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快速删除打印任务快速删除打印任务 大家是否发现要删除打印任务,要花上几分钟或十几分钟,现在告诉大家快速删除打印任务的方法。 方法1:开始 -- 设置--控制面板--管理工具--服务 在该界面的右侧列表区域,找到 Print Spooler 项目, 双击 出现属性页面 在常规卡中点 停止 Print Spooler服务; 之后,再次单击标签页面中的“启动”按钮,将Print Spooler服务重新启动起来,最后再 删除打印任务 绝对不过30秒~ 方法2:开始--运行-- spool --会出现三个文件夹 打开 PRINTERS...

快速删除打印任务 大家是否发现要删除打印任务,要花上几分钟或十几分钟,现在告诉大家快速删除打印任务的方法。 方法1:开始 -- 设置--控制面板--管理工具--服务 在该界面的右侧列表区域,找到 Print Spooler 项目, 双击 出现属性页面 在常规卡中点 停止 Print Spooler服务; 之后,再次单击标签页面中的“启动”按钮,将Print Spooler服务重新启动起来,最后再 删除打印任务 绝对不过30秒~ 方法2:开始--运行-- spool --会出现三个文件夹 打开 PRINTERS 文件夹 删除相应的打印任务。 各显神通,删除打印任务 发布日期:2006-9-26 11:19:57 编辑:jerezhu 出处:IT168 点击:337次 打印机在打印 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 的过程中,遇到类似卡纸或其他的意外故障几乎不可避免,一旦碰到这些故障时当前正被打印机处理的打印任务就会被打印不完整,而且这些打印任务仍然显示在打印队列中,要是不及时将这些不完整的打印任务从打印队列中删除的话,之后发送过来的其他打印作业就将无法被打印机顺利打印。为了提高打印效率,我们有必要学会删除打印任务;这不,本文下面就为大家贡献几则删除打印任务的技巧,希望这些技巧能对大家有所用处~ 执行菜单命令,删除打印任务 正常情况下,我们要想删除打印队列中的某个打印任务时,都是通过打印队列窗口中的对应菜单命令来完成的,该方法的具体操作步骤为: 图 1 用鼠标逐一单击系统开始菜单中的“设置”、“打印机和传真”项目,打开打印机列表窗口;Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 双击该窗口中的默认打印机图标或目标打印任务所用的打印机图标,打开打印队列窗口,从该窗口中我们可以了解到打印任务的当前状态以及打印页数等; 选中打印队列中状态为“错误”的打印任务,或者选中自己需要删除的那个特定打印任务,并用鼠标右键单击之,从随后出现的右键菜单中执行“取消”命令(如图1所示),这样的话当前被选中的目标打印任务过一会儿就会被自动从打印队列中删除掉了。 如果我们希望将打印队列中的所有打印任务都删除掉的话,那我们可以借助Ctrl功能键,将所有的打印任务全部选中,再用鼠标右键单击所有处于选中状态的打印任务,并执行右键菜单中的“取消”命令,就能实现删除所有打印任务的目的了。当然,还有一种更简单、更快速的删除方法来删除所有打印任务,那就是在打印队列窗口中,先单击菜单栏中的“打印机”选项,从其后弹出的下拉菜单中单击“取消所有文档”命令,如此一来存储到打印队列中的所有打印任务都将被自动删除掉。 重启打印服务,删除打印任务 在安装了Windows 2000以上版本的计算机系统中,我们按照前面的方法来尝试删除打印任务时,会发现有的打印任务并不象我们想象中那样容易删除,甚至有的打印任务就不能被删除掉。遇到这种现象时,我们究竟该如何才能将那些“顽固不化”的打印任务删除掉呢,其实有一种比较简单的方法,那就是重新启动一下系统的Print Spooler服务,就能有效地将打印队列中那些“顽固不化”的打印任务删除掉了,下面就是该方法的具体实施步骤: Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 图 2 用鼠标逐一单击系统开始菜单中的“设置”、“控制面板”命令,打开系统的控制面板窗口,双击该窗口中的“管理工具”图标,再在其后窗口中双击“服务”图标,打开系统的服务列表界面; 在该界面的右侧列表区域,找到与打印机有关的系统服务Print Spooler,然后用鼠标右键单击该服务选项,从随后打开的快捷菜单中执行“属性”命令,进入该服务的属性设置界面; 单击该界面中的“常规”选项卡,打开如图2所示的标签页面,在该页面的“服务状态”处我们可以清楚地查看到Print Spooler服务目前的运行状态。 为了让Print Spooler服务实现重新启动的目的,我们先要单击图2标签页面中的“停止”按钮,以便暂时禁止使用系统的Print Spooler服务;一旦成功暂停了Print Spooler服务后,我们再次尝试打开打印队列窗口时,就会发现“顽固不化”的打印任务已经被自动删除掉了; 之后,再次单击图2标签页面中的“启动”按钮,将Print Spooler服务重新启动起来,这样一来后发送到打印机中的打印任务就能被顺利地执行了。 删除后台文件,删除打印任务 由于发送到打印机中的打印任务,一般会被自动保存到打印机的后台文件夹中,只要这些打印任务还没有被打印机处理完毕,那么这些打印任务文件的“身影”仍然会出现在后台文件夹中,此时我们就能进入打印机后台文件夹窗口,将那些文件“强行”删除掉,从而实现删除打印任务的目的。下面就是该方法的具体操作步骤: 图 3 首先用鼠标逐一展开系统桌面中的“开始”、“运行”命令,在其后出现的系统运行对话框中,输入字符串命令“spool”(如图3所示),单击“确定”按钮,进入系统子文件夹“spool”Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 窗口; 其次双击“spool”窗口中的“printers”文件夹图标,打开打印机后台文件夹窗口,出现在该窗口中的所有文件都与打印队列中的打印任务是一一对应的;借助Ctrl功能键,将该子窗口中所有的任务文件全部选中,再用鼠标右键单击所有处于选中状态的任务文件,并执行右键菜单中的“删除”命令,就能实现删除所有与打印任务相对应的后台文件的目的了。之后,当我们再次尝试打开打印队列窗口时,就会发现所有打印任务都已经被自动删除掉了。 双击打印图标,删除打印任务 如果我们是在Word应用程序界面中给打印机发送打印任务的话,那么还有一种更简单的方法来快速删除目标打印任务,该方法就是及时双击Word应用程序界面状态栏中的打印机图标。 图 4 在默认状态下,Word应用程序会自动选用后台打印方式来打印文档材料,当我们在Word应用程序界面中依次执行了“文件”/“打印”命令后,就能在如图4所示的状态栏处看到一个打印机图标,这表明Word应用程序正在后台悄悄处理我们的文档,该打印图标右侧的数字指的是当前正被处理的页的具体页码。一旦看到该打印图标出现时,我们只要用鼠标双击它就能实现快速删除当前打印任务的目的,当然双击该图标的速度一定要快,不然的话当前打印任务就无法被删除了。 当然,我们要是发现自己的Word应用程序界面中没有显示状态栏时,就可以按照如下操作步骤,将状态栏重新显示出来: Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 图 5 首先启动Word应用程序,并打开需要打印的目标文档文件,然后在文档编辑界面中,单击一下菜单栏中的“工具”菜单项,从弹出的下拉菜单中执行“选项”命令,打开目标文档的选项设置对话框; 其次单击该设置对话框中的“视图”标签,进入到如图5所示的标签页面;在该标签页面的“显示”设置项处,检查一下“状态栏”复选框是否处于选中状态,要是还没有选中的话,那我们必须及时将它重新选中,再单击一下“确定”按钮,这样一来状态栏就能显示在Word应用程序界面中了。 用批处理命令,删除打印任务 前面本文曾介绍过,通过重新启动与打印机有关的系统服务Print Spooler,就能实现快速删除打印任务的目的,可是用手工方法先停止Print Spooler服务,再启动Print Spooler服务,这样的操作比较麻烦。为了进一步提高打印任务的删除效率,笔者经过仔细琢磨,特意创建了一个重新启动系统服务Print Spooler的批处理文件,以后我们需要删除打印任务时,只要双击一下创建好的批处理文件,就能将打印任务快速删除掉了,下面就是该方法的具体实施步骤: Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 图 6 首先运行记事本之类的文本编辑程序,并在其编辑界面中输入如下字符串代码: sc stop Spooler pause sc config pooler start= auto sc start Spooler 在确认上面的代码输入无误后,依次单击记事本编辑界面中的“文件”/“保存”命令,并将上面的代码保存成一个扩展名为bat的批处理文件,假设在这里笔者将它保存为“del.bat”; 其次,为方便日后调用“del.bat”文件,我们可以为该文件创建一个快捷方式,并将该快捷方式直接拖放到系统的桌面中。日后,我们需要对打印队列中的打印任务进行删除时,就可以简单地用鼠标双击一下系统桌面中的“del.bat”文件,当该批处理文件运行结束后,打印队列中的文件也就被自动删除掉了;此时,我们可以用鼠标单击批处理程序界面(如图6所示),同时按一下键盘上的任意按键,这样系统又会自动把暂停的系统服务Print Spooler重新启动起来,同时将该服务的运行模式设置为“自动”,日后打印机又能正常执行其他打印任务了。 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis
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