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《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕


《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 很久很久以前 在隐秘的法国腹地... Once upon a time, in the hidden heart of France... 有一位年轻英俊的王子... a handsome young prince... 他住在富丽堂皇的城堡之中 lived in a beautiful castle. 尽管周身应有尽有... Although he had everything his heart desired... 王子却自私无情 ...

《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕
《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 很久很久以前 在隐秘的法国腹地... Once upon a time, in the hidden heart of France... 有一位年轻英俊的王子... a handsome young prince... 他住在富丽堂皇的城堡之中 lived in a beautiful castle. 尽管周身应有尽有... Although he had everything his heart desired... 王子却自私无情 the prince was selfish and unkind. 陛下 时间到了 Master, it's time. 他向村子征税 用最华丽之物装饰城堡 He taxed the village to fill his castle with the most beautiful objects. 命最华美之人流连于他的派对 And his parties with the most beautiful people. ? 如同置身仙境 ? ? Oh, how divine ? ? 美妙音乐 结合神奇魔术 ? ? Glamour, music and magic combine ? ? 翩跹少女 一心大放光彩 ? ? See the maidens so anxious to shine ? ? 寻找任何一丝成功的迹象 ? ? Look for a sign that enhances chances ? ? 成为他的意中人 ? ? She'll be his special one ? ? 多么动人心魄的展示 ? ? What a display ? ? 多么声势浩大的排场 ? ? What a breathtaking, thrilling array ? ? 无论贵贱皆有得意之日 ? ? Ev'ry prince Ev'ry dog has his day ? ? 我们慷慨高唱 永不停歇 整夜欢歌 ? ? Let us sing with passion, gusto, fit to bust, oh ? ? 将一切抛诸脑后 ? ? Not a care in the world ? 某一夜... Then one night... 一位不速之客闯入城堡... an unexpected intruder arrived at the castle... 在狂风暴雨中寻找庇护之所 seeking shelter from the bitter storm. 她将一朵玫瑰赠与王子 作为礼物 As a gift, she offered the prince, a single rose. 王子厌恶老妇的羸弱... Repulsed by her haggard appearance... 他将老妇撵走 the prince turned the woman away. 老妇警告王子 切勿以貌取人 But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances. 美常掩于外表之下 For beauty is found within. 他再次驱逐老妇时... When he dismissed her again... 她的伪装逐渐褪去 the old woman's outward appearance melted away. 真相显露... To reveal... 她变为美丽动人的女巫 a beautiful enchantress. 王子乞求原谅 The prince begged for forgiveness, 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 1 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 但为时已晚 but it was too late. 她已参透其空虚冷漠的内心 For she had seen that there was no love in his heart. 阿奇 阿奇 我的老天 Chip! Chip! Oh, my! 作为惩罚... As punishment... 女巫将王子变为相貌丑陋的野兽 she transformed him into a hideous beast. 并对城堡施下强力魔咒... And placed a powerful spell on the castle... 城堡内无一人幸免 and all who lived there. 岁月流逝... As days bled into years... 王子及其仆人被世人彻底遗忘 the prince and his servants were forgotten by the world. 因为女巫将他们存在的痕迹... For the enchantress had erased all memory of them... 从深爱之人的记忆中抹去 from the minds of the people they loved. 但她带来的玫瑰附有魔力 But the rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose. 只有王子爱上他人... If he could learn to love another... 并在最后一片花瓣枯萎凋零之前赢得此and earn their love in return by the time the last 人的爱 petal fell... 魔咒才会解除 the spell would be broken. 否则 王子将永远被禁锢于野兽这副丑If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all 陋躯壳之中 time. 岁月匆匆... As the years passed... 王子陷入绝望 希望破灭 he fell into despair and lost all hope. 谁会爱上一头野兽呢 For who could ever learn to love a beast? ? 小镇安详 村庄宁静 ? ? Little town It's a quiet village ? ? 周而复始 ? ? Every day like the one before ? ? 小镇平凡 民众普通 ? ? Little town Full of little people ? ? 早起便说 ? ? Waking up to say ? -早安 -早安 - Bonjour! - Bonjour! 早安 Bonjour! ? 糕点师傅抬着盘子 ? ? There goes the baker with his tray like always ? ? 卖的还是老花样 ? ? The same old bread and rolls to sell ? ? 每日清晨都一样 ? ? Every morning just the same ? ? 从我们搬来的那天起 ? ? Since the morning that we came ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 2 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 贫穷小镇的日常 ? ? To this poor provincial town ? 早上好 贝儿 Good morning, Belle! 早上好 让先生 又丢东西了吗 Good morning, Monsieur Jean! Have you lost something again? 是的 应该是 Well, I believe I have. 问题是 我不记得丢了什么 The problem is, I can't remember what! 没事 总有一天我会想起来的 Oh, well. I'm sure it will come to me. 你要去哪里 Where are you off to? 把这本书还给罗伯特神父 To return this book to Père Robert. 讲的是维罗纳一对恋人{\fs18}[罗密欧It's about two lovers in fair Verona. 与朱丽叶]{\r} 听上去很无聊 Sounds boring. ? 快看那女孩 真是奇怪 ? ? Look there she goes that girl is strange, no question ? ? 茫然分心 再明显不过 ? ? Dazed and distracted Can't you tell? ? ? 一向独来独往? ?Never part of any crowd ? ? 满脑不切实际的幻想 ? ? 'Cause her head's up on some cloud ? ? 毫无疑问 贝儿是个有意思的姑娘 ? ? No denying she's a funny girl that Belle ? ? 你好 日安 家里人都好吗 ? ? Bonjour, good day, how is your family? ? ? 你好 日安 你太太好吗 ? ? Bonjour, good day, how is your wife? ? ? 来六个鸡蛋 这也太贵了? I need six eggs That's too expensive ? 生活绝不止眼前苟且? ?There must be more than this provincial life ? 这不是咱们镇上唯一的书虫吗 Ah, if it isn't the only bookworm in town. 这周又去哪神游了 So, where did you run off to this week? 意大利北部的两座城市 Two cities in Northern Italy. 都不想回来了 I didn't want to come back! 还有什么好地方可以去的吗 Have you got any new places to go? 恐怕没了 I'm afraid not. 不过你喜欢的话可以重温旧书 But you may reread any of the old ones that you'd like. 多谢 Thank you. 你的图书馆将这世界一隅扩大了百倍 Your library makes our small corner of the world feel big. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 3 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 Bon voyage~ 一路顺风 再见 Bye. ? 快看 又是这个奇怪的姑娘? ?Look, there she goes The girl is so peculiar ? ? 她是否感觉良好 ? ? I wonder if she's feeling well ? ? 美丽动人却埋首书海 ? ? With a dreamy far off look And her nose stuck in a book ? ? 对众人而言 成谜的贝儿 ? ? What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle ? ? 真是难以言喻 ? ? Oh! Isn't this amazing ? ? 这是我最爱的情节 ? ? It's my favorite part because you'll see ? ? 在这章 她与白马王子邂逅 ? ? Here's where she meets Prince Charming ? ? 但到第三章 ? ? But she won't discover that it's him ? ? 才恍然大悟? '? Til chapter three ? ? 难怪她以"美人"为名 ? ? Now it's no wonder That her name means "beauty" ? ? 她的美貌无与伦比 ? ? Her looks have got no parallel ? ? 但美丽的面庞下 掩藏着古怪的性格 ? But behind that fair facade I'm afraid she's rather ? odd ? ? 与其余众人天差地别 ? ? Very different from the rest of us ? ? 跟我们完全不同 ? ? She's nothing like the rest of us ? ? 是的 相去甚远 ? ? Yes, different from the rest of us ? ? 她就是贝儿 ? ? Is Belle ? 看 莱福 Look at her, LeFou. 我未来的妻子 My future wife. 贝儿是村里最漂亮的姑娘 Belle is the most beautiful girl in the village. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 4 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 她可是人中凤凰 That makes her the best. 但她学识渊博 But she's so well-read. 你却... And you're so... -四肢发达 -我知道 - athletically inclined. - I know. 贝儿的伶牙俐齿和美丽动人是成正比的 Belle can be as argumentative as she is beautiful. 你都有我们了 还要她干嘛 Exactly! Who needs her when you've got us! 对... Yes... 但战争过后 But ever since the war, 我总觉得少了些什么 I've felt like I've been missing something. 而且她是唯一能让我觉得... And she's the only girl that gives me that sense of... 难以言喻 Je ne sais quoi. 听不懂 I don't know what that means. ? 见到她那一刻 ? ? Right from the moment ? ? 仅只一瞥 ? ? When I met her, saw her ? ? 我就被她的美貌迷倒 ? ? I said she's gorgeous and I fell ? ? 这偏僻小镇只有她与我般配 ? ? Here in town there's only she Who is beautiful as me ? ? 我正 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 追求并迎娶贝儿 ? ? So I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle ? ? 快看 他来了 ? ? Look there he goes ? ? 完美的梦中情人 ? ? Isn't he dreamy ? ? 加斯顿先生 他实在太帅了 ? ? Monsieur Gaston, oh, he's so cute ? ? 心怦怦直跳 我无法呼吸 ? ? Be still, my heart I'm hardly breathing ? ? 他真是高大威猛 风流倜傥 ? ? He's such a tall, dark Strong and handsome brute ? 别做梦了 姑娘们 It's never gonna happen, ladies. ? -你好 -借过 ? ? - Bonjour - Pardon ? ? -日安 -是啊 ? ? - Good day - Mais, oui ? ? -这也能叫培根 -花儿真美 ? ? - You call this bacon - What lovely flowers ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 5 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? -来点奶酪吗 -来九米缎带吗 ? ? - Some cheese - Ten yards ? ? -来一斤 -借过 ? ? - One pound - 'Scuse me ? ? -我去拿刀 -麻烦借过 ? ? - I'll get the knife - Please let me through ? ? -这个面包 -那筐鱼 ? ? - This bread - Those fish ? ? -都烂了 -一股臭味 ? ? - It's stale - They smell ? ? -您搞错了 -也许吧 ? ? - Madame's mistaken - Well, maybe so ? ? 生活绝不止眼前苟且 ? ? There must be more than this provincial life ? ? 早上好 ? ? Good morning ? ? 等着吧 贝儿总有一天会成为我的妻 ? Just watch I'm going to make Belle my wife ? ? ? 早上好 ? ? Oh! Good morning ? ? 快看 这姑娘虽古怪却特别 ? ? Look there she goes A girl who's strange but special ? ? 是小镇最特殊的姑娘 ? ? A most peculiar mademoiselle ? ? 格格不入 可惜无比 ? ? It's a pity and a sin She doesn't quite fit in ? ? 但她着实风趣 聪明动人 活泼可爱 ? ? But she really is a funny girl A beauty but a funny girl ? ? 诙谐有趣? ?She really is a funny girl ? ? 就是那个贝儿 ? ? That Belle ? 早上好 贝儿 Good morning, Belle! 这书挺好看的 Wonderful book you have there. 你看过吗 Have you read it? 没有 没看过那本 不就是书嘛... Well, not that one. But, you know, books... 送你装饰餐桌 For your dinner table. 今晚能跟你一起用餐吗 Shall I join you this evening? 抱歉 今晚不行 Sorry, not this evening. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 6 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 很忙吗 Busy? 不是... No... 忘了她吧 So, moving on? 不 莱福 No, LeFou. 不入虎穴 It's the ones who play hard to get 焉得虎子 that are always the sweetest prey. 这就是贝儿吸引人之处 That's what makes Belle so appealing. 她没有为吸引我的注意力 She hasn't made a fool of herself 卖弄风骚 just to gain my favor. 你说这是什么 What would you call that? 有骨气 Dignity? 简直太吸引人了 是吧 It's outrageously attractive, isn't it? 加斯顿 Gaston! ? 片刻如何永恒 ? ? How does a moment last forever ? ? 故事总会终结 ? ? How can a story never die ? ? 爱是不灭源泉 ? ? It is love we must hold on to ? ? 纵有艰难险阻 决不轻言放弃 ? ? Never easy but we try ? ? 偶尔捕捉幸福瞬间 ? ? Sometimes our happiness is captured ? ? 时光和居所静止不变 ? ? Somehow a time and place stand still ? ? 爱植根于心中 ? ? Love lives on inside our hearts ? ? 永恒不灭 ? ? And always will ? 贝儿 Belle. 能不能... Could you... 帮我递... Hand me a... 谢谢 Thank you. 还有... And I also need... 不 不是 No. No. No. 实际上... Actually... 没错 我正缺这个 谢谢 yes, that's exactly what I need. Thank you. -爸爸 你觉得我奇怪吗 -奇怪 - Papa, do you think I'm odd? - Odd? 我女儿 怎么可能奇怪 My daughter? Odd? 你怎么会这么想 Where did you get an idea like that? 不知道 风言风语 I don't know. People talk. 我们这里地方小 This is a small village, you know. 大家思维同样狭窄 Small minded as well. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 7 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 但小也意味着安稳 But small also means safe. 在巴黎的时候 Even back in Paris, 我认识了一个跟你很像的女孩... I knew a girl like you, who was so... 她也观念先进 ahead of her time. 与众不同 So different. 人们嘲笑她 People mocked her. 可后来人人都在模仿她 Until the day they all found themselves imitating her. 拜托 再给我讲讲她的事情 Please, just tell me one more thing about her. 你的妈妈... Your mother was... 无所畏惧 fearless. 无所畏惧 Fearless. 那... So... 要我从市场给你带点什么吗 what can I bring you from the market? 玫瑰花吧 画里那种 A rose. Like the one in the painting. 你每年都要 You ask for that every year! 你不也照带不误 And every year you bring it. 我会给你带的 Then I shall bring you another. 我保证 You have my word. -再见 爸爸 -再见 贝儿 - Goodbye, Papa. - Goodbye, Belle. 走吧 飞利浦 Come on, Philippe. 你认路的 You know the way. 明天见 I'll see you tomorrow! 好 明天 带着玫瑰回来 Right. Tomorrow, with the rose. 路上小心 Stay safe. 你在做什么呀 What are you doing? 洗衣服 The laundry. 来吧 过来 Come! Come! "蓝色鸟儿..." "The blue bird..." "飞过..." "That flies... "漆黑的..." "over the dark... "树林" "wood." 真棒 That was amazing! 你到底在干吗 What on earth are you doing? 教女孩认字吗 Teaching another girl to read? 有你一个还不够吗 Isn't one enough? 得给她点颜色看看 We have to do something. 你是世界上最奔放... You are the wildest... 最有魅力的人 most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. 没人配得上你 Nobody deserves you. 但我们的孩子肯定很美 But at least I know our children will be beautiful. 我打扰你做白日梦了吗 Am I catching you at a bad time? -什么事 莱福 -你的心上人有难 - What is it, LeFou? - A certain damsel is in distress. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 8 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 该英雄救美了 It's hero time. 我会回来的 I'm not done with you yet. 我也是 Me, neither. 贝儿 听说校长找你麻烦了 Belle! I heard you had trouble with the Headmaster. 他也没喜欢过我 He never liked me either. 我想给你个忠告 Can I give you a little advice about the villagers though? 村民不会相信你想带来的变革 They're never going to trust the kind of change you're trying to bring. 我只想教那个孩子识字 All I wanted was to teach a child to read. 你该操心的孩子应该是... The only children you should concern yourself with... 自己的孩子 are your own. 我... I'm... 还不打算生孩子 not ready to have children. 你只是没遇到真命天子 Maybe you haven't met the right man. 加斯顿 这个村子很小 这里的男人我都It's a small village, Gaston. I've met them all. 认识 你应该再仔细看看 Well, maybe you should take another look. 有些人现在可不一样了 Some of us have changed. 加斯顿... Gaston... 我们在一起不会幸福的 we could never make each other happy. 没人能脱胎换骨 No one can change that much. 贝儿 Oh, Belle. 你知道村子里没了父亲的老姑娘 Do you know what happens to spinsters in this village 都是什么下场吗 after their fathers die? 给点钱吧 行行好吧 Coins? Got any spare coins? 他们成了乞丐 阿加特就是个例子 They beg for scraps, like poor Agathe. 这就是现实 贝儿 This is our world, Belle. 穷乡僻壤 没什么好挑的 For simple folk like us, it doesn't get any better. 我是个乡下姑娘 I might be a farm girl. 但我没那么单纯... But, I'm not simple... 我永远也不会嫁给你 加斯顿 and I'm never going to marry you, Gaston. 抱歉 I'm sorry! 谁能想象 Can you imagine? 我 嫁给一个粗鲁... Me? The wife of that boorish... 头脑简单的人... brainless... ? 加斯顿夫人 你还不明白吗 ? ? Madame Gaston, can't you just see it ? ? 加斯顿夫人 他的娇妻 ? ? Madame Gaston, his little wife ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 9 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 绝不会是我 我发誓 ? ? No, sir, not me, I guarantee it ? ? 我不想如此苟且度过余生 ? ? I want much more than this provincial life ? ? 我想去外面开开眼界 ? ? I want adventure in the great wide somewhere ? ? 这是我梦寐以求的生活 ? ? I want it more than I can tell ? ? 纵然有艰难险阻 ? ? And for once it might be grand ? ? 纵然知音难觅 ? ? To have someone understand ? ? 我不愿循规蹈矩地生活 ? ? I want so much more Than they've got planned ? 树林很迷人 The woods are lovely. 可我不认路 I only wish I recognized them. 你知道我们在哪儿吗 菲利浦 我迷路了 Do you know where we are, Philippe? Because I don't. 没事的 没事的 菲利浦 It's all right. It's all right, Philippe. 那我们走这边 Yes, we can go this way. 走 走右边 Go on. To the right. 对了 稳一点 That's it. Steady! 往前走 Walk on! 此路不通... One path closes... 我们另辟蹊径 another one opens. 没什么大不了的 下了点雪而已 It's all right, boy. It's just a bit of snow. 六月飞雪 In June. 小心脚下 Mind your step. 路很滑 It's slippery. 快跑 菲利浦 快 Go! Go, Philippe! Come on! Come on! 快 Come on! 快 菲利浦 快 Go! Philippe, go! Go, go! 天哪 Whoa! 菲利浦 Philippe! 好孩子 Good boy. 跑 乖孩子 快跑 Go, boy. Go! 菲利浦 你救了我一命 Oh, Philippe, you saved my life. 干得漂亮 Well done. Yes. 它们得去别处觅食了 They'll have to get their dinner somewhere else, 对吧 won't they? 看 Look! 那儿有干草 There's hay. 有水 And water. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 10 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 都给你准备好了 老伙计 You're all set, my old friend. 我这个不速之客要去向主人打声招呼 I'll go pay my respects to our unwitting host. 天知道他是谁 Whoever that may be. 谢谢 Thank you. 谢... Thank... 你好 Hello? 有人吗 Hello? 抱歉闯进来 Sorry to intrude. 我只是经过... I'm just a traveler... 想找个地方避避风雪 seeking shelter from the storm. 非常抱歉打扰您 Sorry to disturb you. 有人在吗 Anyone home? 都睡了吗 Anyone awake? 他肯定在树林里迷路了 He must have lost his way in the woods. 闭嘴 你个笨蛋 Shut up, you idiot! 有人吗 Excuse me? 真漂亮 Beautiful. 杰作啊 Extraordinary. 有品味的男人 A man of taste. 他夸的可是我 He was talking about me. 哎呀 Oops! 我不知道你在哪儿... Well, wherever you are... 我只想烤烤火 暖暖身子 I'm just going to warm myself by the fire. 好点了 That's better. 真的好多了 Oh, much better. 谢谢 Thank you. 妈妈不让我动 说会吓到你 Mum said I wasn't supposed to move because it might be scary. 对不起 Sorry. 没事的 It's all right. 我... I, uh... 我不能... I cannot... 更感谢你的招待了 thank you enough for your hospitality. 我得... I'll... 走了... bid you adieu... 晚安 and good night. 快 菲利浦 走 Come on, Philippe! Go! Go! 等等 停下 No, wait, wait, wait! 玫瑰 差点忘了 Roses. I nearly forgot. 这里很安全 We're safe here. 我答应贝儿 带枝玫瑰的 I promised Belle a rose. 好了 There! 菲利浦 Philippe! 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 11 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 怎么了 What happened? 爸爸呢 Where's Papa? 带我去找他 Take me to him! 快看 葛士华 Look, Cogsworth. 是个美女啊 A beautiful girl! 我当然看到了 Yes! I can see it's a girl. 我指针坏了 眼睛还长着呢 I lost my hands, not my eyes. 她会不会是那个 But what if she is the one? 打破咒语的人 The one who'll break the spell? 谁在说话 Who said that? 谁在那儿 Who's there? 爸爸 Papa? 爸爸 是你吗 Papa, is that you? 贝儿 Belle! 你怎么找到我的 How did you find me? 你手好冰 Your hands are ice. 我要带你回家 We need to get you home. 贝儿 你赶紧走 Belle, you must leave here at once! 这个城堡 是活的 This castle is alive! 现在就走 趁他还没发现你 Now go, before he finds you! 谁 Who? 谁在那儿 Who's there? 你是谁 Who are you? 你又是谁 Who are you? 我是来找我爸爸的 I've come for my father. 你爸爸 是个小偷 Your father is a thief. 骗人 Liar! 他偷了我的玫瑰 He stole a rose. 是我要玫瑰 I asked for the rose. 你惩罚我 跟他没关系 Punish me, not him. 不行 他要关我一辈子 No! He means forever. 很明显 摘了他的花 Apparently, that's what happens around here 就会有这样的下场 when you pick a flower. 就因为一朵花 要把他关一辈子 A life sentence for a rose? 我就是这个下场 I received eternal damnation for one. 我还只是把他关起来 I'm merely locking him away. 你还想代替你爸爸吗 Now, do you still wish to take your father's place? 别躲在黑暗里 Come into the light. 选吧 Choose. 贝儿 我不能让你受罚 Belle, I won't let you do this. 我已经失去你妈妈了 I lost your mother. 不能再失去你 I won't lose you, too. 赶紧走 Now, go. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 12 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 走啊 Go! 好吧 爸爸 我会走的 All right, Papa. I'll leave. 让我再跟他单独待一会儿吧 I need a minute alone with him. 你就这么冷血... Are you so cold-hearted... 不让女儿和爸爸告别吗 you won't allow a daughter to kiss her father goodbye? 关一辈子不差这一分钟 Forever can spare a minute. 这扇门关上 就不会再打开了 When this door closes, it will not open again. 我应该和你一起去的 I should have been with you. 不 贝儿 听我说 Oh, no, no. Belle, listen to me. 没事的 It's all right. 赶紧走 Now go. 过你想要的生活 Live your life. 忘了我吧 And forget me. 忘了你 Forget you? 我所有的一切都是你给的 Everything I am is because of you. 我爱你 贝儿 I love you, Belle. 不要怕 Don't be afraid. 我也爱你 爸爸 I love you too, Papa. 我不怕 I'm not afraid. 我会想办法逃走的 相信我 And I will escape. I promise. 什么 What? 你要代替他 You took his place. 因为他是我爸爸 He's my father. 他是个傻子 He's a fool. 你也是 And so are you. 贝儿... Belle... 爸爸 Papa! 别伤到他 Don't hurt him! -爸爸 -不 - Papa! - No! 我会回来的 I'll come back! 我保证 I promise! 抱歉打扰了 小姐... Forgive my intrusion, mademoiselle... 请允许我带你去你的房间 but I have come to escort you to your room. 我有房间 My room? -我还以为... -以为什么 - But I thought... - Oh, what? "当这扇门关上 就不会再打开了" That "Once this door closes it will not open again"? 我知道 I know. 他戏太多 He gets so dramatic. 你好 Hello. 你力气还挺大 Oh, you are very strong. 算是一个优点 This is a great quality. 你是什么 What are you? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 13 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 我叫卢米埃尔 I am Lumière! 你能说话 And you can talk? 他当然能说话啦 Well, of course he can talk. 他就会说个不停 It's all he ever does. 卢米埃尔 作为总管家... Now, Lumière, as head of the household... 我命令你立即把她关回牢里去 I demand that you put her back in her cell at once. 葛士华 下半辈子你想怎么过 What do you want to be for the rest of your life, Cogsworth? 是想变回人 还是继续做台钟 A man, or a mantle clock? 准备走了吗 小姐 Ready, miss? 相信我 Trust me. 给您的第一印象不太好 请别在意 You must forgive first impressions. 希望您没受到太大惊吓 I hope you are not too startled. 那还有什么惊吓的 Why would I be startled? 我可正在跟蜡烛说话呢 I'm talking to a candle. 是烛台 谢谢 Candelabra, please. 区别大着呢 Enormous difference. 现在开始我为您服务 这城堡就是您的But consider me at your service. The castle is your 家了... home now... 请随意一点 想去哪就去哪 so feel free to go anywhere you like. 除了西翼 Except the west wing. 我们没有西翼 Which we do not have. 怎么了 西翼有什么吗 Why? What's in the west wing? -没什么 -什么都没有 - Oh, nothing. - Nothing. -储藏室而已 -对 储藏室 - Storage space. - Storage space. -仅此而已 -对 仅此而已 - That's it. - That's it. 嗯 没什么特别的 Yes, that's it. 请走这边 去东翼 This way, please. To the east wing. 应该说 这只有一翼 Or as I like to call it, the only wing. 注意脚下哦 这边请 Watch your step, s'il vous plaît! 欢迎来到新家 Welcome to your new home. 虽然朴素 但很舒适 It's modest, but comfortable. 真华丽 It's beautiful. 当然了 But of course! 主人想你住进城堡里最好的房间 Master wanted you to have the finest room in the castle. 亲爱的 我们没料到会有客人到访 Oh, dear. We were not expecting guests. 很高兴见到你 小姐 Enchantée, mademoiselle. 别担心 Don't worry. 我马上把房间打扫干净 I'll have this place spotless in no time. 你这计划太冒险了 This plan of yours is dangerous. 若能再次亲吻你 一切都是值得的 I would risk anything to kiss you again, Plumette. 可别 亲爱的 在你吻上我之前 我就会No, my love. I've been burned by you before. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 14 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 烧着的 你得坚定心神 We must be strong. 你让我如此脆弱 我又如何坚定 How can I be strong when you make me so weak? 这里所有东西都有生命吗 Is everything here alive? 你好 你叫什么 Hello. What's your name? 那只是把梳子 That is a hairbrush. 别怕 Do not be alarmed. 这是你的衣柜 This is just your wardrobe. 快来认识下衣柜夫人 伟大的歌唱家 Meet Madame De Garderobe. A great singer. 当然是她醒着的时候 When she can stay awake. 葛士华 歌者得睡美容觉 Cogsworth! A diva needs her beauty rest. 别睡啊 夫人 Stay with us, Madame. 有客人等着你梳妆打扮呢 We have someone for you to dress! 终于... Finally... 是个女人 a woman. 眼睛好看 Pretty eyes. 满脸倔强 Proud face. 完美的衣架子 哇耶 Perfect canvas. Yes! 我给你找配得上公主的 I will find you something worthy of a princess. 我不是公主 Oh, I'm not a princess. 胡说 Nonsense! 好了 看看抽屉里都有些啥 Now, let's see what I've got in my drawers. 太不好意思了 How embarrassing. 福福 过来帮妈妈 Froufrou, come help Mama. 这么简约 淡雅的装扮 我喜欢 Subtle. Understated. I love it! 福福 告诉大师我爱他 Froufrou, send my love to the maestro. 想一下 莱福 Picture it, LeFou. 一间乡下小屋... A rustic cabin... 架子上烤着我新打的猎物... my latest kill roasting on the fire... 可爱的孩子们跑来跑去 心爱的妻子adorable children running around us as my love... 正... 给我按摩腿 rubs my tired feet. 可是贝儿说了什么 But what does Belle say? "我绝不会嫁给你 加斯顿" "I will never marry you, Gaston!" 天涯何处无芳草啊 You know, there are other girls. 伟大的猎手才不会浪费时间打野兔 A great hunter doesn't waste his time on rabbits. ? 你这样我多么不安 加斯顿 ? ? Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Gaston ? ? 看上去如此萎靡不振 ? ? Looking so down in the dumps ? ? 这里所有人都想成为你啊 加斯顿 ? ? Every guy here'd love to be you, Gaston ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 15 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 有你这么强壮也行 ? ? Even when taking your lumps ? ? 镇上再没有你这般的人物 ? ? There's no man in town as admired as you ? ? 你是大家最爱的偶像 ? ? You're everyone's favorite guy ? ? 大家为何如此崇拜 敬畏你 ? ? Everyone's awed and inspired by you ? ? 而一切显而易见 ? ? And it's not very hard to see why ? ? 没人能像加斯顿一样机灵 ? ? No one's slick as Gaston ? ? 没人能像加斯顿一样敏捷 ? ? No one's quick as Gaston ? ? 也没有人脖子如加斯顿一般壮硕 ? ? No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston ? ? 镇上的男人连加斯顿一半的男子气概? For there's no man in town half as manly ? 都没有 ? ? 十全十美的真男人 ? ? Perfect, a pure paragon ? ? 你随便问问叫汤姆 迪克或者斯坦利? You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley ? 的人 ? ? 他们会告诉你他们最想当谁的小弟 ? ? And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on ? ? 谁能 ? ? Who plays ? ? 比加斯顿更会扔飞镖 ? ? Darts like Gaston? ? ? -谁能 -比加斯顿更会俘获芳心 ? ? - Who breaks - Hearts like Gaston? ? ? 谁能比加斯顿这个人更厉害 ? ? Who's much more than the sum of his parts like Gaston? ? ? 作为一个传说 是的 我如此威武 ? ? As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating ? ? 如此完美 只有加斯顿 ? ? My, what a guy, that Gaston ? ? 我需要鼓励 ? ? I needed encouragement ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 16 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 谢谢你 莱福 ? ? Thank you, LeFou ? ? 反正没人能像你这么好哄 ? ? Well, there's no one as easy to bolster as you ? 太过了吗 Too much? 有点 Yep! ? 没人能像加斯顿一样会打架 ? ? No one fights like Gaston ? ? 没人能像加斯顿一般摁灭灯火 ? ? Douses lights like Gaston ? ? 在摔跤赛场上 也没人如加斯顿一般? In a wrestling match Nobody bites like Gaston ? 咬人 ? ? 打猎的时候 我会悄悄瞄准 ? ? When I hunt, I sneak up with my quiver ? ? 而野兽只能祈祷 ? ? And beasts of the field say a prayer ? ? 我先瞄准要害 ? ? First I carefully aim for the liver ? ? 然后我从后面开枪 ? ? Then I shoot from behind ? ? 这公平吗 ? ? Is that fair? ? ? 鬼才在乎 ? ? I don't care ? ? 没人能像加斯顿一样会打猎 ? ? No one hits like Gaston ? ? 没人能像加斯顿一样风趣 ? ? Matches wits like Gaston ? ? 连吐痰 也没人能比加斯顿吐得远 ? ? In a spitting match nobody spits like Gaston ? 我吐痰技术特别好 ? ? I'm especially good at expectorating ? ? 加斯顿加十分 ? ? Ten points for Gaston! ? ? 谢谢 谢谢 ? ? Thank you. Thank you. ? ? 小时候我每天早上要吃四打鸡蛋 ? ? When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs ? ? 因此我如此强壮 ? ? Every morning to help me get large ? ? 如今我要吃五打鸡蛋 ? ? And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 17 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 因此我现在力大无穷 ? ? So I'm roughly the size of a barge ? ? 谁能像加斯顿一样 ? ? Who has brains ? ? 有聪慧 ? ? like Gaston ? ? -像加斯顿一样 -有内涵 ? ? - Entertains - Like Gaston ? ? 谁能像加斯顿我一样被不断歌颂 ? ? Who can make up these endless refrains like Gaston ? ? 我鹿角装点一切 ? ? I use antlers in all of my decorating ? ? 再来一遍 ? ? Say it again ? 谁是人中翘楚 ? ? Who's a man among men? ? 谁是超级王者 ? ? Who's a super success? ? 你知道吗 你猜得到吗 ? ? Don't you know? Can't you guess? ? 快问问他的粉丝和追随者 ? ? Ask his fans and his five hangers-on ? 那就是镇上独一无二的 ? ? There's just one guy in town who's got all of it down ? 他就叫 加油的加 撕扯的撕 ? ? And his name's, G-A-S-T ? 好像多了个提手旁 ? ? I believe there's another 'T' ? 一下子记不起来了 ? ? It just occurred to me that I'm illiterate ? 我从未这么大声拼出他的名字 ? ? And I've never actually had to spell it out loud before ? 加斯顿 ? ? Gaston 莱福 你最棒了 Oh, LeFou, you're the best. 你怎么还单着呢 How is it no girl has snatched you up yet? 她们说我太粘人了 我怎么一点都不觉I've been told I'm clingy, but I really don't get it. 得 帮帮我 快来人帮帮我啊 Please, please. Someone, someone. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 18 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 帮我... You, help... 你一定要帮我 You must help me. 贝儿出事了 他 他抓了贝儿 It's Belle! He's got, he's got Belle. 她被关在牢里 She's locked in a dungeon. 谁抓了她 Who's got her? 一只野兽 A beast! 一只巨大 恐怖丑陋的野兽 A huge, horrid, monstrous beast! 我女儿有危险 My daughter's life is in danger. 你笑什么 我没在说笑 Why do you laugh? It's not a joke. 他的城堡在树林深处 His castle is hidden in the woods. 那里已经是冬天了 It's already winter there. 六月飞雪吗 Winter in June? 疯老头莫里斯 Crazy old Maurice! 听我说 Listen to me! 真的有野兽 The beast is real. 你明白嘛 Do you understand? 没人愿意帮我吗 Will no one help me? 我来帮你吧 莫里斯 I'll help, Maurice. 什么 What? 你会帮我吗 You will? 好了... Everybody... 大家别再取笑这家伙了 stop making fun of this man at once. 谢谢你 上尉 Captain, thank you. 别谢我 莫里斯 Don't thank me, Maurice. 带我们去找野兽 Lead us to the beast. 走吧 Come. 妈妈 听说城堡里来了个小姐姐 Mama! There's a girl in the castle! 是的 阿奇 我们都知道了 Yes, Chip, we know! 她喜欢喝什么茶呢 What kind of tea does she like? 药茶 乌龙茶... Herbal, oolong... 还是菊花茶呢... chamomile... 我好激动啊 I'm too excited! 慢点 别摔坏了你的杯把 Slow down before you break your handle. 揭下盖子 茶壶太太 Heads up, Mrs. Potts. 卢米埃尔 Lumière! 冷静点 让我来说 Be calm. Let me do the talking. 你居然给她做晚饭 You're making her dinner! 我们觉得你需要有个人陪 Well, we thought you might appreciate the company. 主人 我向您发誓... Master, I just want to assure you... 我跟这个计划没有任何关系 that I had no part in this hopeless plan. 准备晚饭也好 给她梳妆打扮也好 还有Preparing a dinner, designing a gown for her, giving 让她... her... 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 19 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 住进东翼的客房 a suite in the east wing! 你还给她准备客房 You gave her a bedroom? 不是我 是他 No, no, no. He gave her a bedroom. 是这样的 This is true. 但万一这姑娘就是能解开魔咒的真爱But if this girl is the one who can break the spell... 呢... 也许你应该从共进晚餐开始 then maybe you could start by using dinner to charm her. -好主意 葛士华 -什么 - Good thinking, Cogsworth. - What? 这真是可笑至极... That's the most ridiculous idea... 闻所未闻 追求一个囚犯 I've ever heard. Charm the prisoner! 可你必须试试 主人 时光流逝... But you must try, Master. With every passing day... 我们越来越不像人类 we become less human. 她可是小偷的女儿 She's the daughter of a common thief. 你觉得她又会是什么好鸟 What kind of person do you think that makes her? 您不能因为她父亲如何就给她定性. Oh, you can't judge people by who their father is, now can you? 跟我一起吃晚饭 You'll join me for dinner. 这不是在邀请你 That's not a request. 绅士点 主人 Gently, Master. 她一天之内 The girl lost her father... 失去了父亲和自由... and her freedom in one day. 是啊 这小可怜可能正在里面吓得要死 Yes, the poor thing is probably in there, scared to death. 就是 Exactly. 等会 Just a minute. 看到没 她在里面 记住 绅士点 You see? There she is. Now, remember, be gentle. -温柔点 -迷人点 - Kind! - Charming! 可爱点 Sweet! 等她开门 潇洒温柔地冲她一笑 And when she opens the door, give her a dashing, debonair smile. 是啊 是啊 笑一个 Come, come. Show me the smile. -我的天哪 -我去 - Oh, mon dieu! - Oh, no. 要跟我一起吃个晚饭吗 Will you join me for dinner? 你把我当犯人关起来 You've taken me as your prisoner 现在又想和我共进晚餐 and now you want to have dinner with me? 你有毛病吗 Are you insane? 他要发火了 He's losing it. 老天 Oh, dear! 叫你出来和我吃晚饭 I told you to join me for dinner. 我说了 不去 And I told you no. 几点了 What time is it? 发生什么事了 What's happening? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 20 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 我宁愿饿死都不会和你吃饭 I'd starve before I ever ate with you. 随你便 Well, be my guest. 饿死你得了 Go ahead and starve. 不和我吃饭... If she doesn't eat with me... 那就别给她饭吃 then she doesn't eat at all. 一帮蠢货 Idiots! 您不能这样跟我们说话 我不允许 You can't talk to us like that. I forbid it. 我说晚了吧 Am I too late? 不好意思 我这次真打算跟他直说 Shame, I was really going to tell him off this time. 主人 您又回来啦 Oh, Master, you've returned. -嗯 很好玩 -吓到你啦 - Oh, very funny. - I got you there. 给我看那女孩 Show me the girl. 又掉了一片花瓣 Another petal fell. 卢米埃尔... Lumière... 我又长了三片羽毛 明明昨天才拔过 I grew three more feathers. And I just plucked yesterday. 我知道 亲爱的 I know, darling. 我的身体也越来越不灵活了 I'm getting more metallic every day. 不 又来了 不好意思 Oh, no. It's happening again. Pardon me. 大伙 冷静下来 Oh, everyone, calm yourselves. -我们还有时间 -妈妈... - We still have time. - Mama... 我还能变回小男孩吗 am I ever going to be a boy again? 当然啦 阿奇 Oh, yes, Chip. 你很快就能再次沐浴阳光了 You'll have your days in the sun again. 交给妈妈吧 You just leave it to me. 我说过了 你走开 I told you to go away. 别害怕 亲爱的 是我 茶壶太太 Don't worry, dear. It's only Mrs. Potts. 你可真美啊 Oh, aren't you a vision! 真高兴能认识你 How lovely to make your acquaintance. 回去的路很长 你走之前... It's a very long journey. Let me fix you up... 让我招待一下你 before you go. 我发现... I have found... 很多烦恼在你喝完一杯提神热茶后... that most troubles seem less troubling... 就没那么困扰了 after a bracing cup of tea. 悠着点 阿奇 Slowly now, Chip. 很高兴见到你 Pleased to meet you. 我给你变个戏法吧 Wanna see me do a trick? 阿奇 Chip! 亲爱的 你很勇敢 愿意代替父亲留在这 That was a very brave thing you did for your father, dearie. 是的 Yes. 我们都这么认为 We all think so. 我很担心他 I'm worried about him. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 21 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 他从没独自生活过 He's never been on his own. 振作点 好孩子 Cheer up, my poppet. 船到桥头自然直 Things will turn out in the end. 吃完晚饭会让你感觉好点 You'll feel a lot better after dinner. 但他说 "不和我吃饭 But he said, "If she doesn't eat with me, 那就别给她饭吃" then she doesn't eat at all." 人生气时会说很多违心的话 Mmm, people say a lot of things in anger. 听不听就是我们的事了 It is our choice whether or not to listen. 你来吗 孩子 You coming, poppet? 去吧 Go! 她们要来了 最后检查一遍 大伙 马上 They are coming. Final checks, everyone! Tout de suite! 不 不能这样 No, you don't! 如果主人发现你违背命令招待她 If the master finds out you violated his orders and fed her, 他会怪罪我 he will blame me! 没错 我保证他会的 Yes, I will make sure of it. 但你没看见那姑娘顶撞他的样子吗 But did you see her stand up to him? 我给你说 我们等的就是她 I am telling you, this girl is the one. 我们想再次变回人类 就必须让他俩在They must fall in love if we are to be human again... 一起... 要是她光待在房间里 我们也撮合不了and how can they fall in love if she stays in her 他们 room? 沙伯 这里没擦干净 Hey, Chapeau, you missed a spot. 你知道她不可能爱上主人 You know she'll never love him. 虽然你这坏钟一天也能准两次 我的朋A broken clock is right two times a day, mon ami... 友... 不过你这次肯定掉链子了 站直了 but this is not one of those times. Stand up straight! 是时候点燃爱情的火花了 It's time to sparkle! 我没有味觉 Mmm! I have no taste buds, 但我知道这肯定很美味 but I can tell this is exquisite. 走开 还没做好 Off! Off me while I work! 辣椒 加进来 盐 来一点 Pepper, get cracking! Salt, shake a leg! 别搞这么大动静 小声点 Not so loud! Keep it down. 当然 当然 但没点音乐... Of course, of course! But what is dinner... 怎能叫晚宴呢 without a little music? 音乐 Music? 卡登扎大师 准备好了吗 Maestro Cadenza, are you ready? 我很久没弹过琴了 It has been so long since I have performed. 都快忘记怎么弹了 I can barely even remember how. 又长蛀牙了 Another cavity. 大师 你妻子就在楼上... Maestro, your wife is upstairs... 她每天清醒的时间越来越短了 finding it harder and harder to stay awake. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 22 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 她还指望着你帮大家打破诅咒 She's counting on you to help us break this curse. 那我会忍着牙痛演奏 Then I shall play through the dental pain. 大师 麻烦你安静地弹 Maestro, play quietly, please. 小声安静地弹 呵呵 当然 Oh, quietly. Sotto voce! Of course! 你还对我的艺术有什么... Are there any other tasteless demands... 其他无理要求吗 you wish to make upon my artistry? 没了 就这个 No, that's it. 到了 亲爱的 There you are, dear. 亲爱的小姐 Ma chère mademoiselle. 我们无比荣幸与愉悦... It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure... 今晚能在此招待您 that we welcome you tonight. 这里 现在... Here! And now... 请您放松身心 we invite you to relax. 准备就座... Let us pull up a chair... 城堡餐厅倾情呈上... as the dining room proudly presents... 您的晚餐 Your dinner! ? 请上座 请上座 ? ? Be our guest, be our guest ? ? 我们的服务很不错 ? ? Put our service to the test ? ? 系上餐巾 亲爱的 ? ? Tie your napkin 'round your neck, chérie ? ? 剩下一切交给我 ? ? And we'll provide the rest ? ? 今日例汤 开胃小菜 ? ? Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres ? ? 为您服务 使命所在 ? ? Why we only live to serve ? ? 菜品貌不扬 味道却顶尖 ? ? Try the grey stuff, it's delicious ? ? 若您不信 问问碟碗刀叉 ? ? Don't believe me? Ask the dishes ? ? 他们能歌 他们善舞 ? ? They can sing, they can dance ? ? 毕竟这是法国 小姐 ? ? After all, miss, this is France ? ? 这里的晚餐总是最好的 ? ? And a dinner here is never second best ? ? 快打开您的菜单 ? ? Go on unfold your menu ? ? 看一看 点点餐 ? ? Take a glance and then you'll ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 23 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 请上座 请上座 ? ? Be our guest, oui, our guest ? ? 请上座 ? ? Be our guest ? ? 牛肉炖菜 ? ? Beef ragout ? ? 芝士奶酥 ? ? Cheese soufflé ? ? 烤火馅饼 燃烧布丁 ? ? Pie and pudding en flambé ? ? 为您奉上绝味佳肴和有卡巴莱舞蹈 ? ? We'll prepare and serve with flair A culinary cabaret ? ? 您孤身一人 心怀恐惧 ? ? You're alone and you're scared ? ? 但宴会已然就绪 ? ? But the banquet's all prepared ? ? 收起抱怨和忧郁 ? ? No one's gloomy or complaining ? ? 让刀叉碟碗来逗乐您 ? ? While the flatware's entertaining ? ? 我们讲笑话 我变把戏 ? ? We tell jokes, I do tricks ? ? 见见我的烛台搭档 ? ? With my fellow candlesticks ? ? 佳肴表演一定对您口味 ? ? And it's all in perfect taste That you can bet ? ? 快举起酒杯 ? ? Come on and lift your glass ? ? 贵客就您一位 ? ? You've won your own free pass ? ? 请上座 ? ? To be our guest ? ? 别再紧张 请享用佳肴 ? ? If you're stressed it's fine dining we suggest ? ? 请上座 ? ? Be our guest ? ? 请上座 请上座 ? ? Be our guest, be our guest ? ? 生活让人如此无力 ? ? Life is so unnerving ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 24 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 仆人不能为主人效力 ? ? For a servant who's not serving ? ? 无人侍候 他深感空虚 ? ? He's not whole without a soul to wait upon ? ? 回想起当年忙碌的日子 ? ? Ah, those good old days when we were useful ? 葛士华 Eh, Cogsworth? ? 好日子突然一去不返 ? ? Suddenly those good old days are gone ? ? 多年光阴 我们锈迹斑斑 ? ? Too long we've been rusting ? ? 城堡内外 四处灰尘满满 ? ? Needing so much more than dusting ? ? 沦为摆设 毫无用武之地 ? ? Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills ? ? 惶惶终日 在城堡游荡 ? ? Most days we just lay around the castle ? ? 日渐臃肿 身心懒散 ? ? Flabby, fat and lazy ? ? 直到您推门而入 如绽放荒原的雏菊 ? You walked in and whoops-a-daisy ? ? ? 有贵客 有贵客 ? ? It's a guest, it's a guest ? ? 感谢老天 赐予希望 ? ? Sakes alive, well, I'll be blessed ? ? 备好美酒 感谢上帝 ? ? Wine's been poured and thank the Lord ? ? 递上餐巾 刚刚烫好 ? ? I've had the napkins freshly pressed ? ? 吃完点心 来杯热茶 ? ? With dessert, she'll want tea ? ? 我亲爱的 交给我吧 ? ? And my dear, that's fine with me ? ? 把杯子擦亮堂 ? ? While the cups do their soft-shoeing ? ? 我的热茶也已滚烫 ? ? I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing ? ? 先加热 再煮沸 ? ? I'll get warm, piping hot ? ? 我的天 有污点 ? ? Heaven's sakes, is that a spot? ? ? 快冲干净 给客人留下好印象 ? ? Clean it up, we want the company impressed ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 25 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 还有很多要做 ? ? We've got a lot to do ? ? 一块还是两块糖 ? ? Is it one lump or two? ? ? 为了您 我们的贵客 ? ? For you, our guest ? ? 她是贵客 ? ? She's our guest ? ? 请上座 请上座 ? ? Be our guest, be our guest ? ? 尽管吩咐 为您服务 ? ? Our command is your request ? ? 多年以来 人迹罕至 ? ? It's been years since we've had anybody ? ? 我们欣然招待您 ? ? here and we're obsessed ? ? 佳肴须美味 ? ? With your meal ? ? 服务必入微 ? ? With your ease ? ? 一切只为让您满意 ? ? Yes indeed, we aim to please ? ? 趁着烛台光芒照耀 ? ? While the candlelight's still glowing ? ? 让我们接着招待您 ? ? Let us help you, we'll keep going ? ? 佳肴一道又 ? ? Course by ? ? 一道 一盘又一盘 ? ? Course! One by one ? ? 直到您说 "我吃饱了" ? ? 'Til you shout, "Enough, I'm done!" ? ? 接着我们用歌声 ? ? Then we'll sing you off to sleep ? ? 送您入梦 ? ? As you digest ? ? 今晚您会终生难忘 但现在先享用佳? Tonight you'll prop your feet up but for now let's 肴 ? eat up ? ? 请上座 ? ? Be our guest ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 26 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 请上座 ? ? Be our guest ? ? 请您上座 ? ? Please be our guest ? 布丁 Pudding? 我不明白你们干嘛对我这么好 I don't understand why you're all being so kind to me. 你们和我一样都是被困在这的 Surely, you're as trapped here as I am. 你们就没想过逃跑吗 Don't you ever want to escape? 其实主人没有外表看上去那么凶狠 The master's not as terrible as he appears. 在内心深处 他仍是个王子... Somewhere deep in his soul, there's a prince... 等待有人拯救他 of a fellow who just waiting to be set free. 卢米埃尔之前提到了城堡西翼 Lumière mentioned something about the west wing. 你不用在意那个 Never you mind about that. 去睡觉吧 孩子 Off to bed with you, poppet. -晚安 -做个好梦 - Good night. - Nighty-night. 直接回房间 Straight to bed. 你在这里干嘛 你做了什么 What are you doing here? What did you do to it? -什么都没做 -你知不知道你差点干了-Nothing. -Do you realize what you could have 什么 done? 你差点害死我们所有人 You could have damned us all! 滚出去 Get out of here! 滚 Go! 将军 我又赢了 Checkmate. Again. 等等 不 你又作弊了 Wait! No! You cheated again. 小姐 你要做什么 Mademoiselle, what are you doing? 离开这里 Getting out of here. 停下 Stop! 快去 福福 Go! Go! Froufrou! 快 福福 拦下她 Yes, Froufrou. Stop her. 别让她走 Don't let her leave! 拦下她 Stop her! 不 不 福福 No! No! Froufrou! 不 我们不想和你玩 No! No, it's not play time! 现在不行 傻狗狗 Not now, silly boy. 坏狗狗 坏狗狗 Bad dog. Bad dog! 不 不 不 No! No! No! 求你别走 Please don't go! 外面很危险 It's dangerous! 我的天 Oh, my! 你得帮我 You have to help me. 你得站起来 You have to stand. 不 肯定没走错 No! I'm sure this is the way. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 27 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 听到狼嚎了吗 Do you hear those wolves? 那就说明我们离城堡不远了 That means we're getting very close to the castle. 够了 我们掉头 Look, enough is enough. We have to turn back. 停车 Stop! 是它 就是它 That's it! There it is! 就是这棵树 That's the tree! 肯定是 I'm sure of it. 当时被闪电劈倒了 It was downed by lightning at the time. 现在... But now... 它又立起来了... it's resumed an upright position... 可能是因为... through some sort of... 魔法什么的吧 magic or other. 你真想跟他家结亲吗 You really wanna marry into this family? 所以... So, that means... 城堡就在那... that the castle is that... 不 No. 不对 在... No, it's... 那边 That way. 肯定在那边 Definitely, that way. 老子不想陪你玩了 I am done playing this game of yours. 贝儿在哪 Where is Belle? 野兽抓了她 她... The beast took her and she... 根本就没什么野兽 There are no such things as beasts. 也没有会说话的茶杯 Or talking teacups. 更没有魔法 Or magic! 这里只有有狼 老子又冷又饿 But there are wolves, frostbite, and starvation. 深呼吸 加斯顿 Deep breaths, Gaston. 深呼吸 Deep breaths. 咱们回吧 回维勒讷沃 So, why don't we just turn around? Go back to Villeneuve. 贝儿肯定已经回家 正在准备晚餐呢 I'm sure Belle is at home, cooking up a lovely dinner. 如果你觉得是我在编故事... If you think I've made all this up... 当初干嘛要帮我 then why did you offer to help? 因为我想娶你女儿 Because I want to marry your daughter! 现在 跟我回去 Now, let's go home. 贝儿不在家 Belle is not at home. 她跟... She is with the... 你再说什么野兽... You say beast one more time... 我就把你扔去喂狼 I will feed you to the wolves! 加斯顿 住手 呼吸 Gaston! Stop it! Breathe! 想点快乐的事 回想打仗的时候 Think happy thoughts. Go back to the war. 鲜血 Blood. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 28 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 爆炸 好多好多寡妇 Explosions. Countless widows. -寡妇 -对 对 - Widows. - Yes. Yes. 就这样 That's it. 就这样 That's it. 莫里斯 Maurice! 实在抱歉 老家伙 Please, forgive me, old bean. 我怎么能用这种口气对未来岳父说话That's no way to talk to my future father-in-law... 呢... 对吧 now is it? 未来岳父 Future father-in-law? 对啊 Yeah! 你休想娶我女儿 You will never marry my daughter. 我就知道会这样 I saw that coming. 既然莫里斯不祝福我... If Maurice won't give me his blessing... 他就是我的绊脚石 then he is in my way. 等他被狼啃干净 Once the wolves are finished with him... 贝儿就无依无靠 只能跟我了 Belle will have no one to take care of her but me. 要不要给自己留点余地... For the sake of exhausting all of our options... 不要做得这么... do we maybe wanna consider a slightly less... ...这么绝 gruesome alternative? 你走不走 Are you coming? 痛 That hurts! 你躺好别动就没那么痛了 If you held still, it wouldn't hurt as much. 你要是不跑 就没这些破事了 Well, if you hadn't run away, none of this would have happened. 你要是不吓我 我就不会跑了 Well, if you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away. 谁让你跑去西翼 Well, you shouldn't have been in the west wing. 谁让你乱发脾气 Well, you should learn to control your temper! 你休息一下吧 Try to get some rest. 谢谢你 小姐 Thank you, miss. 我们永远感激你 We are eternally grateful. 你们怎么这么关心他 Why do you care about him so much? 我们从小就照顾他 We've looked after him all his life. 但你们因他受到诅咒 为什么 But he's cursed you somehow. Why? 你们又没做什么 You did nothing! 你说得对 亲爱的 You're quite right there, dear. 主人失去母亲的时候... You see, when the master lost his mother... 他残忍的父亲带走了那个可爱单纯的孩and his cruel father took that sweet, innocent lad... 子... 把他变成和他一样扭曲的人... and twisted him up to be just like him... 那时我们什么也没做 we did nothing. 让他睡吧 Let him sleep. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 29 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 阳光灿烂 ? ? Days in the sun ? ? 我的人生刚刚开始 ? ? When my life has barely begun ? ? 在我生命终结以前 ? ? Not until my whole life is done ? ? 会离开你吗 ? ? Will I ever leave you ? ? 我是否会再次颤抖 ? ? Will I tremble again ? ? 为爱人的妙曼歌声 ? ? To my dear one's gorgeous refrain ? ? 还是你会永远留在 ? ? Will you now forever remain ? ? 我触不到的地方 ? ? Out of reach of my arms ? ? 那些阳光下的美好过往 ? ? Oh, those days in the sun ? ? 我愿付出一切重新活过 ? ? What I'd give to relive just one ? 晚安 妈妈 'Night, Mama. ? 弥补遗憾 ? ? Undo what's done ? ? 找回光明 ? ? And bring back the light ? ? 我能歌唱 ? ? Oh, I could sing ? ? 暗无天日的痛苦 ? ? Of the pain these dark days bring ? ? 和我们承受的魔咒 ? ? The spell we're under ? ? 但我今夜我们依然高歌 ? ? Still it's the wonder of us I sing of tonight ? ? 为何即使身处悲伤 ? ? How in the midst of all this sorrow ? ? 仍有爱和希望 ? ? Can so much hope and love endure ? ? 曾经我无知而莽撞 ? ? I was innocent and certain ? ? 如今我成熟却迷茫 ? ? Now I'm wiser but unsure ? ? 过去阳光灿烂 ? ? Days in the past ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 30 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 我无法回到童年 ? ? I can't go back into my childhood ? ? 珍贵的日子不能长久 ? ? Oh, those precious days couldn't last ? ? 童年总有父亲常伴身侧 ? ? One that my father made secure ? ? 现在我也要慢慢长大 ? ? I can feel a change in me ? ? 紧抱我 ? ? Oh, hold me closer ? ? 我日渐坚强 却难得自由 ? ? I'm stronger now but still not free ? ? 灿烂阳光 ? ? Days in the sun ? ? 定会再次降临 ? ? Will return we must believe ? ? 就像爱人一样 ? ? As lovers do ? ? 灿烂阳光 ? ? That days in the sun ? ? 会再耀心房 ? ? Will come shining through ? 最后一片花瓣凋谢之后会怎么样 What happens when the last petal falls? 主人会永远变成野兽 The master remains a beast forever. 我们也会变成... And we become... -古董 -摆设 - Antiques. - Knick-knacks. 没人用的家具 Lightly-used houseware. 垃圾 Rubbish. 我们会变成垃圾 We become rubbish. 我想帮你们 I want to help you. 肯定有打破诅咒的方法 There must be some way to break the curse. 是有一个 Well, there is one. 你用不着操心 亲爱的 It's not for you to worry about, lamb. 我们自己酿成的苦果得自己承担 We've made our bed and we must lie in it. 喝了它 Drink. 谢谢你 阿加特 Thank you, Agathe. "爱使其高贵美满 "Love can transpose to form and dignity. 爱并非用眼睛 Love looks not with the eyes 而是用心灵辨别 因此..." but with the mind and therefore..." "因此天使丘比特常被描成盲人" "And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." 你知道莎士比亚 You know Shakespeare? 我教育程度高着呢 I had an expensive education. 其实我最喜欢罗密欧与朱丽叶 Actually, Romeo and Juliet's my favorite play. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 31 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 真是一点都不意外呢 Why is that not a surprise? 什么呀 I'm sorry? 不就是心痛 恋慕什么的... Well, all that heartache and pining and... 好书还多着呢 So many better things to read. 比如呢 Like what? 这里有几本 你可以先看看 Well, there are a couple of things in here you could start with. 你还好吗 Are you all right? 太棒了 It's wonderful! 嗯 是挺不错 Yes. I suppose it is. 看你这么喜欢 就送你了 Well, if you like it so much, then it's yours. 这里每一本书你都看过吗 Have you really read every one of these books? 什么 What? 也没有全看过 Well, not all of them. 有些是希腊语的 Some of them are in Greek. 那是在说笑吗 Was that a joke? 你现在会讲笑话了 Are you making jokes now? 可能吧 Maybe. "忧郁的空气冰冷刺骨... "The air is blue and keen and cold... 积雪结冰 包裹万物 and in a frozen sheath, enrolled. 每个小枝 每棵大树... Each branch, each twig... 晶莹的水晶装点花草... each blade of grass seems clad miraculously with... 树木" glass." 我好像第一次这样看这里 I feel as if I'm seeing it for the first time. 后面还有吗 Is there any more? "但一屡声音打破庄严的寂静... "But in that solemn silence is heard the whisper... 是沉睡者的沉吟 of every sleeping thing. 看啊 看看我 Look. Look at me. 请你将我唤醒 Come wake me up. 我一直在这里等你" For still here I be." ? 他有点可爱 甚至有点善良 ? ? There's something sweet and almost kind ? ? 但他也曾吝啬粗鄙而鲁莽 ? ? But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined ? ? 现在他很贴心 小心翼翼 ? ? And now he's dear and so unsure ? ? 我竟然不曾发现 ? ? I wonder why I didn't see it there before ? ? 她好像看过来了 我发现了 ? ? She glanced this way I thought I saw ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 32 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 无意的触碰她也不闪躲 ? ? And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw ? ? 不可能呀 还是别想了 ? ? No, it can't be. I'll just ignore ? ? 可她过去从没这般 ? ? But then she's never looked at me ? ? 看过我 ? ? That way before ? ? 好奇又有点担心 ? ? New, and a bit alarming ? ? 谁能相信会这样的感情 ? ? Who'd have ever thought that this could be ? ? 他的确不是白马王子 ? ? True that he's no Prince Charming ? ? 但他身上有我从未见过的魅力 ? ? But there's something in him That I simply didn't see ? ? -谁能想到 -谢天谢地 ? ? - Well, who'd have thought? - Well, bless my soul! ? ? -谁会知道 -还能有谁 ? ? - Well, who'd have known? - Well, who indeed? ? ? 谁能猜到 ? ? And who'd have guessed ? ? 他们会自己走到一起 ? ? They'd come together on their own ? ? 爱很奇特 拭目以待吧 ? ? It's so peculiar. Wait and see ? ? 再过几日 拭目以待吧 ? ? We'll wait and see a few days more ? ? 也许会有东西悄然滋长 生根发芽 ? ? There may be something there that wasn't there before ? ? 我们想想... ? ? And here's a thought... ? ? 也许已经悄然滋长 ? ? Perhaps there's something there ? ? 生根发芽 ? ? That wasn't there before ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 33 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 是什么呀 妈妈 What, Mama? ? 也许会有东西悄然滋长 生根发芽 ? ? There may be something there That wasn't there before ? 什么东西 在哪里呀 What is it? What's there? 等你长大了就告诉你 I'll tell you when you're older. 好了 我长大了 Okay, I'm older! 阿奇... Chip... 你这孩子 You are a one. 你在看什么 What are you reading? 没什么 Nothing. 吉尼维尔与兰斯洛特 Guinevere and Lancelot. 其实是... Well, actually... 亚瑟王与圆桌会议 King Arthur and the Round Table. 骑士 战士 圣剑之类的东西 Knights and men and swords and things. 一样的... Still... 还是爱情故事 it's a romance. 好吧 All right. 我还没谢你救了我 I never thanked you for saving my life. 我也还没谢你... Well, I never thanked you... 没把我扔在狼堆里等死 for not leaving me to be eaten by wolves. 他们总是很开心 They know how to have a good time. 是啊 但我一进去他们就不笑了 Yes. But when I enter the room, laughter dies. 我也是 Me too. 村里人都说我很好笑... The villagers say that I'm a funny girl... 但应该不是在夸我 but I'm not sure they mean it as a compliment. 真遗憾 I'm sorry. 你那村子听着不怎么样 Your village sounds terrible. 差不多和你的城堡一样寂寞 Almost as lonely as your castle. 我们逃走怎么样 What do you say we run away? 这也是女巫留下的小礼物 Another little gift from the enchantress. 一本能真正让你逃离的书 A book that truly allows you to escape. 好神奇啊 How amazing! 这是她最残酷的把戏 It was her cruelest trick of all. 又一个诅咒而已 It was just another curse. 像我这样的怪物 外面的世界注定没有The outside world has no place for a creature like 容身之地... me... 可你不一样 but it can for you. 想一个你最想去的地方 Think of the one place you've always wanted to see. 在脑海中追寻 Now find it in your mind's eye. 用心去感受 Then feel it in your heart. 我们这是在哪儿 Where did you take us? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 34 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 巴黎 Paris. 我喜欢巴黎 Oh, I love Paris. 想先去看什么 What would you like to see first? 巴黎圣母院... Notre Dame... 还是香榭丽舍大街... The Champs-Élysées... 不想去吗 No? 游客太多 Too touristy? 这比我想象中的要小得多 It's so much smaller than I imagined. ? 这是我童年记忆中的巴黎 ? ? This is the Paris of my childhood ? ? 是我曾经生活的一片天地 ? ? These were the borders of my life ? ? 在这破旧脏乱的小阁楼里 ? ? In this crumbling, dusty attic ? ? 有位艺术家深爱着他的夫人 ? ? Where an artist loved his wife ? ? 回忆容易 ? ? Easy to remember ? ? 放下却难 ? ? Harder to move on ? ? 终于明白 童年的巴黎 ? ? Knowing the Paris of my childhood ? ? 已一去不返 ? ? Is gone ? 你母亲发生了什么 What happened to your mother? 爸爸从来都不肯告诉我 It was the one story Papa could never bring himself to tell. 有些事 还是不问为好 I knew better than to ask. 这有医生的口罩 Oh. A doctor's mask. 是瘟疫 Plague. 你必须马上离开 You must leave now. 快走吧... Quickly... 以免传染孩子 before it takes her too. 很抱歉 曾经称你父亲是小偷 I'm sorry I ever called your father a thief. 回家吧 Let's go home. 暴风雨可真猛啊 This is some storm, huh? 但至少我们没被绑在 At least we're not tied to a tree 荒郊野岭的树上... in the middle of nowhere... 身边还有饿狼环绕 surrounded by bloodthirsty wolves. 现在还为时不晚 You know it's not too late. 我们可以返回去救他... We could always turn back... 只是... It's just... 每当我闭上眼... every time I close my eyes... 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 35 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 脑中都会浮现莫里斯独自受困的场景 I picture Maurice stranded alone. 当我睁开眼时... And then when I open them... 他... he's... 莫里斯 Maurice! 加斯顿... Gaston... 你居然想对莫里斯下手 did you try to kill Maurice? 莫里斯 Maurice! 感谢上帝 Thank heavens! 过去的五天里我都在... I've spent the last five days... -苦苦寻找你 -你想我死 - trying to find you. - You tried to kill me. 你把我留下 扔给了狼群 You left me to the wolves. 狼群 Wolves? 这不仅是你的一派胡言 It's one thing to rave about your delusions. 还是对我杀人未遂的栽赃指控 It's another to accuse me of attempted murder. 莫里斯... Maurice... 你说的话有证据吗 do you have any proof of what you're saying? 嘉特可以作证 是她救了我 Ask Agathe. She rescued me. 嘉特 Agathe! 单凭一个肮脏女巫的一面之词 你就能You'd hang your accusations on the testimony of a 肆意栽赃我吗 filthy hag? 无意冒犯 嘉特 No offense, Agathe. 莱福先生 Monsieur LeFou. 他当时就在现场 目睹了一切 He was there. He saw it all. 我 Me? 你说得对 You're right. 我说的不管用 Don't take my word for it. 莱福... LeFou... 我最亲密的伙伴... my dearest companion... 我... did I... 作为你的老友 最忠诚的同伴... your oldest friend and most loyal compatriot... 到底有没有试图害过我心上人的父亲 try to kill the father of the only woman I've ever loved? 基于各种原因 还真是个复杂的问题... Well, it's a complicated question on a number of accounts... 但 没有 But no. 他没那样做 No, he did not. 你... You... 莫里斯... Maurice... 虽然说出来有点伤人 it pains me to say this, 但你对自己和别人 已造成了威胁 but you've become a danger to yourself and others. 怪不得贝儿都离家出走了 No wonder Belle ran away. 先生 你需要帮助 You need help, sir. 得找个地方治疗你混乱的心神 A place to heal your troubled mind. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 36 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 一切都会好起来的 Everything's going to be fine. 没事的 Just fine. 我看见她在舞厅里... Well, I saw her in the ballroom... 然后我说 "你的存在让一切都熠熠生辉and said, "You're making everything look so beautiful. " "今晚我们应共舞一场" "We should have a dance tonight." 我从没想过她真的会同意 I never imagined she'd actually say yes. 我当时脑子里到底在想啥 What was I thinking? 别这样 主人 这很好啊 No, Master. It's perfect. 玫瑰只剩四片花瓣了 也就是说今晚... The rose has only four petals left which means tonight... 是时候该告诉她你的感觉了 you can tell her how you feel. 感觉自己像个傻瓜 I feel like a fool. 她绝不可能爱上我 She will never love me. 别这么没信心 Do not be discouraged. 她就是你命中注定的人 She is the one. 别再说了 I wish you'd stop saying that! 从没有什么"命中注定" There is no "one." 你喜欢她 不是吗 You care for her, don't you? 那就在动人乐曲与浪漫烛光中 Well, then, woo her with beautiful music 向她表达心意 and romantic candlelight. 没错 等时机来临... Yes, and when the moment's just right... 我怎么知道何时会来 Well, how will I know? 你感觉有点不舒服时 就是了 You will feel slightly nauseous. 别担心 主人 你绝对没问题 Don't worry, Master. You'll do fine. 别那么紧张 Just stop being so nervous 然后 向她吐露你的心意 and tell Belle how you feel. 因为如果你不这样做... Because if you don't... 我保证以后你连一口热茶都喝不上 I promise you'll be drinking cold tea for the rest of your days! -没有灯光照明 -被灰尘包围 - In the dark. - Covered in dust. 乌漆嘛黑 尘土飞扬 Dark and very, very dusty. 先从头发开始 Start with the hair. 女孩子都喜欢整洁的头发 Women love nice hair! 手指和脚趾交给我 I'll take the fingers and toes. 沙伯负责刷牙 肯定会派上用场 Chapeau, brush those teeth. They need it. 涮一涮 Dip, dip. 剪一剪 Snip, snip. 抛光指甲 Polish the nails. 打磨犄角 Shine the horns. 闭上眼睛 扑一扑 Eyes closed. Poof, poof. 最后戴上这个... And to top it all off... 瞧 Voilà! 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 37 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 没事 我能搞定 Okay, I can fix this. 太美了 Oh! Beautiful! 但感觉还缺了点什么 But something is missing. 对了 Oh, yes. 最后的点睛 The finishing touch. ? 故事如岁月亘古 ? ? Tale as old as time ? ? 从而成就了真实 ? ? True as it can be ? ? 原本萍水不相逢 ? ? Barely even friends? ? 谁曾想竟动了情 ? ? Then somebody bends unexpectedly ? ? 改变只有一点点 ? ? Just a little change ? ? 小到看都看不见 ? ? Small to say the least ? ? 慌张中带点惶恐 ? ? Both a little scared ? ? 措手不及的缘分 ? ? Neither one prepared ? ? 美女与野兽 ? ? Beauty and the Beast ? ? 宛如与昔日一般 ? ? Ever just the same ? ? 时刻埋伏着惊喜 ? ? Ever a surprise ? ? 宛如与昔日一般 ? ? Ever as before ? ? 心始终如此坚定 ? ? Ever just as sure ? ? 太阳会照常升起 ? ? As the sun will rise ? ? 故事如岁月亘古 ? ? Tale as old as time ? ? 旋律如歌曲久远 ? ? Tune as old as song ? ? 苦中有甜尝奇妙 ? ? Bittersweet and strange ? ? 发觉自己可改变 ? ? Finding you can change ? ? 明白是非对与错 ? ? Learning you were wrong ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 38 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 如太阳那般坚定 ? ? Certain as the sun ? ? 日日在东方升起 ? ? Rising in the east ? ? 故事如岁月亘古 ? ? Tale as old as time ? ? 歌曲如韵律长存 ? ? Song as old as rhyme ? ? 美女与野兽 ? ? Beauty and the Beast ? ? 故事如岁月亘古 ? ? Tale as old as time ? ? 歌曲如韵律长存 ? ? Song as old as rhyme ? ? 美女与野兽 ? ? Beauty and the Beast ? 我很多年没跳舞了 I haven't danced in years. 几乎都忘了这种感觉 I'd almost forgotten the feeling. 我想 这听起来一定很蠢... It's foolish, I suppose... 像我这样的怪物 竟敢奢望... for a creature like me to hope... 也许有一天会赢得你的芳心 that one day he might earn your affection. 我也不知道 I don't know. 真的吗 Really? 你觉得留下来快乐吗 You think you could be happy here? 如果没有自由 谁能快乐起来 Can anybody be happy if they aren't free? 是父亲教会我跳舞 My father taught me to dance. 我以前总会踩到他的脚 I used to step on his toes a lot. 你一定很想他吧 You must miss him. 非常想念 Very much. 你想见他吗 Would you like to see him? 我想见我父亲 I'd like to see my father. 爸爸 Papa! 他们对他做什么 What are they doing to him? 他有麻烦了 He's in trouble! 那你快去找他吧 Then you must go to him. 你说什么 What did you say? 你必须回到他身边 You must go to him. 事不宜迟 No time to waste. 不... No... 你带上它吧 you keep it with you. 以后随时还能看看我 Then you'll always have a way to look back on me. 谢谢你 Thank you. 主人 虽然我心有疑虑 但事情进展地像Well, Master, I have had my doubts, but everything 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 39 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 发条走针那样顺利 is moving like clockwork. 真爱能够战胜一切 True love really does win the day! 我放她走了 I let her go. 什么 You what? 主人 你怎么能放她走 Master, how could you do that? 我只能这么做 I had to. 为什么 But why? 因为他爱她 Because he loves her. 那为什么我们没变回人类 Then why are we not human? 因为她不爱他 现在一切都来不及了 Because she doesn't love him. And now, it's too late. 但她有可能还会回来 But she might still come back. 不会了 No. 我给了她自由 I set her free. 很抱歉却不能给你们自由 I'm sorry I couldn't do the same for all of you. 现在 都走吧 Now, go. 我们的时间已所剩无几 Our time is almost past. 过来 亲爱的 Come, my love. ? 往日 我无所不有 ? ? I was the one who had it all ? ? 曾经 我是命运的主宰 ? ? I was the master of my fate ? ? 过去 我从未需要别人 ? ? I never needed anybody in my life ? ? 如今 已懂得真理 却为时已晚 ? ? I learned the truth too late ? ? 我将永远沉浸痛苦之中 ? ? I'll never shake away the pain ? ? 闭上双眼 她始终浮现我脑海里 ? ? I close my eyes but she's still there ? ? 任凭她悄声无息 潜入我忧郁心房 ? ? I let her steal into my melancholy heart ? ? 我已无法承受一切 ? ? It's more than I can bear ? ? 她将永远留于我心 ? ? Now I know she'll never leave me ? ? 就算她身影已无踪 ? ? Even as she runs away ? ? 无论如何 她仍会折磨 安抚 ? ? She will still torment me Calm me, hurt me ? ? 伤害 感动于我 ? ? Move me, come what may ? ? 我于小塔中麻木游荡 ? ? Wasting in my lonely tower ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 40 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 大门前痴痴等待 ? ? Waiting by an open door ? ? 我欺骗自己 她还会回来 ? ? I'll fool myself she'll walk right in ? ? 留下和我共度余生 ? ? And be with me for evermore ? ? 我痛恨爱情的折磨 ? ? I rage against the trials of love ? ? 我咒骂暗淡的残光 ? ? I curse the fading of the light ? ? 虽她已远走高飞 到我永不可及之地 ? Though she's already flown So far beyond my ? reach ? ? 但她从未消失于我双眸 ? ? She's never out of sight ? ? 她将永远留于我心 ? ? Now I know she'll never leave me ? ? 就算她身影已无踪 ? ? Even as she fades from view ? ? 她仍一直激励我 ? ? She will still inspire me ? ? 仍为我生活的一部分 ? ? Be a part of everything I do ? ? 我于小塔中麻木游荡 ? ? Wasting in my lonely tower ? ? 大门前痴痴等待 ? ? Waiting by an open door ? ? 我欺骗自己 她还会回来 ? ? I'll fool myself she'll walk right in ? ? 而漫漫长夜早已开始 ? ? And as the long, long nights begin ? ? 我所思所想 ? ? I'll think of all that might have been ? 唯有在此等待 ? ? Waiting here for evermore ? 这位男士很虚弱 This man is weak. 快住手 Please! 他得去医院... He needs a hospital... 而不是精神病院 not an asylum! 莫里斯 你见过疯人院是什么样的吗 Have you ever seen the inside of a mad house, Maurice? 你在里面撑不过一周的 You wouldn't last a week. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 41 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 只要你把女儿嫁我 我就放你出去 Just give me your daughter's hand, and I'll set you free. 想都别想 Never. 带走他 Take him away! 住手 Stop! 爸爸 Papa. 贝儿 我以为我要失去你了 Oh, Belle. I thought I'd lost you. 让他出来 他受伤了 Let him out! He's hurt. 不行 小姐 We can't do that, miss. 不过我们会好好照顾他 But we'll take very good care of him. 我父亲没疯 My father's not crazy. 加斯顿 快告诉他 Gaston, tell him! 你知道我对你们家多忠诚... You know how loyal I am to your family... 但你父亲说的话太不可思议了 but your father's been making some unbelievable claims. 是真的 贝儿 It's true, Belle. 他说有野兽就在城堡里 He's been raving about a beast in a castle! 我就是从城堡过来的 里面是有野兽 I've just come from the castle and there is a beast! 为了放他出来你什么都会做 太没有说You'd say anything to set him free. Your word is 服力了 hardly proof. 你想要证据吗 You want proof? 让野兽现身 Show me the Beast! 证据就在这 There's your proof. 是巫术 This is sorcery! 看看这野兽 Look at this beast! 看他的獠牙 Look at his fangs! 他的爪子 His claws! 别 别怕 No. Don't be afraid. 他很绅士 也很温柔 He's gentle and kind. 野兽肯定对她施了咒 The monster has her under his spell. 要不是我很了解你 If I didn't know better, 我甚至都觉得你关心他 I'd say she even cared for him! 他不是野兽 加斯顿 He's not a monster, Gaston. 你才是 You are! 野兽不会伤害任何人 The Beast wouldn't hurt anyone. 我听闻过黑魔法的力量... I've heard of the effects of dark magic... 可我从未亲眼目睹过 but I've never before seen it with my own eyes! 这危及到了我们的生命 This is a threat to our very existence! 不能让她去给野兽报信 We can't have her running off to warn the beast. 把她一起锁起来 Lock her up too. -不 -快过来 - No! - Come here! 闭嘴 Shut up! 加斯顿 你会良心不安的 You won't get away with this, Gaston! 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 42 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 贝儿 Oh, Belle! 加斯顿 我没有不敬的意思... Gaston, with all due respect... 你也想被锁起来吗 Do you want to be next? 备马 Fetch my horse. 保持警惕 Stand guard! 别让他们逃走了 Don't let them escape. 不先下手 野兽就会来诅咒我们 This creature will curse us all if we don't stop him. 要我说 就杀了那野兽 Well, I say, we kill the beast! 杀了野兽 Kill the beast! ? 他死了我们才安全 ? ? We're not safe until he's dead ? ? 如果我们放任不管 ? ? He'll come stalking us at night ? ? 夜晚时他会尾随我们 ? ? Set to sacrifice our children To his monstrous appetite ? ? 吃掉我们的孩子 ? ? He'll wreak havoc on our village ? ? 毁了我们的村庄 ? ? If we let him wander free ? ? 是时候做出行动了 勇士们 ? ? So it's time to take some action, boys ? ? 快跟我一起 ? ? It's time to follow me ? ? 穿过迷雾 穿过森林 穿过黑暗和阴影 ? Through the mist, through the wood Through the ? darkness and the shadows ? ? 这次征程虽然可怕 但很刺激 ? ? It's a nightmare But it's one exciting ride ? ? 真诚祈祷 我们要去到城堡吊桥下 ? ? Say a prayer, then we're there At the drawbridge of a castle ? ? 城堡里的存在太过可怕 ? ? And there's something truly terrible inside ? ? 里面的野兽有着异常锋利的獠牙 ? ? It's a beast He's got fangs, razor sharp ones ? ? 巨大无比的利爪 ? ? Massive paws, killer claws for the feast ? ? 他怒吼 他咆哮 ? ? Hear him roar, see him foam ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 43 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 但除非他死 我们绝不回家 ? ? But we're not coming home 'Til he's dead ? ? 让他永远死去 ? ? Good and dead ? ? 杀了野兽 ? ? Kill the beast! ? ? 点燃火把 套上骏马 ? ? Light your torch, mount your horse ? ? 鼓足勇气 向城堡进发 ? ? Screw your courage to the sticking place ? ? 跟着加斯顿 让他领路 ? ? We're counting on Gaston to lead the way ? ? 这是战争 这是威胁 他们肯定会跟随 ? Call it war, call it threat You can bet they all will ? follow ? ? 多少次了 他们对我言听计从 ? ? For in times like this They'll do just as I say ? ? 毫无疑问 有野兽在外窥伺 ? ? There's a beast running wild There's no question ? ? 但恐怕放出来的 却是加斯顿这个野? But I fear the wrong monster's released ? 兽 ? ? 拔出剑 握紧弓 向前冲 ? ? Sally forth, tally ho Grab your sword, grab your bow ? ? 向天祈祷 我们来了 ? ? Praise the Lord, and here we go ? 让城堡显现 Show me the castle. 至少主人学会爱了 At least he has finally learned to love. 就算她没爱上主人 我们也受益不少 A lot of good that does us if she doesn't love him in return. 不 这是我第一次真的希望她也爱他 No. This is the first time I've had any real hope she would. 你听到了吗 妈妈 Did you hear that, Mama? 是小姐姐吗 她回来了吗 Is it her? Is she coming back? 真的吗 Could it be? 我就说吧 I told you! 真见鬼 Sacré bleu! 入侵者 Invaders! 暴徒来了 Ruffians! 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 44 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 到头来就这样 Well, there you go. 哪有什么真爱 So much for true love. 筑起屏障 Man the barricades 抵住门 and hold fast! 让开点 Move aside! ? 士气高涨 旗帜高扬 我们来上战场 ? ? Hearts ablaze, banners high We go marching into battle ? ? 危险逐渐临近 我们也无所畏惧 ? ? Unafraid, although the danger's just increased ? ? 飘起旗帜 唱起战歌 我们来了 五十? Raise the flag, sing the song Here we come, we're 勇士 ? fifty strong ? ? 五十个法国人所向披靡 ? ? And fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong ? ? 杀了那头野兽 ? ? Let's kill the beast! ? 我们需要帮助 We need help. -我要去告知野兽 -提醒他吗 - I have to warn the Beast. - Warn him? 你是怎么逃出来的 How did you get away from him? 他放我走的 爸爸 He let me go, Papa. 他让我回来找你 He sent me back to you. 我不明白 I don't understand. 你从哪儿... Where did you... 他带我回了巴黎 He took me there. 我知道妈妈怎么了 I know what happened to Maman. 那你肯定知道我离开她的原因 Then you know why I had to leave her there. 我得保护你啊 I had to protect you. 我总在想办法保护我的小姑娘 I've always tried to protect my little girl. 也许保护过头了 Probably too much. 我懂的 I understand. 你能帮我吗 Will you help me now? 这很危险 It's dangerous. 没错 Yes. 是很危险 Yes, it is. 我可以试着打开锁 I could try to pick the lock. 锁这东西... After all... 就是些齿轮和弹簧而已 it's only gears and springs. 但我需要... But I would need... 长而尖锐的东西 something long and sharp. 比如这个 Like that. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 45 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 完美 Perfect. 抱歉 主人 Oh, excuse me, Master. 很抱歉打扰您 I'm so sorry to disturb you. 但她不会回来了 She's not coming back. 不是 No. 他们都撞破门了 They're breaking down the doors! 无所谓了 Doesn't matter now. 让他们进来好了 Just let them come. 杀了野兽 杀了野兽 Kill the beast! Kill the beast! 这不管用 This isn't working! 我知道怎么做 I know what to do. 杀了野兽 杀了野兽 Kill the beast! Kill the beast! 杀了野兽 Kill the beast! 你有没有想过... Are you not the least bit concerned... 城堡可能会闹鬼 that this castle might be haunted? 别这么胆小 莱福 Don't lose your nerve, LeFou. 我们在哪 Where are we? 这地方看起来好眼熟 This place seems familiar. 就好像我之前来过一样 Like I've been here before. 你好呀 Oh, hello, there. 你肯定是会说话的茶杯 You must be the talking tea cup. 那你肯定是... And you must be... 他的奶奶吧 his grandmother. 奶奶 Grandmother? 进攻 Attack! 你们好 Oh, hello! 加斯顿 Gaston! 加斯顿 Gaston. 帮帮我 Help. 抱歉了 老朋友 Sorry, old friend. 该英雄登场了 It's hero time. 你好 Hello. 我想... 这是你的 Oh, uh... I believe this is yours. 她很固执 She's very headstrong. 你有孩子吗 Do you have children? 现在没人保护你了吧 No one to protect you now, huh? 一 二 三 四... One, two, three, four... 五 六 七 八... five, six, seven, eight... 扔得好 阿奇 好小子 Good show, Chip, my boy. 棒极了 Excellent! 步兵到达战场 The infantry's arrived. 去给他们个教训 上吧 Now, go and teach them a lesson. Go. 没错 这些是书 你们这些三等火枪手 Yes, those are called books, you third rate 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 46 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 musketeers. 我该走了 Oh! I'm off. 我就是座钟啊 Just a clock. 来吧... Come here... 小伙子们 little boys. 转过来 穿上身 I spin you this way. I put it on. 没错 没错 漂亮的小伙子 Yes, pretty little boys. Yes! 真美丽 Beautiful! 去吧 随便玩 Go, be free! 自在点 随便玩 Be free. Be free! 喜欢喝什么茶 How do you like your tea? 滚烫的 Piping hot? 还是沸腾的 Or boiling? 孩子他爸 Mr. Potts! 妈妈 Mama! 多谢你 Thank you! 接招吧 Take that! 还好你接住了 Nicely handled! 我以前都挺加斯顿的... Well, I used to be on Gaston's side... 但这次我们做的太不对了 but we are so in a bad place right now. -他配不上你 真的 -是啊 - You're too good for him, anyway. - Yeah. 我们是不是该回战场了 Should we get back to it, then? 音乐不错啊 Such sweet music. -退后 -让那个大键琴闭嘴 - Stand back. - Silence that harpsichord! -什么 -大师 - What? Uh-oh! - Maestro! 亲爱的 你终于来了 Darling! At last! 我来了 我的爱 I'm coming, my love. 开始了 This is it! 胖女士要歌唱了 The fat lady is singing. 棒极了 Bravissima! 注意脚趾 Watch your toes! 就是这样 上 上 That's it! Go! Go! 再见 一路顺风 Bon voyage. 一路平安 Safe trip home. 别再来了 And stay out! 你好 野兽 Hello, beast. 我是加斯顿 I'm Gaston. 贝儿派我来的 Belle sent me. 你爱上她了吗 Are you in love with her? 你真以为她喜欢你吗 Did you honestly think she'd want you? 贝儿 Belle! 他在哪 Where is he? 等我们回到村子... When we return to the village... 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 47 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 你就要嫁给我了 you will marry me. 而那野兽的头 And that beast's head... -就是我们新房的装饰 -不可能 - will hang on our wall. - Never! 我来收拾你了 野兽 I'm coming for you, beast. -不 -贝儿 - No! - Belle? 贝儿 Belle! 你回来了 You came back! -我尽力阻止他们了 -待在那别动 - I tried to stop them! - Stay there! 我来了 I'm coming. 加斯顿 Gaston! 不 No! 别放手 Don't let me go. 求你了 Please. 我愿意做任何事 I'll do anything. 别伤害我 野兽 Don't hurt me, beast. 我不是... I am not... 野兽 a beast. 滚 Go! 滚出去 Get out! 不要 Don't! 太远了 It's too far! 求你了 Please! 站起来 Come on. 你回来了 You came back. 我当然会回来 Of course I came back. 我再也不离开你了 I'll never leave you again. 恐怕我该走了 I'm afraid it's my turn to leave. 我们现在在一起了 We're together now. 你会没事的 It's gonna be fine. 至少我还能 At least I got to see you. 见你最后一面 One last time. 不 No! 求你了 不要 Please, no. 醒过来 Come back. 我们做到了 普露美 We did it, Plumette! 我们赢了 Victory is ours. 普露美 Plumette? 普露美 Plumette? 我亲爱的普露美 Oh, my darling, Plumette. 不 Oh, no. 大师 你是如此的勇敢 Maestro, you were so brave. 再见了 我的爱人 Goodbye, my love. 亲爱的 Amore. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 48 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 不 别离开我 No! Don't leave me! 阿奇 Chip! 阿奇 Chip! 有人看见阿奇了吗 他不见了 Have you seen Chip? He ran off. 我的孩子你去哪了 Where is my little boy? -妈妈 -糟糕 - Mama! - Oh, no! 妈妈 Mom! 卢米埃尔... Lumière... 我说... I can't... 说不了话了 speak. 没关系 葛士华 It's all right, Cogsworth. 我不能... I can't... 卢米埃尔... Lumière... 我的挚友 my friend. 和你共事... It was an honor to serve... 是我的荣幸 with you. 也是我的荣幸 The honor was mine. 回来 Come back. 求你了别离开我 Please don't leave me. 我爱你 I love you. 大师 Oh. Maestro! 夫人 Madame! 大师 Maestro! 卢米埃尔 Lumière! 葛士华 我们赶上了 Cogsworth, we beat the clock! 我的朋友 Mon ami! 普露美 Plumette! 普露美 Plumette! 我的爱人 Oh. Mon amour. 阿奇 快看看你 Chip! Look at you! 你变回小男孩了 You're a little boy again! 亲爱的 我跟你说过什么 What did I tell you, darling? 你闻起来棒极了 You smell so good! 终于 Froufrou, finalmente! 亲爱的 Darling? 孩子他爸 Oh! Mr. Potts! 碧翠丝 我想起来了 Beatrice! I remember! 我都想起来了 I do! 亨利 Henry? 亨利 Henry! 天啊 Oh! Oh, dear. 我一直很孤单 I've been so lonely. 把我变回钟吧 Turn back into a clock. 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 49 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 把我变回钟吧 Turn back into a clock. 卢米埃尔 快看 Lumière, look! 我的王子 Oh, my Prince! 好久不见 老朋友 Hello, old friend. 见到你真是太好了 Oh! It's so good to see you. 你拯救了我们 小姐 You saved our lives, mademoiselle. 贝儿姐姐 是我 Belle! It's me! 我是阿奇 It's Chip! ? 故事如岁月亘古 ? ? Tale as old as time ? ? 旋律如歌曲久远 ? ? Tune as old as song ? ? 苦中有甜尝奇妙 发觉自己可改变 ? ? Bittersweet and strange Finding you can change ? ? 明白是非对与错 ? ? Learning you were wrong ? ? 冬去春来 ? ? Winter turns to spring ? ? 荒芜变为盛宴 ? ? Famine turns to feast ? ? 自会指引方向 ? ? Nature points the way ? ? 不必多说 ? ? Nothing left to say ? ? 美女与野兽 ? ? Beauty and the Beast ? 怎么了 What? What is it? 你觉得你留胡子会怎么样 How would you feel about growing a beard? ? 如太阳那般坚定 ? ? Certain as the sun ? ? 日日在东方升起 ? ? Rising in the east ? ? 故事如岁月亘古 ? ? Tale as old as time ? ? 歌曲如韵律长存 ? ? Song as old as rhyme ? ? 美女与野兽 ? ? Beauty and the Beast ? ? 故事如岁月亘古 ? ? Tale as old as time ? ? 歌曲如韵律长存 ? ? Song as old as rhyme ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 50 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 美女与野兽 ? ? Beauty and the Beast ? ? 如何将此刻永存 ? ? How does a moment last forever? ? ? 如何使斑驳故事永不褪色 ? ? How can a story never die? ? ? 这份爱需要你我共同坚守 ? ? It is love we must hold on to ? ? 困难重重但值得守候 ? ? Never easy but we try ? ? 有时我们被幸福俘获 ? ? Sometimes our happiness is captured ? ? 不知何故时光在此定格 ? ? Somehow a time and place stand still ? ? 爱就永恒的活在 ? ? Love lives on inside our hearts ? ? 我们心中 ? ? And always will ? ? 时光荏苒 ? ? Minutes turn to hours ? ? 岁月更迭 ? ? Days to years then gone ? ? 尽管一切都会被遗忘 ? ? But when all else has been forgotten ? ? 我们的歌谣仍会传颂 ? ? Still our song lives on ? ? 也许有些瞬间不太完美 ? ? Maybe some moments weren't so perfect ? ? 也许有些记忆不太甜蜜 ? ? Maybe some memories not so sweet ? ? 但我们知道 ? ? But we have to know some bad times ? ? 人生不会一帆风顺 ? ? Or our lives are incomplete ? ? 当阴霾袭来 ? ? Then when shadows overtake us ? ? 当希望不在 ? ? Just when we feel all hope is gone ? ? 我们再次听到歌声 ? ? We'll hear our song and know once more ? ? 我们的爱就将永恒 ? ? Our love lives on ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 51 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 如何将此刻永存 ? ? How does a moment last forever? ? ? 如何将幸福封存 ? ? How does our happiness endure? ? ? 经历过艰难险阻 ? ? Through the darkest of our troubles ? ? 爱是美好 爱是纯粹 ? ? Love is beauty, love is pure ? ? 爱会让荒芜生机满满 ? ? Love pays no mind to desolation ? ? 如一泓清泉流入心田 ? ? It flows like a river through the soul ? ? 守护 守望 守候并行 ? ? Protects, proceeds, and perseveres ? ? 从而使我们完整 ? ? And makes us whole ? ? 时光荏苒 ? ? Minutes turn to hours ? ? 岁月更迭 ? ? Days to years then gone ? ? 尽管一切都会被遗忘 ? ? But when all else has been forgotten ? ? 我们的歌谣仍会被传颂 ? ? Still our song lives on ? ? 如何将此刻永存 ? ? How does a moment last forever ? ? 当我们的歌谣仍被传颂 ? ? When our song lives on ? ? 故事如岁月亘古? Tale as old as time ? 从而成就了真实 ? ? True as it can be ? ? 原本萍水不相逢 ? ? Barely even friends ? ? 谁曾想竟动了情 ? ? Then somebody bends unexpectedly ? ? 改变只有一点点 ? ? Just a little change ? ? 小到看都看不见 ? ? Small to say the least ? ? 慌张中带点惶恐 ? ? Both a little scared ? ? 措手不及的缘分 ? ? Neither one prepared ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 52 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 美女与野兽 ? ? Beauty and the Beast ? ? 宛如与昔日一般 ? ? Ever just the same ? ? 时刻埋伏着惊喜 ? ? Ever a surprise ? ? 宛如与昔日一般 ? ? Ever as before ? ? 心始终如此坚定 ? ? And ever just as sure ? ? 太阳会照常升起 ? ? As the sun will rise ? ? 宛如与昔日一般 ? ? Ever just the same ? ? 时刻埋伏着惊喜 ? ? And ever a surprise ? ? 宛如与昔日一般 ? ? Ever as before ? ? 心始终如此坚定 ? ? And ever just as sure ? ? 太阳会照常升起 ? ? As the sun will rise ? ? 故事如岁月亘古 ? ? Tale as old as time ? ? 旋律如歌曲久远 ? ? Tune as old as song ? ? 苦中有甜尝奇妙 ? ? Bittersweet and strange ? ? 发觉自己可改变 ? ? Finding you can change ? ? 明白是非对与错 ? ? Learning you were wrong ? ? 如太阳那般坚定 ? ? Certain as the sun ? ? 如太阳那般坚定 ? ? Certain as the sun ? ? 日日在东方升起 ? ? Rising in the east ? ? 故事如岁月亘古 ? ? Tale as old as time ? ? 歌曲如韵律长存 ? ? Song as old as rhyme ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 53 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 美女与野兽 ? ? Beauty and the Beast ? ? 故事如岁月亘古 ? ? Tale as old as time ? ? 歌曲如韵律长存 ? ? Song as old as rhyme ? ? 美女与野兽 ? ? Beauty and the Beast ? ? 往日 我无所不有 ? ? I was the one who had it all ? ? 曾经 我是命运的主宰 ? ? I was the master of my fate ? ? 过去 我从未需要别人 ? ? I never needed anybody in my life ? ? 如今 已懂得真理 却为时已晚 ? ? I learned the truth too late ? ? 我将永远沉浸痛苦之中 ? ? I'll never shake away the pain ? ? 闭上双眼 她始终浮现我脑海里 ? ? I close my eyes but she's still there ? ? 任凭她悄声无息 潜入我忧郁心房 ? ? I let her steal into my melancholy heart ? ? 我已无法承受一切 ? ? It's more than I can bear ? ? 她将永远留于我心 ? ? Now I know she'll never leave me ? ? 就算她身影已无踪 ? ? Even as she runs away ? ? 无论如何 她仍会折磨 安抚 ? ? She will still torment me Calm me, hurt me ? ? 伤害 感动于我 ? ? Move me, come what may ? ? 我于小塔中麻木游荡 ? ? Wasting in my lonely tower ? ? 大门前痴痴等待 ? ? Waiting by an open door ? ? 我欺骗自己 她还会回来 ? ? I'll fool myself she'll walk right in ? ? 留下和我共度余生 ? ? And be with me for evermore ? ? 我痛恨爱情的折磨 ? ? I rage against the trials of love ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 54 / 55页) 《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕 ? 我咒骂暗淡的残光 ? ? I curse the fading of the light ? ? 虽她已远走高飞 到我永不可及之地 ? Though she's already flown So far beyond my ? reach ? ? 但她从未消失于我双眸 ? ? She's never out of sight ? ? 她将永远留于我心 ? ? Now I know she'll never leave me ? ? 就算她身影已无踪 ? ? Even as she fades from view ? ? 她仍一直激励我 ? ? She will still inspire me ? ? 成为我生命的一部分 ? ? Be a part of everything I do ? ? 我于小塔中麻木游荡 ? ? Wasting in my lonely tower ? ? 大门前痴痴等待 ? ? Waiting by an open door ? ? 我欺骗自己 她还会回来 ? ? I'll fool myself she'll walk right in ? ? 而漫漫长夜早已开始 ? ? And as the long, long nights begin ? ? 我所思所想 ? ? I'll think of all that might have been ? ? 唯有在此等待 ? ? Waiting here for evermore ? 文档号:HLDOC20170723008 创建时间:7/23/2017 6:48:39 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 55 / 55页)
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