首页 人教版七年级下册英语练习题及答案



人教版七年级下册英语练习题及答案人教版七年级下册英语练习题及答案 精品文档 人教版七年级下册英语练习题及答案 七年级下 七年级下册 1,4单元 一 词汇 1. like______ 2. across____________十字路口 3. behind______ 4. left______右边;向右 5. open______关闭的;停业的______关闭 6. clean______脏的 7. begin ____________ 8. hungry ____________ 9. cute ______/____...

人教版七年级 下册 数学七年级下册拔高题下载二年级下册除法运算下载七年级下册数学试卷免费下载二年级下册语文生字表部编三年级下册语文教材分析 英语练习 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 精品文档 人教版七年级下册英语练习题及答案 七年级下 七年级下册 1,4单元 一 词汇 1. like______ 2. across____________十字路口 3. behind______ 4. left______右边;向右 5. open______关闭的;停业的______关闭 6. clean______脏的 7. begin ____________ 8. hungry ____________ 9. cute ______/______聪明的 10. sleep______睡着的______困倦的______醒来 11. lazy______ 12. relax______令人轻松的______感到放松的 13. sometimes_______ 14. dangerous______________ 15. late______ 16. put on______ 17. in front of______ 18. in the front of______ 1 / 27 精品文档 19. have fun______ /______ 二 短语 1. ______ from 在??????的对面 2. ______to 紧靠??????的旁边 3. in______ of在??????的前面 4. ______left/right 向左/向右 5. ______the right/left在右边/在左边 6. take a ______ 散步 7. have ______玩得开心 8. ______...and„ 在??????和??????之间 9. the way______ 去??????的路 10. ______a good ______旅途愉快 11. ______of 有几分 12. ______ night 在晚上;在夜里 13. work______ 努力工作 14. be______ in 穿着?????? 15. There’s ______ ______ with sb./sth. ??????出了毛病 三 句型 1. 你的笔友来自哪里, 2. 打扰了,这附近有没有宾馆, 2 / 27 精品文档 3. 向前直走,然后向左转。 4. 剑桥街是个娱乐的好地方。 5. 希望你旅途愉快。 6. 她是做什么工作的, 7. 我们在游乐园玩得很开心。 8. 你们将可以快乐地和外国志愿者练习说英语。 9. 树下躺着一匹老马。 10. 据说以前山顶上住着一位美丽的天使。 11. 我们希望尽快休长假。 12. 他们希望老师能原谅他们的错误。 13. 我希望今年能在月球上度暑假。 14. 我希望父母能允许我选择自己的衣服。 15. 祝你成功/祝你旅途愉快。 16. 上周没有新电影,是不是, 17. 明年我们学校将有50多名美国交流生。 四 语法 1. There’s a supermarket______ ______ the park. 2. It’s dangerous to trek______ the jungle alone. A. acrossB. throughC. over 3. Linda and Sally often______yellow sweaters. 4. The boy is too young to ______himself. 5. The boy______ me is so tall that I can’t see 3 / 27 精品文档 the blackboard. A. in front ofB. in the front of C. behind 6. _____ _____._____ _____ a drugstore_____ _____ _____? 7. _____ _____ _____ therd crossing. 8. The tired people found an old house______. A. live B. to live C. live in D. to live in 9. Some students hope______ teachers when they grow up. 10. There weren’t new movies last week, ______ ______? 11. There’ll______ some Australian visitors in our city tomorrow. A. isB. are C. be D. have 12. There______a box of apples beside the car. 13. There’re going to be tow concerts in our school. 14. There’s some bread on the plate, ______ ______? 15. 对划线部分提问) ______ in the box? 五 单项选择 1. There______ some bread and eggs on the table. 4 / 27 精品文档 A. isB. areC. have D. has 2. Listening to music on the grass sounds really______. A. relax B. relaxes C. relaxed D. relaxing 3. People can go to a restaurant when they’ re______. A. busy B. hungry C. hardD. quiet 4. The photo shop is along the street about0 meters______ your right. A. on B. inC. toD. at 5. Her brother works for a TV station. He might be a ______. A. doctor B. shop assistant C. reporter D. waiter 6. The government is going to build a new bridge______ the river. A. next toB. in front of C. onD. over 7. Paul is English, but he can also speak______ French. A. fewB. a few C. littleD. a little 8. The girl has been away from home for a week. 5 / 27 精品文档 She is ___ brown shoes and a red shirt. A. wearing B. putting on C. wearD. put on 9. A. a little bit B. lots of C. a bit of D. too much 10. I’A. leave B. sendC. buyD. pass 11. There______ a lot of rain in this area in August every year. A. isB. was C. areD. were 12. John likes to sit______ the car, but I like to sit______. A. behind; in the front B. at back of; in front C. at the back of D. in the front 13. I’ll do it better if the teacher______ me another chance. A. giveB. gives C. gaveD. will gave 14. The moon light is coming in____ the window and the room seems quiet and beautiful. A. across B. through C. over 15. –There is enough food for the birds, isn’ t ______ --No. We need to get some. A. itB. there C. thatD. this 6 / 27 精品文档 Unit Why do you like koalas?同步训练 Section A I(选择正确的选项补全单词。 1. eleph ____ tA. an B. on C. en . l _____ nA. ie B. oi C. io . p_____ guinA. an B. on C. en . g _____ affeA. ri B. ir C. ie . dol _____inA. ph B. fh C. sh . p _____ daA. an B. on C. en . tig _____A. ir B. er C. or . fr _____ dlyA. ien B. ein C. ian . k _____ laA. ou B. oa C. oe 10. bec _____ se A. ou B. au C. oa II(根据句意,补全下列单词并将句子翻译成中文。 1. Let’s see the i ___ lions. ____________________________________ 2. The elephants are k of big.____________________________________ 3. A: Is the panda very f ?____________________________________B: Yes, it is.____________________________________ 4. A: Why do you like koalas? 7 / 27 精品文档 ____________________________________ B: Because they’re kind of s. ____________________________________ 5. A: Where is the l dog? ____________________________________B: It’s in his d house. ____________________________________ 6. A: Are giraffes very u? ____________________________________B: No, they’re very c. ____________________________________ III(Complete the conversation according to the Chinese. 根据汉语完成句子。 Peter: Excuse me. ________________________________? Kate: Yes, I do. Peter: What animals do you like? Kate: I like penguins. ________________________________. Peter: Do you like pandas? Kate: Yes, I do. _________________________________. What animals do you like? Peter: I like dolphins. Kate: ________________________________? 8 / 27 精品文档 Peter: Because they are very clever. Kate: Let’s go to the zoo on Sunday. Peter: OK. _______________________________? Kate: It’s next to a post office on Center Street. IV(Fill in the blanks. 填空。 1.A: Where does the panda ________from? B: Sorry, I don’t know. 2. A: ________ you from Australia? B: No, I’m an English boy. I am from ________. 3. A: Is the cute lion ________ Singapore? B: No, it comes from ________ ________. 4. A: Can they speak Japanese? B: Yes, they can. They are from ________. 5. ________ come from Canada. They speak ________ and ________. V(Sentence pattern transformation. 按要求转换 句型, 一空一词。 1. A koala comes from Australia. A koala ________ ________ from Australia. 2. He likes dolphins very much. ________ he ________ dolphins very much? 3. The zoo is across from a big and clean hotel. 9 / 27 精品文档 ________ ________ the zoo? 4. I like Tom because he is very friendly. ________ do ________ like Tom? 5. The shy girl wants to see giraffes. ________ ________ does the shy girl want to see? 6. Do you have lots of clever friends? ________ ________ lots of clever friends. 7. Pandas are from China. Pandas _______ ________ China. 8. She doesn’t want bananas at all. She ________ bananas very ________. VI(Form sentences.组词陈句。 1. want, koalas, to, the, do, you, see ____________________________________________________________________? 2. giraffe, South, smart, the, does, Africa, not, from, come 七年级英语第二学期期末 试题 注意事项: 1(本试题分第?卷和第?卷两部分。第?卷为选择 10 / 27 精品文档 题,第?卷为非选择题;时间90分钟。 2(考生将第?卷各小题的答案标号填入第?卷前的 答题表内。 第?卷 一、听力选择 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C中选择1. A. He’s from the USA. B. He’s in Tokyo. . A. They are here. from China. 3. A. Yes, there is one near here. B. It’s near Mike’s house. C. Yes. It’s far from here. B. Because she thinks they are exciting. B. No, I don’t like them. C. They 4. A. Yes, she does. C. I love them, too.. A. I like elephants. are cute. 录中有五组对话,听两遍后从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出每个问题的正确答案。 6. Where does Tom’s pen pal come from? A. America. B. Japan. C. Australia. 11 / 27 精品文档 C. Orange 7. What does Tina want? A. Green tea. juice. 8. Where does the girl’s mother work?A. At a school. B. In a bank. C. In a factory. 9. What does Gina usually do in the evening? B. Apple juice. C. Chinese. 恰当的应答语。 B. They are kind of cute. C. They are A. She goes to bed early. watches TV. 10. When does Selina have art? A. On Tuesday. B. She does her homework. C. She B. On Wednesday. C. On Friday. 录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,根据所听到的对 话内容判断正误. 11. Mr. Smith is from Shanghai. 12. Mr. Smith only has a son. 13. Mr. Smith is a driver. 14. Mr. Smith likes working in China because he thinks the Chinese people are friendly. 15. Mr. Smith can’t speak Chinese. 12 / 27 精品文档 录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍,然后从小题A、B、 C中选出能完成句子的正确答案。 16. My parents often take me to the zoo. A. on Mondays. weekends. 17. I animals. A. don’t like A tigers B. only like B. dolphins B. eat meat B. bad C. like C. bears C. walk on foot C. unfriendly 18. I think are the most interesting animals in the zoo. 19. Dolphins can. A. swim and jump A. friendly B. every day. C. on 20. Dolphins are very to people. 注意:请同学们翻到第?卷,继续做第五大题,听力 补全对话。 二、单项选择 21. Jack doesn’t like documentaries, she likes action movies. A. or – . A. Apples B. Dumplings C. Red 13 / 27 精品文档 D. English 23. –noodles would you like? –Beef noodles, please. A. What color size of 24. Let’s the pandas first. A. to go and watch goes to see 25. –do you get to school? – At about:30. A. What’s the time B. What time What’s time 26. –Do you want to? –Yes, I want to see a comedy. A. go to the street B. go to the hotel C. go to school D. go to a movie C. Where D. B. go to look C. go and see D. B. What favorite C. What kind of D. What B. so C. and D. but 22. – What’s your favorite fruit? 27. –Would you like some noodles? – . 14 / 27 精品文档 A. Yes, I would B. No, I don’t C. Yes, please D. No, I wouldn’t B. for, as C. for, be D. in, 28. He wants to work a magazine an English editor. A. in, as of 29. – ? –French. A. Where is Linda from B. Where does he live C. What language does he speak 0. –do you like lions? –Because they are cute. A. What B. When D. Can he speak French C. How D. Why D. busy 31. There are many people and buses in the street. It’s a street. A. quiet B. small 15 / 27 精品文档 C. dirty 32. –Excuse me. Can you speak English? –Yes, but only. A. many little 33. The baby panda is only five. A. year old B. year’s old C. month old D. months old 34. –your brother swim? –Yes, he. A. Can, does can 35. The park isn’t in front of the school, but it. A. between 三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C中选出能填入文章中 相应空白处的最佳答案。 Hi, dear friends. Welcome36our zoo. We have a big family in the zoo. All37animals in the zoo are brothers and sisters. Today let’s go to see3 . First, let’s39the pandas over there. They are black40 white. They are beautiful, and very shy, so please41 quiet. Now come this way, please. We’ll go and see the lions. These two lions are from4. They eat meat. They are dangerous. So43be near to them. Don’ 16 / 27 精品文档 t you want44and see Bill? He’s a koala. Look! Isn’ t he cute? He’s from Australia. He sleeps during, but at night he gets up and eats leaves. That’s not all. Let’s go and see some other animals of our family. B. behind C. on D. next B. Does, is C. Does, can D. Can, B. much C. a little D. 36. A. in B. at B. the C. for D. to D. of D. them D. look 37. A. their. A. they. A. see40. A. then 1. A. is African C. B. their B. to see B. or B. are 17 / 27 精品文档 C. theirs C. to look C. and C. am D. but D. D. can’ D. be 42. A. Australian 3. A. wouldn’t t 44. A. to go 5. A. the day days 四、阅读理解 B. Africa B. aren’t B. go C. Asian C. don’t C. going D. goes D. B. night C. nights 阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目。从每小题A、B、 C、D中选出能完成所给句子的最佳答案。 A Barry is a schoolboy. He’s thirteen. He lives in Tianjin now. He’s from Australia. He speaks English well and he can speak a little Chinese, too. Every day he gets up at:00. He has breakfast at:00. After that he goes to school with his father. He has four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. 18 / 27 精品文档 Barry enjoys music. He joins a music club. He is friendly to others. We all love him. 46. Barry is a . A. teacherA. 11 B. student B. 12 C. EnglishC. 13 D. girl 47. Barry is years old. D. 14 D. English 48. He can speak . A. Frenchand Chinese B. English C. Chinese 2014人教版七年级下英语期末测试题 姓名 一、单项选择: 1. It took my friend and me half bus. A. a;the B. the ; aC. an; /D. an / the 2. --- Are you robots?--- No, I am not. A. interesting at B. interesting in C. interested in D. interested at 3.music last year ? A. Was; listening B. Did; listen to C.Did; listening toD.Was; listening to 19 / 27 精品文档 5.----Would you like to come to the party tonight? A.I would be B. I’d like C. I’d like to D. I do 6. If it tomorrow, we will go to Shao Lin Tample. A. doesn’t rainB. isn’t rainyC. rainsD. A or B 7. Don’t make so much noise, Lily, A. do you B. don’t youC. will youD. won’t you 8. Look ! who on the playground? A. is swimming B. running C. swimming D. is running 9. _____there early, he often takes a taxi.A. To get B. Get C. GettingD. Got 10. I saw a monkey in the tree when I looked up at it. A. jumpB. jumpingC. jumped D. to jump 11.my mother wanted to buy a hatA. Because ;so B. So; because C. Because; / D. / ; because 12. There are only twostudents in the hall but there were of students on it yesterday A. hundreds; hundredB. hundred ;hundredsC. hundred ;hundred D. hundreds ;hundreds 14. One of my classmates often late class. A. is; 20 / 27 精品文档 for B. is ; inC. are; forD. are; in 1.A. summer B. month C. weekdayD. weekends 2.A. a lot B. a lots ofC. a lot of D. lot of 3.A. zoo B. park C. bankD. library 4.A. tigers B. peopleC. friendsD. animals 5.A. dangerous B. friendly C. interesting D. ugly 6.A. houses B. buildingsC. cages D. ponds 7.A. angry B. happy C. friendly D. boring 8.A. lookingB. seeingC. watching D. hearing 9.A. in B. at C. withD. on 10.A. friendly B. interesting C. warm D. cold 三、.阅读理解 A Jim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother. They come Heretowork.Jim comes here to study.He is in No. 1Middle School.He gets up early every day. He is never late for school. He studies hard.He can read and write English well. He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chinese. After class, he likes playing 21 / 27 精品文档 football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. He makes many friends here. We’re very glad to stay with him. On Sundays, he often helps his mother clean the house, mend something or do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very much. He likes living here. He likes the Chinese students very much. We all like him, too. 阅读短文,判断正误。 1. Jim comes from the USA. 2. After class, he likes singing and playing basketball. 3. On weekdays, he often helps his mother with housework. 4. He gets up early every day. 5. He often helps us with Chinese. B Howie Henderson is a college student in New York City. This weekend he plans to study for an exam, but he doesn’t want to study. He just wants to have a fun. On Friday night he dances. On Saturday morning he plays 22 / 27 精品文档 tennis with his friend Keith. On Saturday afternoon his friends call him, and they have a party in his friend Roger’s home. On Sunday he goes to see a movie. The name of the movie is “Cloudy Monday”. Howie doesn’t like it. It is a comedy, and Howie doesn’t like comedy very much. At last, on Sunday night, Howie studies for the exam. He studies from six in the evening to two in the morning. On Monday morning Howie goes to school and takes the exam. He is tired and now he is sorry he didn’t study. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号 内。 1. Where does Howie live? A. College.B. England. C. America. D. at home. 2. What does “exam” mean in Chinese?A. 游戏 B. 考验C. 面试D. 考试 3. Howie doesn’t want to _______ . A. study for the exam.B. have a fun.C. sleep.D. see a comedy. . Howie studies ________ on Sunday night. A. eight hours. B. from six in the morning to two 23 / 27 精品文档 in the evening C. nine hours. D. all the time. . How many things does Howie do on the weekend? A. Four.B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven. C The looks are for Tom’s family. CQTV - 7:30 Morning News 14:30 Soap Opera: Dumpling king 15:30 Arts and Cultures 16:50 Sitcom: Happy Family 18:20 Chinese cooking 19:00Talk show 1. Tom’s mother is ______ and heavy with ______ hair. A. tall, curly B. short, black C. medium, long D. short, long 2. Beijing is ______ but Chongqing is raining. A. sunny to cloudyB. cloudy to sunnyC. sunnyD. cloudy 3. We can watch the sitcom at ______ on TV. A.:50 p.m. B.:30 a.m.C.:30 p.m. D.:20 p.m. 4. The highest temperature is ______ and it is 24 / 27 精品文档 sunny to cloudy. A. Chongqing B. ShenzhenC. XiamenD. Beijing 5. Which of the following sentences is right? A. Tom’s father is a cook. He learns Chinese cooking on TV at 15:30. B. Tom’s sister looks my mother and she likes watching soap operas. C. A reporter asks me about what I did on weekends on TV at 16:50. D. Tom’s mother went to Harbin, she has to wear very warm clothes. 四.用所给词或汉语意思的适当形式填空。 1. Li Ping decided ____________ his breakfast. 2. I found the little girl ____________ in the corner. 3. ____________ a shower when you are ill in bed. 4. Let’s ____________ some hamburgers and soda. 5. We had fun ____________ in the water yesterday afternoon. 6. His father made him ____________ to bed before 10:00 every evening. 7. One of the animals ____________ very 25 / 27 精品文档 friendly and intelligent. 8. My cousin can speak three 语言) 9. The headheacher showed the around our school. They were very happy. 10. He ____________ the police officer last night. 五.补全对话: 根据情景从所给的六个选项中选五句 填入空中,只填序号。 T: What are your favourite sports? T: Now, tell me what you like to eat? T: ? B: Oh, yes, I love vegetables. T: Do you drink wine? B: No, I never drink wine or coffee. ? B: I drink a lot of milk. It’s very good for my health. 写一篇日记,记述你在那一天当中发生的事情。 要求: 1.用过去时态写,条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺, 标点正确,书写清晰、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ; 2.注意日记格式,可以选择运用如下短语:stayed at 26 / 27 精品文档 home, visited my uncle/aunt, went to beach, visited museum, played soccer/basketball, did housework etc.; 3.不得少于60个词。 人教版七年级下英语期末测试题部分参考答案: 一、CDCAC / ACDAB / CBCAB 二、完型填空 1-DCADA-10 CBCAA 三、阅读理解 A.FFTTFB.CDAAB C.BCABD 四、1. to make . crying3. Don’t take. buy . swimming 6. go. is . languages. visitors 10. saw 五、补全对话: 根据情景从所给的六个选项中选五句 填入空中,只填序号。 1- DEACB 27 / 27
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