首页 林业综合行政执法工作总结



林业综合行政执法工作总结林业综合行政执法工作总结 山林发[2007]129号 签发人:武建书 山阳县林业局 关于林业综合行政执法工作总结报告 市林业局: 按照国家林业局,林策发,2005,102号,《国家林业局关于继续开展第二批林业综合行政执法试点工作的通知》要求和有关法律规定~我县积极开展了林业综合行政执法改革试点~现将工作总结报告如下: 一、试点形式:国家林业局,林策发,2005,102号,items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phon...

林业综合行政执法 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 山林发[2007]129号 签发人:武建书 山阳县林业局 关于林业综合行政执法工作总结报告 市林业局: 按照国家林业局,林策发,2005,102号,《国家林业局关于继续开展第二批林业综合行政执法试点工作的通知》要求和有关法律规定~我县积极开展了林业综合行政执法改革试点~现将工作总结报告如下: 一、试点形式:国家林业局,林策发,2005,102号,items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 《国家林业局关于继续开展第二批林业综合行政执法试点工作的通知》中把我县试点形式定位以资源林政队伍为主组建林业综合行政执法队伍这种试点模式。后经上级同意~2007年9月3日县政府14次常务会议~研究决定将我县林业综合行政执法试点模式定位以森林公安队伍为主组建林业综合行政执法队伍模式。 二、工作步骤: 2005年8月第二批林业综合行政执法试点单位负责人培训班结束后~我局专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 向县政府作了汇报~得到了政府的大力支持~县局专门成立了试点工作《实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 》编写领导小组~由主管林政工作的副局长专门负责。为编写好方案~领导小组分三片在全县30个乡镇~2个国有林场、4个林业公安派出所、1个木材检查站进行调研~广泛征求执法单位和群众意见。10月份~领导小组就各片调研情况、基层意见反馈情况召开研讨会~通过?次专题会议~理出了我县林业行政综合执法的基本思路和大框架~形成了《实施方案》讨论稿。11月份~领导小组将《实施方案》(讨论稿)印发给全县林业各执法单位~县政府有关部门、乡镇人民政府~广泛收集修改意见。12月份~领导小组又专题召开2次会议~讨论各执法单位对讨论稿的修改意见~综合各方面意见后~形成了试点工作《实施方案,草案,》。经县政府同意后~《实施方案,草案,》于12月28日上报到市林业局。经过半年时间实践~发现以资源林政队伍为主组建林业 ase of officepurch in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and theand implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist with nt: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to dealchiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Managemes, arng, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificateexternal documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receivi al andlementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internnd health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the impitems] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, a- 2 - 综合行政执法队伍这种模式~存在两个突出问题~一是森林公安警力闲臵,二是林业行政执法力量严重不足。对此~我局又多次召开局务会进行研究~一致认为以资源林政队伍为主组建林业综合行政执法队伍这种模式~不符合我县县情~我县林业综合行政执法试点模式必须以森林公安队伍为主组建林业综合行政执法队伍。为了慎重起见~我们先以森林公安队伍为主组建林业综合行政执法队伍~制定出试点方案草案在林业系统内部运作~再经过一段时间实践~时机成熟后给上级报告。从2006年7月至今年7月实施一年时间~实践证明以森林公安队伍为主组建林业综合行政执法队伍是切实可行的。2007年8月~县林业局给市局和县政府作了专题汇报~经市局和县政府同意~9月~我县试点工作由以资源林政队伍为主~组建林业综合行政执法队伍模式~调整进入以森林公安队伍为主~组建林业综合行政执法队伍模式阶段~目前~试点工作正在有序进行。 三、具体做法:一是为保障试点工作顺利实施~县上成立了林业综合行政执法试点工作领导小组~以加强对试点工作的组织领导。领导小组组长由县委常委、常务副县长担任~副组长主管农业的副县长担任~成员有县委组织部、宣传部、政府办、公安局、林业局、编办、人事局、财政局、司法局等部门负责人组成。领导小组下设办公室~办公室设在县林业局~由林业局局长任办公室主任~全面负责试点工作的组 lic relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of officeal pubthe company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's externrganization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of rnal oonsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the intene subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, respmagazing, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and istrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numberiproperty insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate adminitems] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company - 3 - 织、领导、协调、督查工作。二是成立了山阳县林业综合行政执法大队~内设办公室、刑侦股、督察股、稽查队。下设6个中队~木材检查站划归执法大队管理~对全县林业行政案件按30个乡镇划片管理。同时~在县林业局内设法制股~对全县所有林业行政案件办理过程和结果进行审核和监督~把案件办理质量关。通过同时成立这两个机构~保证了林业综合行政执法与监督。三是明确规定~将县公安局森林分局、林政股、野保站、县林业站,森林病虫害防治检疫站,、木材检查站的行政执法职能划拨到县林业综合行政执法大队~原单位只承担管理、服务、技术检验、检疫职能~实现了两个“相对分开”,即行政管理职能与行政执法职能相对分开~监督处罚职能与技术检验职能相对分开,。四是研究制定规章制度~加强了林业综合行政执法队伍管理。制定《林业综合行政执法人员 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 》~ 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 了执法行为,制定《工作责任制》、《林业综合行政执法责任制》、《值班备勤制度》~明确了各位执法人员具体职责,制定《绩效考核制度》~建立了激励机制,制定《错案责任追究制度》、《执法人员个人执法档案实施办法》、《执法监督工作制度》、《林业行政案件审核流程》、《林业行政执法公示制度》~建立了案件质量保障机制,制定《财务管理制度》、《涉案财物管理制度》等制度~建立了防止贪污挪用现象发生的执法队伍清廉机制,制定《林业行政处罚文书管理制度》、《案件档案 ase of officepurch in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and theand implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist with nt: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to dealchiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Managemes, arng, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificateexternal documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receivi al andlementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internnd health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the impitems] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, a- 4 - 管理制度》、《林业行政案件处罚统计制度》~规范了林业综合行政执法的基础性工作,建立《林业综合行政执法便民措施》、《接待制度》~树立了良好政府执法形象。五是筹措经费~装备了林业综合行政执法队伍。在没有上级试点经费的情况下~县局给林业综合行政执法大队配臵小车5辆~计算机4台~摩托车2辆~保障了大队、中队正常工作的开展。 四、成效:通过试点~我县初步建立了高效、廉洁的林业综合行政执法队伍~进一步明确了各林业单位的工作职责~理顺了各林业单位的工作关系~基本实现了行政管理职能与行政执法职能相对分开~监督处罚职能与技术检验职能相对分开~从而更好的保护了我县森林资源。集中表现在规范了林业行政执法行为~一是林业行政执法主体明确。规定林业行政执法大队是全县林业行政案件执法的主体~在日常办理的林政案件中~大队办案人员都具有执法资格~做到持证上岗办案。二是执法规范。在执法中~林业综合行政执法大队能严格按照《森林法》等实体法和《行政处罚法》、《林业行政处罚程序规定》等法规规定程序办理案件~严把立案、取证、告知、听证、裁决、送达、立卷七关~以保证案件办理质量。同时~实行办案、审查、裁决“三分离”~即办案单位提初步处理意见报局法制股~局法制股审查案卷提出意见报局主管领导~局主管领导签署意见后发出裁决~重大案 lic relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of officeal pubthe company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's externrganization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of rnal oonsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the intene subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, respmagazing, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and istrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numberiproperty insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate adminitems] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company - 5 - 件裁决实行局务会议研究决定裁决。一年多来~大队共办理林政案件568起~每一案件都达到了调查事实清楚、证据确凿、手续完备~裁决定性准确、适用法律法规准确、程序合法~未出现1起行政复议和上访案件~案件查结率和正确率达到双百。三是实行“内强素质、外树形象”执法队伍目标管理~队伍的内部管理、外部形象明显得到提高。通过制定一系列制度~杜绝了执法人员以权谋私、贪赃枉法、滥用职权、执法犯法等现象~经2006年民意测评~广大干部群众对我县林政执法的满意、基本满意率达到95%以上~林业综合行政执法队伍行风受到了社会好评。 五、存在问题和建议:试点中存在以下问题:一是县林业综合行政执法大队编制46人~在将县公安局森林分局原有的30名工作人员全部编入后~需新增加的16名编制至今还未解决。二是装备县林业综合行政执法大队需要的60万资金~还是缺口。对此问题~我们建议~一是因县级机构、人员编制权限在市级政府手中~请市局给于协助。二是由于试点工作没有专项经费~县局经费紧张~请市局协助县局向上级争取一定的工作经费。 六、今后工作打算:一是继续以全国林业综合行政执法试点工作为契机~切实加强对执法人员的教育、培训~建立健全林业综合执法新机制。二是强化基层执法,加强林区执法网络建设~加大打击力度,确保森林资源安全。三是进一步规范林业综合执法的各项制度~使执法工作正规化、规范 ase of officepurch in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and theand implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist with nt: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to dealchiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Managemes, arng, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificateexternal documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receivi al andlementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internnd health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the impitems] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, a- 6 - 化。 二〇〇七年十月十六日 主题词:林业 行政执法 报告 抄送:县政府办、县人大办。 山阳县林业局 2007年10月16日印发 共印8份 lic relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of officeal pubthe company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's externrganization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of rnal oonsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the intene subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, respmagazing, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and istrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numberiproperty insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate adminitems] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company - 7 -
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