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初中数学教学论文初中数学教学论文 创设情境教学与数学教学 水秀中学:张建光 男 联系电话: 邮编:030800 【摘要】数学教学情境的创设,是指在数学教学中对教学内容的呈现采用特定的方法,来达到激发学生主动地联想、想象、积极地思维,以获得某种与新学内容有关的形象或思维成果;或使学生产生某种情感的体验。建构主义认为,学习是获取知识的过程 ,知识不是通过教师传授得到的,而是学习者在一定的情境下,借助其他人的帮助,利用必要的学习资料,通过有意义的建构方式获得的。 【关键词】数学情境 创设情境 创设问题 问题情景 实践性 探究性 ...

初中数学教学论文 创设情境教学与数学教学 水秀中学:张建光 男 联系电话: 邮编:030800 【摘要】数学教学情境的创设,是指在数学教学中对教学内容的呈现采用特定的方法,来达到激发学生主动地联想、想象、积极地思维,以获得某种与新学内容有关的形象或思维成果;或使学生产生某种情感的体验。建构主义认为,学习是获取知识的过程 ,知识不是通过教师传授得到的,而是学习者在一定的情境下,借助其他人的帮助,利用必要的学习资料,通过有意义的建构方式获得的。 【关键词】数学情境 创设情境 创设问题 问题情景 实践性 探究性 一、情景教学的产生背景 《数学课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》提出:数学学习“不仅要考虑数学自身的特点,更应遵循学生学习数学的心理规律,强调从学生已有的生活经验出发”,这充分说明数学教学中创设问题情境的重要性。由于教育的工具化,使学生从入学的第一天起就陷入远离其现实的符号世界。以及学校非人性化经验使学生创造力枯竭。这就需要教学回归学生的现实生活世界,引导学生在熟悉的情景体验中发现自我,在感受现实生活意义的同时构建新的意义世界。 二、创设情景教学的方式 1( 创设趣味性问题情境,激发学生的学习兴趣 案例1、“同类项”概念教学 讲台上非常乱,有书本、卡片、零散的粉笔等东西,问学生如何整理。 dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under 学生很容易分类的方法把讲台整理好。然后老师再拿出一副扑克牌少了一张黑桃7,让学生找出缺少那一张是哪张牌,学生各抒己见。引导学生意识到“归类”存在于生活中。从而为同类项概念学习作了很好的铺垫。 这样,从学生生活中的实例出发,创设情境,在激起学生学习的兴趣地同时把生活中的分类思想引到数学中来。 2、 创设实际问题情境“逐层以深入,循序而渐进”,体会概念产生源头 在生活中处处有数学,所见所闻的背后往往隐藏着数学奥秘。 案例2、“平面直角坐标系”概念教学 问题1某地2007年每月的平均气温如下 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf : 月份 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 平均气 3 7 12 17 24 30 35 38 36 22 12 6 温(0C) 根据上表中的数据,制成折线统计图 ,并回答下列问题: 1、哪个月平均气温最高,是多少摄氏度, 2、哪个月平均气温最低,是多少摄氏度, 3、从哪个月到哪个月,平均气温逐渐上升, 4、从哪个月到哪个月,平均气温逐渐下降, 通过问题1的复习,学生头脑里有了“一个平面直角坐标系”的概念,于是又设计了问题2: 某地2007年每月的平均气温如下表: dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under 月份 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 平均气-2-1-1 3 7 12 24 32 30 23 10 4 温(0C) 0 5 0 请看教学片断: 师:你能根据下表中的数据,制作折线图,你会做吗,(指生1) 生:负数我不会做。噢,我知道啦,拉下来。 师:有道理,生,同学拉下来的意思就是将纵轴向下延长,延长后,纵轴就是我们熟悉的„„ 生:数轴 师:对~不过这条数轴是竖着的,请同学们画出问题2的折线图 通过问题2的学习,学生从“ 一个平面直角坐标系”扩展到“ 整个平面直角坐标系”。 在 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 里,学生还学过了两种相关联的量,因此,我们根据两种相关联的量设计了问题3: 一种量 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 另一种 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 量 通过问题3的学习,学生从“部分平面直角坐标系”扩展到“整个平面直角坐标系”,当教师祝贺学生发现了一个新的数学模型——平面直角坐标系时,同学们的脸上都露出了笑容,从而激起了他们学习数学的热情。 其实,在实际的科学研究中,多数的定义、概念并不是事先想好的,而是观察、体验、分析、推理的结果。应该让学生自己发现判断,这样既dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under 直观又自然,又可以让学生体会到概念的必要性和合理性。因此,从身边的事例中分析观察,产生疑问,再动手实验,用非形式化的方式体验、感悟,从而归纳出概念,这每一环节确确实实是学生体会到了概念的来源。 3( 创设直观性问题情境,加深概念理解深度 案例3.“数轴”, 问题1:上课时教师拿出一支温度计, 提问:这是什么,对~我们日常生活中用来测量温度的重要工具温度计,那么你会读温度计吗,请你尝试读出图中三个温度计所表示的温度,(多媒体出示3幅图,三个温度分别为零上、零度、零下) 问题2:在乐井路一段东西向的路上,有一个汽车招呼站,站东3米和7米处分别有一棵柳树和一里程碑,站西3米和8米处分别有一棵桉树和一根电线杆,试画图表示这一情景。 这样直观地创设问题情景,激发学生学习热情,发现生活中的数学,加深对数轴概念的理解。 4、创设实验型情境-----引导学生协作交流 动手实验能直接刺激大脑进行积极思维。他不但能帮助学生理解概念,还能让学生亲身实践感受到发现的快乐。 案例4 在讲“立体图形与平面图形”时应先让学生按要求做好立体图形与平面图形,,并思考回答问题。 (1)这些立体图形从不同的角度看是什么, (2)这些立体图形展开后是一个什么平面图形, dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under (3)这些平面图形能围成什么立体图形, 通过学生边实践,并讨论不仅容易获得知识而且清楚的掌握了知识的发生过程,是学会探究方法一种行之有效的手段。这样的概念教学,完全是学生的发现而不是教师的强给,强烈地调动了学生的求知欲,主动地、自觉地加入到问题的发现、探索之中,符合学生的自我建构的认知规律。 5、创设认知冲突型情境,深化学生的认知结构 以富有挑战性、探究性且处于学生认知结构的最近发展区的问题为素材,可创设认知冲突型教学情境,使学生处于心欲求而不得,引起认知冲突,从而激起学生强烈的探究欲望和学习动机。 案例5:在学生学完三角形全等的判定之后,教师为学生创设了这样一个问题情境:“课本上举例说明了“有两角和其中一角的对对边对应相等的两个三角形全等”,那么,有两边和其中一边的对角对应相等的三角形在什么情况下全等,在什么情况下不全等呢?”以上这一情境激起了学生的探究欲望,有利于学生在自主探究中寻找答案。 除以上创设情境方式外,还可以创设新颖、惊愕、幽默、议论等各种教学情境,使教学内容触及学生的情绪和意志领域,让学生深切感受学习是自己精神的需要,成为提高课堂教学效率的重要手段。这正象赞可夫所说的:“教学法一旦触及学生的情绪和意志领域,这种教学法就能发挥高度有效的作用。” 三、创设情景教学的原则 1、注意强化学生的感受性----激发学生求知欲 情境教学往往会具有鲜明的形象性,可见可闻,使学生如入其境,产dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under 生真切感。所以,可以用创设问题情境来激发学生求知欲。但应注意问题要小而具体、新颖有趣、有启发性,同时又有适当的难度。并且必须与课本内容保持相对一致。教师要把问题作为教学过程的出发点,以问题情境激发学生的积极性。 例如,在对“等腰三角形的判定”进行教学设计时,教师可以通过具体问题的解决创设出如下诱人的问题情境 让学生将事先准备好的等腰三角形纸片对折,向学生提问: 从你们对折的三角形你能得到什么结论, 通过观察学生很容易就能得到正确结果。这是在提问: 到底怎样判断一个三角形是等腰三角形呢, 2、 创设的情境应贴近生活性---有利于提高学生学习的主动性 组织和指导学生的学习活动,使他们真正参与到教学过程中,是在启发的基础上,又进一步的教学状态,问题情境的创设,应利于激发学生的求知欲和思维的积极性,有利于学生面对适当的难度,经受锻炼,尝试成功。借此达到激发学生学习兴趣,激发内在的学习动机,使学生经常处于愤悱的状态之中,提高学生参与教学过程的积极性和卷入度的目的。案例1和案例2都与实际生活有关的例子,在某种程度上使数学概念与学生更贴近,减少了陌生感,有利于学生学习的主动性。 3、问题情境创设的建构性 建构主义认为,学习是一定的社会文化背景即“情境”相联系的,在实际情境或通过多媒体创设的实际情况下进行学习,可以利用生动、直观的情境激发联想,实现知识的“同化”与“顺应”。为此要把握好两点:一是要栓住学生,促使学生进入情境,通常把教学建立在引起认知冲突dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under 的问题上,在学生的“最近发现区”内,通过具有一定困难的克服,而又力所能及;二是要在学生原有知识和所要完成目标搭建“支架”,使问题序列形成台阶,以便学生拾级而上。案例3就“数轴”的概念以温度计的形式简单而明了地诠释,容易使学生在自己的知识网络中构建这一新的概念。 4、贯穿实践性、探究性 情境教学注重“情感”,又提倡“学以致用”,努力使二者有机地统一起来,并通过实际应用来强化学习成功所带来的快乐。数学教学也应以训练学生能力为手段,贯穿实践性、探究性,把现在的学习和未来的应用联系起来,注重学生的应用操作和能力的培养。充分利用情境教学特有的功能,创设富有实际价值的操作情境,培养学生思维能力、表达能力、动手能力及提出问题和解决问题的能力。逐步引导学生自主地去探究、发现规律,体会成功的喜悦。 例如:在相似三角形的应用时,创设这样一个情景: 今天早上阳光明媚,同学们刚举行完升旗仪式,老师想知道旗杆的高度,希望同学们利用所学的知识帮我测一下旗杆高度,我这里只有一把米尺。通过这节课不仅让学生体会到了数学与生活的密切联系,同时还让学生学会了一种不能利用工具直接测量高度或距离的方法。将来学生就能利用这种方法解决生活中的实际问题。真正使学生体会到了数学来源于生活,同时又应用于生活。 四、创设情境教学的意义 《数学课程标准》指出:数学教学要紧密联系学生的生活实际,从学dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under 生的生活经验和已有知识出发,创设生动有趣的情境,使学生通过生动有趣的数学活动,感受数学的趣味和作用,体会数学的魅力所在。因此在数学教学中创设具体生动的情境,使学生置身于实际情境中,就能激发学生的学习兴趣,促使他们以积极的态度,饱满的激情和旺盛的精力主动思考,主动探索,主动探求知识,从而获得最佳的教学效果。 【参考文献】 【1】 《中学教材教法》 人民教育出版社 【2】 《新课程的理念与创新》 钟启泉等主编 高等教育出版社 【3】 《中学数学课程标准》 2007.9 【4】 《走进新课程:与课程实施者对话》 朱慕菊主编 北京师范大学出版社 dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under
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