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碎石桩施工技术交底碎石桩施工技术交底 重庆交通建设(集团)有限责任公司 四川遂资眉高速公路TJ1项目部第6工区 碎石桩施工质量技术交底 重庆交通建设(集团)有限责任公司 四川遂资眉高速公路TJ1项目部第6工区 2010年9月 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "look...

碎石桩施工技术交底 重庆交通建设(集团)有限责任公司 四川遂资眉高速公路TJ1项目部第6工区 碎石桩施工质量技术交底 重庆交通建设(集团)有限责任公司 四川遂资眉高速公路TJ1项目部第6工区 2010年9月 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 重庆交通建设(集团)有限责任公司 四川遂资眉高速公路TJ1-6工区 施工技术交底记录 编号: 工程名称 四川遂资眉高速公路遂宁至资阳TJ1-6工区路基工程 交底部门 重庆交建集团四川遂资眉高速公路遂宁至资阳TJ1-6工区工程部 接受部门 四川遂资眉高速公路遂宁至资阳段TJ1-6碎石桩施工队 交底人 接受交底人 交底日期 2010年 月 日 交底地点 重庆交建遂资路TJ1-6工区 分项工程名称 软基处理(碎石桩) 交底提要 碎石桩施工技术 参加人员 主要 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 : 主要编写内容和要求见后附:碎石桩施工技术交底 技术负责人 交底人 接受交底人 1、 本表由交底部门填写,交底部门与按受交底部门各保存一份。 2、 工程技术交底时,应填写“分项工程名称”栏,其它技术交底可不填写。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 碎石桩施工技术交底 一、施工准备 1、人员组织 碎石桩施工属隐蔽工程,操作人员必须具有良好的施工经验和操作技能,每台机械配备人员如下: 序号 工种 数量(人) 备注 1 现场施工管理 1 2 机长 1 有证件 3 装靴工 4 含装投碎石 4 电工 1 有证件(兼机修) 5 安全员 1 6 记录员 1 7 杂工 3 合计 12 2、根据目前开工点只有两处结合现场的实际情况,每处开工点配备主要机械设备如下表,要求所有设备在开工前进行,并进行检修和保养,确保施工设备完好。 序号 机械设备名称 型号 数量 1 振动冲击沉管桩机 DZC-60 1台 2 挖掘机 CAT320 1台 3 装载机 ZL50 1台 4 发电机 120KW 1台 5 自卸汽车 10t 4辆 6 电焊机 BXI-500 1台 7 污水泵 3台 3、场地准备及生产条件 (1)碎石桩施工前,路基队应对处理范围内的水田、水塘等地表水的排除、疏干工作,在路基边沟位置、处治范围开挖临时纵横向排水End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 沟,并根据现场的实际地形,采用抽水泵结合方式排干积水。清除表层土、植耕土,并运至指定的弃土场存放。 (2)清理完表层土,经现场监理工程师检查合格后,根据处理范围及现场实际情况先填筑一层泥质岩,并进行平整、压实。填筑质量必须满足以下要求: A、填土层厚不得大于100cm、表面平整,并形成排水横坡(2%~4%),直线路段为双向排水横坡、曲线路段向内侧的单向排水横坡。 B、填土粒径不得大于层后的2/3,压实度应满足施工机械设备进场和材料的运输。 (3)施工便道、生产场地、生活驻地修建完成,落实施工、生活用电、用水。规划好施工机械装拆及运行路线和材料堆放地点,做好电通、料通等准备。 4、材料准备 (1)开工前,确定施工所需的砂砾、碎石料源、供应渠道和供应方式,且经工地试验室取样检验合格,进场的数量、质量满足施工要求。 (2)施工所需的各种零星材料开工前准备到位,且数量、质量满足施工要求。 二、施工工艺流程 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 碎石桩施工工艺流程见下图: 监理检查 测量放样 监理验收 排干地表水及清表 监理检查 清表后断面复测 监理验收 填筑泥岩层 绘桩位图及编号 监理检查 桩位放样 桩机就位 套管就位 振动沉管 灌碎石料 振动成桩 提管填料 监理验收 进行下根桩施工 三、施工过程 1、测量放样 软基处治开工前,根据线路设计的相关参数恢复路中线,直线段每20m放一点,曲线段每10m放一点,并复测相应桩号的原始地面线。根据横断面放出边线,同时采用人工挖沟或撒放白灰进行标识。原始地面线复测资料报请监理工程师签认。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 2、地基清整 按照设计要求,利用挖掘机、装载机清理不符合要求的表土、树根及杂物,流体淤泥。对水田、水塘、鱼塘淤泥层厚地段,由于地基经常浸水湿软,含水量大,施工前做好抽水清淤、清淤至水田、水塘、鱼塘底硬土层,为防止因淤泥可能出现的路基盆形沉降、失稳等问题按设计要求作好回填整平。找平层填筑土质的粒径一般不得大于5cm的渗水性砂性土,坡度不得小于3%,并碾压密实(形成排水坡), ?遇有田埂或陡坎时将其削成不陡于20的斜坡面。 3、复测清表后横断面 软基处治范围的表土、淤泥清理完成后,及时报请测量组复测清表后的横断面,横断面的桩号应与清表前的桩号一致。复测结果应报监理工程师签认。 4、填筑泥质岩层 清表完成并经复测横断面后,在碎石桩施工前先填筑一层泥质岩并进行场地平整,其质量必须满足上述要求。 5、桩位放样 场地平整完成,经监理检查验收合格后。严格按照设计图的桩位进行放样,并采用小木桩标识和编号、绘制桩位图。放样时先放先序施工的桩位,桩位偏差不得大于3cm,放样结果报监理验收签认。桩位按照设计要求进行布置。 6、桩机就位 将沉管机就位,套管对准桩孔。定位时要保证桩锤中心与地面定End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 位在同一垂线点上,并用经纬仪控制桩锤导向架的垂直度,竖向倾斜度不得大于1%,桩机底支垫物做到平稳牢固。在套管上划出控制标高的刻度线,如套管接长时,在打设前要试接,要求连接处平顺密闭,焊接处套管内侧要平滑。 7、振动沉管、振动成桩 将装有垂直振动器的套管,对准桩孔就位,振动下沉。护壁送料管先达到设计桩底的基岩面上,加一批填料,然后振动上提,并继续加料。填料要分批加入,不宜一次加料过量,原则上要“少吃多餐”,保证试桩标定的装料量,上提振动成桩过程中,护壁送料管不得缺料。采用反复压、拔管法施工时,套管每上提100cm后应下压50cm,同时根据制桩试验成果严格控制电流和振冲器在固定深度位置的留振时间,同时复核填料数量,使其和设计用量的差值必须符合设计规定, 3以1m桩长所需碎石量0.27m作为控制参素数。未达到规定的密实电流时应继续加料,继续下压、振实,严格防止“断桩”和“缩颈桩”的发生。碎石桩形成后,必须大于中密状态(N63.5?10)。 施工前应按规定做成桩试验,试桩不得少于7×7m范围,纵向、横向各5根。试桩中应做好记录冲孔、制桩时间和深度、压入碎石量及电流的变化等参数。经验证设计参数和施工控制的有关参数后作为碎石桩施工的控制指标。操作中严格控制电压稳定,一般为(380?20)V。严格控制加料振密过程中的密实电流,密实电流的规定值应根据现场制桩试验定出,宜为额定电流的90,左右;严禁在超过额定电流的情况下作业。振冲器在固定深度位置的留振时间宜为10-20s。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 四、质量要求和检验 1、质量要求 (1)桩位准确:成孔中心与设计桩位偏差不应大于30 mm;垂直高度偏差不得大于1%;桩距偏差?150mm。 (2)桩径不得小于设计桩径。 (3)桩长不得小于设计桩长。 (4)桩身连续、桩体密实,碎石应达到中密状态以上的干密度, 3灌石量不小于设计要求(0.27m/m)。 (5)施工过程中应有专人监测成孔,并有详细记录备查。 2、质量检验 (1)抽验频率 桩体及桩间土干密度或压实系数,抽样检验数量不应少于桩孔总数的2%,并应在三角形中心进行。 (2)抽验时间 对饱和粘性土一般在施工完1,2周后进行;对其他土可在施工完3,5天后进行; (3)抽验方法 轻便触探检验:以实际锤击数小于试验时的“检定锤击数”为合格,复合地基承载力大于180kpa; (4)全面检查施工过程的测试数据和施工监测记录。 (5)碎石桩施工质量应满足下表的要求: End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 碎石桩施工质量要求 检查项目 质量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 和允许偏差 检查方法 现场外观检查观测桩架和桩管桩身垂直 ?1L/100(L为桩长) 垂直度 桩位 ?300mm 查测X、Y方向最大值 灌碎石量 满足每米灌碎石量 检查施工记录曲线或钻孔检查 贯入试验 N?10 钻孔检查 63..5 沉管法 ?100mm 桩 检查施工记录曲线或钻孔检查 深 冲击法 ?300mm 桩径 沉管法 -20mm 尺量检查 五、安全施工要求 1、严格执行我公司各项安全管理和安全操作规定。 2、开工前,上岗前对生产人员进行技术交底和安全教育工作。发现安全隐患应及时给予制止和处理。 3、建立施工工地专职安全员、各作业班组兼职安全员的安全管理体系,工地安全员应严格检查安全生产情况。 4、实行安全生产奖罚 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,责任到人,奖罚分明。 5、定期作好安全生产的情况总结,并作好日常安全生产记录。 6、施工现场至少配备一名专职安全员或安全工程师,负责建立并实施安全生产例会和安全技术交底制度。 7、安全用电措施 (1)所有施工人员应掌握安全用电的基本知识和所用设备性能,用电人员各自保护好设备的负荷线、地线和开关,发现问End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 题及时找电工解决,严禁非专业电气操作人员乱动电器设备。 (2)施工现场所有用电设备,必须按规定设置漏电保护装置,要定期检查,发现问题及时处理解决。 (3)现场内各种用电设备,尤其是电热设备、电动工具,其装设使用应符合 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 要求,维修保管专人负责。 8、机械安全措施 (1)各种机械要有专人负责维修、保养,并经常对机械的关键部位进行检查,预防机械故障及机械伤害的发生。 (2)各种机械设备视其工作性质、性能的不同搭设防尘、防雨、防砸、防噪音工棚等装置,机械设备附近设标志牌、规则牌和详细的安全操作要点。 六、环境施工要求 1、确立“树环保理念,筑绿色工程”的环境方针,提高全体员工对环境保护的认识,增强他们的环保意识和理念,让他们自觉遵守法律法规,遵守行业的有关条例、标准、规定,本着节能降耗,减少污染的原则,开展施工生产活动,并持续改进环境绩效,用爱心筑造绿色的工程。遵循“以人为本”的原则,以最大限度的减少施工活动给周围群众造成的不利影响。 2、指定专人负责施工现场和施工活动的环境保护工作,将环保工作和责任落实到岗位、落实到人,在日常施工中随时检查,出现问题及时纠正。 3、定期对直接参与施工期环境管理的人员进行环保专业知End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 识培训,对各层次工作人员进行必要的环保知识培训,对关键岗位员工进行岗位操作规程、能力和环境知识的专门培训,新工进场和人员转岗都要进行相关的环保培训和教育。 4、按要求做好施工现场开工前的环保准备工作,对开工前 必须完成的环保工作列出明细表,明确要求,逐项完成。 5、施工场地合理布局、优化作业 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 和运输方案,保证施工安排和场地布局考虑尽量减少施工对周围居民生活的影响。 6、预防水污染措施:根据不同施工场地排水的走向和过载能力,选择合适的排口位置和排放方式。 7、防大气污染措施:严禁在施工现场焚烧任何废弃物和会产生有毒有害气体、烟尘、臭气的物质,熔融沥青等有毒有害物质要使用封闭和带有烟气处理装置的设备。 8、施工产生的弃土、淤泥按照设计要求运至指定的弃土场地,防止水土流失。 七、文明施工要求 1、教育全体员工遵守地方的各种法规,团结当地各族人民群众,遵纪守法,行为规范,文明礼貌,爱护当地农作物,保护当地资源。 2、尊重各级地方政府、尊重当地人民群众、尊重民族风俗习惯;搞好路、地及友邻关系,为顺利施工创造必要的外部条件。 3、主动接受建设单位、监理及设计单位的监督、检查与指导。发现不足,立即整改。服从建设单位、设计单位、监理单位的组织安排和各方面的工作协调。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 4、在作业环境内设置必要的安全警示标志,各项施工工序实行挂牌标识的方法。 5、物资按类别采取库房和大棚两种方式储放,做到料架整齐划一,分区合理,产品标识正确,检验状态无遗漏。 6、加工机具应设防雨棚,做到机具维护到位,性能可靠,表面清洁。 7、建立卫生清洁责任制,划分卫生责任区域,由各责任人具体负责。施工污水采用软管排入既有排水系统或流入规划的渗水坑、沉淀池内,杜绝无序排水,防止水土流失。 8、生活临建区域采用明沟排放雨水,生活废水通过地下管道排入集水坑,生活垃圾及时处理。 9、搞好职工宿舍文明评比活动,做到整齐、明亮、通风。 八、施工过程应注意的事项 1、施工前应进行成桩试验,以验证设计参数合理性,如发现不能满足施工要求,应及时调整间距和砂石灌入量等有关参数。 2、沉管开始阶段应轻击慢沉,待桩管方向稳定后再按正常速度沉管。 3、施工时应严格按照设计要求的桩长、桩径、桩间距、砂石灌入量以及试验确定的桩管提升高度和速度、挤压次数和悬振时间、电机的工作电流等施工参数进行施工,以确保挤密均匀和桩身的连续性。 4、注意按计算数量灌注填料,控制灌注高度和填料密实度,填料宜分次进行,不要一次灌满。 5、应保证起重设备平稳,导向架与地面垂直,且垂直高度偏差不应大于1%,成孔中心与设计桩位偏差不应大于30 mm,桩径不得小于设计桩径,桩长不得小于设计桩长。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 6、成孔过程如桩管沉入过快,可能地层下有空洞、过软土层, 拔出桩管填入非粘质土料再沉管。 7、碎石灌入量不应少于设计值的要求。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,
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