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小升初英语作文题目大全小升初英语作文题目大全 篇一:小升初英语作文专题 作文专题 审题过程 1. 时态:主要考虑四种时态:一般现在时~一般过去时~一般将来时~现在进行时。 要根据题意判断正确的时态。 注意:一篇作文可以不止一种时态。 2. 人称:主要有第一人称和第三人称。审题时根据题意用正确的人称写。 1, 如使用第三人称~ 需注意三单在一般现在时的用法~动词后需加s或es。如:She likes playing ping-pong. 2, 写作过程中注意代词的格式。 如: He (主格) feels tired. ...

小升初英语作文题目大全 篇一:小升初英语作文专题 作文专题 审题过程 1. 时态:主要考虑四种时态:一般现在时~一般过去时~一般将来时~现在进行时。 要根据题意判断正确的时态。 注意:一篇作文可以不止一种时态。 2. 人称:主要有第一人称和第三人称。审题时根据题意用正确的人称写。 1, 如使用第三人称~ 需注意三单在一般现在时的用法~动词后需加s或es。如:She likes playing ping-pong. 2, 写作过程中注意代词的 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 。 如: He (主格) feels tired. I like him. (宾格) This is his (形代) bike. That’s not your book, It’s mine. (名代) 复数形式:Their English teacher is very funny. They often play football together. 3. 结构:使文章有条理的方法 1, 使用时间词语衔接:如写过去时的作文:Last Sunday; Last Weekend; My 2) 总起句和结尾句前后呼应。 4. 容易出错的句型: 1, be动词和行为动词: 同一 个句子只能出现一种,现在进行时除外, 错误: I was went to the park last Sunday. (把was 去掉) 2, like + 动词ing形式。 I like going shopping. (注意like 后面紧跟的动词一 定要加ing) 3, 三单句子: She goes to school on foot every day. 动词后加s(或es)! 4, There be句型 There is a bird and two monkeys in the tree. (用 there is 而不是there are) 范文 销售月计划范文二年级看图写话和范文歌颂党的朗诵稿语文万能作文党代会闭幕式讲话 : 1. 过去时:(动词用过去式) Last Weekend I was busy last weekend. I went to the park with my grandparents. We went fishing there. I played ping-pong with my friends. It was funny! I read books and did my homework at with my father. I was very happy last weekend. 2. 将来时: ,be going to +动词原形 或 will + 动词 原形,be going to=will Sunday Plan I am going to have a busy Sunday. I am going to the park with my grandparents. We will go fishing there. , I am going to play ping-pong with my friends. we will go to the cinema. I am going to read books and do my homework at home. I will play chess with my father. It will be a funny day! 3. 一般现在时: ,第一人称:动词用原形, My Sunday I have a busy Sunday. I often go the park with my grandparents. Sometimes we go fishing there. , I often play ping-pong with my friends. Then we go to the cinema. I often read books and do my homework at home. 4. 一般现在时: ,三单:注意人称、动词+S, My family There are three people in my family. My father is a doctor. He likes playing football. He is very kind. My mother is a teacher. She often reads books in the evening. I am a student. I like playing computer games and do sports with my friends. I often go hiking with my parents on the weekend. I love my family very much. 小升初英语作文范文 1、我的书包My Backpack I have a backpack. It is large and it is blue. It is a birthday gift from my parents. I love it very much. It is very "hard-working", because I keep all my school things in it. It is very heavy. It is with all the time during school days. It is a good friend of mine. 2、我的铅笔盒My Pencil-box I have a good friend. Her name is Pencil-box. She is a very beautiful girl. Look! There is a picture on her face. It’s a picture of flowers. Her coat is blue and yellow. There are some pencils, a pen, a ruler, a rubber and a tape in her stomach. From Monday to Friday, I go to school with her. When I want to copy or write the new words, I open her mouth and take out the pencil from her stomach. She helps me a lot. And I like her very much. 3、我的房子My House I have a house. It is big and new. There are eight rooms in it. They are a living-room, a kitchen, three bedroom, one study and two bathrooms. I watch TV in the living-room. I do my homework in the study. I have dinner in the kitchen. This is my house. I like it. 4、我的卧室I love my bedroom I have a bedroom .It is not big, but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom. A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night I sleep with it . Next to the bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk .I like the bear lamp. It’ s cute. I like to do homework under the lamp every evening. I have a new computer in my bedroom .It is my best friend . Because I study at it, play at it . There are also several beautiful pictures on the wall. I like my bedroom. Do you like it? 5、我的新学校 I have moved to my new school since September. It is a modern and nice school which is in Beijing. It has a playground, a library, several labs, classrooms with electronic equipment and so on. It's quite different from my old school. It's larger, much more modern. This is why I love my new school. If you are free, you are warmly welcomed to come to our school to have a look. 6、开学见闻 It's the first day of school once again. Stepping into the gate of the school always reminds me of the responsibility I carry as a student. Being a student is not just about attending classes and showing up during examinations. I’m here to be empowered. To gain knowledge is all about empowerment. And wish that someday, I could use that knowledge to make a significant contribution to the society. 7、今年暑假(This vacations/) In this vacations I am going to go to travel in some famous places and I am going to go to visit my grandparents in the village. I am going to learn something different. like example: I know people work in the village it is so hard and so tired, they are grow the vegetable, rice and something else it is very difficult. 8、 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 的最后一个暑假(the last summer in my elementary school) The last summer in my elementary school is very unforgettable. I remember I will go to another school and have to leave my friends and teachers, I feel sad , but I learned to get together with them to remember the friendship between us, we have a good time and swear to study hard in order to have a bright future. 9、今天的经历(Today’s experience) It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate, Zhang Hong. The animals there were so interesting that all the people loved them . When I saw a visitor throwing food to the monkeys, I ran to him and said ,” Animals are our good friends and we must take good care of them .” 10、有趣的一天A Wonderful Day Last November 24 was my birthday. I had a party at my home. My friends came to my home in the afternoon and I got a lot of presents from them. At the party, we ate a big cake, sang songs, watched TV and listened to music. We were v(来自:WWw.cssyq.Com 书业网)ery happy. But all good things must come to an end. We said goodbye at about ten o'clock. We had a very good time on November 24. 11、生日,Birthday, My birthday is on Sunday. My parents are going to have a birthday party at home. I invite my friends to come to the party. At the party. They give me many small presents. Such as cards, picture books, pens.They sing Happy Birthday to me. My mother makes a big cake for me. I cut the cake into small pieces and give them out. we sing and dance. We have a good time at the party. 12、我的理想。 我想成为校长(I want to be a headmaster) I want to be a headmaster when I grow up. I think that’s a good job. My school is in the forest. It’ s very beautiful. I go to work by Benz at eight o’ clock in the morning. The teachers in my school are kind and patient. They are all hardworking so they get good salary. The children in my school have three classes in the morning. In the afternoon, they play and pick up mushrooms or strawberries in the forest. They have no homework. They are very happy! At four o’clock in the afternoon, I go home with kinds of mushrooms and fruits in my Benz. They are for my dinner. 动物 13、我的狗,My Dog, I have a dog. My dog name is DuDu. DuDu is 9 years. DuDu is fat. It wears a white coat. DuDu has two big eyes and two small ears. It has one short mouth. My dog is smart. I like my dog. Do you like it? 14、猫(A cat) Who am I? Hello! My name is Feifei. My mother is very beautiful. My father is very handsome. So I’m very lovely. Look! My coat is white. My eyes are blue. I have a long tail. Fish is my favorite food. I like mice too. Guess! Who am I? 15、我喜欢的动物,Animals, I like animals very much. I have a dog, It’s my favourite animal. It’s white, It looks like a snow ball. It has two big eyes and ears. But its nose and mouth are very small. It’s very naughty. It often stares at my food when I have a meal. When I’m home it follows me all the time. When I do my homework, it often sits beside quietly, but sometimes runs around me and shouts: Woof! Wood!. I like my dog very much. 16、动物自我介绍:兔子 Do you like me? Hello! Everyone. I’m a little rabbit. My name is Hanhan. Look! I’m very lovely. My eyes are red. My ears are long. My hair is white. My tail is short. I like carrots very much. I have a good friend. She’s my little master. Her name is Zhou Xun. We always play games together. I like her very much and she likes me, too. 人物 17、自我介绍 Hi! I am a happy and quiet girl. I am from China. I am twelve years old. I am a pupil. I am in Class Three Grade Four. I have many good friends. I like many pets: the peacock, panda, rabbit and bird. They are lovely. I am tall. I have around face, there are big eyes, small mouth, small nose on my face. I have a black long hair. I like eating apples, bananas, chicken and...I like music, singing, running, pinting...I often say: Book is my good friend. I like it! Who am I? Yes, my name is Lv Enhui.Do you like me? 18、我的好朋友,My Good Friend, Zhang Ying is my good friend. She’s in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. She’s a model student. She’ s clever and she’s helpful, too. She often helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts , music and so on. She has a lot of hobbies. She likes painting and drawing. And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her parents. But she doesn’t like playing basketball, football, table tennis or volleyball. Zhang Ying is the best friend of mine. I like playing with her. We 篇二:小升初作文题目大全1 一、根据下面所给的词语~编个 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt ~不少于400字。 考场 小白兔 山坡 指南针 狐狸 二、材料:李芳也来参加毕业考试了~同学们都感到意外~她能这样做真不容易啊:?? 要来:根据提供的材料自拟文题~抓住“感到意外”“这样做真不容易”展开合理想象~ 三、“尝试”也就是试一试~这是非常有意思的实践活动。它可能成功~也可能失败。然而~不管怎样~它都会使你有所发现~有所感悟。请选取你在生活中曾经历的一次尝试~把题目《那是一次( )的尝试》补充完整~写一篇记叙文。 四、生活中~我们一天天在长大~懂得了孝敬父母~懂得了珍惜幸福??请你写一写成长过程中懂得的某一种生活道理。题目自拟~字数400以上。 五、题目:可爱的,,,,,, 要求:先补充完整题目~可以填人或小动物~如“表弟、表妹、小猫、小狗”等~然后按一定顺序写出人或小动物的可爱~做到语句通顺~内容具体。 六、我很感激她 要求:审清题目~重点写一件事情~将经过写具体。 七、我们玩得真快活 要求:1(按照事情的发展顺序~抓住重点写。2(注意写出快活的情感。 八、题目:我们班的新鲜事 九、他,她,这样做不好 提示写别人做过的一件事~要把事情经过写清楚~并写出自己的看法或想法。 十、那件事~我总忘不了 十一、再见了~老师 提示:六年的小学生活中~有许多往事历历在目~有许多心里的话想要倾吐。请你选择一件或几件事~围绕一个中心~向老师诉说你毕业前夕的心里话。 十二、 想起这件事~我就 十三、 我得到了要求:,1,在横线上填上一个适当的词语~如“表扬”、“锻炼”、“理解”、“教育”、“关心”、“教训”等~把题目补充完整。 ,2,通过一件事来写。 十四、真了不起 提示:在我们现实生活中~有许多有能耐、有特长的人~请你围绕“了不起”选择二、三件事~把人物的本领叙述下来。注意人物动作、语言及心理的描写。 十五、我爱家中的 要求:选择家中一喜爱之物~写出它的特点及可爱之处~并表达对生活的热爱。要有真情实感。 十六、毕业考试之前 要求:,1,这是你第一次参加毕业考试~你和周围的人在考试之前一定会有许多想法、说法、做法。请你认真回忆一下~恰当地选择材料~具体、真实地写出来。 十七、我品尝到了成功的喜悦 提示与要求:六年小学生活中~我们独立攻克过难题~搞过特色活动~如音乐、体育、美术、手工、语文实践活动??每逢我们成功的时候~心中总有无尽的喜悦~请把你做某件事或参校某项活动的经过及成功时的内心感受写下来。 十八、,,,,,的我。 要求:?在横线上写出自己的一个特点~把题目补充完整~如爱动脑筋的我~倔强的我~爱看课外书的我?? ?通过一件具体的事介绍自己的特点。 十九、童年是一首歌~让你尽情歌唱,童年是一支笔~让你尽情涂抹??你童年生活每一段不寻常的经历、每一个真实感人的故事、每一次激人奋进的感悟??都将是你永远难忘的回忆:请你选择童年生活中的一件小事有条理地叙述出来~写出真情实感。,体裁不限, 二十、《我爱,,,,》 先把题目补充完整~再写一篇作文。要求内容具体~感情真实~语句通顺~不写错别字。字数在400字以上。作文中请不要暴露自己的真实姓名和校名。 二十一、6年有小学生活转瞬即逝~这6年里~有谁给你留下深刻的印象,你有过哪些难忘的欢乐与忧愁,临别之际你还有什么话还没说出口,请你以《我最难忘的,愧疚的、高兴的、想告诉你的??,》为题~写出你的感受 二十二、写一个你最欣赏的人 要求:1、题目自拟。2、 这个人是你身边熟悉的~可以是父母、同学、老师??要通过一件具体的事例~写出他,她,值得你欣赏的地方 二十三、在生活中~是否有人曾经误解、冤枉、委屈??了你,你的心结也许到还未解开呢。或者有人曾经开导、鼓励、鞭策??了你~让你在学习生活中得到了很大的启发与收获。请你选择其中的一件事把它写下来。题目:《他,她,,,,,了我》 提示和要求: 在横线上填上“误解、冤枉、委屈、开导、鼓励、鞭策”等词语~将题目补充完整。 二十四、《我有一位好,,,,》 提示:可以写自己的爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶~也可以写自己的老师、同学~还可以写自己的邻居、小伙伴?? 要求,把题目补充完整~通过一件具体的的事例来写你的,,,。 二十五、《我再不,,,,了》 提示与要求:先选一个恰当的词语~把题目补充完整,如在横线上填入“任性、妒忌、自卑、孤独、懒惰、马虎、轻信”等,~再按题写作。注意按一定的叙述~内容要具体~情感要真实 二十六、《一次深刻的教训》 提示:在6年的小学生活中~谁都有几次难忘的甚至沉痛的教训。请从中选择印象最深的来写。要求:选取一个事例~写清楚~写具体~写出真情实感。 二十七、从下面两题中任选一题~自拟题目~写一篇内容具体~感情真实~不少于400字的习作。1、“朋友”两个字让我们感到温暖~我们每个人都得到朋友的关心、帮助。请你以“朋友”为话题~写一篇记叙文。2、生活中我们在天天长大~懂得了孝敬父母~懂得了珍惜幸福~懂得了宽容他人??请你写一件成长过程中难忘的事。 二十八、《,,,,的家》 习作提示:每个人都有一个家~或温馨~或幸福~或有缺憾?? 请你拿起生花的妙笔~把你家的故事告诉大家。先把题目补充完整~再围绕题目写一篇文章。要求内容具体~语句通顺~感情真实~字数在400字以上。 二十九、《快乐的一天》 三十、春有百花秋有月~夏有凉风冬有雪。6年来~在与父母、老师、同学的相处中~你一定经历过不少的快乐~感受到不少幸福。请你以《难忘,,,》为题~把你与亲人,老师、同学,一起经历过的欢乐或享受过的幸福写下来。注意内容具体~感情真实~写也后尝试修改。 三十一、事物的变化有时会影响人的心情。例如:生活条件改善了,走出去旅游了,经过自己的努力取得成绩了,懂事了~关心父母~善解人意??都会使人产生异样的兴奋和愉悦。6年的小学生活中~你一定会有这样的感觉吧:请你以《,,,,,的感觉真好》为题~选择自己感受最深的一 件事写下来~要把内心世界感受的经历写具体。不少于400字。 三十二、你马上就要小学毕业了~在小学的六年生活中~一定有许多让你特别难忘的事 情。请你选择印象最深的一些事写一篇文章~题目可以用《小学生活二三事》~也可以根据自己的内容拟订题目~反映自己多姿多彩的小学生活。 ,感悟作文 一《我终于,,,,,》要求:1、把题目补充完整。 2、通过一件具体的的事例~围绕一个意思写清楚。 三十三、英国哲学家培根说过: “人的命运~主要掌握在自己手中。”是的~我们小学生只有从小学会做自己的主人~才能享受自己的人生。学会养德、学会交往、学会学习、学会审美、学会自立、学会创造??你一定进行着思考、探索、实践。请选取你在生活中亲身经历或听到、看到的一件事~以“学会做自己的主人”为主题~写一篇不少于 400字的作文~作文题目自己定。 三十四、《我发现,,,,》 提示:要通过一个具体的事例写出你的新发现。 三十五、《,,,,的启示》 提示:或许你没有如《钓鱼的启示》那样的经历~但生活中总会有一些事或多或少地对你产生过积极的影响~请选择其中的一件事写下来。 三十六、《没想到??》在我们的成长过程中~经历过许多事。有快乐~有喜悦~有悲伤~也有遗憾。许多事的发生出乎我们的意料但却给我们思考~请你以《没想到??》为题~写一篇不少于400字的作文~记叙你一件你亲身经历过的意想不到的事~要求选 材真实~有真情实感。 三十七、请以《,,,真让我,,,》为题~写一篇记叙文。请先把题目补充完整~前面一条线补充人物~如某个具体的亲人、同学、朋友、名人等,后面一条线补充你的一种感受~如喜欢、佩服、崇拜、想念等。 三十八、在我们成长的道路上~我们需要感恩的人很多:父母~老师~所有关心帮助过我们的人。请以“感恩”为话题写一篇习作。 三十九、走进网络~拥抱自然~参与竞赛~社会调查~公益活动~学做家务??留心学习~你会发现生活处处是课堂。这样的课堂丰富多彩~能学到校内课堂上学不到的知识,能开阔视野~增长才干~磨炼意志,能使知识得到深化~潜能得到开发??请你以《生活处处是课堂》为题~写一篇作文。提示1请不要写学校课堂上学习的内容2、你可以选择某一方面~写自己在这样的课堂上学到了什么~也可以选择几个方面~叙述自己在这样的课堂上的收获要求:把学习的内容叙述具体把自己的体会或认识写真实 篇三:2012版小升初英语作文专题--个人整理 作文专题 一、 审题过程 1. 时态:主要考虑四种时态:一般现在时~一般过去时~一般将来时~现在进行时。 要根据题意判断正确的时态。 注意:一篇作文可以不止一种时态。 题目中~时态的提示包括: 2. 人称:主要有第一人称和第三人称。审题时根据题意用正确的人称写。 1, 如使用第三人称~ 需注意三单在一般现在时的用法~动词后需加s或es。如:She likes playing ping-pong. 2, 写作过程中注意代词的格式。 如: He (主格) feels tired. I like him. (宾格) This is his (形代) bike. That’s not your book, It’s mine. (名代) 复数形式:Their English teacher is very funny. They often play football together. 3. 结构:使文章有条理的方法 1, 使用时间词语衔接:如写过去时的作文:Last Sunday; Last Weekend; My 2) 总起句和结尾句前后呼应。 4. 容易出错的句型: 1, be动词和行为动词: 同一个句子只能出现一种,现 在进行时除外, 错误: I was went to the park last Sunday. (把was 去掉) 2, like + 动词ing形式。 I like going shopping. (注意like 后面紧跟的动词一 定要加ing) 3, 三单句子: She goes to school on foot every day. 动词后加s(或es)! 4, There be句型 There is a bird and two monkeys in the tree. (用 there is 而不是there are) 范文: 1. 过去时:(动词用过去式) Last Weekend I was busy last weekend. I went to the park with my grandparents. We went fishing there. I played ping-pong with my friends. It was funny! I read books and did my homework at with my father. I was very happy last weekend. 2. 将来时: ,be going to +动词原形 或 will + 动 词原形,be going to=will Sunday Plan I am going to have a busy Sunday. I am going to the park with my grandparents. We will go fishing there. , I am going to play ping-pong with my friends. we will go to the cinema. I am going to read books and do my homework at home. I will play chess with my father. It will be a funny day! 3. 一般现在时: ,第一人称:动词用原形, My Sunday I have a busy Sunday. I often go the park with my grandparents. Sometimes we go fishing there. , I often play ping-pong with my friends. Then we go to the cinema. I often read books and do my homework at home. 4. 一般现在时: ,三单:注意人称、动词+S, My family There are three people in my family. My father is a doctor. He likes playing football. He is very kind. My mother is a teacher. She often reads books in the evening. I am a student. I like playing computer games and do sports with my friends. I often go hiking with my parents on the weekend. I love my family very much.
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