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中山大学远程教育-生物化学复习题中山大学远程教育-生物化学复习题 《生物化学》(一)2010学年度第一学期练习题-1 名词解释: 1.蛋白质等电点 由于蛋白质表面离子化侧链的存在,蛋白质带净电荷。由于这些侧链都是可以滴定的(titratable),对于每 个蛋白都存在一个pH使它的表面净电荷为零即等电点。 2.蛋白质变性 蛋白质变性(protein denaturation)是指蛋白质在某些物理和化学因素作用下其特定的空间构象被改变, 从而导致其理化性质的改变和生物活性的丧失,这种现象称为蛋白质变性。 3.乳酸循环 肌肉收缩通过糖...

中山大学远程教育-生物化学复习题 《生物化学》(一)2010学年度第一学期练习题-1 名词解释: 1.蛋白质等电点 由于蛋白质表面离子化侧链的存在,蛋白质带净电荷。由于这些侧链都是可以滴定的(titratable),对于每 个蛋白都存在一个pH使它的表面净电荷为零即等电点。 2.蛋白质变性 蛋白质变性(protein denaturation)是指蛋白质在某些物理和化学因素作用下其特定的空间构象被改变, 从而导致其理化性质的改变和生物活性的丧失,这种现象称为蛋白质变性。 3.乳酸循环 肌肉收缩通过糖酵解生成乳酸。肌肉内糖异生活性低,所以乳酸通过细胞膜弥散进入血液后,再入肝,在肝 脏内异生为葡萄糖。葡萄糖释入血液后又被肌肉摄取,这就构成了一个循环(肌肉-肝脏-肌肉),此循环称为乳酸 循环。 4(三羧酸循环 体内物质糖类、脂肪或氨基酸有氧氧化的主要过程。通过生成的乙酰辅酶A与草酰乙酸缩合生成柠檬酸(三羧 酸)开始,再通过一系列氧化步骤产生CO2、NADH及FADH2,最后仍生成草酰乙酸,进行再循环,从而为细胞提供 了降解乙酰基而提供产生能量的基础。 5(载脂蛋白 血浆脂蛋白中的蛋白质部分称为载脂蛋白,主要分A、B、C、D、E五类,主要在肝(部分在小肠)合成,载脂 蛋白是构成血浆脂蛋白的重要组分。 6(酮体 在肝脏中,脂肪酸氧化分解的中间产物乙酰乙酸、β-羟基丁酸及丙酮,三者统称为酮体。 7(酶的活性中心 酶分子中氨基酸残基的侧链有不同的化学组成。其中一些与酶的活性密切相关的化学基团称作酶的必 需基团(essential group)。这些必需基团在一级结构上可能相距很远,但在空间结构上彼此靠近,组成 具有特定空间结构的区域,能和底物特异结合并将底物转化为产物。这一区域称为酶的活性中心(active center)或活性部位(active site) 8(同工酶 同工酶是指催化相同的化学反应,但其蛋白质分子结构、理化性质和免疫性能等方面都存在明显差异的一组 酶 9(氧化磷酸化 物质在体内氧化时释放的能量供给ADP与无机磷合成ATP的偶联反应。主要在线粒体中进行。 10(α-磷酸甘油穿梭作用 该穿梭机制主要在脑及骨骼肌中,它是借助于α-磷酸甘油与磷酸二羟丙酮之间的氧化还原转移还原 当量,使线粒体外来自NADH的还原当量进入线粒体的呼吸链氧化。 11(丙氨酸-葡萄糖循环 肌肉中的氨基酸将氨基转给丙酮酸生成丙氨酸,后者经血液循环转运至肝脏经过联合脱氨基作用再脱 氨基,放出的氨用于合成尿素;生成的丙酮酸经糖异生转变为葡萄糖后再经血液循环转运至肌肉重新分解 产生丙酮酸,丙酮酸再接受氨基生成丙氨酸。丙氨酸和葡萄糖反复地在肌肉和肝之间进行氨的转运,故将 这一循环过程称为丙氨酸-葡萄糖循环。 12(γ –氨基丁酸 广泛分布于动植物体内。在动物体内,几乎只存在于神经组织中,是目前研究较为深入的一种重要的抑制性 神经递质,它参与多种代谢活动,具有很高的生理活性。 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 生物化学》(一)2010学年度第一学期练习题2 一、 名词解释 1(DNA增色效应 由于DNA变性引起的光吸收增加称增色效应,也就是变性后 DNA 溶液的紫外吸收作用增强的效应。 2. 血浆功能性酶 血浆功能性酶是血浆蛋白质的固有成分,在血浆中发挥其特异催化作用的酶,故称血浆功能性酶。 3. 核糖体循环 指在细胞内构成核糖体的大小两种亚单位(沉淀系数为50S或60S的大亚单位和30S或40S的小亚单位)与蛋白活体合成开始会合(70S或80S粒子形成),合成后又分离的这一反复循环。 4. 黄疸 黄疸又称黄胆,俗称黄病,是一种由于血清中胆红素升高致使皮肤、黏膜和巩膜发黄的症状和体征。 5. 酸碱平衡 人体内各种体液必须具有适宜的酸碱度,这是维持正常生理活动的重要条件之一。组织细胞在代谢过程中不断产生酸性和碱性物质;还有一定数量的酸性和碱性物质随食特刊入体内。机体可通过一系列的调节作用,最后将多余的酸性或碱性物质排出体外,达到酸碱平衡。 6(结合胆红素 胆红素和血液中的白蛋白结合后转运到肝脏,在肝脏中与葡糖醛酸结合后生成葡糖醛酸胆红素,叫结合胆红素。 7. 从头合成途径 体内嘌呤核苷酸的合成有两条途径:?利用磷酸核糖、氨基酸、一碳单位及CO2等简单物质为原料合成嘌呤核苷酸 称为从头合成途径(denovo synthesis),是体内的主要合成途径。 的过程, 8. 基因 遗传信息的基本单位。一般指位于染色体上编码一个特定功能产物(如蛋白质或RNA分子等)的一段核苷酸序列。 9.岗崎片段 在DNA不连续复制过程中,沿着后随链的模板链合成的新DNA片段,其长度在真核与原核生物当中存在差别,真核生物的冈崎片段长度约为100,200核苷酸残基,而原核生物的为1000,2000核苷酸残基。 10(转肽酶 在蛋白质生物合成过程中对于肽键的形成具有必须的作用的一种酶。转肽酶识别特异多肽,催化不同的转肽反应。 11. 半保留复制 沃森-克里克根据DNA的双螺旋模型提出的DNA复制方式。即DNA复制时亲代DNA的两条链解开,每条链作为新链的模板,从而形成两个子代DNA分子,每一个子代DNA分子包含一条亲代链和一条新合成的链 12. 限制性核酸内切酶 限制性核酸内切酶是可以识别DNA的特异序列,并在识别位点或其周围切割双链DNA的一类内切酶,简称限制酶。 13. 受体 能与细胞外专一信号分子(配体)结合引起细胞反应的蛋白质。分为细胞表面受体和细胞内受体。受体与配体结合即发生分子构象变化,从而引起细胞反应,如介导细胞间信号转导、细胞间黏合、细胞胞吞等细胞过程。 14. NPN 即非蛋白氮,血中蛋白质以外的含氮化合物称为非蛋白氮(NPN)组分。 15(操纵子 原核生物中由启动子、操作基因和结构基因组成的一个转录功能单位。 二、 简答题: 1(肾脏通过哪些机制参与酸碱平衡的调节, 肾脏通过4种方法进行酸碱平衡的调节:(1)NaHCO3的再吸收;(2)排泌可滴定酸;(3)生成和排泌氨;(4)离子交换和排泌。 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 2(简述1,25-(OH)2-D3的生成过程及对钙、磷代谢的调节作用。 体内的VD3(维生素D3)主要由皮肤中7-脱氢胆固醇经日光中些外线照射转化而来,也可由动物性食物中获取。VD3无生物活性,它首先需在肝羟化成25-OH-D3,然后在肾又进一步转化成1,25-(OH)2-D3。 其作用为:?促进小肠粘膜上皮细胞对钙的吸收;?对骨钙动员和骨盐沉积有作用,一方面促进钙、磷的吸收,增加血钙、血磷含量,刺激成骨细胞的活动,从而促进骨盐沉积和骨的形成。另一方面,当血钙浓度降低时,又能提高破骨细胞的活性,动员骨钙入血,使血钙浓度升高。 3(何谓受体,信号分子与受体结合有何特点, 能与细胞外专一信号分子(配体)结合引起细胞反应的蛋白质。分为细胞表面受体和细胞内受体。受体与配体结合即发生分子构象变化,从而引起细胞反应,如介导细胞间信号转导、细胞间黏合、细胞胞吞等细胞过程。 把识别和接受的信号准确无误的放大并传递到细胞内部,启动一系列胞内生化反应,最后导致特定的细胞反应。使得胞间信号转换为胞内信号。 4(RNA主要有哪三种,它们在蛋白质生物合成过程中各有什么功能, rRNA又叫核糖体RNA是翻译的场所。tRNA又叫运输RNA负责转运氨基酸到特定的位置,在它的上面有反密码子用于碱基互补配对。mRNA又叫信使RNA由DNA的一条链碱基互补配对而来,上面有密码子。三种RNA共同完成翻译过程。 5(什么是PCR技术, 聚合酶链式反应简称PCR,它是体外酶促合成特异DNA片段的一种方法,由高温变性、低温退火及适温延伸等几步反应组成一个周期,循环进行,使目的DNA得以迅速扩增,具有特异性强、灵敏度高、操作简便、省时等特点。它不仅可用于基因分离、克隆和核酸序列分析等基础研究,还可用于疾病的诊断或任何有DNA,RNA的地方(聚合酶链式反应又称无细胞分子克隆或特异性DNA序列体外引物定向酶促扩增技术。 6(简述蛋白质生物合成的延长过程。 多肽链的延长在多肽链上每增加一个氨基酸都需要经过进位,转肽和移位三个步骤。(1)为密码子所特定的氨基酸tRNA结合到核蛋白体的A位,称为进位。氨基酰tRNA在进位前需要有三种延长因子的作用,即,热不稳定的E(Unstable temperature,EF)EF-Tu,热稳定的EF(stable temperature EF,EF-Ts)以及依赖GTP的转位因子。EF-Tu首先与GTP结合,然后再与氨基酰tRNA结合成三元复合物,这样的三元复合物才能进入A位。此时GTP水解成GDP,EF-Tu和GDP与结合在A位上的氨基酰tRNA分离 7(血浆蛋白质有哪些主要生理功能, (1)参与物质运输的蛋白质:血清白蛋白、脂蛋白(运输脂类等)、结合珠蛋白(运输血红蛋白)、转铁蛋白(运输铁)等;(2)参与免疫系统和补体系统的蛋白质:免疫球蛋白、各种补体;(3)参与血液凝固系统和血栓溶解系统的蛋白质:纤维蛋白原、凝血酶原、血纤维蛋白溶酶系统等;(4)与炎症有关的蛋白质:激肽酶、激肽释放酶原等(属于(2)—(4)的蛋白质,多数是酶或功能蛋白质的前体物质和酶的抑制物质等(它们复杂地掺合在一起,调节和维持着机体的供能(此外,作为整个血浆蛋白质来说(它具有维持渗透压、pH和营养源的作用。 8(DNA复制的原料及复制的条件为何, 原料:DNA解链酶,四种游离的脱氧核苷酸,ATP,Rep蛋白 , 引物合成酶 , 单链结合蛋白 ,DNA聚合酶? , DNA聚合酶? , DNA连接酶 。 9(简述G蛋白的结构特点及其作用 结构:鸟嘌呤核苷酸结合蛋白质 。 G蛋白在信号转导过程中起着分子开关的作用。与GDP(紫色)结合后,G蛋白处于非活性状态。GTP取代GDP后,G蛋白活化并传递信号。G蛋白形式多样,大多数用于信号传递,有些则在诸如蛋白质合成中起重要作用。本文主要介绍异三聚体G蛋白,它由三条不同的链组成,分别为α(棕黄色)β(蓝色)γ(绿色)。红色部分是α亚基表面的一个环状结构,在信号传递中至关重要。 10(影响生物转化的因素有哪些, 生物转化作用受年龄、性别、肝脏疾病及药物等体内外各种因素的影响 三、 问答题: 1(试述分子生物学中心法则及遗传信息的传递。 中心法则,是指遗传信息从DNA传递给RNA,再从RNA传递给蛋白质,即完成遗传信息的转录和翻译的过程。while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 也可以从DNA传递给DNA,即完成DNA的复制过程。这是所有有细胞结构的生物所遵循的法则。在某些病毒中的RNA自我复制(如烟草花叶病毒等)和在某些病毒中能以RNA为模板逆转录成DNA的过程(某些致癌病毒)是对中心法则的补充。即?DNA?DNA(复制);?DNA?RNA(转录);?RNA?蛋白质(翻译)。这三种遗传信息的转移方向普遍地存在于所有生物细胞中。第二类用虚线箭头表示,是特殊情况下的遗传信息转移,包括RNA的复制,RNA反向转录为 DNA和从 DNA直接翻译为蛋白质。即?RNA?RNA(复制);?RNA?DNA(反向转录);?DNA?蛋白质。RNA复制只在RNA病毒中存在。反向转录最初在RNA致癌病毒中发现,现在在人的白细胞和胎盘滋养层中也测出了与反向转录有关的反向转录酶的活性。 2(按照作用方式的不同,细胞间信息物质可分为几种类型,各有何特点, 按细胞分泌信息物质的方式可分为: 内分泌激素;神经递质;局部化学介质;气体信号。 内分泌激素有特殊分化的内分泌细胞分泌,通过血液循环到达靶细胞,大多数作用时间较长;神经递质由神经元细胞分泌,通过突触间隙到达下一个神经细胞,作用时间较短;局部化学介质由体内某些普通细胞分泌,不进入血循环,通过扩散作用到达附近的靶细胞,一般作用时间较短;气体信号,没啥可说的。 3(为什么测定NPN可以了解肾的排泄功能,为何用BUN替代NPN的测定, NPN大部分由肾排出,血中NPN浓度是反映GFR(肾小球过滤率)功能的一个指标。血中NPN包括组分多达15种以上,其中血尿素氮BUN占45%,因此BUN的变化更能反映GFR功能,且测定方法更简便。 4(试述DNA双螺旋结构的要点。 由脱氧核糖和磷酸基通过酯键交替连接而成。主链有二条,它们似“麻花状”绕一共同轴心以右手方向盘旋, 相互平行而走向相反形成双螺旋构型。主链处于螺旋的外则,这正好解释了由糖和磷酸构成的主链的亲水性。所谓双螺旋就是针对二条主链的形状而言的。 碱基位于螺旋的内则,它们以垂直于螺旋轴的取向通过糖苷键与主链糖 配对碱基总是A与T和G与C。碱基对以氢键维系,A与T 间基相连。同一平面的碱基在二条主链间形成碱基对。 形成两个氢键,G与C间形成三个氢键。大沟和小沟分别指双螺旋表面凹下去的较大沟槽和较小沟槽。小沟位于双螺旋的互补链之间,而大沟位于相毗邻的双股之间。 5(复制和转录过程有什么相似之处,又各有什么特点, 复制和转录都以DNA为模板, 都需依赖DNA的聚合酶, 聚合过程都是在核苷酸之间生成磷酸二酯键, 生成的核酸链都从5'向3'方向延长, 都需遵从碱基配对规律. 复制和转录最根本的不同是:通过复制使子代保留亲代全部遗传信息, 而转录只需按生存需要部分信息表达.因此可以从模板和产物的不同来理解这一重大区别.此外, 聚合酶分别是DNApol和RNApol, 底物分别是dNTP和NTP, 还有碱基配对的差别, 都可从二者产物结构性质上理解. 第一次作业 1(在各种蛋白质中含量相近的元素是: 正确答案: B. 氮 2.关于α-螺旋的叙述错误的是: 正确答案: C. 其稳定性靠相邻氨基酸残基侧链形成的氢键 3. 下列正确描述血红蛋白概念的是: 正确答案: B. 血红蛋白是由两种不同亚基构成的四聚体 4(关于蛋白质结构与功能的关系叙述正确的是 正确答案: C. 一级结构相似的蛋白质,其功能也相似 5(蛋白质的变性是由于: 正确答案: B. 蛋白质空间构象的破坏 6(有活性的蛋白质分子至少具有: 正确答案: D. 三级结构 7(天然蛋白质中不存在的氨基酸是: 正确答案: A. 鸟氨酸 8(酶的必需基团 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 正确答案: D. 是维持酶催化活性所必需的 9(关于酶的概念的叙述正确的是 正确答案: C. 酶是由活细胞合成的具有催化作用的生物大分子 10(有关酶原激活方式的正确叙述是: 正确答案: E. 切除寡肽或肽段,酶分子构象改变 11(NAD+、FAD、CoA等三种物质的共同点是: 正确答案: D. 均属于腺苷酸的衍生物 12. 参与构成CoA和ACP的维生素是: 正确答案: C. 泛酸 13. 不可逆抑制作用的特点是: 正确答案: D. 与酶活性中心的必需基团以共价键相结合 14(血清中出现胞内酶活性升高主要原因为: 正确答案: B. 细胞膜受损, 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 物外流入血 15(调节血糖浓度最主要的器官为: 正确答案: D. 肝 16(下列除了哪种化合物外其余均可用于糖异生作用? 正确答案: E. 亮氨酸 17. 磷酸戊糖途径主要是: 正确答案: A. 生成NADPH供合成代谢需要 (合成糖原时活性葡萄糖形式是: 18 正确答案: B. UDPG 19(关于糖类消化吸收的叙述,错误的是: 正确答案: C. 消化道中的酶将淀粉全部水解成葡萄糖 20(三羧酸循环一次消耗的直接底物是: 正确答案: D. 乙酰CoA 21(成熟红细胞仅靠糖酵解供给能量是因为: 正确答案: E. 无线粒体 22(呼吸链存在于: 正确答案: C. 线粒体内膜 23(下列关于生物氧化时能量释放的叙述,错误的是: 正确答案: D. ATP主要通过底物水平磷酸化生成 24(在α-磷酸甘油穿梭体系中,下列叙述中正确的是: 正确答案: D. 胞液NADH,H+由磷酸二羟丙酮携带将2H运进线粒体 25(肌肉收缩时消耗大量的高能磷酸键,除了ATP提供能量外,还有下列哪种形式可储存备用, 正确答案: E. 磷酸肌酸 26(脂酰CoA在肝脏线粒体内 —氧化的酶促反应顺序是: 正确答案: A. 脱氢、加水、再脱氢、硫解 27(下列激素中,哪种是抗脂解激素, 正确答案: B. 胰岛素 28(下列有关类脂的叙述错误的是: 正确答案: C. 分布于体内各组织中,以神经组织中含量最少 29(下列关于HMG-CoA还原酶的叙述错误的是: 正确答案: E. 经磷酸化作用后活性增高 30(不参与甘油三酯的消化并吸收入血过程的物质是: while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 正确答案: C. 激素敏感性甘油三酯脂肪酶 31(饥饿时肝脏酮体生成增加,为防止酮症酸中毒的发生应主要补充哪种物质, 正确答案: A. 葡萄糖 32(人体不能合成的脂肪酸是: 正确答案: D. 亚油酸 33(骨骼肌中氨基酸脱氨基的主要方式是: 正确答案: D. 嘌呤核苷酸循环 34(下列关于食物蛋白质的互补作用的叙述,正确的是: 正确答案: D. 不同来源的几种蛋白质混合食用,提高营养价值 35. 体内硫酸基的提供者是: 正确答案: C. PAPS 36. 临床上对高血氨病人禁止用碱性肥皂水灌肠的原因是: 正确答案: C. 碱性条件下,NH3易生成而被细胞膜吸收 37. 尿素循环与三羧酸循环相同的中间产物是: 正确答案: B. 草酰乙酸与延胡索酸 38. 缺乏下列哪种酶可引起白化病, 正确答案: A. 酪氨酸酶 39. 受CO抑制的物质是: 正确答案: D. 细胞色素aa3 40.不需SAM提供甲基生成的物质是: 正确答案: E. 胸腺嘧啶 41.正常人空腹血血浆胆固醇主要分布于: 正确答案: B. LDL D. HDL 42.参与尿素生成的物质有: 正确答案: A. 精氨酸 B. CPS-? D. 瓜氨酸 43(肌组织可进行下列哪些糖代谢途径, 正确答案: B. 糖酵解 C. 糖有氧氧化 D. 磷酸戊糖途径 44(甲状腺功能亢进患者常出现: 正确答案: A. 基础代谢率升高 B. ATP分解增多 C. 耗氧量增加 45. 关于蛋白质中的肽键,下列叙述中哪些是正确的, 正确答案: A. 比一般C—N单键短 B. 具有部分双键性质 46. 关于蛋白质四级结构的叙述错误的是: 正确答案: B. 亚基间共价结合 C. 变性时只是亚基解聚 47. 升高血糖的激素有: 正确答案: B. 肾上腺素 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application C. 糖皮质激素 D. 胰高血糖素 48. 影响氧化磷酸化的因素包括: 正确答案: A. ADP/ATP B. 甲状腺素 C. 阿米妥 D. 解偶联剂 49. 能够产生乙酰CoA的物质有: 正确答案: A. 葡萄糖 C. 脂肪酸 50. 与鸟氨酸循环生成尿素直接有关的氨基酸有: 正确答案: A. 精氨酸 B. 天冬氨酸 D. N-乙酰谷氨酸 51(组成蛋白质的氨基酸有_________ 种,它们的结构通式为_________ 。 正确答案: 20;HOOC-CHR-NH2 52.蛋白质中的肽键是由一个氨基酸的 _________与另一个氨基酸的_________ 脱水缩合而成。 正确答案: α-羧基;α-氨基 53(稳定蛋白质三级结构的次级键包括:_________ 、_________ 、_________ 、_________ 。 氢键;二硫键;离子键;疏水键(疏水作用力) 正确答案: 54(蛋白质为_________ 电解质,当蛋白质的净电荷为_________ 时,蛋白质为 _________,此时溶液的pH值称 为该蛋白质的_________ 。 正确答案: 两性电解质;零;兼性离子;等电点(pI) 55(各种蛋白质的 _________十分接近且恒定,平均为_________ 。 正确答案: 含氮量;16% 56(米氏常数为____________________________________ 。 正确答案: 酶促反应最大速度一半时的底物浓度 57.酶的特异性是指____________________________________ 。 正确答案: 酶对所催化的底物和所催化的反应具有严格的选择性 58.影响酶促反应速度的因素有 _________、_________ 、_________ 、_________ 、 _________和_________ 。 正确答案: 底物浓度;酶浓度;pH;温度;激活剂;抑制剂 59(维生素B1是_________ 的辅酶,在转醛基反应中与_________ 的羧基结合,使其脱羧释放出CO2。 正确答案: α-酮酸氧化脱羧酶;α-酮酸 60(叶酸以其_________ 起辅酶的作用,它有_________ 和_________ 两种还原形式,后者的作用是作为_________ 的载体。 正确答案: 还原性产物;二氢叶酸(DHFA); 四氢叶酸(THFA); 一碳单位 61(正常人空腹血糖浓度为_________ ,高血糖是指空腹血糖浓度高于_________ 。 正确答案: 3.9~6.1mmol/L; 7.2~7.6mmol/L 62(糖在体内的运输形式是 _________,储存形式是_________ 。 正确答案: 葡萄糖; 糖原 63(糖原合成的限速酶是_________ ,糖原分解的限速酶是_________ 。 正确答案: 糖原合酶;磷酸化酶 64(丙酮酸还原为乳酸,反应中的NADH+H+ 来自于________脱下的氢。 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 正确答案: 3-磷酸甘油醛 65(磷酸戊糖途径可分为两个阶段,分别称为_________ 和_______ ,其中两种脱氢酶是_______ 和________ ,它们的辅酶是_______。 正确答案: 磷酸戊糖的生成;基团的转移反应;6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶;6-磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶;NADP 66(体内CO2 的生成不是碳与氧的直接结合,而是_________ 。 正确答案: 来自有机酸脱羧反应 67(人体内ATP的生成方式有:_________ 和_________ 。 正确答案: 底物水平磷酸化;氧化磷酸化 68(在离体的线粒体实验中测得β-羟丁酸的P/O比值为2.4~2.8,说明β-羟丁酸氧化时脱下来的2H 是通过_________呼吸链传递给O2 的;能生成_________分子ATP。 正确答案: NADH;3 69(解释氧化磷酸化作用机制被公认的学说是_________,它是英国生物化学家_________于1961 年首先提出的。 正确答案: 化学渗透学说;Peter Mitchell 70(影响氧化磷酸化的抑制剂包括3类,分别为_________ 、__________________ 和__________________ 。其中直接阻断电子传递的抑制剂是__________________;只耗氧,不产ATP的抑制剂是 __________________。 正确答案: 电子传递抑制剂;解偶联剂;氧化磷酸化抑制剂; 电子传递抑制剂;解偶联剂 71(酮体包括_________ 、_________ 、_________ 。其代谢特点为__________________ 。 正确答案: 乙酰乙酸;β-羟丁酸;丙酮;肝内生成肝外利用 72(脂肪酸氧化时需先活化为 _________,然后由肉毒碱携带进入线粒体内,进行_________ 。 脂酰CoA;β-氧化 正确答案: 73(脂肪动员的限速酶是__________________ ;胆固醇合成的限速酶是 __________________。 正确答案: 激素敏感性甘油三酯脂肪酶(HSL); HMG CoA还原酶 74(在血浆中游离脂肪酸与_________ 结合运输,其他脂类物质与_________ 结合运输。 正确答案: 清蛋白; 载脂蛋白 75(乙酰CoA 羧化酶是脂肪酸从头合成的限速酶,该酶以_________ 为辅基,催化_________ 与 _________生成__________________ 。 正确答案: 生物素;乙酰CoA; HCO3; 丙二酸单酰CoA 76(经__________________ 循环,体内的氨可转变为_________ ,这是体内对氨的重要解毒方式。 正确答案: 鸟氨酸; 尿素 77(氨基酸的脱羧产物有_________ 、_________ 、_________ 、 _________和 _________。 正确答案: γ-氨基丁酸;组胺; 5-羟色胺; 牛磺酸;多胺 78(血中氨的主要运输形式是_________ 。 正确答案: 谷氨酰胺 79(儿茶酚胺包括_________ 、_________ 、_________ ,与之生成有关的氨基酸有_________ 、_________ 。 正确答案: 多巴胺;去甲肾上腺素;肾上腺素;苯丙氨酸; 酪氨酸 80.肠道pH值偏 _________时,氨的吸收减少;尿液pH偏_________ 时,肾脏泌氨作用减少。 正确答案: 酸;碱 81.一个蛋白质分子中有两个半胱氨酸存在时,它们之间可以形成两个二硫键。 正确答案: 错 82.变性蛋白质的溶解度降低,是由于中和了蛋白质分子表面的电荷和破坏了外层的水化层。 正确答案: 错 83(所有的蛋白质都有酶活性。 正确答案: 错 84(酶只能改变化学反应的活化能而不能改变化学反应的平衡常数。 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 正确答案: 对 85(酶蛋白和蛋白酶虽然称呼不同,其基本功能是相同的。 正确答案: 错 86(在酶的活性中心,只有侧链带电荷的氨基酸残基直接参与酶的催化作用。 正确答案: 错 87(加热、紫外线、强酸、强碱等使酶蛋白变性失活,不属于酶的抑制剂范围。 正确答案: 对 88(肝是人体内调节血糖浓度恒定的主要器官,肝糖原分解可补充血糖。 正确答案: 对 89(血液中葡萄糖的运输形式是糖原。 正确答案: 错 90(生物化学与 护理 卵巢癌的护理查房优质护理服务内容doc优质护理服务内容肺癌的护理常规消毒供应室优质护理 学关系密切,其应用性的知识可归纳为5个方面。 正确答案: 对 91(脂肪动员是指体内所有脂肪分解为脂肪酸和甘油的过程。 正确答案: 错 92(在血浆中,apoC?的主要功能是激活脂蛋白脂肪酶(LPL)。 正确答案: 对 93(肝是生成酮体的主要器官,而肝外组织却能氧化酮体。 正确答案: 对 (食物蛋白质经加热变性后难于被人体消化吸收。 94 正确答案: 错 95(ADP 的磷酸化作用对电子传递起限速作用。 正确答案: 对 96(NADH 和NADPH 都可以直接进入呼吸链。 正确答案: 错 97(生物氧化过程是指糖、脂类和蛋白质在生物体内氧化分解,最终生成CO2、H2O并放 出能量。 正确答案: 对 98(在体内,糖代谢的中间产物可转变成蛋白质合成所需的所有氨基酸。 正确答案: 错 99(TCA 中底物水平磷酸化直接生成的是ATP。 正确答案: 错 100(肝昏迷或肝性脑病是由于肝功能严重损伤时,血氨降低的原因。 正确答案: 错 第二次作业 1(核酸中核苷酸之间的连接方式是: 正确答案: C. 2′,5′-磷酸二酯键 2(大部分真核细胞mRNA的3’-末端都具有: 正确答案: A. 多聚A 正确答案: E. 尿酸 4(DNA的二级结构是: 正确答案: E. 双螺旋结构 5(DNA变性是指: 正确答案: C. 互补碱基之间氢键断裂 6(5-氟尿嘧啶的抗癌作用机制是: while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 正确答案: D. 抑制胸苷酸的合成 7(下列关于乳糖操纵子调控系统的论述正确的是: 正确答案: A. 乳糖操纵子是可阻遏型的操纵子 8(反密码子位于: 正确答案: D. tRNA分子上 9(重组DNA基本过程不包括下列哪一过程, 正确答案: E. 聚合酶链式反应 10(链霉素抗菌作用的原理是: 正确答案: E. 与原核细胞核糖体小亚基结合,使之变构,引起读码错误 11(真核生物中RNA-pol?催化生成的直接产物是: 正确答案: A. hnRNA 12(产生冈崎片段的原因是: 正确答案: C. 复制与解链方向相反 13(参与NO信息传递的细胞内信息物质是: 正确答案: B. cGMP 14(cAMP对PKA的作用方式是: 正确答案: E. 可使PKA的催化亚基与调节亚基分离而被激活 15. 大部分细胞内受体属于: 正确答案: A. DNA结合蛋白 (下列哪种酶是生长因子的信号转导途径中的成员, 16 正确答案: C. 受体型酪氨酸蛋白激酶 17(有关G蛋白的描述错误的是: 正确答案: C. 与GTP结合后三亚基聚合 18. 参与干扰素的信息传递的物质是: 正确答案: E. JAK 19(血中NPN主要来源: 正确答案: B. 尿素氮 20(血浆中发挥生理作用的为: 正确答案: A. 离子钙 21(血红素的合成部位是在细胞的: 正确答案: D. 线粒体与胞液 22(成熟红细胞的主要能量来源是: 正确答案: B. 糖酵解 23(大多数血浆蛋白质的合成场所为: 正确答案: C. . 肝 24(凝血酶原及因子?、?、?均由肝合成,合成过程需下列哪种维生素作为辅助因子? 正确答案: E. Vit K 25(肝脏生物转化反应不包括: 正确答案: E. 脱羧反应 26(肝进行生物转化时葡萄糖醛酸的活性供体是: 正确答案: D. UDPGA 27(关于胆汁酸盐的叙述哪一项是错误的, 正确答案: C. 能抑制胆固醇结石的形成 28(下列哪种氨基酸在肝内代谢不活跃, while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 正确答案: B. 亮氨酸 29(肝细胞严重损伤时,血浆蛋白质的主要改变是: 正确答案: E. 清蛋白含量下降,球蛋白含量升高或相对升高 30(黄疸病人,实验室检查发现其血清游离胆红素明显升高,尿胆红素阴性,尿和粪便中胆素原明显增多,该黄 疸发生的原因最有可能的是: 正确答案: C. 急性溶血 31(有关Na+说法错误的是: 正确答案: B. 是细胞内的主要阳离子 32.人体内产生的挥发酸是: 正确答案: D. 碳酸 33(维生素D在体内的生理作用是: 正确答案: A. 促进钙、磷的吸收 34(关于铁在体内的特点,下列错误的是: 正确答案: C. 铁缺乏时可导致凝血受阻 35(下列哪一项不属于机体对酸碱平衡的调节, 正确答案: D. 抗利尿激素的作用 36(下列对磷的生理功能的叙述哪项是错误的, 正确答案: C. 不参与细胞膜的组成 37(甲状旁腺素: A. 一种单链多肽激素 正确答案: 38(下列哪一项不是判断机体酸碱平衡的指标, 正确答案: B. 氧分压 39(关于最低需水量正确的是指: 正确答案: E. 在正常成人为2500ml 40(正常人体的pH值约为: 正确答案: B. 7.40 41(核苷酸在体内的作用是: 正确答案: A. 参与体内核酸的合成 B. 参与体内能量的供给 C. 可参与辅酶的合成 D. 可参与磷脂的合成 42(下列哪些物质是以和血浆白蛋白结合的形式运输的, 正确答案: B. 胆红素 C. . Ca2+ 43(真核细胞mRNA转录后的加工包括: 正确答案: A. 5′端加帽子结构 B. 3′端加polyA尾 C. 切除内含子,连接外显子 44(下列物质中,不能进行肝肠循环的是: 正确答案: A. 胆固醇 C. 血红素 45(体内的抗凝血成分包括: 正确答案: A. 抗凝血酶? B. 组织因子途径抑制物(TFPI) while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application C. 蛋白S D. 蛋白C 46(有关信息分子与受体的叙述正确的是: 正确答案: A. 信息分子与受体有高度的亲和力 B. 受体有高度特异性 D. 受体的数量可调节 47(下列关于核因子κB途径的叙述正确的是: 正确答案: B. 参与细胞凋亡的过程 C. 参与肿瘤发生过程 D. 参与细胞分化 48(作为基因 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 的载体必须具备的条件包括: 正确答案: A. 能独立自主复制 B. 易转化 C. 易检测(含有耐药性基因等) 49(高血钾: 正确答案: B. 血钾浓度高于5.5mmol/L D. 钾的排泄障碍 50(降钙素的作用有: 正确答案: B. 通过cAMP发挥作用 C. 增强成骨作用 D. 抑制肾小管对钙磷的重吸收 51(核酸分子杂交可在________之间或在________之间形成杂化双链。 正确答案: DNA-DNA;DNA-RNA 52.治疗痛风症的别嘌呤醇与________ 结构相似,通过竞争性抑制________________ ,减少尿酸的生成。 正确答案: 次黄嘌呤;黄嘌呤氧化酶 53(DNA是遗传的主要物质基础,DNA分子________ 贮存着_______________________________。 正确答案: 以基因为单位;生物体所有的遗传信息 54(一个生物体的全部基因序列称为________ ,即一个生物体所有的________________。 正确答案: 基因组;DNA序列 55(蛋白质生物合成是从多肽链的_____端向____ 端进行的。 正确答案: N;C 56(转录的产物是单链_________。包括_________、_________ 和_________ 等。 正确答案: RNA;mRNA;tRNA;rRNA 57(真核生物新合成的mRNA,需经__________________、__________________ 与__________________等过程,才具有生理功能,这一过程称为__________________ 。 正确答案: 5’-端加“帽子”结构;3’-端加“尾”结构;hnRNA链的剪接;转录后的加工 58(限制性核酸内切酶是一类作用于________ 的内切酶,其识别序列多为 ________ 。 正确答案: 双链DNA;回文结构 59(在体外进行DNA扩增时,每一循环包括 _________________、__________________ 、__________________ 三步。 正确答案: 高温变性;低温退火;适温延伸 60(反转录是以_________为模板合成_________的过程。 正确答案: RNA;DNA 61(在蛋白质生物合成中起主要作用的酶是_________________ 和__________________。 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 正确答案: 氨基酰-tRNA合成酶;转肽酶 62(蛋白质生物合成体系除20种氨基酸外,还包括_________、_________、_________ ,多种酶以及提供能量的_________、_________和一些无机离子等。 正确答案: mRNA;rRNA;tRNA;ATP;GTP 63(激素受体根据存在部位可分为_________ 和__________________两大类。 正确答案: 膜受体;细胞内受体 64(根据细胞间信息物质的特点及其作用方式分为 _________、_________、 _________和_________。 正确答案: 内分泌;旁分泌;自分泌;突触传递信号 65(信号分子与受体结合的特点有:_________ 、 _________、_________、_________和_________。 正确答案: 高度亲和力;高度特异性;可逆性;可饱和性;可调节性 66(霍乱毒素能激活_______而激活_______,百日咳毒素能激活_______而抑制_______。 正确答案: GS;AC;Gi;AC 67(初级胆汁酸是在_______由______________转变生成,胆汁酸可与 ______________、_______ _______结合,形成结合胆汁酸。 正确答案: 肝;胆固醇;甘氨酸;牛磺酸 68(血浆蛋白质的生理功能包括:_____________________,_____________________,_____________________,_____________________,_____________________。 正确答案: 调节血浆胶体渗透压和pH;运输功能;免疫功能;凝血、抗凝血和纤溶作用;催化作用 69(成熟红细胞以_______为主要功能途径,此外还通过______________对红细胞的携氧功能进行调节。 糖酵解;2,3-二磷酸甘油酸 正确答案: 70(血红素的合成在骨髓和肝细胞的_____________________进行,合成的限速酶是_____________________。 正确答案: 线粒体及胞液中;ALA合成酶 71(衰老的红细胞在的_______、_______和_______单核-吞噬细胞系统中被破坏,生成的胆红素进入血液主要与_______结合成复合物,称______________胆红素 。 正确答案: 肝;脾;骨髓;清蛋白未结合(间接) 72(肝在机体_______、_______、 _______、_______和_______等物质代谢中起重要作用。 正确答案: 糖;脂类;蛋白质;维生素;激素 73(_______是合成血浆蛋白质的主要器官。 正确答案: 肝 74.生物转化反应类型包括_______、_______、_______和_______。 正确答案: 氧化;还原;水解;结合 75(细胞外液的阳离子以_______为主;细胞内液的阳离子以 _______为主。 正确答案: Na+;K+ 76(阴离子间隙是指血浆中_________________________________的差值。 正确答案: 未测定的阴离子与未测定的阳离子 77(代谢性酸中毒是由于血浆中_____________________所致。 正确答案: NaHCO3含量原发性减少 78(PTH对肾脏的作用为增加____________________________,抑制_____________________。 正确答案: 肾近曲小管对Ca2+的重吸收;肾小管对磷的重吸收 79([Ca]×[P]以mmol/L表示为______________,若以mg/dl表示时,两者的乘积为 ______________。 正确答案: 2.5~3.5;30~40 80(维生素D可由体内______________转变而来,它的活性形式是_____________________。它是经过在_______ 、_______的二次羟化后转化来的。 正确答案: 胆固醇;1,25-(OH)2-维生素D3;肝;肾 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 81血中胆红素的主要运输形式是胆红素-Y蛋白复合物。 正确答案: 错 82(未与葡萄糖醛酸等结合的胆红素称为未结合胆红素。 正确答案: 对 83(IP3、DAG及Ca2+等第二信使的效应分子主要是PKA。 正确答案: 错 84(叶酸和维生素B12可影响红细胞成熟,维生素B6缺乏也会影响血红素的合成。 正确答案: 对 85(血浆蛋白质可维持血浆正常的晶体渗透压。 正确答案: 错 86(细胞内受体可分为核内受体和胞质内受体。 正确答案: 对 87(依赖维生素K的凝血因子的共同特点是在其羧基末端含有数量不等的γ-羧基谷氨酸残基。 正确答案: 错 88(肝在糖代谢中最重要的作用是维持血糖浓度的恒定。 正确答案: 对 89(CT通过抑制1,25-(OH)2-维生素D3生成而间接抑制钙的吸收。 正确答案: 对 90(水溶性激素只能与细胞膜上的核蛋白受体结合。 错 正确答案: 91(蛋白质生物合成中多肽链的氨基酸排列顺序取决于mRNA中核苷酸的排列顺序。 正确答案: 对 92(氨基酸在进入多肽链合成前不必活化。 正确答案: 错 93(在RNA聚合酶的催化下,tRNA与氨基酸结合形成氨基酰-tRNA。 正确答案: 错 94(在体内转录的模板为DNA双链,而复制的模板为单链DNA。 正确答案: 错 95(体内可利用现成的嘌呤碱合成嘌呤核苷酸,此过程称为补救合成。 正确答案: 对 96(胞嘧啶分解代谢的最终产物有氨、CO2和β-丙氨酸。 正确答案: 对 97(碱中毒或糖尿病治疗时胰岛素大量使用,可使细胞内钾外移而致高血钾。 正确答案: 错 98(老年人骨的吸收明显大于骨的生成,常因骨质减少致骨质疏松。 正确答案: 对 99(糖、脂肪、氨基酸彻底氧化分解生成的CO2主要在肝细胞内碳酸酐酶的催化下与水结合生成碳酸,运至肺部 重新变成CO2呼出体外,故称碳酸为挥发性酸。 正确答案: 错 100(正常人每天水的摄入与排出维持动态平衡。 正确答案: 对 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application
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