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中国日报双语版2015.07.29[管理资料]中国日报双语版2015.07.29[管理资料] 【Morning Buzz】 When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall - think of it, ALWA...

中国日报双语版2015.07.29[管理资料] 【Morning Buzz】 When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall - think of it, ALWAYS. (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Indian political and ideological leader, 1869-1948) 当我绝望时,我会记起历史进程里,真理和爱终会胜利。那些暴君和杀人犯都曾一度战无不 胜,但最终他们全部都倒下了。永远。(莫罕达斯?卡拉姆昌德?甘地,印度政治、思想领 袖,1869-1948) 【Highlights】 >Divorce rate on the up 粗离婚率连续12年递增 >Few Chinese take paid leave 带薪休假落实率仅有5成 >University in copycat spot 武大通知书被质疑抄袭 >Google to return to China 谷歌注册域名欲返中国 >Strict drone rules in NZ 新西兰限制使用无人机 >Bae no longer a bachelor 韩星裴勇俊在首尔大婚 >LeBron inks Hollywood deal 詹皇签华纳进军好莱坞 【Top News】 >Divorce rate on the up 粗离婚率连续12年递增 China's divorce rate has been rising for 12 consecutive years, according to the social service development statistical bulletin for 2014 released by Ministry of Civil Affairs. Last year 3.637m couples divorced in China, and the divorce rate was 2.7‰. The divorce-to-marriage ratio reached 27.8%, meaning one couple gets divorced for every four marriages. The divorce rate in Xinjiang was the highest, reaching 4.61‰. Heilongjiang and Jilin rank second and third, with 4.08‰ and 4.01‰ respectively. Among the people registered for divorce, more than 70% were aged between 30-40 years old. Nearly 95% people divorced because of loss of affection and incompatibility of temperament. 民政部近日发布《2014年社会服务发展统计公报》显示,去年全国有363.7万对夫妇离婚, 粗离婚率为2.7‰,连续12年攀升。离结比约为27.8%,这意味着,每4对人结婚的同时就 有1对人离婚。报告显示,离婚率排在第1位的是新疆,高达4.61‰,黑龙江和吉林分别以 4.08‰和4.01‰居2、3位。办理离婚登记的人群中,超过7成在30岁至40岁之间,近95% 的离婚原因是感情破裂、性格不合。(南方都市报) (粗离婚率,即离婚对数与平均人口数之比。离结比,即年度离婚人数与结婚人数的比率。) >Few Chinese take paid leave 带薪休假落实率仅有5成 A large amount of Chinese employees refuse to take paid leave, a legal right for workers stipulated by Chinese law, a new survey has found. According to a nationwide survey conducted by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, around 50% of Chinese employees choose not to take paid leave. In a bid to find out why, the People's Daily recently interviewed several employees in different employment settings. The newspaper found interviewees who work for government organs, institutions and State-owned enterprises reluctantly give up their rights due to concerns that asking for paid leave might "leave bosses the bad impression of being lazy" and influence future job promotions. In other jobs, such as sales, employees forego paid leave to avoid smaller bonuses, as only basic salary is given during that time. 我国法律规定职工享有带薪休假的合法权利,但很多职工拒绝享受带薪假。人社部一项全国 性调查显示,目前我国有50%左右的职工选择不休带薪假。为找原因,《人民日报》近日采 访了不同职业背景的一些职工,发现在政府部门、 事业单位 事业单位结构化面试题事业单位专业技术岗位财务人员各岗位职责公文事业单位考试事业单位管理基础知识 和国有企业工作的受访者由于担 心要求休带薪假可能会给老板留下"偷懒"的坏印象,影响未来工作晋升而不情愿地放弃休假 的权利。对于其它工作,如销售,职工放弃带薪休假是为了避免奖金的缩水,因为带薪休假 期间只能拿底薪。(人民日报) >University in copycat spot武大通知书被质疑抄袭 Wuhan University is caught up in a copycat scandal as Internet users say its admission notice this year looks similar to the offer letter that Renmin University sent out last year. Wuhan University released its admission notice on its official microblog and WeChat accounts recently, then some netizens began questioning its lookalike design. The two universities haven't responded yet but their students have started a heated argument. Alumni of Renmin University ridiculed that students who received the admission notice are welcome to Renmin University because it's difficult to tell the differences; while students of Wuhan University said it's just a coincidence.(See photo) 日前,武汉大学官方微博微信公布了该校今年录取通知书的图片。随后,陆续有人在网上发 帖称武汉大学今年的录取通知书和中国人民大学去年的很相似,质疑武大抄袭人大创意。两 校皆未给出回应,而两校的学生则展开了激烈的争论。人大校友笑称,欢迎收到通知书的同 学来人大,毕竟很容易看走眼;而武大的学生则认为纯属巧合。(见图)(长江日报) >Google to return to China谷歌注册域名欲返中国 It appears that Google Play, the search giant's app store, is indeed making another play for the Chinese market. There have been rumors about a return to China in recent months. Google registered a number of domain names related to Google Play in China days ago, including googleplaychina.com and googlechinaaccount.com. Google Play is absolutely demolishing iOS's App Store when it comes to sheer download numbers, but iOS is still making way more money. This is primarily because the official Android market isn't in China. 搜索巨头谷歌似乎正在为其应用商店"Google Play"进入中国市场布局。最近几个月,已经有 传闻称谷歌要重返中国。近几天,谷歌在中国注册了大量与"Google Play"相关的域名,包括 "谷歌应用市场中国"和"谷歌中国账户"。单从下载量上看,谷歌应用商店远远高于基于iOS 系统的苹果商店,但iOS的收入却遥遥领先,主要原因是这个基于安卓系统的应用商店没 有进入中国。(外媒) >Strict drone rules in NZ 新西兰限制使用无人机 Strict rules regarding the operation of drones will come into effect on Aug 1. Under these new rules, nobody can operate a drone or model aircraft without getting the prior consent of the owner over which property it is intended to fly and also the permission of the occupiers of that property. Even if you could manage to get the prior permission of the land-owner, you'd also have to get the permission of everyone who was also in the area where you intended to fly. Of course if you are prepared to pay a $600 fee to become "Certified" by Civil Aviation Authority then the restrictions on where you can fly are lifted and you don't need those permissions. 新西兰8月1日将施行严格的无人机使用监管法律。根据这些新规定,如果你的无人机或模 型飞机要飞过某块土地,你需要先征得土地所有人和土地"占用人"的同意。即使你得到了土 地所有人的同意,你还需要征得 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 飞行区域内所有人的同意。当然,如果你愿意支付600 美元到新西兰民用航空管理局取得飞行认证,对无人机飞行区域的限制将取消,你也不用征 得上述方面的同意。(外媒) 【Newsmaker】 >Bae no longer a bachelor 韩星裴勇俊在首尔大婚 South Korean star Bae Yong-joon, now 42, has married a lesser-known actress 13 years his junior in a private nuptial in Seoul on Monday. The wedding between Bae and Park Soo-jin took place at 6 pm at the Sheraton Grand Walkerhill hotel in Seoul, with only family and close friends in attendance. Scores of middle-aged Japanese women converged on the hotel, hoping for a glimpse of Bae. Kazuko Yamamoto, a 67-year-old woman from Tokyo who has been a fan of Bae since watching him in the TV drama "Winter Sonata," said that "he is like family so I am happy that he is finally getting married." 现年42岁的韩星裴勇俊和女演员朴秀珍27日在首尔举办私人婚礼,正式结为连理。据悉, 朴秀珍比裴勇俊小13岁,名气不大。他们的婚礼于当天下午6时在首尔的华克山庄喜来登 酒店举行,仅有家人和密友参加。许多日本中年妇女在华克山庄酒店聚集,希望能看裴勇俊 一眼。67岁的Kazuko Yamamoto来自东京,自从看了他的电视剧《冬日恋歌》就一直是裴 勇俊的粉丝。她说:"裴勇俊就像家人一样,现在他终于结婚了我很开心。" (日本时报) >LeBron inks Hollywood deal詹皇签华纳进军好莱坞 LeBron James is going Hollywood. After stealing critics' hearts in the Amy Schumer summer comedy, Trainwreck, the NBA star is plotting more projects for big and small screens. Last Wednesday, Warner Bros announced a partnership with James' company, SpringHill Entertainment, in what they called "an unprecedented agreement." The deal includes projects for television, film and original digital content. 勒布朗?詹姆斯要去好莱坞拍电影了。在出演艾米?舒默执笔的夏季喜剧《生活残骸》成功俘获众多影评人的心后,这位NBA巨星现在计划在大银幕和小荧屏上大展拳脚。当地时间22日,华纳兄弟宣布与詹姆斯的公司SpringHill Entertainment签约,并称这是一项"史无前例的合作"。根据协议,双方将在电视、电影以及原创数字内容上展开合作。(英语点津网) 【实用口语】 *穷困落魄用英文怎么形容*(1) 1. Scrape by指"勉强度日"。 Borrowing money from friends and relatives helped him to scrape by. 他全靠亲朋好友的接济度日~ 2. Make ends meet指"收支相抵"、"量入为出","收入微薄,勉强过活"。 They've got to watch every penny to make ends meet. 他们得精打细算才能维持下去。 3. Live from hand to mouth 指手里的食物仅能勉强满足眼前的需要,"勉强糊口"。 We always lived from hand to mouth in those days. 那时候,我们总是过着朝不保夕的生活。 【本期难词汇编】 paid leave: 带薪假 stipulate: 规定(v.) forego: 放弃(v.) admission notice: 录取通知书 offer letter: 录取通知书 domain name: 域名 nuptial: 婚礼(n.) 【Highlights】 >Escalator death report out 湖北电梯吞人调查出炉 >Train links Olympic villages 京张冬奥高铁1小时直达 >More plastic surgery in China 我国成全球第3大整容国 >S Korea says MERS is over 韩称MERS疫情基本结束 >Microsoft launches Windows 10 微软正式推送Win10系统 >Fart with confidence 防臭仔裤让你'优雅'放屁 >Mom creates food art 老妈将食物变艺术(图) >Airplane part falls off 有声:波音零件掉落上海 【Top News】 >Escalator death report out 湖北电梯吞人调查出炉 An investigation report about the escalator death accident in Anliang Department Store in Jingzhou, Hubei was released Wednesday. According to the report, Shenlong Elevator Co Ltd and Hubei Anliang Department Store are the two main parties responsible for the accident, while Hubei Defu Electro-Mechanical Equipment Co Ltd should hold secondary responsibility. Shenlong failed to design a suitable escalator panel, Anliang didn't take any emergency action after finding the escalator's malfunction, and Defu failed to keep its maintenance record complete. 29日,湖北荆州市安良百货集团有限公司电梯致人死亡事故原因调查报告正式形成。报告 显示,申龙电梯股份有限公司(盖板结构 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 不合理)和湖北安良百货集团有限公司(发现故障 后应急处置措施不当)对此次事故应负主要责任,湖北德富机电设备有限公司对此次事故负 相关次要责任(维保记录填写不全)。(中国质量报) >Train links Olympic villages 京张冬奥高铁1小时直达 A nonstop high-speed rail from Beijing to Zhangjiakou's Chongli will take only 52.5 minutes during the Games if Beijing and co-bidder Zhangjiakou are awarded the rights to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, said China's bid team, when talking about transportation. It will take about 70 minutes for athletes to reach the Olympic Village in Chongli from Beijing's equivalent. Interview rooms with Wi-Fi connections on the train will provide convenience for reporters. The host city will be elected by the International Olympic Committee on Friday, or two days later, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. China's bid officials also promised clean air and enough snow during the Games. 两天后的7月31日,国际奥委会将在马来西亚吉隆坡选举产生2022年冬奥会主办城市。中 国申奥代表团近日在介绍交通时表示,若京张获选,冬奥期间,北京直达张家口崇礼的高铁 将仅用时52.5分钟,而运动员坐车从北京的奥运场馆到崇礼的奥运村约需70分钟。该高铁 内还设有方便记者采访使用的WIFI车厢。中国申奥官员还承诺奥运期间确保空气清洁、雪 量充足。(中国日报网) >More plastic surgery in China 我国成全球第3大整容国 China ranks third among countries where plastic surgery is most popular, according to a survey of plastic surgeons in 25 countries and regions by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The number of plastic surgeries in China accounts for 12.7% of the world's total. According to market research institution Frost & Sullivan, the annual growth rate of the Chinese plastic surgery market is expected to stay at 13.8% from 2014 to 2018, and the market sales will reach up to $9.1b. 根据国际美容整形外科协会对25个国家与地区整形外科医生进行的调查,我国整形手术数 量占据全球整形手术总数的12.7%,成为全球第3大整容国。据市场调研机构弗若斯特沙利 文预测,2014-2018年,我国医学美容市场有望维持13.8%的年增长率,并于2018年达到 91亿美元的规模。(人民网) >S Korea says MERS is over 韩称MERS疫情基本结束 South Korean Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn said Tuesday the country is now virtually free of the deadly MERS virus that has killed 36 and left nearly 200 since since an outbreak was declared in May. Hwang urged people to return to normal as the country hasn't seen a new MERS case in more than three weeks and no one is isolated at hospitals or homes for treatment. The spread of the MERS virus brought cross-border tourism to a near standstill, and consumer sentiment plunged in South Korea. 韩国总理黄教安28日宣布,韩国中东呼吸综合征(MERS)疫情"事实上已结束"。自从今年5 月疫情爆发以来,这一致命病毒已经导致36人丧生,近200人感染就医。如今韩国已经连 续三周多没有出现新增确诊病例,MERS隔离对象也被全部解除隔离,因此黄教安敦促人们 回归正常生活。这次MERS疫情导致韩国跨境旅游几乎陷入停滞,消费情绪也一度跌至谷 底。(外媒) >Microsoft launches Windows 10 微软正式推送Win10系统 Microsoft Corporation began rolling out its new Windows 10 operating system on Wednesday. The package is available as a free upgrade for those currently using Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. Windows 10 is coming to PCs and tablets first, but it's also designed to run phones, game consoles and even holographic headsets. It has new features, a streamlined Web browser called Edge and a desktop version of Cortana, the online assistant that is Microsoft's answer to Google Now and Apple's Siri. The company insists Windows 10 will seem familiar to users of Windows 7. 微软公司29日起推出新的操作系统Windows10。Win7、Win8.1用户可以免费获取升级到 Win10的安装包。Win10首先将应用于电脑端和平板,但手机、游戏机甚至是全息耳机也拥 有配套的操作系统。Win10有一系列新功能,包括全新优化的Edge浏览器以及微软Cortana 桌面版——类似谷歌Google Now和苹果Siri的在线语音助手。微软坚称,Win7用户会对 Win10系统产生熟悉的感觉。(新华网) 【Kaleidoscope】 >Fart with confidence 防臭仔裤让你'优雅'放屁 Shreddies, the UK-based company that sells underwear, has recently designed jeans and garments that will filter the smell of a stinky fart by using an activated carbon lining that absorbs all abnormal odors. The lining was found to remove sulphide (硫化物) and ethyl mercaptan (乙硫醇) so effectively that it can filter odors 200 times the strength of the average flatus emission. It offers the perfect solution to treat flatulence issues caused by IBS, gastritis, dyspepsia and colitis, as well as food intolerance. The Shreddies motto is "Fart with confidence and our garments ensure just that". 近日,英国内衣公司Shreddies运用能吸收一切异味的活性炭内衬,设计出能过滤屁臭的牛 仔裤与服装。据悉,该里衬能够快速除掉硫化物和乙硫醇,足以过滤比普通屁味强200倍的 臭气。这为肠易激综合征、胃炎、消化不良、结肠炎、食物不耐症等引发的放屁问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 提供了 完美的解决办法。Shreddies的格言是"我们的服装能够保证您自信地放屁"。(外媒) >Mom creates food art 老妈将食物变艺术(图) A Melbourne mother has taken "hidden veg" to a whole new level, turning healthy food into her son's favorite characters. The Lorax, Shrek, Mr Peabody, Pinocchio and even Michael Jackson have all made an appearance at her dinner table, much to the delight of her two-year-old son Jacob. She said while Jacob loved his vegetables, food art is the perfect way to encourage fussy eaters to have their greens. (See photo) 墨尔本一位妈妈将"隐形蔬菜"演绎出新高度:把健康食物设计成了儿子最喜爱的形象。老雷 斯、史莱克、皮博迪先生、匹诺曹,甚至迈克尔?杰克逊都在她的餐桌上露过脸,这让她两 岁的儿子雅各布喜笑颜开。她说雅各布很爱这些蔬菜,食品艺术是鼓励挑食者吃蔬菜的最佳 方式。(见图)(英语点津网) 【360每日热词】 富豪消费价格指数 28日,胡润研究院发布"2015富豪消费价格指数",报告显示,富豪消费价格总水平比去年 下降1.8%,这是九年来首次出现负增长。 The Hurun Luxury Consumer Price Index (LCPI), an annual study that gauges levels of top-end individual spending in China, has contracted for the first time in nine years. 胡润富豪消费价格指数9年来首次下降,该指数每年发布一次,主要估算中国高端人群的消 费水平。 胡润报告显示,由于豪宅、出境游和奢侈品价格降低(price declines in fabulous homes, overseas trips and luxuries),2015年富豪消费价格指数比上年下降1.8%。 Luxury Consumer Price Index即富豪消费价格指数,简称为LCPI,该指数的研究涵盖富豪生 活消费的豪宅(luxury properties)、汽车等11大类,116个与高品质生活方式相关的商品 (top-end lifestyle products)价格。 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 来看,富豪消费价格总水平出现负增长的原因主要是人民币升值(the appreciation of the Chinese currency)、反腐(anti-corruption campaign)以及经济增速放缓(economic slowdown)。 报告显示,富豪消费价格总水平同比下降1.8%,低于国家统计局公布的全国居民消费价格 指数(Consumer Price Index,CPI)2015年6月同比增长1.4%的水平。 衡量宏观经济常见的指数还有生产者出厂价格指数(Producer Price Index, PPI)和采购经理指 数(Purchasing Managers' Index, PMI)。 【本期难词汇编】 malfunction: 故障(n.) plastic surgery: 整形手术 garment: 衣服(n.) stinky: 发恶臭的(adj.) activated carbon: 活性炭 flatus: 肠胃胀气,屁(n.)
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