首页 六年级上册数学《百分数》教学设计



六年级上册数学《百分数》教学设计六年级上册数学《百分数》教学设计 《百分数的应用》教学设计 九年义务教育北师大版六年级上册数学 一、[教材分析] 教材通过介绍一碗水结冰后体积增加了,引出“增加百分之几”的实际问题。通过提出“增加百分之几是什么意思”,引导学生分析数量关系,再一次体会百分数的意义。 二、[设计理念] 对于这一类题目,学生在上一学期已有接触,但是经过一学期,大部分学生已遗忘,所以可以先设计一些关于找单位“1”的量的复习题,让学生练习一下,以便温故而知新。逐步推进学习第二种方法计算 三、[教学目标] 1、在具体的情境中理解“增...

六年级 上册 三年级上册必备古诗语文八年级上册教案下载人教社三年级上册数学 pdf四年级上册口算下载三年级数学教材上册pdf 数学《百分数》教学 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 《百分数的应用》教学设计 九年义务教育北师大版六年级上册数学 一、[教材分析] 教材通过介绍一碗水结冰后体积增加了,引出“增加百分之几”的实际问题。通过提出“增加百分之几是什么意思”,引导学生分析数量关系,再一次体会百分数的意义。 二、[设计理念] 对于这一类题目,学生在上一学期已有接触,但是经过一学期,大部分学生已遗忘,所以可以先设计一些关于找单位“1”的量的复习题,让学生练习一下,以便温故而知新。逐步推进学习第二种方法计算 三、[教学目标] 1、在具体的情境中理解“增加百分之几”或“减少百分之几”的意义,加深对百分数意义的理解。 2、能计算出实际问题中“增加百分之几”或“减少百分之几”,提高运用数学解决实际问题的能力,体会百分数与现实生活的密切联系。 四、[教学重点]求一个数比另一个数多课时(少)百分之几的应用题。 五、[教学难点]找准单位“1”的量,明白单位“1”的量要做除数。 六、[教学手段] 1、教学方法:尝试法 2、学习方法:找准单位“1”的量,明白单位“1”的量要做除数。 3、教学准备:情境图片、小黑板 七、[媒体说明] 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 八、[教学时间]两课时 九、[教学过程] fear panic. To strengthen the guidance of public opinion, pay attention to the use of networkNetwork language. Third, we must strengthen the supervision and assessment. The Council will continue to give people a sense of security and satisfaction scores in the survey into the comprehensive evaluation of the sub County Bureau, the purpose of which is to form a truly make concerted efforts, catch condominium together good atmosphere. The sub County Bureau to with the grass-roots deal, to really find out lesions, Shizhao to solve the problem. The meeting held today, the main task is thoroughly implement the province's construction of spiritual civilization in recognition of the general assembly, all meetings of the Committee of city civilization and create the spirit of conference of job of countrywide civilized city, summary in recent years the County civilized city to create work, deployed a new round to create a civilized city industry and trade of the task, mobilization at all levels of the county to further clarify the goals, do solid work, and resolutely fight to win a new round of a city battle, city striving for national civilized city to make positive contribution. Just now, Comrade Han Peng to convey the plenary session of the Municipal Committee of civilization and to create the spirit of conference of job of countrywide civilized city; Meng Qing comrades on behalf of the county a city leading group and Chengyang street, County Bureau of education, live built bureau , food and Drug Supervision Bureau, the traffic police brigade signed a Chong City target responsibility (一)教学准备 :复习导入: 1、提问:有关百分数的知识,同学们都学了哪些, 2、小结归纳: 百分数的意义 小数、百分数、分数之间的互化 已学过的 百分数的简单应用 利用方程解决简单的百分数问题 3、练习: (1)4是5的百分之几, (2)5是4的百分之几, (3)5比4多百分之几, (4)4比5少百分之几, 重点引导学生找准单位“1”的量 从本节课开始,我们将继续学习有关百分数的知识。 (二)、探索新知: 1、创设情境,激趣。 在炎热的夏季时,我们总为特别烫的饮食不能立即食用而愁眉不展,现在老师给你们推荐一个好办法,同学们想不想知道呢,好,那我就告诉你们吧。 在冰箱里冻一碗冰来让烫食迅速降温,同学们可以回家试试。 在冻冰时我发现了一个有趣的现象,我掺了多半碗水却端出了满满的一碗冰,请同学们为老师解释一下这是什么原因呢,(出示图片)呵,同学们懂得真多呀,原来是水结成冰后体积增加了。 2、新知探究: (1)假设这碗水是45立方厘米,结成冰后体积是50立方厘米。我的问题是:冰的体积比原来水的 ve the problem.roots deal, to really find out lesions, Shizhao to sol-ondominium together good atmosphere. The sub County Bureau to with the grasshe comprehensive evaluation of the sub County Bureau, the purpose of which is to form a truly make concerted efforts, catch cinto tpervision and assessment. The Council will continue to give people a sense of security and satisfaction scores in the survey engthen the guidance of public opinion, pay attention to the use of networkNetwork language. Third, we must strengthen the sufear panic. To str brigade signed a Chong City target responsibility policeng group and Chengyang street, County Bureau of education, live built bureau , food and Drug Supervision Bureau, the traffic create the spirit of conference of job of countrywide civilized city; Meng Qing comrades on behalf of the county a city leadid to positive contribution. Just now, Comrade Han Peng to convey the plenary session of the Municipal Committee of civilization an s, do solid work, and resolutely fight to win a new round of a city battle, city striving for national civilized city to makee goalund to create a civilized city industry and trade of the task, mobilization at all levels of the county to further clarify thnce of job of countrywide civilized city, summary in recent years the County civilized city to create work, deployed a new roition of the general assembly, all meetings of the Committee of city civilization and create the spirit of confereThe meeting held today, the main task is thoroughly implement the province's construction of spiritual civilization in recogn2 体积增加了百分之几, (2)同学们互相交流一下,并出示小黑板,通过线段图理解“增加了百分之几是什么意思,” (3)汇报。 3、自主解答: 方法一:(50-45)?45 =5?45 =11% 方法二:50?45=11.1% 1,11.1%=11.1% 答:冰的体积比原来水的体积增加了11.1%。 4、请同学们汇报两种解法的思路。 (三)、巩固练习 1、试一试。 2、练一练。 (四)、全课总结: 本节课你学会了哪些知识, 十、板 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 设计: 例:一碗水是45立方厘米,结成冰后体积是50立方厘米。冰的体积比原来水的体积增加了百分之几, 方法一:(50-45)?45 =5?45 =11% 方法二:50?45=11.1% 1,11.1%=11.1% 十一、课后评议: 本节课教学思路清晰,创设的情景图比较直观,激发了学生的学习积极性,无论是开始的谈话导入还 roots deal, to really find out lesions, Shizhao to solve the problem.-Bureau to with the grass ountyBureau, the purpose of which is to form a truly make concerted efforts, catch condominium together good atmosphere. The sub Cto give people a sense of security and satisfaction scores in the survey into the comprehensive evaluation of the sub County strengthen the supervision and assessment. The Council will continue fear panic. To strengthen the guidance of public opinion, pay attention to the use of networkNetwork language. Third, we must ntrywide civilized city; Meng Qing comrades on behalf of the county a city leading group and Chengyang street, County Bureau to convey the plenary session of the Municipal Committee of civilization and to create the spirit of conference of job of couPeng a new round of a city battle, city striving for national civilized city to make positive contribution. Just now, Comrade Han f the task, mobilization at all levels of the county to further clarify the goals, do solid work, and resolutely fight to winade oary in recent years the County civilized city to create work, deployed a new round to create a civilized city industry and trmeetings of the Committee of city civilization and create the spirit of conference of job of countrywide civilized city, summ ition of the general assembly, allThe meeting held today, the main task is thoroughly implement the province's construction of spiritual civilization in recognilitycation, live built bureau , food and Drug Supervision Bureau, the traffic police brigade signed a Chong City target responsibof edu3 是化文字应用题为直观的彩色图片教师都做了精心的准备和设计,组织严密,学生听讲认真,但是课堂气氛比较沉闷,发言不够踊跃。教学效果不太明显。 十二、教学反思: 今天,学习了百分数的应用(一)的内容,对于学生来说,百分数学生应该不是特别的陌生,在五年级的学习中已经接触了比较多的百分数的问题。而且为了让学生更好地把以前学习的百分数加以应用,上周末特意给学生准备一张百分数的练习,应该说学生的基础是有的,但是很大部分学生已经忘记了。这就需要老师在教学的时候把已有这方面的知识加以整合,使得知识更加的条理化、系统化。可我过高估计了学生对知识的理解,没有引导学生如何去找单位“1”,从而层层深入,解决有些仓促,所以大多数学生勉强学会了第一种方法,而对第二种方法没有掌握。 在本节课的教学中,我在认真钻研教材的基础上,根据本班学生的特点和实际,创造性地使用教材,把课本中“水结成冰”画出了比较直观的情境图,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生感觉到数学就在我身边,生活中处处有数学。在教学活动中,我放手让学生合作交流,研究讨论,提出问题,解决问题,探索新知识。在探究过程中,让学生充分发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 自已的见解,进行分析比较,相互评议,明确了“多百分之几”和“少百分之几”的意义,和学生一块总结了做这类题的应该注意的问题,就是找准单位“1”,理解增加或减少百分之几的意义。由于小组合作,自主探索的时间较长,所以活动的时间分配预设较难把握,教学时 ve the problem.roots deal, to really find out lesions, Shizhao to sol-ondominium together good atmosphere. The sub County Bureau to with the grasshe comprehensive evaluation of the sub County Bureau, the purpose of which is to form a truly make concerted efforts, catch cinto tpervision and assessment. The Council will continue to give people a sense of security and satisfaction scores in the survey engthen the guidance of public opinion, pay attention to the use of networkNetwork language. Third, we must strengthen the sufear panic. To str brigade signed a Chong City target responsibility policeng group and Chengyang street, County Bureau of education, live built bureau , food and Drug Supervision Bureau, the traffic create the spirit of conference of job of countrywide civilized city; Meng Qing comrades on behalf of the county a city leadid to positive contribution. Just now, Comrade Han Peng to convey the plenary session of the Municipal Committee of civilization an s, do solid work, and resolutely fight to win a new round of a city battle, city striving for national civilized city to makee goalund to create a civilized city industry and trade of the task, mobilization at all levels of the county to further clarify thnce of job of countrywide civilized city, summary in recent years the County civilized city to create work, deployed a new roition of the general assembly, all meetings of the Committee of city civilization and create the spirit of confereThe meeting held today, the main task is thoroughly implement the province's construction of spiritual civilization in recogn4 前松后紧,以后要注意调控好教学活动的节奏。 本课的教学设计,是在新课程标准理念指导下,根据本班学生实际情况进行设计的。从实施情况来看,整堂课学生情绪高涨、兴趣盎然。在教学中,教师一改往日应用题教学的枯燥、抽象之面貌,而是借用学生已有的知识经验和生活实际,有效地理解了百分数应用题的数量关系和实用价值。 因此,我觉得在教学中应对学生多一份“放手”的信任,少一点“关爱”的指导,大胆地让学生在学习的海浪中自由搏击,让学生自己寻找问题解决的策略、学习的方法,有头脑、有个性、有能力的学生才能应运而生。 roots deal, to really find out lesions, Shizhao to solve the problem.-Bureau to with the grass ountyBureau, the purpose of which is to form a truly make concerted efforts, catch condominium together good atmosphere. The sub Cto give people a sense of security and satisfaction scores in the survey into the comprehensive evaluation of the sub County strengthen the supervision and assessment. The Council will continue fear panic. To strengthen the guidance of public opinion, pay attention to the use of networkNetwork language. Third, we must Peng a new round of a city battle, city striving for national civilized city to make positive contribution. Just now, Comrade Han f the task, mobilization at all levels of the county to further clarify the goals, do solid work, and resolutely fight to winade oary in recent years the County civilized city to create work, deployed a new round to create a civilized city industry and trmeetings of the Committee of city civilization and create the spirit of conference of job of countrywide civilized city, summ ition of the general assembly, allThe meeting held today, the main task is thoroughly implement the province's construction of spiritual civilization in recognilitycation, live built bureau , food and Drug Supervision Bureau, the traffic police brigade signed a Chong City target responsibof eduntrywide civilized city; Meng Qing comrades on behalf of the county a city leading group and Chengyang street, County Bureau to convey the plenary session of the Municipal Committee of civilization and to create the spirit of conference of job of cou5
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