首页 手表营销策划方案



手表营销策划方案手表营销策划方案 风尚牌手表营销策划方案 方案目录 一、企业客观环境„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 二、竞争对手情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 三、市场分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4 四、项目定位„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 五、市场定位„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 六、营销活动开展„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 七、营销策略„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7 八、销售服务„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„...

手表营销策划 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 风尚牌手表营销 策划方案 关于企业年会策划方案小零食营销策划方案网吧的营销策划方案生日会策划方案工程创优策划方案 方案目录 一、企业客观环境„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 二、竞争对手情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 三、市场分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4 四、项目定位„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 五、市场定位„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 六、营销活动开展„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 七、营销策略„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7 八、销售服务„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 九、各项方案预算„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„11 一、企业客观环境 内地目前平均每天每百人购买6只表,对比发达国家的年消费23只或一般发展中国家的12只有着很大的差距,因此内地手表市场有相当大的发展潜力。 尽管女士通常被认为是最主要的消费主体,但是根据市场调查,内地男士手表市场空间巨大,不容忽视。调查结果显示,中青年是最喜欢和最爱手表的人群。 在内地手表消费市场,中高档手表的销售主要渠道是在百货公司,大型高品位商场的手表店和钟表专营店等,特别如“亨德利”这些大规模的全国手表连锁店更是消费者选择高档手表的主要地点。 低档手表基本退位于小型商场和各地的批发市场。 二、竞争对手情况 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 目前,中国手表市场基本上是进口表与合资表平分市场份额。纯内资的国产手表,如曾经辉煌的“上海”“钻石”等品牌的市场有缩减趋势,主要集中在农村及中、低档手表市场发展。 随着经济的持续发展,内地对中高档手表的需求越来越大。世界排名前10位的钟表商纷纷将开拓的重点转向中国,尤其在上海及北京等地区,都有自己的销售网。 继“欧米茄”“斯沃琪”“浪琴”之后,瑞士豪华表公司表示中国将成为豪华表全球增长速度最快的市场。目前,单价在5,000元以上的手表,一年能卖30万只,其中,上海就占了三分之一。豪华表已先后在上海、北京、广州、大连及沈阳5各城市建立了近40个销售网点。 内地企业也积极开拓进口高中档手表市场。如深圳飞亚达(集团)股份有限公司成立的亨德利世界名表中心,主要经营“欧米茄”“斯沃琪”“浪琴”“帝驼”“梅花”“飞亚达”等国内外畅销的著名手表品牌,是目前中国地区档次最高、规模最大、品种最齐全的专业名表店。 入世后,进口关税将逐年下调,非关税壁垒也将逐步撤除。钟表行业不属于我国的优势产业,关税下调,配额许可证的取消,将会比其他产业来的更快。因此,国外钟表业进入中国进入中国步伐也将更加迅猛,中国钟表业将面临激烈的竞争,已是不争的事实。 而销路好的内地牌子就是“罗西尼”“天王”“飞亚达”“依波”等合资手表品牌。这些品牌以品种多样、款式新颖、质量稳定、价格适中和完善的售后服务、成功占据国内市场,销售稳居大中城市前列。前三位的“天王”“飞亚达”“罗西尼”三大品牌占据了30%左右的市场份额,此外,“帝王”“依波”“天海霸”“时运达”“金仕达”各主要零售市场均有不俗的表现。 以下是各个价位对应的各个不同消费群体 1000元以下:日本品牌、少量瑞士品牌,国产表天王、飞亚达、罗西尼等——工薪阶层和具有稳定收入的一般消费者 1000~2000元:瑞士品牌,还有部分国产品牌——一般白领阶层和中高收入者 2000~4000元:瑞士生产的新老名牌手表,进口表俏销——高收入阶层 4000~8000元:国际知名品牌表占绝对优势——拥有产业的企业经营者和外企 rce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action.ation. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commeurificentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and pcity business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of conco the ds and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, intMain roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roaSeven remediation outdoor barbecue. light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade.nicipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, of mu ts of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greeningll levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requiremenEight is to improve public infrastructure. At a2 高级管理人员 8000元以上:进口名牌表、豪华表一统天下——拥有产业的企业经营者和外企高级管理人员 三、市场分析 据内地业内人士分析,未来内地手表的消费需求有如下特色: (一)学生表以新颖、美观、廉价为主,从几十元到上百元的价位是他们乐意接受的档次。款式要有时代感,运动型和休闲型手表更要配合他们的服饰。至于手表的准确性和耐久程度不是他们追求的目标。 (二)工薪阶层对手表的需求是耐用、准确、不错的款式及价格适中,从几十元到二百多元是他们接受的价格,更新的欲望并不强烈,国产品牌和组装品牌是他们选购的目标。 (三)白领消费者则以款式和品牌为主,消费价位从几百元到上千元不等。他们一般都有几款手表,不同的场合、不同的季节,甚至不同的服饰佩戴不同的手表。 (四)真正富裕的消费者,人口比例较小,高档、名牌的手表正是他们的首选。贵金属、钻石等制成的手表是他们显示身份、富有程度的一种需要,尤其在交际场合,洽谈生意、宴会等重要时刻,都要戴上名贵手表。 不同地区所流行的名表各有不同。东北地区流行“雷达”及“欧米茄”,南方则流行“帝驼”及“劳力士”,中部则流行“无梭”及“浪琴”。在售价方面,一些高达10万元至30万元的“劳力士”都有其市场。 至于款式方面,机械表日益受到重视。由于消费者认为石英表虽然方便,但却呆板,所以在“用表”的层次获得满足后,便开始向“玩表”的阶段迈进。 男用手表的自动机芯将会成为主流。机械表又可分为自动机械芯和手转机芯,自动机芯会随如人体的摆动而储存能量并自动运转;手转机芯却要凭借发条的扭转而带动齿轮的运转,前者比较方便,后者却比较精巧。 秒表功能的手表将大幅增加。由于现代人越来越重视休闲与运动,具有运动象征意义的秒表将受到重视。红金材质将受到欢迎,略带红色的K金将取代近两年风行的白金。 xation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action.The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, tation. d market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purificasiness; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrateity buarea to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the cads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main ro icipalood old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of munls of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of gEight is to improve public infrastructure. At all leve3ine Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade.facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, l 不锈钢系列手表再次受到消费者的青睐,尤其是不锈钢运动款式、仿古款式系列表。而手表的尺寸将越来越大,酒桶形手表将大受重视。 卡通表不仅受到小朋友的喜爱,越来越多年轻人也开始对之钟情。表面除了传统的圆形外,还有椭圆形、方形、菱形及各种动物型等,表面和地面也刻上了动物或星座图案,有些还可以发出类比动物的叫声、带温度测亮和指南针功能。 内地进口手表 四、项目定位 以低端、中端以及中高端产品,即以百元以内、千元以内及万元以内为为企业研发方向,其中,中端即千元以内的为中心主打方向。 五、市场定位 (一)百元以内(低端):面向各个年龄段的学生 (二)千元以内(中端、主市场):工薪阶层、白领消费者以及部分消费水平高的学生 (三)万元以内(中高端):白领消费者 六、营销活动开展 (一)、营销活动目标:1、消费者开始认知我们这个品牌,并且觉得我公司的产品品种多样、价格合理、质量可靠、款式时尚、服务优良。 2、销推广一年内让50%消费者认知“风尚”品牌。 3、内占有市场10%的份额,并且以品种多样、价格合理、质量可靠、款式时尚、服务优良的形象获得顾客认可。 rce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action.ation. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commeurificentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and pcity business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of conco the ds and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, intMain roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roaSeven remediation outdoor barbecue. of mu ts of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greeningll levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requiremenEight is to improve public infrastructure. At a4light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade.nicipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, (二)、目标市场:工薪阶层、白领消费者以及部分消费水平高的学生 (三)、面临问题:企业新成立,没有知名度,竞争对手实力强劲,并且我们没有充足的资金 (四)、竞争策略:以杭州为市场开发基点,开设专卖店,并在各个大型商场设立专柜,以高品质、最时尚、优服务为竞争核心 (五)、竞争优势:1、生产同类产品较国外产品成本更为低廉 2、更了解本土市场 3、本土企业,更具亲和力 SWOT 分析 内部优势 S 内部劣势 W 潜在外部机会O 潜在外部威胁T 较强的设计能力 资金缺乏 潜在需求增长 企业知名度不佳 了解时尚潮流 管理团队不强大 需求品种多样 新建同类企业多 稳定的材料来源 核心技术缺乏 营销环节少渠道短 国外产品进入加速 良好的企业文化 员工积极性不高 纵向一体化 原材料涨价 政府优惠政策 消费者需求变化 七、营销策略 (一)、企划策略:风尚有限公司,是一家手表生产制造销售一体化公司。我公司生产制造销售从几元到近万元的各类风格手表,并且紧紧追寻时尚,将当今最流行最经典的元素融入到产品当中,使其在众多风格各异的手表品牌当中脱颖而出。同时,优良的服务也是我公司坚持的重要宗旨,无论哪个价位的产品,只要是有我公司开是发票,均可到我公司的专卖店进行免费维修(低端产品更换零件需收成本费)。 (二)、价格策略:根据不同档位设立不同的定价方案。总体定价利润区间设定在15%~80%之间。 xation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action.The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, tation. d market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purificasiness; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrateity buarea to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the cads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main ro 5ine Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade.facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, l icipalood old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of munls of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of gEight is to improve public infrastructure. At all leve 以下为A~D四个价位的成本及售价表 A 手表表壳和表带:316钢(精钢)A+级打磨加工 +18K依金 3800元 机 芯:进口机芯, 640元 表 面 表 针: 120元 装 配 费 用:装配均在非常严格的无尘车间内完成装配 15~25元 则 整 费 用:4480元 (不含运费,不含仓库费,不含质监费等) 最 终 费 用:4600元 售价:6800元 B 手表表壳和表带:316钢(精钢)B+级打磨加工 200~220元 机 芯:西铁城OS-90(60分之一秒跑秒)/OS-10(以秒计时功能), 60-65元/40-45元 表 面 表 针: 316钢(精钢) 15元 装 配 费 用:装配均在非常严格的无尘车间内完成装配 15~25元 则 整 费 用:300元 (不含运费,不含仓库费,不含质监费等) 最 终 费 用:380元 售价:790元 C 手表表壳和表带:304钢(普钢)B级打磨加工 75元 机 芯:石英机芯 75元 表 面 表 针: 5元 装 配 费 用:普通车间 3元 则 整 费 用:158元 (不含运费,不含仓库费,不含质监费等) rce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action.ation. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commeurificentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and pcity business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of conco the ds and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, intMain roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roaSeven remediation outdoor barbecue. 6light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade.nicipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, of mu ts of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greeningll levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requiremenEight is to improve public infrastructure. At a 最 终 费 用:240元 售价:490元 D 手 表 表 壳:304钢(普钢)D级打磨加工 35元 表 带:革 1元 机 芯:杭州产机械机芯 36元 表 面 表 针: 5元 装 配 费 用:普通车间 3元 则 整 费 用:80元 (不含运费,不含仓库费,不含质监费等) 最 终 费 用:87元 售价:168元 (三)、渠道策略: 1、开设品牌专卖店,分布在杭州几个主要商业街,如平海路、解放路、武林广场等 2、在个大商场设立品牌专柜 、对于低端产品,以校园赞助投资形式参与校园活动,提高学生系列手表产品在3 学生中的知名度 (四)、促销策略: 1、创建会员制度,根据不同档次产品设立不同体系的会员制度。学生系列产品的为学生会员卡,中端产品的为尊贵会员卡,中高端产品的为至尊会员卡。每种会员卡设有不同类型的折扣以及获得方式、积分制度。同时,三个类型的会员卡可根据顾客的消费情况以及身份转变而进行升级更换 2、于学生类产品,推出卡通系列,以猴子“UU”为吉祥物,找专业设计公司设计吉祥物样式及海报、礼品、广告图案。同时,推出“智慧、勇敢、可爱、善良、坚强”五种相应 口号 管理印章的关于负责的工作口号抗洪救灾口号体育运动口号宣誓口号公司企业文化口号 的猴子“UU”系列手表,以及相应的学生会员卡。 xation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action.The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, tation. d market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purificasiness; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrateity buarea to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the cads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main ro icipalood old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of munls of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of gEight is to improve public infrastructure. At all leve7ine Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade.facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, l 3、中端产品,根据白领消费者以款式为主,消费价位从几百元到上千元不等,他们一般都有几款手表,不同的场合、不同的季节,甚至不同的服饰佩戴不同的手表的特性,推出“春、夏、秋、冬”及“家居、宾宴、会议、户外”主题手表展示活动,满足白领阶层对手表各个不同用途的消费需求 4、中高端产品,关注企业家协会动向以及高校高级培训班的活动安排,适时以承办方、主办方、赞助方身份出现在以上活动当中 5、大型主题活动安排:每年的五一、十一、元旦以及春节都将举办“风尚”品牌展销会,届时,活动以从低端、中端、中高端的展示顺序分别展示我公司在该段时间的设计成果以及技术突破和销售状况。 6、广告策略:广告语:?你我的风尚,手腕上的快乐——学生系列 ?你我的风尚,手腕上的浪漫——学生、白领系列 ?你我的风尚,手腕上的温馨——白领系列 ?你我的风尚,手腕上的尊贵——白领、高贵系列 广告媒介:?主媒介:报纸、杂志 ?次媒介:?外广告媒介,如车体内外等。户外视觉效果好,到达率高,价格相对低廉,主要突出产品品牌 ?邮递广告、招贴、海报等 媒介选择:?杂志: 主要是学生观看的《中学生天地》,大学生喜爱的《大学生》,白领的《商界》《财经周刊》等等 ?报纸: 选择地去报,如《杭州日报》,《钱江晚报》等 ?海报、招贴: 各地报亭,各校园、公司宣传栏。各个小区楼层指示牌或安全警示牌 ?公交媒介: 选择通往学校、市中心、商业地段的公交车,如16路、21路、27路、66路、124路等 rce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action.ation. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commeurificentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and pcity business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of conco the ds and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, intMain roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roaSeven remediation outdoor barbecue. 8light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade.nicipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, of mu ts of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greeningll levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requiremenEight is to improve public infrastructure. At a 引进4Rs理论 ?与顾客建立关联(Relate):通过建立顾客信息档案,记录下每个顾客的基本信息,包括姓名、性别、年龄、联系方式、家庭住址、职业、爱好、生日等来与顾客保持持久良好的联系 ?提高市场反应速度(Reaction):我们要站在顾客的角度及时的倾听顾客的需求和意见,建立快速反应机制,及时答复和迅速作出反应,满足顾客需求 ?强调关系营销(Relationship):与顾客建立长期而稳固的关系,在节假日向顾客送出祝福,尤其是顾客生日时 ?回报是营销的源泉(Return):注重产出,注重在营销活动中的回报,与顾客的关系需建立在有潜在价值的基础至上 八、销售服务 (一)服务理念、口号、方针、目标 遵循顾客至上原则 以“一流服务,尊贵风尚”为口号,打造手表业的五星级服务标准,成为金牌服务的领航者。 (二)、服务体系及质量标准控制 公司每一位会与顾客接触的服务人员都建立个人服务质量档案,接受顾客的监督和意见反馈。个人服务质量档案与工资奖金挂钩 要求:着公司统一工作服,做到干净整洁,没有按要求着装每人每次扣工资100元 每遭到顾客投诉一次,扣工资200元 没有在三个工作日每解决投诉问题,再扣200元 没有在七个工作日每解决投诉问题,取消本月奖金 月累计遭顾客投诉三次予以开除处置 每接受顾客书面上报表扬一次,奖励500元 xation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action.The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, tation. d market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purificasiness; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrateity buarea to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the cads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main ro 9ine Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade.facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, l icipalood old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of munls of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of gEight is to improve public infrastructure. At all leve
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