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小学生环保征文 作文小学生环保征文 作文 小学生环保征文比赛 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, ...

小学生环保征文 作文
小学生环保征文 作文 小学生环保征文比赛 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 石碣之变 自从改革开放以来,石碣发生了翻天覆地的变化。从前石碣和如今的石碣简直就是一个鲜明的对比。如今的石碣,已是人间胜境了。 以前,石碣是由一间间矮小的平房、一条条纵横交叉的泥泞小路、以及浑浊的小河“组成”的。那时,想找一条好的水泥路都很难,却有许多泥路,到了雨天,如果是穿着白衣服走在路上,一辆车飞驶而过,瞬时,白衣服也因此增添了一道“光彩”。小河旁也堆积了许多垃圾,苍蝇也占此为家了,这些垃圾还不时的发出刺鼻的臭味,小河也是浑浊的,望一望水里,也见不到底,连鱼都看不见多少条,天空也因此显得暗淡无色„„ 如今,石碣演变成了由一幢幢楼房、一条条宽敞的水泥路、一条条清澈见底的小溪组成的,不仅有这些,还有高楼大厦、柏油路。在石碣,最雄伟的是那长虹卧波的石碣大桥;最壮观的是那熠熠生辉的东江之珠;最美的是那景色宜人、环境优美的滨江公园„„天空也显得湛蓝湛蓝的。 滨江公园是石碣的一道胜景。来到滨江,首先映入眼帘的是一片新绿。各色鲜艳的花儿你不让我,我不让你,大家都争着把公园打扮得如画一般美。花丛中飞着许多勤劳的工作者——蝴蝶和蜜蜂。如今的滨江可算的焕然一新了,栏杆是新砌上去的石砖,地上铺着的是大理石。在小路的一旁是一片片的草坪,草上还泛着营营欲滴的露珠,草坪旁边有石凳,是供游人休息的„„ 未来的石碣一定会更美,水会更清,路会更宽,天空也会更蓝的。Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 从以前到如今,已发生了翻天覆地的变化了,那从如今到未来,一定会再一次翻天覆地的变化——楼房会变成高楼大厦,街道会更干净、更宽敞,水中的鱼儿也会更活跃„„ 石碣,大地的光辉~石碣,人间的胜境~石碣,大自然的佳作~ Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 小学生环保征文比赛 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 文明靠大家 随着科技的变化,随着社会的进步,石碣正一步一步走向文明镇,可就在走向文明镇的途中,人们忽略了一个重要的因素:“环境”。 在科技日益增进的同时,环境却慢慢低落下来了。看着那张在“滨江公园”照的照片:后面是一片绿色天地,背后的绿草在风的摇曳下向人们招手,花儿张开可爱的脸庞,东江河映出了天空的颜色。再看看左边的花园,花园中屹立着一座亭园,鸟儿在为亭园欢呼。每到夏天,火辣辣的太阳怒视一切,我们的亭子用它那绿叶挡住烈日,给我们有一个乘凉的好地方。可在不久前,照片上的一切已烟消云散了。河上有五颜六色的塑料袋,有白色的饭盒在水面上打转。河上映出的不再是那天空的颜色,而是“黑”。咦,忽然河上有很多人在忙碌着,他们在干什么呢,哦,原来是治理污染的人们。为了创建文明镇,昨日已成为垃圾,今日,我们要搞好石碣。此时,我恍然大悟,现在每个人都保持良好的习惯。现在,石碣已比那张我珍藏着的照片上的环境更美好了。与以前不同的是,科技虽然也直线上升,但是环境也和科技一起上升。 石碣,愿你的天更蓝、水更清、花更鲜„„ 石碣,祝你更有魅力。让大家能够在你的怀抱中过着美好的生活吧~ Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 小学生环保征文比赛 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 石碣更美 印象中,小学三、四年级时,自己总背着一个沉重的大 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 包,日复一日地不断穿梭在众多九曲回肠的小巷里和拥挤不堪的街道中。 还记得,那时候每天早上7:00上学,虽然路途不算遥远,按正常速度只需要十五分钟,但7点30分才能到学校,只因每天清晨从家里去学校的路上总经过一条“不平凡”的街。所谓“不平凡”原因便在这街邻近繁华的二村市场。 这条街的夏天最可怕~天微亮时,街道两旁便挤满了卖菜的农民。不久后,便有市民出来买菜。每当这时,菜农的叫价声,彼此讨价还价的争辩声,各种声响汇集在一起,成为我上学路上奇异的“伴奏曲”~ 中午的街道,与早上、晚上截然不同,只有依稀几个散步的行人和卖西瓜的小滩贩。有时还会看见几个清洁工正在火辣辣的太阳底下清理早上的“繁华”所留下的副产品。黄豆般大粒的汗水一滴接着一滴地从清洁工人的额头上不断涌现出来,街角躺着被蹂得支离破碎的菜叶。 从夕阳西下开始,街道又变得热闹起来。街道两边又早早摆放着推着小车的小摊档了。卖豆腐的,卖烤肉的,卖水果的„„街上的行人一手提着水果,一手拿着炸豆腐,伴着苍蝇嗡嗡的鸣叫声,吃得不亦乐乎。 如今,东莞争创文明城市,石碣也积极响应号召,整治每一个死角,昔日的街完全变了样。早上再没有喧闹扰乱人们的清梦;中午再也没有腐烂发臭的垃圾;晚上再也没有浑浊的空气了。 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 现在这条街道。如身穿新衣的少女,清爽、整洁、干净、秀丽,处处透着喜悦,两旁原本嘟拉着脑袋的树木,也变得神采奕奕,微笑地衷心感谢石碣的变化。 我想,在未来,石碣的天更蓝、地更绿、水更清、家更美~ Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 小学生环保征文比赛 参赛作文 让石碣的天更蓝、地更绿、水更清、家更美 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 让石碣的天更蓝、地更绿、水更清、家更美 石碣,是我们石碣人民的母亲;石碣,是我们石碣人民共同的家园。昔日这儿蓝天白云,青山绿水,鸟语花香,环境优美。可如今呢,树木减少了;河水污黑了;空气浑浊了;环境也变了。 这到底是为什么呀,为什么呀~ 鸟儿飞来对我说:“姐姐,快快救救我和我的同胞吧~我们的乐园——蓝天被一间间大公司的烟囱给毁灭了。那一支支烟囱冒出一团团瘴气,而一团团的瘴气覆盖了整个‘乐园’,使蔚蓝而幽静的‘乐园’乌烟瘴气,使大伙儿东奔西走的。原本我们以为‘乐园’没了,还有家园——森林呀,但是,这也许只是我们的幻想罢了。当我们赶回‘家园’时树木不见了。我们的家没了,乐园也没了,我们成了无家可归、四处流浪的‘流浪郎儿’了。哼~是你们,是你们这些凶狠的人类把我们欢天喜地的乐园毁灭了,是你们人类把我们快乐美满幸福的家园给摧毁了~我们痛恨你们,昔日我们给你们唱出一支支动听的歌曲,而你们却如此对待我们。” 鸟儿们真可怜呀~但这还不仅仅只是它们,还有那活跃惹人喜爱的鱼儿呢, 走在河边,鱼儿游过来队伍说:“姐姐,求求你快来拯救我们吧~我的许多同伴无缘无故中毒身亡了。我想过不了多久我也会跟他们一样,因为中毒而死在这儿。” “为什么你们会发生中毒现象呢,”我急切地问。 鱼儿狠狠地怒斥着说:“这都是你们,你们人类建造一间间工厂,Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 我们不怪你们,但你们为何要把工厂里最黑最脏最毒的污水排入我们的生命之源——‘河水’呢,你们明明知道河水是我们的生命之源,我们离不开河水。如果河水里含有毒素的话,我们将会面临一场生死之战。如今,很多同伴因为抵抗不了强烈的毒素而活生生地被毒死了,而我却眼睁睁地看着他们一个又一个地倒下去,这种感觉比死还难受,你们知道吗,你们为什么对我们这么残忍呢„„ 亲爱的石碣人民们,我们赶快行动起来吧~你们看到了吗,多么可怜的鸟儿,多么可怜的鱼儿呀~它们已经没有了家园,甚至有的失去了宝贵的生命。难道我们要等待灾情来了才动手吗,为何不赶快许多起来呢,快点许多起来救救那些可怜的鸟儿和鱼儿吧,我们不能让他们就此灭绝了,是不是, 我们人类,还有动物,所向往的不就是“蓝天、白云、青山、绿水”吗,所以,从现在做起,从我做起,共同保护我们的家园,让我们同心携起手来吧~所以,我们要做‘四做到’:一、做到不要把又臭又黑的水排入河里或江里;二、做到不要乱扔垃圾;三、做到不要乱排废气;四、要做到不乱砍树木。记住,能做好这‘四做到’的才是好市民。记住,石碣是我家,环境靠大家。记住,要为我们下一代的子孙着想。 让石碣的天更蓝、地更绿、水更清、家更美吧~ Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We
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