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2013年乡镇统战工作汇报2013年乡镇统战工作汇报 1, to position the driver training 2, on-time maintenance and repair vehicles. 3 collect weather information, enhance occupant safety, car safety harness must be 4, site and road blockade in person on-site monitoring collapse 2 1, operating with...

2013年乡镇统战工作汇报 1, to position the driver training 2, on-time maintenance and repair vehicles. 3 collect weather information, enhance occupant safety, car safety harness must be 4, site and road blockade in person on-site monitoring collapse 2 1, operating without the required slope or the support measures taken; 2, there is no escape. 3, delayed drainage 1. injuries 2. equipment damage 1, operating pit excavation based on soil conditions in the required slope, cannot ensure the slope ratio of to take the appropriate protection measures; 2, operations personnel must be provided with escape routes escape routes (two). 3, operation hang within the tidal pool drainage 3 radiation 1. without PPE. 2. open the arc 1. personal injury 1, welding and related workers who meet the requirements of the PPE must be worn. 2, education and other related personnel do not look directly at the arc objects 4 against 1. not wearing helmets; 2. the cast thrown from a height. 1. the casualties 2. equipment damage 1. entering the site must wear a safety helmet; 2. When you are using large and small hammer, prohibition of wearing gloves; 3. when the TURNBUCKLE, wrench installation casing is strictly prohibited; 4. no hammer wrench; 5. to prohibit the cast thrown from a height. 5 shock 1. power tools insulated well or is not grounded; 2. the unreasonable distribution cabinets; 2. the illegal operations. 1. personal injury 1. use power tools and cables shall be well insulated; 2. construction site distribution cabinets should be 0.6-1.5 meters from the ground 2013年乡镇统战工作汇报 2013年乡镇统战工作汇报 今年来,我镇统战工作在县委统战部的指导和镇党委领导下,认真贯彻落实省、市、县统战工作会议精神,按照年初制订的 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 ,围绕紧扣经济建设中心,发挥优势,凝聚力量,积极服务于改革、发展、稳定的工作大局,为推动全镇经济社会更快更好发展作出了积极贡献。上半年主要做了以下几方面工作: 一、党委重视,把统战工作摆上重要工作日程。 一是制定计划,明确全年统战工作重点。根据县委统战部下发的2013年工作要点,结合我镇实际情况,制订了全镇统战工作计划,突出做好无党派人士主题教育和新社会阶层人士工作,不断提升非公经济、民族宗教、基层统战四项基础工作水平,积极探索开展创新工作列为全年工作重点,并以党委文件的形式下发到各党总支。 二是重点工作列入全局工作一同安排。 三是分管领导重视。 二、突出重点,统战各项基础工作取得进展。 一是加强对宗教活动场所的管理,打击违建活动。3月1, to position the driver training 2, on-time maintenance and repair vehicles. 3 collect weather information, enhance occupant safety, car safety harness must be 4, site and road blockade in person on-site monitoring collapse 2 1, operating without the required slope or the support measures taken; 2, there is no escape. 3, delayed drainage 1. injuries 2. equipment damage 1, operating pit excavation based on soil conditions in the required slope, cannot ensure the slope ratio of to take the appropriate protection measures; 2, operations personnel must be provided with escape routes escape routes (two). 3, operation hang within the tidal pool drainage 3 radiation 1. without PPE. 2. open the arc 1. personal injury 1, welding and related workers who meet the requirements of the PPE must be worn. 2, education and other related personnel do not look directly at the arc objects 4 against 1. not wearing helmets; 2. the cast thrown from a height. 1. the casualties 2. equipment damage 1. entering the site must wear a safety helmet; 2. When you are using large and small hammer, prohibition of wearing gloves; 3. when the TURNBUCKLE, wrench installation casing is strictly prohibited; 4. no hammer wrench; 5. to prohibit the cast thrown from a height. 5 shock 1. power tools insulated well or is not grounded; 2. the unreasonable distribution cabinets; 2. the illegal operations. 1. personal injury 1. use power tools and cables shall be well insulated; 2. construction site distribution cabinets should be 0.6-1.5 meters from the ground 1, to position the driver training 2, on-time maintenance and repair vehicles. 3 collect weather information, enhance occupant safety, car safety harness must be 4, site and road blockade in person on-site monitoring collapse 2 1, operating without the required slope or the support measures taken; 2, there is no escape. 3, delayed drainage 1. injuries 2. equipment damage 1, operating pit excavation based on soil conditions in the required slope, cannot ensure the slope ratio of to take the appropriate protection measures; 2, operations personnel must be provided with escape routes escape routes (two). 3, operation hang within the tidal pool drainage 3 radiation 1. without PPE. 2. open the arc 1. personal injury 1, welding and related workers who meet the requirements of the PPE must be worn. 2, education and other related personnel do not look directly at the arc objects 4 against 1. not wearing helmets; 2. the cast thrown from a height. 1. the casualties 2. equipment damage 1. entering the site must wear a safety helmet; 2. When you are using large and small hammer, prohibition of wearing gloves; 3. when the TURNBUCKLE, wrench installation casing is strictly prohibited; 4. no hammer wrench; 5. to prohibit the cast thrown from a height. 5 shock 1. power tools insulated well or is not grounded; 2. the unreasonable distribution cabinets; 2. the illegal operations. 1. personal injury 1. use power tools and cables shall be well insulated; 2. construction site distribution cabinets should be 0.6-1.5 meters from the ground 份我镇就私设基督教聚会点的“三乱”现象进行了自查,对不合要求的地方督促其进行整改。 二是深化教育,巩固无党派人士主题教育活动成果。一月份,组织人大、政协、镇机关等九名无党派人士代表参加座谈,学习了十八大精神、中央统战部号召广大知识分子和无党派人士向袁隆平同志学习的通知等资料,并交流学习了十八大精神后的心得体会。 三是以商引商、大力加强商会建设。商会在硬件建设上加强了办公场所、办公人员的配备,在会务上按期召开会员例会,年初,召开了企业新春联谊会。 四是开展对新社会人士的调查摸底工作。按照涡阳县加强新的社会阶层人士统战工作的实施意见,我镇组织开展了对新的社会阶层人士的调查摸底工作,并进行登记,现正在开展之中。 五是梳理台帐,夯实统战工作基础。建立和完善统战工作对象台帐是做好乡镇统战工作的前提和基础,为此,我们在开展各项工作的同时十分注重建好台帐,如无党派人士主题教育、新社会阶层人士、民族宗教、商会工作、基层统战。同时根据新形势新情况的变化,及时进行调整充实,健全完善,做到心中有数,实施动态管理。为全年的统战工作的顺利开展打下了良好的基础。 六是加强学习,注重提升素质。根据要求,参加了县1, to position the driver training 2, on-time maintenance and repair vehicles. 3 collect weather information, enhance occupant safety, car safety harness must be 4, site and road blockade in person on-site monitoring collapse 2 1, operating without the required slope or the support measures taken; 2, there is no escape. 3, delayed drainage 1. injuries 2. equipment damage 1, operating pit excavation based on soil conditions in the required slope, cannot ensure the slope ratio of to take the appropriate protection measures; 2, operations personnel must be provided with escape routes escape routes (two). 3, operation hang within the tidal pool drainage 3 radiation 1. without PPE. 2. open the arc 1. personal injury 1, welding and related workers who meet the requirements of the PPE must be worn. 2, education and other related personnel do not look directly at the arc objects 4 against 1. not wearing helmets; 2. the cast thrown from a height. 1. the casualties 2. equipment damage 1. entering the site must wear a safety helmet; 2. When you are using large and small hammer, prohibition of wearing gloves; 3. when the TURNBUCKLE, wrench installation casing is strictly prohibited; 4. no hammer wrench; 5. to prohibit the cast thrown from a height. 5 shock 1. power tools insulated well or is not grounded; 2. the unreasonable distribution cabinets; 2. the illegal operations. 1. personal injury 1. use power tools and cables shall be well insulated; 2. construction site distribution cabinets should be 0.6-1.5 meters from the ground 1, to position the driver training 2, on-time maintenance and repair vehicles. 3 collect weather information, enhance occupant safety, car safety harness must be 4, site and road blockade in person on-site monitoring collapse 2 1, operating without the required slope or the support measures taken; 2, there is no escape. 3, delayed drainage 1. injuries 2. equipment damage 1, operating pit excavation based on soil conditions in the required slope, cannot ensure the slope ratio of to take the appropriate protection measures; 2, operations personnel must be provided with escape routes escape routes (two). 3, operation hang within the tidal pool drainage 3 radiation 1. without PPE. 2. open the arc 1. personal injury 1, welding and related workers who meet the requirements of the PPE must be worn. 2, education and other related personnel do not look directly at the arc objects 4 against 1. not wearing helmets; 2. the cast thrown from a height. 1. the casualties 2. equipment damage 1. entering the site must wear a safety helmet; 2. When you are using large and small hammer, prohibition of wearing gloves; 3. when the TURNBUCKLE, wrench installation casing is strictly prohibited; 4. no hammer wrench; 5. to prohibit the cast thrown from a height. 5 shock 1. power tools insulated well or is not grounded; 2. the unreasonable distribution cabinets; 2. the illegal operations. 1. personal injury 1. use power tools and cables shall be well insulated; 2. construction site distribution cabinets should be 0.6-1.5 meters from the ground 统战部业务 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 班。根据全镇部署,在新一轮思想大解放活动中联系本职工作,提出了改进性工作设想,目前都在加快落实之中。 三、注重创新,抓好商会建设和在外知名人士工作。 年初,召开了企业新春联谊会,在会上,我们介绍了近年来我镇经济发展的情况,号召他们回家创业或为家乡建设出谋划策。在会上,在外人士纷纷表示要为家乡的建设贡献自己的力量,为家乡的发展添砖加瓦。会后,我们正常与他们保持热线联系,他们为我镇提供了很多有用的招商信息。在日常工作中,我们加强了和非公有企业的联系,坚持“团结、帮助、引导、教育”的方针,认真做好非公有制经济代表人士的思想政治工作和培养教育工作,鼓励他们抓住机遇进一步做大做强企业,为社会多作贡献。 回顾今年工作,还有很多不足,需要在工作中不断加以改进。 下半年工作打算: 1、继续做好新社会阶层人士的调查摸底、分类造册工作。 2依法治理私设基督教聚会点的“三乱”现象,对查出的问题督促整改。 3、继续加强信息及调研工作。 4、抓好非公经济代表人士队伍建设,了解企业发展状 1, to position the driver training 2, on-time maintenance and repair vehicles. 3 collect weather information, enhance occupant safety, car safety harness must be 4, site and road blockade in person on-site monitoring collapse 2 1, operating without the required slope or the support measures taken; 2, there is no escape. 3, delayed drainage 1. injuries 2. equipment damage 1, operating pit excavation based on soil conditions in the required slope, cannot ensure the slope ratio of to take the appropriate protection measures; 2, operations personnel must be provided with escape routes escape routes (two). 3, operation hang within the tidal pool drainage 3 radiation 1. without PPE. 2. open the arc 1. personal injury 1, welding and related workers who meet the requirements of the PPE must be worn. 2, education and other related personnel do not look directly at the arc objects 4 against 1. not wearing helmets; 2. the cast thrown from a height. 1. the casualties 2. equipment damage 1. entering the site must wear a safety helmet; 2. When you are using large and small hammer, prohibition of wearing gloves; 3. when the TURNBUCKLE, wrench installation casing is strictly prohibited; 4. no hammer wrench; 5. to prohibit the cast thrown from a height. 5 shock 1. power tools insulated well or is not grounded; 2. the unreasonable distribution cabinets; 2. the illegal operations. 1. personal injury 1. use power tools and cables shall be well insulated; 2. construction site distribution cabinets should be 0.6-1.5 meters from the ground 3 / 4 1, to position the driver training 2, on-time maintenance and repair vehicles. 3 collect weather information, enhance occupant safety, car safety harness must be 4, site and road blockade in person on-site monitoring collapse 2 1, operating without the required slope or the support measures taken; 2, there is no escape. 3, delayed drainage 1. injuries 2. equipment damage 1, operating pit excavation based on soil conditions in the required slope, cannot ensure the slope ratio of to take the appropriate protection measures; 2, operations personnel must be provided with escape routes escape routes (two). 3, operation hang within the tidal pool drainage 3 radiation 1. without PPE. 2. open the arc 1. personal injury 1, welding and related workers who meet the requirements of the PPE must be worn. 2, education and other related personnel do not look directly at the arc objects 4 against 1. not wearing helmets; 2. the cast thrown from a height. 1. the casualties 2. equipment damage 1. entering the site must wear a safety helmet; 2. When you are using large and small hammer, prohibition of wearing gloves; 3. when the TURNBUCKLE, wrench installation casing is strictly prohibited; 4. no hammer wrench; 5. to prohibit the cast thrown from a height. 5 shock 1. power tools insulated well or is not grounded; 2. the unreasonable distribution cabinets; 2. the illegal operations. 1. personal injury 1. use power tools and cables shall be well insulated; 2. construction site distribution cabinets should be 0.6-1.5 meters from the ground 况和非公代表人士是思想状况,促进非公有制企业做大做 强,推动全镇民营经济的健康发展。 5、抓好上级部门交办的其他事项。 1, to position the driver training 2, on-time maintenance and repair vehicles. 3 collect weather information, enhance occupant safety, car safety harness must be 4, site and road blockade in person on-site monitoring collapse 2 1, operating without the required slope or the support measures taken; 2, there is no escape. 3, delayed drainage 1. injuries 2. equipment damage 1, operating pit excavation based on soil conditions in the required slope, cannot ensure the slope ratio of to take the appropriate protection measures; 2, operations personnel must be provided with escape routes escape routes (two). 3, operation hang within the tidal pool drainage 3 radiation 1. without PPE. 2. open the arc 1. personal injury 1, welding and related workers who meet the requirements of the PPE must be worn. 2, education and other related personnel do not look directly at the arc objects 4 against 1. not wearing helmets; 2. the cast thrown from a height. 1. the casualties 2. equipment damage 1. entering the site must wear a safety helmet; 2. When you are using large and small hammer, prohibition of wearing gloves; 3. when the TURNBUCKLE, wrench installation casing is strictly prohibited; 4. no hammer wrench; 5. to prohibit the cast thrown from a height. 5 shock 1. power tools insulated well or is not grounded; 2. the unreasonable distribution cabinets; 2. the illegal operations. 1. personal injury 1. use power tools and cables shall be well insulated; 2. construction site distribution cabinets should be 0.6-1.5 meters from the ground
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