首页 习水县电视台新闻部管理制度



习水县电视台新闻部管理制度习水县电视台新闻部管理制度 第一章 总 则 第一条 为加强本部门的科学管理,提高工作效率,特制定本制度。 第二条 本制度适用于新闻部。 第三条 本部门成员要严格按规定进行工作,共同遵守本制度。 第二章 章 程 第四条 新闻部工作任务是以围绕县委、县政府的中心工作和全县的工作大局抓好新闻采访报道工作,坚持正确的舆论导向、唱响主旋律,充分发挥“喉舌”作用。坚持团结、稳定、鼓劲、正面宣传为主的方针,把握正确舆论导向,突出积极向上的舆论强势,唱响主旋律,打好主动战,团结力量、凝聚人心、振奋精神,为全县经济发展、...

习水县电视台新闻部 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 第一章 总 则 第一条 为加强本部门的科学管理,提高工作效率,特制定本制度。 第二条 本制度适用于新闻部。 第三条 本部门成员要严格按规定进行工作,共同遵守本制度。 第二章 章 程 第四条 新闻部工作任务是以围绕县委、县政府的中心工作和全县的工作大局抓好新闻采访报道工作,坚持正确的舆论导向、唱响主旋律,充分发挥“喉舌”作用。坚持团结、稳定、鼓劲、正面宣传为主的方针,把握正确舆论导向,突出积极向上的舆论强势,唱响主旋律,打好主动战,团结力量、凝聚人心、振奋精神,为全县经济发展、社会进步摇旗呐喊、加油鼓劲,着力营造良好的舆论氛围,使本县对内宣传工作取得新突破。 第五条 新闻部具体负责以下工作: 1、《习水新闻》栏目的策划、采访、编辑、包装工作; 2、为县电视台网站提供新闻稿件; 3、负责全台通联工作,对全县特约记者和通讯员进行培训; 4、完成局台领导交办的其他工作任务。 第六条 凡本部门记者要求对工作认真负责,其具体工作要求参照《习水广播电视台工作职责》。 第三章 职位划分及职责 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 第七条 新闻部设立主任、副主任及编辑记者等工作岗位。 第八条 主任职责:主持新闻部全面工作,向县局台汇报工作,负责落实局台交办的各项工作任务,组织全体工作人员学习和贯彻执行党的路线方针政策及上级党委、政府的文件精神,按照县委的工作部署,搞好宣传报道策划,把好导向关和采编质量关,抓好思想政治工作,确保不出政治性、政策性差错,组织落实各种规章制度的执行和考核,负责新闻稿件的签发。 第九条 副主任职责: 1、协助主任搞好部门的行政和思想政治工作,对主任负责。 2、指导和安排记者及编辑搞好日常采编工作,以月为单位拟定宣传报道 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 并组织实施,检查落实各项规章制度的执行情况。 3、负责统计有关单位和信息员上报新闻稿件情况。 4、负责通讯员队伍的建设和管理,来稿的审阅编辑和采用事宜。 第十条 编辑记者职责: 1、坚持四项基本原则,把握正确的舆论导向,积极宣传党的路线方针、政策。 2、服从分配、听从指挥,完成日常采访编辑任务。 3、重大新闻自觉执行汇报请示审批制度。 4、自觉执行双休日、节假日分组轮流值班制度。 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 5、自觉保障联系通讯畅通,不得关、停机。 6、加强理论思想和业务学习,提高职业操守。 第四章 工作流程 第十一条 新闻业务学习例会制度。如无特殊情况,每月召开一次《习水新闻》全体采编人员参加的“业务学习例会”。根据本月来自己采访情况,每名记者提供一至二条自认为较好的新闻作品作为例会交流学习。通过例会及时 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 上月专采编的成功经验、存在问题和解决方法。 第十二条 新闻稿件审阅定稿制度。所有播出的新闻稿件必须由部主任签发,送总编室制作。评论和重要新闻稿件由主管台长审签后方可制作播出。 第十三条 新闻月报制度。由部门记者每月轮流统计分析编辑一期《习水新闻制播简报》和《习水新闻通讯员用稿统计简报》,主任、副主任按季度轮流编辑一期《习水新闻质量分析简报》。 第五章 业绩考核 第十四条 年度考核按国家机关工作人员年度考核办法行。 第十五条 专业业绩考核主要考核工作任务、工作质量的完成情况。部门人员每月基本任务分配:编辑记者14条,副主任12条,主任编审稿件78条。 新闻条数认定:反映民生、乡镇基层、社会综合的报道有一作一;县综合性会议新闻、调研视察、检查督导等报道均有一作一;部门会议、动态工作报道作半条;新闻简讯作responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 半条;未完成供稿数量者,每少1篇扣2分;未完成上稿数量者,每少1篇扣5分,考核结果按照《融水苗族自治县新闻报道奖励办法》进行奖惩。 第六章 采编纪律 第十六条 坚决维护新闻的真实性,不得作虚假新闻,对重大社会性事件、突出事件以及负面事件,未经请示不得擅自报道。对敏感题材如宗教问题等,要请示该题材相应主管部门审定。 第十七条 外出采访时,必须提前到达指定地点,因个人原因造成采访迟到或造成不良影响的,视情节轻重追究相关责任人。 第十八条 工作人员必须保持通讯工具24小时畅通,通讯工具损坏或可能出现无信号情况,要提前通报。 第十九条 外出采访要着装端庄得体,遵守采访场所各项纪律,不得向采访对象吃、拿、卡、要和提出任何不正当要求,坚决杜绝有偿新闻。 第二十条 当天采写的新闻要求在第二天下午六点前交稿,特殊情况按领导要求及时完成。 第二十一条 向上级媒体投送的稿件必须得到主任或副主任的同意和签字,才能上送。 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 第二十二条 记者自行选择采访主题要上报部门主任批准,不得在未经部门主任知晓的情况下擅自接受有关部门的邀请进行采访活动。 第七章 学习及其他 第二十三条 学习: 1、每周一下午新闻策划例会后为政治理论学习时间,由值班人员提前确定学习内容。 2、不定期举办业务培训班,聘请知名编辑、记者和专业新闻教学人员对新闻宣传员开展业务培训,建立信息互动网络。 3、举办上下互动的业务锻炼活动,轮流选择记者、基层宣传干部到上级媒体跟班学习 第二十四条 其他: 1、在重大节庆日召开“新闻宣传工作者联谊会”,邀请上级媒体记者、编辑及县内各单位(部门)领导和新闻宣传员开展联谊活动。 2、不定期召开记者与通讯员见面会,交流新闻线索与采访 心得体会 决胜全面小康心得体会学党史心得下载党史学习心得下载军训心得免费下载党史学习心得下载 ,增进了解,挖掘新闻点。 第二十五条 设备管理、维护制度: 1、凡按工作分工配备使用机器设备及器材的人员,必须熟练掌握设备性能正确的使用方法,熟练掌握日常维护保养知识。 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 2、凡使用设备人员,必须做好日常清洁维护工作,按设备维护保养规定定期检查,发现隐患及时解决,不得带病使用。发现超出正常维护保养范围的问题及故障,及时报修。 3、提调使用设备时,要严格设备交换检查手续,发现问题要及时明确原因及责任。 4、对责任心不强,造成设备人为被磕、碰、摔、砸、风、雨、雷、电、水、火、潮湿等损坏的,要追究经济责任。 5、公休期间,设备要交到中心集体保管。 第八章 稿酬及稿件奖励制度 第二十六条 在柳州日报《融水新闻》专版发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 的稿件,按《融水苗族自治县新闻报道奖励暂行办法》计分,每1分发给4元稿酬,每月上旬发放上月稿酬。 第二十七条 所发表的稿件(含柳州日报《融水新闻》专版发表稿件),按《融水苗族自治县新闻报道奖励暂行办法》规定享受奖励。 第九章 执行及解释 第二十八条 此办法从2011年6月1日起实行,解释权归习水县广播电视台。 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans,
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