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情人节来历情人节来历 篇一:情人节的由来 【情人节的由来】 读完后,你才会更尊重这日子~-----罗马帝国时期,基督教被视为非法,常常遭到罗马政府的镇压。公元三世纪的270年,一名叫瓦伦丁的基督徒因公开谴责并号召信徒反抗罗马皇帝对基督教的压制,他到处演讲煽动人们起来反抗,最后被罗马政府关进了一个郊区监狱。在狱中,他受尽了非人的折磨,但仍然坚持自己的信仰。 监狱长的女儿16岁,是一个美丽的盲女,平时在监狱里到处走动,喜欢跟新来的犯人说话交流,在跟瓦伦丁的交流中,女工孩感受到了这个青年男人的激情和深邃的思想,遂深深地喜欢...

情人节来历 篇一:情人节的由来 【情人节的由来】 读完后,你才会更尊重这日子~-----罗马帝国时期,基督教被视为非法,常常遭到罗马政府的镇压。公元三世纪的270年,一名叫瓦伦丁的基督徒因公开谴责并号召信徒反抗罗马皇帝对基督教的压制,他到处演讲煽动人们起来反抗,最后被罗马政府关进了一个郊区监狱。在狱中,他受尽了非人的折磨,但仍然坚持自己的信仰。 监狱长的女儿16岁,是一个美丽的盲女,平时在监狱里到处走动,喜欢跟新来的犯人说话交流,在跟瓦伦丁的交流中,女工孩感受到了这个青年男人的激情和深邃的思想,遂深深地喜欢上了他那磁性的声音,瓦伦丁非常博学,给她讲述了很多的人生道理,并且成为这个女孩的启蒙老师。 瓦伦丁询问她眼睛的失明问题,得知她是因为3岁时一次偶然的事故造成, 就告诉她,在一个叫布拉丁的村庄,生长着一种奇异草,它的叶汁可以治疗人的眼睛,他反复告诉她,如果用这种草汁涂抹眼睛,一定能使她重见光明~ 女子本来习惯于黑暗,但为了见到这个叫瓦伦丁的男人,她第一次说服父亲,托人去采摘那种草药,然后去找医生敷疗。 女孩要去看病治疗了,临走前告诉他,这辈子我最想见的人就是你,我相信我一定会见到你的——你是我心中的英雄~瓦伦丁也鼓励她,给她信心,双方心照不宣,互相有了爱的感觉。 可惜,一周后教会来了指令,瓦伦丁必须处决,监狱长也无法救他,这个时候女孩的眼睛已经治好了,她终于能看见这个美丽的世界 了,可当他兴奋地走进监狱的时候,父亲告诉她,今天下午2点30分,瓦伦丁已经在城外被处决了„„女孩子见到光明的信心来源于瓦伦丁,她的治疗也是为了能见到他,可现在她看好了眼睛却依然看不到他,而且永远也无法见到他了,她内心只有瓦伦丁雄厚的声音„„ 当天晚上,这个内心充满了爱情与绝望的女子,在瓦伦丁的坟墓前,喝下了早已预备好的毒药,自尽在坟墓前„„ 那一天正好是2月14日,后人为了纪念这位英雄和她的情人,也为了让天下的有情人都能成眷属,就把这一天定为情人节,也称瓦伦丁节。 中国由于特殊的文化,习俗上对情人的称谓具有贬义性,在西方,情人就是指双方有爱情的恋人和夫妻,祝大家有情人终成眷属~ 篇二:西方情人节的起源和习俗 西方情人节的起源和习俗 西方情人节也就是2月14日的圣瓦伦丁节,对于情侣们来说,它大概是第一隆重的节日。西方情人节的主题是浪漫、玫瑰、巧克力、爱情。关于西方情人节的起源和习俗,至今流传着不同的说法。 西方情人节起源 传说一 公元3世纪,罗马帝国皇帝克劳迪乌斯二世在首都罗马宣布废弃所有的婚姻承诺,当时是出于战争的考虑,使更 多无所牵挂的男人可以走上争战的疆场。一名叫瓦仑廷(Sanctus Valentinus)的神父没有遵照这个旨意而继续为相爱的年轻人举行教堂婚礼。事情被告发后,瓦仑廷神父先是被鞭打,然后被石头掷打,最后在公元270年2月14日这天被送上了绞架被绞死。14世纪以后,人们就开始纪念这个日子。中文译为“情人节”的这个日子,在西方国家里就被称为Valentine's Day ,用以纪念那位为情人做主而牺牲的神父。 传说二 据说瓦伦丁是最早的基督徒之一,那个时代做一名基督徒意味着危险和死亡。为掩护其他殉教者,瓦沦丁被抓住,投入了监牢。在那里他治愈了典狱长女儿失明的双眼。当暴君听到这一奇迹时,他感到非常害怕,于是将瓦沦丁斩首示众。据传说,在行刑的那一天早晨,瓦沦丁给典狱长的女儿写了一封情意绵绵的告别信,落款是:From your Valentine (寄自你的瓦伦丁)。当天,盲女在他墓前种了一棵开红花的杏树,以寄托自己的情思,这一天就是2月14日。自此以 后,基督教便把2月14日定为情人节。 传说三 在古罗马时期,2月14日是为 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示对约娜的尊敬而设的节日。约娜是罗马众神的皇后,罗马人同时将她尊奉为妇女和婚姻之神。接下来的2月15日则被称为“卢帕撒拉节”,是用来对约娜治下的其他众神表示尊敬的节日。 西方情人节习俗 每年2月14日的“情人节”,又名“圣瓦伦丁节”是个需要谨慎小心的日子——对于单身的人和浪漫的人来说更是如此。“情人节”清早一起床你就该从钥匙孔向外窥探。据传说记载,如果你所看到的第一个人是在独行,那么你当年就会独身;如果你看到两个或更多的人同行,那么你当年肯定会觅得情人;如果你看到一只公鸡和一只母鸡的话,那你就会在“圣诞节”以前结婚。可如今各家的庭院已绝少有公鸡母鸡出没,城区空地上也不会有鸡的踪影,所以若能看见一对鸽子或一对麻雀也有同工之妙。 西方情人节给女朋友的礼物 【巧克力。】 不论你为女朋友准备了什么礼物,但是在情人节那一天不吃巧克力,似乎这个情人 节就很变味。因此,作为男孩子,一定要准备精美的巧克力。特别是对于一些要求简单地女孩子,一盒巧克力就够了。特别注意的是,手工巧克力更加特别也更具心意哦,不妨为她亲自 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 和定制吧。 【戒指。】 戒指是承诺的最佳象征,比如婚礼上的婚戒。让最爱的人为自己戴上一枚代表承诺的戒指,是每个女生的小心愿,如果这枚戒指是独一无二的更好了。不如送她一枚世上独一无二的定制戒指,告诉她对于你来说,她就是此生唯一,它就是Darry Ring真爱戒指,男人要凭身份证谨慎定制,一生只送一人,“一生唯一真爱”的承诺也由此而来。 【公仔。】 女孩子大都喜欢毛茸茸的公仔和玩偶,送她一个超大公仔作为懒人沙发,或者小小的一枚挂在包包上,都是最贴合她们的少女心的。如果她有喜欢的动漫,比如海贼王、 小丸子、机器猫等等,还可以送相应的周边给她,一举两得。这时候更考验你对她的了 解,要知道她是否喜欢毛绒的公仔,喜欢怎样的形象等等,投其所好才好哦。 篇三:情人节来历中英文版 第一种版本 Valentines day 是情人节在英语里的叫法。从字面上来看,很难看出中西方叫法之间有什么联系。这里面隐藏着一个动人的故事。 大约在公元三世纪的罗马,那时恺撒已经死去快三百年了,暴君Claudius当政。当时,罗马内外战争频仍,民不聊生。为了补足兵员,将战争进行到底,Claudius下令,凡是一定年龄范围内的男子,都必须进入罗马军队,以生命为国家效劳。自此,丈夫离开妻子,少年离开恋人。于是整个罗马便被笼罩在绵长的相思中。对此,暴君大为恼火。为了达到自己的目的,他竟然下令禁止国人举行结婚典礼,甚至要求已经结婚的毁掉婚约。 然而,暴政禁止不了爱情。就在暴君的国都里,居住着一位德高望重的修 士,他就是Valentine,我们的主人公。他不忍看到一对对伴侣就这样生离死别,于是为前来请求帮助的情侣秘密地主持上帝的结婚典礼。一时间,这一令人振奋的消息在整个国度传开,更多的情侣秘密地赶来请求修士的帮助。 但是,事情很快还是被暴君知晓了,于是他再一次显示了残暴面目--将修士打进大牢,最终折磨致死。修士死的那一天是2月14日,公元270年的2月14日。 人们为了纪念这个敢于与暴君斗争的人,渐渐地使得2月14日成为一个节日。很多世纪过去了,人们再也记不得Claudius的大名,再也记不得他的权杖与宝剑,但依然会纪念Valentine修士,因为那个日子是Valentinesday,是情人节。 第二种版本 在古罗马时期,二月十四日是为表示对约娜的尊敬而设的节日。约娜是罗马众神的皇后,罗马人同时将她尊奉为妇女和婚姻之神。接下来的二月十五日则被“卢帕撒拉节”,是用来对约娜治下的其他众神表示尊敬的节日。 在古罗马,年轻人和少女的生活是 被严格分开的。然而,在卢帕撒拉节,小伙子们可以选择一个自己心爱的姑娘的名字刻在花瓶上。这样,过节的时候,小伙子就可以与自己选择的姑娘一起跳舞,庆祝节日。如果被选中的姑娘也对小伙子有意的话,他们便可一直配对,而且最终他们会坠入爱河并一起步入教堂结婚。后人为此而将每年的二月十四日定为情人节。 第三种版本 一本英(本文来自: WwW.hNboxu.cOm 博旭 范文 网:情人节来历)语辞典上注释说,范泰伦节(情人节)二月十四日,来源于古罗马的牧神节。据说鸟类在这一天开始交配。那时的风俗是:在牧神节期间,每个青年男子从一只盒子里抽签,盒子里放的是写有青年女子姓名的条子。抽到谁,谁就成为那个青年男子的心上人。后来这个节日改为纪念一位叫瓦伦丁的基督教圣徒。 古罗马青年基督教传教士圣瓦伦丁,冒险传播基督教义,被捕入狱,感动了老狱吏和他双目失明的女儿,得到了他们悉心照料。临刑前圣瓦伦丁给姑 娘写了封信,表明了对姑娘的深情。在他被处死的当天,盲女在他墓前种了一棵开红花的杏树,以寄托自己的情思。这一天就是,月,,日。现在,在情人节里,许多小伙子还把求爱的圣瓦伦丁的明信片做成精美的工艺品,剪成蝴蝶和鲜花,以表示心诚志坚。姑娘们晚上将月桂树叶放在枕头上,希望梦见自己的情人。通常在情人节中,以赠送一枝红玫瑰来表达情人之间的感情。将一枝半开的红玫瑰作为情人节送给女孩的最佳礼物,而姑娘则以一盒心形巧克力作为回赠的礼物。 12月14日的校园情人节的另一种说法,也是比较符合实际的一种 12月,一年的最后一个月,相对于新春2月的情人节来说,代表着一年的即将结束 同时也是一个学期的结束时间,很多的大学生在12月过后就纷纷离开了学校,踏上了社会 为此,在这一天,校园里的情人们彼此用来怀念一下曾经刚刚相识的那种感觉 也用来怀念一年内所发生的事,大大的小小的,甜蜜的,苦涩的。 所以,为了纪念这特殊的一天,被很多的校园 情人定做校园情人节。 祝各位情侣朋友 们,幸福甜蜜. 情人节的由来英文版-The origin of St Valentine's Day St. Valentine's Day has roots in several different legends that have found their way to us through the ages. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid(爱神丘比特) the Roman god of love who is represented by the image of a young boy with bow and arrow. Three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ the Roman emperors still demanded that everyone believe in the Roman gods. Valentine a Christian priest had been thrown in prison for his teachings. On February 14 Valentine was beheaded(斩首) not only because he was a Christian but also because he had performed a miracle. He supposedly cured the jailer's daughter of her blindness. The night before he was executed he wrote the jailer's daughter a farewell letter signing it "From Your Valentine.Another legend tells us that this same Valentine well-loved by all received notes to his jail cell from children and friends who missed him. Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time AD 200. He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman emperor. Some legends say he was burned at the stake. February 14 was also a Roman holiday held in honor of a goddess. Young men randomly chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through Europe in the Middle Ages and then to the early American colonies. Throughout the ages people also believed that birds picked their mates on February 14! In AD 496 Sain Pope Gelasius I named February 14 as "Valentine's Day". Although it's not an official holiday most Americans observe this day. Whatever the odd mixture of origins St. Valentine's Day is now a day for sweethearts. It is the day that you show your friend or loved one that you care. You can send candy to someone you think is special. or you can send roses the flower of love. Most people send "valentinesa greeting card named after the notes that St. Valentine received in jail. Valentines can be sentimental romantic and heartfelt(真心真意的). They can be funny and friendly. If the sender is shy valentines can be anonymous. Americans of all ages love to send and receive valentines. Handmade valentines created by cutting hearts out of colored paper show that a lot of thought was put into making them personal. Valentines can be heart-shaped or have hearts the symbol of love on them. In elementary schools children make valentines for their classmates and put them in a large decorated box similar to a mailbox. On February 14 the teacher opens the box and distributes the valentines to each student. After the students read their valentines they have a small party with refreshments. For teenagers and adults major newspapers throughout the country have a Valentine's Day offer. Anyone can send in a message for a small fee of course destined for a would-be sweetheart a good friend an acquaintance or even a spouse of fifty years. The message is printed in a special section of the newspaper on February 14. 西方情人节的来历 Annually on February 14, is a western and traditional saint tile D stanza, call the Valentine's Dayagain.It has the long history.Ancient Rome The herding absolute being stanza of the ages, is a festival of loverses.That day men and women youth can have a happy reunion a hall.Miss express love Of wish the put in sign , the young man draws lots one by one in order, which misses take out arrive to wish the , that miss become his lover. The Christianity rises, the church disagrees very much to the herding absolute being stanza customs.But suffer youth the person's acceptance of persons because of this festival, To still continue down.Till the 7 centry A.D., the church leader hope contacts this festival together the Christianity is together, hence he Use the Christianity baptism of blood the name of the tile D is this festival to assign name to afresh, and change from original on February 15 to February to the date On 14. Christianity martyrology that browse the earlier period, can find out three baptism of blood for calling tile Ds, an among those is what 3 centry A.D. Bishop.The at that time the emperor of Rome thinks that the married man doeses not wish to leave the house serves as soldier, ascended the battlefield even to also can't become a good soldier, Therefore announced a prohibition against conjugal ordinance tile D to this very worried, he disobey the aim idea of the emperor, in private for youth The person holds the wedding, therefore encountering the captivity, in 271 A.D.2 knifes die in the jail inside on 14. Endless years that through several centuries, the nodal fete in D in in tile method took place not a few varieties.England in 16 centuries, tile Very unusual interesting in nodal customs in the D of .Along with the development of the New Continent, England immigrates again this a the stanza of the very full of and romantic color The day took North America, becoming one of the festival that American likes gradually. In the United States, the youth that tile D stanza have been not only festival into.Close relatives friend's, in spite of age size, can be with each other Send to the small gift to express affection, promote the comity.There is not a few stores in the United States sell this type of gift exclusively.Such as decorate heart form of high Class chocolates a tulip for, or is red satin taking nosegay etc..As to every kind of contain lace, spread last the feeling of the perfume Person's card, also all like that. Certainly, the young talented person is a leading role that tile D stanza is real well-deserved.They act with due care and respect ground as on this day the lover chooses Choose the gift, an in company with friend goes hiking:Or attend lover's dancing party organized by club form a pair. Special interesting is, the young man of those mindses hand usually think that the square try to make into toward the tile D stanza of the miss courtship salute card Refined handicraft product in in , have of imitate is if a fresh flowers for blooming that a beautiful butterfly, have:Still have of just like Venus ratio with shoot arrow in the curved bow.The miss of those the feeling of ss is then ? according to the traditional custom, in the tile D stanza night before last laurel leaf Put on the pillow, hope in a dream and together own lover meets. Special fascinating are the nocturnal masquerade ball of Valentine's Dayses.This at several decade ago very popular.Attend the dancing party of into , each takes a lot of trouble a ground of disguises that attire the oneself, having basinet knight, the disguise that have spanish pirate , still the disguise that have eastern emperor.Intelligent dancing party host usually give each guest hair, a tile for taking lace D card , write the some personal name up, this individual become your the colleague of the tonight.Therefore on the dancing party, people can see then The is lightly moving to dance with the ash miss;Hamlet together the card door talks to smile the breeze livings;The Arabian princess checks to manage together two a life times enter the dinner totally. They masquerade so extraordinarily lifelike. make person feeling to imitate the was really a group of the ancientses to bring to life. Tile D stanza be happiness festival that like this an alive with love with comity. 每年2月14日,是西方传统的圣瓦伦丁节,又称“情人节”。它具有悠久的历史。古罗马 时代的牧神节,就是一个情侣们的节日。是日男女青年可以欢聚一堂。姑娘们把表达爱情 的祝辞放在签筒里,小伙子依次抽签,抽到哪位姑娘的祝辞,那位姑娘就成为他的恋人。 基督教兴起,教会对牧神节风俗很不以为然。但由于这个节日受到青年人的偏爱,所 以仍然延续了下来。到公元7世纪,教会领袖希望把这节日同基督教联系在一起,于是他 们用基督教殉教者瓦伦丁的名字为这个节日重新命名,并把日期由原来的2月15日改为2月 14日。 翻阅早期基督教殉教史,可以找到三个叫瓦伦丁的殉教者,其中一个是公元3世纪的 主教。当时罗马皇帝认为已婚男子都不愿离家当兵,即使上了战场也不会成为一个好兵, 因此发布了一道禁止结婚的法令瓦伦丁对此十分忧虑,他违背皇帝的旨意,秘密地为青年 人举行婚礼,因此遭到监禁,于公元271年2刀14日死于狱中。 经过几世纪的漫长岁月,瓦伦丁节的庆祝方式发生了不少变化。在16世纪的英国,瓦 伦丁节的风俗十分奇特有趣。随着新大陆的开发,英国移民又把这一极富有浪漫色彩的节 日带到了北美,逐渐成为美国人喜爱的节日之一。 在美国,瓦伦丁节已不仅是青年入的节日。亲人朋友之间,不论年龄大小,都可以互 送小礼品以表达感情,增进友谊。美国有不少商店专门出售这类礼品。如装饰成心形的高 级巧克力糖盒,或者系着红缎带的郁金香花束等。至于各式各样饰有花边、洒上香水的情 人卡,更是比比皆是。 当然,年青人才是瓦伦丁节真正当之无愧的主角。他们在这一天郑重其事地为恋人选 择礼物,兴高采烈地伴同朋友去郊游:或者成双成对地去参加由俱乐部组织的情人舞会。 特别有趣的是,那些心灵手巧的小伙子常常想方设法把向姑娘求爱的瓦伦丁节问候卡制成 玲拢精制的工艺品,有的仿佛是一只美丽的蝴蝶,有的宛若一朵盛开的鲜花:还有的恰似 爱神丘比特正在弯弓射箭。那些痴情的姑娘则按照传统习俗, 在瓦伦丁节前夜把月桂树叶 放在枕头 上,盼望着在梦中同自己的心上人相会。 特别引人入胜的是情人节之夜的化 装舞会。这在几十年前就十分流行。参 加舞会的入 ,个个煞费苦心地将自己 装扮起来,有的化装成中世纪的骑士, 有的化装成西班牙的海盗 ,还有的化 装成东方的皇帝。聪明的舞会主人常常 给每位客人发,个带花边的瓦伦丁卡 片 ,上面写着某个人的名字,这个人 就成为你今晚的伙伴。因此在舞会上, 人们便可以看到 罗密欧和灰姑娘翩翩起舞;哈姆雷 特同卡门谈笑风生;阿拉伯公主同查理 二世共进晚餐。 他们化装得那样维妙 维肖(使人觉得仿佛真的是一群古人复 活了。 瓦伦丁节就是这样一个充满爱情和 友谊的欢乐节日。 Legend of the third century AD, the ancient Rome of a tyrant has called Clausius Doss (Claudius). Not far from the tyrant's palace, has a very beautiful temple. ( Valentine) XiuValentin (Valentine), who lives here. Rome are very revered him, men, women and children, rich and poor, high or low, there will always cluster around in his, in the raging flame before the altar, listening to Valentine's prayer.This era of ancient Rome has been a continuous war, a tyrant Clausius Doss recruited a large number of citizens went to the battlefield, in order to ensure that people loyal to the war, he ordered a ban on people to marry at this time, even people who have been engaged immediately to lift the marriage. In this way many young people bid farewell to love, full of anger towards the battlefield. Valentine Crawford Doss on line child feel very sorry. When one couple came to him requesting the help of the Parthenon, the Valentine in the sacred altar of the former for their wedding ceremony was held quietly. It is one the spread of hundred, a lot of people come here in the help of Valentine partnering. The news finally reached the Clausius Doss's ears. Him fly into a rage and ordered the soldiers stormed into the temple will be Valentine from a wedding being held next to the new towed away, into a dungeon. AD 270 years of February 14, Valentine had been tortured in the dungeon to die. 。 Sorrow of his friends buried in the Church of St. Platon. Memory for Valentine, and later that day the people as a "Valentine's Day." 传说公元三世纪时,古罗马有一位 暴君叫克劳多斯( Claudius)。离暴君的 宫殿不远,有一座非常漂亮的神庙。修 士瓦伦丁( Valentine)就住在这里。罗 马人非常崇敬他,男女老幼,不论贫富 贵贱,总会群集在他的周围,在祭坛的 熊熊圣火前,聆听瓦伦丁的祈祷。 这一时代,古罗马的战事一直连绵 不断,暴君克劳多斯征召了大批公民前 往战场,为了保证人们忠于战争,他下 令禁止人们于此时结婚,甚至连已订了 婚人也马上要解除婚约。许多年轻人就 这样告别爱人,满怀悲愤地走向战场。 瓦伦丁对克劳多斯的虐行感到非常 难过。当一对情侣来到神庙请求他的帮 助时,瓦伦丁在神圣的祭坛前为它们悄悄地举行了婚礼。人们一传十,十传百,很多人来到这里,在瓦伦丁的帮助下结成伴侣。消息终于传到了克劳多斯的耳里。他暴跳如雷,命令士兵们冲进神庙,将瓦伦丁从一对正在举行婚礼的新人身旁拖走,投入地牢。公元270年的2月14日,瓦伦丁在地牢里受尽折磨而死。悲伤的朋友们将他安葬于圣普拉教堂。 为了纪念瓦伦丁,后来的人们把这一天作为“情人节”。
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