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推荐一些职业教育类的书籍推荐一些职业教育类的书籍 (2014年10月17日) 序书名 作者 出版社、版次 出版时间 定价 号 复旦大学出版社; 1 中外职业教育体系建设与制度改革比较研究李继延2014年6月1日,39.40 第1版 广东教育出版社; 2 西方近代职业教育史稿王川2011年6月1日,23.00 第1版 琳达?克拉外语教学与研究出 3 职业教育:国际策略、发展与制度2011年6月1日,33.50 克版社; 第1版 高等教育出版社; 4 中国职业教育发展史俞启定2012年10月1日,32.30 第1版 高等教育出版社...

推荐一些职业教育类的书籍 (2014年10月17日) 序书名 作者 出版社、版次 出版时间 定价 号 复旦大学出版社; 1 中外职业教育体系建设与制度改革比较研究李继延2014年6月1日,39.40 第1版 广东教育出版社; 2 西方近代职业教育史稿王川2011年6月1日,23.00 第1版 琳达?克拉外语教学与研究出 3 职业教育:国际策略、发展与制度2011年6月1日,33.50 克版社; 第1版 高等教育出版社; 4 中国职业教育发展史俞启定2012年10月1日,32.30 第1版 高等教育出版社; 5 比较职业教育石伟平2012年10月1日,31.00 第1版 教育部职高等教育出版社; 中国特色职业教育发展之路:中国职业教育 6 业技术教2012年10月1日,18.80 发展报告(2002-2012)第1版 育中心 高等教育出版社; 7 职业教育政策研究和震2012年10月1日,35.50 第1版 北京大学出版社; 8 我国现代职业教育支撑体系研究王春燕2014年1月1日,22.70 第1版 人民出版社; 9 中国现代职业教育理论体系研究许正中2013年10月1日,37.20 第1版 合 计 ,273.4 1.中外职业教育体系建设与制度改革比较研究 复旦大学出版社; 第1版 (2014年6月1日) 李继延 (作者), 等 (作者) 作者简介 李继延:北京劳动保障职业学院院长,博士学位,教授,是国内第一个以企业视角审视高等职业教育问题的学者,出版有专著《产教结合--高等职业教育路径、机制与政策研究》,发表 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 数十篇,《教育研究》上发表的《关于发展高等职业教育若干问题的思考》一文被广泛引用,并主编有《现代市场营销》、《工商管理实务》、《市场营销大辞典》等书籍,在北京市高职教育领域乃至全国具有较高的影响力。 长期以来一直担任高等教育学会职业教育委员会副理事长,北京市青联委员,摩托罗拉大学客座教授,清华大学继续教育学院、中国人民大学商学院、浙江大学经济学院客座教授。任国资委、人力资源和社会保障部职业经理 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 与培训特聘专家,曾参与多家国内知名企业的咨询、诊断与营销策划工作。获上市公司独立董事资格证书,并担任北京三元集团有限责任公司董事,北京祥龙资产管理有限责任公司董事。 内容提要 本书是我国职业教育体系理论研究领域的一个成果,得到北京劳动保障职业学院国家骨school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 干校建设项目资助,主要分为三部分:第一部分结合国际发达国家职业教育近年发展的最新趋势,重点选择英、德、澳、美、日、印、俄等七国具有代表性的国家职业教育体系作为研究对象,对各国职业教育体系的历史演变及趋势进行了细致梳理,总结各国职业教育体系的特色,为我国职业教育体系构建提供参考。第二部分重点研究宏观经济、区域经济、产业结构与职业教育的内在联系,探讨职业教育与经济发展演进的基本规律,选择了发达、较发达以及欠发达区域职业教育的典型案例,并分析了不同区域的职业教育模式及主要特点。第三部分根据前述研究成果,提出构建我国现代职业教育体系的基本策略,提出在现代职业教育体系顶层设计时,要从体系的民主化、专业化要求考虑构建立交桥式职业教育体系,体系内各类型教育纵向贯通、横向融通,结构合理,并能保障质量,形成一个全生命周期的职业教育体系,其中职业资格证书和产教结合制度是体系构建的制度基础,强调要从现实问题和实践价值出发来关注职业教育制度的发展趋势。 本书适合高校教育类专业师生及教育研究人员、职业教育工作者参考使用。 2.西方近代职业教育史稿 广东教育出版社; 第1版 (2011年6月1日) 王川 (作者) 内容提要 《西方近代职业教育史稿》不同之处在于,过去的外国教育史研究往往过多地受到历史上政治、军事因素的影响,断代划分都是以世界史的断代为准,很少注意到科学技术层面、文化层面和思想层面的影响,以致教育史大多成为政治史的附庸。在书中,力求从历史唯物主义的观点出发,多关注影响职业技术教育发展的经济因素、技术发明和科学发现的因素,科学思想和人文思潮也将是《西方近代职业教育史稿》落笔的重点之一。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 按照主流话语权的解释,西方是指19世纪至20世纪以来,给中国人留下过深刻而痛苦 记忆的资本主义列强国家(如八国联军),特别是在今天仍然把握着强势话语权的几个主要 西方国家。换句话说,《西方近代职业教育史稿》的“西方”是个政治概念而非地理概念。 一言以蔽之,《西方近代职业教育史稿》研究的是西方国家自资本主义生产方式兴起以来对 教育功能从“形而上”重新回归到“形而下”的本原上来的看法(思想)和做法(制度)。 目录 导论 第一章西方职业教育的产生 第一节西方古代职业教育的萌芽 第二节经院哲学的解体和新方法论的出现 一、经院哲学的解体 二、新方法论的出现 第三节工业革命和新教育思想的产生 一、工业革命 二、新教育思想的产生 第二章学徒制的职业教育 第一节中世纪的学徒制职业训练 一、学徒制职业教育产生的条件 二、手工业行会对学徒培训的规定 第二节英国学徒制的起源与发展 一、学徒制的起源 二、学徒制的发展 第三节德国学徒制的起源 一、手工业行会的产生及行会中的学徒训练 二、工场手工业与经销业的发展 三、早期的部分时间制学校 第四节美洲殖民地的学徒教育 一、新英格兰地区 二、宾夕法尼亚和纽约——中部殖民区的样本 三、弗吉尼亚——南部殖民区的标本 第五节日本的学徒教育 一、手工业中的学徒制度 二、商业中的学徒制度 第六节学徒制职业教育的特点 一、从行会的规章管理向国家法令管理过渡 二、从纯粹的技能技巧学习向最低的读写算知识学习过渡 三、师徒关系从父子亲情向雇佣帮工转变 第三章近代科学运动与技术革命 第一节近代科学的兴起 一、科学概念与技术的发展 二、近代科学社团的出现 第二节科学革命 一、天文学的突破 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification3 二、生命科学中的革命 三、近代化学革命 第三节技术革命 一、第一次技术革命 二、屯气时代——第二次技术革命 三、资本主义和科学革命、技术革命 第四章18世纪的职业教育思想与思潮 第一节启蒙运动对教育的影响 一、康德 二、巴泽多与泛爱学校 三、启蒙思想影响下的教育机构 第二节新人文主义者的教育理想主义 一、教育理想主义的特征 二、教育理想主义与启蒙教育学的主要区别 三、教育理想主义代表人物洪堡的职业教育观点 第三节18世纪的职业教育课程观 第四节裴斯泰洛齐的观察法与手工教育 一、生平与著作 二、在斯坦兹的学校及其直观法 三、手工技能教育与职业教育 四、手工及职业教育的传播 第五节富兰克林的职业教育思想 一、富兰克林的生平 二、创建费城文实学校及改造中等教育 第五章18世纪的职业教育机构 第一节英国职业教育机构 一、初等教育 二、中等教育 三、中等后教育 四、科学协会和工人讲习所 第二节18世纪德国的职业教育 一、学制结构和职业教育机构产生的因素 二、实科学校的出现 三、部分时间制与全时制职业教育机构 第三节18世纪法国的职业教育 一、18世纪之前的职业教育 二、18世纪初至大革命之前的职业教育 三、大革命时期的职业教育 第四节18世纪美国的职业教育机构 一、文实学校的产生 二、文实学校的教学内容 三、文实学校的发展 第六章19世纪的职业教育思想与思潮 第一节19世纪的职业教育思想 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 一、重商主义经济政策与经济自由主义要求 二、英、德等国家对实施职业教育的建议 三、科学和技术教育思潮 第二节进化论、实用主义和劳作学校的教育思想 一、达尔文与进化论思想 二、斯宾塞的实用主义教育观点 三、赫胥黎的科学教育观 四、凯兴斯泰纳的劳作教育思想 第三节职业教育中的课程论思想 一、科学知识的课程观 二、自然主义的课程观 三、实用主义的课程观 第四节文实之争与实科学校的分化 一、实科中学与文科中学之争 二、实科学校的分化 第五节日本近代以来的职业教育思想 一、福泽谕吉的职业教育理念 二、津田仙的农业教育思想 三、森有礼的职业教育思想 四、井上毅的职业教育思想 五、手岛精一的职业教育思想 六、平贺义美的工业教育思想 第七章19世纪英、德、法三国的职业教育 第一节19世纪英国的职业教育 一、影响职业教育发展的因素 二、面向成人的职业教育和技术培训 三、政府对职业教育采取的措施 四、举办技术学校解决童工问题 第二节19世纪德国的职业教育 一、工艺技术学校 二、进修学校 三、工科大学 四、训练工场的产生与双元制职业教育的萌芽 五、全时制职业技术学校的非职业化 第三节19世纪法国的职业教育 一、拿破仑执政到七月王朝时的职业教育 二、第二帝国至巴黎公社时期的职业教育 三、第三共和国时期的职业教育 第八章19世纪美国、日本的职业教育 第一节19世纪美国的职业教育 一、工人的职业培训活动 二、文实学校的兴衰和公立中学的出现 三、农工学院的肇端 四、《莫雷尔法案》对美国高等技术教育的促进 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification5 五、中等职业教育的发展 第二节日本明治时代的职业教育 一、附属于企业的职业培训机构 二、独立的职业教育机构 三、文部省管辖的职业教育机构 四、职业教育制度的建立 五、职业师范教育的发展 第九章杜威的职业教育思想 第一节生平、著作与教育思想 一、生平活动 二、教育思想的形成阶段 第二节关于职业、教育和职业教育 一、关于职业以及职业与人类社会生活的关系 二、关于教育 三、关于职业教育 第三节关于职业教育的目的、作用与意义 一、对美国现行职业教育弊病的批判 二、教育的无目的论和职业教育的作用、目的 三、关于发展职业教育的意义 第四节其综合职业教育思想 一、关于综合职业教育的观点 二、关于综合职业教育课程的体系与方式 三、其综合职业教育思想的影响 第十章20世纪英、德、法三国的职业教育 第一节20世纪英国职业教育 一、职业教育发展的社会条件 二、1902年的《巴尔福法案》、1913年的《技术学校条例》和1926年的《哈多报告》 三、各级各类职业学校的建立 四、第一次和第二次世界大战对职业教育机构的影响 五、1938年的《斯宾斯报告》和1944年的《巴特勒教育法》 第二节20世纪德国职业教育 一、中等教育改革与学校教育体系 二、双元制职业教育制度的确立 三、部分时间制职业教育机构 四、全日制职业技术学校的制度化 第三节20世纪法国职业教育 一、《阿斯蒂埃法》 二、双轨制的职业教育制度 三、企业对徒工训练的义务 第十一章20世纪美国、日本的职业教育 第一节美国的职业教育 一、工商业界对职业教育的参与 二、联邦与州职业教育行政机构的建立 三、美国职业教育的立法 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 四、《史密斯一休斯法》的主要内容 五、综合中学的确立和普通教育职业化 六、产业界实施的职业教育 第二节日本的职业教育 一、中等职业教育和高等职业教育 二、企业内的职业教育 三、军国主义的职业教育 大事件年表 参考文献 后记 3.职业教育:国际策略、发展与制度 外语教学与研究出版社; 第1版 (2011年6月1日) 琳达?克拉克 (编者), 克里斯托弗?温奇 (编者), 石伟平 (编者), 翟海魂 (译者) 内容提要 《职业教育:国际策略、发展与制度》介绍职业教育与培训在提高技能水平和社会生产力方面扮演了重要的角色。《职业教育经典译丛(第1辑)•职业教育 国际策略:发展与制度》揭示出在实施有效的职业教育与培训体系国家的中心作用,揭示出不同的职业教育与培训政策能够提升劳动力市场的平等以及社会的公正。 主题包括: 1.宽泛的职业教育与培训的教育和社会目标; 2.在职业背景下的学习本性; 3.职业教育与培训在英国、美国、澳大利亚、法国、德国,芬兰等国的历史发展。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification7 4.中国职业教育发展史 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2012年10月1日) 俞启定 (编者), 和震 (编者), 教育部 (丛书主编), 财政部 (丛书主编) 内容提要 《中国职业教育发展史》系统阐述中国职业教育从古到今的发展线索、主要政策、制度措施和思想观念。全书由古代教育中的职业教育、近代早期的工艺技术教育、实业教育体系在近代学制中的确立、从实业教育向职业教育的转型、国民政府执政时期的职业教育、新中国建立初期的专业技术教育、职业教育的兴起及再遭摧残、新时期职业教育的恢复和发展、职业教育成为教育发展的战略重点等九章组成。 目录 导论 第一章古代教育中的职业教育 第一节职业教育的起源 一、关于教育的起源 二、关于职业教育的起源 第二节古代农业生产中的劝农教育 一、古代农书中记载的农业教育 二、古代农业生产技术传承中的农谚 三、古代推进农业生产的社会教化 第三节古代工商业中的艺徒制教育 一、古代工艺生产的发展 二、工艺传授的教本 三、艺徒制的基本传授方式 第四节古代学校教育制度中的专科教育 一、教育制度中专科教育的形成 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 二、技术专科学校的发展 第五节古代教育家的职业教育思想 一、“六府”、“三事”的科技教育思想 二、墨子的科技教育思想 三、颜之推的技艺教育思想 四、颜元的实学教育思想 第二章近代早期的工艺技术教育 第一节新型工艺技术教育产生的思想背景 一、晚清经世致用思想的基本特征 二、“师夷之长技以制夷”的观念更新 第二节洋务运动时期新式工艺技术教育的兴办 一、新式工艺专业技术学堂的兴办 二、洋务派与顽固派关于“师夷”的争论 三、新式工艺技术学堂的意义和局限性 第三节维新运动时期新式工艺技术教育的拓展 一、变法改革在教育领域的开展 二、戊戌变法期间的教育改革 三、维新运动时期的倡导工艺技术教育的思想观点 四、郑观应提倡工艺技术教育的主张 五、张之洞兴办农工商学堂的举措 第三章实业教育体系在近代学制中的确立 第一节壬寅癸卯学制中的实业教育 一、“壬寅学制”的制订 二、“癸卯学制”的制订及基本结构 三、各级各类实业教育机构 四、实业学堂的课程教学 五、实业学堂的教职员 六、癸卯学制奠定的实业教育特点及局限性 第二节清末实业学堂的建立与发展 一、实业教育行政管理体制的建立 二、清末实业学堂的建立与发展 第三节张謇兴办实业教育的活动 一、兴办实业形成的“南通模式” 二、兴办实业教育的成就 三、兴办实业教育的特点 第四节民国初期的实业教育 一、民国教育宗旨中的实利主义教育 二、壬子癸丑学制中的实业教育 三、实业教育的行政管理 四、民国初实业教育的发展困境 第四章从实业教育向职业教育的转型 第一节职业教育的兴起背景 一、职业教育观念的产生 二、民族资本主义工商业的发展 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification9 三、劳工地位的提升和平民教育运动的开展 四、实用主义教育思潮的先导 五、民国职业教育思潮的先驱——陆费逵 第二节新文化运动期间对职业教育的倡导 一、注重教育与职业的关系 二、职业教育与实业教育的区别之辨 三、新的职业教育体系的设计 四、全国教育会联合会对职业教育的推动 五、中华职业教育社推进职业教育的实践活动 六、兴办职业教育的高潮 第三节职业教育体制在1922年学制中确立 一、新学制的基本内容 二、新学制中的职业教育体制 三、新学制颁布后职业教育的发展和存在问题 第五章国民政府执政时期的职业教育 第一节国民政府的学制建设和职业教育法规的制定 一、国民政府的教育宗旨 二、学制的调整 三、职业教育法规的制定 第二节职业学校制度 一、职业学校的任务 二、职业学校的设置 三、职业学校的经费 四、职业学校的设施 五、职业学校的科目设置 六、职业学校的教学和实习 七、职业学校的学费 八、职业学校的学生就业服务 九、职业学校的教员 十、职业学校的校长 十一、职业学校的职员 十二、职业学校的管理机制 十三、职业补习学校制度 第三节职业教育的发展 一、职业学校的举办 二、职业补习教育的推进 三、普通学校中的职业教育内容 四、沦陷区的职业教育 第四节中华职业教育社的农村职业教育 一、徐公桥农村改进试验区 二、黄墟农村改进试验区 三、漕河泾农学团 四、诸家桥乡村试验小学中的职业教育 五、中华新农具推行所 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 第五节黄炎培的职业教育思想 一、论职业教育的目的和任务 二、大职业教育主义 三、论职业教育的内容和方法 第六节中国共产党领导下的革命根据地的职业教育 一、革命根据地的教育体制 二、第二次国内革命战争时期苏区的职业教育 三、抗日战争时期敌后抗日根据地的职业教育 四、解放战争期间老解放区的职业教育 第六章新中国建立初期的专业技术教育 第一节建国初期的专业技术教育体制 一、建国初期中等技术教育取代旧职业教育 二、1951年学制中的专业技术教育 三、中等专业技术教育体制的形成 第二节中等专业学校的建立和发展 一、中等专业学校的公立化和专业集中化 二、统一教学计划和课程要求, 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 办学行为 三、《中等专业学校 章程 公司章程范本下载项目章程下载公司章程下载公司章程下载公司章程下载 》的颁布 第三节技工学校及职工教育的发展 一、技工教育的产生和形成体制 二、《技工学校暂行办法》的颁布和技工教育的发展 三、职工教育的开展 第七章职业教育的兴起及再遭摧残 第一节职业教育的提倡和农业中学的兴办 一、农业中学兴起的背景 二、群众自办的农业中学兴起 三、农业中学的办学特点 第二节中等专业技术教育的改革和城市职业学校的兴办 一、中等专业技术学校办学体制和教学改革 二、倡导半工半读教育,推行两种教育制度 三、城市职业学校的兴办 第三节“文化大革命”对职业教育的摧残 一、“文化大革命”期间“教育革命”的基本方针和措施 二、“文化大革命”前期的动荡和教育的荒废 三、“文化大革命”中后期中等专业技术教育的恢复和改造 第八章新时期职业教育的恢复和发展 第一节中等教育结构改革和重点发展职业技术教育的方针 一、中等教育结构改革 二、职业高中的兴办 三、中等专业学校和技工学校正式纳入职业教育系统 四、新的培训就业机制的探索 五、重点发展职业技术教育方针的确定 第二节短期职业大学的兴办和高等职业教育的构建 一、短期职业大学的兴办 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification11 二、高等职业教育的构建酝酿 三、高等职业教育体制的确立 四、五年制中高职的试办 第三节职业教育的发展高潮 一、20世纪80年代后期职业教育政策和 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 的演进 二、20世纪90年代前期职业教育发展的规划和相关政策 三、农村职业教育的大力推进 四、职业教育的法制建设 五、职业教育的高速发展 第四节职业教育的改革创新 一、职业资格制度的建立和加强 二、职业教育多元化办学体制的推进 三、中等职业学校招生、就业制度的改革 四、中等职业学校评估制度的建立 五、开展国际合作引进国外职教模式和资金 六、课程和教学改革 七、职业教育师资队伍建设 第九章职业教育成为教育发展的战略重点 第一节新世纪职业教育的机遇和挑战 一、高等职业教育的高速发展 二、中等职业教育的一度滑坡 三、关于职业教育“高移化”的论辩 四、中等职业教育的回升发展 五、中等职业教育改革和农民培训的深化 第二节职业教育作为教育发展战略重点地位的确立 一、确立职业教育的战略重点发展地位 二、职业教育的持续改革和发展 三、《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》 参考书目 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 5.比较职业教育 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2012年10月1日) 石伟平 (编者), 匡瑛 (编者) 内容提要 《比较职业教育》由10章组成,内容包括英国、德国、美国等国家和地区的职业教育发展 历史,现行体制和职业教育改革与发展趋势,第二次世界大战以后世界职业教育发展的基本 走向和世界职业教育课程改革的基本走向,以及西方学徒制和职业教育发展与变革的热点问 题。《比较职业教育》适用于中等职业学校校长培训工作。 目录 第一章 英国职业教育 第一节 英国职业教育发展历史 第二节 英国职业教育现行体制 第三节 英国职业教育改革与发展趋势 关键术语 思考题 推荐阅读 常用网站链接 第二章 德国职业教育 德国职业教育发展历史 第一节 第二节 德国职业教育现行体制 第三节 德国职业教育改革与发展趋势 关键术语 思考题 推荐阅读 常用网站链接 第三章 美国职业教育 第一节 美国职业教育发展历史 第二节 美国职业教育现行体制 第三节 美国职业教育改革与发展趋势 关键术语 思考题 推荐阅读 常用网站链接 第四章 澳大利亚职业教育 第一节 澳大利亚职业教育发展历史 第二节 澳大利亚职业教育现行体制 第三节 澳大利亚职业教育改革与发展趋势 关键术语 思考题 推荐阅读 推荐网站链接 第五章 日本职业教育 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification13 第一节 日本职业教育发展历史 第二节 日本职业教育现行体制 第三节 日本职业教育改革与发展趋势 思考题 推荐阅读 常用网站链接 中国台湾职业教育 第六章 第一节 中国台湾职业教育发展历史 第二节 中国台湾职业教育现行体制 第三节 中国台湾职业教育改革与发展趋势 思考题 推荐阅读 主要网站链接 第七章 第二次世界大战后世界职业教育发展的基本走向 第一节 第二次世界大战后世界职业教育发展的基本轨迹 第二节 当前世界职业教育发展的基本战略 第三节 当前世界职业教育发展的基本趋势 关键术语 思考题 推荐阅读 常用网站链接 第八章 第二次世界大战后世界职业教育课程改革的基本走向 第一节 第二次世界大战后世界职业教育课程发展的基本轨迹 第二节 世界职业教育课程改革的基本策略 第三节 当前世界职业教育课程改革的基本趋势 关键术语 思考题 推荐阅读 第九章 西方学徒制的昨天、今天与明天 第一节 西方传统学徒制的历史发展 第二节 西方现代学徒制的基本特征 第三节 西方现代学徒制的发展趋势 关键术语 思考题 推荐阅读 第十章 国际视野中职业教育发展与变革的热点问题 第一节 从国际比较角度审视职业教育发展的价值取向 第二节 从国际比较角度审视现代职业教育体系的改革与发展 第三节 从国际比较角度审视职业教育发展的投入问题 第四节 从国际比较角度审视校企合作办学模式 第五节 从国际比较角度审视职业教育师资问题 第六节 从国际比较角度审视农村职业教育的改革与发展 思考题 参考文献 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 中文文献 英文文献 6.中国特色职业教育发展之路:中国职业教育发展报告(2002-2012) (2012年10月1日) 高等教育出版社; 第1版 教育部职业技术教育中心研究所 (作者) 内容提要 《中国特色职业教育发展之路:中国职业教育发展报告(2002-2012)》分为发展历程、辉煌成就、巨大贡献、改革举措、问题挑战、未来展望六个部分,系统展现了十年间我国职业教育经历的重大转折与变革、采取的重大举措、取得的瞩目成就,以及对经济社会发展的重要贡献,同时分析了面临的问题及挑战,并对未来进行了展望。 目录 引言 第一章发展历程 1.1重申大力发展的方针 1.2走中国特色发展道路 1.3绘就未来十年新蓝图 第二章辉煌成就 2.1建立了世界上规模最大的职业教育体系 2.2形成了基本完善的职业教育法律制度体系 2.3探索了灵活多样的职业教育办学模式 2.4确立了覆盖广泛的职业教育学生资助体系 2.5走出了一条中国特色的职业教育发展道路 第三章巨大贡献 3.1 助推经济增长:7265万技术技能人才走向经济建设主战场 3.2提高就业能力:中职毕业生初次就业率连续六年95%以上,高职毕业生半年后就业率87% school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification15 以上 3.3促进社会公平:90%的中职学生和20%的高职学生享受国家资助 3.4优化教育结构:中职占高中阶段教育招生数的48.89%,高职占普通高等教育招生数的 47.67% 3.5服务“三农”发展:“十一五”期间,农村新生劳动力带技能转移2500万,年均培训进 城农民工2000万 3.6推进区域发展:60%以上职业院校毕业生留在本地发展,东西部联合招生合作办学规模 达30万 3.7传承民族文化:中等和高等职业学校开设了一大批民族文化、民间工艺类的特色专业, 造就了一大批文化传承者 第四章改革举措 4.1确立“以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向”的办学方针 4.2搭建技术技能人才成长“立交桥” 4.3完善产教结合机制 4.4创新工学结合、校企合作人才培养模式 4.5建立健全资助与免学费制度 4.6加大基础能力建设力度 4.7强化“双师型”教师队伍建设 4.8加快信息化建设步伐 4.9开展综合改革实验和配套改革试点 4.10加强国际交流与合作 第五章问题挑战 5.1发展面临诸多问题 5.2应对经济发展方式转变 5.3应对资源与环境危机压力 5.4应对人口变化 5.5应对人的终身发展需求 5.6应对新农村建设要求 第六章未来展望 6.1战略地位更加突出 6.2职教体系日臻完善 6.3提高质量成为核心 6.4优质资源人人共享 6.5国家制度更加健全 6.6以人为本全面发展 6.7服务“三农”能力提升 6.8国际化水平不断提高 后记 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 7.职业教育政策研究 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2012年10月1日) 和震 (编者), 教育部 (丛书主编), 财政部 (丛书主编) 内容提要 《职业教育政策研究》按照国际组织、发达国家和中国三个部分的职教政策的框架,形成较为全面的写作体系,突破了就单个国家或地区为研究单位的做法,采用了关注国际组织职业教育政策这样的平行研究的方法,同时立足中国,采用基于中国职业教育发展需要的比较方法,试图探析职业教育政策的基本依据和发展趋势,不是简单介绍政策法律文本,而是对政策法律的背景、解决问题与目标、成效与评价等进行综合研究,填补国内空白。内容包括7章:职业教育的国际治理;职业教育政策新热点的跨国比较:经济合作组织的视野;面向知识经济的职业教育——欧盟里斯本战略下的政策实践:职业教育立法研究;企业参与:职业教育校企合作机制与政策:中国职业教育政策分析:职业教育的公益性质与战略选择。 目录 第一章职业教育的国际治理,1 第一节联合国教科文组织职业教育政策研究,2 第二节 世界银行职业教育政策研究,10 第三节 国际劳工组织职业教育政策研究,17 第二章职业教育政策新热点的跨国比较:经济合作与发展组织的视野,33 第一节经合组织教育政策研究体系,34 第二节 经合组织职业教育政策的关注点,36 第三节经合组织职业教育与培训政策的趋向,56 第三章面向知识经济的职业教育——欧盟里斯本战略下的政策实践,59 第一节 知识经济与欧盟职业教育的新发展,59 第二节 欧盟职业教育政策概要,62 第三节 欧盟职业教育政策的运行机理,69 第四章职业教育立法研究,80 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification17 第一节职业教育立法与职业教育发展,80 第二节德国美国职业教育立法演进,82 第三节德国美国职业教育立法特征分析,102 第五章企业参与:职业教育校企合作机制与政策,105 第一节法律与资格制度,106 第二节机构的保障,109 第三节竞争的机制,113 第四节项目、补贴与奖励政策,114 第六章 中国职业教育政策分析,119 第一节职业教育发展回顾,119 第兰节职业教育政策30年述评,124 第三节职业教育政策个案分析,135 第四节政策建议,145 第七章职业教育的公益性质与战略选择,149 第一节职业教育公益性的内涵,149 第二节强化职业教育公益性质的必要性,152 第三节职业教育公益性的认识误区,153 第四节职业教育的类别及其公益性质与责任主体,154 参考文献,156 附录,163 附录一联合国教科文组织:关于技术与职业教育公约,163 附录二 国际劳工组织人力资源开发公约,169 附录三 国际劳工组织:关于促进就业和失业保护的公约,172 附录四 德国联邦职业教育法(2007年4月1日版) ,181 附录五美国职业教育与培训法案名录(1917—2006) ,214 附录六 欧盟 哥本哈根宣言(2002年11月) ,216 附录七 欧盟 马斯特里赫特公报,220 附录八欧盟赫尔辛基公报,225 附录九欧盟 萨洛尼卡公报,231 附录十 中华人民共和国职业教育法,235 附录十一 国务院关于大力发展职业教育的决定,239 附录十二高技能人才队伍建设中长期规划(2010—2020年) ,245 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 8.我国现代职业教育支撑体系研究 北京大学出版社; 第1版 (2014年1月1日) 王春燕 (作者), 史晓鹤 (作者) 内容提要 本书根据支撑服务体系模型,对国内的法律法规、资金投入、政策支持、社会环境、行业企业、教学资源、教科研、师资各职业教育支撑服务子系统进行了系统地梳理,分析了现状及存在的问题。根据支撑服务体系模型,对德国、英国、美国、澳大利亚、瑞士、新加坡等国外先进职业教育在支撑职业教育体系方面的做法进行梳理。 本书用系统论的研究方法,对目前国内外职业支撑服务点式研究,进行合理规划整合,运用整体、有序、平衡、稳定、优化等系统观念,以受教育者为核心,构建了我国现代职业教育支撑服务体系模型。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification19 9.中国现代职业教育理论体系研究 人民出版社; 第1版 (2013年10月1日) 许正中 (作者), 等 (作者) 作者简介 许正中,男,汉族,1967年出生,国家行政学院经济学部教授,博士生导师。先后在中国社会科学院获得经济学博士学位,在英国兰卡斯特大学从事管理学博士后研究。先后主持世界银行、联合国等国际性课题及国家自然科学基金、国家软科学、国家重大公益性项目多项。著述颇丰,专著、合著、主编著作三十余部,发表学术论文百余篇。 内容提要 本书认为产业的替代速度和职业的更替速度决定着国家竞争力和地位。技术、技能和创意是产业和职业创新的三大驱动轮。而职业教育是三大驱动轮的发动机和原动力。在创业型经济时代,职业教育有了全新的理念和功能,可以分为创业型教育、产业匹配型教育和社会融入型教育三类。创业型教育是指将新技术、新创意和新技能直接催化为新产业的职业教育;产业匹配型教育是指同现有产业匹配而进行的技能培育;社会融入型教育是指人的社会化的技能培育。发展创业型经济是催生新产业和新职业的基石,是建设创新型引领国家的法宝;发展产业匹配型的职业教育能使中国成为名副其实的制造业大国;发展社会融入型职业教育能够使中国平稳地实现从传统社会向现代社会转型。本书针对中国职业教育现状和存在的问题,开宗明义地指出职业教育决不仅仅是其他类型教育的补充,而是现代教育的主要形态和重要组成部分。职业教育是教育改革的方向,教育改革是改革的枢机。在此基础上,本书描绘了中国职业教育改革路线图,提出要改革学位授予体系、创建区域技能扩散平台、构建职业教育社会普遍服务体系等职业教育改革方略。同时,本书也多维度地论述了职业教育改革的具体路径、作用及意义。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification
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