首页 北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(医疗卫生)(English translation of bilingual signs in public places in Beijing (medical and health))

北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(医疗卫生)(English translation of bilingual signs in public places in Beijing (medical and health))


北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(医疗卫生)(English translation of bilingual signs in public places in Beijing (medical and health))北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(医疗卫生)(English translation of bilingual signs in public places in Beijing (medical and health)) 北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(医疗卫生)(English translation of bilingual signs in public places in Beijing (medical and health)) Translation resources - translation ...

北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(医疗卫生)(English translation of bilingual signs in public places in Beijing (medical and health))
北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(医疗卫生)(English translation of bilingual signs in public places in Beijing (medical and health)) 北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(医疗卫生)(English translation of bilingual signs in public places in Beijing (medical and health)) Translation resources - translation resources - information list, talent information tips: * 6 years working experience in software project To undertake all types of logistics system, personnel system, financial reimbursement system software project budget. Translated Description: translated Description: translated translation of the translation of resources ? translation culture translation forum Today's date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 evening, your location: translation circles, translation resources, chapter, translation class Username password Title Content [return] recommended articles English translation of bilingual signs in public places in Beijing (medical and health) Source: translation circle visits: 733, add time: 2008-4-22 English translation of bilingual signs in public places The fifth part is medical care English, Translation, of, Public, Signs Part 5:Health and Medicine Contents Preface English translation of bilingual signs in public places The fifth part is medical care 1 range 2 normative reference documents 3 terms and definitions 4 Classification 5 requirements Appendix A A.1 warning message A.2 functional facility information Preface DB11/T 334, "bilingual translation of bilingual signs in public places" is divided into the following sections: -- the zeroth part: General principles; - first part: Road traffic; - the second part: Scenic spots; - third part: commercial service industry; - fourth part: stadiums and gymnasiums; - fifth part: medical and health. This section is the fifth part of DB11/T 334. Appendix A of this part is normative appendix. This section is put forward by the Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing Municipal People's government. This part is drafted by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Beijing Municipal People's government, the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, the Beijing Standardization Association and the China foreign translation and publishing company. This part of the main drafters: Liu Yang, Bao Hua, Lu Jinlan, Song Guojian, Liu Chang, Wang Ying, Zhang Jingjing, Dai Lan, Lu Jingchang, Zhang Jing Sheng, Liu Xuetao, Wang Haihong, Zhou Qiaolin, Li Xiaolin, Tian chuan. This section was first released on 2006 * * * * * * date. English translation of bilingual signs in public places The fifth part is medical care 1 range DB11/T 334 this section sets forth the principles of the bilingual translation of medical bilingual marks in Beijing. This section is applicable to the translation of English signs in medical and health care places. 2 normative reference documents The terms and conditions in the following documents become the provisions of this section through the reference of this section. Fordated documents, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this part, however, encourage the parties according to the latest version of this agreement is part of these documents can be used. For undated references, the latest edition applies to this section. The basic rules of GB/T 16159 Chinese Pinyin Orthography 3 terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this section. 3.1 health care health and medicine Health care refers to the medical, preventive, health care, medical, educational and scientific research functions, consisting of different levels of medical and health institutions. 4 Classification 4.1 medical and health English logo can be divided into: reminder information, functional facilities information. 4.2, the functional facilities information is divided into: general information, hospital system information, disease prevention and control center information, emergency center system information, blood center system information. 4.3 warning notes are shown in Appendix A.1. 4.4 for general information, see Appendix A.2.1, see Appendix A.2.2 for hospital system information, and see blood system information in Appendix A.2.3, For the information of the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, see Appendix A.2.4. 5 requirements 5.1 warning message The principles of translation are governed by the provisions of the general principles of this standard. 5.2 function facility information 5.2.1 international general purpose facility uses English words such as hospital Hospital and centers for Disease Control and prevention Center for Disease, Prevention, and, Control (CDC), consulting room, Consulting, Room, blood center Blood Center, Health Inspection Institute. The names of 5.2.2 medical and health signs are usually marked by Hanyu Pinyin, and the use of Hanyu Pinyin should be consistent with GB/T 16159 of the requirements, such as Xuanwu hospital Xuanwu Hospital, have been generally accepted by the hospital name, such as Union Hospital Peking Union Medical College Hospital can extend this usage. 5.2.3 consulting room and department translation: The consulting room and Department of the outpatient department, the specialist hospital or the hospital are translated into Clinic, such as the diabetes Department Diabetic Clinic, specialist clinic, Specialist, Clinic, inpatient section or indicated area using Dept., such as surgical Surgery Dept. The 5.2.4 ward was uniformly translated as Ward, such as the burn ward Burn Ward. 5.2.5 general, medical special functional room or rooms for Room, such as Dental Room, Film film room room Bo Cardiac, Pacemaker, Room, dressing room, Dressing, Room, operation room, Operating, Room. 5.2.6 for laboratory assays for translation of Laboraory/Lab, such as Surgery Lab, pre surgical laboratory screening room 预检筛查实验室、临床检验室临床实验室、细胞室细胞实验室。 5.2.7医疗功能设施涉及许多专业词汇按国际通用表示方法翻译,如 重症监护室ICU(重症监护 单位)。 附录一 (规范性附录) 公共场所通用标识的英文译法 表A.1警示提示信息 序号中文名称英文名称 1就诊区门诊区 2住院区病区 3实验区试验区 4办公区行政区 5宿舍区员工宿舍 6清洁区清洁区 7半污染区半污染区 8污染区污染带 9候诊区等候区 10男士止步女 11患者止步员工 12放射物品放射性材料 13当心射线谨慎~辐射 14易燃物品易燃材料 15血液告急血液告急 16锐器请注意谨慎~尖锐的工具 17有害气体注意安全谨慎~有害气体 18生物危险,请勿入内生化危机~请勿入内 19禁止吸烟、饮食、逗留不吸烟、饮食、饮酒或游荡 20严禁明火无明火 21亲友等候区访客等候区 22请关闭通讯工具请关掉手机和呼机 23闭路电视监视区域闭路电视操作 请24请保持安静/禁止喧哗安静 25进入实验区,请穿好工作服试验区~穿工作服 26危险物品危险材料 27剧毒物品有毒材料 28夜间取血请按门铃请按服务铃夜间血 29请在诊室外候诊请在诊室外等候 表A.2.1之通用功能设施信息 序号中文名称英文名称 1门诊楼门诊大楼 2病房楼住院楼 3收费处出纳 4挂号处登记 5(急诊)分诊台分流 6 (general) triage desk / outpatient reception room Reception 7 Registration Office Registration 8 price at Prescription Pricing 9 Pharmacy / pharmacy Pharmacy/Dispensary 10 patients entered Patient Entrance 11 visitor entrance Visitor Entrance 12 fire emergency mask Emergency Fire Masks 13 dining card office Meal Card Service 14 living garbage temporary storage place Non-Biohazard Waste 15 medical waste Biohazard Waste 16 medical elevator Medical, Service, Elevator 17 place the specimen at Specimen 18 take inspection and check the result at Test Reports 19 complaint telephone Complaints Hotline 20 medical emergency call 120 First Aid Call 120 21 medical emergency passage Emergency Access 22 outpatient laboratory, Laboratory/Lab 23 outpatient clinic Cashier 24 outpatient operation room Outpatient, Operating, Room 25 outpatient injection transfusion room Injection & Transfusion Room 26 outpatient therapeutic room Outpatient, Treatment, Room 27 general blood collection room Routine, Blood, Drawing, Room 28 isolation take blood room Isolated, Blood, Drawing, Room 29 isolation clinic Isolation Clinic 30 VIP Clinic VIP Clinic 31 、 consulting room, interventional department, Intervention, Clinic 32 report box / comment box Suggestions & Complaints Box Table A.2.2 hospital system information English name The 1 room Dental Film Room film 2 dressing room Dressing Room 3 fever screening room Fever, Screening, Clinic 4 HBV carriers consulting room HBV, Carrier, Consulting, Room 5 internal medicine Internal, Medicine, Dept./, Internal, Medicine Table 6 Temperature Taking 7 surgical Surgery Dept./Surgery 8 surgical resuscitation room / surgery emergency room Emergency, Surgery, Room 9 burn clinic Burn Clinic 10 urology Urology, Dept./, Urology 11 gynecology Gynecology Dept./ Gynecology 12 obstetrics Obstetrics Dept./ Obstetrics 13 physiotherapy room Physical Therapy Room 14 pediatric Pediatrics Dept./ Pediatrics 15 ears, otorhinolaryngology, E.N.T., Dept./E.N.T. 16眼科眼科/眼科 17验光配镜室验光室 18皮肤病科部/皮肤病皮肤病 19性病科性病科/性病 20急诊科急救部/急救 21急诊观察室观察室 22急诊抢救室急救室 23急诊手术室操作室 24口腔科牙科系、口腔系、口腔医学 25精神科精神病学系/精神病学 26心理科心理学系/心理学 27院感科医院感染控制科 28老年病科老年医学部/老年医学 29中医科中医(TCM)部/中医药 30中医消化门诊中医消化科门诊 31中医皮肤门诊中医皮肤病诊所 32小儿妇科门诊儿科和妇产科门诊 33中医儿科中医儿科 34中医耳鼻喉科中医耳鼻咽喉科系 35中医妇科中医妇科 36中医骨病治疗科中医骨科治疗 37中医科按摩室按摩室 38针灸科针灸 39中医理疗科中医理疗 40中医正骨科中医正骨 41中西医结合科中西医结合科 42护理部护理部 43放射科放射科/放射科 44 CT室CT室 45磁共振室MRI室 46检验科临床实验室 47常规化验室常规实验室 48超声科超声科/超声检查 49 B超室β-超声 50心电图室心电图室 51脑电图室脑电图室 52胃镜室胃镜室 53内窥镜室内镜室 54药品划价处方定价 55药物咨询用药咨询 56药械科药物和设备组 57病案科病案科 58病房病房 59病区病区 60肝炎科肝炎科 61感染科传染病部/传染病部 62男诊室男性诊室 63女诊室女性诊室 64咨询室咨询室 65隔离卫生间隔离厕所 66肿瘤科肿瘤科/肿瘤 67心肺功能科心肺功能科 表a.2.3血液中心系统信息 序号中文名称英文名称 1献血者召募献血者招募 2献血咨询登记处捐赠咨询登记 3献血前检测区献血者的血液试验区 4献血体检献血者体检 5量血压处血压测量 6快速检测处快速试验区 7献血前等候区献血前等候区 8血液采集区献血区 9献血后休息区捐赠者休息区 10献血纪念品、献血证发放处纪念品和捐赠证书 分布 11无偿献血屋无偿献血站 12无偿献血车自愿献血车 13标本登记处标本登记 14检测 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 发放处测试报告的桌子 15现场抢救区现场护理 16供应保障区供应面积 17供应保障组Supply Team 18医护部医疗及护理部 表a.2.4疾病控制中心系统信息 序号中文名称英文名称 1健康教育健康教育 2放射防护辐射防护 3免疫预防接种免疫预防接种 4应急指挥车急救指挥车 5快速检测车快速检测车 6生物安全生物安全 7卫生 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 卫生评价 8毒理毒理学 9性病咨询门诊性病门诊 10艾滋病咨询门诊艾滋病毒/艾滋病咨询门诊 11检验室试验室 12样品检验受理大厅样品检验受理大厅 13食品检验受理处食品抽样检验登记 14涉水产品检验受理处饮用水相关产品的测试 登记处 15消毒产品检验受理处消毒产品检验登记 16一次性卫生用品检验受理处一次性卫生产品测试 登记处 17样品室样品室 18免疫预防门诊免疫预防接种门诊 19质量管理室质量控制办公室 20资料档案室档案 21疫苗室接种室 22候诊观察室候诊观察室 23预防接种室预防接种室 24食品卫生食品卫生 25慢性非传染性疾病慢性非传染性疾病 26职业卫生职业健康 27信息统计信息统计 28学校卫生学校卫生 29健康体检大厅体检大厅 30职业病咨询门诊职业病咨询门诊 ?上篇文章:北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(体育场馆) ?下篇文章:北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(文化设施)中文/英 文橡胶词汇缩写列表(.. 中文/英文橡胶词汇缩写列表(.. 中文/英文橡胶词汇缩写列表(.. 中文/英文橡胶词汇缩写列表(.. 中文/英文橡胶词汇缩写列表(.. 国外出版社期刊列表 世界上所有国家名称中英文列.. 航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译.. 航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译.. 航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译.. 相关文章 ?北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(文化设施)2008-4-22 10:01:17 ?北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(体育场馆)2008-4-22 9:59:11 ?北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(商业服务)2008-4-22 9:58:08 ?北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(旅游景区)2008-4-22 9:57:01 ?北京公共场所双语标识英文译法(道路交通)2008-4-22 9:55:59 【返回】 关于我们免费发布网站声明友情链接外语院校联系方式 版权所有©2007-2009年『翻译界』网版权所有 粤ICP备09190054号
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