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新编大学英语3课文翻译完整版新编大学英语3课文翻译完整版 第一单元 羞怯的痛苦 1 对许多人来说 羞怯是很多不愉快的起因。各种各样的人——矮的、高的、愚笨的、聪明的、年轻的、年老的、瘦的、胖的——都说自己是羞怯的。羞怯的人会焦虑不安 感到不自然 也就是说 他们显而易见地关注自己的外表和举止。脑海中不断地盘旋着一些使自己不安的想法: 我给人留下的是什么印象 他们喜欢我吗 我讲话是不是傻里傻气 我长得难看。我穿的衣服毫不引人注目。 2 很显然这种不安的感觉会对人们产生不利的影响。一个人的自我看法反映在自己的行为方式之中 而一个人的行为方式又...

新编大学英语3课文MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1714035434506_2完整版 第一单元 羞怯的痛苦 1 对许多人来说 羞怯是很多不愉快的起因。各种各样的人——矮的、高的、愚笨的、聪明的、年轻的、年老的、瘦的、胖的——都说自己是羞怯的。羞怯的人会焦虑不安 感到不自然 也就是说 他们显而易见地关注自己的外表和举止。脑海中不断地盘旋着一些使自己不安的想法: 我给人留下的是什么印象 他们喜欢我吗 我讲话是不是傻里傻气 我长得难看。我穿的衣服毫不引人注目。 2 很显然这种不安的感觉会对人们产生不利的影响。一个人的自我看法反映在自己的行为方式之中 而一个人的行为方式又影响他人的反应。通常 人们如何看待自己对他们生活的各个方面都会产生深刻的影响。例如 具有积极的自我价值观或很强的自尊心的人往往表现自信。由于自信 他们不需要他人不断地称赞和鼓励使自己感觉良好。自信者热情地自发地投身生活。他们不因别人认为他们“该”做什么而受到影响。有很强自尊心的人不会被批评所伤害 他们不会把批评看作是人身攻击。相反 他们认为批评是一种要他们改进的建议。 3 相比之下 羞怯的人自尊心较弱 往往消极被动并且容易受他人影响。他们(是否)在做“该做的事情”需要得到别人的肯定。害羞的人对批评非常敏感 他们觉得批评却好证实了他们比别人差。他们也很难因别人的赞美而高兴 因为他们相信自己不值得称赞。羞怯的人也许会用这样的话来回答别人的赞美之辞 “你这么说只是为了让我感觉好一些。我知道这不是真的。”显然 尽管自我意识是一种健康的品质 过分的自我意识却是不利的、有害的。 4 能否彻底消除或者至少减轻羞怯感呢 幸运的是 人们能够通过坚持不懈的努力建立自信从而克服羞怯。由于胆怯和缺少自尊是密切相关的 因此正视自己的优点还有弱点非常重要。例如 大多数人希望每门功课都得A。如果仅仅因为在某些领域有困难 就把自己列为差生 这不恰如其分。人们对自己的期望必须与现实相符。老是想那些不可能的事情会觉得自己能力差 甚至产生嫉妒。当我们嫉妒比自己成绩好的学生时 我们正在自我毁灭。 5 如果你是羞怯的 这里有些具体有效的步骤帮助你树立信心并克服羞怯感 6 认清自己的优缺点。每个人既有优点又有缺点。随着对自我的不断认同 羞怯感就会自然减弱。 7 确定合理的目标。例如 在聚会时和一群陌生人在一起 你也许会胆怯。不要以为你必须和每个人交谈。集中精力 仅和一两个人交谈 你会感到更自在些。 8 内疚和羞耻感是毁灭性的感情。不要把时间和精力浪费在这上头。假设你伤害了某人的感情 (光)感到羞愧是无济于事的。相反 应该承认你犯了个错误 决心在将来能够善于理解别人。 9 所有问题都有许多种解决办法。很少有完全正确或完全错误的意见。要敢于公开表达自己的观点。 10 不要对自己做消极的评论。这是一种自我否定。千万别把自己描述为愚蠢的 丑陋的 一个失败者。强调自己积极的方面。 11 接受批评时要缜密思考。不要把批评理解为人身攻击。例如 如果一位朋友抱怨你的烹饪技术 把这当成对你的烹饪技术而不是对你本人的评价而接受下来。放心 你们还是好朋友 然而 也许你的烹饪技术确实有待改进。 12 记住每个人都会经历一些失败和挫折。把它们作为长见识的经历 从中受益。挫折往往会成为一个转机 随之而来的将是一段美妙绝伦的经历。例如 你可能被你所中意的大学拒之门外。然而 在你就读的大学里 你可能发现这里教育的某一特点比你料想的好得多。 13 有些人会使你感到相形见绌 不要和这种人交往。去设法改变他们的态度或者改变你自己的 要不就脱离这种关系。伤害你的人并不关心你的最佳利益。 14 留出时间休息 享受自己的业余爱好 并且定期地重新审定自己的目标。为此所花费的时间有助于更好地了解你自己。 15 多在社交场合中锻炼。不要把自己同他人隔离开来。设法一次结识一位朋友 最终你将能够驾轻就熟地、自信地在众人中周旋。 16 我们每个人都是独一无二、难能可贵的个体。我们自有吸引人的地方。我们对自己了解得越多 就越容易充分发挥自己的潜力。不要让羞怯成为阻碍我们拥有丰富和成功生活的绊脚石。 第四单元 择业规划 1 进行择业规划不一定要遵照常规的或合乎逻辑的步骤。我们每个人对不同的因素有不同侧重 也许在不同的时候会考虑择业规划的某些方面。进行择业规划 要备齐有关我们自身以及职业的信息资料 估计采取各种举动可能出现的结果 最后作出我们认为有吸引力并且可行的选择。 2 许多观察家指出学生在择业规划方面不是很在行。他们列出了以下事实 (1) 大部分学生选择职业的范围很窄 (2) 多达40%至60%的学生选择专业性的职业 而实际上只有15%至18%的从业人员在做专业性的工作 (3) 男青年对文书、销售以及服务性行业兴趣索然 尽管这些领域会提供许多就业机会 (4) 多达三分之一的学生说不出选择什么职业好。 3 欧文?贾尼斯和利昂?曼在他们的《决策》一书中指出 许多人的决策方式很成问题 而这些问题似乎与人们处理问题的方式有关。第一个问题是自满。有些人对于要费心思考虑的择业信息置之不理 这种人自满。有些人采取“这不会影响我”或“这永远也不会发生”的态度 他们这种做法主要也是自满。当然,对于那些不决定成败的决策自满是可以的,但涉及职业方面的决策来不得自满。 4 人们在决策方式上存在的第二个问题是消极回避。每当面临抉择而又自认为找不到合适的解决方法时 一些人或想入非非或做白日梦 以此来保持平静。有些学生没有考虑到职业抉择会产生的影响 往往采取文过饰非 对自己的行为所作的解释虽能自我满足但却是错误的 以此来欺骗自己 或者拖延 推迟或耽搁 的态度。面对现状也许会令人焦急不安 但认真考虑一下各种 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 也许能给人宽慰。 5 第三个问题是过份地提心吊胆。当人们面对职业选择而又感到没有足够时间找到解决方法时 会感到惊慌失措。他们紧张地寻找各种就业机会 然后采取匆忙产生的决定 忽视了这样的选择会带来的后果 也忽视了其他的择业机会。惊慌失措的人往往会思路不清 缺乏逻辑。 6 最好的做法就是眼观六路耳听八方。当人们确信以下三点时 会做出机敏的决策 1 应该做出选择 2 自己能找到解决问题的办法 3 有足够的时间。这样 学生才能够有效地寻求各种可能的职业 仔 以便应付各种风险。 细地掂量每一种可能性 并且制定出应变 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 7 以下是择业规划的关键步骤 8( 1) 研究自我。这是择业规划的关键所在。了解自己是怎样一个人 看重什么以及想成为怎么样的人 这些是整个择业规划的依据。在研究自我的过程中 你审视自己的长处与弱点 自己的目标以及自身发展的方向。对自己的了解使你能够设想哪些职业最符合你的个性、兴趣、能力和目标。所有的职业抉择都要求我们既要了解自己又要了解有关工作 并把这两方面的情况结合起来(加以考虑)。 9 (2) 把自己的事业目标写下来。要把自己事业发展的设想归纳起来 一个切实可行的做法是 把这些设想按照你一生的各个时间段一一写下来。写的过程能使你的想法变得具体明确 并知道哪些是模糊不成熟的想法。这会使你对自己的发展前途有新的了解 并有助于你看清新的关系、模式及方向 或者明确你在考虑自己事业发展方面还有哪些不到之处。 10( 3) 定期地与他人一起审度你的规划与所取得的进展。时不时地估量一下自己的情形 考虑下一步该采取什么步骤。评估一下自己的进步并计划下面的步骤 有助于你应对自己要经历的变化以及劳动力市场的变化。与你的大学辅导员、父母与朋友探讨你的计划 这有助于你明确目标 改进择业规划 或使计划得以实施。 11( 4) 如果你选择的职业不适合你 你可以重新开始。如今 越来越多的男男女女在变换职业 或者重新开始一份对他们更有吸引力的职业。其中许多人一旦发现自己所从事的行业不尽如人意 他们就重新参加培训以谋求不同的职业。这些新的职业常常是他们年轻时所忽视的 或者是由于当时的经济或别的原因而没有机会从事的。 12 社会学家们说几乎没有什么职业的变换是“走下坡路”的 大部分都是按传统的关注“往高处走”的。社会已不再像过去那样把跳槽看成是一种“不安分”难为情的事了 13 换工作和改职业在任何年龄都会发生。据估计, 20岁到25岁年龄段的男性中多达四分之一的人更换职业。而在25岁到44岁的年龄段 该比例大约是八分之一。 14 择业规划并不能保证 你将来所面临的所有问题、困难或决策形势都能得到解决或变得容易。没有任何妙方能解决这一切。但是 择业规划能够帮助你面对或更好地处理新的问题 诸如决定是否要接受某方面 的教育或培训 是否要更换工作 还能帮助你 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 所面临的困境或与某人交往中所存在的难题。 15 没有人能预见我们任何一个人的未来。有一些未来的社会、情感、道德等方面要考虑的因素是无法预见的。但是这个往往不尽如人意的现代世界给予了我们一个最重要的教训 那就是进步来自于规划。对自己职业的无知并不是一种洪福 理智比机遇和命运更重要。尽管没有一种万无一失的方法能保证我们的择业规划成功 但是要营造自己未来的事业 有些事是你现在所能做的。 第五单元 我是怎样识字的 海伦?凯勒 1 在我记忆中, 我一生最重要的日子是我的老师安妮?曼斯费尔德?沙利文走进我生活的那一天。至今 每当我想起这一天仍会惊叹不已 是这一天把(我过的)截然不同的两种生活连在一起。那是一八八七年三月三日 再过三个月我就七岁了。 2 在这一重要日子的午后 我呆呆地坐在我家的门廊上 内心充满了期盼。从我母亲给我的手势和屋子里众人来来往往的忙碌中我隐约猜到将有不同寻常的事发生 我便来到门口 在台阶上等着。午后的阳光透过布满门廊的那簇忍冬照射到我仰起的脸庞上。我的手指近乎下意识地抚弄着这些熟悉的叶片和花朵。它们刚刚抽叶开花 迎来南方温馨的春天。至于我面前究竟会出现什么样的奇迹 我茫然无知。几个星期来 愤怒和怨恨一直折磨着我。这种激烈的感情争斗之后则是一种极度的疲惫不堪。 3 你可曾在航海时遇上过有浓雾的时候 你仿佛被困在了触手可及的一片白茫茫中 不见天日。你乘坐的巨轮 靠测深锤或测深线的指引 举步维艰地靠向海岸 既紧张又焦急不安 而你则心里砰砰直跳 等着有事要发生。而我在接受教育之前正像那巨轮 所不同的是我连指南针或测深线都没有 更无从知晓离港湾还有多远。我的心灵在无声地疾呼 “光明 给我光明吧! ”而就在此时此刻 爱的光芒洒在了我的身上。 4 我感觉到有脚步由远及近。于是我伸出了手 我以为会是母亲。但有人抓住了我的手 把我拽住并紧紧地抱在了怀里。正是这个人的到来 把整个世界展示给我 并且最重要的是给我带来了爱。 5 在老师来到我家的第二天上午, 她把我带到她的房间, 给了我一个玩具娃娃。这娃娃是珀金斯学校的小盲童们送给我的礼物 ,劳拉?布里奇曼给穿上的衣服 ,不过这些是我在后来才知道的。我玩了一小会儿之后, 沙利文小姐慢慢地在我的手上拼出了 “d-o-l-l” 娃娃 这个词。我一下子便对这种手指游戏产生了兴趣 ,而且试着模仿它。当我终于正确地拼出了这几个字母时 ,内心充满了孩子气的喜悦和自豪。我跑到楼下找到母亲 伸手拼出了“娃娃”所含的字母。当时我并不知道我是在拼一个单词 ,甚至还不知道有“单词”这么回事 ,我只是像猴子那样用手指进行模仿。在接下来的几天里, 我就这样, 虽然并不知词识义, 却学会了拼写好些单词。这些词中有“针”、“帽”、“杯” 还有些动词 如“坐”、“站”和“走”。但是等我懂得每样东西都有名字时 ,已经是我和老师在一起好几个星期之后的事了。 6 一天 我正在玩我的新娃娃 这时 沙利文小姐把我的大布娃娃放在我的膝上 又给我拼了一遍“d-o-l-l” 想让我懂得“d-o-l-l”这个单词适用于这两件东西。就在当天早些时候 我曾和她因“m-u-g ”和“w-a-t-e-r”这两个词发生过争执。沙利文小姐想让我记住“m-u-g”是“大杯” 而“w-a-t-e-r”是“水” 但我却一直把这两个词的意思给弄混了。失望之余她暂时搁起这一话题 但一有机会她就马上旧事重提。我却对她一遍又一遍的努力感到忍无可忍 于是就抓起新娃娃 狠狠地砸在了地板上。当我感觉到脚边摔碎的娃娃时 产生了一种强烈的快感。在这种强烈的情感发泄之后 我没有一丝伤感或懊悔之情。我从没有喜欢过那个娃娃。在我所生活的那个无声、黑暗的世界里是没有柔情或情感的。我感觉到老师已把碎片扫到了壁炉炉床的一边 此时我有一种满足感 因为让我不快的东西已不复存在了。她给我拿来了草帽 我知道我将要走出屋子 到温暖的阳光下。一想到这 如果一种无法用言语表达的感觉也可以称为想法的话 我便高兴得又蹦又跳。 7 我们沿着小路来到了井房 井房上布满了忍冬 它的芳香深深地吸引了我们。有人正在抽水。老师把我的一只手放到了喷水口下方。凉爽的水流过我的一只手 这时她在我的另一只手上拼写了“水”这个词。开始她拼得很慢 接着拼得很快。我站在那儿一动不动 所 有的注意力都集中到她手指的移动上。刹那间 我朦胧地意识到了些什么 仿佛记起了被久久遗忘的什么 东西——那是一种恢复思维的激动。不知怎的语言的奥秘一下子展现在我的面前。此刻我明白了“w-a-t-e-r”指的就是从我手上流过的那美妙无比的凉爽的东西。这活生生的字眼唤醒了我沉眠的灵魂 赋予了它光明、希望和喜悦 使它获得了自由 诚然 障碍依然存在 但那是一些假以时日终究会被消除的障碍。 8 我离开井房 心中充满了求知的欲望。万物皆有名 而每个名字又引伸出一种新的概念。在我们回家的路上 我感到我触摸到的每件东西似乎都有生机。那是因为我在用刚刚赋予我的新奇的眼光看待每样东西。进门时我记起了那个被我摔破的娃娃。我摸索着来到了炉床边 捡起那些碎片 试着把它们拼接在一起 但却是徒劳无益。这时我的眼里满是泪水 因为我意识到了自己先前干了些什么 而且有生以来我第一次感到了悔恨和难过。 9 那天我学会了很多新词。现在我已记不清都是些什么词了, 但我还记得其中有“妈妈、爸爸、姐妹、老师”。这些词使得整个世界就像有了“亚伦的神杖, 充满了鲜花” 为我绽开。在这个重要的日子快要结束时 ,已很难找到一个比我更加幸福的孩子。我躺在自己的小床上, 回味着这一天所给予我的欣喜, 渴望着新的一天的到来, 这是我有生以来从未有过的期盼。 第七单元 新生之旅 1 二十五年前我感觉自己快要垮了。尽管那时我只有二十三岁 但我的生活似乎过不下去了。我的未来看起来似荒漠一片 就像回顾过去时 看到的是往事如烟。我感到不知所措 毫无选择余地 毫无希望可言。 2 我当时被困在两件事中 做着一份我憎恨的工作并与一个我并不爱的女人订有婚约。当初 两个承诺都好像是不错的主意 但是我想这是一种幻觉吸引了我 就是成为一个成功的已婚的商人 而远非现实。 3 我决定进修一门课程 仅仅为了好玩而已。这刚好是一门咨询入门课程 需要个人参与到集体中去。要求我们对生活中要进行的变动做出公开承诺。一时冲动 我宣布在下次上课之前 我会辞去工作并解除婚约。 4 几天后 我失业了 也解除了婚约 为获得的自由而兴奋 但又因为不知道下一步做什么而惶惶然。我需要从旧生活到新生活的转变 一种有助于我从一个人转型到另一个人的 必不可少的 程序。于是我做了一件与我前面的行为同样冲动的事情 我预定了到阿鲁巴岛旅行一周的行程。 5 不管别人会有什么样的想法 但是我并不是在逃避现实 而是在追求未来。我想有一个彻底的决裂 而且我知道我需要离开自己熟悉的环境 摆脱原来的影响 以便考虑清楚自己将何去何从。 6 在阿鲁巴小岛上的房间里一安顿下来 我就开始了自我改变的进程。其实只要没人能打电话找到我 让我能平静安宁地思考我想做的事 我到那里去都可以。上午我都在海滩上散步 时间比较长 下午则坐在我喜爱的树下看书、听听录音磁带。最重要的事也许是我得强迫自己走出房间去与别人交往。平常我很腼腆 但这时我确信自己是一个完全能和任何人交谈的人。因为没人了解“真实的”我 我过去的样子 所以 我感到可以自由自在一改常态。 7 我用了将近一年的时间才付清那趟旅行的费用 但是我相信在阿鲁巴岛上仅仅一周的效果就相当于三年的治疗。那次旅行启动了一系列有助于自我改造的过程。以下是我具体的做法 8 我让自己在精神状态上做好了转变的准备。我期待重大的事情将会来临 而且这样的旅行会改变我的生活。我真心实意地相信我会转变的 只要我能找一个安静的地方来理清头绪 来尝试新的思维和行事方法。 9 我使自己摆脱了那些常常对我生活会有影响的事 远离那些非要得到其首肯的人。这类治疗往往需要很长的时间 原因之一是 一旦给予你安全保护和帮助的一个疗程结束后 你重新又回到了原来的世界 那儿你的熟人会诱使你重蹈复辙。通过把自己置身于别人的肯定和影响之外 我能对自己真正想要的东西有更加清楚的认识。 10 我把时间安排好 以便使自己开始转变并取得进展。仅仅靠独居、隔绝、或者全新的环境本身是不够的 你还必须完成那些轻松而又能使自己受教育的任务。一种疗法关键不在于你领悟到什么或谈论了什么 而在于你做了什么。只有认识却没有行动固然可喜 但往往无助于事。我没有把时间化在看小说和定期给家里打电话上面 而是化在能促使自我转变的种种活动之中。 11 我敦促自己尝试新的生存方式。我体验不同的生活方式 佯装自己是另一个人。我采用有别于从前的行为方式来体验自己的感受。同时 不管在各种情况下我通常会怎样做 我总是迫使自己一反常态 反其道而行之。这进一步增强了我的想法: 世上无难事 只要我想要做的事 我都能够做到。 12 我把我想做的事情做公开的承诺 这样我就没有什么退缩的余地了。对于那些让我非常害怕的事情 我有过想回避不干的念头。在这次旅行之前 我从没有特地一个人外出旅行过。每当我想走保险棋的时候 我就会想到马上不得不面对我的同学 要对自己的行为做出解释。 13 我有系统地分析了我的经历。我每天写日记 并且告诉我遇到的人自己正在做什么以及为什么这样做。旅行归来之后 我和几个我信任的人谈论所发生的事情。他们中的每个人都有独到的见解 这些见解都弥足珍贵 而且在我把这种经历融入到我生活中去时发现他们的见解是有益的。 14 我回来后发生的变化 能够把在岛上开始的自我改造继续下去。当你离家在外时作些改变比较容易 相比之下回来后保持这些变化要难。为了保证自己不重新回到老一套中去 回来后我马上对自己的工作和与他人的关系做出了新的决定 这些决定会继续推动着我前进。 15 我决定我将来的很多旅行将会具有自我改造的特点。尽管在短短的一星期之内会取得惊人的进展 ,但是自我改造的过程将贯穿于自己的一生之中。我向自己保证我将不时地去旅行 ,以便不断取得进步。 第十单元 世纪日记 1 年届五十 我的感觉如何呢 惊奇。惊奇的是我竟然活那么长。惊奇的是五十年竟然会那么短。惊奇的是我默默无闻。惊奇的是我竟然会因为没有成名而感到惊奇。 2 在我一生中 求知欲一直激励着我。我不知道这是为什么。我母亲的求知心不算强。我祖父在我出生之前就已去世 但是从我所听到的、读到的有关他的轶事和他留下的书来判断 我认为我的求知欲有可能是从他身上继承来的。祖父出生在英国 父母都是威尔士人 年仅十六岁时就只身来到了美国。 3 步入五十岁 我的思维比以往更敏锐了——奇怪 真是奇怪 我能以放大镜聚焦太阳光那样的强度来聚精会神。因为愧疚和激情引起的无法集中注意力的状况也比以往大为减少。对自己经历过和阅读过的这些事物之间的各种关系我也慢慢地开始理解了。我的分析和判断似乎比以前更为正确得当。我的求知欲燃烧得更为炽烈。曾经捉摸不定的问题现在豁然开朗了。 4 但是„ 每得出一个新答案又会生出十几个新问题。把我已知的与未知的相比 就好比沧海一粟。我不能肯定世间是否还有什么能够确定不变的东西。尽管我相信我还活着 但我无法确切地说出活着这个词的含义到底是什么。也许 可以这样说 现在构成我身体的原子早在我出生以前就已存在 并将在我死后继续存在着。 5 有些人认为我很自负 其实我很谦卑。我很庆幸生来就有一个不错的脑袋瓜子 而且这些年来我一直在磨砺这个继承来的思维工具。我承认面对无知我就会急不可耐。然而 我了解自身的弱点 更胜于我对于自身能力的了解。有时候因为自己无知我会感到灰心泄气。 6 我无法找到 自己 生命的意义。我相信一个人的生命只有通过奉献爱心、通过自己选择的工作才能充满意义。我妻子是一个比我更有价值的人 因为她有能力对别人关爱备至 观爱他人是她的天赋。而我什么天赋都没有。她若一旦谢世 人们必定泪洒成河。我崇敬她 一点也不嫉妒她。 7 十四岁时 我知道我想成为一名记者 并继而成为一名作家。是呀 我现在已是一名颇有阅历的记者了 而且我的第一部著作将在秋季出版。我说第一部表明我对自己的事业非常乐观。我相信我生命中接下来的十年将是硕果累累的十年。也许我唯一真正有价值的创作就是这本日记。 8 十个月时间所进行的心理分析帮助我懂得了如何宽恕自己。我现在比以往的任何时候更加心平气和。但是 我意识到我还没有认清自己所有的心理矛盾 更不用说解决这些矛盾了。伯特兰?罗素说过矛盾冲突主要有三种 1 人与环境 2 人与人 3 人与自己。在我看来 人与自己的矛盾是最棘手的。 9 特尔斐神庙上刻有“了解你自己”这样的话。我认为我比大多数人更了解自己 因为我花了更多的时间去研究自己 而不是别的。日记作家是一个审视自己的作家。如果我能够学会充分了解自己 那么我就能同样充分地了解别人。 10 人与人之间可以说是大同小异。密切注意自己的所感所思 我就能体会到他人的所感所思。值得庆幸 的是 正是因为人与人之间有差异才使人们生动有趣。 11 由于我已摆脱了自身的许多愧疚 对自己的期望也能随机应变 我就更能和别人和睦相处 因为我对 他们的期望也降低了。生活是苦海。多年来 我一直认为自己是一个性情怪异的人 但对于怪异这个词到 底指什么并不理解。现在我明白了 行为怪异的人 只要不伤害他人或者自己 任凭他人怎么看待 总是 我行我素。如果世上所有的人都古怪 也就是说每个人都能接受自己 这个世界就不会有战争了。 12 现在我已年过半百 我还有什么遗憾吗 当然有 我遗憾的是我成熟得晚。我遗憾的是我没有成为一 名心理分析学家。尽管我对我决心要当一名记者并不感到遗憾 我要是当初选择当一名治疗专家就好了。 这是为什么呢 因为最令我感兴趣的是人的本性。 13 我们有两个未知的领域。一个是宇宙空间。另一个是 人的 内心世界。虽然我缺乏探索宇宙空间的 兴趣与能力 我完全具有探索人类心灵奥秘的兴趣与能力。但是我能否将这些奥秘传达给别人呢 14 我的兄弟是个发明家 拥有好几项专利 他也许是世界上减震器领域的杰出专家。但是我和他无法进 行有关减震器这个领域的交流。我不具备他这个专业领域的技术知识。他又不能用简单的语言来解释。这 就是一个专家与外行之间交流失败的例子。这种失败正广泛存在。这就好像神经末梢互相之间失去了联系。 如果人与人之间缺乏交流 那么文明将走向消亡。 Unit 1 Personality Directions: Write an article entitled “My Advice to Pessimists”. Your writing must cover the following two points: 1) disadvantages of pessimism 2) way(s) of overcoming pessimism Sample One It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure, while optimism usually brings happiness, good health and success. Pessimists also make those around them very miserable. Therefore, pessimists should change their way of thinking and overcome the negative aspects of their personalities. Here are a few tips for them: 1. Try to smile more often. A smile has great power. It can chase sadness away. It will make you and other people feel happy. And it may even make things easier and better. Smiling in the morning makes a good beginning for the day. A smile is the most important sign of optimism. 2. Build up your self-confidence. Try to discover as many of your personal strengths as you can. Then write them all down. Read them several times when you are getting ready to do something or when you are facing difficulties. Your list will help you see your abilities. 3. Change your way of thinking. Don't always think that things will go wrong or that if they do there will be terrible results. Instead, convince yourself that things will improve and that you can work hard to help improve them. If you fail, think about what you have learned from the failure. If you succeed, praise yourself. Don't be too modest! There is nothing more encouraging than self-praise. Try your best to become an optimist. Unit 4 Career Planning Application Letter Sample One May 5, _____ Apartment 2E 3465 Boulevard East Dallas, TX 75221 Fidelity National Bank P.O. Box 42B Dallas, TX 75221 Dear Sir or Madam: I would like to be considered as an applicant for the teller trainee position listed in today's Dallas Tribune. I am 18 years old. I will graduate from North High School in June. Since my sophomore year, I have been taking business courses. I have taken Accounting 1 and 2, Business Law, Economics, and Word Processing. During my junior year, I participated in the Co-op Program in which I attended school one week and worked the alternate week. My work placement was at the Western Insurance Company, where I learned basic accounting procedures. I am currently employed part-time as a cashier at a Pathway Supermarket. These positions helped me to develop skills and confidence for handling large sums of money. I would be glad to come for an interview at your convenience. My telephone number is 775-2684. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Thomas Gupton Dec. 28, ______ Mailbox 352, ________ University, __________ Road, Dear Sir/Madam: I would like to be considered as a private tutor listed in today’s _______ Evening Paper. I am 19 years old and right now I am studying at ________ University, majoring in Energy. I am now a freshman and my high school years are still fresh in my mind. I passed the National Entrance Examination with flying colors*. So I believe that I have plenty of knowledge and rich experience in study and examinations. I am good at Chemistry and Physics in which your daughter needs help. I won the second prize in a national Chemistry contest and the third prize in a national Physics contest. And I can also help your child with her English and Math. If I become your child's tutor, I will do all I can to teach her and you will be satisfied with her progress. I am eager to get this job because I want to enrich my teaching experience and learn how to get along well with others. Money is my secondary consideration. I would be glad to come for an interview at your convenience. My phone number is ________. I look forward to hearing from you. Unit 5 Language Should Learners Aim to Speak English with a Native-Speaker Pronunciation? Sample One In my opinion, there is no point in aiming to speak English with a native-speaker pronunciation. For most people, it is a waste of time. First, language is a tool for communication among human beings. If people we meet understand what we are saying, that is all that is necessary. We do not need to imitate native speaker's pronunciation. In any case, there are many types of accents, so which one should we choose to imitate? Second, the most important thing is how well we organize what we want to express. Our ideas should be clear and easy to understand. To do so, we should be able to use right words and correct grammar. Third, given the fact that we live in China, it seems a little bit pointless for us to try desperately hard to get rid of our national accent in order to speak BBC English. Finally, each of us has our own style when we speak. If we can give free rein to personal style, the English-speaking world will become more colorful and more interesting. In a word, I prefer to speak with my characteristic and recognizable pronunciation, so long as listeners can understand me. Sample Two Yes, I think it is important to aim for native-speaker pronunciation. First of all, I think perfection is always a good goal in any aspect of language-learning. We aim for perfect grammar, so why not perfect pronunciation? Second, the purpose of learning a language is to communicate with native-speakers or people from other parts of the world. The better my pronunciation is, the more easily they will be able to understand me. And I want people to understand me without any difficulty. Third, English is now an international language and I would like to be part of that community. If my pronunciation is like a native-speaker's, I will blend into the community more naturally. I'll feel pleased if I am taken for a native-speaker. Even if I can't speak so well, I don't like to spoil the language by terrible pronunciation. So learners should aim to speak English with a native-speaker pronunciation. Unit 6 Animals Animals Should Be Trained There are a wide variety of animals in the world. And many of them are highly intelligent. So if we train some animals to work for human beings, we can save a lot of money and manpower. First, some kinds of animals can be trained based on their capacity to do certain types of jobs better than humans. For example, since dogs have a superior ability to track down odors, we can train them to find illegal drugs, earthquake victims, or even ancient tombs. Second, some animals can even lend us their hands. The monkey is a good example. Monkeys can be trained to learn to open doors, fetch tools, bring books, etc. So they can help those who cannot move about freely because of some physical problems. Monkeys make the lives of these people happier and more comfortable. Finally, in some cases, using animals not only saves money but also trouble. Using dolphins as underwater guards can be better and cheaper than any man-made tracking devices. In a word, animals should be trained to help humans. If we train animals in the proper way, both humans and animals can get along very well. Give Animals Their Freedom Humans and animals are both creatures of nature, so we are equal. We have no right to take advantage of them. However, many animals are now being trained to work for us. Monkeys are trained as servants, dogs as hunters and sniffers, and dolphins as soldiers. Beasts should be allowed to run freely over great distances and birds, fly freely in the blue sky. When they are in nature, they are active and able to live a normal life. But when they are kept in captivity, they are bored and frustrated. If we have the right to choose our fate, so do animals. So when we force them to serve us, they have no freedom and are like slaves. What’s more, a lot of animals lose their lives when they help humans. But most humans don't care about their lives at all. As we know, life belongs to us only once and therefore is priceless, and it is also true with animals. But we show no mercy to animals when they have done so much for us. We are cold-blooded creatures and we should criticize ourselves. In brief, we should treat animals in the same way we treat other people. Give animals their freedom. Unit 7 The Joy of Travel Traveling Is Wonderful In school we always study hard and rarely have time for play and relaxation. During our vacation, we can do what we like. Some students go swimming, watch TV, go to the cinema, etc. But all I want to do is to travel. Traveling is interesting. You can see a lot of fascinating things and you can learn about history. Three years ago, I went to Beijing. When I was in the Summer Palace, I walked through the famous Long Corridor, admiring the beautiful pictures drawn on it. In the Imperial Palace, I saw a lot of rare treasures I had never seen before. I went to the Great Wall as well as the Ming Tombs. After visiting these famous places, I can’t help feeling proud of my great motherland. I think it is important to travel to different countries, if possible, so that you can learn about different cultures and customs. It can widen your knowledge of the world. In addition to learning new things, you can also discover the beauty of nature by yourself. When you are on the top of a mountain, you can breathe fresh air, you can see green scenery below and you can hear the sounds of nature. It is a very wonderful feeling. Now I’d like to invite you to go on a trip with me. Can you refuse? I Enjoy Traveling I enjoy traveling. I even consider it as a part of my life. When winter vacation approaches, the question for me to ask is not whether I should travel but where I should travel. I find traveling can do me a lot of good when I look back on my trips. Traveling brings me knowledge and pleasure. It puts me in a good mood. When I go back to my studies, I work more happily. As for knowledge, traveling helps me learn a lot about local customs and it broadens my views. Three years ago, I went to the “European City” in Wuxi, where there are many models of European architecture. During that trip I learned something about Europe. Sometimes, traveling can bring me unexpected pleasure, too. Last year, two friends and I went to a small town near the Tai Mountain. The fact that the town had beautiful scenery and low expenses made us overjoyed. Traveling is uplifting because it is relaxing and we can get rid of our anxiety and stress during the trip. If we travel together with our friends, we can improve our friendship through the shared experience. We can also meet new people and make new friends. In the future, I plan to do more traveling. Unit 8 Nature or Nurture "Which Has Had More Influence on You, Heredity or Environment?" Sample One I both benefit and suffer much from heredity. A short stout figure, an introverted personality, and unimaginative but rational mind: all of these traits come from the genes passed on to me from my parents. But family, schools, and society work together to shape what I am today. My parents are both sport lovers, which makes me fond of physical exercises and turns my frame into a strong body. My honest parents punish me severely whenever I lie or make empty promises, thus I've learned the importance of personal integrity. At school I've learned to help others, to care for others and also to improve my reasoning and understanding skills. Learning about various positive and negative examples of behavior from the media and other sources of information, I have set my own moral standards regarding what to do and what not to do, what to like and what to hate. Environment can change a person completely no matter where he was born and what he genetically inherited from his parents. Sample Two I always believe that a person can succeed in doing anything he feels interested in. Your environment provides all sorts of opportunities and the things necessary for your personal pursuit and achievement. Which has had more influence on you, heredity or environment? This is a difficult question to answer. First, let us examine the influence of heredity. All my classmates call me "Fat Yu" because I am fat. My father is also fat, so I can't help connecting my fatness with his! Although I can't be absolutely sure that it comes from my father, I do think that I probably have a gene which he passed on to me and which determines my body build or shape. Aside from that gene, my father gave me many excellent qualities. For example, I think I am good at abstract thinking. My father is an engineer and he often tells me that he was very good at Math and Physics at middle school and college. So thanks to these genes of his I got into this university. However, I have many other characteristics, which may come from the environment I grew up in. For example, my father and mother are conservative and traditional. They lack a spirit of adventure and they have a hard time understanding many of the new things in China today. I, on the contrary, have the desire to explore and I hope I can become a pioneer of reform. I often have many original thoughts and ideas. All changes taking place around me whet my appetite for exploration. In conclusion, I think both heredity and environment have influenced me greatly. Heredity created me, but environment has improved me. Unit 9 Music The Power of Music Music is the universal language of mankind. Music is everywhere. We can hear it in restaurants, airports, railway stations, supermarkets, department stores, banks, hospitals, and many other public places. Music of all kinds is now available, and tapes and CDs are not very expensive. Music plays an important role in our everyday lives. Music can express emotions that are beyond speech and give us a better feeling about ourselves and about everything around us. It can change our attitudes towards many things. When we feel sad, music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life which can cheer us up; when we are tired and bored, music can make us relaxed, it has charms to soothe the savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak. When we are working or studying, music can provide us with a pleasant environment so that we can work or study more efficiently. Music can make people work faster and with more energy. The best, most beautiful, and most perfect way that we have of expressing a sweet concord of mind to each other is by music. Music can also lull the babies to sleep and can even make cows produce more milk. In a word, music is irresistible and life without music would be boring and monotonous. Unit 10 Reflections on Life The Virtues of Being Young and Being Old Being young is a wonderful thing. We are always trying to find ways to keep ourselves young for as long as possible. When we compliment someone on their young appearance, they will feel proud and happy. Why is youth so preferred or favored? It's because youth is the bright and colorful scenery of life. Young people have glorious ideas and are full of dreams. They have energy, time and optimism. Youth is a time for realizing dreams. Looking back on one's youth will bring the finest memories. Being old is also wonderful. The aged are respected by society. They have experience so people turn to them when they are in trouble or when they need advice. Old people are a source of knowledge and experience for the young. Although they dream less than before, they're more confident about themselves thanks to their knowledge and experience. Those who worked hard when young will be able to appreciate their achievements and keep good memories of their past. Being young, we must take every opportunity to improve ourselves so that when we are old, we will have no regrets about our youth.
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