首页 君逸酒店工程部经理月报表




君逸酒店工程部经理月报表 DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING’S CHECKLIST & REPORT 工程部经理月检查报告 HOTEL 酒店 FOR THE MONTH OF 2003 COMPLETED BY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING: Signature Date 工程部经理 签字 日期 REVIEWED BY GENERAL MANAGER : Signature Date 总经理 签字 日期 TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED TO GENERAL MANAGER BY THE TH10WORKING DAY OF EACH MONTH 请于每月第10个工作日填好并上交总经理 DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING`S MONTHLY CHECKLIST 工程部经理月检查报告 ITEM D W M Q S A YES NO REMARKS 1.0 FIRE SAFETY EQUIPMENT 消防设施 1.1 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 消防报警系统 Inspection 检查 Any physical damage X 有无损坏 Lamps on alarm and enunciator X Panels 监控盘和报警灯 Electrolyte level of batteries X NA Free maintenance batteries 电瓶液面 Fuse ratings X 保险丝额定值 Voltage of each battery cell X 电瓶电压 Test 测试 Initiating device circuit X Progressive checking 触发系统回路 Signaling device circuit X Progressive checking 显示系统回路 Two-way communication X NA 双向联络 Remote annunciator X NA 遥控报警器 Supervisory device circuits X Progressive checking 监控系统回路 1.2 SMOKE DETECTORS 烟感探测装置 Inspection 检查 Any damage or obstruction X 有无损坏或阻碍 Remove accumulated dust X Progressive checking 清除灰尘 Tests 测试 Calibration/Operation X Progressive checking 检验/运行 1.3 HEAT DETECTORS 温度探测装置 Inspection 检查 Any damage or obstruction X Progressive checking 有无损坏或阻碍 Tests 测试 Operating efficiency X Progressive checking 运行情况 Insert “not applicable”,”NA” if hotel does not have this facility 若饭店无此设备,在表中注明NA Insert “not due”,“ND” if not required for this month 若这月无检查要求,在表中注明ND ITEM D W M Q S A YES NO REMARKS 1.0 FIRE SAFETY EQUIPMENT(Cont`d) 消防设备(续) 1.4 FLAME DETECTORS/GAS DETECTORS 火焰/煤气探测装置 Inspection 检查 Any damage or obstruction X Progressive checking 有无损坏或阻碍 Test 测试 Operating efficiency X Progressive checking 运行情况 1.5 MANUAL STATIONS, HORNS BELLS 消防栓箱,喇叭,警铃 Inspection 检查 Any damage or obstruction X Progressive checking 有无损坏或阻碍 Tests 测试 Operating efficiency X 运行情况 1.6 VOICE ALARMS 紧急广播 Inspection 检查 Damage to speakers X Progressive checking 扬声器 Preamplifier and controls for X normal operation 放大和控制部分 Voice tape for normal operation X 磁带 Power supply for normal operation X 电源 Tests 测试 Circuits for speakers X Progressive checking 扬声器电路 Speakers X Progressive checking 扬声器 1.7 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTENS 自动喷淋系统 Inspection 检查 Heated enclosure for control valve of X NA dry system in freezing weather (China,etc.) 冬季干式系统控制阀的加热 X Control valves operable 阀门性能 X Open water supply valves 开启供水阀门 Sprinkler heads, any obstruction X Progressive checking 喷淋头,有无阻碍 ITEM D W M Q S A YES NO REMARKS 1.7 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS(Cont`d) 自动喷淋系统(续) Inspection 检查 Air and water pressure dry pipe X NA system 干式系统中的压力表 Dry pipe priming water level X NA 干式系统中的注水阀 Lubricated valve sterns X NA 润滑阀杆 Clean strainers X NA 清洁过滤器 Low point in dry pipe drained X NA 干式系统中最低点排水 Tests 测试 Flow test main drains X 主管放水试验 Water-flow alarms in wet pipes X 水流报警 Low-pressure alarms in dry pipes X 干式管低压报警 Antifreeze solution in wet pipes X NA 在湿管内的防冻溶液 Trip test dry piie valve X NA 干式管阀门释放试验 1.8 FIRE PUMP 消防泵 Inspection 检查 Pressure X 压力 Automatic indication controller X lights 控制盘指示灯 X Valves open 阀门开状态 Tests 测试 Pump operation X 泵的运行 Packing glands tight X 填料盖 Suction and discharge gauges X NA 抽气和排气表 Speed governor(diesel pumps) X NA 调速器(柴油泵) Overspeed trip (diesel pumps) X NA 限速泵(柴油泵) X X NA Pump performance test 泵的性能测试 Water flow and alarm switches X 水流报警开关 Valve position X 阀门位置 X NA Pump speed at each flow 泵流量 Suction and discharge pressure at each X NA flow 开机抽、排气压力 ITEM D W M Q S A YES NO REMARKS 1.9 STANDPIPE AND HOSE SYSTEMS 消防供水系统 Inspection 检查 Hose for damage and proper racking , 水龙带状况及摆放 Control valves , 控制阀 Fire department connections , 与消防部门联络 Hose cabinet signs X 消防箱标志 Main water supply valves locked open , 主供水阀锁定开位置 Pipe damage or corrosion , 管道有无损坏锈蚀 Hose nozzle operable , 水龙带接头可操作性 Lubricated swing-out hose racks and/or , reels 润滑水龙支架,转轴 X Tests 测试 Automatic water supply valve opens , NA properly 自动供水阀门正常开启 Electromechanical supervision of , NA automatic valves operates properly 自动阀门的机电监控装置 Threads not damaged on fire , department connections 室外消防栓接口 X Standpipe not clogged , 消防栓无堵塞 No leakage at hose stations , 消防栓无渗漏 Hose not damaged , 水龙带无损坏 1.10 FIXED DRY CHEMICAL SYSTEMS 干式化学喷洒系统 Inspection 检查 Nozzle caps X 喷咀盖帽 Nozzle position X 喷咀位置 Fusible lines X 易熔线 Cylinder pressure X 气缸压力 Chemical agent X 化学试剂 Tests 测试 Actuating 传动 Discharge 推放 Hydrostatic 静压力 ITEM D W M Q S A YES NO REMARKS 1.11 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 手提式灭火器 Inspection 检查 Properly located X 恰当的位置 Access/availability unobstructed X 取用/使用无障碍 Operating instructions visible X 清晰的使用说明 Seals/tamper indicators intact X 铅封/保护物无损坏 Pressure gauge in normal range X 压力值正常 No obvious physical damage X 无明显的损坏 Tests 测试 Mechianical parts X 外部零件 Suppression chemical X 灭火剂 Hydraostatic: 静压力 Stored pressure 5yrs 储存压力 Wetting agent 5yrs 湿药剂 Foam 5yrs 泡沫剂 AFFF 5yrs Dry chemical(stainless steel) 5yrs 干化学制品(不锈钢) Carbon deoxide 5yrs 二氧化碳 Halon 1211 (mild steel sided) 哈龙1211 1.12 FIRE DOORS AND DAMPERS 自动隔火门和防火阀 Inspection 检查 Doors damage X 门有无损坏 Closer X 闭门器 Latch X 门闭锁 Hinges X 合页 Chains/cables supended doors X NA 链/钢丝悬挂的吊门 Dry rot (tin clad doors) X 门锈蚀情况(包白铁皮的门) Tests 测试 Automatic closer X 自动开锁装置 Damper latch in air flow X 防火阀易熔片 ITEM D W M Q S A YES NO REMARKS 1.13 STANDBY GENERATOR 紧急发电机 Inspection 检查 Inspection of complete system for any X physical damage 全部外观检查 Electrolyte level of batteries X NA 电瓶液高度 Voltage of each battery cell X 电瓶电压 Test 测试 Automatic start simulation and no load X run 自动起动模拟试验和无负载运行 Load test(building load) X 负荷运行 Relay protection & instrument check, X including injection tests 检查保护继电器和仪表进行运行试验 1.14 PABX 电话交换机 Inspection 检查 Inspection of complete system for any X physical damage 全部外观检查 Electrolyte level of batteries X NA Free maintaining battery 电瓶液高度 Voltage of each battery cell X 每个电瓶电压 Tests 测试 Simulate power failure & c/o to battery X supply 模拟供电故障转换电瓶供电 Check operation of UPS X NA 检查不间断电源 1.15 OTHERS 其他 Main gas valve (check by gas company) X 煤气主控阀门 Elevator pit (debris removed) X 电梯井(清理垃圾) Linen chute door operation/interlock X 布巾槽门及运行状况 Laundry exhaust ducts checked for lint X 清理洗衣房排风管道 Kitchen range hood filters X 清理厨房烟罩过滤网 Chemical fireproofing of continuous X X service kitchen exhaust ducts 厨房排烟道中化学耐火材料连续使用 Chemical fireproofing of infrequently X X used kitchens 厨房排烟道中化学耐火材料偶尔使用 Fire and emergency procedure update X for staff 对员工进行防火紧急情况处理的培训 ITEM D W M Q S A YES NO REMARKS 1.15 OTHERS 其他 Emergency lighting X 应急灯 Exit lighting/signage X 出口指示灯及标志 Earth quake sensor X NA 地震探测器 X Lift homing/fire,earthquake X 电梯消防平层,地震平层 Inspect fire escape access 检查消防撤离通道 1.15 Insurance YES NO REMARKS 安全保障措施 Reviewed safety & loss policy ? documents/procedures to ensure these are up to date.(Hotel extensions & modifications may affect policy.) 检查安全应急 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 确保正确有效 (饭店扩大及变更对安全的影响) 2.0 WATER TREATMENT: YES NO REMARKS 水处理: Reviewed water analysis reports or “in-house”tests for the following: 检查水处理报告 (a)Boilers 锅炉 (b)Chillers 冷冻机 (c)Cooling towers 冷水塔 (d)Swimming Pool 游泳池 (e)Health Club 健身房 (f)Legionnaires disease testing 军团菌 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 -Singapore/Malaysia/Philippines every 4 months 新加坡/马来西亚/菲律宾每4个月一次 -Other every 6 months operation 其余地区每6个月一次 3.0 ENERGY & WATER YES NO REMARKS CONSUMPTION 能源和水的消耗: Reviewed all utility consumption invoices and checked these for: 检查能源帐单,检查数量的 (a)accuracy 准确性 (b)irregularities 不规律性 Analyzed utility consumption for irregularities or trends including comparisons with previous corresponding figures. 对能源消耗的不规则性或趋势进行 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 包括与往年相应数字相比。 Reviewed progress of energy management programme. 检查能源消耗管理控制 ITEM YES NO REMARKS 4.0 CONTRACTS & AUTHORITIES: 合同&管理当局 Reviewed all maintenance and service agreement contracts and reviewed these where applicable,including. 检查所有维修和服务合同及执行情况 (a)Vertical Transportation 电梯 (b)Fire Safely Systems 消防安全系统 (c)Grease traps 污脂排放收集 (d)Chillers 冷冻机 (e)Generarors 应急发电机 (f)others 其他 PABX 程控交换机 Health club equipment 健身房设备 Exhaust pipeline cleaning at Laundry, Kitchen 洗衣房&厨房排烟管道的清理 Reviewed all stautory requirements including certificates and in licenses to ensure they are current 检查包括执照,证书在内的所有文件 的有效情况 5.0 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE YES NO REMARKS PROGRAMMES 固定资产费用项目 Reviewed M & E programme,progress & budgets for all current capital expenditure programmes. 检查所有资产费用项目进行情况。 6.0 MAINTENANCE: YES NO REMARKS 维护: (a) Reviewed Duty engineering`s log for chillers,boilers and other main plant. 检查值班工程师记录(有关冷冻 机,锅炉等主要设备) (b) Inspected all major breakdown of equipment and damage to property Determined probable cause. 检查所有影响运行的大的故障, 损坏项目及原因 ITEM YES NO REMARKS 6.0 MAINTENANCE:(Cont`d) 维护:(续) (k) Ensured that stock levels for maintenance items and tools are at acceptable leves. 确保维修物品和工具的库存能 满足要求。 (1) Reviewed preventative maintenance schedule for all mechanical electrical systems &equipment and: 检查所有机电系统和设备的预防维护 工作记录按 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 进行: -confirmed this work is up-to-date 确认工作已进行 -action has been taken to bring this-up-to-date by……** 由谁进行这项工作的 -no action tobring up-to-date.** 没有采取行动 7.0 MISCELLANEOUSITENS: YES NO REMARKS 其他项目: (a)Monitored present and future trends systems and practices in hotel technology for possible future actions. 当前及今后饭店运行和技术方面的发展, 变化。 (b)Updated area programme of the hotel within the last three months. if applicable. 最近3个月内饭店更新改造项目。 (c)Reviewed training plan programmes for all engineering staff within the last three months. 检查最近3个月所有工程部员工的培训 计划。 ITEM YES NO REMARKS 6.0 MAINTENANCE:(Cont`d) 维护:(续) (c)Reviewed cleanliness/tidiness of engineering office,M&E,stores, workshops,plant rooms,AHU rooms and pump rooms. 检查工程部办公室,库房, 机房,AHU房及泵房的清洁情况。 (d)Inspected all grease traps, sewage pump andseptic tanks. 检查所有隔油池,污水泵和 化粪池 工作状况。 (e)Reviewed quality of work done by maintenance contractors. 检查维修合同方的工作质量。 (f)Ensured that relevant maintenance checks have been carried out on: 检查确认下列维护工作已进行: -flood gates NA 水闸 -gondola NA 吊蓝 -roller shutters 卷帘门 -sliding doors 自动门 -revolving doors 旋转门 -glass doors(lobby,etc) 玻璃门(大堂等处) (g)Conducted personal periodic checks of all mechanical & electrical plant(“walk through”) 安排专人检查所有机电设备 (h)Reviewed maintenance requests and work orders to assess problems,trends & adnormalities. 检查维护报告、请修单了现问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 趋势和 异常。 (i)Review back log of maintenance requests,work orders and re-assessed procedures to maintain acceptable levels of performance as agreed with the GM 检查维修记录,请修单 (j)Checked all purchase requests for accuracy and validity. 检查所有请购单的准确性和供货及时性
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