首页 朝邑农场对标管理工作方案



朝邑农场对标管理工作方案朝邑农场对标管理工作方案 朝邑农场全面对标考核活动 实施方案 按照《陕西省农垦集团有限责任公司全面对标考核活动实施方案》的要求~我们认真学习了6月15日陕西农垦集团对标考核与精细化管理推进会议精神~进一步提高认识~统一思想~落实责任~加强领导~完善方案。再把华阴农场选定为“标杆”的基础上又把河南省博爱农场作为我们更高的标杆~通过对标学习~深入查找和分析朝邑农场与华阴农场存在的差距并加以改进~进一步挖掘朝邑农场的潜力~提高朝邑农场在陕西农垦集团的竞争力~寻找出路~追赶标杆。 一、加强领导~建立机构: 为了加...

朝邑农场对标管理工作 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 朝邑农场全面对标考核活动 实施方案 按照《陕西省农垦集团有限责任公司全面对标考核活动实施方案》的要求~我们认真学习了6月15日陕西农垦集团对标考核与精细化管理推进会议精神~进一步提高认识~统一思想~落实责任~加强领导~完善方案。再把华阴农场选定为“标杆”的基础上又把河南省博爱农场作为我们更高的标杆~通过对标学习~深入查找和分析朝邑农场与华阴农场存在的差距并加以改进~进一步挖掘朝邑农场的潜力~提高朝邑农场在陕西农垦集团的竞争力~寻找出路~追赶标杆。 一、加强领导~建立机构: 为了加强朝邑农场对对标管理工作的领导~研究决定成立对标管理工作领导小组。 组 长: 魏少峰 副组长: 刘建军 王宏伟 成 员: 刘青敏 孙生会 贺春峰 雷建利 李金潮 李大学 边建明 刘长伟 领导小组的主要职责是审定对标工作管理办法和标杆体系~研究决定对标管理工作中的重大事项~协调解决对标管理有关问题~定期检查各部门对标管理工作进展情况~查找年度经营及各基层单位在管理工作中存在的差距,进行深入剖析~按照持续改进的原则,制订措施,狠抓落实~总结经验,及时推广。 为确保对标管理工作顺利开展~成立朝邑农场对标管理办公室~办to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low-down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensure 公室设在经管科~负责对标管理日常工作。 办公室主任:王宏伟,兼任,。 成 员:朱以宪 赵新民 郁明军 杜进水 张 虎 张朝建 对标管理办公室职责:负责日常工作。组织制定、修订对标管理办法等相关文件,协助组织制定、修订对标管理指标及标杆体系,指导各单位开展对标工作,开展各类调研和专题论证,组织开展对标管理培训和经验交流,负责标杆 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 、改进和完善。 二、指导思想: 朝邑农场根据集团公司提出的“一条主线、两个支撑、三项措施、四个目标”和“5322”战略~充分利用整合现有土地资源和资产资源~坚定不移的实施精品工程战略~逐步向特色农业、生态农业、生态养殖业方向发展。我们的指导思想就是以科学发展观为指导~以保持经济平稳较快发展和加快经济发展方式转变有机结合为主线~以传统农业产业改造提升和现代农业产业培育壮大为重点~以“开放带动、三角支撑”为突破口~通过实施发展战略从而实现从生产导向向市场导向的转型、从发展种植业为主向发展商贸业、养殖业转型、从一产为重点向二、三产为重点的转型、从分散的小生产为重点向规模化、 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化、集约化、产业化生产经营转型、从封闭型自我发展模式为主向开放型联合发展模式为主的转型、从资源配臵以单一模式为主向市场多元化为主转型。在产业发展和转型中,逐步完成产业结构的战略性调整,实现资产优化、经济发展、增加就业、强企富民的四大目标。通过对标活动加强技术改造和自主创新~ 着实在农业技术~产业升级~产品研发~管理创新~节能 d quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; ocess quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installeof pr onstruction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfery inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on cqualit.1.1.3 strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction y representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. 5y parth the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application be cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding witent unit, with the activdown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nstruction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowethods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to coto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction mrictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureant instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. stimport2 增效和人才队伍等方面实现新提升~努力构建具有创新性、开放性和可持续性的现代农业产业体系~走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好~资源消耗低~环境污染少的具有朝邑农场特色的现代农业产业化道路。。 三、工作目标: 通过对标活动~改造传统农业~培育壮大现代农业~发展特色高效产业~向高档次、精品化、设施化方向发展~在对标工作中我们要实现各项工作制度化、规范化、精细化~强化基础管理~重点抓好财务管理和人事管理~完善财务 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~严格程序~开源节流~增收节支~着力打造人才队伍~把员工培训作为农场长远发展的常项工作~制订培训 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ~明确培训对象~强化考核考评。转变发展方式~提升竞争力。 通过对标活动~我们要确定正确的发展定位和清晰的工作思路。清醒认识面临的条件和机遇、困难和挑战~沉下心来打基础~抓住机遇促发展,坚持解放思想~改革创新。牢固树立机遇意识、发展意识、危机意识和责任意识~用标杆单位改革创新的思路和办法解决我们发展中存在的困难和问题,坚持发展抓项目不动摇。牢固树立“有项目才能有发展、大项目带动大发展”的理念~千方百计扩投资~全力以赴上项目,坚持一手抓经济一手抓社会事业协调并进。认真解决广大职工群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题~通过为职工办实事凝聚民心、集聚民智、激活民力,坚持维护好团结稳定的良好发展局面。公司必须上下齐心协力~步调一致、风雨同舟~形成强大的发展合力~是发展的前提,坚持真抓实干的工作作风。一切从实际出发~量力而行~尽力而为~扑下身子搞工作~一心一意图发 ruction site safety regulations to ensureform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and constst inlification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes mudelivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqua ittenbasis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling wr the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form ace to rocess was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notient company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each panagemsingle equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the mce is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument devidown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-ate construction materials and technology to give the lowcalcul.1.1.1 to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, ct. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements 5to achieve high quality proje3 展~认真搞好对标。 四、对标内容: 在对标内容上~要实现经营收入、利润、项目、发展思路、方向与华阴农场的对标。在对标范围上~要逐步实现场、分场、办公室、个人不同层面的对标比较。对标管理要逐步覆盖全场~实现我场管理水平和经营业绩的提高。 1、绩效指标: (1)净资产收益率 (2)总资产报酬率 (3)营业收入增长率 (4)资本保值增值率 (5)总资产周转率 (6)成本费用利润率 2、个性指标: (1)企业概况,(2)组织架构,(3)体制改革,(4)经营机制,(5)人力资源,(6)产业结构,(7)自主创新,(8)招商引资,(9)项目带动~(10)经济效益。 五、实施步骤: 按照《陕西省农垦集团有限责任公司全面对标考核活动实施方案》的要求~及在全面对标考核活动中努力把握好五个原则~突出抓好五个环节~正确处理好三个关系~着力在五个方面取得突破。开展对标管理要明确各阶段工作目标、主要工作内容及工作要求~保证对标管理取得成效。围绕以下三个阶段进行实施。 1、组织实施确立标杆阶段: 时间安排:,2012年5月1日---6月30日, 寻找标杆~我们确定华阴农场作为对标“标杆”~把博爱农场作为更 rictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureant instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. stimportd quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; ocess quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installeof pr onstruction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfery inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on cqualit.1.1.3 strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction y representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. 5y parth the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application be cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding witent unit, with the activdown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nstruction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowethods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to coto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction m4 高的标杆~到华阴农场、博爱农场学习取经~全面了解标杆企业的绩效指标和个性指标~学习他们的先进管理经验~发展思路、方向。 ,1,5月初~成立机构~制定方案。 ,2,5月中旬~依据集团公司的安排~寻找标杆~我们确定华阴农场作为对标对象。 ,3,6月20日召开对标学习宣传会议~在农场内部全面组织学习《陕西省农垦集团有限责任公司全面对标考核活动实施方案》积极宣传和动员~全面开展工作。 ,4,6月下旬~组织有关人员去到华阴农场、博爱农场学习取经~全面了解标杆企业的,净资产收益率~总资产报酬率~营业收入增长率~资本保值增值率~总资产周转率~成本费用利润率,6大绩效指标和企业概况、组织架构、体制改革、经营机制、人力资源、产业结构、自主创新、招商引资、项目带动和经济效益个性指标情况。 ,5,7月上旬编制《朝邑农场对标考核活动实施方案》~确定赶超时间表~考核活动实施方案于7月15日前上报陕西省农垦集团公司。 2、找出差距、制定战略阶段: 时间安排:,2012年7月1日---10月31日,。 ,1,围绕6大绩效和个性指标~结合朝邑农场的现状~带着问题去学习~6月22日~我们组织有关人员去到华阴农场学习取经。 朝邑农场2012年完成营业收入计划4500万元~利润180万元。华阴农场2012年完成营业收入计划7000万元~利润100万元。朝邑农场营业收入比华阴农场少2500万元~朝邑农场土地面积略大于华阴农场~两场 ruction site safety regulations to ensureform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and constst inlification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes mudelivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqua ittenbasis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling wr the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form ace to rocess was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notient company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each panagemsingle equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the mce is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument devidown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-ate construction materials and technology to give the lowcalcul.1.1.1 to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, ct. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements 5to achieve high quality proje5 人员基本差不多。华阴农场荣获农业部“全国农垦现代农业示范区”称号~并受到通报表彰。华阴农场经过近50年的垦殖开发~已发展成为一个以粮种繁育、特色果业、生态旅游观光农业和养殖业为基础的中型国有现代农业企业~并连续多年实现盈利。特别是华阴-陕西农垦城乡统筹一体化现代农业示范园项目将成为华阴农场经济、社会事业的发展创造更加有利的条件~同时为陕西农垦集团打通资源资产化、资本化、产业化通道~将充分发挥国有资本在区域经济发展中的示范引领作用。近年来~华阴农场深入贯彻落实科学发展观~充分发挥农垦企业本身具有的大农业、大规模、高标准、高起点的农业素质优势及农业科技优势~实施规模发展战略、特色发展战略、品牌发展战略、持续发展战略~建立大樱桃种植基地10000亩,现代农业示范区8000亩,小麦良种繁育基地6000亩,苜蓿种植饲草基地1000亩。华阴农场顺应时代要求、遵循发展规律~突出农业基础设施建设、加快现代农业发展进程、强化企业管理、完善内部制度创新和机制改革~努力解放和提高生产力。农场经济呈现持续较快的增长~职工收入、生活水平明显提高~干群关系明显改善~场区社会稳定和谐~各项工作全面发展并取得了历史性的突破~呈现出一片难得的好局面。 朝邑农场主要存在的问题是:一是经济总量小~没有产业支撑~结构调整任务重。在经济结构调整中~一、二、三产业不协调~几乎没有工商业~二、三产业发展落后~商贸今年已起步~并实现了开门红~但以种植业为主的经济结构仍未调整过来。二是拥有的资源质量差~地下水质差~农业灌溉困难~基础设施薄弱~农业用水无保障~主要还是靠天吃饭~自然灾害对农业增收影响很大。三是农场人才缺乏~资金困难。企业缺乏管理人才、经营人才和专业技术人才~缺乏吸引人才、留住人才的条件和机 rictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureant instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. stimportd quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; ocess quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installeof pr onstruction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfery inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on cqualit.1.1.3 strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction y representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. 5y parth the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application be cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding witent unit, with the activdown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nstruction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowethods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to coto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction m6 制。企业发展投入不足~融资困难。四是企业负担重。社会保障支出占收入的绝大部分~制约了资金向优势产业集中的步伐。五是由于农场地域偏僻~交通不便~绝大部分耕地处在国防军事靶区和黄河泄洪区~至今仍有4000余亩土地被黄河水淹没~靶区不能种植高秆作物~难于调整种植结构~吸引外来资本能力不强~制约了农场产业的发展。六是农场享受国家优惠政策渠道不畅~存在政策边缘化问题~农场不能同等享受到政府支持新农村建设的优惠政策~如道路、电网、小城镇建设等。 (2)制定战略~总结借鉴华阴农场的先进的经营管理经验~根据朝邑农场与标杆华阴农场之间存在的差距和工作中的不足~我们提出整改计划并制定具体措施~计划用3-5个年度落实~措施如下: 第一~到2013年~大力推进现代农业建设~加强农业实用技术培训~提高新技术的普及率~加速农业科技进步~强化公司现代农业建设的科技支撑。积极推进农业“科技入户”~不断提高农业新技术~新品种的应用率,实施保护性耕作~提倡使用有机肥~减少化肥~农药的使用量,大力推广精量播种和免耕技术~减少成本~蓄水保墒~增加土壤肥力。加快农业标准化进程和农业园区建设,加快培养和造就一支高水平的现代农业科技队伍和从业人员队伍~强化现代农业建设的人才支撑。 第二~以开放求发展~朝农的发展必须走开发、合作共同发展之路~对待合作伙伴我们要以诚相待~互利共赢~必须换位思考~站在对方的立场上思考问题~才能协调发展~我们要有一颗善待感恩之心对待别人~合作才能顺利进行~不断学习~树立良好形象~提高企业文化~继续积极主动沟通协调~以开放的胸怀融入地方的发展~使各项惠农政策能惠及到农 ruction site safety regulations to ensureform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and constst inlification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes mudelivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqua ittenbasis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling wr the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form ace to rocess was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notient company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each panagemsingle equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the mce is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument devidown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-ate construction materials and technology to give the lowcalcul.1.1.1 to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, ct. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements 5to achieve high quality proje7 场~同时借助政府开发朝邑古镇建设的契机~加强沟通对接~将场区及生态园纳入建设规划~以开放聚人气、聚财气、聚机会~乘势发展。 第三~加强体制机制创新~寻找突破口~一方面模拟股份制2012年计划扩大到4000亩。另一方面转变分场、基层单位的功能定位~由原来的被动的执行主体向面向市场的经营主体转变~调动基层单位的积极性~加快发展进度。通过竞争机制实现科学管理。去年已与福建 中汇集团合作在五分场种植药材330亩~2013年面积要落实到3000亩~逐步扩大面积建立起药材园区。我们对饲草苜蓿进行了调研~论证~规模化养殖业的发展前提是饲草业的发展~近年来需求量不断增加~苜蓿可一次种植可连续多年受益~适应大面积种植~机械化程度高~很有发展前景~下一步利用2-3年准备从牧草业寻找另一个突破口。 第四~强化贸易支撑~借助与中储粮合作的平台~全面发挥我场的自身优势~下一步向玉米收储、生资供应上深度合作。实现农产品农资在流通过程中企业有效益。为公司经济发展培养新的经济增长点。 第五~项目带动~推动生物能源项目顺利建设~以期早日投产~扩大药材基地建设~今后产业结构调整的方向重点考虑发展养殖业~朝邑农场发展养殖业基础条件优越~具有先天的环境优势、饲草供应优势、场地优势。 发展玉米良种繁育基地、研发基地~引入专家建好研究所~增强种业发展产业链。 第六~积极实施精品工程建设~继续加强精品宣传~营造氛围,进一步扩大精品工程建设载体内容~把廉租房建设项目、生物能源项目、药材基地~粮食贸易和登峰种业合作等打造成精品项目,加强职工培训~提高职工素质~打造精品团队。 of pr onstruction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfery inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on cqualit.1.1.3 strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction y representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. 5y parth the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application be cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding witent unit, with the activdown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nstruction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowethods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to coto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction mrictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureant instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. stimportd quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; ocess quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installe8 第七~成立农业专业合作社。我们依托农机股份公司的经验~加强学习、扎实调研~成立了冬枣专业合作社和农机专业合作社~今后要通过农业专业合作社达到产前的农资、产中的农机化服务、产后的农产品销售全覆盖。 第八~廉租房建设~力争完成一期工程建设任务~建设户数达到152户~完成建设面积12542平方米。有效改善农场职工的住房状况。 第九~强化管理~提高企业运行质效~与各单位签订经营合同、安全生产责任书~推行标杆管理,完善经营业绩考核办法~严格各单位经营合同的履行,加强内部审计力度~进一步规范各单位的经营行为~继续推行场务公开~强化民主管理。 第十~千方百计增加职工收入~促进和谐发展~在增收渠道上下功夫~大力挖掘增收潜力,全面落实各项惠农政策~努力增加职工的收入,提高职工创效益及就业能力。继续深入开展以“帮技术、帮资金、帮销售”为主要内容的扶贫帮困活动~促进职工增收和实现共同富裕。在认真调查摸底、民主评议、公开透明的基础上~形成资金帮扶的长效机制~帮助职工尽快脱贫致富。为职工提供生产服务~聘请农技专家举办培训班或在地头给职工现场传授测土配方施肥、病虫害防治、作物丰产栽培技术要领等生产技术~提高职工的科技素质和运用科技增收致富的能力,帮助职工搞好产品销售。 3、重点突破~专项提升阶段: 时间安排:,2012年11月1日---2013年10月31日,。 对标管理是实现五精管理的途径~也是推动精品工程建设重要手段~ basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling wr the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form ace to rocess was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notient company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each panagemsingle equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the mce is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument devidown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-ate construction materials and technology to give the lowcalcul.1.1.1 to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, ct. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements 5to achieve high quality projeruction site safety regulations to ensureform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and constst inlification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes mudelivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqua itten9 对标管理是一种有目的、有目标的学习过程~也是一种能引发新观点、激励创新的管理工具。通过开展对标管理的对标,达标,创标工作流程~研究榜样出色绩效的原因~重点学习华阴农场的经营办法、管理制度、激励机制~分析他们的优点和查找自身存在的不足~有利于加强成本控制~有利于强化目标管理~有利于加强效绩考评~从而提升我场经营运行效益。 ,1,、组织实施~重点突破~在对标内容上~要实现经营收入、利润、项目、发展思路、方向与华阴农场的对标。在对标范围上~要逐步实现场、分场、办公室、个人不同层面的对标比较。对标管理要逐步覆盖全场~先易后难~逐项推进~实现我场管理水平和经营业绩的提高。 (2)、专项提升~改进提高~循序渐进~在对标管理工作中~我们要不断认真总结经验~推广在对标工作中创造出来的先进操作方法~管理经验~发展模式~对存在的问题持续改进、完善对标管理办法及标准。通过动态的对标管理~不断确定最优指标~每年更新一次对标数据库~确立新的标杆指标~确保标杆的先进性。力争绩效指标中的一些重要指标以每年5%速度递增~即2012年增长5%~2012年增长10%~2012年增长15%~2012年增长20%~2012年增长25%。与时俱进及时制定整改措施~根据整改措施~学习标杆华阴农场的先进经验~并及时检查和审视对标成效~不断提升实施效果~争取达到标杆华阴农场的先进水平。 (3)、不断完善改进管理标准和指标体系~以指标找差距~以差距查管理~以管理促提高~突出流程管理、过程控制和管理手段的不断创新。实现对标管理工作的闭环管理~不断地完善、改进和提高。由于对标管 d quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; ocess quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installeof pr onstruction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfery inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on cqualit.1.1.3 strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction y representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. 5y parth the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application be cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding witent unit, with the activdown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nstruction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowethods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to coto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction mrictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureant instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. stimport10 理的目标是不断发展变化的~因此实施对标管理是一个长期的渐进过程。在每一轮达标完成时~都要评价对标管理所带来的实际效益与预期目标之间的差距~并分析原因~以不断提升实施效果。 六、保障措施: 1、加强组织领导~积极推进对标活动~依据集团公司的要求~成立相应的组织机构~完善实施方案~不断解放思想~做到认识到位。每项工作完成的过程是一次次解放思想、理论创新、争创一流的过程~也是与时俱进、提高认识、积极探索的过程~树立发展观念~才是抓好各项工作的重要前提。对标活动以公司三办、财务科、经管科为运行主体~其他各部门密切配合~全力以赴~迅速展开对标活动。 2、搞好宣传工作~做好安排部署~使对标工作做到家喻户晓~大力推动对标活动到人到岗~充分调动所有员工的积极性和主动性。努力营造良好发展环境~做到措施落实到位。通过完善制度~建立奖惩制度~内部检查制度~内部审计制度来营造良好的发展环境~才能确保措施落到实处。 3、确立典型引路~努力学习标杆单位的先进经验~先进理念~典型事迹~营造比、学、赶、超的浓厚氛围~总结推广成功经验~切实加强领导~做到组织保障到位。公司对每项工作明确责任人~明确目标~把握重点~攻克难点~统筹协调~在公司上下形成了整体联动、相互配合、克难攻坚、共谋发展的工作格局~使各项工作有序推进。公司上下齐心协力~步调一致、风雨同舟~形成强大的发展合力~坚持真抓实干的工作作风~一切从实际出发~量力而行~尽力而为~ ruction site safety regulations to ensureform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and constst inlification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes mudelivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqua ittenbasis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling wr the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form ace to rocess was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notient company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each panagemsingle equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the mce is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument devidown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-ate construction materials and technology to give the lowcalcul.1.1.1 to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, ct. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements 5to achieve high quality proje11 实现成功对标。 4、搭建支撑平台~落实“一个带动~三角支撑”的发展战略~实现“经管创新、产业强场”的战略目标。充分发挥现有资源优势~以经济发展为主线~加快发展现代农业~推进产业进程。按照调高、调优、调出质量和效益的方向~大力发展良种产业~养殖业、杂果业和具有地域优势的特色产业。使人力、资本、技术~向优势主导产业聚集~提高产业率和经济效益。加强基础设施建设力度~进一步提高农业综合生产能力。加大科技投入~大力普及适用新技术、提高农业科技含量~加强沟通协调~改善外部环境~加强体制机制创新~全力推进发展模式转变。搞活商贸业~强化贸易支撑~狠抓项目和招商引资~实施项目带动~强化项目推介~积极推进在建项目建设~储备一批事关公司发展的好项目~进一步完善和优化项目库~着眼长远。积极实施精品工程建设~采取措施~保障安全生产。推动企业产品设计~技术装备~生产制造~经营管理~市场营销~等环节的技术普及和应用~保障对标成功。 5、优化人力资源~以科学发展观为统领~大力加强人才队伍建设~构建人才辈出~人尽其才的用人环境和机制~用感情留人~事业留人~待遇留人~加强对各类人才的综合素质培训~优化人才结构~提升人才总量~营造优秀人才脱颖而出的浓厚氛围~努力为农场现代农业和跨越式发展提供人才和智力支撑。现在企业存在缺乏企业管理人才、企业经营人才和专业技术人才、素质和结构很不适应农场经济社会发展需要~缺乏吸引人才、留住人才的条件和机制。今后要积极强化队伍建设~激发内部活力~按照“精简、高效”的原则~打破农 rictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureant instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. stimportd quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; ocess quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installeof pr onstruction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfery inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on cqualit.1.1.3 strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction y representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. 5y parth the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application be cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding witent unit, with the activdown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nstruction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowethods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to coto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction m12 场企业干部原有的职级待遇~坚持德才兼备的用人标准~对管理人员实行公平竞争、择优聘用~选拔任用确有才干、实绩突出和靠得住、敢负责的干部~选拔任用肯干事、会干事和干成事的干部~尽快带出一支政治强、业务精、作风硬、效率高的干部队伍。按照以人为本的原则~始终把维护职工权益放在企业发展的突出位臵~切实落实职工对企业的知情权、参与权、审议权和监督权。必须改进我们的工作作风~把解决职工最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题作为我们工作的出发点和落脚点~消除不和谐因素~才能全面促进公司经济社会的全面发展~从而实现对标成功。 我们要用以上保障措施~力争通过对标工作~探索出即能体现先进性~又能突出行业和农场特色的新思想、新办法、新制度~在发展理念~思想观念~管理措施上有所改观~有所创新~增强紧迫感和自觉性~创造性的开展工作~把各项决策部署落到实处~坚定信心~开拓奋进~埋头苦干~务求实效~为实现公司经济跨越式发展而努力奋斗。 七、考核奖罚: 1、农场对标管理工作办公室定期对各单位日常管理工作进行监督检查~如发现制度缺失、岗位不作为等现象~对主管人员给予处罚。 2、对对标管理好的单位和个人~年终将给予奖励。 八、几点要求及注意事项: 1、提高认识~加大宣传。高度充分认识开展对标工作的重要性~加大宣传力度~形成上下联动、全员参与的氛围。在学习中切忌把其搞成 ruction site safety regulations to ensureform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and constst inlification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes mudelivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqua ittenbasis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling wr the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form ace to rocess was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notient company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each panagemsingle equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the mce is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument devidown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-ate construction materials and technology to give the lowcalcul.1.1.1 to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, ct. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements 5to achieve high quality proje13 形象工程和政绩工程~应当科学规划、因地制宜~真正以特色资源和优势产业的挖掘构建作为着力点~坚持效益性、独特性和比较竞争优势~否则浪费资源~劳民伤财。 2、结合实际~制订规则。根据本方案中列出的条目和重点~结合工作实际~在选择确定标杆之后要及时制订整改措施。克服急功近利思想~切忌短期行为。尤其在作产业规划~产业选择~招商引资时要有长远目光~正确把握项目与农场之间的定位与利益关系~既要发展经济~又不能以牺牲长远利益为代价,既要融入和服务农场所需~又要彰显农垦特点和农场主业健康发展~既不能拔苗助长~又不能因噎废食。既要跨越发展~又忌贪大求全。要以战略性、前瞻性、可操作性。 3、加强协作~积极配合~要加强、相互支持配合~提供另一方需要的各种文件资料、技术资料~介绍各自先进的管理经验等。 4、积极开展内部对标~积极组织分场各单位之间进行经验交流~并针对涉及本单位实际情况~组织员工学标准、学流程和学责任制~积极组织向劳模、先进人物学习对标活动~掀起同岗位之间比学习、比标准、比效率、比贡献、比创新的对标提升热潮~让标兵与员工距离越来越近。 5、今后我们在对标学习中正确认识农场所独具的社会性、区域性、资源性、产业性的现状和特点~不盲目照搬~正确认识朝邑农场面临的形势、矛盾、发展机遇和突破途径~合理寻找着眼点和出发点~正确谋篇布局、盘活区域经济、推动各项工作全面发展。 朝邑农场 2012.7.14 rictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensureant instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. stimportd quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; ocess quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installeof pr onstruction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfery inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on cqualit.1.1.3 strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction y representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. 5y parth the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application be cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding witent unit, with the activdown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nstruction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowethods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to coto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction m14
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