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支委会会议记录支委会会议记录 支委会会议记录1 会议名称: 支委会 时 间: 2013,9,7 地 点: 校长室 主 持 人: 白永田 记 录: 盖美玲 出席人员: 白永田 盖美玲 黄宗孝 会议内容摘要及决议: 一、 通报本学期支部工作计划; 二、 通报支部换届选举结果; 讨论,选送参加2013年党章学习班人员 三、 白永田书记传达支部书记会议精神; control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable,...

支委会会议记录 支委会会议记录1 会议名称: 支委会 时 间: 2013,9,7 地 点: 校长室 主 持 人: 白永田 记 录: 盖美玲 出席人员: 白永田 盖美玲 黄宗孝 会议内容摘要及决议: 一、 通报本学期支部工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ; 二、 通报支部换届选举结果; 讨论,选送参加2013年党章学习班人员 三、 白永田书记传达支部书记会议精神; control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 支委会会议记录 2 会议名称:支委会 时 间:2013,11,4 地 点:校长室 主 持 人:白永田 记 录:盖美玲 出席人员: 盖美玲 刘金强 黄宗孝 会议内容摘要及决议: 一、 回顾总结本期党建工作 二、研究、制定2013年党务 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 1、强化思想政治武装。组织好村两委成员及全体党员组织全体党员以学习贯彻新《党章》及党的十八大及三中、四中全会精神为契机,结合第三批学习实践科学发展观活动,用全新的理论武装党员同志,不断提升理论水平,提高自身素质和工作能力。 2、加强组织 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 建设。坚持每半年召开一次民主生活会,坚持“三会一课”制度,落实党员干部远程教育工作。 3、切实抓好班子队伍建设。村党支部要充分发挥领导核心作用,扎实抓好换届选举工作,为深入开展各项村务工作提供强有力的组织保障。 4、坚持规范村务公开工作。切实抓好村务公开,民主管理工作,在坚持、完善和提高上下功夫,调整和充实公开的内容,严格公开的程序,严格做到规范”。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 支委会会议记录 3 会议名称:支委会 时 间:2013,12,9 地 点:会议室 白永田 主 持 人: 记 录:盖美玲 出席人员: 盖美玲 刘金强 黄宗孝 会议内容: 一、党员干部现代远程教育工作的重要意义 党员干部现代远程教育工作是坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十八大精神,力争经过不懈的努力,逐步建成覆盖全国农村的党员干部现代远程教育网络,建立健全“让干部经常受教育、使农民长期得实惠”的长效机制,不断增强农村基层党组织的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,为农村实现全面建设小康社会的目标提供坚强的人才支持和组织保证。 二、研究如何更好的开展本年度党员干部现代远程教育工作 从以下几个方面开展好远程教育工作以下: 1、实行专人管理。确定曹廷福同志为本村远程教育信息操作员,负责远教设备维护、播放,播放记录等具体工作; 制定专门计划。 2、制定专门计划。制定年度专门播放计划,严格按照计划组织党员同志观看电教片。 3、提高思想认识。现代远程教育工作是提高党员干部队伍的思想政治素质、科学文化素质和带头致富、带领群众共同致富能力的有效途径,要加大宣传、教育,使党员干部高度重视,积极参与到现代远程教育工作,主动参与观看电教片。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 支委会会议记录 4 会议名称:支委会 时 间:2013,10,17 地 点:校长室 主 持 人:白永田 记 录:盖美玲 出席人员:白永田 盖美玲 黄宗孝 会议内容摘要及决议: 一、讨论党员干部应如何保障党员主体地位,发展党内民主。 党内民主,从某种意义上讲就是让全体党员在党内当家作主。因此,党员主体地位的实现程度是衡量党内民主发展程度的重要标尺。没有党员主体地位的实现和主体作用的发挥,党内民主就缺乏基础条件。 如何保障党员主体地位,我认为 “公推直选”是一个很好的举措。选举制度是党内民主的重要标志。“公推直选”是近年来党的建设中具有标志性的创新成果之一,也是我们基层党内民主建设中一种新的选举民主模式。让广大党员包括群众都有序参与到党内选举中来,提升了党内民主运行水平,使党内民主程度得到很大提升。 公推直选作为基层党内民主的发展方向和基本路径,是党内民主建设的基础和重要切入点,其理论价值和实践意义重大。它是保障了党员的民主权利,充分发扬了党内民主。 党员是党内权力的主体,也是党内民主的载体。党员权利的实现和保障程度,标志着党内民主的发展程度。党内民主的实质就是保障党员的权利,体现在党的制度和党内生活中,就是由全体党员一律平等地、直接或间接地决定党内一切重大事务的权利;而落实党员对党组织负责人的选举权和被选举权,则是党内民主建设的一个核心问题。 二、研究制定支部党员经常性教育计划。 1、坚持和完善党员学习制度; control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 2、认真搞好集中培训。加强对党员的教育培训,是党的优良传统,也是保持党员先进性的重要手段。 3、优化学习教育内容。从增强党员先进性意识、提高党员综合素质出发,坚持不懈地进行党的基本知识、基本理论教育; 4、是创新教育方式和载体。要采取正面教育、自我教育、先进典型教育和警示教育等多种有效形式,使广大党员对照先进学、互相交流学,力争学有所思、思有所悟、悟有所改。 5、发扬理论联系实际的学风。坚持学习理论与研究解决具体问题相结合。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 支委会会议记录 5 会议名称:支委会 时 间:2013,9,17 地 点:校长室 主 持 人:白永田 记 录:盖美玲 出席人员:白永田 盖美玲 黄宗孝 会议内容: 布置党建工作 (一) 分类组织,扎实推进学习型党组织的创建工作 1、抓好党政班子的学习。 2、坚持中心组学习制度。 3、坚持党员学习制度。 4、坚持开展教工读书活动。 (二) 真抓实干,积极发挥党支部的政治核心作用 1、加强党员党性教育。 2、切实做好党建工作。 3、开展好党员责任区、责任岗工作。 (三) 师德教育,促进学校精神文明建设 1、制定规划,形成制度。 2、开展了“扬师德、铸师魂”师德承诺主题活动。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough (四) 民主管理,加强党风廉政教育 1、学习《廉政准则》,加强廉洁自律教育。 2、积极推进党务、校务公开建设。 3、强化学校民主管理。 (五) 群团工作,促进学校协调发展 1、加强对工会组织的领导。 2、充分发挥党外人士的作用,定期听取他们的意见,有效改进自身的工作。 3、积极开展关心困难学生活动。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 支委会会议记录 6 会议名称:支委会 时 间:2013,10,12 地 点:校长室 主 持 人:白永田 记 录:盖美玲 出席人员:白永田 盖美玲 黄宗孝 会议内容: 一是加强领导班子建设,发挥领导核心作用;二是落实党建工作责任制,发挥政治核心作用;三是发挥党委在企业选人用人中的主导作用;四是加强党风廉政建设;五是积极推进基层党组织工作信息化。拓展党组织开展活动、发挥作用空间;六是重视党务工作队伍建设,努力造就思想、作风能力都过硬的高素质党务工作队伍。经过讨论,党群工作部制定了以上各项工作要点的实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,确保各项党建工作责任落实到人、任务落实到位,保证我办的健康、快速、可持续发展起到保驾护航。 党建工作作为我办一项十分重要的政治工作,要给予高度的重视。要加强党委统一领导、部门齐抓共管、一级抓一级、层层抓落实的党建工作格局,充分发挥部门党员的职能作用,切实做到责任明确、措施到位、领导有力,通过抓党建来推动我办各项任务的完成,促进我办又好又快发展。同时还对今年下半年党建工作的总体目标、各项工作提出了责任到位、明确细化的具体要求,对党群日常工作做出了具体部署,努力建设健康的政治文化,为我办的经济发展打下坚实的思想基础。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 支委会会议记录 7 会议名称:支委会 时 间:2013,12,6 地 点:校长室 主 持 人:白永田 记 录:盖美玲 出席人员:白永田 盖美玲 黄宗孝 会议内容: 我校在党的建设个方面都取得了一些新成绩。 1、健全制度、加强学习,努力提升全员素质 我们始终坚持党员干部月月有学习活动、理论中心组间周有学习活动制度。学习内容有:优秀党员的先进事迹;“加强和改进未成年人的思想道德教育”和“加强党的执政能力”等。观看电影《延安魂》《永远的丰碑》等系列教育影视。 2、开展经常性的师德师风教育,加强师资队伍建设,形成师德建设的长效机制,为精神文明创建提供物质支持。 利用“三会一课制度”加强了对党员的教育,发挥了全校党员在教育教学管理等方面的先锋模范作用;组织教师学习,传达贯彻有关会议、文件精神。重点学习《中共中央国务院关于加强未成年人思想道德建设的若干意见》、《教师法》、新《义务教育法》《教师工作十忌》等。 3、落实保持共产党员先进性教育要求,抓好党员队伍建设。 1)建立了党员示范岗,充分发挥党员先进性作用 2)加强对青年教师、入党积极分子培养教育工作,鼓舞引导青年团员将加入党组织作为政治生命中追求的目标,不断学习,严格要求自已。 3)组织开展“民主评议党员”活动,积极争创先进党支部、争做优秀党员。 4、优化支部工作,推进党风廉政建设。 5(推行校务公开,实行民主管理。 6、大力强化行风建设,为保证正常的教学秩序创造了良好的环境。 7、工会、团队工作丰富多彩、卓有成效。 8、加强法制教育,维护安定团结。 1)(注重教师法规学习,提高法律意识 2)(完善帮教网络,综合治理有成效。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 支委会会议记录 8 会议名称:支委会 时 间:2013,12,3 地 点:校长室 主 持 人:白永田 记 录:盖美玲 出席人员:白永田 盖美玲 黄宗孝 会议内容: 我校党支部工作计划 工作目标 1、继续开展先进性教育活动,立足于党员真受教育,群众真感满意,各项工作真有促进的目的。 2、抓好队伍建设,加强党员队伍的思想作风建设,继续抓好党员和“学困生”的帮教工作,发挥党员在学校教育、教学工作中的先锋模范作用。力争用党员自己的言行和人格力量去影响和带动教师,提高党员在教师中的影响力。 3、加强师德、师风建设,大力弘扬教书育人、为人师表、敬业爱岗的精神,关注青年教师的成长,努力为青年教师的成长创造条件。 4、继续抓好行风建设,落实好党风廉政责任制工作,健全党风廉政监督机制,规范学校领导干部的从政、从教行为。 5、认真开好每学期一次的民主生活会。通过开展批评和自我批评,沟通思想、解决问题、加强团结。 三、主要工作及措施 (一)加强学习显成效 1、齐全学习制度。 2、学习形式多样化。 3、树立新时期党员形象。 4、改善新时期党群关系。 5、各项工作要有新的发展。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 6、加强师德建设,强化内部管理。 (二)抓好党建促行风 1、进一步落实好区教育局党委党风廉政建设责任制工作。 2、支部加强对校务公开工作的指导。 3、认真开好每学期一次的民主生活会。 4、积极探索党建工作新路子。 (三)规范管理促发展 1、进一步完善教师教育教学评价制度,对教师的考核加大 岗位职责 总经理岗位职责总经理安全岗位职责工厂保安人员的岗位职责工厂财务部岗位职责工程测量员岗位职责 、工作成效和实际贡献 的权重,完善激励机制,对工作成绩显著的,勇挑重担的,加大奖励的力度。 2、以实施新课程为重点,深入推进课堂教学改革。 3、继续改善学校的安全卫生工作面貌。 (四)丰富活动带群体 1、本年打算每年一次党员生活会,(包括学习、参观、活动等)。 2、围绕建设“书香校园”,积极开展“党员读书 ”活动。 3、加强工会工作。 4、抓好家长学校。 5、关心离退休教师的学习和生活。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough
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