首页 杨浦初中补习班杨浦高考补习班新王牌给你最优质的选择初一 杨浦暑假 讲义

杨浦初中补习班杨浦高考补习班新王牌给你最优质的选择初一 杨浦暑假 讲义


杨浦初中补习班杨浦高考补习班新王牌给你最优质的选择初一 杨浦暑假 讲义杨浦初中补习班杨浦高考补习班新王牌给你最优质的选择初一 杨浦暑假 讲义 岳Y 讲义 7A 暑假集训讲义 7A牛津词汇 1 vt. 邀请,要求 2 adj. 花费的, 昂贵的 3 v. 说话;讲话;谈话 4 n. 小册子; 说明书;简介 5 n. 代理人,代理商 6 adv. 不久,很快 7 在八月底 8 n. 天鹅 n. 上升,增高,增加 vt. 升起,举起 vt. 饲养,抚养,养育 9 vt. 提出 10 adj. 国家的,民族的 n. 砖,积木,可靠的朋友 11 vt. (up)用砖砌补,用...

杨浦初中补习班杨浦高考补习班新王牌给你最优质的选择初一 杨浦暑假 讲义
杨浦初中补习班杨浦高考补习班新王牌给你最优质的选择初一 杨浦暑假 讲义 岳Y 讲义 7A 暑假集训讲义 7A牛津词汇 1 vt. 邀请,要求 2 adj. 花费的, 昂贵的 3 v. 说话;讲话;谈话 4 n. 小册子; 说明书;简介 5 n. 代理人,代理商 6 adv. 不久,很快 7 在八月底 8 n. 天鹅 n. 上升,增高,增加 vt. 升起,举起 vt. 饲养,抚养,养育 9 vt. 提出 10 adj. 国家的,民族的 n. 砖,积木,可靠的朋友 11 vt. (up)用砖砌补,用砖堵住 12 n. 石头,核vt. 向…扔石头 13 n. 山,山脉 14 adj. 古代的,古老的 15 n. 历史 n. 兴趣,嗜好,利息,股份 16 vt. 使 ... 感兴趣 17 n. 假期,假日 18 adj. 极好的,精彩的 19 pron. 另一个 1 n. 官员,高级职员 2 n. 社会n. 社团,阶层圈子 3 n. 阻止,妨碍,预防 4 n. 残酷,残忍 5 pron. 某人,有人 6 n. 小狗,人,东西 adj. 口渴的,渴望的 7 adj. 渴望的 8 adj. 可爱的 9 adv. 同样地,像prep. 当做 10 vt. 更喜欢,宁可 11 n. 小心,照料v. 照顾 12 照顾 1 岳Y 讲义 13 n. 小册子 14 adj. 特别的,专门的 15 vt. 咀嚼 16 n. 篮,篓,筐 17 n. 毛毯,覆盖物 18 adj. 不和善的;不厚道的 19 n. 诊所,门诊部,科室 20 n. 兽医 21 n. 山洞 n. 守卫者,警戒,护卫队 22 v. 保卫,看守,警惕 23 adj. 盲的,瞎的 24 adv. 安全地 25 n. 警察,警方 26 n. 贼,小偷 27 adj. 缺掉的,失踪的 28 v. 狩猎,打猎,搜索 1 n. 外国人 2 adj. 拥挤的 3 n. 榜样,例子 4 例如 5 n. 加拿大 adj. 加拿大的,加拿大人的 6 n. 加拿大人 7 n. 澳大利亚 8 adj. 澳大利亚的n. 澳大利亚人 9 n. 印度 n. 印第安人,印度人 adj. 印度的,印度人的,印第安 10 人的 11 n. 不列颠,英国 12 adj. 英国的n. 英国人 n. 日本人,日语 13 adj. 日本的,日本人的,日语的 14 n. 主要用于英格兰,笔友 15 n. 杂志 16 n. 性别 17 n. 国籍 18 adj. 国际的 19 pron. 你(们)自己,你(们)亲自 20 adj. 男性的,雄性的 2 岳Y 讲义 n. 男子,雄性动物 21 n. 多伦多(加拿大城市) 22 adj. 年少的,下级的,后进的 1 n. 街区,木块,石块 2 n. 建筑师 3 n. 建筑 4 n. 公司,同伴 5 n. 类型模范,字体vi. 打字 6 n. 移动,移居,除去 7 n. 救护车 8 vt. 援救,救出,营救 9 vt. 递送,交付,履行 10 n. 包裹 11 n. 邻居 12 n. 会议 13 n. 经理 14 记笔记 15 n. 事故,意外,偶然 16 prep. 朝,向 17 击倒,撞倒,拆除 18 着火 19 既……又……, 两个都 20 n. 骑摩托车的人 vt. 伤害,(使)疼痛,损害 21 adj. 受伤的 22 潜逃,失去控制 23 adj. 坏掉的,打破的,断掉的 24 n. 手臂,上肢 25 n. 发动机,引擎,机车,火车头 26 消防车 27 n. 场,景,情景 28 v. 搬,扛,抱,运送 1 v. 选择 2 n. 卧室 3 adj. 不整齐的,懒散的 4 adj. 整洁的,整齐的vt. 使整齐 5 整理,收拾 6 n. 衣柜,衣橱 7 n. 起居室;客厅 8 n. 浴室 3 岳Y 讲义 9 n. 阳台,楼座,包厢 10 n. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产 11 n. 代理,代理处,政府机构 12 n. 问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,物质,原因vi. 有关系 13 n. 郊区 14 n. 助手,帮手 15 n. 沙发 16 邻近,紧靠 n. 组合,集合,设定,电视机 n. 一套,一副,一局比赛 17 v. 放置,设定 adj. 相对的,相反的,对面的 n. 对立物,对立者,对手 adv. 在对面地,处于相反位置地 18 prep. 在 ... 对面 19 n. 毯子,地毯,旅行毯 20 n. 碗橱 21 n. 扶手椅,单人沙发,安乐椅 22 n. 阳光 1 adj. 安宁的,和平的 2 adj. 方便的 3 n. 邻近,街区 4 n. 底部 5 adj. 险峻的,陡峭的 n. 步骤,步伐,台阶 6 vt. 踏,以步测量 7 adj. 发出噪声的,喧闹的 8 adj. 令人兴奋的 9 adj. 令人愉快的,舒适的 10 adj. 轻松的 11 adj. 金融的,财政的 12 n. 教堂 13 n. 塑像,雕像 14 n. 喷泉,源泉 15 n. 故事书,小说 16 n. 手套 1 v./n. 远足 2 n. 方向,指导,用法说明 n. 警告,预告,通知 3 adj. 警告,注意,通知 4 n. 说明,须知,指令,教学 4 岳Y 讲义 5 n. 沉默,寂静 6 adj. 有用的,有帮助的 7 v. 露营,扎营 8 去露营 9 n. 比赛者,演奏者 10 n. 骰子,掷骰游戏 11 vt. 滚,绕,转动,摇摆 12 轮流 n. 陆地,国土,土地 13 v. 使靠岸,卸货,得到,登陆 n. (Miss)小姐vt. 想念vt. 漏 14 掉,错过 15 n. 运气,幸运,吉祥之物 1 adj. 皆不,两者都不 2 n. 光碟,影碟 3 n. 动画片 4 n. 战争 5 n. 郊游,远足,外出 6 n. 床单,张,片 7 adv. 定期地,有规律地 8 至少 9 adj. 最后的,上一个的 10 n. 薯片,松脆物 11 n. 条,棒,横木,酒吧 12 n. 柠檬水 13 过去常常 14 不再 1 adj. 无家可归的 2 n. 饼图n.派,馅饼 3 n. 葡萄干 4 n. (英)烤饼,司康饼 5 n. 泰国人,泰国语adj.泰国人的 6 当然 7 adv. 第一,首先 8 n. 面粉 9 自发粉 10 adv. 第二,其次 11 v. 增加,加 12 v. 倒,倾泻,蜂涌而来 13 n. 毫升,千分之一公升 5 岳Y 讲义 14 n. 混合,混合物 15 n. 生面团,浆糊 16 adj. 广泛的,宽阔的 17 烤盘 18 v. 洒,散置,微雨 19 n. 烤炉,烤箱 20 接到...的信 21 adv. 真诚地,真心地 1 n. 声音vt. 听起来像 2 adv. 向前地 3 盼望着 4 n. 遗憾的事,同情,可惜 5 n. 卡拉OK 6 n. 国际象棋 7 n. 成分,原料 8 n. 粉,粉末 9 n. (糕饼表层的)糖衣,糖霜 10 adv. 第三 11 n. 打,拍子v. 打,打败 12 把……加到…… 13 vi. 挪动,活动,搅拌,激动 14 n. (中国的)春卷 15 豆浆 16 n. 电池 17 vt. 装饰,装修 18 n. 气球 19 n. 叉,叉状物 20 n. 木炭,炭笔 21 pron. 每人,人人,各人 7A新世纪词汇 1 vt. 选择,挑选 2 n. 一套房间,公寓房间 3 n. 厨房,灶间 4 n. 位置,场所 5 n. 中心,中间 6 n. 城镇,市镇 7 在市中心 8 n. 近郊住宅区,郊区,近郊村庄 6 岳Y 讲义 9 在郊区 10 餐厅,食堂 n. 平方;正方形;(方形)广场 11 adj. 平方的;四方形的 12 n. 米(公制长度的主单位) 13 adj. 公共的n. 公众;公共场所 14 公共交通 n. 多层建筑,高层建筑 15 adj. 多层的,高层的 vt. 面朝,面向,正对 vi. 朝,向,面临,面对 16 n. 脸 17 vi. 同意,赞同 18 与某人保持一致看法 19 v.aux. 应当,应该 20 n. 商店区,商业大街 21 商店区,购物中心 n. 事情,麻烦事 22 vi. 有关系,要紧 23 n. 观点,意见 vt. 移动 vi. 搬动,搬(家),移动 24 n. 移动,迁居 25 n. 调查vt. 调查 26 n. 情况,条件 vt. 进行,实施vi. 进行,实施 27 n. 行为, 操行 28 进行一次调查 29 n. 结果,成绩vi. 导致 30 n. 房地产,产业 31 【英】住宅区 vt. 捆扎,把…打包,把…装箱 32 n. 包裹 33 vt. 粘住,粘贴n. 棍,棒 1 n. 游泳,游泳运动 2 n. 池塘 3 游泳池 4 n. 空间,场地,空地 5 开阔地区 6 惯常,过去常常 7 n. 设备,设施;技能,能力 7 岳Y 讲义 8 乔迁之喜庆祝会 9 adv. 无疑地,确定的 10 n. 省 11 n. 国家;乡下 12 n. 空气;天空,空中 13 adj. 新鲜的 adj. 清澈的;清楚的,清晰的 14 v. 扫除,清除 n. 变化;找回的零钱 15 vt. 换,改变vi. 改变 16 adv. 几乎,差不多 17 vt. 失去,丢失;输;错过 18 迷路 1 vt. 种,植n. 植物;工厂 2 植树节 3 adj. 【口】极好的,精彩的 4 照看,照料 5 出发,启程 6 vt. 挖,掘vi. 挖,掘 7 n. 洞 adj. 足够的,充足的 adv. 足够地,充分地 8 n. 足够 vt. 敲,敲进,敲击 vi. 敲,敲进,敲击 9 n. 敲,击,敲打 10 adj. 坚固的,强壮的 n. 棒,枝条 11 vt. 把(尖物)插入,刺入;粘贴 12 n. 泥土;地球;世界 vi. 踩,踏 13 n. (脚)步;步骤;梯级,台阶 14 adj. 几个的,数个的 vt. (用带、绳)系,结,捆扎 15 n. 领带 n. 顶端,上部 16 adj. 居首位的,最上面的 17 vt. 浇水vi. 流泪n. 水 18 n. 工具 19 v. 建筑,建造 20 做(某方面的)课题 8 岳Y 讲义 21 n. 空调机 22 n. 木,木材,树木 23 砍到 24 n. 先生 adj. 国家的,全国的,国民的;1 民族的 2 国定假日 3 vt. 装饰;装潢 4 n. 气球 5 国旗 n. 观光 6 adj. 观光(用)的,游览(用) 7 去观光 vt. 庆祝(节日、事件等),过节 8 vi. 庆祝(节日、事件等),过节 9 拜访;号召;要(学生)回答问题 n. 亲戚 10 adj. 相对的 11 n. 爆竹,花炮,【,s】烟火 12 烟火表演 13 n. 欢庆,特别演出 14 国庆节 15 adv. 不管怎样,无论如何 adj. 其他的,别的 16 adv. 其他,另外 n. (团体、组织等的)成员,一17 分子 18 召集,团聚 19 vt. 接受,领受 20 n. 请帖,邀请 n. 计划,打算 21 vt. 计划,打算 vt. 拒绝,谢绝 22 vi. 拒绝, 谢绝;下降 n. 【总称】(男女)青年;青年23 时代 24 (中国)青年节 25 n. 军队,陆军 26 建军节 27 vt. 成立,创立,创建 28 vi. 升起;上升;起立 9 岳Y 讲义 29 从那时候起 vi. 发展,生长 30 vt. 发展,使发达 adj. 富的,有钱的;丰富的,富31 饶的 32 n. 生活;生命 vt. 举行(会议等);容纳;握,33 拿着;保持;持有,拥有 34 adj. 微笑的,露出笑容的 35 adv. 到处,各处 1 n. 节日, 喜庆日 2 n. 中秋 3 中秋节 4 n. 龙 5 端午节 6 n. 灯笼,提灯 7 元宵节,灯节 8 春节 9 清明节 10 adj. 传统的,习俗的 11 月饼 12 赛龙舟 13 灯展 使爆炸,放(爆竹、鞭炮等);出14 发,动身;开始(做某事) 15 n. 爆竹,鞭炮 16 放鞭炮 17 n. 粽子(=zongzi) vt. 扫,打扫,清扫 18 vi. 扫,打扫,清扫 19 n. 坟墓 20 扫墓 21 pron. 某物,某事 22 vt. 携带;运送 23 adj. 月的;以月球公转测度的 24 中国农历年 n. (节日或重大时间等)前夜,25 前夕 26 除夕夜 27 n. 庆祝活动,庆典,典礼 28 n. 理由,原因 10 岳Y 讲义 29 vt. 记得;纪念 30 adj. 死的n. 死者 31 已故的人 n. 敬意;荣誉,信誉 vt. 向……表示敬意,给……以荣32 誉 33 n. 诗人 34 n. 打扫,扫除 35 adj. 好运的,吉祥的 36 压岁钱,红包 vt. 打击,撞击;时钟打点 37 vi. 打击,袭击;时钟打点 38 短信 1 n. 圣诞节 【英】圣诞老人(=【美】Santa 2 Claus) n. (价格等)折扣 3 vt. 打折扣 vt. 试,尝试,试用 vi. 尝试做(某事) 4 n. 尝试 5 试穿 6 adj. 快乐的,愉快的 7 圣诞快乐 8 试衣室(=【英】fitting room) n. 美元,元(加拿大、澳大利亚、 新西兰等国及香港等地区的货币9 单位,符号为,) n. (=【美】percent,符号为%)10 (单复数同)百分之一 adv. 减掉,扣掉;离开,离去; 中断,关掉 11 prep. 从...离开,脱离 12 n. 助手,助理 13 店员 14 n. 消费者 n. (尺寸、体积、身材的)大小,15 (衣服、鞋、帽等的)尺码,号 16 小号 adj. 中间的,中等的,适中的 17 n. 媒体,方法,媒介 18 中号 11 岳Y 讲义 vt. (使)适合,合…的身 vi. (衣服等)合身,合适 19 adj. 合适的,恰当的;健康的 20 给某人打折 21 n. (圣诞)颂歌,赞美诗 n. 部分;角色vt. 分开,分离 vi. 分开,分手adv. 部分地 22 adj. 部分的,局部的 23 n. 【复】裤子 n. 主人,东道主;(广播、电视 等的)节目主持人 24 vt. 做……主人(主持人) n. 女主人,女东道主;(广播、25 电视等的)节目女主持人 26 等等 27 vt. 悬挂vi. 悬挂 28 就寝,睡觉 【英】暑假(=【美】summer 1 vacation) 2 学习旅游 3 出发去某地,前往 4 n. (星期日和星期六以外)工作日 5 vt. 出席,参加 6 上课 n. 包裹,小包 7 adj. 包裹的,打包的 n. 旅游,观光vt. 旅游,观光 8 vi. 旅游,观光 (由旅行社等安排一切的)包价旅9 游,一揽子旅游 pron. (I的物主代词绝对形式)我10 的(所有物),属于我的(东西) pron. (you的物主代词绝对形式) 你(你们)的(所有物),属于你11 (你们)的(东西) 12 在工作日 13 在周末 14 旅游车(=tour bus) vt. 价值为,(使)花费(金钱、时15 间等)n. 价钱,费用 16 abbr. (=Renminbi)人民币 17 pron. (we的物主代词绝对形式) 12 岳Y 讲义 我们的(所有物),属于我们的(东 西) pron. (he的物主代词绝对形式)18 他的(所有物),属于他的(东西) pron. (they的物主代词绝对形 式)他们的(所有物),属于他们19 的(东西) pron. (she的物主代词绝对形式)20 她的(所有物),属于她的(东西) pron. (it的物主代词绝对形式)21 它的(所有物),属于它的(东西) 22 野营 23 n. 日本 24 adj. 著名的,有名的 25 adj. 历史的,历史上的 26 名胜古迹 vt. 预订(票、座位等) 1 n. 书,书籍,工作簿 2 n. 代理处 3 旅行社 4 n. 代理人,代理商 n. 游客,旅行者 5 a. 旅行的,观光的 6 n. 出发,离开 7 出发日期 8 n. 准许进入;入场券;承认, 9 n. 票,券 10 入场券,门票 11 n. 宫,宫殿 12 (北京)故宫博物院 13 四日游 14 vt. 包括,包含 15 n. 旅馆,宾馆,饭店 16 三星级宾馆 17 vi. 到达 18 n. 湖,湖泊 adj. 远(的) 19 adv. 远(地),非常,很 20 adj. 古代的,古老的 21 n. 历史,历史学 22 adv. 精确地,正是如此 13 岳Y 讲义 n. 导游,指南;旅游 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 1 vt. 指导,带领 2 导游图,旅游指南 3 n. 机场 4 n. 铁路,铁道 n. 车站,站;(电,电视)台;5 位置,岗位 6 火车站 n. 磁悬浮列车 7 adj. 磁悬浮列车(的) 8 n. 有吸引力的事物或人;吸引 9 旅游胜地 10 adj. 有吸引力的 n. 希望 vt. 希望,期待 11 vi. 希望,期望 n. 东南 12 adj. (向)东南方的, n. 西南 13 adj. (向)西南方的, 14 n. 岛,岛屿 15 n. 石头,石块 16 n. 林区,森林 17 n. 明信片 18 adj. 安全的,平安的,可靠的 19 安然无恙,一切平安 adj. 友好的,朋友(般)的 20 adv. 友好地,朋友般地 21 n. 式样,款式,类型,时尚 22 pron. 每样东西,每件事 白雪公主(格林童话《白雪公主和1 七个小矮人》中的主人公) 2 n. 矮子adj. 矮小的 n. 魔法,巫术 3 adj. (似)魔术的,有魔力的 4 n. 镜子 5 n. 继母 6 vi. 死 7 n. 猎人,猎手,狩猎者 8 vt. 杀死,弄死 9 adv. 反而,却;代替 14 岳Y 讲义 adv. 单独地 10 adj. (用表语)单独的,独自的 11 继续不断地,不停地 12 最后,终于 13 n. 主人;大师 14 adj. 整洁的 15 一个接一个地,接连地 16 pron. 某人,有人 17 vt. 醒,叫醒vi. 醒来 18 醒来;叫醒 19 从那时起 20 adv. 已经 21 adv. 还,仍然 22 adj. 无聊的,烦人的 23 小人书,连环画 24 vt. 结束,完毕,完成 25 vt. 咬vi. 咬n. 咬 26 立刻,马上 27 vi. 叫,喊;哭n. 叫喊,哭声 28 adj. 较晚的adv. 后来,以后 29 n. 王子,亲王 30 (后接不定式)碰巧 adj. 这样(的),如此(的) 31 pron. 这样的人或物 32 vt. 决定vi. 决定 1 n. 寓言 2 adj. 侦探的n. 侦探 3 侦探小说 4 科幻小说 prep. 从……以来 5 conj. 从……以来;既然 6 adv. 最近,近来 7 (人名)哈利?波特 adj. 凉的,凉爽的;冷静的;【口】8 潇洒的,酷 9 n. 力,力量;权力 10 n. 童年,孩童时期 11 n. 小说 adj. 大众化的,普及的;流行的,12 受欢迎的 15 岳Y 讲义 13 大众科学,通俗科学 14 a. 动人的,感动的;可活动的 15 n. 著作者,作家 adj. 令人恐惧的,可怕的,恐怖 16 的; 讨厌的 adj. 困难的;硬的,坚固的 adv. 努力地;艰苦地;(下雨、 17 雪等)猛烈地 18 adj. 真的,真实的,真正的; 19 n. 敌人 vt. 偷窃,窃取 20 vi. 偷盗,盗取 vt. 管理,经营;设法做到 21 vi. 设法做到,应付过去 22 vt. 拯救;节省;储蓄,保存 语法导入 句法 1、陈述句 说明事实或陈述说话人观点的句子。基本结构:主语,谓语,其他 1)肯定陈述句 We all like pandas very much. 2)否定陈述句 He doesn’t do housework at weekends 3)肯定陈述句改否定陈述句 ?一般是在be动词或情态动词后加not。 Mary was at school yesterday. —> Mary was not at school yesterday. I can make a model plane. —>I can not make a model plane. ?不含be动词或情态动词的,行为动词前要用助动词的否定式(don’t,doesn’t,didn’t),后面跟动词的原形。 He likes drawing pictures.—>He doesn’t like drawing pictures. I went to the park yesterday. —>I didn’t go to the park yesterday. 4)陈述句改一般疑问句 ?有be动词或情态动词的,把be动词或情态动词提前。 Mary was at school yesterday. —> Was Mary at school yesterday? I can make a model plane. —> Can you make a model plane? ?不含be动词或情态动词的句子,借助助动词开头,动词还原成原形。 He likes drawing pictures.—>Does he like drawing pictures. I went to the park yesterday. —>Did you go to the park yesterday? 16 岳Y 讲义 2、疑问句 用来提出问题,询问情况的句子,末尾用问号。 1)一般疑问句:一般疑问句常用来询问一件事是否属实,通常以be动词,助动词或情态动词开头, 用yes或no来回答,因此又叫是非疑问句,通常读升调。 —Is Mr Green from the UK? —Yes,he is. / No,he isn’t. —Do you have any hobbies? —Yes,I do. / No,I don’t. —Can you play the guitar? —Yes,I can. / No,I can’t. 2)特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词引导,要求回答具体问题,不能用yes或no来回答。—How do you go to work every day? —I go to work by car. 3)选择疑问句:提供两种或两种以上情况,让对方选择,往往用or连接。 —Would you like some tea or coffee? —Some coffee, please. 4)反意疑问句:反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。 —It’s a fine day, isn’t it? — Yes ,it is. 3、祈使句 表示请求或命令别人做某事或不做某事。 1)用于第二人称,通常省略you。 ?肯定祈使句:Open the door, please. ?否定祈使句:Don’t be late again. 2)用于第一人称和第三人称,通常以let(let后跟宾格)或shall开头。 Let me have a look. Let’s play a game now. Let him go home now. Shall we meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre? 4、感叹句 表达喜怒哀乐等强烈感情,句尾常用感叹号(!),语气用降调。 1)what + 名词或名词性短语 What a big garden (it is)! What an interesting storybook (it is) ! What lovely weather (it is)! What pretty girls (they are)! 2)how +形容词或副词,主语,动词 How nice! How beautiful the flowers are! How tall Yao Ming is! 5、there be 句型 表示在某地有某人或某物。 1)主语是单数,be动词用is(was);主语是复数,be动词用are(were)。 17 岳Y 讲义 There is some milk in the fridge. There are some peaches in the basket. 2)如果有几个不同的人或物并列存在,be动词根据最靠近的那个名词而定。 There is a ruler and five knives in the pencil case. There are five knives and a ruler in the pencil case. 3)there be句型和have/has区别: there be句型表示某地有某人或某物; have/has表示某人有某物。has用于第三人称单数,其余人称和数用have。 There are some English books on the desk. I have some English books. Rewrite the following sentences. (按要求该写下列句子,每空格限填一词)(40分) 1. Jane has got a letter from his cousin Mike.(保持原句意思基本不变) Jane has________ ________ his cousin Mike. 2. Mr. Black went to Dalian by plane yesterday.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ Mr. Black________ to Dalian yesterday? 3. It takes about half an hour for me to go to work every day.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ does it take for you to go to work every day? 4. We are going to visit the Disney Park in Paris this July.(改为一般疑问句) ________ ________ going to visit the Disney Park in Paris this July? 5. Shanghai is in the east of China.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ Shanghai? 6. It costs 100 yuan.(划线提问) ________ ________ does it________? 7. His uncle has worked in the factory for 20 years. (对划线部分提问) ___________ ___________ has his uncle ___________ in the factory, 8. I have already got 70 nice stamps.(改为否定句) I ___________ _________ 70 nice stamps _________. 9. Kitty’s aunt works in the big company. (就划线部分提问) _____________ ___________ Kitty’s aunt _________? 10. They have lived in this small house for many years. (改为反意疑问句) They have lived in this small house for many years, _____________ ____________? 11. Our teacher is going to get married this year. (改为否定句) _________________________________________ 12. The cinema is in the west of this city. (划线提问) _________________________________________ 13. They had a good time last Sunday.(一般疑问句) _________________________________________ 14. I have got some photos for you. (用He改写句子) He _______________________________ for you. 15. Jackie has got a photograph from his uncle. (一般疑问句) _________________________________________ 16. It takes 30 minutes to finish doing my homework. (划线提问) 18 岳Y 讲义 ___________________________________________ 17. We’re going to invite him to our wedding.(改为否定句) ___________________________________________ 18. The plane tickets cost 500 yuan. (划线提问) ___________________________________________ 19. standing, at, the, palace, an, ancient, building, we, are, in, front, of (连词成句) ___________________________________________ 20. is, a, another, of, you, me, and, photo ___________________________________________ 祈使句与感叹句 (吴泾中学供稿) I. Choose the best answer. 1) Mary, ______ the door! A) minds B)mind C) minding D) to mind 2) Let’s ______ at the entrance. A) meeting B) meet C) met D) to meet 3) ______ great day July1, 1997 was! A) What B) How C) How a D) What a 4) ______ exciting event the 2006 World Cup is! (06) A) What an B) What a C) What D) How 5) “Tom, ______ afraid of speaking in public. You are no longer a small boy.” Said Mum.(04) A) not be B) not to be C) be not D) don’t be 6) ______ happy life we are living now! A) What B) How C) How a D) What a 7) ______ it is to surf the Internet in our computer lessons! A) What great fun B) How great funny C) What a great fun D) How a fun 8) What ______ great help he’s given us! A) a B) an C) / D) the 9) A: Jacky, look at that Japanese sumoist(相扑手) B: Wow, ______! A) How a fat man B) What a fat man C) How fat man D) What fat man 10) ______ they are listening to the teacher! A) How careful B) What careful C) How carefully D)What carefully B)按要求改写句子 1) Be careful.(改为否定句) ________ ________ careful. 2) Throw paper on the ground, please. (否定句) ________ ________ paper on the ground. 3) How beautiful the vases are! (改为同义句) ________ ________ vases they are! 19 岳Y 讲义 4) She is an intelligent girl. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ intelligent girl(she is)! 5) You’ve given me important advice. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ advice you’ve given me! 6) Computers have played an important part in our daily life. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ important part computers have played in our daily life! 7) Mickey Mouse looks lovely. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ Mickey Mouse looks! 8) How clever the boy is! (改为同义句) ________ ________ clever boy he is! 9) How nice the weather is! (改为同义句) ________ ________ weather it is! 10) What beautiful flowers (they are)! (改为同义句) ________ ________ the flowers are! 11) What important information it is! (改为同义句) ________ ________ the information is! 12) You have drawn a beautiful picture, my boy. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ beautiful picture you have drawn, my boy! 13) The musical play is wonderful. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ the musical play is! 14) What beautiful music he is playing! (改为同义句) ________ ________ he is playing music! 15) David is a very careful worker. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ David does his work! 16) She played the piano wonderfully. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ she played the piano! 17) It’s a very easy maths problem. *改为感叹句] ________ ________ easy maths problem it is! 18) The boy is so honest. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ honest boy he is! 19) It is interesting to chat with you on the internet every day. [改为感叹句]. ________ ________ it is to chat with you on the internet every day! 20) What interesting news it is! (改为同义句) ________ ________ the news is! 21) Sit here. (改为否定句) ________ ________ here . . 22) Answer it in English. (改为否定句) ________ ________ it in English. 23) Copy the text again. (改为否定句) ________ ________ the text again. 24) Run fast. (改为否定句) ________ ________ fast. 25) Be brave. (改为否定句) ________ ________ brave. 20 岳Y 讲义 26) Let John start early. (改为否定句) Let John _________ ________ early. 27) The dishes are very delicious. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ the dishes are! 28) You’ve cooked delicious food for us. *改为感叹句] ________ delicious food you’ve cooked for us! 29) Worry about your lesson. (改为否定句) ________ ________ about your lesson. 30) Tell her to call me tomorrow. (改为否定句) Tell her _________ ________ call me tomorrow. 代词 1、人称代词:表示“我、你、他、她、它、我们、你们、他们”的词。 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们 主格 I you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us you them ?主格一般用在句子开头做主语,通常用在动词前。 e.g. I am a student. They are cleaning the classroom. ?宾格可以用来表示动作行为的对象,一般用在动词和介词后面。 her, please. Listen to me carefully. e.g. Ask 2、物主代词:表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的 形容词性 my your his her its our your their 名 词 性 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs ?形容词性物主代词后面一般要带上名词。如:my watch, his cousin, our school ?名词性物主代词本身就可以看作是名词,故其后不能再加名词,可单独使用。 e.g. —Is that your bike, —No. Mine is blue. 3、不定代词:没有明确指定代替某个(些)人或物的词叫不定代词。 (1)some和any 都表示“一些”,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。 ? some多用在肯定句中,any多用在否定句和疑问句中。 e.g. There are some flowers in the garden. (肯定句) There isn’t any milk in the fridge. (否定句) Do you have any hobbies? (疑问句) ? 在表示邀请和希望对方给予肯定回答的疑问句中也要用some。 e.g. —Would you like some coffee? —Yes, please. (邀请) —Mum, can I have some peaches? —Sure.(希望对方给予肯定回答) 21 岳Y 讲义 (2)both和all ? both表示“两个都……”,只指代或修饰可数名词。 e.g. We are both policemen.(强调两人) ? all表示“三个或三个以上都……”,既可指代或修饰可数名词,也可指代或修饰不可数名词。 e.g. They are all in the room.(至少三人) (3)many和much都表示“许多”,many修饰可数名词,much修饰不可数名词。 many stamps. There is much tea in the cup. e.g. My uncle has (4)each和every each强调个人,指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指许多人或事物的“全体”,与all的意思相近。 e.g. I’ll buy a present for each of her parents. 我要为她的父母每人买一件礼物。 Every book in his study is interesting. 他书房里的每本书都很有趣。 (5)other 作形容词时意思是“其他的”,指尚未提到的部分,其后一般接复数名词。 e.g. We study Chinese, English, Maths and other subjects. (6)something和everything ? something 某事;某物 e.g. I want something to drink. ? everything 一切事物;每样事物 e.g. Tell me everything about you. (7)nobody 没有人 e.g. She likes nobody and nobody likes her. 4、疑问代词:用来表达疑问或构成疑问句的代词,一般放在疑问句的句首。 what 问什么 —What’s your name? —My name is Tom. What colour 问颜色 —What colour is your coat? —It’s red. what day 问星期 —What day is it today? —It’s Monday. what date 问日期 —What date is it today? —It’s the first of June. what shape 问形状 —What shape is the moon? —It’s round. what…job 问工作 —What’s your father’s job? —He’s a bus driver. what time 问时间 —What time is it? —It’s ten o’clock. when 问时候 —When is your birthday? —It’s on the first of May. which 问哪个 —Which is your watch, this one or that one? —That one. where 问地点 —Where is my pen? —It’s on the floor. who 问谁 —Who is the boy with big eyes? —He’s Liu Tao. whose 问谁的 —Whose bag is this? —It’s Helen’s. why 问原因 —Why are you absent today? —I’m ill. how 问方式 —How do you go to school? —By bus. how many 问数量 —How many books are there? —There are five. how much 问价钱 —How much is it? —Twenty yuan. how old 问年龄 —How old are you? —I’m twelve. how far 问距离 —How far is it from here? —It’s about one kilometer. how about 问情况 —I’m thirsty. How about you? —Me, too. how long 问多久 How long does it take you to get to Shanghai? 22 岳Y 讲义 how soon 多久之后 How soon will you return to Pairs? 5、指示代词 ? this(这个)、these(这些)表示在时间上或空间上较近的人或物。 ? that(那个)、those(那些)表示在时间上或空间上较远的人或物。 语法专题代词 1. Hardworking students are always strict with ______ in study. A) they B) them C) their D) themselves 2. I think both of the novels are interesting. You can choose _____ of them. A) either B) neither C) all D) none 3. After hearing all the songs on the list, the fans asked the singer to sing __________ one. A) other B) the other C) another D) others 4. --Would you like to swim or hike next Sunday? --__________. I prefer to read at home. A) Either B) Both C) None D) Neither 5. Mr. Lin is a friend of Mike’s. I’m not familiar with __________. A) he B) him C) his D) himself 6. I’ve lost mobile phone. Can I use yours? A) I B) me C) my D) mine 7. He took out a pair of stockings. One was white, but was black. A) other B) the other C) others D) another 8. Sorry, I can’t go to the cinema with you. I have else to do this evening. A) anything B) nothing C) everything D) something 9. Mary has bought three tickets for the 2010 World Expo. One is for ______ and the others are for her parents. A) herself B) her C) hers D) she 10. I’m thirsty. Would you like to give me ________ to drink? A) anything B) nothing C) everything D) something 11. The calculator on the desk isn’t yours. It belongs to _______. A. mine B. my C. me D. myself 12. It was a terrible accident. One passenger was killed, and ____ was badly hurt. A. the others B. the other C. others D. the rest 13. Susan is new here. However, she gets on well with _______. A) we B) our C) us D) ours 14. There are a lot of colorful flowers on ______sides of the street. A) each B) both C) either D) all 15. Mother is going out. Would you make dinner by _________ today, Susan? A) you B) your C) yours D) yourself 16. -- Would you like some snacks or a piece of chocolate cake? -- ________. I don’t have any food before going to bed. A) Neither B) Both C) Either D) None 17. --- Lucy’s skirt is black. What about yours? 23 岳Y 讲义 --- ______ is white. A) I B) me C) Mine D) myself 18. If you don’t like the style of the shoes, you can ask the clerk to bring you _____ pair. A) another B) other C) the other D)others 19. ---Which do you prefer, a CD player or an MP3? ---______. I like playing games, so I prefer a PSP. A) Both B) None C) Neither D) All 20. Help ______ to work out these physical problems, will you? A) yourself B) myself C) you D) me 21. Jenny is growing fast. She is old enough to dress ______ now. A) her B) she C) hers D) herself 22. –Which would you like to drink, coffee or tea? –______. I’d like a glass of water. A) Neither B) Either C) Both D) None 23. The math problem is too difficult for ______ in our group to work out. Would you please do us a favour? A) someone B) no one C) anyone D) everyone 24. –Is this e-dictionary Mary’s? –Yes, it belongs to ______. A) she B) her C) hers D) her’s 25. The young lady waited for ______ hour, because the plane was late. A) other B) another C) others D) the other 时态专题(一) In General: (1)时态的概念:作谓语的动词用来表示动作(情况)发生时间的各种形式称为时态。 (2)英语一共有十六个时态: 一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 现在完成进行时 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去完成时 过去完成进行时 一般将来时 将来进行时 将来完成时 将来完成进行时 一般过去将来时 过去将来进行时 过去将来完成时 过去将来完成进行时 (3)各个时态的构成法,大体上可以归纳如下: ? 一般时态: A( 一般现在时用动词原形,但第三人称单数后要+词尾-s(-es); B( 一般过去时用过去式; C( 一般将来时用shall或will+动词原形; ? 进行时态:助动词be+动词的现在分词; 24 岳Y 讲义 ? 完成时态:助动词have+动词的过去分词 In Detail: (1) 一般现在时 ? 一般现在时表示现在的一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态。与它形影不离、亲密无间的频 度副词和时间状语有often, always,sometimes, usually, every day等。 ? 一般现在时主要表示: A( 经常性或习惯性的动作: Lucy works very hard. B( 客观真理或事实: The earth moves around the sun. C( 现在的特征或状态: I major in English. 提高: ? 在here, there开头的句子中,常用一般现在时取代现在进行时。 There goes the bell! ? 在时间状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the park. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去公园。 ? 表示(书、信、报纸、通知、牌示、广播等)“说”、“报道”,用一般现在时。 The notice says, “No Parking.” 通知说:“不准停放车辆。” 拓展练习 1、Japan to the east of China. A. lie B. lies C. is lies D. is lying 2、The plane to Shanghai at 8:30. A. leaves B. leaving C. will leave D. leave 3、We won’t go unless you soon. A. coming B. came C. will come D. come (2) 一般过去时 ? 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,讲述过去的事实。与一般过去时“不见不散”的时间状语有 yesterday, the day before yesterday, last year / month / night / week, just now, two days ago, then, in 1999 / 1988等。 ? 一般过去时主要表示: A( 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。 John had a birthday party last Monday. B( 表示过去连续发生的一连串动作。 25 岳Y 讲义 Mother went to a bookshop and bought an English dictionary for me this morning. C( 表示过去某一段时间内经常、反复发生的动作。 When I was young, I always played football after school. 提高: ? 常用“would+do”表示过去经常反复发生的动作。 We would turn to him for help when we were in trouble. 我们一遇麻烦,就向他请求帮助。 拓展练习 1、Tom (watch) TV at home last night. He (go) nowhere. 2、When I (be)young, I often (play) football. 3、It (happen) an hour ago. 4、Mrs. Li (live) here many years ago. 5、 he (do) his homework yesterday? No, he (not finish) it. 6、 It was very cold, so he on his coat. (put) 7. The bed wasn’t good, I very well. ( sleep) it very much. (enjoy) 8. The play wasn’t interesting. They 9. She was in a hurry, so she time to cook for you. ( have ) 10. Who the window just now? (break) 11. It Yang Liwei about 21 hours the earth 14 times in his spaceship. A. spent; circling B. took; traveling C. spent; to travel D. took; to circle 12. -Your phone number again? I quite catch it. -It’s 66783929. A. didn’t B. couldn’t C. don’t D. can’t 13. He said he me a present a present unless I in doing the experiment. A. had no given, had no succeeded B. would not give, succeed C. will not give, succeed D. would not give, will succeed (3) 一般将来时 ? 一般将来时表示在将来某一时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示将来某一段时间内经 常发生的动作或存在的状态。它常与表示将来的时间状语如soon, tomorrow, next week, in a few days, the day after tomorrow等合作。 ? 一般将来时主要表示: A( 表示将来的动作或状态。 I will make a toy ship for my brother tomorrow. 26 岳Y 讲义 B(表达说话人的某一种意愿,多用will一词。 Tom isn't a good boy and I will not help him. 提高: ? 一般将来时除了借助于助动词will和shall之外,还有其它一些表达方式: be going to表示根据现有的各种因素,推断将要发生的事情,或按计划安排、主观打算将要做的 事。 What are you going to do the day after tomorrow? be to +动词原形,表示"就要……",指计划要做的事情。 We are to climb that hill this afternoon. be about to +动词原形,表示即将发生的动作。 I was about to go to bed when he called me up. ? 有些表示位置转移的,如come, go, leave, start, arrive, fly, move等动词的现在进行时可表示按计 划或安排将要发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。 He is leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. They are arriving tomorrow afternoon. ? be to和be going to be to 表示客观安排或受人指示而做某事, be going to 表示主观的打算或计划。 I am to play football tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午我去踢球。(客观安排) I'm going to play football tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午我想去踢球。(主观安排) 拓展练习 1. I won’t ( be) free tomorrow. 2. the students (have) a meeting this weekend. 3. Jim (see) a film tomorrow. 4. you (need) me to help you? 5. They (not go) there if it snows tomorrow. 6. She (come) here soon. 7. When we get our tickets, be marked “first class” . A. it is to B. it will C. they were to D. they will 8. Look! The woman with curl hair over there us a talk about DNA. A. is about to give B. would give C. was going to give D. had given 9. She me at the airport this evening. A. is seeing, out B. is seeing, off C. sees, off D. will see, out 10. Either you or he there tomorrow. 27 岳Y 讲义 A. go B. goes C. are going D. is going ? 过去将来时 ? 表示从过去某一时间来看将要发生的动作或存在的状态。过去将来时不可以单独使用,主要用在 宾语从句中。如:They told me that they would go to work in Guangdong. ? 构成:Would , 动词原形,无人称变化。或 was(were) going to , 动词原形。 ? Would常缩写为 ’d, 如:I’d, you’d, he’d 拓展练习 1. They the game when it began to rain. A. were about to start B. were about start C. were to starting D. were about to starting 2. He was 8years old. I two years he 10. A. will go B. would go C. has gone D. goes. 3. the teacher said that she us to the park the next day. A. will take B. has taken C. would take D. is taking 4. Mr. Brown asked who the message to Mr. Evans. A. was going to talk B. has taken C. could give D. will tell 5. –What did the scientist say? -He said he wondered if into space by spaceship one day. A. he had to fly B. he could fly C. can he fly D. could he fly 时态(二) (4) 现在进行时 ? 表示现在正在进行的动作。 ? 现在进行时主要表示: A( 表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。 What is he doing in the next room at the moment? B( 表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作。 Mr. Green is writing a book these days. C( 表示按计划即将发生的事情,但这仅限于少量动词,如go, come, leave, start, arrive等。 The train is leaving for Beijing soon. 提高: ? 表示赞叹、厌烦、表扬、批评等不同情感。常与always连用。 Joy is always helping others. (表扬) He is always leaving his things about. (批评) ? 一般情况下,不用现在进行时的动词。这些词通常表示思考,理解:understand, know, believe, think, doubt, forget, remember 28 岳Y 讲义 拓展练习 1、Dictionary , I have looked for it everywhere but still it. A. has lost; don’t find B. is missing, don’t find C. has lost; haven’t found D. is missing, haven’t found. 2. My wife . A. has forever criticized me B. forever criticizes me C. does forever criticize me D. is forever criticizing me 3. Miss Gao , she’s working. A. isn’t sleeping B. doesn’t sleep C. is sleeping D. sleeps 4. Are all the twins the same clothes? A. put on B. putting on C. wear D. wearing 5. I don’t think that it’s true. He’s always strange stories. A. tell B. telling C. told D. tells (5) 过去进行时 定义:过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某段时间内正在进行的动作。 构成:was/were+现在分词 (1) 表示过去某一个时刻或某一段时间内正在进行或发生的动作,通常与表示过去的时间状语 then, at this/that time, at nine, last night, at ,o’clock yesterday, while从句等连用。 At 8 o’clock yesterday evening I was having dinner with some friends. He doorbell rang while my mother was cooking the dinner. (2) 过去进行时中有always, forever, continually, constantly, frequently等副词,表达说话人的赞美、 厌烦等情绪。 He was forever complaining about something. 提高: (1) 在过去时的时间状语从句中,延续性动作用过去进行时,非延续性动作用一般过去时;若表 示两个延续性动作在过去某一时刻同时发生,则主句和从句都用过去进行时。 What was Jim doing when the teacher came in? The students were reading while the teacher was grading their homework. 拓展练习 1. I didn’t see you at the meeting yesterday, why? I for a ling distance call then from my daughter in Canada. A. waited B. have waited C. was waiting D. will wait 2. Mary a dress when she cut her finger. 29 岳Y 讲义 A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes 3. As she the newspaper, Granny asleep. A. read; was falling B. was reading; tell C. was reading; was falling D. read; fell 4. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he until yesterday. A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. comes 5. When the teacher came in, the students . A. talk B. are talking C. were talking D. will talk (6) 现在完成时 定义:现在完成时表示在过去发生但与现在情况有密切联系的动作或状态。 构成:have/has+过去分词 I have been ill for a week. 我已病了一周了。(现在还在生病) I was ill for a week. 我病了一周。(过去病了一周,现在好了) 用法: (1) 表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态;常和表示一段时间的状语连用。 I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. I have worked at this school for 20 years. (2) 表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 I have just posted a letter. 我刚把信邮寄了。 She has lost her watch. 她把表丢失了。 提高: A. 现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。 (1) 现在完成时强调过去发生的动作对现在的影响和结果,而一般过去时与现在没有联系,只是 说明某个动作发生的时间是在过去。 I have washed the car. 我洗过了车。(现在看上去很漂亮) I washed the car a moment ago. 我刚才洗过车了。(只是一个事实陈述) She has watered the flowers. 她已经浇了花。(不需要再浇了) She watered the flowers yesterday. 她昨天浇了花。 (2) 现在完成时表示的动作或状态延续到现在并可能延续下去,而一般过去时则单纯表示过去某 段时间内的经历。 It has rained for five hours. 雨已经下了5个小时了。( ) It rained for five hours yesterday. 昨天下了5个小时的雨。( ) 30 岳Y 讲义 I have reviewed two lessons this morning. 今天上午我已经复习了两课。(时间: ) I reviewed two lessons this morning. 今天上午我复习了两课。(时间: ) B. Have(has) been to和have(has) gone to的区别。 Have(has) been to:曾经到过某地。(去了回来了) Have(has) gone to:已经去了某地。(去了还没回来) They have been to Beijing. 他们去过北京。( ) They have gone to Beijing. 他们到北京去了。( ) 拓展练习: 1. --What a nice bike! How long you it? --Just two weeks. A. will; buy B. did; buy C. are; having D. have; had 2. –Do you know our town at all? – No, this is the first time I here. A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming 3. –Have you been to our town before? - No, it’s the first time I here. A. even; come B. even; have come C. ever; come D. ever; have come 4. –May I go to play tennis with you, Dad? - you your composition yet? A. Are; finishing B. Did; finish C. Will; finish D. Have; finished 5. You don’t need to describe her. I her several times. A. had met B. have met C. met D. meet 6( -I’m sorry to keep you waiting. –Oh, not at all. I here only a few minutes. A. have been B. had been C. was D. will be 7. He here in 1980. He a teacher for over twenty years. A. came; was B. came; has been C. has come; is D. has come; has been 过去完成时 1、 构成“had+ 过去分词” 31 岳Y 讲义 2、 表示在过去某一时间或动作之前,已经发生或完成了的动作。他表示动作发生的时间是“过 去的过去” By the end of last month we had learned twelve English songs. 到上月底,我们已经学了12首英语歌曲。 3、 表示在过去某一时间之前开始, 并一直延续到那时的动作或状态。 She had lived in the north for five years before she came here. 她来这儿之前,在北方住了五年。 拓展练习: 1. The students busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she in the office. A. had written; left B. writing; has left C. had written; had left D. were writing; had left 2. I had hoped my letter. A. her to answer B. that she answer C. that she would answer D. her answering 3. By the time school over, the rain , so I didn’t use my raincoat. A. was, has stopped B. was, had stopped C. had been, stopped D. had been, had stopped 4.The film on for ten minutes when Jack got to the cinema. A. has been B. had been C. be D. would be 5. –Did you the concert last night? - Very much, I to a concert for a long time. A. enjoy; haven’t gone B. enjoy; haven’t been C. enjoy; hadn’t gone D. enjoyed, didn’t go 6. It nice to see John yesterday. I him for a long time. A. was; haven’t seen B. had been; haven’t seen C. was; hadn’t seen D. had been; hadn’t seen 7. Last night I studying at 9:30. Bill came at 9:50. By the time Bill came. I my homework. A. finished; finished B. would finish; finished C. had finished; had finished D. finished; had finished 综合练习 1、You won’t go unless you soon. 32 岳Y 讲义 A. coming B. came C. will come D. come 2、Mary a dress when she cut her finger. A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes 3、James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he until yesterday. A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. comes 4、Since 2000, Nanjing has become a new city. Everything . A. is changed B. was changed C. has changed D. had changed 5、I’ll come to see you as soon as I back. A. will be B. am being C. was D. am 6、He here in 1980. He a teacher for over ten years. A. came; was B. came; has been C. has come; is D. has come; has been 7、If it tomorrow, I’ll go by car. A. rain B. will rain C. rains D. would rain 8、I you for a long time. Where you ? A. didn’t see; did; go B. didn’t see; have; gone C. haven’t seen; have; been D. haven’t seen; have; gone 9、Li Hua in the factory since she left school ten years ago. A. works B. worked C. has worked D. had worked 10、My uncle to see me. He’ll be here soon. A. is coming B. comes C. has come D. came 11、We TV when the telephone . A. watched; was ringing B. were watching; rang C. watch; rings D. are watching; rang 12、He asked me during the winter holidays. A. where I had gone B. where I had been C. where had I gone D. where had I been 13、Mr. Black China for many years. A. has been to B. has gone to C. bas been in D. has come to 14、That building two years ago, but it looks quite old now. A. built B. was built C. is built D. builts 15、-Do you know the twins are? –Yes, they Fuzhou. 33 岳Y 讲义 A. have gone to B. have been to C. have gone D. went to 16、Mike had nothing for breakfast, ? A. does he B. did he C. didn’t he D. had he 17、The class before tom into the classroom. A. began; was walking B. had begun; walked C. begins; walks D. was beginning; walked 18、I __________ a letter from him since he left. A. didn’t receive B. haven’t got C. didn’t have D. haven’t heard 19、-You’re smoking a lot. –Only at home. No one me but you. A. is seeing B. had seen C. sees D. saw 20、Since 2000,Nanjing has become a new city. Everything . A. is changed B. was changed C. has changed D. had changed 情态动词 1、can的用法 He can swim well, but I can’t. I can finish it in an hour. You can use my bike. 表“能力”可用 be able to 代替 My mother can (is able to) pay for the coat. Mary will be able to tell you where she works. He has been able to work. 2、may表示允许、也许,意为“可以,也许,可能”。 一般问句的肯定回答一般是:Yes, please./ Certainly./ Sure等, 否定回答一般是:Please don't./No,you can't/mustn't. might是may的过去式,与may用法类似,常用于过去时中;用在疑问句中,还可表示委婉客气。 3、must 否定式mustn’t,表示不一定,禁止 You mustn’t be late. 你一定不要迟到。 You mustn’t leave us. 你不许离开我们。 回答must引起的问句时 - Must we leave so soon? - Yes, we must. / – No, we needn’t. / – No, we don’t have to. must表示推测 34 岳Y 讲义 must 表示对已发生的事情的推测时,must 要接完成式 I didn’t hear the phone. I must have been asleep. 我刚才没有听到电话,我想必是睡着了。 1、 need :只有一种形式,后跟不带to的动词不定式,中用于否定句和疑问句。 : 有动词的全部形式,needs, needing, needed, need to 判断 He needn’t escape. He doesn’t need to escape. 疑问句的回答: Need you…? Yes, I must. No, I needn’t. 5、shall, will用来征求对方意见,shall用于第一人称,will用于第二人称,用来表示意愿;shall用于第二、第三人称,will用于第一人称 6、would, should为will,shall 的过去式,would用于现在时,表示委婉提出请求、建议或看法 Would you please not do it again? should还有“应该”的意思,但语气比must 弱。 would, should为will,shall 的过去式,would用于现在时,表示委婉提出请求、建议或看法,如Would you please not do it again? should还有“应该”的意思,但语气比must 弱。 ?怎样选用can和may 情态动词can和may都能表示“可能性”。如: He may be right. 他可能对。 He can’t be right. 他不可能对。 那么,在表示可能性这个概念时,二者的区别是什么呢, ? 二者所适用的句子类型不同。一般说来,can多用于疑问句和否定句,表示怀疑或不相信等态度;而may则多用于陈述句(肯定),表示一种揣测。 Can it be true? No, it can not be true. Where can they be now? I hear there may be a few copies left. What he said may not be right. ? 二者所强调的意思不同。一般来说,can强调客观上的可能性,而may则强调主观上的推测或判断。 Man cannot live without air or water. She may be in the library, I suppose. She may not be there today. ? 二者表示的语气不同。在否定句中,can表达的否定语气较强,意为“不可能”;而may表达的否定语气较弱,意为“可能不”或“也许不”。 35 岳Y 讲义 That cannot be true. (=It is impossible that that is true.) That may not be true. (=It is possible that that is not true.) 根据以上分析,我们可以归纳为三条原则: (1) 在肯定句中用may不用can; (2) 在疑问句中用can不用may; (3) 在否定句中,若语气肯定,表示“不可能”时用can not,若语气不肯定,表示“可能不”时用may not. ?浅析can和be able to的区别 ? 现在时:can与be able to一样,但后者不常用。 He can write well. He is able to write well. 但be able to后不能接被动语态不定式。如 The star cannot be seen. (正) The star is not able to be seen. (误) ? 将来时:can没有将来式,此时要用will be able to。 I will be able to speak English in three years. 但决定将来是否有能力时,也常用can。 Can you come to see us nest Sunday? ? 过去时,could表示一般能力,was/were able to表示具体场合的能力。如 My father could speak English. He was able to translate this story into French. How many eggs were you able to get? Could的否定式也可表示具体场合的能力。 The question was so difficult that he wasn’t able to/couldn’t answer it. 注意:could不表示时态 1)提出委婉的请求,(注意在回答中不可用could)。 --- Could I have the television on? --- Yes, you can. / No, you can‘t. 2)在否定,疑问句中表示推测或怀疑。 He couldn’t be a bad man. 他不大可能是坏人。 ?比较may和might ? 表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may 放在句首,表示祝愿。 May God bless you! He might be at home. ? 注意: might 表示推测时,不表示时态。只是可能性比may 小。 成语: may/might as well,后面接不带to 的不定式,意为“不妨”。 If that is the case, we may as well try. 36 岳Y 讲义 典型例题 Peter come with us tonight, but he isn‘t very sure yet. A. must B. may C. can D. will ?比较have to和must ? 两词都是‘必须’的意思,have to 表示客观的需要,must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必 要。 My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. (客观上需要做这件事) He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事) ? have to有人称、数、时态的变化,而must只有一种形式。 He had to look after his sister yesterday. ? 在否定结构中: don‘t have to 表示“不必” mustn’t 表示“禁止”, You don‘t have to tell him about it. 你不一定要把此事告诉他。 You mustn’t tell him about it. 你一定不要把这件事告诉他 【例1】—Where's Mr Li?I have something unusual to tell him. —You ____ find him.He______Japan. A.may not,has gone to B.may not, has been to C.can't,has gone to D.can't, has been to 【例2】 —Could I look at your pictures? —Yes,of course you _________. A.could B.can C.will D.might 【例3】—Where is Jack,please? —He______be in the classroom. A.can B.need C.would D.must 【例4】 The boy said he had to speak English in class, but he speak it after class. A.could B. didn't have to C.might D. shouldn't 【例5】These books_________out of the reading room. You have to read, them here. A.can't take B. must be taken C.can take D. mustn't be taken 强化练习 14._________I open the window? It's hot here. A.Must B.Shall C.Will D.Would 15.Go and ask Mr Liu.He _________tell you. A.may B.can C.would D.could 37 岳Y 讲义 16._________you please tell me the time please? A.Shall B.Will C.May D.Might 17.—_________I try out all the ideas? —No,you _________. A. Must, mustn't B.Need,need C.Must,don't have to D.Must,don't 18._________I speak to Mr Green,please? A.Will B.Could C.Must D.Would 19.He said Kate _____come to the party.But I don't think so. A.could B.might C.need D.must 20.—Need I do my lessons right now? —Yes,you_________. A.need B.can C.should D.must 21.—Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon? —I'd love to.But I'm afraid I___.I have too much work to do. A.can't B. mustn't C. needn't D.may not 22.To make our city more beautiful,rubbish_________into the river. A. needn't be thrown B. mustn't be thrown C.can't throw D. may not throw 23.Don't worry! We can get to the bus station in time and _________the early bus. A. don't miss B. can miss C. will miss D. won't miss 24.—Please don't make any noise in the reading room. —_________ A. Sorry, I won't. B. Sorry, I can't. C. Yes, I won't. D.OK,I didn't. 25.—Must I return your digital camera tomorrow. Tina? —No, you_________. A. mustn't B. may not C. needn't D. won't 26.—Would you like some more? —_________I'm full. A.Yes,please. B.I'd love to. C.No,I wouldn't. D.No,thanks. 27.You_________swim in this part of the lake. It's dangerous. A. mustn't B.may not C. needn't D.won't 28.—Your e-mail address again? I______quite catch it. —Hr Zhou @ 263.com. A.don't B.can't C.won't D. didn't 38 岳Y 讲义 形容词、副词 (一)形容词与副词辨析 1、 Alone与lonely Alone 与lonely意思相近,前者表示“独自一人”的状态,而后者表示“孤单、寂寞”的情绪。 ? alone作形容词时,只作表语 But the children are not alone. He will be alone from now on. ? alone也可作副词,修饰动词 She was sitting in the bed alone when we went to see her. ? lonely一般只用作形容词 So we never feel lonely. He is a very lonely traveler. 2、too, also与either 这三个词作副词用时,都含有“也”的意思,但用法不一样。 ? Too与also只能用于肯定句中. I’m in Class 1, too. Chinese take-way food is also popular. ? either只能用于否定句中,一般放在句尾。 We don’t like the same colours, either. 3、so与such ? so是副词,译为“如此”,修饰形容词,如:so delicious ? such是形容词,修饰名词。如:such a good boy 4、instead 与instead of ? instead只能单独使用,常位于句首或句尾。 She is very tired, let me go instead. He never studies hard. Instead, he plays with water all day. ? instead of后面要跟名词、动词、代词或介词短语。 Shall we have fish instead of eggs today? 5、sometimes, sometime与some time ? sometimes译为“有时,往往,不时地” Sometimes we are busy and sometimes we ar not. I sometimes have letters from him. ? sometime的意思是“某个时候,”可指将来,也可指过去。 We’ll take our holiday sometime in May. ? Some time 是指“一段时间”,可以是几分钟,几小时,几天或几年。 The fire went on for some time before it wan brought under control. 拓展练习: 39 岳Y 讲义 一、用alone与lonely填空。 1、He came because his brother was ill. 2、With all his friends away from him, he feels very 3、I don’t like going out after dark. 用too, also与either填空。 1、I have been to Paris, . 2、I, , know where he is to be found. 3、My dog is thirsty. Is your dog thirty? 4、 , some students came to see Mr. Smith that afternoon. 5、I don’t sing that song, . 二、单项选择 1、-What do you think of the bridge? –I have never seen before. A. so a long one B. so long one C. such a long one D. a such long one 2、I’m not sure if I’m going to Tim’s party; I may go to the concert . A. only B. instead C. early D. late 3、She has . A. a time B. a enough time C. enough time D. many time 4、You don’t like the same colours and I don’t like them, . A. too B. also C. either D. neither 5、None of the students watched it . A. careful enough B. enough carefully C. carefully enough D. enough careful 6、There must be in the tea. It tastes good. A. anything sweet B. something sweet C. sweet something D. everything something 7、He eats food, so he is fat. A. much too; too much B. much too; too many C. too much; much too D. too much; many too 8、Mary won’t go and Peter won’t go . A. too B. also C. either D. neither 9、Will you come again next week? A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time 10、If you have no time, I’ll go you. A. instead B. instead of (二)原级、比较级、最高级 一、形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则 40 岳Y 讲义 1(一般单音节词和少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词,比较级在后面加-er,最高级在后面加-est; (1)单音节词 如:small? smaller? smallest short? shorter? shortest tall? taller? tallest great? greater? greatest (2)双音节 如:clever? cleverer? cleverest narrow? narrower? narrowest 2(以不发音e结尾的单音节词,比较在原级后加-r,最高级在原级后加-st; 如:large? larger? largest nice? nicer? nicest able? abler? ablest 3(在重读闭音节(即:辅音,元音,辅音)中,先双写末尾的辅音字母,比较级加-er,最高级加-est; 如:big? bigger? biggest hot? hotter? hottest fat? fatter? fattest 4(以“辅音字母,y”结尾的双音节词, 把y改为i,比较级加-er,最高级加-est; 如:easy? easier? easiest heavy? heavier? heaviest busy? busier? busiest happy? happier? happiest 5(其他双音节词和多音节词,比较级在前面加more,最高级在前面加most; 如:beautiful? more beautiful? most beautiful different? more different? most different easily? more easily? most easily 4(有少数形容词、副词的比较级和最高级是不规则的,必须熟记。 原级 比较级 最高级 good, well better the best bad, ill, badly worse the worst many, much more the most little less the least far farther (further) the farthest (furtherst) 二、形容词、副词的同级、比较级和最高级的用法 1、同级比较 ? 两者程度相同as + 原级 + as Mike is as tall as Bill. ? 两者程度不同 not as ( so) + 原级 + as He doesn’t drive as/ so carefully as his father. 2、比较级 “A + be +形容词比较级 + than + B” 意思为“A比B更……”。 41 岳Y 讲义 如:This tree is taller than that one. 这棵树比那棵树高。 提高: ? 在比较级前面使用much/far,表示程度程度“强得多”。在比较级前面使用a little/a bit表示程度程度“强一点点” 如:A watermelon is much bigger than an apple ? very, quite一般只能修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。 ?(“比较级 + and + 比较级”或“more and more +原级”表示“越来越……” 如:It becomes warmer and warmer when spring comes. 春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了 It is getting cooler and cooler.天气越来越凉爽。 The wind became more and more heavily.风变得越来越大。 Our school is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们的学校变得越来越美丽。 ?(在含有or的选择疑问句中,如果有两者供选择,前面的形容词要用比较级形式。 如:Who is taller, Tim or Tom? 谁更高,Tim还是Tom? ?. “the +比较级……, the+比较级”,表示“越……越……”。 The more money you make, the more you spend.钱你赚得越多,花得越多。 The sooner,the better. 越快越好。 提高: ?要避免重复使用比较级。 (错) He is more cleverer than his brother. (对) He is more clever than his brother. (对) He is cleverer than his brother. ?要注意冠词的使用,后有名词的时候,前面才有可能有名词。 比较:Which is larger, Canada or Australia? Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia? She is taller than her two sisters. She is the taller of the two sisters. 3、最高级:要用来表示三者或三者以上人或事物的比较,表示“最……”的意思。 the + 高级 + of / in 短语,of后接可数名词复数或等all代词. 如:He is the tallest in our class. 他在我们班里是最高的。 She is the youngest of the girls. 她是女孩中最年轻的。 He is one of the fattest boys in his class他是他班上最胖男孩之一。 5. 比较级与最高级的转换: Mike is the most intelligent in his class. ? Mike is more intelligent than any other student in his class 42 岳Y 讲义 提高: ?序数词通常只修饰最高级。 Africa is the second largest continent. ?形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。 The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. He studies hardest in our class. ?形容词的最高级前有名词所有格或物主代词时,不用定冠词。 Jim is my best friend. ?形容词most前面没有the,不表示最高级的含义,只表示"非常"。 It is a most important problem. = It is a very important problem. ?使用最高级要注意将主语包括在比较范围内。 (错)Tom is the tallest of his three brothers. (对)Tom is the tallest of the three brothers 拓展练习 (一)写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式 Long wide __ _____ fat Heavy slow few Brightly badly far Quickly happy unhappy (二) 用所给词的正确形式填空 1. Which is (difficult), physics or biology? 2. Gold(黄金) is (little) useful than iron(铁). 3. In summer, it’s (hot) in Wuhan than in Shanghai. 4. John’s parents have four daughters, and she is the (young) child. 5. The (cheap) bags are the not usually the best ones 6. Which book is (interesting), English book, Chinese book or the story-book? 7. Shanghai is (large) city in China. 8. Dick sings (well), she sings (well) than John, but Mary sings (well) in her class. 9. She will be much (happy) in her mew house. 10. This dress is that.(twice, as…as…, expensive) (三)单项选择 1. Of the two toys, the child chose . A. the expensive one B. one most expensive 43 岳Y 讲义 C. a least expensive D. the most expensive of them 2. Jane is ________ than Betty. A. less taller B. less tallest C. less tall D. not as tall 3. China is ________ country in the world. A. the third largest B. the largest third C. the third large D. a third largest 4. -Which is season in Beijing? -I think it's autumn. A. good B. better C. best D. the best 5(- Which is__________ , the sun, the moon or the earth? - Of course, the moon is. A. small B. smaller C. smallest D. the smallest 6. The air in Beijing is getting much _____ than a few years ago. A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest D. the cleanest 7. Mobile phones are very popular now and they are _____ than before. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest 8(I study English as _______ as my brother. A. hard B. harder C. hardest 9. Which is _____, a bicycle or a computer? A. expensive B. more expensive C. the most expensive 10. The Yellow River is one of ______rivers in China. A long B longer C the longest 冠 词 归纳定冠词的用法 1、 Look at the blackboard, please. 2、 the sun, the moon, the earth 3、 I find a pencil in the box. The pencil is Lucy’s. 4、 The old, the young, the poor. 5、 Play the flute, play the piano, play the violin 6、 In the morning, the day after tomorrow 7、 The Thames, the Pacific 8、 The Smiths 44 岳Y 讲义 不定冠词a/an---泛指,修饰单数可数名词 1、He gave my sister useful book yesterday. 2、Where is Lucy? -She’s having rest over there. 3、-Have you seen pen? I left it here this morning. - Is it black one? I think I saw it somewhere. [析]以元音因素开头的名词前用an,在辅音因素开头的名词前用a,如:an honest boy, an 8-year-old girl, an hour, 提高: 这些场合不用冠词 1、 China, Class one,某些专有名词的前; 2、 Have lunch, play football,在三餐和球类运动名称前不用冠词; 3、 In winter, in June, on Monday,季节、日期、星期、节日和学科的名称前; 4、 名词前面已有作定语用的this, these, that, those, my, their, some, many 等词The ball is in my room. 拓展题: 用(a, an, the, /(不填))把句子补充完整。 1、Look! There is park in the centre of city. 2、A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers second. 3、There is “h” in the word hour. 4、-Who is girl reading under the tree? 5、Can you see one-eyed cow in field? 6、This is empty bottle. Could you give me full one? 7、Mr. Smith always gives me hand when I am in trouble. 8、What great help he’s given us! 9、 sun rises in east and sets in west. 10、They often listen to radio in evening. 英语句子成分分析 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个完整的意义。一个句子一般由两部分构成,即主语部分和谓语部分,这两部分也叫做句子的主要成分。句子的次要成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语等。句子成分是句子中起一定功用的组成部分。 45 岳Y 讲义 1)主语:是一句的主体,是全句述说的对象,常用名词,数词或代词担任,一般放于句首。如: Students study. (学生学习。) We are friends.(我们是朋友) 这两句话中单词students是个名词,we是代词,它们在句中做主语。 2)谓语:是对主语加以陈述,表示主语的行为或状态,常用动词或者动词词组担任,放在主语的后面。如: Students study. (学生学习。) We are friends. (我们是朋友) 这两句话中单词study和are都是动词,study叫做实意动词,are叫做be动词,它们在句中作谓语。 3)宾语:表示行为的对象,常由名词或者代词担任。放在及物动词或者介词之后。如: They are teachers. ( 他们是老师。) I play with him. (我和他一起玩。) 这两句话中单词teachers是名词,单词him是代词,它们在句中作宾语。 4)定语:是用来说明或者限制名词的成分,常用形容词或者相当于形容词的短语或从句担任。形容词放在名词之前,相当于形容词的短语或从句放在名词的后面。如: This is a red sun.(这是个红太阳.) He is a tall boy.(他是个高个子男孩。) 这两句话中单词red和 tall都是形容词,它们作定语。 5)状语是用来说明动词,形容词,副词或整个句子的成分。常由副词担任。修饰动词时可以放在动词之前,也可以放在动词之后;修饰形容词或副词时放在它们之前。如: The students study hard. (这些学生学习努力。) I often write to him. (我常给他写信。) The bag is too heavy. (这个书包太重了。) 这三句话中单词hard 和often修饰的都是动词,第三句话中单词too修饰的是形容词,它们都作状语。 46 岳Y 讲义 6)表语:用来说明主语的性质或状态。一般由名词或者形容词担任。 如:This table is long. (这个桌子是长的。) 通常情况下,主语和宾语前的成分是定语,谓语前的成分是状语,时间词作状语放在句子 后面。句子的成分分布如下: (定语) 主语 (状语) 谓语 (定语) 宾语 (状语) 如:(The tall) boy (often) go (to the big) zoo. (The happy) child --- went (his) home yesterday. 练一练 请分析下面句子的结构说出各个成分 1)I have two elder sisters. (我有两个姐姐。) 2) They don't swim very well.(他们游泳不太好。) 3) Do you go to school every day? (你每天去上学吗,) 4) I really want a cup of tea.(我真的想要一杯茶。) 5) Miss Smith teaches English very well.(史密斯先生教英语非常好。) A.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容选择最恰当的答案): Bob is a middle school student. He has a healthy lifestyle (生活方式). He sleeps eight or nine hours a day. So he can get up early in the morning. He exercises every day before having breakfast. He runs three times every week. He takes quick walks twice a week. He plays soccer twice a week. He also has good eating habits. He tries to eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. He likes apples best. He believes “Having an apple a day keeps the doctors away.” He drinks milk a lot and eats healthy food. He likes eating hamburgers, but he tries not to eat 47 岳Y 讲义 too much. He only eats once a month. He looks after his health well. Good eating habits and doing exercises every day are good for him. They can help him get good grades. His friend Jeff is different. He is kind of unhealthy. He doesn’t like doing exercises and sleeps too late. He likes eating junk food, too. But he says he wants to be healthy and exercise with Bob every day. ( )1. Bob has a(n) ____ lifestyle. A. lazy B. healthy C. unhealthy D. bad ( )2. Bob exercises ____. A. every day B. three times a week C. twice a week D. five times a week ( )3. His favourite fruit are ____. A. apples B. hamburgers C. bananas D. pears ( )4. ____, so Bob gets good grades. A. Doing exercises every day makes him happy B. He doesn’t like junk food C. A healthy lifestyle is good for him D. He always goes to school ( )5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Bob sleeps eight or nine hours every day. B. Jeff has an unhealthy lifestyle. C. Bob takes good care of his health. D. Jeff doesn’t like junk food. ( )6. What does Jeff want to do? A. He wants to get up late. B. He wants to eat apples. C. He wants to exercise with Bob. D. He wants to get good grades. B.Read the passage and answer the following questions (根据文章内容回答下列问题): 48 岳Y 讲义 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, milk may work in the same way! Milk is the food for some animal babies. It helps them grow strong because it is rich in protein (蛋白质), calcium (钙) and vitamins. Milk can also help you sleep better because it can calm you down. But remember to drink milk with care. Make sure it’s fresh and hasn’t gone bad. Eat some bread or cake when you drink milk. That’ll help you take in more protein and vitamins. Doctors say children need 2-3 cups of milk a day. Milk-drinking started long ago. At that time people started to keep cows and sheep to get their milk. Of course, what you drink today isn’t that fresh from the cow. Yogurt (酸奶) also comes from milk. People make some special bacteria (细菌) to change the taste of milk. That makes calcium and vitamins in it easier for people to take in (吸收). That’s why it’s getting more popular with people! 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 1. What is milk rich in? _______________________________________ 2. Why can milk help us sleep better? _______________________________________ 3. How many cups of milk do children need a day? _______________________________________ 4. Is the milk we drink today as fresh as that people drank long ago? _______________________________________ 5. How do people make yogurt? _______________________________________ 6. Why does yogurt become popular? _______________________________________ C.Choose the words and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词完成短文): Everyone needs food every day. It gives us energy, and sometimes it can make us much 1 . Scientists found that foods such as sea fish, bananas and pumpkins (南瓜) can help fight against bad moods. How can 2 affect our moods? 49 岳Y 讲义 Sea fish Studies show that people living by the sea seem much happier than others, because the 3 sea air helps them clear their minds and partly because they eat a lot of sea fish. Bananas Bananas have a kind of natural chemical compound (化合物) that is full 4 vitamin B6. That helps to make us become more confident, if we need to 5 a quick decision. Pumpkins Eating pumpkins can also help get people into a good mood 6 pumpkins are rich in vitamin (维生素) B6 and iron, and they will fuel (供以燃料) our brain and make us happier. Are you in a bad mood? If you are, don’t sit alone. Go to eat such happy food with your friends. Maybe you’ll be 7 soon. ( )1. A. sadder B. happier C. stronger D. weaker ( )2. A. they B. it C. them D. you ( )3. A. dirty B. polluted C. heavy D. fresh ( )4. A. of B. with C. in D. on ( )5. A. have B. get C. reach D. make ( )6. A. though B. because C. if D. so ( )7. A. worse B. right C. better D. wrong D.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给): Peter held a party for his birthday in his house. Though (虽然) (1) h______ had a great time, it made him very tired. Before the party, he did many things. (2) F______ he borrowed some money from his parents and then (3) b______ some food and drinks. Next he had to clean 50 岳Y 讲义 the (4) l______ room. Then he drove his father’s (5) c______ to pick up (接) some of his friends. When the exciting party was over, he found there were (6) s______ a lot of things to do. He did the dishes, swept the floor, and threw away the litter. When he could have a (7) r______, it was already twelve o’clock at night. 1. h 2.F 3.b 4.l 5.c 6.s 7.r Unit 1 Relatives in Beijing 核心词汇 1. invite [in'vait] v. 邀请 【词性转换】invitation [.invi'teiʃən] n. 邀请;请柬 I’ve invited the Smiths to visit us next Friday. 我已经邀请史密斯一家下周五来家玩。 2. expensive [iks'pensiv] adj. 昂贵的 【反义】cheap adj. 便宜的 I think international calls are very expensive. 我认为国际电话费用很高。 3. talk to sb. 与某人谈话 = talk with sb. He stopped to talk to me when seeing me. 看到我的时候,他停下来和我说话 4. brochure ['brəuʃə] n. 资料手册 I’ll send you the brochure right away. 我会马上把资料手册给您寄去。 5. agent ['eidʒənt] n. 代理人;经纪人 【词性转换】agency ['eidʒənsi] n. 代理处 6. soon [su:n] adv. 不久;很快;马上 She will be back soon. 他马上就会回来。 7. at the end of (August) 在(八月)底 【提示】at the end of本意为“在……末端”,用于表示时间、空间中临近结束的意思。 【反义】at the beginning of 在……的起点 There is a post office at the end of the street. 街道的尽头有一家邮局。(表示空间概念) We finally graduated at the end of June. 我们终于在六月底毕业了。(表示时间概念) 8. swan [swɔn] n. 天鹅 This love story is about a swan prince and a swan princess. 这个爱情故事是关于一个天鹅王子和一 个天鹅公主的 9. raise [reiz] v. 提升;举起 He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。 10. national ['næʃənəl] adj. 国家的 【词性转换】nationality [.næʃə'næliti] n. 国籍 international [.intə'næʃənəl] adj. 国际的 nation ['neiʃən] n. 国家 The national news comes after the international news. 国内新闻在国际新闻之后报道。 51 岳Y 讲义 11. brick [brik] n. 砖 The wall is built of brick and stone. 这堵墙是砖石砌成的。 12. stone [stəun] n. 石头;石料;岩石 This is a stone building. 这是一座石料建筑物。 13. mountain ['mauntin] n. 高山;山岳 Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. 珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山峰。 14. ancient ['einʃənt] adj. 古老的 Have ever read about ancient Rome? 你读过关于古罗马的故事吗, 15. history ['histəri] n. 历史 【词性转换】historical [his'tɔrikəl] adj. 历史的 History is my favourite subject at school. 历史是我在学校中最喜爱的学科。 16. interest ['intərist] n. 吸引力;趣味 【词性转换】interest v. 使……感兴趣 interested adj. 感兴趣的;有兴趣的 interesting adj. 有趣的 I find no interest in such things. 我对这些不敢兴趣。 17. wonderful ['wʌndəful] adj. 精彩的;令人高兴的 After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire. 一顿美餐之后,他们就围着营火讲故事、唱歌。 18. another [ə'nʌðə] pron. 另一(事物或人) 【比较】one...the other...与one...another...:前者表示只有两样东西,除了一个,就是另一个, 所指的东西确定。后者表示所存在的物体多于两个,所指的东西不确定。 试比较: There’s not a thing in his left hand. What about the other? 他左手什么东西也没有。另一只手呢, (一共就两只手,除了一只就是另一只) This jacket doesn’t fit me well. Show me another, please. 这件夹克不适合我。再拿一种给我看看。 (商店里的服装不止一件,试完一件,再试剩下的好多件中的一件) 语法点讲解 1. 形容词与副词的比较级以及最高级: 规则变化 (1)一般情况下,单音节或双音节的形容词(或副词)比较级,er , 最高级,est clever,cleverer,cleverest , few,fewer,fewest , small,smaller,smallest等 (2)以e结尾的词,比较级,r,最高级,st即可 nice,nicer,nicest, cute,cuter,cutest, large,larger,largest (3)以辅音字母,y结尾的变y为i,er或est easy,easier,easiest, happy,happier,happiest, 再如:early , busy , heavy , dirty , lazy . 也如此 (4)双写最后一个辅音字母,er或est的词同学要用心去记。 fat,fatter,fattest, thin,thinner,thinnest, hot,hotter,hottest, red,redder,reddest wet,wetter,wettest, big,bigger,biggest 52 岳Y 讲义 (5)多音节和部分双音节的词需要在形容词原级前,more构成比较级,,the most构成最高级。 beautiful ,more beautiful , the most beautiful , delicious , popular , important , interesting , expensive 等. 双音节的词如: careful,more careful ,the most careful ; useful ,more useful ,the most useful . 少数单音节词也是这样, 如: pleased,more pleased ,the most pleased ; tired,more tried ,the most tired 不规则变化: 原级 比较级 最高级 good ( 好的 ) better best well ( 健康的 ) better best bad ( 坏的 ) worse worst ill ( 有病的 ) worse worst old ( 老的 ) older/elder oldest/eldest much/many ( 多的 ) more most little ( 少的 ) less least far ( 远的 ) farther/further farthest/furthest 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 1. This pencil is ___________ than that one. A. longest B. long C. longer D. as long 2. I think science is ____________ than language. What do you think? A. important B. more important C. much important D. most important 3. Who jumped _________ of the two boys? A. higher B. high C. more high D. highest 2. 疑问词how可引导特殊疑问句,意为“怎样”,其后也可接形容词来询问事物不同的方面,如:how old询问年龄,how long询问时间,how much询问量的多少,价格。 How are we going to get there? 我们怎么去那儿, How old are they? 他们多大了, How long does it take to travel from Garden City to Beijing by plane? 乘飞机从花园城市到北京要 多久, How much does this watch cost? 这块手表多少钱, 【活学活用】 就划线部分提问 1. It will take me about 10 hours to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train. __________ ____________ will it take you to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train? 53 岳Y 讲义 2. These strawberries cost 50 yuan. ____________ ___________ did these strawberries cost? 3. He usually goes to school on foot. __________ does he usually go to school? 3. 介词by后面加交通工具时表示所使用的交通方式。 Shall we go there by train or by ship? 我们去那儿还是坐火车还是乘轮船呢, 【注意】介词by后接交通工具时,中间不加冠词。 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 1. I used to go to school on foot, but now I go to school ________ bus. A. with B. by C. in D. on 2. Would you like to go to the amusement park __________ underground? A. by the B. by C. in the D. with 4. 在生活中表示方位的通常有四个正向和四个偏向,分别是东(east)、南(south)、西(west)、北(north)、 东南(south-east)、西南(south-west)、东北(north-east)和西北(north-west)。由于不同表达方式的 需要,同一个方位词在句中的词性可以变化,如: It is in the north of Beijing. 它在北京的北部。(north作名词) It is north of Beijing. 它在北京的背面。(north作副词) 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. People’s Square is __________ Shanghai. A. in centre of B. in the centre of C. centre of D. in centre 2. The Summer Palace is 12 kilometres ___________ Beijing. A. north-east B. north-east of C. in north-east D. in north-east of 5. 本单元中出现的表示方位的介词有:in, inside, on, at和in front of ? in在……之内 Beijing is in the north of China. 北京在中国的东部。 ? inside在……里面;内部 There is a ball inside this box. 在这个箱子里有一个球。 ? on在……上面(与物体表面相接触) He is sitting on the desk. 他正坐在桌子上。 ? at在……(表示处在范围较小的地点) He will arrive at the airport a few hours later. 他将在几小时后抵达机场。 ? in font of在……前面 There is a big tree in front of his house. 他的屋子前有一棵大树。 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. He said that he would meet us ________ the cinema. A. in B. at C. on D. for 2. The article about Beijing is _________ page 5. A. at B. in C. on D. above 3. Who is standing ____________ the big clock? A. in front of B. in the front of C. on D. over 4. Shanghai is __________ the east of China. 54 岳Y 讲义 A. at B. in C. over D. on 5. Put this book ________ your bag. A. at B. below C. in front D. inside 6. 本单元中出现的表示时间的介词有: in, at, on和for ? in表示在一段时间内(包括年、月、季节等)。 The Spring Festival usually comes in January or February every year. 春节通常在每年的一月或二月。 ? at表示在某个钟点、某个时间段,或用在不止一天的时间前 At the end of each term, there are final examinations. 每个学期结束都有期末考试。 ? on用于具体日期、节日、具体某一天的上午/下午/晚上,以及时间前带有修饰词时。 I saw an old man sleeping in the street on a cold morning. 在一个寒冷的早晨,我看见一个老人睡在大街上。 ? for表示所经历时间的长度。 We haven’t seen each other for a year. 我们有一年没见过对方了。 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. The plane arrived at Sydney airport ___________ Thursday. A. on B. at C. in D. for 2. ___________ the past two months, he has been busy with his school work. A. For B. On C. Since D. At 3. The party will begin __________ midnight. A. on B. for C. / D. at 7. 数词单位hundred, thousand, million等表示确定数目时,不用复数形式。如:five hundred children (五百名儿童)。 但这些词用来表示“数百,数千,数百万”等不确定数目时,要用其复数形式,后面加of,再接名 词。如:hundreds and thousands of stars(成千上万颗星星)。 There are more than 17 million people in Shanghai now. 现今上海有1700多万人。 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. Three __________ people died in the earthquake. A. hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds of D. hundreds 2. ____________ trees were cut down last year. A. Thousand of B. Thousands of C. Many thousands D. Thousands 3. This hotel can hold more than __________ tourists. A. two hundreds B. hundreds of C. two hundred D. two hundreds of Unit 1 Relatives in Beijing A卷 I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案) ( ) 1.— __________ does it take you to finish your homework? —It __________about 2 hours. A. How long, spends B. How soon, spends C. How long, takes D. How soon, takes 55 岳Y 讲义 ( ) 2. He __________ in Beijing for ten years. A. has lived B. lived C. have lived D. lives ( ) 3. Let’s have a picnic tomorrow, __________ , A. will you B. don’t you C. don’t we D. shall we ( ) 4. Taking the plane is much ___________ than taking the train. A. fast B. fastest C. faster D. more fast ( ) 5. Li’s family _________ Xi’an late last night. A. arrived to B. arrived in C. got D. reached to ( ) 6. Tourists can see soldiers ___________ the Chinese national flag __________ the square. A. rising, in B. raising, in C. rise, on D. to raise, on ( ) 7. Shanghai is an ___________ city __________ many modern building. A. national, with B. international, with C. national, and D. international, and ( ) 8. Mary’s mum has gone to New York. She ___________ back __________ the end of this month. A. will come, at B. came, in C. will come, in D. came, at II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式 填空) 1. The trip to Hainan is ___________ (interest) and exciting. 2. I don’t like the colour of the T-shirt. Please show me ___________ (other) one. 3. The plane is ___________ (expensive) but it’s faster. 4. Would you like ___________ (have) a cup of tea?. 5. What a _______________ (wonder) movie we watch! III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. His uncle has worked in the factory for 20 years. (对划线部分提问) ___________ ___________ has his uncle ___________ in the factory, 2. I have already got 70 nice stamps.(改为否定句) I ___________ _________ 70 nice stamps _________. 3. Kitty’s aunt works in the big company. (就划线部分提问) _____________ ___________ Kitty’s aunt _________? 4. They have lived in this small house for many years. (改为反意疑问句) They have lived in this small house for many years, _____________ ____________? IV. Reading (A) Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage. It is interesting to visit another country, but there are sometimes problems when we don’t know the 1 well. It may be difficult to talk with the people there. We may not know how to use the telephone in the country we are visiting. We may not know how to buy the things we need. In a 2 country we might not know where to eat or what to order in a 3. It is not easy to decide how 4 to tip(给小费) waiters or taxi drivers. When we need help, we might not know how to ask help. It is not pleasant to have an experience(经历) 5 that. After a short time, however, we learn what to do and what to say. We learn to enjoy life in another country, and then we may be sorry to leave. ( ) 1. A. people B. country C. language D. words ( ) 2. A. strange B. known C. native D. new ( ) 3. A. school B. shop C. restaurant D. hospital 56 岳Y 讲义 ( ) 4. A. often B. many C. soon D. much ( ) 5. A. as B. for C. like D. with U1L1 Choosing a Flat Vocabulary choose (chose, chosen) vt. 选择;挑选 flat n. 一套房间;公寓房间 kitchen n. 厨房;灶间 location n. 位置;场所 centre n. 中心;中间 town n. 城镇;市镇 in the centre of town 在市中心 *suburb n. 近郊住宅区;郊区城镇;近郊村庄 *in the suburbs 在郊区 *dining room餐厅;食堂 square n.&a. 平方(的);四方形(的);(方形)广场 metre n. 米(公制长度的主单位) public a. 公共的 public transport 公共交通 high-rise n. 多层建筑;高层建筑 a. 多层的;高层的 face vt.& vi 面朝;面向;正对 n. 脸 agree vi. 同意;赞同 agree with sb. 与某人保持一致看法 should v.aux. 应当;应该 *mall n. 商店区;商业大街 *shopping mall 商店区;购物中心 II matter n. 事情;麻烦事 opinion n. 观点;意见 move vt& vi 搬动;搬(家);移动 *survey n. 调查 *condition n. 情况 *conduct vt. & vi 进行;实施 *conduct a survey 进行一次调查 *result n. 结果;成绩 estate n. 房地产;产业 housing estate (英)住宅区 *pack vt. 捆扎;把……打包; 把……装箱 *stick vt. 粘住;粘贴 Key Phrases 1. 总面积:total area 2. 公寓的位置: the location of the flats 3. 在市中心: in the centre of town 57 岳Y 讲义 4. 在郊区: in the suburbs 5. 方便的公共交通:convenient public transport 6. 你怎么看,:What do you think? & What’s your opinion? 7. 朝南: face south 8. 同意某人的观点:agree with sb. 9. 有更好的视野: have a better view 10. 看一看…: have a look at take the zebra crossing 11. 走斑马线: 12. 整理某人的房间: tidy one’s room 13. 太杂乱: too messy 14. 在过去/ 在现在: in the past/ at present 15. 过去常常做: used to do sth. 16. 居民区: housing estate 17. 进行一次调查: conduct a survey 词性转换 1. choose (chose, chosen) v. , n. choice 选择 2. location n. , v. locate 位于;坐落于, adj. local 当地的;本地的 3. agree v. , v. disagree 不同意,n. agreement 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 4.conduct v. ,n. conductor 售票员;领导人 5. pack v. ,n. package 包裹 基础练习 I. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案) ( )1. Our sitting room_________. A. faces to south B. face south C. faces south D. face to south ( )2. ----_________can you see the traffic lights? ----At the crossroads. A. What B. How C. How many D. Where ( )3. The bus is too crowded. Why not _________a taxi? A. by B. take C. taking D. in ( )4. I hope I can buy a big flat _________100 square meters for my parents in the center of the city. A. with B. by C. in D. on ( )5. How about_________ a new flat next Friday? A. move in B. moving in C. to move to D. moving up ( )6. There _________no traffic _________years ago. A. was, hundreds of B. were, hundred of C. is, two hundreds D. are, two hundred of ( )7. We can’t live_________ air_________ water. A. with, or B. without, or C. without, and D. with, no ( )8. She write the words very_________, so the speed is very_________ . A. careful; slow B. careful; slowly C. carefully; slow D. carefully; slowly 58 岳Y 讲义 ( )9. George helped_________ the examination. A. my passing B. me to pass C. for me to pass D. that I passed ( )10. The traffic is busy. You’d better_________the viaduct. A. to take B. no to take C. not take D. taking II. Choose the word or phrase to fill in the blanks in its proper form (用方框内所给的词或词组的正确形式填空) choose agree with this weekend last week near talk about in the center in the suburbs 1. We won't be able to get away . Bad luck! 2. The new building will be located of the town. 3. Living ,you may feel a little inconvenient, 4. Do you remember getting some medicine for her , 5. It is difficult to between two nice houses. 6. The small child was afraid to go the dog. 7. London does not me. I prefer Paris, 8. What on earth are you ? write out pack get together housing estate used to slick move into be used to 1. The Smiths live in a house in the suburbs. 2. They live in the same but in different blocks. 3. After three weeks, she living in the desert. 4. They are busy up to start for New York. 5. We can these pictures into the book with gum. 6. the words several times is a good way to memorize them. 7. He is trying the White House before I've moved out. 8. Villagers every year to keep the old tradition alive. III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms .(用所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. I like to travel by plane. It’s faster and .(comfort) 2. Please write down all the names. (swim) 3. My father visited last year. (British) 4. The drivers have to wear the belt. (safe) 5. Tom runs in his class. (quick) 6. A group of went to England for a trip. (Germany) 7. The city is on the southern fringe of the forest. (locate) 8. The hotel lies between Dam Square and Station. (center) IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词) 1. I have the same opinion as you.(保持原句意思基本不变) I you. 2. Uncle Wang lived in a small flat before.(保持原句意思基本不变) Uncle Wang live in a small flat. 3. We needn’t buy such an expensive house.(保持原句意思基本不变) We to buy such an expensive house. 4. My old flat had only 25 square meters.(对划线部分提问) 59 岳Y 讲义 was your old flat? 5. I'd like my flat in a high-rise.(对划线部分提问) of flat would you like? 6. We used to have English classes in the language lab.(改为否疋句) We to have English classes in the language lab. 7. The moon looks round on the Mid-autumn Festival.(对划线部分提冋) does the moon look on the Mid-autumn Festival? III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适 当形式填空) 1. I want to stand high and I can have a_______ view. (good) 2. We need to protect old_______ in Shanghai. (build) 3. Though Grandpa is over 70, he is much_________. (health) 4. Which is_______, the sofa,the chair or the bed? (comfortable) 5. She left the hotel with a _________ bag in her hand.(shop) 6. Martin drove along until he found a parking place. (convenience) 综合练习 Phonetics,Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 语音、词汇和语法) I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案):(共15分) ( )1. Which of the following words matches the sound /laif/? A. laugh B. leaf C. life D. loaf ( )2. There is “u” in the word university. A. the B. an C. a D. / ( )3. The students are going to have a picnic the end of the month. A. in B. by C. at D. to ( )4. The bike has the same colour __________ the car. A. like B. as C. of D. to ( )5. Kitty has had a visit _____________ Beijing. A. in B. for C. to D. of ( )6. Mr. Lu, I still can’t understand what you told us, could you show me example? A. the other B. the others C. another D. others ( )7. Jiading District(区) is of Shanghai. A. in north B. in north of C. to north D. in the north of . ( )8. My grandparents planned to stay in my home A in two days B. for two days C. during two days D. after two days ( )9. On my way to school, I saw a boy the old man cross the road. A. helps B. helping C. helped D. to help ( ) 10. We __________ like to help people in Sichuan. A. should B. had C. would D. could ( )11. I am keen on(喜欢) visiting some ancient temples during the trip. The underlined word means . A. big B. famous C. tall D. old ( )12. Would you please tell me who is our Chinese teacher? 60 岳Y 讲义 A. talking to B. coming back C. cutting down D. turning off ( )13. If you have questions, you can your hands without hesitation(犹豫). A. rise B. raise C. rise up D. raise to ( )14. ___________ does it take you to finish your homework? A. How long B. How far C. How D. How often ( )15. ---- ----No, thanks. A. Would you like to have a cup of tea? B. Will you help me? C. Thank you very much. D. Would you minding opening the door? II. Complete the following passage with words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词):(共8分) (A) A. capital B. was famous as C. history D. historical E. moment Beijing is an ancient city with a long ___1___. Back 3000 years ago in Zhou dynasty, Beijing, which was called Ji at the_____2______, had been named capital of Yan. Thereafter, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty all made Beijing their ___ 3 __.Therefore, Beijing ____ 4 "capital of a thousand years". (B) A. north B. most C. again D. also E. inside The long history leaves Beijing many different historical places. One of the__5___famous places is the Great Wall. It is the only man-made architecture that could be seen in the space. The Summer Palace is in the__6____of Beijing. Kunming Lake is a beautiful lake___7__ the palace. Tian'anmen Square and the Palace Museum are ___8____ must-visit places. Welcome to Beijing! 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4_______5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______ 8. ________ III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给的单词的适当形 式填空完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) (7分) 1. He is writing an_______(invite) card to his friends with his wishes. 2. Jerry Wand is a famous estate_________(agency). 3. The_________(nation) flag of the U.S. flies high in the Time Square. 4. China is a ________ country, that means it has a long________. (history) 5. There are many places of________(interesting) in France. 6. Millions of________(tour) come to visit Shanghai every year. 7. Tim has sent me a photo of__________(he). Reading and writing (第三部分 读写) V. Reading comprehension.(阅读理解) A. Choose the best answer New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting 61 岳Y 讲义 things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums, and see all kinds of plays and films. You can also buy things from all over the world. But there are serious problems in big cities, too. It's expensive to live there, and there are too many people in the places of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs, study at good schools and receive good medical care. But sometimes these people can't find work or good places to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities, however, others do not. Before they move to big cities, they should think about the problems of living there. 1. In big cities people can do all of the following Except _____. A. go to different kinds of museums B. seeing many kinds of plays and films C. buying things from all over the world D. living there with little money 2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Big cities are not clean and safe enough. B. People can easily find good places to live in big cities. C. People can always find work to do in big cities. D. All people like to live in big cities. 3. From the passage we know that _____. A. People in big cities are usually very dirty B. Paris is an exciting place for people to live in C. people will no longer like living in big cities D. big cities don't have serious problems 4. In this passage the writer thinks it is right for people _____. A. to move to big cities B. not to move to big cities C. to move to big cities without thinking of any problems D. to move to big cities after they think over the problems of living there 5. Which is the best title for this passage? A. Big cities B. Interesting Things in Big Cities C. Good Schools in Big Cities D. New York, London and Paris B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. A golden wedding anniversary is a celebration of fifty years of marriage. Usually there is a big party for all the friends and relatives of the married couple. Just think 1 those people can be! There are sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, brothers and sisters, cousions, grandchildren--- even great –grand children. Of course many old friends come, too. Usually members of the family from 2 towns don’t see each other very often, so they are glad to come to an anniversary party. But it can be a time of confusion(混淆) for the children. It’s 3 for them to remember the name of all their relatives. “Albert,” one mother will say, “this is your cousion George. He’s really your second cousion because he’s Dorothy’s son. Dorothy is my first cousion. Her mother is Aunt Helen, my father’s 4. ” At times there are stepsisters, half-brothers and nieces-in-law. There are “aunts” and “uncles” who aren’t relatives at all, but good friends of the family! It can be very confusing, 5 everyone has a good time. ( ) 1. A. why B. how C. what D. who ( ) 2. A. the same B. every C. both D. different ( ) 3. A. easy B. a pleasure C. hard D. fun ( ) 4. A. sister B. mother C. niece D. daughter ( ) 5. A. so B. but C. and D. for C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. 62 岳Y 讲义 Nobody likes staying at home on holidays when the weather is fine. Millions of people have the s 1 idea, but sometimes it brings trouble. Last August we went to s____2____ the holiday in the country. We moved out of the city s____3____ behind a long line of cars, but at last we came to a quiet country road, and after some time, stopped at a farm. We brought plenty of f____4_____ with us and we got it out of the car. Now everything was ready so we sat down near a small road at the foot of a hill. What we saw made us pick up our things and try our best to run back to the car q____5____. There were about 200 sheep coming to us 5 the small road. D. Answer the following questions. Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for the London bus. The bus for London would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in lines, others were walking about. There was a group of school-girls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in order. Tom looked around but there was nowhere for him to sit. He walked into the station café. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down, facing a large mirror on the wall. Just then, John, one of Tom's friends, came in and sat with Tom. "What time is your bus?" asked John. "Oh, there is plenty of time yet," answered Tom. "Oh, I'll get you some more tea then," said John. They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. "Good heavens! It's going back-ward!" he cried. "A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it's half past eleven." "You are looking at the clock in the mirror," said John. Tom wanted to kick himself for being so foolish. The next bus was not to leave for another hour. He has never liked mirror since then. 1. Where did Tom want to go ? ___________________________________ 2. What did he see in the station? ___________________________________ 3. Who was the teacher trying to keep in line? ___________________________________ 4. John is Tom’s friend, isn’t he? __________________________________ 5. What will Tom do after that? __________________________________ VI. Writing (作文): 63 岳Y 讲义 Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “ My Holiday Plan”. (以“ 我的旅行计划”为题写一篇 不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) Unit 2 Our animal friends 核心词汇 1. officer ['ɔfisə] n. 官员;高级职员 【词性转换】office ['ɔfis] n. 办公室 A police officer came to help when our car broke down on the way. 我们的汽车在路上出了魔兵,一位警官帮了我们的忙 2. society [sə'saiəti] n. 社团;协会 【词性转换】 social ['səuʃəl] adj. 协会的;社会的 The Chemical Society of China 中国化学学会 3. prevention [pri'venʃən] n. 预防;防止;防范 【词性转换】 prevent [pri'vent] v. 预防,防止 Prevention is better than cure. 预防胜于治疗。 4. cruelty ['kru:əlti] n. 残酷 【词性转换】 cruel ['kruəl] adj. 残酷的,悲惨的 cruelty to children 虐待儿童 5. someone ['sʌmwʌn] pron. 某人 【近义词】somebody ['sʌmbədi] pron. 某人,有人 Someone wants to talk with you. 有人想和你谈话。 6. puppy ['pʌpi] n. 小狗;幼犬 【提示】 dog一般用来指“成年狗”或表示狗的总称;puppy特指小狗,复数形式为puppies,类 似地,cat表示“成年猫”或猫的总称,kitten表示小猫 7. thirsty ['θə:sti] adj. 口渴的 【词性转换】 thirst [θə:st] n. 口渴 I often feel thirsty when it’s very hot. 天热时我常感到口渴。 8. lovely ['lʌvli] adj. 可爱的;有吸引力的 The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden. 这幢房子有很多大房间,并有一个可爱的花园。 9. as [æs] prep. 作为,当作 She works as an interpreter in that company. 她在那个公司里担任口译员的工作。 10. prefer [pri'fə:] v. 更喜欢 【用法】 prefer A rather than B 宁愿A而不要B prefer A to B 喜欢A二不喜欢B;喜欢A胜过B —— Do you prefer coffee or tea? 你喜欢咖啡还是茶, —— I prefer coffee to tea. 我喜欢咖啡胜过茶。 11. care [kɛə] n. 照顾;照料 【词性转换】 care v. 关心照料 The baby needs a lot of care. 这婴孩需要精心照料。 I don’t care much about going to the party. 我不太想去参加晚会。 12. take care of 照看;照料;照顾 64 岳Y 讲义 【近义词】 look after 照看;照顾 Take care of your younger brother while I am away. 当我不在的时候,你要照顾好弟弟。 13. booklet ['buklit] n. 小册子 【近义词】 brochure ['brəuʃə] n. 小册子 14. special ['speʃəl] adj. 特殊的;特别的 【词性转换】 specialist ['speʃəlist] n. 专家 It is a very special place. 这是一个非常特别的地方。 15. chew [tʃu:] v. 咀嚼 He can’t chew without his false teeth. 没有加压他就嚼不动。 16. basket ['bɑ:skit] n. 篮;筐;篓 【联想】basketball n. 篮球 17. blanket ['blæŋkit] n. 毯子 18. cave [keiv] n. 山洞;洞穴 The Stone Age family lived in a cave. 石器时代的家庭都住在一个山洞里。 19. guard [gɑ:d] v. 守卫;保卫 The guard in front of the gate is guarding the embassy seriously. 大使馆门前的这名卫兵正严肃认真地保卫着大使馆。 20. blind [blaind] adj. 瞎的,失明的 He is blind in one eye. 他的一只眼睛瞎了。 21. safely ['seifli] adv. 安全地 【词性转换】save [seiv] v. 拯救 safe [seif] adj. 安全的 safety ['seifti] n. 安全 22. police [pə'li:s] n. 警方 【词性转换】 policeman n. 警方 【提示】police作“警察;警务人员”解释时,是集合名词,是复数概念。因此,谓语动词的使 用要特别注意。 There were over 200 police on duty. 有200多名警察在值勤。 23. thief [θi:f] n. 窃贼;小偷(pl. thieves [θi:vz] ) The police worked out a plan to catch the thief. 警察订下了捉贼的计划。 24. missing ['misiŋ] adj. 失踪的 Two of our planes are missing. 我们有两架飞机下落不明。 25. hunt [hʌnt] v. 猎取;猎杀 【词性转换】 hunter ['hʌntə] n. 猎人 Young lions have to learn to hunt. 幼狮得学会捕食。 Unit 2 Our animal friends 语法点讲解 1. 一般过去时: ? 一般过去时的构成: 一般过去时用动词的过去式表示,动词的过去式有规则与不规则两种。规则动词的过去式在动词 原形后加 ed, 不规则动词的过去式需另加记忆。 动词过去式的变化方式: 65 岳Y 讲义 情况及变化 例词 一般情况,在动词原形后加ed work? worked, answer ?answered, open? opened, play? played 以不发音的e结尾的词,加d live? lived, move ?moved 以辅音字母 +y 结尾的词,变y为i, 再加ed try? tried, cry ?cried, study? studied 以辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双写该辅stop? stopped, plan ?planned 音字母,再加ed ? 一般过去时的用法: ? 表示在过去某个特定的时间发生的动作或存在的状态 ? 表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态 ? 表示在过去连续发生一系列动作 【注意】若要表示“真理”或一件事情的“事实”等概念时,通常不用一般过去时,而使用一般现在时。 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 1. —— ___________ a meeting yesterday afternoon? —— Yes, they _________. A. Did they have, did B. Did they have, had C. Had they, had D. Had they, did 2. Our teacher told us that the Earth __________ around the sun. A. goes B. go C. went D. is going 2. 不定代词one用于泛指之前所提到过的人或物。可数名词的单数形式用one,复数形式用ones。 —— Look at the two mobile phones. Do you like the pink one or the white one? 看这两只手机,你喜欢粉色的还是白色的, —— I like the pink one. 我喜欢粉色的那只。 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 1. My watch doesn’t work and I want to buy a new __________. A. one B. ones C. it D. that 2. —— I would like to buy two bags. —— Do you like the red _________? A. these B. those C. / D. ones 3. prefer意为“更喜欢”,当用的形式有: ? prefer to do sth. 喜欢做某事 I prefer to have some noodles for lunch. 我午饭更喜欢吃些面条。 ? prefer + 名词/名词短语 I prefer English. 我更喜欢英语。 ? prefer A to B 喜欢A更胜于喜欢B I prefer coffee to tea. 比起茶,我更喜欢和咖啡。 该用法也同样适用于动名词:prefer doing A to doing B 66 岳Y 讲义 She prefers singing to dancing. 比起跳舞,她更喜欢唱歌。 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 1. We have apple pie and mango pudding. Which do you _________? A. prefers B. prefer C. to prefer D. preferred 2. All of us prefer _________ to ___________. A. seeing a film...watching TV B. see a film...watch TV C. see a film...watching TV D. seeing a film...watch TV 4. 祈使句通常用于表示请求、命令、叮嘱、邀请、劝告等,隐含的主语通常是you,句中的谓语动 词一律用动词原形。 Answer my question in English. 用英语回答我的问题。 Be careful! 小心~ Don’t speak Chinese in English lesson! 英语课上别说中文~ 一些常用的省略谓语动词的祈使句: Louder, please. 请再大声点。 No smoking. 禁止吸烟。 One moment, please. 请稍等。 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 1. “__________ late for class again,” said the teacher. A. Not to be B. Not be C. Don’t be D. Won’t be 2. —— __________ yourself to some coffee after dinner. —— Thank you very much. A. Drink B. Help C. Make D. Enjoy 3. Henry, ________ sure not to break anything! A. is B. am C. are D. be 4. —— What does this sign mean? —— It means “____________”. A. No smoke B. Smoke C. Don’t smoking D. No smoking 5. need既可作实义动词,又可作情态动词。need作为实义动词使用时通常和动词不定式连用,即 need to do sth. 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 1. We ________ to call a doctor yesterday. A. didn’t need B. needn’t C. need D. will need 2. I _________ finish this work before dinner. A. don’t need B. needn’t to C. don’t need to D. need Unit 2 Our animal friends A卷 I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案) ( ) 1. We must try to keep animals __________ danger. A. from B. in C. out D. away 67 岳Y 讲义 ( ) 2. Cathy looked __________ a sick dog well. A. after B. at C. for D. into ( ) 3. The SPAC has got __________ money to look after the animals. A. a lot B. a great many C. a huge amount of D. a large number of ( ) 4. We must promise to look after the animals ___________. A. good B. well C. nice D. happy ( ) 5. Jane and Mary collected old newspaper to _________ money for the SPCA.. A. offer B. raise C. give D. take ( ) 6. ___________ do you take your pet to the clinic, once a month or twice a month? A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How many ( ) 7. Keep a pet at home is ___________. A. a great fun B. great fun C. great funs D. funny ( ) 8. The firemen ___________ a lot of people from the big fire last Monday. A. took B. brought C. saved D. carried II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式 填空) 1. We mustn’t be ___________ to animals. (kind) 2. The people are ___________. Do you want one? (love) 3. Dog can help blind people walk across the street ___________. (safe) 4. Look, the girl is ___________ and she is crossing the street ___________. (care) III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. The SPAC helps animals to find new homes. (对划线部分提问) ___________ ___________ the SPAC help animals to do, 2. We saved a kitten from a farm in the New Town.(对划线部分提问) ___________ _________ you save a kitten? 3. We like the black and white dog better than the brown one. (保持句意基本不变) We _____________ ___________ the black and white dog _________ the brown one? 4. We should be kind animals. (保持句意基本不变) We should _____________ ____________ animals? IV. Reading (A) Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage. Many people like animals very much. They usually have animals 1 their pets. When their pets get 2 , they usually take them to an animal doctor or an animal hospital. Sometimes animals are sick or hurt 3 that people can’t carry them. So Doctor Val has a traveling hospital. His hospital is 4 a van. There is an operating table, a medicine box and everything else. He wants to treat birds and animals. Dr Val’s hospital has been open for about 10 years. Val loves his work. He is very busy. He 5 many animal pets. Dr Val says, We want some more traveling hospitals. I hope some other people can have their traveling hospitals. We must look after animals well. Would you like to have a hospital for animals? ( ) 1. A. as B. like C. because D. is ( ) 2. A. happy B. sick C. sad D. worried ( ) 3. A. very much B. very bad C. so bad D. so badly ( ) 4. A. in B. on C. at D. under 68 岳Y 讲义 ( ) 5. A. have saved B. was saved C. is saved D. has saved U1 L2 New Housing Estate Vocabulary I swimming n. 游泳;游泳运动 pool n. 池塘 swimming pool 游泳池 space n. 空间;场地;空地 open space 开阔地区 used to 惯常;过去常常 *facility n. 设备;设施 *house-warming party 乔迁之喜庆祝会 certainly ad. 无疑地;确定地 II province n. 省 country n. 国家;乡下 air n. 空气 fresh a. 新鲜的 clear a. 清澈的;清楚的 change n. 变化 vt& vi 改变 almost ad. 几乎;差不多 lose (lost) vt. 失去;丢失;迷失 lose one’s way 迷路 Key Phrases 1. 过去常常做某事:used to do sth.--> 否定形式:didn’t used to 复习:习惯于做某事:(强调状态)be used to doing (强调动作): get used to doing 被用来做某事:be used to do; be used for doing 2. 某物怎么样,:What’s sth. like? ,What’s sb like?(问某人的性格或品质) What’s sb. Look like? (问某人的长相或外貌) 3. 精美的设施:nice facilities 4. 宽广的运动场;open space for sports 5. 游泳池:swimming pool 6. 绿化带:green area 7. 顺便说一下:by the way 8. 乔迁之喜庆祝会:house-warming party 9. 许多高层建筑:many high-rises 10. 居住条件的改善:the improvement in housing condition 11. 居委会:neighbourhood committee 12. 浙江省:Zhejiang Province 13. 迷路:lose one’s way 69 岳Y 讲义 词性转换: 1. swimming n. ,v. swim(swam; swum) 2. certainly ad. ,a. certain 某个 3. clear a.,ad. clearly 清澈地;清楚地 4. change v. ,a. changeable 多变的;善变的 5. lose (lost) v. ,a. losing 丢掉的;丢失的 基础练习 I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) ( )1. There are enough space left for your luggage. You have too much luggage. A. is B. was C. isn’t D. aren’t ( )2. What’s on the plate? There some fruit on it. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )3. This pair of trousers mine. A. is B. was C. are D. were ( )4. Everyone likes people who ready to help others. A. is B. are C. being D. was ( )5. The Smiths making dumplings in the kitchen. A. is B. are C. was D. can ( )6. One third of the population in our city farmers in the past. A. are B. were C. is D. was ( )7. The headmaster and teacher coming to us now. A. are B. is C. will D. am ( )8. Tom as well as his friends skating every Saturday. A. are B. is C. go D. goes ( )9. , and are students. A. You; I; he B. I; you; he C. He; you; I D. You; he; I ( )10.----Are my books on the table? ----No, there on the table. A. aren’t anything B. isn’t anything C. aren’t something D. isn’t something II. Choose the word or phrase to fill in the blank in its proper form.(用方框内所给词或词组的正确形式填空). used to what about facilities open space move certainly look like have a house-warming party light rail station 1. There be a big garden in our housing estate, but now there is a tennis court. 2. ----What Tokyo ? ----It’s crowded and modern. 3. There aren’t many in the old estate. 4. The cars on the road so slowly because of the heavy snow. 5. ----Would you like to come to my birthday party tonight? ----Sure. I’ll come. 6. ---- public transport here? ----It’s convenient. 70 岳Y 讲义 7. It’s about ten minutes’ ride to the . You can ride a bicycle there to take the train. 8. They as soon as they moved in. III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. (用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. There are two in our school. (library) 2. Mary is the in her family. (thin) 3. The cinema is about five walk. (minute) 4. Mrs. Smith is meeting the class for the time. (one) to some cakes, everyone. (you) 5. Help 6. Her new house is out of the ordinary. (certain) 7. There have been great in Shanghai in the past five years. (change) 8. His careless work made him face with the teacher. (lost) 9. I would like to enroll all my children in the class. (swim) 10. These rooms are meant for the center. (child) IV. Rewrite the sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. He used to live in a small flat. (改写一般疑问句) he to live in a small flat? 2. There used to be a lot of old huts in this area. (改为否定句) There to be old huts in this area. 3. The life used to be very interesting in my school days. (对划线部分提问) did the life use to be in your school days? did the life use to be in your school days? the life in your school days? 4. There used to be some trees in this filed. (改写成反义疑问句) There used to be some trees in this field, ? 5. My aunt is kind and understanding. (对划线部分提问) is your aunt ? 6. My aunt is slim and beautiful with fair hair. (对划线部分提问) What your aunt ? 7. My aunt likes singing and dancing in her spare time. (对划线部分提问) What your aunt in her spare time? 8. My aunt is a dancer when she was young. (对划线部分提问) your aunt when she was young? Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. The first letters are given. What would you do if you had 2,600 balloons and a lot of time? For Jeremy Telford, a father of three from Utah, the answer was to use to balloons to build a Bag End, the h 1 of the character Bilbo Baggins from J.R.R. Tolkien’s(托尔金) novel the Hobbit(霍比特人). Telford, 34, a professional balloon a 2 , happens to be a super f 3 to Tolkien. He s 4 nearly 40 hours using a hand pump(手动打气筒) to blow up the balloons and build the Hobbit home in his l 5 room. In the balloon Bag End, you can find a fireplace w 6 balloon flames, roof beams(房梁), an armchair and even a b 7 of balloon apples. But it took more than just a large number of balloons to complete the p 8 . Before he began thto work on it, Telford researched the 18 century English furniture, re-read The Hobbit and then designed a layout for his version of Bag End. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 71 岳Y 讲义 课后练习 I. Choose the best answer. ( )1. Their ideas sounds great. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A./gri:t/ B./grit/ C. /greit / D./grait/ ( )2. In North Africa, some poor children who parents have died from hunger are left in the streets and they have food water. A. no…or B. no…and C. not…and D. not…or ( )3. We can help the homeless dogs sending them to the SPCA. A. by B. for C. at D. on ( )4. These nurses the people very patiently. A. looks after…sick B. take care of…sick C. look after…ill D. take care of… ill ( )5. They stopped the elephant running across the busy street. A. in B. off C. from D. without ( )6. I bought a small puppy home and my sister prepared him a basket to . A. sleep B. sleep in C. sleeping D. sleeping in ( )7. They are cats and dogs, aren’t they? A. actively B. lovely C. energetically D. fiercely ( )8. It’s the harvest time! Look, the farmers are busy working now. A. in the farm B. in the office C. at the station D. on the farm ( )9. Bears often sleep in winter in . A. garages B. caves C. water D. jugs ( )10. When I meet with some difficulties, my good friend Jenny always encourages (鼓励) me and keeps me . A. brave B. sad C. worried D. unhappy ( )11. It is strange that the goose can our farm. A. guide B. guard C. hunt D. chew ( )12. ---- do you do morning exercise. Uncle Smith? ----Four times a week. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon ( )13. He started early that day he got to town before lunch. A. so B. but C. because D. when ( )14. I had no time to feed my rabbit yesterday evening. I my homework. A. was doing B. have done C. do D. will do ( )15. Miss Zhang is a good teacher and she teaches us lessons many different ways. A. in B. of C. on D. with ( )16.Do not waste time video games. A. play B. to play C. playing D. has played ( )17. What does the SPCA stand for? Which is closest in meaning to the sentence? A. How do you spell the SPCA? B. What is the SPCA about? 72 岳Y 讲义 C. How do you pronounce the SPCA? D. What does the SPCA mean? ( )18. ----I’ve got a headache today. ---- . A. That sounds great B. You are right C. You’d better go to see the doctor D. I’m afraid not ( )19. I had no time to feed my rabbit yesterday evening. I ___________ my homework. A. was doing B. have done C. do D. will do ( )20. The vet has MBA(企业管理硕士). Now he wants a doctorate(博士学位). A. a B. an C. / D. the ( )21. We must try to keep animals __________ danger. A. from B. in C. out D. away ( )22. Cathy looked __________ a sick dog well. A. after B. at C. for D. into ( )23. The SPAC has got __________ money to look after the animals. A. a lot B. a great many C. a huge amount of D. a large number of ( )24. We must promise to look after the animals ___________. A. good B. well C. nice D. happy ( )25. Jane and Mary collected old newspaper to _________ money for the SPCA.. A. offer B. raise C. give D. take ( )26. ___________ do you take your pet to the clinic, once a month or twice a month? A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How many ( )27. Keep a pet at home is ___________. A. a great fun B. great fun C. great funs D. funny ( )28. The firemen ___________ a lot of people from the big fire last Monday. A. took B. brought C. saved D. carried II. Complete the following passage with words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词): A. sick B. saved C. badly D.like E. as Many people like animals very much. They usually have animals 1___ their pets. When their pets get 2 , they usually take them to an animal doctor or an animal hospital. Sometimes animals are sick or hurt 3 that people can’t carry them. So Doctor Val has a traveling hospital. His hospital is in a van. There is an operating table, a medicine box and everything else. He wants to treat birds and animals. Dr Val’s hospital has been open for about 10 years. Val loves his work. He is very busy. He has 4 many animal pets. Dr Val says, We want some more traveling hospitals. I hope some other people can have their traveling hospitals. We must look after animals well. Would you like to have a hospital for animals? III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给的单词的适当形 式填空完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) 1. We can _________ water by fixing a dripping tap. (safe) 2. Kelly has _________ all her pocket money. (safe) 73 岳Y 讲义 3. Is it ________ to swim here? (safety) 4. They arrived _________. (safe) 5. __________ first. (safe) 6. It is very___________(danger) to swim in that river 7. The boy showed great ___________ (care) in everything he did. 8. We should be __________(care) when we swim. 9. Monica is a warm, ___________ (society) person. 10. ___________ (cruel) to a children or animal is a crime in some countries. 11. Sometimes he is __________ (cruelty) to his poor dog 12. He didn’t have breakfast and he is as hungry as a _______________ (hunt). 13. We all like kittens and ________(puppy). 14. These monkeys are very ___________(fun) IV. Complete the sentences with the given verbs in their proper forms. (用括号中动词的适当形式完成 下列句子) 1. In ancient times. dog (keep) people safe from danger. 2. (not feed) the kitten too many times a day. 3. Daisy (brush) her teeth three times a day. 4. I prefer listening to the music to (play) computer games. 5. My dad has promised (give) up smoking. 6. Mr. Black and his family have (come) back from the U.S.. (not come) here often. 7. Mr. Smith 8. John (be) never late for school. V. Rewrite the following sentences as required. 1. Mike prefers Samsung Galaxy 4 to IPhone 5S.(保持原句意思基本不变) Mike Samsung Galaxy 4 than IPhone5S. 2. These lost pets have something to eat and something to drink.(改为否定句) These lost pets have food water. 3. We should try to keep animals from harm and danger.(保持原句意思基本不变) We should try to animals harm and danger. 4. The vets in the SPCA take care of sick animals with love.(对划线部分提问) the vets in the SPCA take care of sick animals? 5. China says that she will be more open and friendly to the outside world.(保持原句意思基本不变) China be more open and friendly to the outside world. 6. Mrs. Wang takes her dog to a park for a walk every day. (对划线部分提问) Does Mrs. Wang take her dog to a park for a walk? 7. The SPAC helps animals to find new homes. (对划线部分提问) ___________ ___________ the SPAC help animals to do, 8. We saved a kitten from a farm in the New Town.(对划线部分提问) ___________ _________ you save a kitten? 9. We like the black and white dog better than the brown one. (保持句意基本不变) We _____________ ___________ the black and white dog _________ the brown one? 10. We should be kind animals. (保持句意基本不变) We should _____________ ____________ animals? 74 岳Y 讲义 Reading and writing (第三部分 读写) VI. Reading (A) Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read about dogs. I have a friend. He has a big police dog with the name Jack. Police dogs are very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much. One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed for a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became much worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention(没注意)to Jack. He went on talking. At last Jack got angry. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he took the visitor’s cap in his mouth. ( ) 1. The young visitor stayed for a long time in my friend’s house, did he? A. Yes, he was. B. Yes, he did. C. No, he wasn’t. D. No, he didn’t. ( ) 2. Jack became worried because ___________. A. he wanted to go out for a walk B. he wanted to play him C. he didn’t know the young man D. he wanted to eat something ( ) 3. Jack sat down in front of the visitor because he wanted _________. A. the visitor to talk with him B. to join the talk C. to show the visitor how clever he was D. the visitor to leave the house soon ( ) 4. The visitor went on talking and __________. A. he didn’t like Jack B. he paid attention to his cap C. he didn’t know Jack D. he paid no attention to Jack ( ) 5. At last Jack took ________ in his mouth. A. food B. nothing C. the visitor’s cap D. the visitor’s bag B. Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage. Last month we bought a little dog for our four-old daughter. There are not many children of her age in this place and we thought a dog would make her 1 . We were right. They play tighter happily all day. Our daughter now smiles and laughs 2 more than before. Now it is 3 two children in the house. Neither of them can keep clean, and they cry when they can’t get what they want. But the dog is 4 to look after my daughter. He always eats his food and we don’t have dirty clothes to wash for him. My wife is also very happy because I have given up smoking. The dog doesn’t like the 5 . ( ) 1. A. more lonely B. less lonely C. lonelier D. much lonelier ( ) 2. A. a lot B. so C. very D. quiet ( ) 3. A. like to have B. like have C. like having D. as having ( ) 4. A. harder B. more difficult C. more easily D. easier ( ) 5. A. feel B. taste C. sound D. smell 75 岳Y 讲义 C. Read the passage and fill the blanks with proper words (完型填空) 8% Do you often like animals? Do you often go to the zoo? My father works in City Zoo He works there f__1___ ten years. He goes to work from Monday to Friday. After he a__2___ at the zoo, he cleans the animal houses and case. He always goes to work early and goes home late. People say he is a h__3___ man. There are many kinds of i__4___ animals in the zoo. Many people come to v__5___ the zoo every _6___ he can see and play day. My father tells them what to do and what not to do. He loves his work. b _ with his f__7___ animals. But he doesn’t think it is good for animals to live in the small houses. They are our friends. They will be very happy i__8___ they live in nature. Unit 3 Friends from other countries 核心词汇 1. foreigner ['fɔrinə] n. 外国人 【词性转换】 foreign ['fɔrin] adj. 外国的 Nowadays, more and more foreigners come to stay and work in Shanghai. 如今,越来越多的外国人来上海居住、工作。 2. crowded ['kraudid] adj. 拥挤的 【词性转换】 crowd [kraud] n. 人群 【记忆】be crowded with 挤满了…… Shanghai is a crowded city. Nanjing Road and Huaihai Road are always crowded with people. 上海是一个拥挤的城市。南京路和淮海路总是挤满了人。 3. example [ig'zɑ:mpl] n. 例子 Please give me an example. 给我举个例子。 【记忆】for example 例如 【提示】for example作“例如”讲时,一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号 隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。 For example, air has no colour. 例如,空气是无色透明的。 4. Canada ['kænədə] n. 加拿大 【词性转换】 Canadian [kə'neidjən] n. & adj. 加拿大人;加拿大(人)的 I am Canadian. 我是加拿大人。(这里的Canadian是形容词,相当于I am from Canada. 我来自加 拿大) I am a Canadian. 我是一个加拿大人。 (这里的Canadian是名词,表示“加拿大人”,因此前面 加上不定冠词a) 【注意】Canadian的复数形式是Canadians 5. Australia [ɔ'streiliə] n. 澳大利亚 【词性转换】 Australian [ɔ'streiliən] n. & adj. 澳大利亚人;澳大利亚(人)的 6. India ['indjə] n. 印度 【词性转换】 Indian ['indjən] n. & adj. 印度人;印度(人)的 7. Britain ['britən] n. 英国 【词性转换】 British ['britiʃ] n. & adj. 英国人;英国(人)的 He speaks British English. 他说英国英语。(British作形容词) 76 岳Y 讲义 The British drink a lot of tea. 英国人喝很多茶。(British作名词) 8. Japanese [dʒæpə'ni:z] n. & adj. 日本人;日本(人)的 【词性转换】 Japan [dʒə'pæn] n. 日本 【注意】Japanese的单复数同形 9. penfriend ['penfrend] n. 笔友 10. magazine [.mægə'zi:n] n. 杂志 Shanghai TV Weekly is a weekly magazine. 《上海电视》是一本周刊。 11. know about 知道;了解 I know a lot about the environment. 我了解很多关于环境的知识。 12. sex [seks] n. 性别 Which sex is your cat? 你的猫是公的还是母的, 13. nationality [.næʃə'næliti] n. 国籍 Richard is American, John is British – they have different nationalities. 理查德是美国人,约翰是英国人,他们有不同的国籍。 What nationality are you? 你是哪国人, 【提示】在回答上面这个问题时,要使用形容词,如Chinese, Japanese等来回答。 14. international [.intə'næʃənəl] adj. 国际的 【词性转换】 national ['næʃənəl] adj. 国家的 15. yourself [jɔ:'self] pron. 你自己 【提示】以-self或-selves结尾的这一类代词称为“反身代词”,常常用来表示“某人自己”的意思。 How long were you by yourself in the classroom? 你独自一人在教室里待了多长时间, 16. male [meil] adj. 男的;雄的 【反义】 female adj. 女的;雌的 17. Toronto [tə'rɔntəu] adj. 多伦多(加拿大港市) 18. junior ['dʒu:njə] adj. 初等的;初级的 【反义】 senior ['si:njə] adj. 高等的;高级的;年长的 She teaches a junior class. 她教一个低年级班。 Unit 3 Friends from other countries 语法点讲解: 1. 本单元中出现了不同的国名和国籍,请看下表: Country Nationality China(中国) Chinese(中国人) the USA/America(美国) American(美国人) the UK/Britain(英国) British(英国人) India(印度) Indian(印度人) Australia(澳大利亚) Australian(澳大利亚人) Japan(日本) Japanese(日本人) Canada(加拿大) Canadian(加拿大人) 【活学活用】 请写出与下列国家相对应的国籍 77 岳Y 讲义 Country Nationality 1 Thailand 2 Korea 3 France 4 Germany 5 Italy 6 Spain Keys: 1. Thai 2. Korean 3. French 4. German 5. Italian 6. Spanish 2. 现在完成时涉及现在和过去两个时间,其事情发生在过去,但对现在有影响。 I have lived in Shanghai since I was born. 自出生以来我就住在上海。 Peter has been to Europe twice. 彼得已去过欧洲两次。 【活学活用】 请分别写出下列单词的过去式和过去分词 1 eat ate eaten 2 do 3 have 4 go 5 plan 6 take 7 make 3. near意为“在……附近”;far away from意为“离…..远” I moved into a new flat. Now I live near my office. 我搬进了新居。现在我住得离办公室很近。 4. there be句型表示客观存在。 There are more than 5 bridges over this river. 这条河上有不止五座桥。 There is only one student left in the classroom. 教室里只剩下一名学生。 【活学活用】 按要求改写句子 1. There are two rubbish bins in the corridor. (改成一般疑问句) __________ __________ two rubbish bins in the corridor? 2. There are six people in my family. (就划线部分提问) ___________ __________ people are there in your family? Unit 3 Friends from other countries A卷 I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案) ( ) 1.I am the same height __________ my pen-friend Simon from America. A. as B. of C. with D. for ( ) 2. After entering the WTO, __________ foreigners will come to China. A. some B. fewer C. more D. all ( ) 3. More and more __________ go to Hong Kong to look for jobs. 78 岳Y 讲义 A. Indian B. Indians C. India D. Indias ( ) 4. Which city is ___________ to Shanghai, Tokyo, or Los Angeles? A. close B. the closest C. closer D. the most close ( ) 5. I’d like to know what my pen-friend _________. A. like B. is likes C. looks D. looks like ( ) 6. Mr. Marko is an old friend of ___________. A. me B. mine C. my D. myself ( ) 7. I have some letters ___________ my pen-friends today. A. writes B. wrote C. to write D. to write to ( ) 8. Listen! Some of the girls ___________ about Harry Potter. Let’s join them. A. are talking B. talk C. will talk D. talked II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式 填空) 1. Hong Kong is a very ___________ city. There are many people from other countries living and working in this ___________ city. ( crowed, nation) 2. I have made some friends with ___________ since I worked in the New York. (America) 3. Do you know his ___________? (nation) 4. A: How old is your pen-friend? B: He is the same ___________ as me. (old) III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. We call people from Japan Japanese. (对划线部分提问) ___________ ___________ you call people from Japan, 2. I have read about Thailand in newspaper.(对划线部分提问) ___________ _________ have you read about it in newspaper? 3. Over 120,000 Chinese live and work in Hong Kong. (就划线部分提问) _____________ ___________ Chinese live and work in Hong Kong? 4. He likes English best. (保持句意基本不变) His _____________ ____________ is English. IV. Reading (A) Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage. Now I am a baby of 16. I have a lot of friends. But I like 1 of them better than any other friend. We became friends when I began to go to school. We have been together 2 nine years He knows everything and remembers everything even happened in the world. He has taught millions of pupils. He is not only my best friend, but also the best friend of many others’. I’m 3 you know my best friend’s name and love him, too. Do you want me 4 down his name? His name is 5. ( ) 1. A. some B. a few C. one D. two ( ) 2. A. for B. since C. at D. after ( ) 3. A. sorry B. clear C. angry D. sure ( ) 4. A. write B. writing C. to write D. written ( ) 5. A. Book B. Pen C. Teacher D. Father U1 L3 Making Our Home Greener Vocabulary I 79 岳Y 讲义 plant vt. 种;植 n. 植物 Tree Planting Day 植树节 wonderful a. (口)极好的;精彩的 look after照看;照料 set out 出发;启程 II dig( dug) vt& vi 挖;掘 hole n. 洞 enough a & ad. 足够的(地) n. 足够 knock vt. & vi敲;敲进 strong a. 坚固的;强壮的 stick n. 棒;枝条 earth n. 泥土;地球;世界 step vi. 踩;踏 n. (脚)步;步骤 several a. 几个的;数个的 tie vt. (用带,绳) 系;结;捆扎 top n. 顶端;上部a. 居首位的;最上面的 water vt.& vi 浇水 n. 水 tool n. 工具 build (built) vt. 建筑;建造 do a project (on sth.) 做(某方面的)课题 air conditioner n. 空调机 wood n. 木;木材 cut down 砍刀 sir n. 先生 Key Phrases 1. 植树节:Tree Planting Day 2. 发生什么事情了,:What’s happening? What’s up? What’s the matter? What’s wrong? 3. 三月十二(读法):March the twelfth 4. 让城市的绿化变得更好:make the city greener 5. 去同一个地方:go to the same place 6. 迟到几分钟:a few minutes late 7. 向某人汇报某事:report to sb. about sth. 8. 告诉某人某事:tell sb. sth.(告诉某人关于某事的信息) tell sb. about sth. 9. 没关系:That’s all right. It’s Okay. It doesn’t matter. 10. 出发:set out 发射:set off 设置:set up 11. 去某地旅行: take a trip to sp. 12. 挖一个对树来说足够大的洞: dig a hole large enough for the tree 13. 踩在……上面: step on sth. 14. 把某物带去某地: take/bring sth. to sp. 15. 想让某人做某事: want sb. to do sth. 80 岳Y 讲义 16. 在将来: in the future 17. 种更多的花与树: plant more flowers and trees 18. 加宽道路:; widen the streets 19. 建更多的高楼: build more high-rises 20. 做(某方面的)课题: do a project on sth. 21. 树的重要性: the importance of trees 22. 树的好处是什么,: What good are trees? interview sb. 23. 采访某人: 24. 与某物起到相同的作用: do the job of sth. 25. 空调: air-conditioner 26. 任意伐树: cut down trees at will 27. 不仅…而且…: not only……but also 28. 提醒某人某事: remind sb. of sth. 29. 关于感谢和道歉的回答: Thank you so much, It’s a pleasure It’s my pleasure You’re welcome Sorry, That’s all right It doesn’t matter. Never mind 词性转换: 1. wonderful a. ,wonder n. 奇迹 2. strong a. ,strength n. 力量 3. build(built; built) v. , n. building 建筑,v. rebuild 重建 4. wood n. ,a. wooden 木制的 基础练习 I. Choose the best answer ( )1. ---- in America? ----It was wonderful. A. How was your study trip B. How did you think of your study trip C. What was your study trip like? D. What was your study trip? ( )2. My uncle is busy to attend any lessons in his spare time. A. very B. so C. enough D. too ( )3. He went back to the hotel than I did. A. more early B. more earlier C. much earlier D. early ( )4. During the Spring Festival, the heavy snow stopped many people from back home. A. go B. goes C. went D. going ( )5. ----What bad weather! ----Yes. The radio says it will be even later on. A. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst ( )6.----Ben, would you like to play football with us? ---- , but I have to wash the dishes first. A. No, I can’t B. I don’t want to C. Yes, please D. I’d love to ( )7.----What is your father like? ----He . A. likes history B. is tall and thin C. likes eating meat D. is 40 years old 81 岳Y 讲义 ( )8. How happy they were each other! A. seeing B. to see C. seen D. saw ( )9. your story sounds like! A. How fun B. How funny C. What fun D. What a fun ( )10. There wasn’t in the room, so it was not for the doctor to operate on the wounded man. A. enough light; enough bright B. light enough; bright enough C. enough light; bright enough D. light enough; enough bright II. Choose the word or phrases to fill in the blanks in its proper form(用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空) do the job important interview do a project good cut down fruit come from 1. If you want to be healthy, you need to eat as much as possible. 2. He gave the child a lecture about the of being on time. 3. We get to know the tree of air-conditioners. 4. There will be an with Mr. Brown after the news. 5. I’m only telling you this for your own . 6. He on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet. 7. What part of South America did she ? 8. She on how to save water in daily life. III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms (用所给单词的适当形式填空) stone to a better life. (step) 1. Many people use education as a 2. When are they going to the street? (wide) 3. Spring is coming. The leaves are becoming and .(green) 4. It will take two elephants to drag all this away. (wooden) 5. He into his coat pocket for the key. (dig) 6. It is no use it, you have to glue it. (tie) 7. They had to the house after the hurricane. (build) 8. The fence was built with very large posts. (strong) III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空格限填一词) 1. What is your plan for this weekend?(保持原句意思) What you to do this weekend? 2. Few people had dinner at restaurants during the typhoon. (改为反义疑问句) Few people had dinner at restaurants during the typhoon, ? 3. The book cost him twenty yuan, not twenty-five yuan. (改为反义疑问句) the book him twenty yuan twenty-five yuan? 4. Jack’s uncle will come back to Shanghai in a few days. (对划线部分提问) will Jack’s uncle come back to Shanghai? 5. This is an interesting movie. (改为感叹句) the movie is! Reading and writing (第三部分 读写) V. Reading (A)Choose the best answer (根据短文选择最恰当的答案) Do you know what a Bank Holiday in Britain is? 82 岳Y 讲义 On a Bank holiday, all the banks are closed and so are other shops. People enjoy their holiday in the parks, at the seaside and in the country. Christmas is the most important of all the Bank Holidays in the year. At Christmas people give presents to each other and the whole big family get together. The English people usually celebrate Christmas Eve as in several other European countries. Boxing Day comes after Christmas, on December 26th. It has nothing to do with the sport of "boxing". On this day workers will receive presents from their bosses. Easter Monday comes after Easter Day in March. Easter Monday used to be the day on which the women would go to walk in the parks, wearing new dresses and hats. Though they may not do this today, they still buy and wear spring clothes for this day. People spend the Summer Bank Holiday in late August. It is the most popular holiday of the year, because it comes at a time when children are not at school. A lot of people try to make this a long weekend, and go to the seaside or to the country. The result is that there have always been traffic jams on the way. In recent years, many people have talked about creating another Bank Holiday between August and Christmas, but nothing has been done. They said that October would be a good month, for the weather is often very nice the. 1. In Britain ________ on Bank Holiday. A. banks are closed B. parks are closed C. people enjoy their holiday in the office D. people all go to the country 2. The British people usually celebrate ____. A. Christmas Eve but not Christmas Day B. Christmas Day but not Christmas Eve C. both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day D. neither Christmas Eve nor Christmas Day 3. On Easter Monday the women used to ____. A. walk outside to show their new dresses and hats B. come to the parks for a walk C. receive spring clothes as presents D. buy spring clothes and hats in the parks 4. The summer Bank Holiday is the most popular one of the year became ____. A. schools are closed B. children are kept in school C. children like it best D. it happens to be in August 5. There have always been traffic jams in the Summer Bank Holiday because ____. A. the weather is very nice B. many people like to have a long weekend C. many people have talked about a new holiday D. many people go out for their holiday 6. What does the passage talk about? A. The banks in Britain B. Easter Monday C. Bank Holidays in Britain D. The most important holiday (B)Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage. All around the world, people drink tea. But tea does not mean the 1 thing to everyone. In different countries people have very different ideas about drinking tea. In China, 2 , tea is always severed when people get together. The Chinese drink it at any time of the day, at home or teahouses. They prefer their tea plain, 3 else in it. 4 tea-drinking country is England. In England, the late afternoon is “teatime”. Almost everyone has a cup of tea then. 5 usually make tea in a teapot and drink it with cream and sugar. They also eat cakes, cookies and little sandwiches at teatime. ( ) 1. A. happy B. same C. cooking D. drinking ( ) 2. A. however B. so C. for example D. fortunately 83 岳Y 讲义 ( ) 3. A. with nothing B. with something C. with anything D. with one thing ( ) 4. A. One B. Other C. The other D. Another ( ) 5. A. An Englishman B. The English C. Britain D. British C. Read the passage and fill the blanks with proper words Christopher and Jeff had known each other since childhood. One day, Jeff told his friend that he had fallen in love and planned to get married the n___1___ months. He asked Christopher to lend him $ 1,000 for the wedding party, and promised to pay him back a month later when he started his new job. Christopher knew that Jeff was not very good with money, but he s____2____ agreed. As they were old friends, they didn’t put anything in writing. A month later, Christopher hadn’t heard from Jeff or received any money, s___3___ he phoned him. Jeff was very apologetic and said he would surely pay him back within a month. Six weeks later, Christopher tried to phone Jeff and f__4___ he had moved and left no link address. B____5___ this time, he was angry. Then one month later, to his surprise, Christopher received a cheque (支票) for $100 from Jeff and a letter giving his address. He explained that He’d been having the money p___6___, and wouldn’t be able to pay back the remaining $900 for some time. Christopher wrote back telling Jeff to forget the r___7___ of the money and never to reach him again by message or telephone. D. Answer the following questions. I was born in New York, but I grew up in San Francisco. I began to live in London 25 years ago. If I am asked now where I want to live forever, I would say London. But I will always be a American. San Francisco, like London, has many parks. Every day my sisters and I were taken to play in the parks as children. I didn’t go to school. I only had three hours of formal education when I was five. I went to school in the morning on that day but came home at noon. I said I didn’t enjoy it and hadn’t learnt anything. My parents thought that school was unsuitable for me. They agreed with me, so I never went back to school. Then my mother taught me and my two sisters at home. She was an English lady with good education. We learnt languages and reading more than sciences and Maths. Sometimes she taught us herself, but we also had other teachers. They asked us to take lessons every day. About once a week we walked to Golden Gate Park. While we were walking, my mother taught me to read music. One day I noticed a little boy train in the window of a shop and I still remember now how I’d like to have it. I couldn’t say “r” when I was small. My mother said if I could say an “r” well, I would have the toy train. I practiced and practiced. Then one morning I woke everybody up with my “r” s. I got the toy train. I usually get the things I want in life—but I work hard for them. 1. What nationality is the writer? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why didn’t the writer go to school? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What was the writer’s mother like? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Was his mother the only teacher? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. What subjects did the writer learn? 84 岳Y 讲义 _________________________________________________________________________ 6. How did the writer get things in life? _________________________________________________________________________ Unit 4 Jobs people do 核心词汇 1. block [blɔk] n. 一幢楼房 【提示】 block既可以用来表示“大楼;大厦”,也可以表示“两条街间的距离”或“由四条马路围 成的方形楼房区”。 2. architect ['ɑ:kitekt] n. 建筑师 【词性转换】 architecture ['ɑ:kitektʃə] n. 建筑;建筑物 Good architects know how to design buildings to fit into the land. 好的建筑师知道怎样 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 使得建筑物与地形相协调。 3. construction [kən'strʌkʃən] n. 建筑 【词性转换】 construct [kən'strʌkt] v. 建造;构造 This is a fine construction. 这是一个完美的建筑物。 4. company ['kʌmpəni] n. 公司 【近义词】business ['biznəs] n. 公司,企业 5. type [taip] v. 打字 【词性转换】 typist ['taipist] n. 打字员 Please type this letter right away and send it to Mr Smith. 请赶快把这封信打好并寄给史密斯先生。 6. removal [ri'mu:vəl] n. 搬迁;迁移 That company does removals. 那家公司承办搬运业务。 7. ambulance ['æmbjuləns] n. 救护车 The light was red but the ambulance drove straight through. 红灯亮着,但救护车径直开了过去。 8. rescue ['reskju:] v. 营救 【比较】 rescue与save rescue常指采取直接的行动而免于即刻发生的伤害或危险,强调是不失时机地使某人、某物免遭 伤害、免受危险或避免死亡。如: We rescued the boy who fell into the river. 我们救起了掉进河里的男孩。 save指保证安全或防止危险、伤害或恶果发生的行为,强调被救的人可继续其生命。如: The young soldier saved the little girl from the fire. 年轻的士兵从大火中救出了小女孩。 9. deliver [di'livə] v. 分发;递送 【近义词】 send [send] v. 投递;传递 The mailman delivered the letters on time. 那个邮差准时地投递了信件。 10. parcel ['pɑ:sl] n. 包裹 She sent me the present by parcel post. 她用包裹邮寄的方式把礼物寄给了我。 11. neighbour ['neibə] n. 邻居 【词性转换】 neighbourhood ['neibəhud] n. 邻近地区;住宅区 Britain’s nearest neighbour is France. 英国最近的邻居是法国。 12. meeting ['mi:tiŋ] n. 会议 【词性转换】 meet [mi:t] v. 遇见;会见;见到 85 岳Y 讲义 Mr White isn’t here; he’s at a meeting. 怀特先生不在这儿,他在开会。 13. manager ['mænidʒə] n. 经理 【词性转换】 manage ['mænidʒ] v. 管理;经营 management ['mænidʒmənt] n. 管理;管理学 Our manager is very strict with us. 我们的经理对我们要求很严格。 14. take notes 记笔记 Please take notes of the important words while you read. 请边读边把重要的单词记下来。 15. accident ['æksidənt] n. (交通)事故;意外遭遇 John’s had an accident: he’s been knocked down by a car. 约翰出事了,他被一辆小汽车撞倒了。 16. towards [tə'wɔ:dz] prep. 朝着;向着 I saw her walking towards the bank. 我看到她朝银行走去。 17. knock down 撞倒 She was knocked down by a bus. 她被公共汽车撞倒了。 18. catch fire 着火 His house caught fire last night. 昨晚他家失火了。 19. both...and... ……两者都 【提示】 both...and...连接的两个成分须在形式、时态、词性等方面完全一致。 如:Both Bach and Beethoven could write great music. 巴赫与贝多芬都能谱写伟大的乐曲。(连接两个主语) The opportunity both excited and worried me. 这机会既使我激动又令我忧虑。(连接两个谓语动词) 20. motorcyclist ['məʊtəsaiklist] n. 摩托车手 【词性转换】 motorcycle ['məutəsaikl] n. 摩托车 21. hurt [hə:t] adj. 受伤的 Did anyone get hurt in the fire? 火灾中有人受伤吗, 22. run away 逃跑 Don’t run away! I want your advice. 请不要走——我需要你的意见。 23. broken ['brəukən] adj. 伤残的;破损的 He speaks broken English. 他的英语说得结结巴巴。 24. arm [ɑ:m] n. 手臂 His left arm was hurt in an accident. 他的左臂在一次事故中受伤了。 25. engine ['endʒin] n. 发动机 【词性转换】 engineer [.endʒi'niə] n. 工程师 Press this button to start the engine. 按这个按钮开动引擎。 26. scene [si:n] n. 现场;地点 This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three scenes. 这个剧分为三幕,每一幕有三个场景。 27. carry ['kæri] v. 搬;扛;抱;运送 Can you carry my suitcase to my room? 你能把我的行李箱搬到我房间吗, Unit 4 Jobs people do 语法点讲解 86 岳Y 讲义 1. 一般疑问句又称作“Yes/No question”,常用来询问一件事情或一种情况是否属实。一般疑问句的结构是: —— Is he interested in sports? 他对体育感 兴趣吗, be/have + 主语 + 其他成分 —— Yes, he is. 是的。 —— Have you been to Japan yet? 你去过日 本了吗, —— No, I haven’t. 不,我没有。 助动词 + 主语 + 动词 + 其他成分 —— Does he wear a uniform at work? 他工作 时穿制服吗, —— Yes, he does. 是的,他穿制服的。 【活学活用】 改为一般疑问句 1. He is going to help him mum do the housework. __________ he going to _________ his mum do the housework? 2. He can finish mopping the floor quickly. __________ he __________ mopping the floor quickly? 3. Alice likes flying a kite very much. __________ Alice __________ flying a kite very much? 2. 一般现在时表示经常、反复发生的动作,或一般情况下所存在的状态。它常和always, often, usually, every day, sometimes等时间状语连用。 一般现在时的用法: 表示经常、反复发生的动作,现在的习惯或He goes to work every day. 他每天都上班。 状态。常与often, always, usually, every day, Mike is an American. 迈克是一个美国人。 sometimes, never, once a day, seldom等时间 状语连用。 表示客观事实或普遍真理。 The Earth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳 转。 在连词when, before, if , as soon as, until等引I will call you as soon as I arrive. 我一到就会导的时间和条件状语从句中,常用一般现在给你打电话。 时表示将来的动作。 【活学活用】 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The sun ________ in the east. (rise) 2. Peter ________ morning exercise every day. (do) 3. work与不同的介词搭配使用,表达不同的含义,如:work in表示在某处工作,work for表示为某企业或单位工作,work with表示与某人共事。 87 岳Y 讲义 I work in Shanghai. 我在上海工作。 He has worked for this company for five years. 他已经为这家公司工作五年了。 Who does she work with? 她和谁一起工作, He has worked as a teacher for 10 years. 他已经当了十年教师。 【注意】 工作地点不同,work后使用的介词不同 He works on a farm. 他在农场干活。 He works at the airport. 他在机场工作。 4. both是不定代词,解释为“两者都”。它常用的词组搭配有:both of + 名词的复数或代词, both…and…。both后所接的名词须用复数,谓语使用动词复数形式。 Both of his parents are healthy. 他的父母亲都和很健康。 Both the old and the young like this film. 老年人和年轻人都喜欢这部电影。 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. Both of his children ________ having a picnic in the park now. A. is B. are C. was D. were 2. Both Mike ___________ Tom work for an IT company. A. or B. / C. and D. of Unit 4 Jobs people do A卷 I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案) ( ) 1. What __________ hard work the removal men are doing! A. a B. an C. the D./ ( ) 2. __________ is impossible for the postman to deliver so many parcels in one afternoon. A. This B. That C. It D.Such ( ) 3. Can you see any difference __________ these two architecture styles(风格)? A. on B. among C. between D. with ( ) 4. Guards have to wear a uniform __________ work. A. on B. in C. with D. at ( ) 5. These DIY brochures made Dick __________. A. interestingly B. interestedly C. interesting D. interested ( ) 6. They put the boy who was hurt into the __________ and they drove quickly to hospital. A. ambulance B. ribbon C. ward D. garage ( ) 7. “Waiter, __________ these dishes away and __________ me a brick of ice cream, please.” A. take, bring B. bring, carry C. carry, take D. bring, take ( ) 8. The reporter was the first person on the __________ of the accident. A. view B. palace C. scene D. sight II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式 填空) 1. My stomach __________ because I’ve eaten too much. (hurt) 2. The mailman __________ the mail once a week in this area those days.(delivery) 3. Carl is good at __________ his restaurant in Malaysia.(manager) 4. __________ are unhappy, but it will be nice when we get into the new house.(remove) 5. Jill began __________ the manager’s letter as soon as she got into the office. (type) III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 88 岳Y 讲义 1. I saw soldiers raising the National Flag in People’s Square. (对划线部分提问) __________ did you __________ raising the National Flag in People’s Square? 2. The traffic accident happened early in the morning.(对划线部分提问) ___________ __________ early in the morning? 3. George and Henry work in different companies.(保持句意基本不变,以下同) George and Henry __________ work in the __________ company. 4. The ambulance arrived at the scene quickly. And the fire engine, too. __________ the ambulance __________ the fire engine came to the scene quickly. 5. I met a group of soldiers when I was travelling to school this morning. __________ my __________ to school this morning, I met a group of soldiers. IV. Reading (A.) Tea is also important in Japan. The Japanese have a special way of serving tea __1__ a tea ceremony(仪式). It is very old and full of meaning. Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. __2__ is even a special room for it Japanese homes. In the United States of America people drink tea mostly __3__ breakfast or after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to __4__ their tea. Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots. In summer, many Americans drink cold tea-----iced tea. Sometimes they drink iced tea __5__, like cola. ( ) 1. A. call B. is called C. called D. calling ( ) 2. A. This B. That C. It D. There ( ) 3. A. without B. for C. on D. after ( ) 4. A. make B. heat C. burn D. have ( ) 5. A. from cans B. with cups C. from glasses D. with bowls U2 L1 National Holidays Vocabulary I national a. 国家的;全国的;国民的 national holiday 国定假日 decorate vt. 装饰;装潢 *balloon n. 气球 national flag 国旗 sightseeing n. 观光 a. 观光(用)的;游览(用)的 go sightseeing 去观光 celebrate vt. & vi 庆祝(节日,事件等);过节 call on 拜访;号召;要(学生)回答问题 *relative n. 亲戚;亲属 *firework n. 爆竹;花炮; (~s) 烟火 *fireworks display 烟火表演 *gala n. 欢庆;特别演出 National Day 国庆节 anyway ad. 不管怎样;无论如何 else a. 其他的;别的ad. 其他;另外 89 岳Y 讲义 member n. (团体,组织等的)成员;一分子 *get together 召集;团聚 accept vt. 接受;领受 invitation n. 请帖;邀请 plan n. & vt. 计划;打算 II *decline vt. & vi 拒绝;谢绝 youth n. [总称](男女)青年;青年时代 *Youth Day (中国)青年节 army n. 军队;陆军 *Army Day 建军节 *found vt. 成立;创立;创建 rise (rose; risen) vi 升起;上升;起立 ever since then 从那时候起 develop vi. & vt 发展;使发达 rich a. 富的;有钱的;丰富的;富饶的 life ([复] lives) n.生活;生命 hold vt. 举行(会议等);容纳;握 smiling a. 微笑的;露出笑容的 everywhere ad.到处;各处 Key Phrases 1. 用气球装饰门: decorate the door with balloons ,用花装点学校: decorate school with flowers 2. 去观光: go sightseeing 3. 拜访亲戚: visit relatives ,参观博物馆: visit museums 4. 一起吃晚餐: have dinner together ,团聚: get together 5. 观看烟火表演: watch a firework diaplay 6. 开晚会: have a gala/ hold a gala 7. 今天是什么日子/ 礼拜几, What day is it? 8. 你想加入我们吗, Would you like to join us? 9. 还是很感谢你: Thank you anyway Thank you all the same 10. 真遗憾: What a pity! What a shame! 11. 庆祝这个特别的日子: celebrate this special day 12. 邀请某人去某地: invite sb. to sp. ,发出邀请: make an invitation ,接受邀请: accept one’s invitation ,拒绝邀请: decline one’s invitation 13.为什么不呢,: Why not? 14. 送卡片: send cards 15. 献花: give flowers 16. 见证了中华人民共和国的成立: see the founding of the PRC(People’s Republic of China) 17.五星红旗在天安门上空升起: the five-star red flag rise over Tian’anmen Square 18.从那以后: ever since then 19. 国假: national holiday 90 岳Y 讲义 词性转换: 1. national a. ,n. nation 国家,n. nationality国籍,a. native当地的;本地的,a. international 国际的 2. decorate v. ,n. decoration 装饰 3. celebrate v.,n. celebration 庆祝 4. relative n. ,v. relate 使……有联系 5. accept v. ,n. acception 接受 6. invitation n. ,v. invite 邀请 7. youth n. ,a. young 年轻的;年幼的 8. found v. , n. foundation 成立;创立 9. develop v. , n. development 发展 10. rich a. , v. enrich 使……丰富 11. life n. , v. live 生活;居住 12. smiling a. ,v. smile 微笑 基础练习 I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) ( )1. Her work is much better than in her class. A. anyone B. anyone’s C. anyone else’s D. anyone’s else ( )2. Some people like tea. Some people like coffee. like soft drink. A. Some others B. Still others C. The others D. Another ( )3. How dangerous! She was driving the car with one hand and holding an ice cream with . A. the other B. another C. others D. other ( )4. ----Who helped Jessie with her English? ---- . She taught herself. A. Anybody B. Somebody C. Nobody D. Everybody ( )5. ----I’m hungry. Is there any bread in the fridge? ---- , but we have cakes. Would you like to have one? A. Some B. Much C. None D. Nothing ( )6. ----The teachers in that school speak either English or French, or even . ----That’s so cool! A. all B. both C. neither D. none ( )7. ----Are Mr. and Mrs. Wang living alone in the house? ----Yes, although they have three sons, of them lives with their parents. A. neither B. both C. all D. none ( )8. I’m talking to you, Jack. Please listen to carefully. A. I B. me C. you D. your ( )9. ----Where did you go for your winter vocation? ----My family went to Paris. Had a great time. A. He B. She C. We D. They ( )10. ----Can I use your bike this afternoon? is under repair. ----No problem. Here’s the key. A. My B. Mine C. Me D. I II. Choose the word or phrase to fill in the blank in its proper form.(用方框内所给词或词组的正确形式 decorate invite shop nation get together celebrate dance call on 91 岳Y 讲义 填空). 1. Have you received the to the party? st2. October 1 is the Day of China. 3. Festival are popular during the Spring Festival. 4. The mall is close to the Park Hotel. party. 5. After the gala, we went to have a 6. We will watch fireworks and have many other . 7. This is the forum where East and West can . 8. She you this afternoon. develop smile rise raise ever since then from then on work hard hold 1. , people have lived in the Lakes, hunting, fishing and doing many other things. 2. , the prince and princess lived happily. 3. You will realize your dream if you . 4. A friend that frowns is better than a enemy. 5. These years, Shanghai is very fast. 6. He from the chair and said hello to me. 7. The small bottle doesn’t seem to much. 8. Anne her voice to be heard. III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. (用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. The PLA men raised the flag over Tian’anmen Square. (nation) 2. Thank you for your . I’ll be glad to come. (invite) 3. We put pictures and other up in the classroom. (decorate) 4. Tomorrow I’ll my fourteenth birthday. (celebration) 5. What did you do on Day? (young) 6. Shanghai quickly these years. (develop) 7. October 1, 1949 saw the of the People’s Republic of China. (found) 8. You can see faces everywhere. (smile) 9. Mrs. Smith a party last weekend. (hold) 10. Adam is going to watch the parade on the Day. (independent) IV. Rewrite the sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. It’s two hours’ train ride from Shanghai to Hangzhou.(对划线部分提问) is it from Shanghai to Hangzhou? 2. It takes John 20 minutes to walk from his school to the museum. (保持原句意思基本不变) It’s about 20 from John’s school to the museum. 3. He telephoned the New Century Restaurant to book a meal.(对划线部分提问) He telephone the New Century Restaurant? 4. Her grandpa used to live in an old small area. (改为反义疑问句) Her grandpa used to live in an old small area, ? 5. With the help of the computer, information can get to every corner of the world. (保持原句意思基本不变) With the help of the computer, information can every corner of the world. 92 岳Y 讲义 综合练习 Phonetics,Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 语音、词汇和语法) I. Choose the best answer. ( )1. He did very well, but he failed to break the record. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A. /brek/ B. /breik / C. /brik/ D. /braik/ ( )2. is impossible for the postman to deliver so many parcels in one afternoon. A. This B. That C. It D. Such ( )3. I saw a shop was on fire on way to school yesterday. A. I B. me C. my D. mine ( )4.Rose our school football team for three months. A. has taken part in B. has been in C. has joined D. has left ( )5. Please tell me you saw when the accident happened. A. that B. where C. how D. what ( )6. My sister a secretary since a year ago and she likes her job very much. A. is B. has been C. was D. will be ( )7. Zhang Ming is a(n) . He is always busy with his work to help make Shanghai a safe place. A. fireman B. architect C. policeman D. doctor ( )8.After the thief stole the money, he through the window. A. ran away B. broken away C. knocked down D. caught ( )9. “Waiter, these dishes away and me a brick of ice cream, please.” A. take, bring B. bring, carry C. carry, take D. bring, take ( )10. We all have in collecting stamps now. A. interested B. interesting C. interests D. interest ( )11. The dog was badly ill and_________losing his life. A. dangerously B. dangerous C. endanger D. in danger ( )12.----John, can you the phone for me? I’m cooking dinner now. ----Certainly, Mom. A. call B. talk C. answer D. listen ( )13. I am age my cousin, Justin. We are both fourteen. A. the same…as B. as…as C. the same…like D. so…as ( )14.When the little girl saw her mother, she stopped crying and ran her mum. A. towards B. from C. off D. over ( )15.On my school days, I can see many people different kinds of snacks near my school. A. to sell B. sold C. are selling D. selling ( )16. Mr. Zhang a fireman two years ago, but now he is a teacher. A. is B. has been C. will be D. was ( )17. Sam has a high fever. We must send him to the hospital immediately. The underlined word means . A. just now B. just C. at once D. quickly ( )18.The fireman rescued the people from fire. The underlined phrase means . A. save…from B. saved…from C. prevented…from D. saved… to 93 岳Y 讲义 ( )19.----How do you like your job? ---- A. Yes, I like my job. B. It’s interesting C. No, I don’t like my job. D. No, thanks. ( )20. Annie Zhang is architect. She doesn’t wear uniform at work. A. an…an B. an…a C. a…a D. a… the ( ) 21. Don’t read ______ the sun. It’s bad for your eyes. A. on B. under C. in D. with ( ) 22. Linda has to practise ______ more for pass the P.E. test. A. English B. running C. run D. speaking ( ) 23. Two days _____, they found their pet dog and _____ him _____. A. later… took… home B. late… took…to home C. later… brought…to home D. late… brought…home ( )24. I saw your mum _____ a motorcycle _____ the street yesterday. A. ride…on B. to ride… in C. riding…on D. riding… in ( ) 25. It’s cold outside. _____ your coat when you go out. A. Wear B. In C. Put on D. Dress ( ) 26. We’d like _____ our city a safe place. A. helping make B. to help make C. helping made D. to help made ( ) 27. – What does a secretary usually do? --A secretary usually _____ the phone. A. answers B. answer C. answering D. answered ( )28. Mr. Zhou wears _____ glasses every day. A. a pair of B. a pier of C. a D. / ( )29. What does Mr. Goldsmith do? Which is closest in meaning to the sentence? A. What is Mr. Goldsmith doing? B. What’s Mr. Goldsmith going to do? C. What job does Mr. Goldsmith do? D. How is Mr. Goldsmith these days? II. Complete the following passage with words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词):(共4分) A. acting B. plans C. in front of D. graduates E. at first Why did you choose this school? In the future, I want to be an actress. I’m taking an eight-week course at La Pasarela to help me. I’m learning to walk and talk ___1____ a camera. A good model can do these things. An actor can too. Many La Pasarela ___2____ also get jobs in TV commercials and magazine ads. What are your _____3_____for the future? I don’t know. Maybe I can do TV or radio commercials ____4______. At some point, I’d like to study acting here in Mexico or in Los Angeles. III. Complete the sentences with the given verbs in their proper forms. (用括号中动词的适当形式完成 下列句子) 1. She went into the kitchen and the bottle into the sink. (empty) 2. Henry’s job is to bread and cakes. (bakery) 3. Jim studied ancient before he came to our company. (architect) 94 岳Y 讲义 4. I’m sorry to see the dog walking with its leg. (break) 5. I’ve never seen such fine . (draw) 6. Our new office need some . (decorate) 7. Jenny is good at his restaurant in Malaysia. (manager) 8. Jill began the manager’s letter as soon as she got into the office. (type) 9. The mailman the mail once a week in this area those days. (delivery) 10. On the New Year’s eve, every family gets together to the special day. (celebration) 11. “What’s she doing?” “She is __________ a report of the accident.”(typist) 12. “We’re not __________ you, are we?” she said. “Not a bit.”(hurt) 13. Miss Simpson __________ her desk to another office last week.(removal) 14. There are two words “Special __________” on the postal parcel.(deliver) 15. I’ll show you how to start the __________.(engineer) IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required. 1. The ambulance arrived at the scene quickly. And the fire engine, too.(保持原句意思基本不变) the ambulance the fire engine came to the scene quickly. 2. Mr. Ma gets up very early every morning.(改为感叹句) Mr. Ma gets up every morning. 3. Mr. Wang is a postman.(保持原句意思基本不变) Mr. Wang’s job is letters and parcels. 4. George and Henry work in different companies.(保持原句意思基本不变) George and Henry work in the company. 5. Sam ran away because he was afraid.(对划线部分提问) did Sam away? 6. The traffic accident happened early in the morning.(对划线部分提问) early in the morning? 7. The policeman caught the thief yesterday.(改为反意疑问句) The policeman caught the thief yesterday, ? 8. I met a group of soldiers when I was going to school this morning.(保持原句意思基本不变) way to school this morning, I met a group of soldiers. 9. It took me three hours to finish this model.(对划线部分提问) __________ __________ did it take you to dinish the model. 10. We will use the matchbox for making bed. (对划线部分提问) __________ __________ we use the matchbox for? 11. Jack has breakfast at home every morning. (改为否定句) Jack __________ __________ breakfast at home every morning. 12. Let’s go to visit Mr.Smith.(改为反义疑问句) Let’s go to visit Mr.Smith, __________ __________? 13. The doctors look after sick people.(对划线部分提问) __________ __________ the doctor __________? 14. months, take, the bridge, will, it, to, the engineers, three,design (连词成句) ___________________________________________________________________ Reading and writing (第三部分 读写) V. Reading comprehension.(阅读理解) 95 岳Y 讲义 A. Choose the best answer One day, Jack’s parents told him that his grandpa would retire(退休) after working for forty years. Jack said in surprise, “I’m only seven, so it means Grandpa has been… er … A really long time!” His parents said, “Yes. That’s why we are going to have a surprising party for him. ” Jack loved his grandpa and wanted to do something special for him. He remembered the business card his grandpa had given him two years before. He knew that his grandpa would no longer have the position(职位) on that card, so he decided to build a new one for his grandpa. When the big day came, Jack was ready. But he didn’t want to put his gift together with others’. He carried it around with him the whole evening. When all the other people left, he took his grandpa’s hand and brought him over to a chair and gave him the gift. His grandpa smiled, “Well, it must be a beautiful gift. May I open it now?” “Sure!” Jack said excitedly. As Grandpa opened the gift, tears came into his eyes. Jack gave him the greatest gift he had ever got! They were business cards with new position: FULL-TIME GRANDPA! Jack said, “Now your full-time job is my grandpa!” Well, how much do I get paid?” his grandpa asked, smiling. “As many hugs as you want!” With these words, Jack gave Grandpa a hug. “Well, I guess that means I’m the richest man in the world!” said Grandpa. 1.Who was going to retire? A(Jack’s grandma. B(Jack’s grandpa. C(Jack’s mother. D(Jack’s father. 2.Jack remembered __________ his grandpa had given him two years before. A(the birthday card B(the boy C(the book D(the business card 3.What did Jack decide to do for his grandpa? A(To build a new position for him. B(To draw a picture for him. C(To sing a song for him. D(To buy a gift for him. 4.Which of the following is TRUE? A(Jack was the first one to give his gift to his grandpa. B(Jack was the last one to give his gift to his grandpa. C(Jack gave his gift to his grandpa together with other people. D(Jack gave his gift to his grandpa together with his parents. 5.Why were there tears in Grandpa’s eyes? A(Because he would lose his position. B(Because he was not cared for. C(Because he was moved by Jack’s gift D(Because he was unhappy. B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. Tea is also important in Japan. The Japanese have a special way of serving tea __1__ a tea ceremony(仪式). It is very old and full of meaning. Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. __2__ is even a special room for it Japanese homes. In the United States of America people drink tea mostly __3__ breakfast or after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to __4__ their tea. Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots. In summer, many Americans drink cold tea-----iced tea. Sometimes they drink iced tea __5__, like cola. ( ) 1. A. call B. is called C. called D. calling 96 岳Y 讲义 ( ) 2. A. This B. That C. It D. There ( ) 3. A. without B. for C. on D. after ( ) 4. A. make B. heat C. burn D. have ( ) 5. A. from cans B. with cups C. from glasses D. with bowls C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (1) Mr and Mrs Snow are both t__________. They work in the same school. Mr Snow teaches M________ and Mrs Snow teaches English. They must give six classes e__________ day. But they t_________ their work. They always feel very happy when they are with their s__________ (2) It is often very difficult these days to find someone to come and mend your TV set, or your washing machine, or any other thing if it b__1__. Everybody wants to sell you new goods, but nobody wants to repair them w__2__ they stop working. One afternoon Mrs. Robinson found that there was something w__3__ with her bathroom, so she made a p__4__ call to her plumber(管道修理工). Three days later, the plumber arrived, Mrs. Robinson was unhappy about his coming l__5__. These three days brought her a lot of trouble. (3) One day two brothers went fishing. They had a dog with them. When they e_____ near the river, they threw down their caps on a big stone and went to the r_____ bank to look for fish. It was cold that day, so s_____ they began to want their caps. They told the dog to go b_____ for them. When the dog got there, he tried to take both of the caps together in his m_____ at the same time. It was very d_____. Then the dog found that one of them was smaller than the o_____. He put the smaller cap in the l_____ one, got it down w_____ his foot and then he c_____ carry the two caps at the same time. (4) Taking part-time job is very p 1 among American teenagers. The passage tells us the popular jobs for teenagers and the preparations that they should make b 2 getting a part-time job. There are some good effects if teenagers do part-time jobs. The biggest effect is that they can get some experience that they c 3 get in school. Also, by taking part-time job, they can help their parents reduce their financial burdens(经济负担). It also gives them a chance to see what it is l 4 to earn and spend money of their own. At the same time, they can learn to be independent. This will help them when they grow up in the future. There is one good phrase, “Too much is as bad as l 5 .” If teenagers spend too much of their time on part-time jobs and lose themselves, it is a bad experience for them. The most important thing is the b 6 of life. D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)(6%) Mr. Beckman was a famous artist with a big beard. He has a lot of adorers (崇拜者) and most of them are young girls. They said his beard was beautiful. Of course. It made him happy and he took good care of them. Two months ago, the artist was badly ill. He had to stay in hospital. He was looked after well there 97 岳Y 讲义 and the doctors stopped everybody from visiting him. He also hoped to be all right soon and listened to the doctors. And this morning Mr. Beckman came out of hospital. He took a taxi and got home soon. All his family were surprised when they saw him. He didn’t know what happened to him and stood in front of the mirror. And he found there were some white patches (片,块) of beard! He sent for the best barber in the city. An old barber came after he had lunch. The artist looked at him carefully but he didn’t know him at all. “Choose the white patches of beard and shave them off, sir,” the artist said and then closed his eyes. But five minutes later the barber woke him up and he found all his beard was shaved off! He was so angry that he couldn’t say anything while the barber said.” I’m very busy, sir. Now you’d better choose the white one from your beard.” 1. Why did Mr. Beckman look after his beard carefully? Because his adorers thought ______________________________________. 2. Why did the doctors stop his adorers from visiting Mr. Beckman? Because they hoped he would ____________________________________. 3. What did Mr. Beckman stand in front of the mirror for? He wanted to know ____________________________________________. 4. What did Mr. Beckman tell the barber to do? He told the barber to ___________________________________________. 5. How long did it take the barber to shave the beard? It __________________________________________________________. 6. The artist didn’t know the barber before, did he? ____________________________________________________________. VI. Writing (作文): Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “ My ideal job” .(以“ 我理想的工作”为题写一篇不少 于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) Unit 5 Choosing a new flat 核心词汇 1. choose [tʃu:z] v. 选择;挑选 【词性转换】 choice [tʃɔis] n. 选择;选项 You can choose three books from the library each time. 你们每次可以从图书馆里挑选三本书。 2. bedroom ['bedru:m] n. 卧室 She was ill and stayed in the bedroom for a whole day. 她病了,在卧室里呆了一整天。 3. untidy [ʌn'taidi] adj. 不整洁的;不整齐的 【反义词】 tidy ['taidi] adj. 整洁的;整齐的 Your room is quite untidy. 你的房间真乱。 4. tidy up 使……整齐 Eddie, you should tidy your room now and make it a tidy one. 埃迪,你应该整理一下你的房间,使它变成一个整洁的房间。 98 岳Y 讲义 5. wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub] n. 衣柜;衣橱 He put all his clothes in the big wardrobe. 他把所有的衣服都放在大衣柜里。 6. living room n. 客厅;起居室 We sat on the chairs chatting in his living room. 我们坐在他起居室的椅子上聊天。 7. bathroom ['bɑ:θru:m] n. 浴室 I need to go to the bathroom. 我要上厕所。 8. balcony ['bælkəni] n. 阳台 I bought a new flat with four large balconies. 我买了一套带有四个阳台的公寓。 9. estate [i'steit] n. 地产;住宅区 He owns a large estate in Scotland. 他在苏格兰有大量的地产。 10. agency ['eidʒənsi] n. 代理机构 【词性转换】 agent ['eidʒənt] n. 代理人 I work in a tourist agency. 我在一家旅行社工作。 11. matter ['mætə] n. 问题 It was a matter of life and death for them. 对他们来说,这是生死攸关的问题。 12. suburb ['sʌbə:b] n. 郊区;城外 【近义词】 countryside ['kʌntrisaid] n. 乡间;农村 His family moved to the suburbs. 他全家都搬到郊区去了。 13. helper ['helpə] n. 帮手;助手 【词性转换】 help [help] n. & v. 帮助;帮忙 The teacher is always looking for helpers in the classroom. 老师总是在教室里寻找小助手。 14. sofa ['səufə] n. 长沙发 【提示】sofa指的是“带有靠背和扶手的,加油坐垫的长椅”,往往是和两个人以上坐。因此,中 国人所说的“单人沙发”不能叫作sofa,而应叫作armchair。 15. next to 紧邻;在……近旁 【近义词】 beside prep. 在……旁边 I parked my car next to hers. 我把车停在她的车旁。 16. set [set] n. 电视机 Do you have a colour TV set? 你有彩色电视机吗, 17. opposite ['ɔpəzit]] prep. 与……相对;在……对面 He parked the car opposite the bank. 他将车停在银行的对面。 18. rug [rʌg] n. 小地毯;垫子 【比较】 carpet与rug carpet是指面积较大的地毯,往往要铺满整个房间的地板;而rug则是指面积较小、往往只是在 房间中的一个特定地方所铺设的小地毯,如a teatable rug(茶几毯,放置于茶几之下) 19. cupboard ['kʌbəd] n. 橱柜 I put the dishes in the cupboard. 我把菜放在碗橱里。 20. armchair ['ɑ:mtʃeə] n. 扶手椅 Unit 5 Choosing a new flat 语法点讲解 1. “too + 形容词”表示“太……”。 The boy is too little. 这个男孩太小了。 99 岳Y 讲义 I don’t like the dish because it’s too sweet. 我不喜欢这道菜,因为它太甜了。 【注意】too + 形容词 + for sb. 表示“对某人而言太……了”。 too还能和to构成词组搭配too…to…表示“太……而不能……”,通常可以和so…that…和 not…enough to…作句型转换。 【活学活用】 按要求改写句子 This room is so small that it can’t hold 50 people. (保持句意不变) This room is _________ small __________ hold 50 people. This room is __________ big __________ hold 50 people. 2. need 作为实义动词时表示“需要”,后面可直接加名词。 I need some pictures to make my bedroom more beautiful. 我需要一些图画来美化我的卧室。 I am hungry and I need some food and water. 我饿了,需要一些食物和水。 3. 修饰形容词比较级的常用副词有:much, even, still, far, a little, a bit等 She is much more beautiful than before. 她比以前漂亮多了。 He looks still younger than his friends. 他看上去仍然比他的朋友们年轻。 This one is a little cheaper. 这个稍微便宜一些。 Can you read it a bit louder? 你能读得稍微响一些吗, 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. This kind of mango is ________ than the others. A. expensive B. much expensive C. much more D. much more expensive 2. His brother is very tall. He is _________ than his brother. A. high B. even high C. much high D. even higher 4. 在本单元中出现的表示方位的介词和介词词组有:in, near, next to, on, in front of, opposite, between...and...。 ? in表示“在……之内”,强调在某事物的内部。 Your clothes are in the suitcase. 你的衣物在行李箱里。 ? near表示“在……附近”。 There is a garden near our school building. 我们教学楼附近有一个花园。 ? next to表示“紧靠……的旁边” The red building next to the coffee bar is a restaurant. 咖啡馆旁边的红色楼房是一家餐厅。 ? on表示“在……之上”,强调在某事物的表面。 There are a lot of books on the shelf. 书架上有很多书。 ? in front of表示“在……前面” There is a park in front of our school. 我们学校前面有一个花园。 ? opposite表示“在……的对面” The supermarket is opposite the hospital. 超市在医院对面。 ? between...and...表示“在……中间” Mary sits between Tom and Mike. 玛丽坐在汤姆和迈克的中间。 【注意】平时常用的表示方位的介词还有很多,例如:under, over, at, by, behind, among, from, to, through等。 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. I prefer a flat _______ the countryside. A. in B. of C. on D. for 100 岳Y 讲义 2. Remember to put the chair _______ to the table. A. in front B. near C. next D. behind 3. Shall I put the rug ________ the sofa and the TV? Unit 5 Choosing a new flat A卷 I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案) ( ) 1. Those Canadians arrived __________ Beijing __________ a Sunday morning. A. in…in B. on…at C. at…in D. in…on ( ) 2. I want to put the round table __________ the wardrobes and the bed. A. on B. near C. between D. next to ( ) 3. __________ book on the desk is __________ useful one. A.The…an B. A…a C. The…a D. The…/ ( ) 4. My new flat is near Carrefour. It’s __________. A. 120-square-metre B. 120 square metres C. 120 square metre D. 120-square-metres ( ) 5. I take the underground to school everyday because I live quite __________ school. A. far away from B. next to C. near D. far away ( ) 6. – Merry Christmas! - __________. A. Thank you B. That’s all right C. The same to you D. And you ( ) 7. –Who did __________ in the history test in the class? – Li Lei did, I think. A. well B. better C. best D. good ( ) 8. There __________ some milk and three apples in the fridge. A. are B. will C. were D. is II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式 填空) 1. Hob never cleans his room so his room is always __________.(tidy) 2. I’d like a flat with two __________.(balcony) 3. Our new house is __________ away from the school than the old one.( far) 4. Let me see what you’ve __________. (choose) 5. This is Karl Hansel. He is an __________ for Volkswagen.(agency) III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. We need a bigger kitchen. (改为否定句) We __________ __________ a bigger kitchen. 2. Betty likes to live in the centre of the city. (对划线部分提问) ___________ __________ Betty like to live? 3. The wardrobe is so small that we can’t put all of our clothes in it. (保持句意基本不变) The wardrobe is __________ small __________ all of our clothes. 4. Bob is a removal man in a removal company. (保持句意基本不变) Bob’s __________ is to move people’s __________ to their new flats. 5. Where do you want to live? (保持句意基本不变) Where __________ you __________ to live? IV. Reading (A) Smile Day on April Fool’s Day is a chance ____1______ Australians to ______2____ Smile Donors and ______3____ funds to help Clown Doctors _____4_____ smiles to the _____5_____ of children in hospital. 101 岳Y 讲义 Clown Doctors help children cope with hospital and treatment. Well-being is improved as ____6______ result. In 2005, Smile Day raised 350,000 for Clown Doctors, the Humor Foundation’s core project. More sick children smiled and fought with their illness ____7______. ( ) 1. A. for B. to C. with D. as ( ) 2. A. became B. becomes C. become D. becomed ( ) 3. A. rise B. raise C. rose D. raised ( ) 4. A. brings B. bring C. bringing D. brought ( ) 5. A. face B. faces C. mouth D. mouths ( ) 6. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 7. A. brave B. hardly C. bravely D. difficultly (B) Today is Teacher’s Day. This morning, the headmaster praised the teachers who did w__________ in their teaching work and gave some teachers medals for their having completed thirty years of t__________. Our English teacher was a__________ them. This afternoon some of my classmates and I went to visit her in her office and we were warmly received by him. We had a t__________ with him for some time. He asked us to study hard and be good s__________. U2 L2 Festivals in China Vocabulary I festival n. 节日;喜庆日 mid-autumn n. 中秋 Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 *dragon n. 龙 *Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 *lantern n. 灯笼;提灯 *Lantern Festival 元宵节;灯节 Spring Festival 春节 *Qing Ming Festival 清明节 traditional a. 传统的;习俗的 moon cake 月饼 *dragon boat race 赛龙舟 *lantern display 灯展 set off 使爆炸;放(爆竹;鞭炮等);出发;动身;开始(做某事) *firecracker n. 爆竹;鞭炮 *set off firecrackers 放鞭炮 *rice dumpling n. 粽子(=zongzi) *sweep (swept) vt. & vi 扫;打扫;清扫 *tomb n. 坟墓 *sweep tombs 扫墓 102 岳Y 讲义 something pron. 某物;某事 carry vt. 携带;运送 II *lunar a. 月的;以月球公转测度的 *the Chinese Lunar Year 中国农历年 eve n. (节日或重大事件等的)前夜;前夕 New Year’e Eve 除夕夜 celebration n. 庆祝活动;庆典;典礼 reason n. 理由;原因 remember vt. 记得;纪念 dead a. 死的 the dead 已故的人 honour n. 敬意;荣誉 vt. 向……表示敬意;给……以荣誉 poet n. 诗人 cleaning n. 打扫;扫除 lucky a. 好运的;吉祥的 lucky money 压岁钱;红包 strike (stuck) vt. & vi 打击;撞击;时钟打点 *text message 短信 Key Phrases 1. 传统节日: traditional festivals 2. 吃月饼: eat moon cakes 3. 看灯展: watch lantern displays 4. 吃粽子: eat rice dumplings 5. 赏月: enjoy the moon 6. 办龙舟赛: have a dragon boat race 7. 放烟火: set off firecrackers 8. 扫墓: sweep tombs 9. 收集信息: collect information 10. 与……交谈: chat with sb. 11. 春节持续多久: How long does Spring Festival last? 12. 难怪: no wonder 13. 对……有兴趣: be interested in 14. 做调查: conduct a survey 15. 今天几号: What’s the date today? ,今天周几: What day is it today? 16. 中国农历年: Chinese Lunar New Year ,除夕夜: New Year’s Eve 17. 它有什么特别,: What’s special about it? 18. 唱卡拉ok: sing karaoke 19. 纪念已故的人: remember the dead 20. 有很多庆祝活动: have lots of celebrations 21. 玩的开心: have lots of fun have a wonderful time 22. 一起包饺子: make dumplings together 23. 猜谜语: guess riddles 103 岳Y 讲义 24. 以新月开始: start with the new moon 以满月结束: end with the full moon 25. 对房子大扫除: give the house a good cleaning 26. 压岁钱: lucky money 27. 发短信: send text message 词性转换: 1. festival n. , n. fest 节日;集会 2. traditional a. ,n. tradition 传统 3. carry v. , n. carrier 携带者 4. celebration n. , v. celebrate 庆祝 5. reason n. ,a. reasonable 合理的 6. dead a. ,v. die(died; died) 死亡, n. death 死亡, a. dying 垂死的 7. poet n. , n. poem 诗,n. poetry 诗歌(总称) 8. cleaning n. ,v. clean 打扫;清洁 9. lucky a. ,a.(反) unlucky不幸的, n. luck 运气,ad. luckily幸运的, ad. unluckily 不幸地 基础练习 I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) ( )1. good news you gave us! A. How a B. How C. What a D. What ( )2. She help now. She should finish it by herself. A. doesn’t need to B. needn’t any C. doesn’t need some D. doesn’t need any ( )3. Thank you very much. Which of the following reply is wrong? A. Not at all. B. Don’t mention it C. Oh, no thanks. D. My pleasure. ( )4. He likes to eat sweet food and biscuits. A. much; much B. many; many C. many; much D. much; many ( )5. I remember meeting a friend of mine in the street May, 2005. A. at B. in C. during D. on ( )6. ----Why did you get up so early this morning? ---- . A. To catch the early bus B. To catching the early bus C. Catch the early bus D. Catching the early bus ( )7. Try to do the work better with money. A. few B. fewer C. little D. less ( )8. You must come and visit us next month. A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times ( )9. Only Tom and Jack are here. Where are ? A. another B. others C. the other D. the others ( )10. What she said sounds . A. nicely B. pleasantly C. friendly D. wonderfully II. Choose the word or phrase to fill in the blank in its proper form.(用方框内所给词或词组的正确形式 填空). do a project on need to chat with no wonder carry last lantern display traditional 1. Following the sea is the of his family. 104 岳Y 讲义 2. The class adult education. 3. She enjoys her friends. 4. At the meeting, we decided against out the plan. 5. This financial crisis may for a long period of time. 6. You ate your breakfast so slowly, you were late. 7. He draw some more money from the bank. 8. There are all over the world to celebrate the New Year. start with end with clean lucky money strike welcome other the other 1. The girl attendant has set about the room. 2. She stood there him home from the war. 3. You have to be careful not to the glass. 4. The Spring Festival the new moon on the first day and the full moon fifteen days later. 5. They were just like any young couple. 6. Remember me to classmates of your class. 7. How are you going to spend your ? III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. (用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. There is a of 500,000 books in our school library. (collect) st2. According to , people can play jokes on April 1. (traditional) 3. She window and swept the floor just now. (cleaning) 4. We sweep tombs to remember the during Qing Ming Festival. (die) of hunger. (die) 5. Wild fruit kept us from 6. The live a happy life in their later life. (poem) st7. Almost everyone New Year’s Day on January 1. (celebration) 8. Life isn’t all ; it has its bad moments. (funny) 9. It’s that one should obey the law. (need) 10. Mr. Yan made me in traditional Chinese culture. (interest) IV. Rewrite the sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. The boy broke the window last Sunday. (改为一般疑问句) the boy the window last Sunday? 2. She needs to collect some information. (改为否定句) She to collect information. 3. I spent five yuan buying the pen. (保持原句意思基本不变) I the pen five yuan. 4. We can go there by air and we can take a train there, too.(保持原句意思基本不变) by air by train. We can go there 5. I will go to Beijing by air this afternoon. (保持原句意思基本不变) I will Beijing this afternoon. Reading and writing (第三部分 读写) V. Reading comprehension.(阅读理解) A. Choose the best answer (1) Now I live in a small house. Inside the house, we only have two bedrooms and a sitting room, so I must share a bedroom with my sister. Next to the sitting room, comes our dining room and kitchen. Our kitchen was designed modernly with electric cookers. Pass the kitchen straight ahead, comes our 105 岳Y 讲义 bathroom, clean and modern. There are many things in my bedroom and I haven’t got enough space to use. I always dream of having a bedroom of my own. Our sitting room isn’t very big. There are also many things in it. I am not very satisfied with my house. If my parents want to buy a new house, I hope it can be big enough and have more bedrooms. So I don’t need to share with others. I hope my bedroom will be covered with beautiful wallpaper and have a big desk in it. I also want to put some flowers on the desk, beside the TV set, on the DVD player and so on. It can make my house more beautiful. ( ) 1. My house is ________. A. new B. not big C. very modern D. comfortable ( ) 2. ___________ is next to the dining room A. The door B. The bedroom C. The sitting room D. The bathroom ( ) 3. I haven’t got enough space to use in my bedroom because __________. A. it was modernly designed B. it is clean and modern C. there are flowers on the desk D. there are many things in it ( ) 4. I don’t want to share the ___________ with my sister. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. dining room D. sitting room ( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. I have my own bedroom. B. I’m happy with my house. C. My bedroom is covered with beautiful wallpaper. D. I hope to have a bigger house. (2) My home lies in a housing estate not very far from the city. I live on the fourth floor of a block of flats beside small park. Across the road is a market and a row of shops. Behind the market is sports stadium and swimming pool. Although it is a convenient place to live in, I am not satisfied with the cleanliness of my neighborhood. During the rainy season, we are always troubled by mosquitoes(蚊子). They come bussing in our ears and keep us awake all night. For those with sensitive skin, the mosquito bites leave red blotches(肿块) all over. I believe many of the mosquitoes come from the nearby park. I hope the government will send some men to destroy the mosquitoes with insecticide.(杀虫剂) ( )1. It is __________ for the writer’s family to do shopping. A. difficult B. easy C. tired D. hard ( )2. According to the passage, it is also convenient if the writer and his friends __________. A. see the doctor B. go to the cinema C. borrow books D. have sports ( ) 3. The writer hates __________ most in the neighborhood. A. quietness B. dogs C. mosquitoes D. noise ( ) 4.The writer thinks the mosquitoes must be __________. A. killed B. saved C. protected D. kept ( ) 5. The writer finds the neighborhood too __________. A. quiet B. busy C. dirty D. tidy B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (1) Smile Day on April Fool’s Day is a chance ____1______ Australians to ______2____ Smile Donors and 106 岳Y 讲义 ______3____ funds to help Clown Doctors _____4_____ smiles to the _____5_____ of children in hospital. Clown Doctors help children cope with hospital and treatment. Well-being is improved as ____6______ result. In 2005, Smile Day raised 350,000 for Clown Doctors, the Humor Foundation’s core project. More sick children smiled and fought with their illness ____7______. ( ) 1. A. for B. to C. with D. as ( ) 2. A. became B. becomes C. become D. becomed ( ) 3. A. rise B. raise C. rose D. raised ( ) 4. A. brings B. bring C. bringing D. brought ( ) 5. A. face B. faces C. mouth D. mouths ( ) 6. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 7. A. brave B. hardly C. bravely D. difficultly (2) When David retired(退休),he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a ___1____ life in it. _____2___ to his great surprise, many tourists came to see his house in holidays, for it was the _____3____ interesting building in the village. From morning to night, there were ______4____ outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms _____5___ the windows and many of them even went into David’s garden. This was too noisy for David. He _____6___ to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said, “If you are interested in this house, come in and look around. Price: $20.”David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was ____7______. More and more visitors came and David had to ______8_____ every day showing them around his house. “I came here to relax, not to work as a guide.” He said _____9____. In the end, he ____10_____ the house and moved away. ( ) 1. A. busy B. noisy C. quiet D. wonderful ( ) 2. A. But B. And C. So D. Or ( ) 3. A. many B. most C. much D. more ( ) 4. A. fishermen B. tourists C. friends D. thieves ( ) 5. A. on B. by C. near D. through ( ) 6. A. decided B. plan C. promised D. starts ( ) 7. A. right B. stupid C. wrong D. successful ( ) 8. A. pay B. use C. spend D. cost ( ) 9. A. quietly B. happily C. peacefully D. angrily ( ) 10. A. bought B. lend C. borrowed D. sold C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文空格内填入适当的词,使其内容 通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (1) Today is Teacher’s Day. This morning, the headmaster praised the teachers who did w__________ in their teaching work and gave some teachers medals for their having completed thirty years of t__________. Our English teacher was a__________ them. This afternoon some of my classmates and I went to visit her in her office and we were warmly received by him. We had a t__________ with him for some time. He asked us to study hard and be good s__________. 107 岳Y 讲义 (2) We moved into our new house on a warm September day. It was not r___1___ a new house; it was a hundred and four hears old, but it was new to us. The house had running water, g___2___ and electricity, but for some reason there was no electric light in the kitchen. We had not noticed this shortage when we had f___3___ looked over the house. It was something quite unexpected: a house with electricity but without a kitchen light. It was especially puzzling because our kitchen was a large room, perhaps the l___4___ in the house. I telephoned for an electrician. He came and f___5___ it for us. And he charged 85 pounds for doing the job. 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ Unit 6 Different places 核心词汇 1. peaceful ['pi:sful] adj. 平静的 【词性转换】 peace [pi:s] n. 和平 It’s peaceful at home when the children are at school. 孩子们上学时,家里就安静了。 2. convenient [kən'vi:njənt] adj. 方便的 【词性转换】 convenience [kən'vi:njəns] n. 便利 【反义词】 inconvenient [.inkən'vi:njənt] adj. 不便的,有困难的 When would it be convenient for you to go? 你什么时候方便去, 3. neighbourhood ['neibəhud] n. 街区 【词性转换】 neighbour ['neibə] n. 邻居 4. bottom ['bɔtəm] n. 底部 【反义词】 top [tɔp] n. 顶部 Some tea left at/in the bottom of your cup. 你杯底剩下一些茶。 5. steep [sti:p] adj. 陡的 【反义词】 gentle ['dʒentl] adj. 暖和的 There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 城外的公路有一段陡坡。 6. step [step] n. 台阶 There are two steps up onto the bus. 上公共汽车有两级踏板。 7. noisy ['nɔizi] adj. 吵闹的;嘈杂的 【词性转换】 noise [nɔiz] n. 噪音 noisily ['nɔizili] adv. 吵闹地;嘈杂地 【反义词】quiet ['kwaiət] adj. 安静的;宁静的 Shanghai is sometimes a really noisy city. 上海有时候真的是一个嘈杂的城市。 8. exciting [ik'saitiŋ] adj. 令人激动的;令人兴奋的 【词性转换】 excite [ik'sait] v. 使激动;使兴奋 excited [ik'saitid] adj. 激动的;兴奋的 excitement [ik'saitmənt] n. 激动;兴奋 【反义词】 boring ['bɔ:riŋ] adj. 令人厌烦的 We are watching an exciting football match. 我们正在看一场激动人心的足球比赛。 9. pleasant ['plezənt] adj. 令人愉快的 【反义词】 unpleasant [ʌn'pleznt] adj. 使人不愉快的;讨厌的 【近义词】 enjoyable [in'dʒɔiəb(ə)l] adj. 令人愉快的 108 岳Y 讲义 【词性转换】 please [pli:z] v. 使高兴 pleased [pli:zd] adj. 高兴的;愉快的 pleasure ['pleʒə] n. 高兴;愉快 We spent a pleasant day in the country. 我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。 10. relaxing [ri'læksiŋ] adj. 令人放松的 It’s very relaxing to lie down on the beach in summer. 夏日里,躺在沙滩上真是很让人放松。 11. financial [fai'nænʃəl] adj. 金融的;财政的 【词性转换】 finance [fai'næns] n. 金融;财政 New York is a great financial centre. 纽约市一个重要的金融中心。 12. church [tʃə:tʃ] n. 教堂 Is there a church nearby? 附近有教堂吗, 13. statue ['stætju:] n. 雕塑;雕像 The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbour. 自由女神像耸立在纽约港。 14. kindergarten ['kində.gɑ:tn] n. 幼儿园 Take your children to the kindergarten. 送你的孩子去幼儿园。 15. fountain ['fauntin] n. 喷泉 A beautiful stone fountain is standing in the middle of the garden. 花园中央立着一个漂亮的石头喷水池。 Unit 6 Different places 语法点讲解 1. 句型“It takes + 时间”表示“做某事花了多长时间”。通常还可以用“It takes + sb. + 时间 + to do sth.”的句型。 It takes five hours to travel from Shanghai to Nanchang by train. 从上海至南昌坐火车需五小时。 【注意】 句中谓语动词take要根据上下文来确定其时态。另外,句型It takes sb. some time to do sth.可以和sb. spends some time (in) doing sth.这个句型互相转换。 【活学活用】 按要求改写句子 1. It took him about half an hour to cook this dish. (就划线部分提问) ________ __________ did it take him to cook this dish? 2. It will take him about two hours to finish this work. (保持句意不变) He _________ ________ about two hours __________ this work. 3. She spends an hour practicing singing every morning. (保持句意不变) It __________ her an hour _________ __________ singing every morning. 2. 句型“It is + 形容词 + to do sth.”表示“做……事情是……样的”。 It is difficult to learn French. 法语是很难学的。 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. It is _______ to collect stamps. A. interested B. interest C. interesting D. interests 2. It is dangerous _______ the street when the red light is on. A. cross B. to cross C. crossing D. across 3. It is ________ and _______ get there by underground. A. quick…conveniently B. quickly…convenient C. quickly…conveniently D. quick…convenient 109 岳Y 讲义 3. 表示乘坐交通工具有两种说法:take + 冠词 + 交通工具。两种用法可以相互转换。 I took a bus to go to my uncle’s. 我乘公交车去叔叔家。 上句可以改写为: I went to my uncle’s by bus. 4. some, any, a lot of和much都属于不定代词。 some和any都表示“一些”,它们的共同点是:可修饰或代替可数名词或不可数名词。其不同点是: some多用于肯定句,而any多用于否定句、一般疑问句及条件状语从句中。 【注意】 当some用于一般疑问句中,表示想要得到对方肯定的答复。如: Would you like some tea? 你想喝些茶吗, 而any也可以用与陈述句中表示“任何一个”。如: Shanghai is larger than any city in Japan. 上海比日本的任何一个城市都要大。 5. when可引导时间状语从句,意为“当……时候”。在用when引导的时间状语从句中,主句和从句 的动作可以是同时发生的,也可以是先后的;从句中的动作可以是短暂的,也可以是持续的。 What were you doing when your teacher came into the classroom? 当老师进教室的时候,你们正在做什么, 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. Don’t laugh at people _______ they are in trouble. A. before B. when C. after D. until 2. The students were talking and laughing ________ Mr Smith went into the classroom. A. when B. if C. because D. that 6. because是用来引导原因状语从句的从属连词,意为“因为”,表达句子间的因果关系。 I turn on the air conditioner because the students feel very hot. 因为学生们感到很熟,所以我打开 了空调。 【注意】 because可以喝so作句型转换,但是两个词不可同时在一句话中出现。 以上例句可以改写为: The students feel very hot, so I turn on the air conditioner. 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. Jane is an adult(成人),_________ she knows what to do. A. because B. so C. but D. or 2. She did her homework carefully, _________ she was often praised by her teacher. A. because B. and C. but D. so 7. 现在进行时表示说话者此刻或现阶段正在进行的动作,由be动词(am, is, are)+ 现在分词(动 词-ing形式)构成。 现在进行时的基本用法如下: 表示此时此刻(说话者)正在进行的动作,We are planting trees with our teachers at the 常与时间状语now, at the moment等连用 moment. 我们此刻正和老师们在植树。 表示(说话者)在现阶段进行的活动,但未Mike is translating a book now. 迈克目前在翻 必发生在说话的当时 译一本书。 表示对较近的将来的打算、安排、意图等,We are leaving tomorrow. 我们明天离开。 多用于转移动词 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. Look! The twins ________ their grandmother do the housework. 110 岳Y 讲义 A. are wanting B. help C. are helping D. are looking 2. The boy ________ for his key now. A. looks B. is look C. is looking D. look Unit 6 Different places A卷 I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案) ( )1. It takes me _________ to get to the cinema. A. an hour and a half B. a hour and half C. one and half an hour D. an hour and a half hour ( )2. This dress is really nice. How much did you _________ it? A. ask for B. look for C. pay for D. find out ( )3. How _________ have you been to Mountain Tai? Twice. A. many B. often C. soon D. many times ( )4. My purse _________ leather. It feels soft and smooth. A. is made of B. is used for C. comes from D. makes ( )5. Eddie always has toothache _________ he eats too many sweets and chocolates. A. but B. because C. and D. before ( )6. My cousin enjoys _________ tennis because of the tennis star. A. to play B. play C. to playing D. playing ( )7. “Do you have to tell me _________?” Mother asked. A. something interesting B. interesting thing C. anything interesting D. interesting anything ( )8. I think Shanghai is _________ than Hong Kong. A. much beautiful B. a little beautiful C. much more beautiful D. a few beautiful II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式 填空) 1. Mickey’s ___________ (national) is American. 2. My grandfather is very old. He doesn’t like ___________ (noise) environment. 3. Mrs. Night is a lazy housewife, so her flat is always ____________. (tidy) 4. Dogs can help blind people walk ___________. (safe) 5. The SPCA _______________ (careful) for animals in many ways. III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. They have eaten pizza three times this month. (就划线部分提问) ___________ ___________ ___________ have they eaten pizza this month? 2. There are some umbrellas in the shop. (改为否定句) There ___________ ___________ umbrellas in the shop. 3. It took her three hours to get to the museum yesterday. (就划线部分提问) _____________ ___________ ___________ it take her to get to the museum yesterday? 4. We go shopping once a week. (就划线部分提问) _____________ ____________ do you go shopping? 5. I’m going to leave Shanghai this evening. (就划线部分提问) I’m ___________ Shanghai _____________ . IV. Reading 111 岳Y 讲义 (A) Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage. A Japanese writer once visited a space museum in New York. The museum was very famous. There were a ________ of interesting things there. In the center, there was a rock brought back from the moon ________ the astronaut of America. The writher stood in ________ of it for a long time, and touched it with his hand. He was excited. Then he ________ to himself. “I have touched the ________.” ( )1. A. lot B. lots C. deal D. many )2. A. with B. by C. by D. in ( ( )3. A. front B. back C. between D. middle ( )4. A. spoke B. told C. talked D. said ( )5. A. sun B. moon C. rock D. space U2 L3 Christmas Vocabulary I Christmas n. 圣诞节 Father Christmas[英]圣诞老人(=[美] Santa Clause) *discount n. (价格等)折扣 vt. 打折扣 try vt. 试;尝试;试用 try on 试穿 merry 快乐的;愉快的 Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 changing room 试衣室(=[英] fitting room) dollar n. 美元;元(加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰等国及香港等地区的货币单位,符号为$) per cent n. (=[美] percent;符号为 %)(单复数同) 百分之一 off ad. 减掉;扣掉 assistant n. 助手;助理 shop assistant 店员 customer n. 顾客 size n. (尺寸;体积;身材的)大小;(衣服,鞋,帽等的)尺码;号 size small 小号 medium a. 中间的;中等的;适中的 size medium 中号 fit (fit & fitted) vt. (使)合适;(衣服)合……的身 vi. (服装等)合身;合适 *give sb. a discount 给某人折扣 II *carol n. (圣诞)颂歌;赞美诗 part n. 部分;角色 trousers n. [复] 裤子 host n. 主人;东道主;(广播;电视等的)节目主持人 vt. 做……主人(主持人) *hostess n. 女主人;女东道主;(广播,电视等的)节目女主持人 and so on 等等 hang vt & vi 悬挂 go to bed 就寝;睡觉 112 岳Y 讲义 Key Phrases 1. 店员: shop assistant 2. 小号的圣诞老人装: a Father Christmas coat in a small size 3. 试一下: try on 4. 试衣间: the changing room ,(英): fitting room 5. 合适吗,: How does it fit? give sb. a discount 6. 给某人打个折: 7. 我给你打九折: I’ll let you have it at 10 percent off. I’ll give you a 10 percent discount. 8. 男主人和女主人: host and hostess 9. 等等(表列举结束): and so on 10. 写圣诞卡: write the Christmas Card ,唱圣诞歌: sing Christmas Carols 11. 圣诞老人通过烟囱来到房子里: Father Christmas gets into our house through the chimney 12. 圣诞快乐: Merry Christmas 13. 就寝;睡觉: go to bed 词性转换: 1. discount n. ,v. count 数 2. assistant n. ,v. assist 帮助 3. customer n. ,n. custom 习惯;风俗 4. host n. ,v. host 主持 4. hang(hung) v. ,a. hanging 悬挂的 基础练习 I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) ( )1.I was born __________ of April 2, 1990. A. on the night B. at night C. at the night D. on night ( )2.Why __________ go out for a trip during the long holiday? A. don't B. not C. not to D. do ( )3.A: Must I finish the project now? B: No, you __________. A. mustn't B. needn't C. haven't D. may not ( )4.Durians(榴莲) smell __________ but they taste __________. A. badly, wonderful B. wonderfully, bad C. bad, wonderful D. wonderfully, badly ( )5.A: __________ will you visit your grandparents? B: In a week. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far ( )6.__________ important air is to living things! A. What B. What an C. What a D. How ( )7.He does his homework by __________. A. himself B. herself C. him D. his ( )8.Tom is __________ than his brother. A. more healthy B. healthy C. healthier D. more healthier 113 岳Y 讲义 ( )9.There is little milk in the bottle, __________? A. is there B. isn't there C. aren't there D. are there ( )10.He __________ do the washing. A. doesn't need B. needn't to C. doesn't need to D. need to ( )11.Mrs Rowling has __________ daughter. A. a 11 year old B. an 11 years old C. a 11-year-old D. an 11-year-old ( )12.Julia comes from __________. A. Australia B. British C. Chinese D. Japanese ( )13.A:Ben,would you like to play football with us? B: __________, but I have to wash the dishes first. A. No, I can't B.I don't want to C. Yes, please D. I'd love to ( )14.A:when shall we go to the museum, this afternoon or tomorrow morning? B:___________ is OK. I'm free these days. A. Both B. All C. Either D. Neither ( )15.A:How far is it to the airport? 20 kilometers? B: No, it's ___________. About 30 kilometers. A. far B. farther C. the farther D. the farthest II. Choose the word or phrase to fill in the blank in its proper form.(用方框内所给词或词组的正确形式 填空). do Christmas shopping would like try on put on fit give sb. a discount assistant tradition 1. After the pair of shoes, my daughter decided to take it. 2. Ann, your sweater. It’s so cold outside. 3. I am busy at the moment. I’ll give one of the to look after you. 4. The American people are busy at Macy’s. 5. It is our custom to celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival. 6. The pocket computer is small enough to into your pocket. 7. We if you make a large order. 8. We to hold the meeting at an early date. potato candy mask stocking chimney mooncake rice dumpling trukey 1. Some young people think since they can easily contact their parents and eat anytime they want, there is no need to celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival. 2. Christmas dinner was fancy. My parents prepared , smoked ham, salmon and so on. 3. Jimmy wore a colorful costume, a very funny and carried a lovely Jack-o’ lantern filled with green fire. 4. Mark carried a large bag from house to house to collect . Then the grown-ups came out and put treat in his bag. 5. We can eat and go to see the boat races. 6. When I woke up in the morning, I found a present in the . 7. I had a steak and baked for dinner. 8. In large cities, people breathe in dangerous gases from cars and . III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. (用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. His job is to __________ an English Corner.(organization) 2. She is one of the best __________ in her class.(run) 114 岳Y 讲义 3. The fish smelt __________ than anything else. (bad) 4. This is my __________ visit to America.(twelve) 5. Alice and Jane want to be __________ of China Eastern Airlines.(host) 6. It won't make much __________ whether you go today or tomorrow.(different) 7. "Please make __________ at home, children!" Kate's mother said to us.(you) III. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空格限填一词) 1. He has to go there on foot every morning.(改为否定句) He _______ _______ to go there on foot every morning. 2. Tom's father visited Japan last month.(对划线部分提问) ______ did Tom's father _______ last month? 3. He read the book.(改为一般疑问句) _______ he _______ the book? 4. They were excited to take part in the Christmas party with international students.(改为感叹句) _______ _______ they were to take part in the Christmas Party with international students! Unit 7 Signs around us 一. 核心词汇: 1. hike [haik] v. 去……远足;做徒步旅行 The boy hikes out to the forest. 这个男孩步行去森林。 2. direction [di'rekʃən] n. 方向;方位 【记忆】 in all directions 四面八方;各方面 in the direction of 朝……方向 In which direction are you going, north or south? 你准备往哪个方向走,向北还是向南, 3. warning ['wɔ:niŋ] adj. 警告;警示 【词性转换】 warn [wɔ:n] v. 警告;警示 Because of her warning. I was careful. 由于她的提醒,我很小心 4. instruction [in'strʌkʃən] adj. 说明用法的;操作指南的 【记忆】 ask for instruction 请示 Read the instructions on the bag. 看一下袋子上的说明。 5. silence ['sailəns] n. 寂静;无声 【词性转换】 silent ['sailənt] adj. 寂静的;沉默的 silently ['sailəntli] adv. 寂静地;无声地 Jane first broke the silence. 简首先打破沉默。 6. useful ['ju:sful] adj. 有用;实用的;有帮助的 【反义词】 useless ['ju:slis] adj. 无用的;无效的;无价值的 She gave us some useful information. 她给了我们一些有用的信息。 7. camp [kæmp] v. 宿营;露营 【词性转换】 camper ['kæmpə] n. 野营者;露营者 campsite [kæmp'sait] n. 营地 Where shall we camp tonight? 我们今晚在哪里宿营, 8. go camping 去露营 The boys have decided to go camping next week. 男孩子们已经决定下周去露营。 9. player ['pleiə] n. 游戏者;参赛选手 【词性转换】 play [plei] v. 玩;游戏 It’s not fair to kick another player in a football match. 足球比赛中不允许踢别的球员。 115 岳Y 讲义 10. dice [dais] n. 骰子 One of the dice has rolled under the table. 有一粒骰子滚到桌子下面去了。 11. roll [rəul] v. (使)翻滚;滚动 The coin rolled under the bed. 硬币滚到床底下去了。 12. take turns 依次;轮流 Let’s take turns to do it. 让我们轮流来做吧。 13. land [lænd] v. 落;降落 【反义词】 take off 起飞 The pilot landed the helicopter in a field. 飞行员将直升机降落在一片稻田里。 14. miss [mis] v. 错过 He missed the chance of winning a gold medal because of his illness. 他因为生病而失去了赢得金牌的机会。 15. luck [lʌk] n. 运气 【词性转换】 lucky ['lʌki] adj. 幸运的 luckily ['lʌkili] adv. 幸运地 unlucky [ʌn'lʌki] adj. 不幸的 unluckily [ʌn'lʌkili] adv. 不幸地 Good luck to you! 祝你成功~ 语法点讲解 1. 情态动词有一定的词义,没有人称和数的变化。本单元中出现了两个情态动词:can和must。 表达含义 例句 表示能力 We can swim across the river. 我们能游过这条河。 I can ride a bicycle. 我会骑自行车。 can 表示许可 You can (= may) to out now. 你现在可以出去了。 You can (= may) have a rest for five minutes. 你们可以休息五分钟。 用于条件句中 If you work hard, you can pass the exam. 如果你努力学习,你就能通过考试。 If you need a camera, you can use mine. 如果你需要照相机,可以用我的。 表达含义 例句 表示推测,通常用否定式 He has gone to London, so he can’t be in Shanghai now. 他去 了伦敦,因此他现在不可能在上海。 must Her bag is black. This brown one can’t be hers. 她的包是黑 色的。这个褐色的包不可能是她的。 表示必要或很重要 We must walk on the pavement. 我们必须走在人行道上。 We must obey the rules. 我们必须遵守规则。 must not意为“不应该”;“不We must not throw the rubbish everywhere. 我们不应该乱 许”needn’t可作must的否定回扔垃圾。 答 — Must I return the book now? 我必须现在还书吗, must not — No, you needn’t. 不,你不必。 表示猜测 The light is on in her office. She must be in the office. 她办 公室里的灯亮着。想必她还在那里。 Look at their uniforms. They must be students in that school. 看他们的校服,他们肯定是那个学校的学生。 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 116 岳Y 讲义 1. We ___________ cross the street when there is a red light. A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t 2. Look! Here’s a rubbish bin! We ________ throw rubbish here. A. mustn’t B. can C. can’t D. need 2. 本单元出现了turn作名词的用法,意为“(依次轮到的)机会”,词组take turns意为“轮流”。 The students take turns to answer the questions. 学生们轮流回答问题。 His grandma was ill. His father and mother took turns to look after her. 他奶奶病了。他父母轮流照顾 他奶奶。 turn也可以作动词,可搭配成许多词组。例如:turn on(打开),turn off(关掉),turn up(调高 音量),turn down (调低音量),turn into(变成),turn left/right(向左/向右转)等。 The baby is sleeping. Can you turn down the TV? 宝宝在睡觉。你能把电视机的音量调低一点吗, Get down this street and then turn right. 顺着这条路走,然后右转。 3. land既可以作名词,也可以作动词。本单元中的land作动词,意为“落;降落”。 Finally, the plane landed safely. 最终,飞机安全着陆。 The helicopter landed on the top of the building. 直升飞机降落在大楼顶上。 4. 句型“what kind of + 名词”表示询问事物的种类、其中的名词可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数 名词。 What kind of people would you like to make friends with? 你想和什么样的人叫朋友, What kind of food would you like to have for dinner? 晚饭你想吃什么, 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 1. __________ magazine do you like to read? A. What kind B. What kind of C. Which D. What 2. What __________ of chocolate would you buy? A. taste B. flavour C. kinds D. kind A卷 I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案) ( ) 1. This sign means: We _________ turn left here. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t ( ) 2. We have rules _________ the library. A. at B. on C. in D. of ( ) 3. _________ tell us how to go to a certain place. A. Directions B. Warnings C. Information D. Instructions ( ) 4. This sign tells us __________ our cars here. A. park B. to park C. parks D. parking ( ) 5. We’d better not eat ________ drink __________ the underground. A. or…on B. and…on C. or…in D. and…in ( ) 6. Don’t forget to ________ all the lights before you leave the classroom. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down ( ) 7. —— What does this sign mean? —— It means “__________”. A. No smoke B. No smokes C. No smoking D. Not smoking 117 岳Y 讲义 ( ) 8. We must keep our reading room _________. A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning D. to clean II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式 填空) 1. We must not leave rubbish here. This is a _______ (warn) sign. 2. We need four __________ (play) to play this game together. 3. Thank you for your __________ (use) information. 4. Would you like to go __________ (camp) with us? 5. I’m afraid you took the wrong __________ (direct). III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. This sign tells us to turn left. (改为否定句) This sign _________ ________ us to turn left. 2. We have rules on the road. (就划线部分提问) __________ __________ we have rules? 3. We can see this sign in a swimming pool. (就划线部分提问) ________ _________ we ________ this sign? 4. Stay in the shelter, please. (改为否定句) __________ __________ in the shelter. 5. It’ll take you half an hour to get to the hospital. (就划线部分提问) ________ __________ ________ it take you to get to the hospital? IV. Reading (A) In the UK, every year several thousand people are killed or wounded(受伤)in traffic accidents. There are rules to make the traffic safe, but people do not always obey the rules. They are careless. If everybody obeys the rules, there will be much fewer traffic accidents. What shall we do then? Remember this rule: In the UK, traffic keeps to the left. Cars, buses and bikes must obey this rule. In most other countries traffic keeps to the right. Before you go across the road, stop and look both ways. Look to the right, left, and right again. If you are sure that the road is clear, it is time to go across the road. If you see children, old people, or blind(瞎 的)men, please offer your help. It is kind to help them. ( ) 1. We have rules _________. A. to save lives B. to make the cars and buses move C. to make the traffic safe D. to make the bicycle go on the left ( ) 2. In the UK, _____________. A. people are always careless B. there are fewer traffic accidents C. cars and buses go on the right D. traffic keeps to the left ( ) 3. Before you go across the road in the UK, you should ____________. A. look to the left, right and left again B. stop and look to the right C. stop and look to the left D. look to the right, left, and right again ( ) 4. The word “offer” in paragraph 4 means “_________”. A. to take B. to give C. to help D. to ask ( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Several thousand people are killed or wounded in traffic accidents every day in the world. B. People do not always obey the rules because they are careful. C. Go across the road only when you are sure it is clear. 118 岳Y 讲义 D. Children can play in the street when they are with their parents. ( ) 6. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage. A. We should always give young children a good example. B. Thousands of people are killed in accidents each month in the UK. C. It is good to help the young and the old. D. In some countries traffic keeps to the right. U3 L1 Planning for a Holiday Vocabulary I summer holidays [英]暑假(=[美]summer vacation) study trip 学习旅游 leave for 出发去某地;前往 weekday n. (指星期日或星期日和星期六以外的)工作日 attend vt. 出席;参加 attend a class 上课 *package n. 包裹;小包 tour n.; vt& vi 旅游;观光 *package tour (由旅行社等安排好一切的)包价旅游;一揽子旅游 mine pron. (I的物主代词绝对形式)我的(所有物);属于我的(东西) yours pron. (you的物主代词绝对形式)你(你们)的(所有物);属于你(你们)的(东西) on weekdays 在工作日 at weekends 在周末 II sightseeing bus 旅游车(=tour bus) cost (cost) vt. 价值为;(使)花费(金钱;时间等) n. 价钱;费用 *RMB abbr. (=Renminbi) 人民币 ours pron. (we的物主代词绝对形式)我们的(所有物);属于我们的(东西) his pron. (he的物主代词绝对形式)他的(所有物);属于他的(东西) theirs pron. (they的物主代词绝对形式)他们的(所有物);属于他们的(东西) hers pron. (she的物主代词绝对形式)她的(所有物);属于她的(东西) its pron. (it的物主代词绝对形式)它的(所有物);属于它的(东西) camping trip 野营 Japan n. 日本 famous a. 著名的;有名的 *historical a.历史的;历史上的 *place of historical interest 名胜古迹 Key Phrases 1. 暑假(英): summer holidays (美): summer vacation ,暑假计划: plans for the summer holidays 2. 游学;学习旅游: study trip ,参加游学: go on a study trip 3. 出发去某地: leave for sp. 4. 上课: attend a class 5. 在伦敦观光: sightseeing around London ,旅游车/观光车: sightseeing bus/ tour bus 119 岳Y 讲义 6. 回到某地: return to sp./ go back to sp. 7. 在工作日: on weekdays 在周末: at weekends 8. 我的一个朋友: a friend of mine ,Tom的一个亲戚: a relative of Tom’s 9. 在英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖: win first prize in the English Speaking Contest 10. 你的假期会持续多久,: How long will your trip last? 11. 祝你假期愉快: have a nice holiday camping trip 12. 野营: 13. 人民广场: People’s Square 14. 交更多国际朋友: make more international friends 15. 一早出发: set out early in the morning 16. 伦敦塔桥: Tower Bridge ,伦敦塔: Tower of London 17. 观看白金汉宫卫队换岗: watch the changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace 18. 大英博物馆: British Museum 19. 蜡像馆: waxwork museum 20. 带某人参观某地: show sb. around sp. 词性转换: 1. package n. ,v. pack 打包 2. tour n. ,n. tourist 游客 3. Japan n. ,a. Japanese 日本的 4. historical a. ,n. history 历史 基础练习 I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) ( )1. _______of Dan and Billy is cute. A. Both B. All C. Neither D. None ( )2. Angela's uncle will buy______ a pocket calculator. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself ( )3. Mike lost _______new watch while he was playing volleyball at school. A. his B. he C. him D. himself ( )4. Let Tony do it by ______. He is no longer a kid. A. him B. his C. himself D. he ( )5. Merry Christmas, George ! Here is a card for______, with_______ best wishes. A. you, our B. us, your C. you, your D. us,our ( )6. When Yang Liwei came back from space, many reporters interviewed ______and got some first-hand information. A. he B. him C. his D. himself ( )7. The two fishermen saw______ in the sky while they were fishing by a river. A. something strange B. anything strange C. strange something D. strange anything ( )8. There aren't many oranges here, but you can take _______if you want to. A. few B. a few C. a little D. little ( )9. There are twenty teachers in this grade. Eight of them are women teachers and ______are men 120 岳Y 讲义 teachers. A. the other B. the others C. others D. other ( )10. I didn't like the cross talk. _______of the actors was funny. A. Both B. All C. Neither D. Either ( )11. ______of us has read the story. A. Some B. Both C. All D. None ( )12. Students are usually interested in sports. Some like running, some like swimming, ______like ball games. A. the others B. others C. the other D. other ( )13. There are many high-rises on ______side of Huaihai Road. What a view! A. either B. neither C. both D. all ( )14. Shanghai Waihuan Tunnel is already open to traffic, so it will take us ______time to go to Pudong International Airport. A. a few B. fewer C. a little D. less ( )15. Not long ago, our country sent up a rocket with two small satellites into space. One weighed 204 kilos and _____25 kilos. A. another B. other C. others D. the other II. Choose the phrase in the box and fill the blanks in its proper form have a farewell party place of historical interest travel by the day after tomorrow go on a package tour leave for 1. Linda is interested in______ in Beijing. 2. The Wangs______ to Macao with some relatives sometime next week. 3. He ______Tokyo at 8:30 tomorrow morning, isn't he? 4. ----What's the date,_______, ----It's Oct. 10. 5. Jack______ plane, didn't he? 6. ----What are they doing now? ----They ______for their foreign teacher. III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms 1. ______college is a dream for the students in the mountains. (attendant) 2. I'd like to know the price of the_____ tour to Tokyo by ship. (pack) 3. ______plays an important part in Shanghai's economy. (tour) 4. The magician Liu Qian was three years ago, but now everybody is talking about him. (know) 5. My grandpa wants to see places of ______interest in China. (history) 6. He was ______at the news. (excite) 7. We also went to Hyde Park to see the______ Corner. (speak) IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required 1. Julia has a lot of interesting books in her study.(改为否定句) Julia______ ______ interesting books in her study. 2. They will return on September 3rd . ( 保持原意) rdThey will____________ on September 3. 3. What did you think of your package tour to Beijing?(保持原意) ____________your package tour to Beijing? 121 岳Y 讲义 4. We visited the British Museum yesterday afternoon. (划线部分提问) ______ ______you visit yesterday afternoon? 5. We were thankful to him for his help.(对划线部分提问) ______ ______ you thankful to him? Unit 8 Growing healthy, growing strong 1. neither ['naiðə, 'ni:ðə] adv. 也不 【提示】 neither的用法小结如下: 1) neither作为副词表示“也不”,常用于倒装句的开头,紧跟在一个否定句后面。如: —— John can’t swim. 约翰不会游泳。 —— Neither can I. 我也不会。 2)neither用作形容词,表示“(两者)都不”,置于单数名词之前。如: Neither watch is made in China. 这两只手表都不是产自中国。 3)neither用作代词,表示“两者都不;双方均不”。如: He answered neither of the letters. 两封信他都没有回。 4)neither用作连词,常用短语为“neither...nor...,表示既不……也不……”。如; Neither he nor I am well educated. 我和他都没有受过良好的教育。 2. DVD ['di:'vi:'di:] n. 数字影碟 I would recommend that you buy a DVD player instead of a VCR. 我建议你买一台DVD机而不是录像机。 3. cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] n. 动画片;卡通片 【词性转换】 cartoonist [kɑ:'tu:nist] n. 漫画家 This is one of the most vivid cartoons I have ever seen. 这是我所见过的最生动的漫画之一。 4. war [wɔ:] n. 战争 【近义词】 battle ['bætl] n. 战斗 【反义词】 peace [pi:s] n. 和平 We have had two world wars last century. 上世纪我们已经经历了两次世界大战。 5. outing n. (集体)出外游玩;远足 【记忆】 go on an outing 外出游玩 The students of Class 7B will go on an outing to the zoo. 七年级二班的同学将要到动物园去游玩。 6. sheet [ʃi:t] n. 一张(纸) She wrote her name and address on a sheet of paper. 她把名字和地址写在一张纸上。 7. regularly ['regjʊləli] adv. 有规律地;正常地 【反义词】 irregularly [i'regjuləli] adv. 不规则地 【词性转换】 regular ['regjulə] adj. 规则的;有规律的 irregular [i'regjulə] adj. 不规则的;无规律的 Take the medicine regularly three times a day. 一天三次定期服药。 8. at least 至少 You should read the text at least 120 words per minute. 你至少应以120个单词每分钟的速度阅 读课文。 9. last [lɑ:st] adj. 上一个的 【提示】 last表示“上一个的”意思时,主要和名词连用,使用时应注意以下方面: 1)last night(昨晚),last week(month)【上星期(月)】,last year(去年) 2)表示“最近过去的;紧接前面的”。如: 122 岳Y 讲义 He’s lived here for the last few years. 近几年他一直住在这儿。 3)last month指“上个月”,时态用过去式。如: He came here last month. 他上个月来过这里。 10. crisp [krisp] n. 炸薯片 Peter enjoys eating crisps as snacks. 彼得喜欢拿薯片当零食。 11. lemonade [lemə'neid] n. 柠檬汽水 Will you have tea, coffee or lemonade? 你喝茶、咖啡还是汽水, 12. bar [bɑ:] n. 条;块 Here is a bar of soap. 这儿有一块肥皂。 13. used to v. 过去常常 【提示】 used to表示“过去常常”,言外之意是现在已不存在这种习惯,后面跟动词原形。如: We used to go there every year. 我们过去每年都去那儿。 used to的否定式有两种:usedn’t to或didn’t use to。如: I usedn’t to make up. 我以前不化妆。 I didn’t use to make up. 14. not...any longer 不再 They don’t live here any longer. 他们已不再住在这里。 语法点讲解 1. “So + be动词/助动词/情态动词 + somebody.”表示“某人也是某种情况”;“Neither + be动词/助动 词/情态动词 + somebody.”表示“某人也不是(某种情况)”。前者用于对肯定句的回应,后者 用于对否定句的回应。如: —— I’m interested in collecting stamps. 我对集邮感兴趣。 —— So am I. 我也是。 —— I am not pleased with my studies. 我对自己的学业不满意。 —— Neither am I. 我也不满意。 【注意】 so/neither所引导倒装句中的be动词、助动词或情态动词必须和前句的保持一致,且 倒装句中的人称而相应变化。另外,由于neither已表示了否定的意思,因此在其引导 的倒装句中,be动词、助动词或情态动词不必再用否定形式。 【活学活用】 完成下列句子 1. —— Tom will visit Thailand next month. —— _________ ________ I. 2. —— He didn’t finish his homework yesterday. —— __________ _______ I. 3. —— I have already had my dinner. —— _________ _______ he. 4. —— My father can swim across this river. —— ________ ________ my mother. 2. 本单元中出现了用“Shall we...?”和“Let’s...”提建议的句子。Shall we和Let’s后直接加动词原形。 Shall we practice singing now? 我们现在联系唱歌好吗, Let’s play games together~ 我们一起做游戏吧~ 另外,表示提建议的句型还有: Why not...?/Why don’t you...? How/What about...? 123 岳Y 讲义 If you are tired, why not have a rest? 如果你累了,为什么不休息一会儿呢, Why don’t you do your homework first? 你为什么不先做作业呢, How about/What about visiting France in summer holiday? 暑假去法国游玩好吗, 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 1. Let’s not _________ time! A. waste B. to waste C. wasting D. to wasting 2. What about _________ a picnic in the park? A. have B. to have C. having D. has 3. Shall we _________ with our teacher? A. to talk B. talk C. talking D. to talking 4. Why __________ the crisps with us? A. don’t share B. not share C. not to share D. to share 3. 在本单元中,if引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”。 What should I do if I want to catch the train? 要想赶上火车的话,我应该怎么做, He must work hard if he wants to pass the exam. 如果想通过考试,他必须努力学习。 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 1. I didn’t see her here this evening. __________ she comes, I will tell you. A. How B. That C. If D. Then 2. —— Our holiday cost a lot of money. —— Did it? Well, it doesn’t matter ________ you enjoyed yourself. A. if B. unless C. when D. or 4. 数量词即数词和量词,用以表示一个确定的量。本单元中出现了很多量词,如:packet, glass, box, bottle, bar 等。可数名词可以直接用数词来表示,而当使用量词来表示时,量词和名词都可用复数形式:不 可数名词使 用量词来表述时,只有量词可使用复数形式。 My mum bought two bags of vegetables for dinner tonight. 妈妈为今天的晚饭买了两袋蔬菜。 【活学活用】 中译英 1. 一听番茄酱 ___________________ 2. 三片面包 ___________________ 3. 两袋桔子 ___________________ 5. less是little的比较级形式,意为“较少”,但用于修饰不可数名词;fewer是few的比较级形式, 也意为“较少”,但用于修饰可数名词;more是many和much的比较级形式,意为“较 多”,既可以修饰可数名词又可 以修饰不可数名词。 【活学活用】 根据中文译句完成句子 1. I have decided to watch __________ television. 我已经决定少看电视。 2. Try to eat ________ sweets to protect your teeth. 尽量少吃糖果来保护你的牙齿。 3. I want to get _________ information. 我想要得到更多信息。 124 岳Y 讲义 6. used to后面跟动词原形,意为“过去常常”,言外之意是现在该情况已不存在。 【注意】 used to容易与be used to混淆。be used to后面跟名词或动名词,意为“习惯于”。 He used to brush his teeth after breakfast. 过去他常常在早餐后刷牙。 Now he is used to Chinese food. 现在他习惯了吃中餐。 【活学活用】 选出正确的答案 1. He used _______ books in the morning. A. read B. to read C. reading D. to reading 2. Did he use to _______ after dinner? A. smoke B. smoking C. smoked D. smokes 3. He __________ going to bed early in the evening. A. used to B. is used to C .uses to D. used 7. 本单元出现的结构not...any longer,意为“不再……”,在句子中起强调作用,可与no longer替换。 【注意】 any longer通常置于句末,而no longer则一般位于句中。 I will not throw rubbish on the floor any longer. 我不会再把垃圾扔在地上了。 【活学活用】 按要求改句子。 He is no longer a student. (保持句意不变) He isn’t a student __________ __________. A卷 I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案) ( ) 1. There is ____________ rain in the west than in the east. A. little B. few C. less D. fewer ( ) 2. Did she __________ watch TV when she was having dinner? A. used to B. use to C. be used to D. was used to ( ) 3. Why ____________ chess instead of playing cards? A. don’t play B. not play C. playing D. not playing ( ) 4. Shall we go to have a picnic this Sunday morning? A. I want to. B. Yes, please. C. No, thanks. D. That’s a good idea! ( ) 5. —— My sister isn’t interested in playing tennis. —— ____________. A. So do I. B. So am I. C. Neither do I. D. Neither am I. ( ) 6. I don’t want to keep bad habits ____________. A. any longer B. no longer C. not any longer D. not no longer ( ) 7. I used to drink ___________ soft drinks, but now I want to drink ____________. A. too many...few B. too much...fewer C. too many...fewer D. too much...less ( ) 8. —— How much did it cost? —— It _________ me 100 yuan. A. cost B. costs C. costed D. will cost II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式 填空) 1. I’m glad to know that he is still in good _____________ (healthy). 2. If you want to be good at English, you should practice ____________ (regular). 3. I haven’t seen my cousin for many years. He is no ____________ (long) a child. 125 岳Y 讲义 4. If we are careful enough, there will be ____________ (few) car accidents. 5. I’m still hungry. I want to eat ____________ (much) rice. III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. We are going to visit the Great Wall this Sunday. (就划线部分提问) ____________ are you going to ___________ this Sunday? 2. I met my good friend at the airport yesterday. (就划线部分提问) ____________ and ____________ did you meet your good friend? 3. I always spent all my pocket money in the past. (保持句意不变) I __________ ___________ spend all my pocket money. 4. I used to eat too many sweets. (改为否定句) I __________ ___________ ____________ eat too many sweets. 5. Susan will no longer stay in that hotel. (保持句意不变) Susan _____________ stay in that hotel ___________ ______________. IV. Reading (B) It is true that we need some forms of recreation(娱乐). If we are going to keep healthy and enjoy life, we can’t work all the time. Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular way is to take part in sports. There are team sports, such as basketball and football. There are individual(个人的)sports, such as running and swimming. Fishing, skiing and hiking are also popular sports. But not everyone likes to take part in sports. Many people prefer watching or listening. When there is an important boxing(拳击)match on, it is almost impossible to get tickets to see it live(现场直播). Chess, card playing and dancing are other forms of indoor recreation enjoyed by many people. It’s important for everyone to relax from time to time and enjoy some forms of recreation. 1. People can relax themselves in different ways, can’t they? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Please name one kind of team sports. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which sport can you have if you are alone, football, baseball or swimming? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Is it easy to get tickets to see it live when there is an important boxing match on? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why does everybody need to relax sometimes? ______________________________________________________________________________________ U3 L2 Booking a Package Tour to Beijing Vocabulary I book vt. 预订(票;座位等) agency n. 代理处 travel agency 旅行社 agent n. 代理人;代理商 tourist n. 游客;旅行者 a. 旅行的;观光的 *departure n. 出发 *departure date 出发日期 *admission n. 准许进入;入场券 126 岳Y 讲义 ticket n. 票;券 *admission ticket 入场券;门票 palace n. 宫;宫殿 Palace Museum (北京)故宫博物院 a four-day trip 四日游 include vt. 包括;包含 hotel n. 旅馆;宾馆;饭店 three-star hotel 三星级宾馆 II arrive vi. 到达 lake n. 湖;湖泊 far a. & ad. 远(的) ancient a.古代的;古老的 history n. 历史 exactly ad. 精确地;正是如此 Key Phrases 1. 预定一个旅程: book a tour ,包办旅行: package tour 2. 核对信息: check information 3. 旅行社: travel agency ,旅行代理人: travel agent 4. 出发日期: departure date admission ticket ,不包括门票: do not include admission ticket 5. 入场券;门票: 6. (北京)故宫博物院: the Palace Museum 7. 四日游: a four-day trip 8. 等一下: hold on 9. 三星级宾馆: three-star hotel 10. 非常开心你能加入我们: very glad to have you join us ,邀请或叫某人做某事: have sb. do sth. 11. 旅游指南: tourist guide 12. 交通方式: means of transport 13. 名胜古迹: place of historical interest 14. 某物占地面积达2000平米: sth. has an area of 2,000 square metres 15. 盼望做某事: look forward to doing sth. 16. 很好玩: it is great fun. 17. 我认为(打赌)你肯定在那学到了很多中国历史: I bet you learned a lot about Chinese history there. 18. 完全正确;正是如此: exactly ~ 词性转换: 1. agency n. ,n. agent 代理人 2. tourist n. ,n. tour 旅行 3. departure n. ,v. depart 出发;离开 4. admission n. ,v. admit 承认 5. include v. ,prep. Including 包含;包括 6. arrive v. , n. arrival 到达 7. far a., a. farther距离上更远的,a. further 程度上更近一步 127 岳Y 讲义 8. history n. ,a. historical 历史的 9. exactly ad. ,a. exact 精确的;准确的 基础练习 I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) ( )1. Flight MU898______ ten minutes in advance. A. arrived B. reached C. got to D. arrived in ( )2. The tower is about ______high. A. forty-five-meters B. forty-five-meter C. fourty-five-meter D. forty-five meters ( )3. ----Was anyone killed in the flood? ----Yes. It is reported that lost their lives and many more became homeless. A. hundred of people B. two hundreds of people C. several hundreds people D. hundreds of people ( )4. There is only milk in the bottle. Would you give me______? A. little, some B. a little, some C. little, any D. a little, any ( )5. Yesterday 8-year-old boy fell into the river. Luckily, was saved. A. an, his B. an, he C. a, his D. a, he ( )6. Time isn't enough for me. Can you give me_______ ? A. two another minutes B. more two minutes C. another minutes two D. another two minutes ( )7. Not only the students but also the teacher every morning. A. is running B. are running C. runs D. run ( )8. What he said sounds_______ . A. excited B. interested C. well D. helpful ( )9. They _______the office at nine yesterday evening. A. went B. got to C. reached to D. arrive ( )10. I was tired,______ I want to do some reading. A. so B. and C. but D. so that II. Choose the word or phrase to fill in the blank in its proper form.(用方框内所给词或词组的正确形式 填空). cost arrive include go on a camping trip take a package tour 1. I want to India. 2. What about ? 3. The pair of glasses bought in Italy me RMB 2,000. 4. The expense is 5,400 yuan in all, with the admission ticket . 5. The Browns in Shanghai in a week. Palace Museum Tian’anmen Square Tower of London Summer Palace Great Wall Buckingham Palace Tower Bridge 1. The Queen of England lives in the . 2. The served to keep the enemies out of China. 3. The five-star red flag first rose over . 4. The consists of two main parts----The Outer Court and the Inner Court. 128 岳Y 讲义 5. The , which used to be a royal garden, is my favourite park. 6. We see across the river. 7. As I mentioned, the used to be a prison. III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. (用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. Let’s look at the guide and decide the route. (tour) 2. I am looking forward to the Corner in Hyde Park. (speak) 3. The of the town dates back to the Middle Age. (historical) in the faraway city. (interest) 4. His introduction made me 5. A news will be set up in this area. (agent) 6. He is considered the best artist of this century. (Britain) 7. Anna isn’t ready to go any . (far) 8. I dream of making a round-the-world in the near future. (tourist) IV. Rewrite the sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. I went to Nanjing by coach. (保持原句意思基本不变) I a coach Nanjing. 2. We're leaving on the 10th of July. ( 对划线部分提问) you leaving? 3. It includes travel, meals, and three-star hotel.(对划线部分提问) it include? 4. This watch is mine.(对划线部分提问) is this? 5. The trip sounds interesting. (保持原句意思基本不变) It sounds interesting trip. 6. She spent 400 yuan on the skirt. (保持原句意思基本不变) The skirt 400 yuan. Unit 9 International Food Festival 一. 核心词汇: 1. homeless ['həʊmlis] adj. 无家的 【提示】 有不少名词可以通过加后缀-less的方式构成意思相反的形容词。如: home(家)+ less ? homeless(无家可归的) use(用处)+ less ? useless(无用的) care(小心;在意)+ less ? careless(粗心的;不仔细的) help(帮助)+ less ? helpless(无助的) SPCA always takes care of the homeless animals. 爱护动物协会总是照顾那些无家可归的小动物。 2. pie [pai] n. 果馅饼 Help yourself to this apple pie. 请吃点苹果馅饼。 3. raisin ['reizn] n. 葡萄干 Mother put some raisins in the cake. 母亲在蛋糕里放了一些葡萄干。 4. scone [skɔn, skəun] n. 烤饼;司康饼 I love hot buttered scones! 我喜欢吃涂黄油的热烤饼~ 129 岳Y 讲义 5. Thai ['tai] adj. 泰国的 【词性转换】 Thailand ['tailænd] n. 泰国 I’ve tried the Thai food. 我已经品尝过泰国食品了。 6. of course 当然 【提示】 of course在口语中失分常用,主要用法有以下几种: 1)表示“当然;自然”。如: He was late again, of course. 自然他又迟到了。 Of course, I’ll help you. 我当然会帮你。 2)通常在对话中用作回答。如: —— Are you coming with us? 你和我们一起去吗, —— Of course. 当然啦。 3)有时与not连用,如: —— Were you glad to leave? 你愿意离开吗, —— Of course not. 当然不愿意。 7. firstly ['fɜ:stli] adv. 第一;首先 【比较】 first与firstly 都作副词用、表示“依次列举所述各点”时,两者没有什么区别,可以换用。如: First/Firstly, I’ll mention its advantages, and then I’ll mention its disadvantages. 首先,我来说说它的优点,再来说说它的缺点。 但用于修饰行为动词时,则只能用first。如: I must ask my parents first. 我必须先问一下我父母。 8. flour ['flauə] n. 面粉 Bread is made from flour. 面包是由面粉做的。 9. self-raising flour n. 自发面粉(含有发酵粉) 10. secondly ['sekəndli] adv. 第二;其次 Firstly, it’s too expensive; secondly, it’s very ugly. 首先是太贵,其次它还很难看。 11. add [æd] v. 增加;添加 The fire is going out; will you add some wood? 火快熄了,请你加些木柴好吗, 12. pour [pɔ:] v. 倾倒;倒出 【提示】 pour的释义较多,现举例如下: 1)表示“倾倒;倒出”。如: Please pour me a cup of tea. 请帮我斟一杯茶好吗, 2)表示“下大雨”。如; It poured for four days. 倾盆大雨下了四天。 3)表示“倾泻;涌流”。如: Tears poured from her eyes. 泪水从她眼中涌出。 13. milliliter ['milili:tə] n. 毫升;千分之一升 【词性转换】 litre [li:tə] n. 升 14. mixture ['mikstʃə] n. 混合物 【词性转换】 mix [miks] v. 混合;搅拌 This drink is a mixture of three different sorts. 这个饮料是由三种东西混合而成的。 15. dough [dəu] n. 生面团 We use dough to make bread. 我们用揉好的生面做面包。 16. wide [waid] adj. 宽度为……的;宽的 【反义词】 narrow ['nærəu] adj. 窄的 130 岳Y 讲义 【提示】 wide还可以作副词,意为“广大地;全部地”。如: They came to a wide river. 他们来到一条宽阔的河边。 The children were still wide awake, when the clock struck twelve for the New Year’s Day. 当新年的钟声敲响12下时孩子们仍然完全醒着。 17. baking tray n. 烤盘 18. sprinkle ['spriŋkl] v. 撒;洒 Sprinkle the grated cheese on top of the pastry. 将碾碎的芝士均匀地撒在面皮上。 19. oven ['ʌvən] n. 烤箱 It is like an oven in here; please open the window. 这里热得像火炉,请把窗户打开。 语法点讲解 1. 国名的形容词形式用于修饰名词,和表示国籍的名词形式一样。请看下面的对照表: 国家(名词) 国籍(名词) ……国的(形容词) 语言(名词) China Chinese Chinese Chinese Thailand Thai Thai Thai Spain Spanish Spanish Spanish Japan Japanese Japanese Japanese Russia Russian Russian Russian 【活学活用】 请填写下表。 国家(名词) 国籍(名词) ……国的(形容词) 语言(名词) Italy France Germany Korea 2. 用how much来询问物品的价格,有以下两个句型: 单 数 复 数 —— How much is this book? 这本书多少钱, —— How much are these books? 这些书多少钱, —— It is 10 yuan. 十元。 —— They are 100 yuan. 一百元 —— How much does this book cost? 这本书多少钱, —— How much do these books cost? 这些书多少钱, —— It costs 10 yuan. 十元。 —— They cost 100 yuan. 一百元。 【注意】 cost和spend可以作句型转换。例如: This dictionary cost me 200 yuan. = I spend 200 yuan on this dictionary. 【活学活用】 按要求改写句子。 1. This map cost me 5 yuan. (就划线部分提问) How much _________ this map ____________? 2. This T-shirt cost me 50 yuan. (保持句意不变) 131 岳Y 讲义 I ________ 50 yuan ________ this T-shrit. 3. 本单元出现了hope的两种用法: ? hope后跟从句,从句通常用将来时,表示“希望以后……”,如: I hope that I will have more time to help Mum do the housework. 我希望以后又更多的时间帮助妈妈 做家务。 ? hope后跟动词不定式,即hope to do sth. , 表示“希望做某事”,如: I hope to do more exercise to lose some weight. 我希望做更多的运动来减肥。 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案 1. I hope ________ the poor children. A. to help B. helping C. that D. / 2. I hope that he _________ playing computer games. A. stop B. stops C. will stop D. to stop 4. 句型What do you think about…? 用以询问人们对某一具体事务的看法。 What do you think about this film? 你认为这部电影怎么样呢, What do you think about having a barbecue with us? 你觉得与我们一起去烧烤如何, 【注意】 此句型与How do you like…? 同义。如: How do you like this book? 你觉得这本书怎么样, 5. hear from sb. 意为“收到某人的来信”,相当于get a letter from sb. Did you hear from your brother recently? 最近有没有收到你兄弟的来信, A卷 I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案) ( ) 1. Who can teach me _________ to make a chocolate cake? A. what B. how C. when D. where ( ) 2. I am going to sell food from __________ because I like __________ food. A. Japan…Japan B. Japan…Japanese C. Japanese…Japan D. Japanese…Japanese ( ) 3. Let’s _________ some sugar on the strawberries. A. sprinkle B. to sprinkle C. sprinkling D. sprinkled ( ) 4. —— May I have ________ coffee? —— I’m afraid you _________. There’s something wrong with the coffee machine. A. a cup, can B. some, can C. some, can’t D. any, can ( ) 5. —— __________ will your plane leave? —— At 11:40 a.m. A. When B. Where C. What time D. How ( ) 6. How much did the car ___________? A. spend B. cost C. pay D. were ( ) 7. _________ I come in? A. Must B. May C. Should D. Need ( ) 8. How much ___________ these sweets ____________? A. are…cost B. do…costs C. do…cost D. are…costs II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式 132 岳Y 讲义 填空) 1. Paris is a modern and ____________ (nation) city. 2. When I was walking on the street, I found a ____________ (home) dog. 3. A lot of _______________ (America) come to China each year. 4. ____________ (Mixture) the flour, milk and sugar together. 5. The scones come from _____________ (English). III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. I’m going to sell food from India. (保持句意不变) I’m going to sell ____________ _____________. 2. Many foreigners like spicy food best. (就划线部分提问) ____________ do many foreigners _____________ best? 3. We raise money to buy food for poor people. (就划线部分提问) _____________ do you ___________ money? 4. Use your hands to make it into a dough. (改为否定句) ____________ ___________ your hands to make it into a dough. 5. You shouldn’t throw the rubbish everywhere. (改为祈使句) ___________ ____________ the rubbish everywhere. IV. Reading (A) Some restaurants selling fast food are often called “family restaurants”. The food is called “fast food” because you can get it quickly. Often you can go in, order your food, eat it, and leave, all in 20 minutes. You get hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, French fries, and fried chicken in these restaurants. To drink, you get soft drinks or milkshakes. These restaurants are popular with the whole family. That’s why they are called “family restaurants”. Fast food is big business in the USA and many other countries. It’s cheap and fast. Every year 45 million Americans eat it. Why do they like it? Because in many families, both parents work full-time. So they don’t have time to cook at home. Instead, they eat outside, or they send the children out to a fast food restaurant. But fast food is bad for your health. There are four unhealthy ingredients in fast food: fat, sugar, salt and cholesterol(胆固醇). If you are a fast food lover, take more care of your health. 1. Why is the food called “fast food” in fast food restaurants? ____________________________________________________________ 2. What can you get to eat from fast food restaurants? ____________________________________________________________ 3. Why are fast food restaurants called “family restaurants” ? ____________________________________________________________ 4. Is fast food good for our health? ____________________________________________________________ 5. What are the four unhealthy ingredients in fast food? ____________________________________________________________ U3 L 3 Introducing Shanghai Vocabulary I 133 岳Y 讲义 guide n. 导游; 指南;旅游手册 tourist’s guide 导游图;旅游指南 airport n. 机场 railway n. 铁路;铁道 station n. 车站;站;(电;电视)台 railway station 火车站 *maglev n. & a. 磁悬浮列车(的) *attraction n. 有吸引力的事物或人 *tourist attraction 旅游胜地 attractive a. 有吸引力的 hope n. & vt. 希望 II southeast n. & a. 东南;(向)东南方的;(在)东南方的 southwest n. & a. 西南;(向)西南方的;(在)西南方的 island n. 岛;岛屿 stone n. 石头;石块 forest n. 林区;森林 postcard n. 明信片 safe a. 安全的;平安的 *safe and sound 安然无恙;一切平安 friendly a. 友好的;朋友(般)的 ad. 友好地;朋友般地 *style n. 式样;款式;类型 everything pron. 每样东西;每件事 Key phrases 1. 导游图;旅游指南: tourist guide 2. 火车站: railway station 3. 磁悬浮列车: maglev train 4. 旅游胜地: tourist attraction 5. 游学: study trip 6. 和某人交谈: chat with sb. 7. 在……东部: in the east of 8. 上海有多大?: How big is Shanghai, 上海有多少人口,: What’s the population of Shanghai? 9. 方便的公共交通: convenient public transport 10. 乘长途汽车到处游览;周游: travel around by coach 11. 听起来很吸引人: sound attractive 12. 希望去上海观光: hope to go sightseeing in Shanghai 13. 我将很高兴成为你的导游: I’ll be very glad to be your guide. 14. 拥有5000年的悠久历史: have a long history of 5,000 years 15. 国际夏令营: international summer camp 16. 安然无恙;一切平安: safe and sound 17. 曾是最高的建筑: used to be the highest buidling 18. 带某人参观外滩: show sb. around the Bund 19. 不同风格的建筑: buildings of different styles 134 岳Y 讲义 20. 晚上看起来更漂亮: look prettier at night 21. 在上海大剧院看戏: see a play at the Shanghai Grand Theatre 22. 您一切还好吗,: How’s everything with you? 23. 很期待看到你: Looking forward to seeing you soon. 词性转换: 1. attractive a. ,v. attract 吸引,n. attraction 吸引力 2. hope v. ,a. hopeful 有希望的 3. safe a. ,v. save 保护;拯救,ad. safely 安全地;平安地,n. safety 安全;平安 4. friendly a. ,n. friend 朋友 基础练习 I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) ( )1. Washington D.C. lies the east of the USA. A. on B. at C. in D. to ( )2. We go to school every day Saturday and Sunday. A. besides B. beside C. include D. except ( )3. We are looking forward to to our country. A. visiting B. visit C. a visit D. your visit ( )4. I borrowed three books yesterday, but I don’t like of them. A. neither B. any C. either D. none ( )5. Look at the photo. The girl red is my pen-pal. A. with B. by C. on D. in ( )6. ----You’d better late for class next time. ----OK. A. to be B. not to C. don’t be D. not be ( )7. great the cross-sea bridge of Hangzhou Gulf looks! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( )8. That scarf feels . I am sure it is made of wool. A. hard B. soft C. wonderfully D. softly ( )9. They failed six times. However, they have made up their minds to try . A. seven times B. the seven time C. the seventh time D. seventh time ( )10. ----Someone stole my computer last night. ---- A. What fun! B. That’s all right. C. What a pity! D. I’m afraid not. II. Choose the word or phrase to fill in the blank in its proper form.(用方框内所给词或词组的正确形式填空). take a trip have a good time travel around see a play pay a visit to go to the concert 1. It’s very convenient in such a modern city. 2. Would you like at Shanghai Grand Theatre tonight? 3. I with my family to Shanghai Concert Hall last night. 4. Julia to Tokyo this weekend. 5. Lily her former English teacher every Teachers’ Day. 6. Tom, I hope you in America. I’ll miss you. sound like look like sound look feel attract 135 岳Y 讲义 1. Summer the visitors to the countryside. 2. The idea reasonable. 3. That scarf soft. I’m sure it is made of wool. 4. He a normal person on the phone. 5. Her new glasses made her an owl. 6. The children in the kindergarten healthy and lively 用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空) III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. ( 1. My father works as a guide. (tour) 2. This is a guide to Shanghai. (tour) 3. There is very public transport. (convenience) 4. There are many tourist in Shanghai. (attract) 5. It makes no to us whether the baby is a girl or a boy. (different) 6. I to go sightseeing in Shanghai for my next holiday. (hopeful) 7. It was too late to the drowned(溺水的) boy. (safe) 8. The film Taijong my interest and I went to the cinema. (attract) 9. 3 maglev trains are the customers now. (service) IV. Rewrite the sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. Please give me some coffee. (保持原句意思基本不变) you please give me coffee? 2. You can go by bus. You can go on foot, too. (两句合并成一句) You can go by bus on foot. 3. Tom says that drawing comic strips is very easy. (保持原句意思基本不变) It is easy Tom draw comic strips. 4. He set the time for the meeting.(改为否定句) He the time for the meeting. 5. Jack bought the microwave oven for 530 yuan. (保持原句意思基本不变) Jack 530 yuan the microwave oven. Unit 10 A birthday party 一. 核心词汇: 1. sound [saund] v. 听起来好像 【提示】 在本单元中,sound是系动词,后接形容词或名词作表语。如: His explanation sounds all right. 他的解释似乎有理。 Your idea sounds a good one. 你的想法听起来很好。 2. forward ['fɔ:wəd] adv. 向前;向将来 【反义词】 backward ['bækwəd] adv. 向后地;相反地 Take two steps forward. 向前走两步。 3. look forward to 期待着 【提示】 这里的to是介词,后面要跟名词、名词短语或动词的-ing形式。如: After a term’s hard work, all the students look forward to the coming summer holiday. 一个学期的刻苦学习之后,学生们都很期盼暑假的到来。 4. pity ['piti] n. 遗憾;可惜 136 岳Y 讲义 【拓展】 have pity on sb. 同情(某人) feel pity for sb. 同情(某人) It was a pity that the weather was so bad. 天气这样恶劣,真遗憾。 5. karaoke [kæri'jəuki] n. 卡拉OK 6. chess [tʃes] n. 国际象棋 Let’s have a game of chess. 我们下一盘棋吧。 7. ingredient [in'gri:diənt] n. 原料;成分 We need these ingredients to make this cake. 我们需要这些原料来做这个蛋糕。 8. powder ['paudə] n. 粉末;细面 They washed the clothes with soap powder. 他们用肥皂粉洗衣服。 9. icing ['aisiŋ] n. 糖霜;糖衣 She wanted a cake, preferably one with chocolate icing. 她想吃蛋糕,最好是有巧克力糖衣的。 10. thirdly ['θɜ:dli] adv. 第三 【词性转换】 third [θə:d] num. 第三 11. beat [bi:t] v. (beat, beaten ['bi:tn] ) (用叉等)快速搅拌;打 【提示】 beat除了上述含义外,还有以下的常见用法: 1)表示“扑打;拍打”,如:The bird is beating its wings. 鸟儿正在拍打翅膀。 2)表示“击败;胜过”,如:The visiting team will beat the host. 客队将会打败主队。 3)表示“揍;打”,如:He beat his younger brother for lying. 他因为弟弟说谎而揍了他。 12. add…to… 加上 Add more hot water to the mixture. 在混合物中再多加点热水。 13. stir [stə:] v. 搅动;搅和;搅拌 He put sugar in his tea and stirred it. 他把糖放进茶里并搅拌它。 14. spring roll n. 春卷 By the way, I miss Mum’s Peking roast duck and spring roll very much! 还有,我非常想吃妈妈做的北京烤鸭和春卷。 15. soya milk n. 豆浆;豆奶 16. battery ['bætəri] n. 电池 The model car won’t start because the battery is flat. 玩具车发动不起来了,因为电池用完了。 17. decorate ['dekəreit] v. 装饰;装潢 【词性转换】 decoration [.dekə'reiʃən] n. 装饰;装饰物 Bright posters decorate the streets. 鲜艳的广告招贴画点缀着街道。 18. balloon [bə'lu:n] n. 气球 We are going to hang balloons around the room for the party. 我们打算在聚会的屋子里挂起气球。 19. fork [fɔ:k] n. 叉子 【拓展】 a knife and fork 一副刀叉 We use a fork to eat food. 我们用叉子吃东西。 20. charcoal ['tʃɑ:kəul] n. 炭;木炭 Ben likes barbecues. He likes to cook with charcoal. 本喜欢烧烤,他喜欢用木炭来烤。 21. everybody ['evribɔdi] pron. 每人;人人 【提示】 everybody是一个复合不定代词,它是由every和body合成的新词,所指代的对象不定。 它与everyone意思相同,但口语中everybody更为常用。 Everybody knows what he or she wants. 人人都知道自己想要的是什么。 语法点讲解 137 岳Y 讲义 1. 英语中,电话用语有一定的 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 。 电话接通后首先须做自我介绍,用句型“Hello. This is…”。然后用句型“May I speak to…?”要求和某 人通话 若恰好是对方接的电话,对方应用“This is…speaking”的句型表明身份;如果对方不在,接电话的 人可以说 “I’m sorry, he/she is not here. Would you like to leave a message?”为对方留下口信;若对方在,但不 是有他/她 “Wait a moment, please.”等来回答。 本人接听的电话,接电话的人可以说“Hold on, please.”或 【活学活用】 假设周末你想和好朋友一起去看电影,你该如何打这个电话呢,请补全下面的对话。 A: Hello. This is (1) _________. May I speak to (2) ________, please? B: Hello, (3) ________. This is (4) ________ speaking. A: It’s Saturday tomorrow. I’m planning to (5) ________. Are you free at (6) ___________ (time) tomorrow? B: It sounds great! I’ll come. Looking forward to it. 2. 一般现在时也可以表示将来的意义。 Are you free this weekend? 本周末你有空吗, 这个句子还有其他两种表达方式: Do you have time this weekend? Will you be free this weekend? 【注意】 一般现在时可以表示安排或计划好的某些将来的动作,但只限于部分词汇,如:go, come, leave, start, arrive, be 等。这些词更常见的是用现在进行时表示将来的意义。 My plane leaves at 4:30 this afternoon. 我的飞机将于今天下午四点半起飞。 【活学活用】 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Tomorrow ___________ (be) my mother’s birthday. 2. We _________ (leave) at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. 3. be going to + 动词原形,表示的意义是一般将来时,表示主语现在的意图或已作出的决定,即打 算在最近活将 来做某事。这种意图或决定往往是经过事先考虑的。 Peter is going to be a doctor when he grows up. 彼得长大后要当一名医生。 【活学活用】 按要求改写句子 1. I’m going to buy a pair of shoes for Tom’s birthday. (改成否定句) I’m __________ _________ to buy a pair of shoes for Tom’s birthday. 2. He is going to spend his holiday in Europe. (就划线部分提问) ________ is he going to ________ his holiday? 4. 感官动词可以作系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。常用的感官动词有:sound, look, smell, taste, feel 等。 Your present looks very nice. 你的礼物看上去很不错。 Cheese doesn’t smell very well but tastes good. 奶酪不好闻却好吃。 【注意】 感官动词既可以作系动词,也可以作行为动词。作系动词时,后面跟形容词作表语;作 行为动词时,则用副词来修饰该动词。 138 岳Y 讲义 【活学活用】 选词填空 1. I like this idea. It sounds ________ (great, greatly). 2. Are you feeling _________ (good, well) today? 3. He looked _________ (angry, angrily) at me. 5. would rather后面加动词原形,表示“宁愿做某事”。 He doesn’t like rice. He would rather have some noodles. 他不喜欢吃米饭。他宁愿吃些面条。 【注意】 我们可以用prefer…to…或instead of来和would rather作句型转换。 【活学活用】 按要求改写句子。 I don’t like pizza. I would rather have some rice dumplings. (保持句意不变) ? I _______ rice dumplings ________ pizza. ? I will have some rice dumplings ________ _________ pizza. 6. need to do sth. 表示“需要做某事”。need在此是实义动词,后接动词不定式。在使用否定句和一般疑问句时要注意助动词的使用。 We need to tell him the truth. 我们需要告诉他真相。 We don’t need to tell him the truth. 我们不需要告诉他真相。 Do we need to tell him the truth? 我们需要告诉他真像吗, 【注意】 need除了作实义动词外,还可作情态动词。need作情态动词时,通常用用于否定句。 We needn’t tell him the truth. 我们不必告诉他真相。 【活学活用】 选择正确的答案。 1. We ________ work on Sunday. A. needn’t to B. don’t need C. don’t need to D. not need 2. You ______ help me with the housework because I’m too busy. A. don’t need B. need to C. needn’t to D. aren’t need 3. —— Must I finish my homework now? —— No, you ________. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. may not A卷 I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案) ( ) 1. We need _________ our classroom twice a day. A. cleaned B. to clean C. cleaning D. not to clean ( ) 2. They _________ to see a film tomorrow. A. will B. are going to C. go D. are go ( ) 3. —— Must we eat all the dishes? —— No, you _____________. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. may not ( ) 4. It’s very cold outside, so I ___________ stay at home. A. would like B. would rather C. prefer D. like ( ) 5. Let’s go to Hangzhou by train, ____________ we? A. aren’t B. do C. shall D. will 139 岳Y 讲义 ( ) 6. Don’t forget to add some eggs ___________ the flour. A. and B. to C. for D. with ( ) 7. Can you show me how ____________ a snowman? A. to make B. make C. makes D. making ( ) 8. It smells __________. I don’t like it. A. terribly B. terrible C. nice D. nicely II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式 填空) 1. I think we should _____________ (bakery) it for 20 minutes. 2. Hello, this is Kelly _____________ (speak). 3. Let’s make a ___________ (shop) list. 4. Are you ____________ (freedom) this Sunday afternoon. 5. ______________ (final), wait for the cake to cool and eat it. III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. Jack is going to learn cooking. (就划线部分提问) ___________ is Jack going to ___________? 2. I’d like a piece of pizza. (改为一般疑问句) ___________ you ___________ a piece of pizza? 3. They were happy to see each other. (改为感叹句) __________ ____________ they were to see each other! 4. We will go to the beach this summer. (改为否定句) We ___________ ___________ to the beach this summer. 5. I told him the news on the telephone. (就划线部分提问) ___________ ___________ you tell him the news? IV. Reading (A) thLily is an English girl. She lives on the fifth floor at No.35 Oxford Street in London. Today is her 14 birthday. She is very happy. She has got everything ready for the birthday party. She has got some big bottles of cola and apple juice, a big birthday cake, some biscuits and chocolates. She has also got different kinds of fruits: apples, oranges, pears and grapes. Her mother has bought some candles for her. Lily has invited a lot of friends to her party. They are coming to her home at 7 p.m. Among them is an American girl. Her name is Coco. It is about 7 p.m. now. Coco is looking for Lily’s home. But she can’t find it because the fifth floor in British English is the sixth floor in American English. So she goes back to the ground floor. Lily is waiting for Coco. She opens the door and goes to the ground floor. There she meets Coco. ( ) 1. Lily is an ___________ girl. A. American B. Australia C. English D. African ( ) 2. Lily has got different kinds of fruits: ______________. A. apples, grapes, bananas and strawberries B. apples, pears, grapes and oranges C. pineapples, pears, oranges and strawberries D. grapes, pears, oranges and bananas ( ) 3. Lily and her friends are going to have a party at __________. A. the park B. a restaurant C. Lily’s home D. Coco’s home ( ) 4. Coco can’t find Lily’s home because _____________. A. Coco doesn’t know the address B. Coco doesn’t want to come C. Coco took the wrong way D. the fifth floor in British English is the sixth floor in American English 140 岳Y 讲义 ( ) 5. ___________ has bought some candles. A. Lily B. Coco C. Lily’s mother D. Lily’s friends U4 L 1 Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Vocabulary I Snow White 白雪公主(格林童话《白雪公主和七个小矮人》中的主人公) *dwarf ([复]dwarf或dwarves) n. 矮子 a. 矮小的 *magic n. 魔法;巫术 a. (似)魔术的;有魔力的 mirror n. 镜子 *stepmother n. 继母;后母 die (died; dying) vi.死 *huntsman ([复]huntsmen) n. 猎人;猎手;狩猎者 kill vt. 杀死;弄死 instead ad. 反而;却 alone ad. 单独地 a. (用作表语)单独的;独自的 *on and on 继续不断地; 不停地 at last 最后;终于 *master n. 主人 *tidy a. 整洁的 one after another 一个接一个地;连接地 someone pron. 某人;有人 wake (woke,woken或waked;waked) vi. &vt. 醒;叫醒 wake up 醒来;叫醒 from then on 从那时起 II already ad. 已经 yet ad.还;仍然 bored a.无聊的 *picture story-book 小人书;连环画 finish vt. 结束;完毕;完成 *bite (bit; bit 或bit; bitten) vt.; vi & n. 咬 at once 立刻;马上 cry vi. 叫;喊;哭 n. 叫喊;哭声 later a. 较晚的 ad. 后来;以后 prince n.王子;亲王 happen to (后接不定式)碰巧 such a. & ad. 这样(的);如此(的);那么 deicde vt. & vi. 决定 Key phrases 1. 魔镜: magic mirror 2. 继父和继母: stepfather and stepmother 3. 告诉某人去做某事: tell sb. to do sth. (tell the huntsman to kill Snow White) 4. 带某人去某地: take sb. to sp. 141 岳Y 讲义 5. 相反;而不是: instead 而不是;代替: instead of 6. 取出熊的心脏并把它带给皇后: take out the bear’s heart and carry it to the queen 7. 独自行走: walk alone 8. 一直走;不停地走: walk on and on 9. 最后;终于: at last 10. 小屋的主人们: the masters of the little house 11. 发现房间干净又整齐: find the room clean and tidy one after another 12. 一个接一个: 13. 坐在椅子上: sit on the chair 14. 用刀切某物: cut sth. with knife 15. 从杯子里喝水: drink out of glass 16. 醒来: wake up 17. 和某人待在一起: stay with sb. 18. 欢迎你: you’re welcome 19. 从那时起: from then on 20. 看短剧: see short plays ,上演短剧: put on an short play 21. 看小人书或连环画: read picture story-book 22. 参加英语之夜: take part in an English Evening 23. 看电影: see a film ,看电视剧: watch a TV play 24. 组织英语角: organize an English Corner 25. 听新闻: listen to the news poisonous apple 26. 毒苹果: 27. 咬了一口: have a bite of it 28. 立刻;马上: at once 29. 碰巧做某事: happen to do sth 30. 在路上绊倒: stumble on the road 词性转换: 1. magic n. ,a. magical 有魔力的 2. die (died; died)v. ,n. death死活,a. dead 死亡的,a. dying垂死的 3. alone ad. ,lonely a. 孤独的 4. tidy a. ,a. untidy 不整洁的 5. wake v. ,a. awake 醒着的(只作表语) 6. bored a. ,a. boring无聊的,v. bore 使烦恼 7. later a.& ad. ,late a.& ad. 晚的 8. prince n. ,n. princess 公主 9. decide v. ,n. decision 决定 基础练习 I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) ( )1. We became pen-pal . A. before B. since then C. from then on D. from now on ( )2. She has finished her homework, but I haven’t . A. too B. either C. already D. yet ( )3. ----How long you your hometown? 142 岳Y 讲义 ----More than two years. A. have; left B. have; been away C. have; been away from D. were; away ( )4. ----How long have you the book? ----For a week. A. borrowed B. kept C. lent D. bought ( )5. There, far from here, you can find village. An old man lives there . A. a lonely; alone B. an alone; lonely C. a lonely ; lonely D. an alone; alone ( )6. Mary, along with her parents, to Paris. A. has moved B. have moved C. has move D. have move ( )7. I won’t see Transformer with my friends tomorrow because it already. A. watched B. has watched C. have watched D. will watch ( )8. Mr. Duke has worked in the company he came to New York. A. when B. since C. until D. after ( )9. Maggie is back from holiday. She to Singapore and Thailand. A. has been B. has gone C. would be D. would go ( )10. They each other since 2001. A. won’t see B. didn’t see C. hadn’t seen D. haven’t seen II. Choose the word or phrase to fill in the blank in its proper form.(用方框内所给词或词组的正确形式 填空). happen take place so such instead of take the place of alone lonely 1. He often makes a round trip to hospital . 2. He felt after he buried his good friend. 3. Mary attended the meeting Tom. 4. Mary Tom to attend the meeting. 5. If something to him, please ring me up at once. 6. His graduation will never if he doesn’t get to work. 7. I have never read an interesting book. 8. The book is interesting that I finish it within a day. III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. (用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. The Queen came to the little house and gave a apple to Snow White. (poison) 2. It is not safe to swim in the river . (lonely) 3. Mrs. Brown likes to take care of cats and dogs. (home) 4. This book is full of idioms(谚语) to keep readers . (interest) 5. Mcdull is one of the stories I have ever heard. (fun) 6. Mary took a lot of of the Great Wall when she was there. (photo) IV. Rewrite the sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1. The snow is so heavy that we can play snowball outside.(保持原句意思基本不变) The snow is heavy for us play snowball outside. 2. They didn’t look it up in the dictionary. They searched it on the Internet. (保持原句意思基本不变) They searched it on the Internet looking it up in the dictionary. 3. Old Jack can hardly live by himself.(改为反义疑问句) Old Jack can hardly live by himself, ? 4. Keep quiet, and you can stay here reading whatever you choose. (保持原句意思基本不变) you keep quiet, you have to leave here. 143 岳Y 讲义 5. Mr. Black takes his little son to Shanghai zoo once a month.(对划线部分提问) does Mr. Black take his little son to Shanghai zoo? Writing (作文): Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “ A letter to my penfriend” . (以“一封给我的笔友的 信”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Writing (作文): Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “ Form a good habit” . (以“ 养成一个好习惯”为题 写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 144
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