛若繁星,在天空中 不停闪烁. 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 探讨死亡(汉译英) 世上只有一种愿望可以实现,也仅有一种事物绝对能得到,那便是死亡。但因 身处境地的不同,没人能告诉我们是否死得其所。我们不停向着梦想前进,不肯 稍作休息,这形成了一幅奇异的画面:不知疲倦,勇于冒险的先锋。的确,我们永远 不会达到目标,甚至目的地根本就不存在;即使活上几百年,被赋予神的力量,我 们最终也不能接近目标多少。啊辛劳的双手! 啊,不知疲倦的双脚,一直不停地奔 走,却不知要到何方。不久,你便会发现,你必须登上某些显著的山头,然而在不远 处,在夕阳的照耀下,你会看到黄金国的尖顶。身处于幸福之中,你却没有觉察: 旅行远比抵达要充满乐趣;真正的成功就在于奋斗。 There is only one wish realizable on the earth; only one thing that can be perfectly attained: Death. And from a variety of circumstances we have no one to tell us whether it be worth attaining. A strange picture we make on our way to our chimaeras, ceaselessly marching, grudging ourselves the time for rest; indefatigable, adventurous pioneers. It is true that we shall never reach the goal; it is even more than probable that there is no such place; and if we lived for centuries and were endowed with the powers of a god, we should find ourselves not much nearer what we wanted at the end. O toiling hands of mortals! O unwearied feet, travelling ye know not whither! Soon, soon, it seems to you, you must come forth on some conspicuous hilltop, and but a little way further, against the setting sun, descry the spires of El Dorado. Little do ye know your own blessedness; for to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- When it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing, some people think that use should be limited. Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to both arguments, but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles. 涉及北京机动车使用量增加这一问题,有的人认为应该限制使用。另一些人持相 反意见。也许双方的观点都有一定道理,但是,无论车辆多少,必须对废气排放 实行控制。 Most people are of the opinion that wealth provides solutions to all problems. But in spite of the material benefits wealth provides, I believe one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness. 大多数人认为财富为所有问题提供解决的办法。但是,我认为,尽管财富提供物质上的利益, 一个人应该放弃物质至上的追求,而是集中精力追求幸福。 Many people believe that capital punishment deters crime. But although criminologists have conducted exhaustive research regarding the subject, little evidence exists to support the claim. 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 很多人相信极刑能阻止犯罪。但是,虽然刑事学家就这一课题做了详尽的研究,几乎没有证 据能支持这种说法。 An increasing number of people are joining the “Information Age “via the Internet. In reaction to the phenomenon, some say the Internet has removed barters and provided people with immediate access to the world. But do they realize that rapidly advancing information technology can also lead to intrusions of privacy? 越来越多的人通过互联网进入了“信息时代”。针对这一现象,一些人认为互联网消除了障碍, 为人们提供了与世界即时链接的途径。但是,他们有没有意识到迅速发展的信息技术也能导 致侵犯隐私, We’re often told that the world is tethering on the brink of destruction. But is this really the case? 我们经常被告知世界处于毁灭的边缘。但事实真是这样吗, One of the pressing problems facing our nation (China) today is overcoming disparities in urban and rural income levels. 我们国家(中国)如今面临的紧迫问题之一是克服城乡收入水平之间的差距。 Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is official corruption, which is pervasive in all levels of government. 也许当今困扰国家的最危险的现象是遍布各级政府的官员腐败。 Inflation is yet another new and bitter truth we must learn to face. 通货膨胀又是一个我们必须学会面对的痛苦的新情况。 The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land, and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture. The government has attached greater importance to the problem and an increasing number of redundant projects are being terminated. 城区的迅速扩大在很多情况下侵占了宝贵的可耕地,使人们普遍认识到发展不能以牺牲农业 为代价。政府更加重视这个问题,越来越多的不必要的工程被终止。 There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for strengthened environmental protection. 世界上越来越多的人认识到加强环境保护的必要性。 Working with the disabled cannot help but leave one impressed with their indefatigable desire. 与残疾人一起工作使一个人不得不对他们坚持不懈的渴望印象深刻。 Perhaps no issues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortion, both of which involve taking the life of a human being. 也许没有问题比安乐死和人工流产更有争议性,它们都涉及结束一个人的生命。 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 成就的里程碑(英译汉) A young fellow recently finished the works of Thomas Carlyle, winding up, if we remember aright, with the ten note-books upon Frederick the Great. "What!" cried the young fellow, in consternation, "is there no more Carlyle? Am I left to the daily papers?" A more celebrated instance is that of Alexander, who wept bitterly because he had no more worlds to subdue. And when Gibbon had finished the DECLINE AND FALL, he had only a few moments of joy; and it was with a "sober melancholy" that he parted from his labors. 最近,一位年轻人读完了托马斯*卡莱尔的著作。如果我没记错的话,关于腓 特列大帝的笔记他记了整整十本。“什么,”这个年轻人惊恐地叫道:“没有卡 莱尔的书可读了,那我只能看看日报了,” 最有名的例子是亚历山大,他因为 已没有国家供他征服而号啕大哭。当吉本完成《罗马帝国衰亡史》,也只不过高 兴了一时,然后带着清醒而又抑郁的心情,他向往日的劳动成果挥手作别。 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能曲,此之谓大丈夫。 It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate. A growing number of people are beginning to realize that wealth is not the sole prerequisite for happiness. 越来越多的人开始意识到财富不是幸福的惟一先决条件。 In spite of the extraordinary progress made in science and technology, problems remain in terms of guaranteeing that achievements benefit the greatest number of people. 尽管科学技术取得了非凡的进步,但是在保证进步成果使尽可能多的人受益这方 面还存在一些问题。 A famous thinker once wrote that “the greatest threat to mankind is mankind itself!” If this is indeed the case, then the current situation should make us ponder our future existence. 一位著名的思想家曾经写道:“对人类最大的威胁是人类自身~”如果事实确实如此,那么, 现状应该促使我们对我们未来的生存进行思索了。 People used to place total reliance on the government. The so-called “iron rice bowl” prevailed in the past, but things are quite different today. 过去,人们习惯完全依靠政府。以前盛行所谓的“铁饭碗”,但今天的情况有很大的不同。 Years of observing human behavior have enabled me to conclude that the major difference between mediocrity and success lies solely with the individual concerned. Successful individuals consistently seek advancement, while their less industrious contemporaries are merely content with the status quo. 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 对人们行为的多年观察使我能够得出这样的结论:平庸和成功的主要区别仅仅在于相关的个 人。成功的个人不断寻求进步,而他们比较懒惰的同时代人仅仅满足于现状。 进取的幸福(汉译英) 正是因为不停地追求进取,我们才感到生活幸福。一件事完成后,另一件随 之而来,如此连绵不绝,永无止境。对于往前看的人来说,眼前总有一番新天地。 虽然我们蜗居于这颗小行星上,整日忙于锁事且生命短暂,但我们生来就有不尽 的希望,如天上繁星,遥不可及。只要生命犹在,希望便会不止。真正的幸福在 于怎样开始,而不是如何结束,在于我们的希翼,而并非拥有。 We live in an ascending scale when we live happily, one thing leading to another in an endless series. There is always a new horizon for onward-looking men, and although we dwell on a small planet, immersed in petty business and not enduring beyond a brief period of years, we are so constituted that our hopes are inaccessible, like stars, and the term of hoping is prolonged until the term of life. To be truly happy is a question of how we begin and not of how we end, of what we want and not of what we have. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers. Those who object to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and harm social stability. They believe that strict limits should be placed on migrants entering China’s cities. But people who favor the influx of the cheap labor force, on the other hand, maintain that migrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure construction program. 目前,针对流动工人的问题展开了普遍的争论。反对流动工人增加的人认为这 会导致犯罪率升高,从而危害社会稳定。他们主张应该严格限制进入中国城市的 流动工人。但是,另一方面,支持廉价劳动力流入的人主张,为了支持大规模的 城市基础设施建设规划,流动人口是必需的。 Traditional way of thinking has changed dramatically. The pendulum has swung and people are exhibiting greater open-mindedness and a burning desire to determine their own destiny. 传统的思维方式有了显著的变化。舆论发生了剧变,人们 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现出更开放的思想以及决定他们 自己命运的强烈愿望。 I recently read a newspaper article on the rampant spread of child abuse. The deplorable problem of the widespread abuse of innocent children has aroused public concern nationwide. 最近,我在报纸上读到一篇关于虐待儿童现象变得猖獗的文章。普遍虐待无辜儿童的问题令 人深感遗憾,它已经引起了全国公众的关注。 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 渴望(汉译英) 渴望是永远的乐趣,一笔如地产般真实稳固的财富,用之不尽,取之不竭。每年 我们都会因为拥有渴望而充满活力。一个人如有许多希望,精神便会富足。人生 只不过是一场单调乏味且编导拙劣的戏,除非我们对这戏有些兴趣;对于既没有 艺术细胞也没有科学细胞的人来说,这个世界只不过是各种颜色的堆积,或者是 一条崎岖小路,一不小心就会摔伤小腿。 译文: An aspiration is a joy forever, a possession as solid as a landed estate, a fortune which we can never exhaust and which gives us year by year a revenue of pleasurable activity. To have many of these is to be spiritually rich. Life is only a very dull and ill-directed theatre unless we have some interests in the piece; and to those who have neither art nor science, the world is a mere arrangement of colors, or a rough footway where they may very well break their shins. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Should parents spare the rod and spoil the child? Opinions concerning strict parental discipline vary widely. Some view strict discipline as nothing more than a form of abuse, while others argue it is an essential factor for instilling appropriate social behavior. 家长应不应该闲了棍子、惯了孩子,针对严厉的家教的看法大相径庭。 有的人就是把严厉的管教看成一种虐待,而其他人认为这是逐渐灌输得体社会行为的要素。 Why do some governments persist in spending billions of dollars on space exploration when starvation and poverty continue to grip many countries throughout the world? This particular question is being raised by an ever increasing number of people. 既然世界上许多国家仍被饥饿和贫困所困扰,为什么有的政府还坚持花费数十亿美元用于太 空探索,现在越来越多的人提出这个问题。 Quite obviously, immediate action is needed to extricate 80 million Chinese people from the grips of poverty in order to remove the danger of social unrest and ensure continuing stability. 很明显,需要立即采取行动使八千万中国人摆脱贫困,从而消除社会动荡的危险,确保持续 的稳定。 China needs to reexamine the results of political and social modernization in order to ascertain the benefits and indeed the detrimental aspects from a new perspective. Otherwise, various perceived accomplishments might in fact prove to be far from beneficial. 中国需要重新检查政治和社会现代化带来的结果以便从新的角度明确它们的好处,甚至是有 害的方面。否则,许多我们以为取得的成就实际上可能完全不会带来好处。 There is little doubt that immediate action is required to eliminate the scourge of corruption once and forever. 毫无疑问,必须立即采取行动彻底消除腐败的祸害。 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 眼睛(英译汉) It is in virtue of his own desires and curiosities that any man continues to exist with even patience, that he is charmed by the look of things and people, and that he wakens every morning with a renewed appetite for work and pleasure. Desire and curiosity are the two eyes through which he sees the world in the most enchanted colors: it is they that make women beautiful or fossils interesting: and the man may squander his estate and come to beggary, but if he keeps these two amulets he is still rich in the possibilities of pleasure. 译文: 正是因为希望与好奇,我们才会以加倍的耐心继续生存,才会着迷于 纷繁复杂、多姿多彩的人或事,早晨醒来才会以崭新的热情投入新一天的工作和 娱乐。希望和好奇是人观看这绚丽迷人的世界的一双眼睛:正是这双眼睛使得女 人美丽妩媚,又使顽石妙趣横生。一个人可以倾家荡产,沦为乞丐,可是只要他 还有这两个“护身符”,他就仍然可能拥有无限的欢乐。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- In short, we must work diligently to make the world a better place for coming generations. We must not persist in pursuits harmful to the environment. 简而言之,我们必须勤奋工作,为了下一代把世界变成更美好的地方。我们不应该坚持对环 境有害的追求。 We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption. We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity. 我们必须避免过分放纵和铺张浪费。相反,我们应该继续发扬节俭的优点以守 护我们新获得的繁荣。 While achieving success is easier said than done, persistence does in fact pay off. One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence, another is desire, and still another is determination. 获得成功说起来比做起来容易,然而坚持不懈确实会有好结果。成功人士的最重要的特征之 一是自信,第二是渴望,还有一个是决心。 Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution. 认识到问题是找到解决办法的第一步。 Many of the explanations offered thus far are at least to a certain extent valid, but none fully address the problem and the issue must be examined in a wider context. 目前提供的许多解释至少在一定程度上是正确的,但是,没有一个解释能完全处 理问题,这件事情必须放在更广阔的背景中考虑。 Immediate solutions for solving problems surrounding poverty remain elusive. However, public recognition of the necessity to provide a better quality of life for millions of people will represent the first step in finding effective solutions. 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 立即解决贫困问题的办法仍然是难以捉摸的。然而,公众认识到为数百万人提供更高质量的 生活的必要性是找到有效的解决办法的第一步。 婚姻的旅程(汉译英) 当你步入婚姻的殿堂,你可能认为已经爬到了山顶,剩下的只是悠闲地沿着 平缓的山坡下山.然而,这只是恋爱的结束,婚姻的开始.拥有一颗骄傲而又叛逆 的心,坠入爱河与赢得爱情都是难事;但维持爱情也很重要,夫妻都应相敬如宾, 互相关爱. 当真爱起始于圣坛之时, 夫妻之间便开始了一场智慧与慷慨的竞争, 一场为了一个不可能实现的理想而持续一生的奋斗. 不可能实现? 啊,当然不可 能,因为他们不是一个人,而是两个呀. 译文: Again, when you have married your wife, you would think you were got upon a hilltop, and might begin to go downward by an easy slope. But you have only ended courting to begin marriage. Falling in love and winning love are often difficult tasks to overbearing and rebellious spirits; but to keep in love is also a business of some importance, to which both man and wife must bring kindness and goodwill. The true love story commences at the altar, when there lies before the married pair a most beautiful contest of wisdom and generosity, and a life-long struggle towards an unattainable ideal. Unattainable? Ay, surely unattainable, from the very fact that they are two instead of one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What dose the future hold if mankind persists in wasting natural resources? While no one knows for sure, scientists do exhibit a degree of certainty when predicting that future generations will face a dramatically different world. 如果人类继续浪费自然资源,未来将会有什么贮藏,没有人知道明确的答案,但是,科学家 在预测后代将面对一个迥然不同的世界时确实有一定的把握。 Reversing undesirable social trends will be far from an easy task and will require a dramatic change in attitudes. A keen awareness of right from wrong is essential for determining appropriate social behavior. 扭转不好的社会趋势远非一件易事,看法需 要有巨大的变化。对正误的深刻认识是判定得体的社会行为所必需的。 We owe a debt of gratitude to the many individuals who dedicated their lives to making the world a better place. However, we must not rest on their accomplishments, but must instead work assiduously to record even greater achievements. 我们应该感谢许多为把世界变得更美好而奉献一生的人。然而,我们不能 依靠他们的成绩,而必须努力工作,取得更辉煌的成就。 We do, in fact, have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility. 事实上,我们达到最终的目标还有很长的路要走,但是,取得一些成绩还是可能做到的。 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 The time is right for us to take full advantage of ample existing opportunities. 这正是我们充分利用大量现有机会的时候。 While it remains to be seen whether or not environmental deterioration can be controlled, the current prospects are far from encouraging. People around the world must act immediately to prevent the situation from deteriorating even further. 环境恶化是否能得到控制这个问题仍然没有答案,但目前的前景一点儿也不乐观。全世界的 人必须立即行动,防止情况进一步恶化。 The methodology suggested may not guarantee ultimate success, but the eventual pay-off could well be worth the effort. Achieving even partial success will benefit mankind and contribute to creating a better world. 提出的方法不一定保证最终的成功,但最后的结果非常值得付出努力。即使只获得部分成功 也会使人类受益, 有利于创造一个更美好的世界。 Admittedly, ensuring sustainable development will require a certain level of sacrifice and arduous efforts on the part of all people. Nonetheless, the accrued returns will both strengthen the nation and ensure a better life for all Chinese citizens. 诚然,确保持续的发展需要人们做出一定程度的牺牲和辛勤努力。但是,积累的 成果不仅能使国家更强大,而且能保证中国公民过上更美好的生活。 Participating in interactive experiences beneficial to all is something that no one should miss. The valuable lessons learned wherefrom should not be arbitrarily dismissed, but should instead be treasured. 参加对所有人都有益的互动式体验是任何一个人都不应该错过的。从中获得的宝贵经验不应 该任意抛弃,而应该倍加珍惜。 Two major factors contributed to devastating summer flooding along the Yangtze River and its tributaries. First, erosion resulting from excessive deforestation in the upper reaches of the river and second, heavy silting which raised the riverbed in the main channel. 两个主要因素导致了夏季长江及其支流的特大洪水。第一,过度砍伐引起的河流上游的侵蚀, 第二,严重的泥沙淤积抬高了主干道的河床。 Greed and a total lack of social consciousness have been cited as major reasons for the dramatic rise corruption. 人们认为贪婪和社会意识的彻底缺乏是造成腐败急剧增加的主要原因。 There are several reasons for the marked increase in China's crime rate—the dramatic influx of itinerant workers in urban areas ; declining social values ; and widening disparities between the haves and have-nots . 中国的犯罪率显著升高有很多原因——城区大量流动工人的涌入;社会价值的贬低以及贫富 之间日益扩大的差距。 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 Why are an increasing number of elderly Chinese parents living apart from their children? One reason is the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation. Another is expanding social opportunities for the elderly. Perhaps the main reason, however, centers on dramatic changes in traditional concepts. 为什么越来越多的 中国老人不和他们的孩子住在一起,原因之一是年轻一代的上进心增强了。另一个原因是社 会上老人的机会增加了。然而,主要的原因可能是传统观念发生了巨大变化。 What has sparked the increasing interest in exercise? For one thing, people have gained a greater awareness of the need for physical fitness. For another, the constantly improving standard of living enables Chinese people to patronize the increasing number of recreational venues. The main thing perhaps centers on the healthcare and psychological benefits exercise provides. 什么引发了人们对锻炼越来越浓的兴趣,一方面,人们更加清楚地意识到保持身体健康的必 要性。另一方面,不断提高的生活水平使中国人能够支付增加的娱乐支出。最主要的可能在 于锻炼带来的保健和心理上的好处。 The explanation for the phenomenon of the rising teenage suicide rate involves many complicated factors. Some attribute the rise to an overemphasis on early success, others point to mounting peer pressure, and still others to confusion over changing social values. 对上升的少年自杀率的解释涉及很多复杂的因素。有的人把上升的原因归结为过分强调少年 时期的成功,有的人指出是因为不断增长的同伴之间的压力,还有人认为是对不断变化的社 会价值的迷茫造成的。 The reasons for antisocial behavior are both complicated and varied. I suggest the phenomenon results from inappropriate role models and the lack of well-defined norms of behavior. However, the main reason is quite likely the continuing degeneration of social values. 反社会行为的原因既复杂又多样。我认为这种现象是不恰当的角色典型和缺少行为规范的很 好的定义造成的。然而,主要原因很可能是不断贬低的社会价值。 The incidence rate of cancer mainly stems from several factors, including inappropriate diets, poor healthcare practices and the lack of early detection. Continuing medical advances and rising awareness do, however, offer promising hope for the future. 癌症的发病率主要由以下诸多因素引起,包括不适当的饮食、不好的保健习惯以及没有及早 发现。然而,医学的不断进步和对此不断增强的关注给未来带来了很大的希望。 Increased urban pollution levels and the mounting death toll from motor vehicles accidents can mainly be attributed to the glut of automobiles appearing on city roads in recent years. Detrimental factors will quite likely outweigh the benefits of rising automobile usage. 城市人口的增长和车祸中死亡率的增加主要是由于近年内充斥 城市道路的汽车。汽车使用量的增加带来的有害因素很有可能超过它的好处。 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 The rising divorce rate in China can, at least in part, be attributed to spousal incompatibility, disparities in education levels, changing social attitudes and the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation. 中国上升的离婚率可以,至少部分可以归结为婚姻的不和谐,受教育水平的差异,变化的社 会看法以及年轻一代不断增强的上进心。 State-owned enterprises are not only failing because of inefficient management, but also because of their inability to witch operational modes from the former planned economy to the new market economy. 国有企业失败不仅由于低效的管理, 也因为他们不能实现从以前的计划经济到新的市场经济的运作模式的转换。 Although we do not know the long-term consequences of separation or deprivation, we do know that they can produce acute immediate distress. 虽然我们不知道分离和丧失亲人的长期后果,但我们知道它们能立即引起剧烈的悲痛。 The reasons for poverty are many, but for the most part center on illiteracy, the lack of opportunities and in some cases pure laziness. 贫困的原因很多,但主要是因为缺少教育、缺少机会,有的情况下纯粹是由于懒惰。 Child development depends on a number of factors, both physical and psychological. Correct parental nurturing from infancy through adolescence determines both the physical and mental profile of a mature individual. 儿童的发展取决于很多因素,包括生理的和心理的。从婴儿期到青春期的正确的家长教育决 定一个成熟的个人的体质及智力的状况。 Factors such as self-confidence and ambition, combined with determination and willpower, contributes to eventual success or failure. 自信、雄心,加上决心和毅力等因素是造成最终的成功或失败的原因。 One of the most common failures of people today is to avoid telling the truth. People must realize that avoidance and lying have never in the past and, in fact, never will right a wrong. 如今人类最常见的一个不足是不说真话。人们必须意识到不说真 话、说谎话在过去没有,事实上,将来也永远不会变错误为正确。 Central planning has, at least in part, been blamed for the current demise of state-owned enterprises. Perhaps , however , the greatest blame should be placed on factors such as grossly inefficient management ; the rampant practice of " relationship " , cronyism and nepotism ; excessively large work forces ; abuses of social benefits ; and without a doubt corruption . 人们认为中央计划至少是现在国有企业失败的部分原因。然而,最主要的原因可能是极低效 的管理、关系的普遍运用、任用亲信和裙带关系、大量过剩的劳动力、社会救济金的滥用, 当然还包括腐败。 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 Claiming a lack of opportunities is nothing more than a superficial excuse for justifying failure. The fundamental reason for failure is most often the lack of drive on the part of the individual involved. 声称缺少机会不过是敷衍失败的借口。通常,失败最根本的原因是相关的个人本身缺乏动力。 We can, and quite often do, blame our contemporaries for personal failures, but the fact of the matter is that the root causes for most problems go much deeper. 我们可以,而且经常因个人的失败抱怨我们的同时代人,但是,事实是许多问题的根本原因 要深刻得多。 The deep impact of opening to the outside world is readily discernible in a number of areas: the adoption of many Western habits, both good and bad; changing social and moral values; the trend towards individualism; and the introduction of state-of-the-art concepts and technology. The key to adopting Western way centers on accepting the good and rejecting the bad. 对外开放的深刻影响在许多方面都能看到:模仿西方的习惯,包括好的和坏的;改变社会和 道德价值观;个人主义的趋势;引进已发展的概念和技术。采取西方方式的关键在于取其精 华,去其糟粕。 The arrival of the so-called “Information Age “will undoubtedly have a profound influence on our lives. The task at hand center on using the technology for beneficial purposes , while at the same time preventing intrusions of privacy and use of the electronic highway for deceitful purposes . 所谓“信息时代”的来临无疑将深刻地影响我们的生活。手头的任务主要是利用技术达到有意 的目的,同时,防止侵犯隐私或者出于欺骗的目的利用电子高速路。 No one can doubt that the reform and opening policies introduced in 1979 have had a profound impact on the lives of Chinese citizens. Changes resulting there from have not only impacted the economic system, but the social system as well. 没有人能怀疑1979年推出的改革开放政策对中国公民的生活产生了深刻的影响。由此造成的 变化不仅影响了经济体制,而且影响了社会体制。 Rapid economic growth may lead to an overextension of resources and lead to an eventual catastrophic meltdown. 经济迅速增长可能导致过度使用资源,并引起最终巨大的灾难。 The immediate results of economic growth have created the illusion of unending prosperity. The best approach at this particular time is to perhaps err on the side of caution. 经济增长的直接结果是造成了关于无止境繁荣的幻想。现在这个特定时刻最好的 办法也许是慎之又慎。 The benefits of technology are undeniable. Nonetheless, the fact that technology often negates the need for human beings in the workplace deserves careful 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 consideration and retraining programs for affected individuals must be introduced. 技术的好处不容否认。然而,技术经常否认工作场所需要人类,这一点值得仔细考虑,而且, 为受到影响的个人推出再培训项目是必需的。 The lack of faith in government is the direct result of the prevailing distrust of politicians. 对政府缺乏信心是普遍存在的对政府官员的不信任直接造成的。 The advantages of harmonious relations far outweigh the disadvantages of confrontation. 和谐关系的好处远远大于冲突的坏处。 Independence offers many advantages, the first and foremost of which is self-determination. 独立带来很多好处,首先也是最重要的是自决。 The ridiculous amount of money some countries spend on military hardware is absurd when considering the number of people starving in many developing countries. 考虑到一些发展中国家挨饿的人的数量,一些国家把大量资金花费在重型军事 装备上显得很荒谬。 The loss of perquisites enjoyed by government officials and business executives pales in comparison to the plight of refugees in many war-torn countries. 与许多饱受战争创伤的国家的难民所处的困境相比,政府官员和商业管理者失去所享受的特 权就相形见绌了。 Owning a car might be preferable to owning a bicycle, but the problems associated with owning the former far outweigh those of the latter. For one thing, automobiles are exponentially more expensive and require greater maintenance. For another, bicycles don't pollute. 与拥有一辆自行车相比,人们更愿意拥有一辆汽车,但拥有后者涉及的问题远远超过前者。 原因之一,汽车昂贵很多,需要更多的维护。原因之二,自行车不会引起污染。 Both limitations and problems will quite likely be encountered during the ongoing transition to the market economy. For one thing, urgent measures are required to resolve problems involving state-owned enterprises. Another thorny issue involves controlling inflation in the face of emerging market forces. 正在进行的市场经济的转型很有可能将遇到限制和问题.一方面,需要紧要方法解决涉及国有 企业的问题.另一棘手的问题涉及在市场力量形成的同时控制通货膨胀. Nothing approaches the love of a mother for her child. 没有东西可以和母爱相比。 Few scientific and technological achievements equal the success of landing men on the moon. 几乎没有科技成就能与人类成功登陆月球同日而语。 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 A question begging an answer centers on whether violence is more directly related to the innate characteristic of human being or whether it is simply a manifestation of the ills of society. Determining the answer will be far from an easy proposition, but is nonetheless one that deserves careful and deliberate consideration. 需要回答的一个问题是:暴力与人类的天性联系更直接还是仅仅是社会恶 习的体现,做出回答远非易事,而是值得仔细而审慎地考虑的事情。 Will the Three Gorges Project prove to be a monumental achievement or nothing more than a giant fiasco? Opposition voices point to drawbacks such as the massive cost of the project, the need to relocate millions of local residents and destruction of the unique natural environment. Supporters, on the other hand, contend that the advantages—i.e. improved flood control, increased power generation capacity and desirable impact on economic development in related areas —will far outweigh the disadvantages. Time will tell and history will judge the wisdom of the project. 三峡工程将成为极大的成功或只是彻底的失败,反对意见指出了诸如工程的巨额成本,数百 万当地居民的重新安置以及独特的自然环境的破坏等障碍。另一方面,支持者认为它的好处, 例如对洪水控制的改善、发电能力的提高和对相关地区经济发展的影响将远远超过它坏处。 至于建设这个工程明智与否,时间会告诉我们,历史会做出判断。 From the standpoint of success, a good work ethic is no less important than an education. Success does, in fact, depend on the total integration of both aspects. 从成功的角度来说,良好的职业道德与教育同等重要。事实上,成功的确建立在两方面完全 融合的基础上。 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the same is true for both the appreciation of art and music. 美在观察者的眼中,美术和音乐的欣赏也是如此。 The direct correlation between self-esteem and success also applies to one's ability to achieve. 自尊和成功的直接联系也适用于一个人取得成就的能力。 China and United States share many things in common. Firstly, both are major world powers. Secondly, the two nations offer mutually beneficial factors for development—China with its vast potential market and labor force, and the U.S. with its advanced technology and management expertise. 中国和美国有许多共同 之处。首先,两个都是世界主要强国。第二,两个国家相互提供发展的有利因素——中国拥 有巨大的潜在市场和劳动力,美国拥有先进的技术和专业的管理知识。 Idleness spawns discontent, whereas overwork leads to mental and physical exhaustion. 懒惰滋生不满,而过度工作导致精神和身体的疲劳。 One man's treasure is another man's junk. 一个人的宝贝对于另一个人来说是垃圾。 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 Social inequities of the past are rapidly giving way to expanded social consciousness. 过去社会的不公平正在被扩大的社会觉悟迅速取代。 Although media reports expound on the volume of scientific and technological achievements, recent surveys indicate that the rapidity of transforming same into productive forces leaves much to be desired. 虽然媒体详细报道大量的科技成就,但 是,最近的调查显示,把它们迅速转化为生产力还需要做出很多努力。 While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays. 虽然拖延的倾向是普遍的,但是人们应该充分考虑到不必要的延误造成的有害影响。 The tendency to take things for granted is understandable, but the need for one to rationally evaluate the circumstances of any situation is absolutely essential. 想当然的倾向是可以理解的,但是,理智地估计任何情形的情况是完全必需的。 Most people are under the illusion that a college degree guarantees success. There is no such guarantee without hard work. 许多人错误地认为大学学位能保证成功。不努力工作就没有这样的保证。 Generally speaking, previous parliamentary policy debates ignored the relevance of transparency. 总的来说以前议会中针对政策辩论忽视了透明度的重要性。 A precise definition of poverty is actually very difficult to determine. Where does one draw the line between those who are poor and those who are not? 对贫困的精确定义实际上是很难的。如何在贫穷和非贫穷的人之间划一条界限呢, Admittedly, bribery and corruption are endemic to our political and economic systems, but it doesn't necessarily follow that all politicians and business people resort to illicit behavior. 诚然,贿赂和腐败在我们的政治和经济系统中很流行,但这并不 是说所有的政府官员和商界人士都采取违法行为。 Some people assume that investing in stock is a safe pursuit, but their assumption fails to hold water when considering the substantial risk involved. 有的人想当然地认 为投资股票是有把握的事情,但是,考虑到涉及的巨大风险,他们的想当然就说不通了。 Some people have called for accelerated across-the-board changes. Their approach quite frankly ignores the need for gradual but effective changes. 一些人要求更快速的全盘改变。他们的做法的确忽略了渐进而有效的改变的必要性。 Many people assume that the extinction of a plant or animal species is of little consequence. Careful examination, however, reveals that the extinction of any one species disrupts the food chain, and the loss of a plant species leads to the 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 disappearance of a key ingredient which might yield a cure for cancer. 许多人想 当然地认为一种植物或动物的灭绝产生的后果很小。然而,仔细的考察揭示出任何一个物种 的灭绝会破坏食物链,一种植物的消失造成有可能生成治疗癌症的药物的关键成分的缺失。 In spite of claims to the contrary, it is common knowledge that corporal punishment most often has the exact opposite affect intended. 尽管有相反的主张,但是大家都知道体法在多数情况下产生适得其反的效果。 There are those who claim that competition brings out the best in people. Others contend it simply forces one person to prove he/she is better than another. Advocates vociferously support one position or the other. I suggest the former proposition bears greater relevance than the latter. 有些人认为竞争促使人们发挥出最优秀的东西。另一些人认为它只是强迫一个人证明他/她 比别人更优秀。提倡者叫嚣着支持其中的一个立场。我认为前一个立场比后一个立场更恰当。 Ignoring cause and effect is exactly the same thing as failing to look both ways when crossing a busy intersection. 忽略因果就相当于横穿繁忙的十字路口时没有朝两边看。 The greatest problem with political and religious zealots is their total inability to consider the views of others. 政治和宗教狂热者的最大问题在于他们完全不能考虑别人的观点。 The basic stumbling block to global peace rests with the self-serving ambitions of many nations. 全世界和平的基本障碍物在于许多国家谋私利的野心。 While generalizations are dangerous, it is quite safe to present solid evidence. 抽象概括是危险的,但是,提供确凿的证据是万无一失的。 A recent study revealed the surprising fact that many students pass examinations by relying on nothing more than rote memorization. It is horrifying to think that students graduate without a thorough understanding of the subject matter. 最近的一项研究显示了一个令人惊讶的事实:许多学生仅仅依靠死记硬背通过考试。想到学 生对主题没有透彻地理解就毕业了是令人震惊的。 Divided we fall, united we conquer. This does not mean that conquest is the goal, but instead that unified efforts yield positive results. 分离就会垮台,团结就能征服。这 不是说征服是目的,而是说团结一致的努力会产生积极的结果。 It's not that I don't want to be rich and famous. Obviously I do, but just haven't as yet found the way to get there. 并不是我不想致富成名。我当然想,但是还没有找到致富成名的途径。 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项 Golden Leaves Software Research Centre言若金叶软件研究中心 Whatever the outcome, we must resolutely proceed with our objective. 无论结果如何,我们必须坚定地继续为目标而努力。 Agricultural modernization cannot be achieved unless the government substantially increases funding; farmers accept advanced agronomic techniques; and consumers engaged in a concerted effort to reduce unnecessary and exorbitant waste. 除非政府大幅度地增加投资;农民接受高级的农业技术;消费者共同努 力减少不必要的过度的浪费,农业现代化就不能实现。 However great the will to achieve, and however great the demand to succeed, one should never abandon his/her moral and social consciousness. 无论成功的决 心多么坚定,成功的要求多么强烈,一个人永远不能丧失他/她的道德和社会觉悟。 However pressing the need and urgency of the problem one should not proceed without a plausible plan. 无论需要多么紧迫,问题多么紧急,一个人不能没有看似有理的计划就开始行动。 言若金叶 2011南京大学博士研究生入学英语考试 翻译写作分项
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