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考研英语作文背诵版考研英语作文背诵版 过于肥胖的 bloated 天赋 inherence n. 2009英语作文十三章经 2009英语作文十三章经 致癌的 cancer-causing 本能的 instinctive adj. 食肉类的 carnivorous adj 智商 intelligence quotient 第一部分:九大原则词汇。 第一部分:九大原则词汇。 慢性的 chronic 有文化 literacy 这个是来自《托福作文高分技巧》,这个是来自《托福作文高分技巧》,方便食品 convenience food ...

考研英语作文背诵版 过于肥胖的 bloated 天赋 inherence n. 2009英语作文十三章经 2009英语作文十三章经 致癌的 cancer-causing 本能的 instinctive adj. 食肉类的 carnivorous adj 智商 intelligence quotient 第一部分:九大原则词汇。 第一部分:九大原则词汇。 慢性的 chronic 有文化 literacy 这个是来自《托福作文高分技巧》,这个是来自《托福作文高分技巧》,方便食品 convenience food 掌握 master vt. 吴建业编。九大原则词汇是展开思路吴建业编。九大原则词汇是展开思路治愈 cure 值得称赞的品质 merit n. 用的。我们在写作文的时候没有办法用的。我们在写作文的时候没有办法头昏眼花的 dizzy 激情 passion n. 展开的时候就可以按这九大原则展展开的时候就可以按这九大原则展危及 endanger vt 观点 perspective n. 开。比如说偶像崇拜,离不开浪费钱,开。比如说偶像崇拜,离不开浪费钱,精力充沛的 energetic adj. 充分发挥 put into great play 浪费时间,在文化方面有什么好处,浪费时间,在文化方面有什么好处,传染病 epidemics 素质教育 quality education 根除 eradicate vt. 荒谬的 ridiculous adj. 在健康方面心理方面有什么影响,等在健康方面心理方面有什么影响,等 使恶化 exasperate vt. 生存能力 survival ability 等,这样就有话说。所以记忆这些万等,这样就有话说。所以记忆这些万 过量摄入 excessive intake 依赖科技的technology-dependent adj. 金油式的保底词汇是非常必要的。 金油式的保底词汇是非常必要的。 排气 exhaust 远程教育 tele-education n. 第一部分:九大原则词汇 第一部分:九大原则词汇 疲劳 fatigue n. 思维模式 thinking pattern 一、金钱原则词汇 高脂肪高热量 high fat and calorie 智慧 wit n. 资产 asset v. 免疫的 immune 四、文化原则词汇 浪费 be extravagant 绝症 incurable disease 传统与现代巧妙结合 a clever blend of 预算 budget n. 消化不良 indigestion traditional and modern 消费品 consumer goods 懒惰的 indolent adj. 同一的世界文化 a homogenous world 贵重的 costly a. 传染病 infectious disease culture 存钱 deposit vt. 失眠症 insomnia n. 归属感 a sense of belonging 经济负担 economic burden 垃圾食品 junk food 土著文化 aboriginal culture 经济困难 economic difficulty 吸取精华 absorb the quintessence 慢跑 jog 花费 expend vt. 预期寿命 life expectancy 吸收 absorb 奢侈的 extravagant a. 减肥 lose weight 美学价值 aesthetic 资助 finance n. 接受某人的资助 疾病 malady 祖先 ancestor 经济资助 finance aid 给某人经济资助 营养不良 malnutrition 古代的 ancient 资金紧张 finance strain 某部门资金紧张 医学的 medical 人类学家 anthropologists 政府税收 government revenue 近视 near-sighted 陈旧观念 antiquated idea 医疗保健 healthcare 政府的医疗保健 营养品 nourishment n. 艺术价值 artistic value 无家可归 homeless 器官移植 organ transplant 同化 assimilate vt. 饥饿 hunger n. 超重 overweight 丰富的 be abundant adj. 收入 income n. 预防 prevention 传递 be passed down 保险 insurance n. 治疗 treament 灿烂光辉的文化 brilliant and gorgeous 投资 invest v. 肿瘤 tumor culture 失业者 jobless n. 提供营养 nourish 发扬光大 carry forward 下岗工人 laid-off worker 卡路里 calorie 著名的 celebrated 滥用 lavish v. 饥饿 starvation 特有的 characteristic adj 有限的公共资金 limited public funds 营养不良 malnutrition文明的 civilized adj. 赚钱的 lucrative a. 三、智力原则词汇 凝聚力 cohesion n. 豪华的 luxurious a. 表达能力 ability of expression 文化摇篮 cradle of culture 挥霍 money-consuming a. 洞察力 acumen 培养 cultivate vt. 拜金主义的 money-oriented a. 熟练的 adept 文化习惯 cultural habit 必需品 necessity n. 赏识 appreciate vt. 文化遗产 cultural heritage 贫困的 needy a. 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 assessment n. 文化特性 cultural identity 透支 overdraft v. 文化古迹 cultural objects and historic 智力 brains n 抵押 pawn v. relics 发挥才干 bring into the talents 财产 property 证书 certificate n. 文化、精神和学术生活 cultural, spiritual, 节约紧缩开支 retrench vi. 创造性的 creative adj and intellectual life 赢利的 profitable a. 培养 cultivate vt. 狂热的崇拜 cult n. 津贴 subsidize v. 识别力 discernment n. 破坏 devastate vt. 纳税人 taxpayer 天资 endowment n. 知识的传播 diffusion n. 福利 welfare 开发 explore vt. 多样性 diversity n. 二、健康原则词汇 幻想的 fantastic adj. 民族文化特色 ethnic and cultural identity 有氧运动 aerobic exercise 理想主义 idealism n. 节日气氛 festivity n. 平衡饮食 balanced diet 个性 individuality n. 民间艺术 folk art 有害健康的 be physically damaging this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 文化全球一体化 globalization of culture 单亲家庭 single-parent family 限制 limit n./vt. 博大精深 great and profound 宠坏的 spoiled adj. 压力 pressure n. 手工艺 handicraft n. 密切家庭感情 strengthening the family 隐私 privacy n. 历史文物 historic relics ties 正直的 righteous adj. 文盲 illiteracy 把虚幻当现实 take fantasy for reality 性别歧视 sexual discriminations 不朽的 immortal adj. 抚养 upbringing 社会保障 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 social security 正流行 in vogue 受害者 victim n. 强制的 compulsory adj. 根深蒂固的看法 ingrain notion 粗俗的 vulgar adj. 八、时间原则词汇 继承 inherit n. 扫除文盲 wipe out illiteracy 浪费时间 a great waste of time 有意义的 instructive adj. 六、感情原则词汇 效率 efficiency n. 少数民族 minority n. 充满深情的 affectionate adj. 沉湎于 indulge in 民族特性 national identity 忧虑 anxiety n. 沉迷于 be obsessed with 民族自豪感 national pride 孤独 apartness n, 消磨时光 pass time 思想开放 open-minded adj. 愉快的 cheerful adj. 自控 self-control n. 不流行了的 out of fashion 性格相似的 congenial adj. 自律 self-discipline 外来影响 outside influence 令人绝望的 desperate adj. 挤时间 squeeze time 通俗的 popular adj. 缺乏自信的 diffident adj. 占用 take up 宝贵的 precious adj. 行为古怪的人 eccentric adj. 上瘾 be addicted to 取其精华去其糟粕 reject the dross and 情绪 emotion n. 九、环保原则词汇 assimilate the essence 热情 enthusiasm n. 大气污染 atmospheric pollution 表现、象征 represent vt. 忠实的 faithful adj. 被耗尽 be exhausted 保护 retention n. 鼓励 foster vt. 美化 beautification n. 社会学 sociology n. 友好的 friendly adj. 污秽的 begrimed adj. 壮丽的 splendid adj. 失败的 frustrated 化学物质 chemical substances 时髦的 stylish adj. 隔阂 gap n. 条件 condition n. 表面的 superficial adj. 和谐的 harmonious adj. 保护 conserve vt. 传统文化教育traditional cultural education 怀有希望的 hopeful adj. 沙漠化 desertification n. 以……为骄傲 take pride in 忽视 ignore vt. 使恶化 deteriorate vt. 种族传统 tribal traditions 虐待 ill-treat vt. 灭绝 die out 多样性 variety n. 自卑的 inferior adj. 一次性产品 disposable products 五、道德原则词汇 内向的 introverted adj. 持久的,耐用的 durable adj. 虐待 abuse, 误会 misunderstanding n. 生态平衡 ecological balance 好斗的 aggressive adj. 乐观者 optimist n. 生态系统 ecological system 自私自利的人 an egocentric person 悲观的 pessimistic adj. 排放 emit vt. 易受社会恶习的侵蚀 be prone to social ills 反叛的 rebellious adj. 濒临灭绝的物种endangered species 虐待儿童 child abuse 浪漫的 romantic adj. 能源短缺 energy shortage 家庭暴力 domestic violence 诚挚 sincerity n. 环保的 environmentalist n. 有深远的影响 have a tremendous impact 紧张的 strained adj. 使加剧 exacerbate vt. 无知 ignorance 充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear 风景 landscape n. 不成熟的 immature adj. 不爱交际的 unsociable adj. 城市垃圾 municipal refuse 干涉 intervention n. 热心的 warm-hearted adj. 城市污水 municipal sewage 青少年的 juvenile adj. 忧虑 worry n. 噪声污染 noise pollution 松散的纪律 lax discipline 七、权利原则词汇 尽可能改善工作环境 optimize the 引入歧途的 misleading adj. 指责 accuse vt. environmen 天真的 naive 禁止 ban vt./n. 农药 pesticide 负面的影响 negative role model 公然侵犯 brazen encroachment 有毒的 poisonous 不恰当的材料 offensive material 公正的 candid adj. 污染物 pollutant n. 家长的过分宽容 parental permissiveness 集体主义 collectivism n. 毁灭 ruin v. 犯罪 perpetrate 秘密的 confidential adj. 水土流失 soil erosion 不正当的 perverted adj. 消费者协会 consumer’s association 土壤污染 soil pollution 恰当的指引 proper guidance opyright n. 版权 c废气 waste gas 合理化 rationalization 视为……权利 demand as one’s due 废水 waste water 抵挡住诱惑 resist the temptation 确立 establishment n. 水体污染 water body pollution 危险的行为 risky behaviors 被迫 force vt. 使变得更坏 worsen v. 行为榜样 role model 合理的 legality adj. 第二部分:个人总结生活话题分类词汇(特别关注二和三) 第二部分:个人总结生活话题分类词汇(特别关注二和三) 一、图表写作常用词汇?? 表格图table ;图表chart;diagram graph column cing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgradednan"SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively fibuilding onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing -reto increase funding in infrastructuthis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is 2 2009考研英语作文背诵精华之十三章经 沪江 风中劲草 倾力打造 www.hjbbs.com 转载请保留此信息 描述:show; describe; illustrate; reveal; represent 3. 双赢局面 win-win situation 数字figure; 数据 statistic; 百分比 percentage; 比例 proportion 4. 首创精神 pioneering spirit 一般have 10%; at 20%; over 40% 在面积上in area 5. 振兴中华 make China powerful and strong; 最高peaks; reached a peak/high point 6. 富裕 affluence 最低 bottomed out; reached the bottom 7. 繁荣 boom 变化 increase; jump; rise; climb; decrease; fall; drop; decline; 8. 购买力 buying power reduce; fluctuate; remain; steady; stable; stay; same 9. 竞争 competition 程度 sudden/suddenly; rapid/rapidly; dramatic/dramatically; 10. 生活费用 cost of living significant/significantly; sharp/sharply; steep/steeply; 11. 解决问题 crack the nuts gradual/gradually; slow/slowly; slight/slightly; stable/stably; 12. 大家公认 it is universally acknowledged that almost; nearly; approximately; exactly; precisely;increase by 13. 全力以赴 bring one’s talent into full play /decrease by (写出变化幅度) 14. 适应新的形势变化 adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to 合计200美元 add up to $200 总数达:add up to new environment/change 占世界总人数的20% make up 20% of 15. 获得成功 achieve/accomplish success 从……增加到 rose/grew/climbed from…to 16. 提出观点 advance/put forward/come up with 增加到 grew up to 增至最高峰:Rise to a high of arguments/ideas 减少到 decrease to 跌至最低谷:drop to a low of 17. 较好地驾驭生活 be a better pilot of one’s life 大幅度增长 increase sharply 飞速:rapidly;sharply;steeply 18. 对……很好的了解 have a better understanding of 高居榜首 Top the list/head the chart 19. 把某种因素考虑进去 take sth. into account/consideration; 饼状图/圆形图(pie chart) 稳固下降steady decline 20. give much thought to 由…组成:consist of/be made up of /be composed of 21. 品味人生/自由/青春savor the life/freedom/youth 占44%比例:account for /make up 44 percent 22. 交流经验 share experience/ideas/problems/knowledge 位居第一:rank the first 仅次于is second to23. 发挥,起到积极作用play an important/active/great 居第二位:in second spot 倒数第一is the last one role/part 第二大部份rank the second/the second largest section 24. 面临困难危险be confronted with danger/difficulty; in the 与..相比:compared with face of A与B成比例A be in proportion to B 25. 阻碍了成功stand in the way of success; be an 差不多:About/around/roughly 多达 as many as obstacle/barrier to 正好:Exactly/precisely 水平:level off 26. 缩小差别 narrow/fill the gap/gulf (between city and 递增:on the rise/increase/grow/rise/climb/go up country) 急剧上升: grow sharply; 27. 把成功/错误归因于 attribute/owe one’s success/failure to 递减:on the decline/decrease/fall/reduce/go down 28. 对……重要 be vital/important/indispensable to 曲线图(graph/chart/diagram)柱状图(bar chart) 29. 施加压力 exert/put pressure on 增加:increase/grow/rise/climb/go up 30. 重视 attach/assign much importance/significance to 减少:decrease/decline/fall/reduce/go down 31. 把注意力集中在 focus/concentrate one’s attention/efforts 剧烈/显著/大幅度:sharply/dramatically/significantly / rapidly upon /considerably / enormously/ profoundly/substantially 32. 抓住机会 grab/seize/take the opportunity 平稳/逐渐:steadily / gradually / slightly 33. 有可能 there is (little/much) possibility/likelihood that 持续上升/下降:on an increase / on the decline 34. 献身于devote/dedicate/commit oneself to a cause/career 保持不变:remain stable / remain steady / remain unchanged 35. 真正重要的是 what really matters/counts is 上升后变得平稳:reach a plateau 36. 影响思想,态度 shape one’s thinking/attitude 达到顶点/低谷:reach the top/peak / fall to the bottom 37. 实现自己的理想,愿望 realize/fulfill/achieve one’s 波动: fluctuate /rise and fall dream/hope; 达到了:reach / approach / add up to / amount to / increase to / 38. 减轻压力,紧张 reduce/alleviate the stress/pressure decrease to 39. 提高社会地位 upgrade social status; enhance social 某年发生的变化:1998 saw/ witnessed a sharp increase in…. position 是1998年的2倍:was twice as many as that in 1998 40. 加快,促进发展 accelerate/advance/enhance the 从图表上看:From these graphs development 得到结论:draw a conclusion 41. 随着生活节奏的加快with the quickening pace of modern 二、关于生活体验等(常考,特别重要)???? life 1. 产品科技含量 technological element of product 42. 充满激情have a burning desire for 2. 大学生创业 university students’ innovative undertaking 43. 充满渴望have a great passion for 劲草出品,必属精品 沪江论坛,真诚奉献 to increase funding in infrastructurethis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is re facilities have been upgradedhardwarmal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive ge. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and nobuilding onto a new sta-3 44. 沮丧的gloomy; 客观的 objective; 主观的 subjective comparison 45. 乐观的 optimistic ;悲观的 pessimistic; 23. 与……不同 different from 46. 怨恨的 resentful ;可敬的 respectable 24. 不同之处;差别;差异;区别distinction; dissimilarity; 47. 深远的影响 far-reaching consequences 25. 尖端科学advanced science 48. 以其最强有力的形式 in its strongest form 26. 一流的设施 first-rate facilities 49. 挣钱养活自己 earn one’s living 27. 扩大知识面 boraden one’s scope of knowledge 50. 赡养父母 support one’s parents 28. 人生观 outlook on life 51. 普遍现象 common phenomenon 29. 体验新文化 experience a new culture 52. 现代社会 modern society 30. 优缺点 strengths and weakness 53. 相互对立 in opposition to each other 31. 高素质、有经验的老师 highly qualified, well experienced 54. 不管 no matter how teaching staffs 55. 如何对待财富与幸福 how to approach wealth and 32. 多文化 multicultural happiness? 33. 脱颖而出 stand out from the crowd 56. 一个更美好更光明的未来 a much better and brighter 34. 核心能力 core competencies future 35. 独立思考 think independently 57. 从失败中吸取教训 draw useful lessons from 36. 挑战 challenge 58. 丧失信心并退却了 lose heart and give in 37. 机遇 opportunities 59. 人民对待……的看法截然不同 people are quite different 38. 开阔视野 expand your horizons from each other in their opinions on… 39. 与人交往 integrate with other people 60. 无可否认 there is no denying the fact that 40. 人际交往能力 interpersonal skill 61. 赏识他的非凡的能力 appreciate his exceptional ability 41. 建设性 constructive 62. 人才招聘会 job-hunting 42. 前景 prospects 63. 大势所趋 the wave of the future 43. 国际声誉 world class reputation 64. 一时冲动 an impulse activity 44. 发挥学习潜能 reach his or her full learning potetial 65. 体力劳动 physical labor 45. 素质教育 education for all-round development 66. 灵活的 flexible 46. 知识产权 intellectual property fights 67. 充分发挥……的积极性 bring one’s initiative into full play 47.失学儿童 dropout student 三、关于教育的词汇(非常重要)???? 48. 扫盲 eliminate illiteracy 1. 入学 enter; entrance 49. 人才外流 brain drain 2. 登记;注册 become a member of; to enroll; enrollment; 50. 复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent register; registration 51. 教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people 3. 录取 admission; be admitted to; accept 52. 精神文明建设 promote cultural and ideological progress 4. 获取进一步教育 obtain further education 53. 科教兴国 rely on science and education to rejuvenate the 5. 要求;录取条件 requirements nation 6. 录取 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 admission standards 54. 因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude 7. 学习成绩 academic record; academic achievements 55. 义务教育 compulsory education 8. 索要申请材料 request for application material 56. 知识经济 knowledge-based economy 9. 教育目标 educational goals 57. 丰富生活 enrich our life 10. 文凭 diploma 58. 扩大视野 broaden my horizon 59. 接触各种思想 be exposed to new ideas/experience 11. 学位 degree 12. 教育体制 educational system 60. 产生影响 have/exert a profound influence on 13. 学前教育 pre-school education life/personality; 14. 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 primary schools;elementary schools 61. have a dramatic/undesirable effect on 15. 中学 middle schools; high schools 62. 开阔眼界broaden one’s outlook; expand one’s mental 16. 初中 junior middle school; junior high school horizons 17. 高中 senior middle school; senior high school 63. 充分发挥能力give full play to one’s ability 64. 论题,主题:themes 18. 职业学校;技术学校 vocational schools; technical schools 19. 大学;学院 colleges; universities; institutes 65. 大学毕业生 university graduates 20. 同样地;类似地 likewise; similarly; in the same way 66. 儿童教育 child education 21. 与……相似;与……一致;和……等同 be the same as; 67. 热门话题 hot topic correspond to; agree with; resemble; be equivalent to 68. 教育专家 educational expert 22. 相反;与……不同;相比而言;另一方面;不过 in contrast; 69. 保护知识产权 protect intellectual property by contrast with/to; on the other hand; on the contrary; by 70. 成人教育和职业教育 adult education and vocational cing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgradednan"SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively fibuilding onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing -reto increase funding in infrastructuthis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is 4 2009考研英语作文背诵精华之十三章经 沪江 风中劲草 倾力打造 www.hjbbs.com 转载请保留此信息 education 31. 随着物价和房租迅速上升 with the prices and house rents 71. 文化素质 cultural qualities increasing rapidly 72. 推动 give a push to 32. 人均收入迅速提高 average personal income increase 73. 促进进步 promote progress rapidly 74. 概念 concept 33. 人口的出生率已经大大下降 there has been a great 75. 改进教和学 improve teaching and learning decline in birth rates 76. 按分数 according to the grades 34. 人民生活改善 the improvement in people’s living conditions 77. 培养 train, cultivate 35. 改革开放政策 the reform and opening-up policy 78. 地区性的 regional 36. 国民经济正在迅速发展 there has been a rapid expansion of 79. 读写困难 difficulties for employment national economy 80. 就业机会 opportunities for employment 37. 出生率已得到控制 the birth rate has been put on the control 81. 受过良好教育 well-educated 38. 对……的生存造成显著的威胁 cause the most significant 82. 遗憾的是 it is a pity that threat to the survival of … 83. 造成了困难 cause some difficulties 39. 日益增长的需求 ever-increasing demand 40. 满足人民日益增长的需求 meet the growing needs of 84. 希望工程 Hope Project people 85. 青年志愿者 Young Volunteers 41. 死亡率/出生率 death rates; birth rates 86. 有用的知识 useful knowledge 42. 医疗保健的改革 the improvement in medical care 87. 创新 innovation 43. 假冒伪劣商品 fake and inferior products 88. 分析的技巧 analytical skil 44. 多余的 redundant 四、关于住房、生活条件等的词汇?? 45. 难以抗拒的 irresistibly 1. 生活条件 living conditions 46. 房地产 real estates 2. 归因于 be attributed to 47. 刺激 spur 3. 提高……的能力 enhance the ability to 48. 动摇信心 shatter confidence 4. 生活水平 living standard 5. 刺激人们对……的渴望 stimulate people’s desire for 49. 大城市 metropolis 6. 制定政策 formulate policies 50. 空调 air-conditioning; air-conditioner;(空调机) 7. 向……提供贷款 grant loans to 51. 远远超过 far surpass 8. 为…拨出大量资金 allocate huge funds for 52. 左右为难 dilemma 9. 象征 serve as a symbol of 53. 代价太高 high cost 10. 改进生活better one’s life 54. 与日俱增 increase every day 11.随着物价和房租迅速上升 with the prices and house rents 55. 生活质量 the quality of life increasing rapidly 56. 偏远地区 remote areas 12. 高层建筑 high buildings 57. 高层建筑 high-rising building 13. 涌入城市 rush into the city 58. 住房建设 housing construction 14. 前景不容乐观 the condition is still far from being satisfactory 59. 从长远的观点看 in the long run 15. 当务之急是 it is urgent for us to … 60. 境况 circumstance 16. 开拓地下空间 open up underground housing area 61. 必然结论 inevitable conclusion 17. 住房问题 housing problem 62. 广大农村 vast rural areas 18. 公寓 flat 63. 推广 spread 19. 买房 buy accommodation 64. 把……应用于生产 apply…to production 20. 首付 down payment 65. 温饱问题 the people’s basic need for food and clothing 21. 院子 yard 66. 消费者协会 consumer association 22. 选择合适的房址 choose a proper location 67. 小康生活 living a relatively comfortable life 23. 当地居民 local residents 68. 不容忽视 cannot be ignored 24. 当地政府 local authorities 69. 生活环境变得卫生 living environment become sanitary 25. 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 生育 birth control 26. 脱贫致富 shake off poverty and set out on a road to 五、关于互联网的词汇??? prosperity 1. 互联网 the Internet 27. 突围困难 make breakthrough out of difficulty 2. 对…着迷,为…所困扰 be obsessed with 28. 许多问题 a host of/a multitude of problems 3. 网恋 cyber romance 29. 引起人们的注意 attract general/public attention to sth. 4. 对……表现出极大的兴趣 to display much interest in 30. 意识到 there is a growing awareness that; 5. 引起人们的兴趣和注意 to arouse people’s interest and concern 劲草出品,必属精品 沪江论坛,真诚奉献 re facilities have been upgradedhardwarmal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive ge. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and nobuilding onto a new sta-to increase funding in infrastructurethis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is 5 6. 找出……的原因 to trace the reason for... 21. 剥夺机会 deprive oneself of the chance/right 7. 由于thanks to (好的方面) due to(不好的方面) 22. 电视暴力对青少年行为有很大的影响力 violence on TV has 8. 高度的压力 high pressure a great influence on young adults’ behavior 9. 被剥夺 to be deprived of 23. 为了维护社会治安 in order to keep law and order 10. 在现实生活中 in real life 24. 应该接受法律教育 should be supposed to get a law 11. 爱上某人 to fall in love with sb. education 12. 虚幻的世界 unreal world 25. 越来越多的人increasing number of people 13. 尝试新事物 to try new things 26. 流行的,时尚的 faddy 14. 说谎 to tell lies 27. 提供营养 nourish 15. 形成正确态度 develop a correct attitude 28. 饥饿 starvation 16. 正确利用 to make proper use of 29. 营养不良 malnutrition 七、关于自然生态环境保护的词汇(99、00真题) 17. 成为……的牺牲品 to fall victim to 1. 保护环境 to protect the environment 18. 网上经营 web business 19. 网上文化 online culture 2. 生态系统 ecology; ecological system 20. 大众传播媒介 mass media 3. 丰富的自然资源 abundant natural resources 4. 可再生资源 renewable resources 21. 网上购物 on-line shopping 22. 发电子邮件 forward an e-mail 5. 石油petroleum;太阳能 solar energy; 电力electric power; 23. 网络经济 Cyber Economy 水电hydropower; 风能wind energy; 核能nuclear energy; 6. 野生动物wild life; wild animals 24. 网上冲浪 surf the net 7. 濒临灭绝的物种endangered species 25. 技术进步 technological advancement 8. 用尽 to deplete; depletion of; exhaust; use up 26. 跟得上变化 keep up with the change 9. 滥用地球资源abuse the earth’s resources 27. 计算机的发明 invention of computers 10. 砍伐森林deforestation 28. 信息安全 information security 11. 沙漠化desertification 29. 盲目追逐时尚 follow some fashion blindly 12. 危害现存物种endanger existing species 30. 形成不良活习气 be tempted into an unhealthy lifestyle 13. 全球变暖global warming 31. 信息网络 information network 14. 温室效应 greenhouse effect 32. 影响人们行为举止 influence the way that people behave 15. 破坏臭氧层 to destroy the ozone layer 33. 视觉娱乐节目 visual entertainment 16. 继续发展to continue to develop; 34. 易受影响的 susceptible 17. 保护to save; to preserve; preservation 35. 科技的发展 advance in science and technology 六、关于青少年犯罪和生活的词汇 18. 为了子孙后代for the future generations; for our descendants 19. 为进一步发展for further development 1. 青少年犯罪率 adolescent crime rate 20. 重复利用;再生to recycle; recycling 2. 持续上升 keep on a rise 3. 违反法律 break the law 21. 垃圾garbage ;废物waste 4. 应该是 re supposed to be 22. 工业废料industrial waste 5. 引起警惕和关注 cause alarm and attention 23. 废液liquid waste;废水water waste;废气exhaust gas 6. 放火, 纵火 arson 24. 可持续发展sustainable development; 7. 在大街上抢劫同龄人 rob their peers on the street 25. 解决问题 solve problem 8. 社会和经济背景 social and economic backgrounds 26. 能源危机 energy crisis 9. 青少年罪犯 young offenders 27. 环境恶化 the deterioration of environment 10. 青少年犯罪率的升降 the rise and fall of adolescent crime rate 28. 携手 make joint efforts 11. 保持在最低点remain at a minimum 29. 可居住 habitable 12. 预测后果predict the consequences 30. 生态环境破坏 destruction of ecological balance 13. 尽可能接受更多的教育receive as much education as possible 31. 大量砍伐树木cut down large numbers of trees 14. 使他们免受暴力的影响protect them from the influence of 32. 化工厂 chemical plant violence 33. 污染 contaminate n. 15. 将不良影响减小到最低点reduce the bad influence to a 34. 排出一大堆废水 drain a large amount of waste water minimum 35. 发出强烈的味道 give off a strong smell 16. 避免不良后果avoid harsh consequences 36. 公共危害 public hazard 17. 青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency 37. 采取强烈措施 adopt several strong measures 18. 拜金主义 money worship 38. 一系列的环境保护条例必须制定a series of environment 19. 虐待儿童 child abuse protection rules and regulations need to be laid down 20. 人们认为 it is generally /widely believed/held/agreed that 39. 尽快 as soon as possible cing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgradednan"SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively fibuilding onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing -reto increase funding in infrastructuthis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is 6 2009考研英语作文背诵精华之十三章经 沪江 风中劲草 倾力打造 www.hjbbs.com 转载请保留此信息 40. 保护生态环境 preserve the ecological environment 4. 肺癌lung cancer 41. 控制我们的环境 take control over our environment 5. 慢性支气管炎和肺气肿chronic bronchitis and emphysema 42. 因……而遭受痛苦 be plagued with 6. 死于,因……而死亡die of 43. 产生灾难性的影响 exert a disastrous effect on 7. 抽烟引起的疾病smoking-related diseases 44. 全球气候 global climate 8. 戒烟give up smoking 45. 山洪爆发 mountain torrents break out 9. 为了……for the sake of 46. 淹没农田 flood farmland 10. 想尽一切办法try every means 47. 席卷 sweep 11. 提高生产promote the production 48. 混浊不清 unclear and impure 12. 急剧增长sharp increase 49. 深受其害 suffer a great deal from 13. 将……视为portray...as 50. 造成巨大损失/灾难 bring about a lot of losses / disasters 14. a symbol of fashion 时尚的象征 51. 向政府呼吁 appeal to the government 15. 养成这种习惯pick up the habit 52. 建立一笔基金 set up a foundation 16. 严重后果the serious consequences 53. 保护森林资源 protect forest resources 17. 产生某种结果result in 54. 依法严惩 punish severely by the law 18. 心脏病heart attack 55. 鼓励市民 encourage city-residents 19. 对……有害do harm to 害大于利:do more harm than good 56. 极其严重的问题 extremely serious problem 20. 限制……put restrictions on... 57. 空气污染 air pollution 21. 个人的事private business 58. 采取有力措施 take strong measure to deal with 22. 死于肺癌 die of lung cancer 59. 众所周知 as is known to all 23. 危害人民健康 endanger people’s health 60. 缺乏淡水 lack of fresh water 24. 带来许多问题 brings about a lot of problems 61. 工业公司 industrial company 25. ……和……的关系 the relationship between 62. 做出了重要贡献 have made great contribution to 26. 烟草生产和消费 cigarette production and consumption 63. 工业的发展 the development of industry 27. 大大超过 substantially exceeds 64. 造成了许多公害 pose a host of public hazards 28. 心脏病 heart disease 九、关于电视、广告和媒体 65. 导致了严重的后果 lead to grave consequences 1、 生产厂商和消费者 manufacture and customer 66. 小沙丘 sand hills 2、 信息交流 information exchange 67. 标题上写着 the caption reads 3、 帮助人们跟上最新发展 help people to keep abreast with 68. 水土保持 water and soil conservation the latest development 69. 赶走 drive sb. away 4、 推广产品 promote and popularize new product 70. 与战斗 fight against 5、 商业竞争 commercial competition 71. 任由态势发展 let this situation go as it is 72. 遭受破坏 suffer a great destruction 6、 介绍科学技术新发展 introduce new development of science and technology 73. 温室效应 greenhouse effect 7、 视觉享受 visual enjoyment 74. 不断发展 ever-accelerated 8、 抢得市场先机 compete for the share of market 75. 天气预报 weather forecast 9、 广告宣传单 leaflet and handout 76. 太阳能 solar energy 10、 鼓吹不正确的消费观念 advocate incorrect ways of 77. 承担 take over 78. 功能 function consumtion 11、 不如实说明 misrepresent 79. 追求眼前利益 pursue one’s short-term interest 12、 虚假的 fictitious 80. 山区 mountain areas 13、 欺骗性 deceptive 81. 生态恶化 deterioration of the ecology 82. 酸雨 acid rain 14、 夸大的 exaggerating 83. 提高人们环境意识 raise people’s awareness of the 15、 误导人 misleading 16、 导致 lead to ;give rise to environment 17、盗版VCD pirated VCD 84. 保护生态环境 environmental protection 85. 用尽珍贵的资源 use up valuable energy resources 十、关于运动身体健康 86. 保存资源 conserve resources 1、 身体上的 physically 八、关于吸烟的词汇(样题) 2、 心理上的 psychologically 1. 惊人的增长an alarming increase 3、 首要目标 primary goal 2. 工业国家industrial countries 4、 渴望竞争 eager for competition 3. 发展中国家developing countries 5、 培养责任感 develop a strong sense of 劲草出品,必属精品 沪江论坛,真诚奉献 re facilities have been upgradedhardwarmal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive ge. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and nobuilding onto a new sta-to increase funding in infrastructurethis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is 7 6、 职业运动员 professional athlete 6. 享受午餐 enjoy lunch 7、 个人的表现 individual performance 7. 对…是件好事 is a blessing for sb 8、 提高技能 improve skill 8. 营养价值 nutritional value 9、 参与运动 be involve with sports 9. 传统饮食 traditional cuisines 10、 接触性运动 contact sports 10. 采取折中的态度 take a balanced position 11、 投身于 thrust into a highly competitive game 11. 胃口 appetize 12、 过分注重于 get so caught up in 十四、关于旅游 1、第三产业 the third industry 13、 愉快的经历 a pleasurable experience 2、优先 priority 14、 放松 relax 3、支柱 pillar 15、 娱乐 amusements 4、当地经济发展的支柱 a pillar of local econmic development 16、 性格培养 character-training 5、纪念品 souvenir 17、 势均力敌的比赛 a close game 6、迅猛发展的旅游业 booming tourist industry 18、 传达 pass on to 7、告别了贫困 say good-bye to poverty 19、有潜能 have potential 8、发扬民族文化 carry forward national culture 20、体形,身材 figure 9、实现可持续发展 achieve the sustainable development 21、大众健康 general health 10、保护自然环境 conservation of the natural environment 22、申办奥运会 bid for the Olympic Games 11、提高生活质量 enhance the quality of life 十一、关于人口、老龄化等(05年真题) 1. 人口老龄化 aging of population 12、 文化遗产 cultural heritage 2. 赡养 support 13、 迷人的景色 fascinating scenery 3. 稳固的经济基础 solid economic foundation 14、 旅游景点 tourist attractions 4. 家庭照料 family care 15、 大量的历史遗迹 a wealth of history relics 5. 社区服务 community services 16、 跨文化交际 cross-cultural contacts 6. 人口过剩 overpopulation 17、 增进友谊 promote friendship 7. 不发达国家 undeveloped countries 18、 当地文化的保护 the preservation of local culture 8. 失业 unemployment 19、 负面影响 negative effect 9. 工业国家 industrialized countries 20、 造成严重污染 cause serious environmental pollution 10. 公益服务 public services 21、 和平繁荣的环境 a climate of peace and prosperity 11. 拥挤 overcrowding 22、 破坏生态平衡 break the ecological balance 12. 人口爆炸 population explosion 23、 展示灿烂的历史文化 showcase the brilliant history and 13. 养育、抚养 foster culture 14. 社区服务 community service 24、 增加吸引力 enhance its appeal 15. 社会福利事业 social welfare system 25、 度假胜地 vacation spots 16. 逐步建立 gradually establish 26、 旅游黄金周 the golden week for tourism 17. 采取不同的态度 take different attitudes 27、 旅游旺季 the peak of the tourist season 28、 游览观光 spend one’s time in sightseeing 十二、关于民工以及贫困 29、 自助游 an independent travel 1、 农民工 migrant worker 2、 冲进城市 rush into the city 30、 随团旅游 a group travel 3、 经济发展 economic development 十五、贸易和经济 4、 低工资 underpaid 1、 挣外汇 earnings in foreign exchange 5、 宏伟的建筑 edifice 2、 出口额 export value 6、 城市居民 city residents / urban dweller 3、 文化需求 the cultural needs 7、 不可或缺 indispensable 4、 拉动内需 promote domestic demand 8、 交通拥挤 traffic congestion 5、 社区经济 community economic 9、 卫生问题 sanitation problem 6、 基础设施 infrastructure 10、 构成威胁 pose a threat to 7、 促进商业的发展 promote the commerce 11、 赚钱 make some money 8、 加快城市建设 accelerate the city construction and its 十三、关于饮食 embellishment 1. 快餐 fast food 9、 廉价市场 a bargain market 2. 麦当劳 McDonald’s 10、 消费者协会 a Consumer’s Association 3. 汉堡包 hamburgers 11、 物质生活 material life 4. 炸鸡 fried chicken 12、 泡沫经济 a bubble economy 5. 饭店 restaurants 13、 涉外经济 a foreign-related business cing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgradednan"SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively fibuilding onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing -reto increase funding in infrastructuthis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is 8 2009考研英语作文背诵精华之十三章经 沪江 风中劲草 倾力打造 www.hjbbs.com 转载请保留此信息 14、 财政收入 renenue 62. 围绕 focus on 15、 增加消费 increase consumption 63. 经济效率 economic efficiency 16、 财务支出 expenditure 64. 降低生产成本 lower production cost 17、 开放搞活经济 open up and enliven the economy 65. 生产力 productive forces 18、 售后服务 afer-sale service 66. 劳动生产率 labor productivity 19、 经济前景 economic prospect 67. 巨大发展 have made a big advance 20、 无限制的扩张 unrestrained expansion 68. 贸易往来 trade contracts, commercial intercourse 21、 经济特区 special economic zone 69. 投资环境 investment environment 22、 购买力 purchasing power 70. 职业道德 occupational ethics; professional ethics 23、 扩大合作 extend cooperation 71. 和别人合作 cooperate with others 24、 经济繁荣 economic prosperity 72. 实际经验 practical experience 十六、关于交通??? 25. 腐败和受贿 corruption and bribery 26. 打假 crake down on counterfeit goods/fake products 1. 交通问题:transportation problems 27. 经济全球化 economic globalization; economic 2. 交通繁忙时段:rush hour 3. 交通阻塞 traffic jams integration 4. 空气污染 air pollution 28. 商品价格 commodity prices 29. 扩大消费市场 tap the consumer market 5. 乘客 passenger 30. 全球化过程 globalization process 6. 交通工具 means of transportation 7. 能源危机 energy crisis 31. 充分就业 full employment 8. 不便 inconvenience 32. 全球经济 global economy 9. 噪声污染 noise pollution 33. 机械与电子产品 machinery and electronic goods 10. 行人 pedestrians 34. 假冒伪劣商品fake and inferior commodities 35. 现代技术 modern technology 11. 交通事故 traffic accident 12. 受伤 injuries 36. 购物中心 shopping centers 13. 筋疲力尽 exhausted 37. 对外开放 open the door to the outside world 14. 自然资源 natural resources 38. 取得显著成绩 make remarkable results 15. 建设 construction 39. 合资企业 joint ventures 16. 停车场 parking lots 40. 外商投资企业 foreign-invested venture 17. 铺设道路 laid down roads 41. 外资 foreign capital 18. 缓解交通阻塞压力 relieve the traffic congestion 42. 高科技产业 high-tech enterprise 19. 路况 road condition 43. 随着改革开放的贯彻执行 with the reform and opening up 20. 交通法规 traffic laws and regulations policy being implemented 44. 现代化家用电器 up-to-date household appliances 21. 公共交通工具 public transportation 22. 提高公众意识 raise the public awareness 45. 惩治腐败 combat corruption 23. 地铁underground / 地下隧道tunnels/ 地下道 underpass 46. 第三产业 tertiary industry 24. 方便和舒适 convenient and comfortable 47. 后起之秀 promising young people 25. 公共交通 public transport 48. 基础设施,基础工业和支柱产业 infrastructure, basic 26. 随着路况的发展 with the improvement in road industries and pillar industries conditions 49. 假冒伪劣 fake and poor quality commodities 27. 十分重视 attach importance to 50. 经济技术开发区 economic and technological development 28. 大力发展 strive to develop zone 31. 交通事故 traffic accidents 51. 经济特区 special economic zone 十七、其他一些要记忆的重点表达 52. 落后 backward 1. 巨大的胜利 huge victory 53. 恢复 restore 2. 充满信心 full of confidence in 54. 急需 need badly 3. 各阶层人民 all walks of life 55. 投资环境 environment for investment 4. 团结一致 be united as one 56. 集中力量 concentrate on 5. 互相冲突 in conflict with each other 57. 鼓励 encourage 6. 极其复杂的工作 extremely complicated work 58. 进口或出口import ,export 7. 权衡利弊 weigh up the pros and cons 59. 活跃市场 enliven the market 8. 从正反两方面来辩论 debate the matter pro and con 60. 人力资源 manpower, human resources 9. 流行,普遍存在 prevalence 61. 资金不足 short of funds 劲草出品,必属精品 沪江论坛,真诚奉献 re facilities have been upgradedhardwarmal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive ge. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and nobuilding onto a new sta-to increase funding in infrastructurethis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is 9 10. 暴利的,利润丰厚的 lucrative 62. 快乐的happy-----delighted/in good mood/in high spirits 11. 没收 confiscate 63. 很多的many----innumerable/countless/a large number of 12. 前景光明的 promising 64. 表明,揭示:Show ----indicate reveal reflect, demonstrate, 13. 消耗精力的 energy-consuming imply, suggest, illustrate 第三部分、作文谚语精选总结: 14. 威胁 intimidate 15. 抓住机遇 seize the opportunity 本末倒置Put the cart before the horse 16. 鉴定 identify 变化带来生机 Change brings life 冰冻三尺非一日之寒 Rome is not built in one day 17. 劳动强度 labor intensity 不加区别,相同对待 Treat equally without discrimination 18. 就业培训 vocational training 不言而喻 Speaks for itself 19. 跟上时代的步伐 keep pace with the times 得不偿失 It is not worth the candle 20. 获取知识的重要渠道 an important channel to acquire 颠倒黑白 Call black white and white black knowledge 恶习应除不应留 Bad customs are better broken than kept up 21. 造成损失cause a loss to 扬长避短 Exploit to the fully one’s favorable conditions and avoid 22. 被列为 be listed as unfavorable ones 23. 承担风险 bear the risk of 厚此薄彼 Say turkey to one and buzzard to another 24. 估算 estimate 患难见真情 A friend in need is a friend in deed 25. 指示,说明 instruction, direction 活着不是为了吃饭,吃饭是为了活着 Live not to eat, but eat to live 26. 原料 raw materials 家有一老,如有一宝 An old man is treasure of a family 27. 大型,中型,小型 large-size, medium-size, small-size 经验乃智慧之母 Experience is the mother of wisdom 28. 合理的发展 rationally developed 懒惰是万恶之源 Idleness is the root of all evil. 29. 长处,短处 strong point, week point 利大于弊 The advantages far outweigh the disadvantage 30. 各级政府government of all levels 良莠不齐 The good and the bad are intermingled 31. 各行各业的人们 people from all trades and professions 取其精华,去其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs 32. 祖先 ancestors 每个人都有短处 Every bean has its black 33. 连续十年 for ten years running 不应强求一律 All bread is not baked in one oven. 34. 衡量 measure, evaluate 逆境锻炼人 Adversity is a great schoolmaster 35. 财政资助 financial support 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 Slight negligence may lead to great disaster. 36. 主张 hold, state 前车之鉴 It is wise to learn at another man’s cost. 37. 牟取任何暴利 seek excessive profits 任何事物都有利有弊 No garden without weeds. 38. 普遍规律 general law 深入人心 Be deeply rooted among the people. 39. 巩固 back up, consolidate 事难两全其美You cannot have your cake and eat it. 40. 苦难经历 hard experience, sufferings 一概而论 Lump together under one head. 41. 改造 transformation 饮水思源 Never cast dirt into that fountain of which thou hast 42. 认真执行 faithfully implement sometime drunk. 43. 自力更生 self-reliance 友谊第一,比赛第二 Friendship first, competition second. 44. 对……有利 beneficial to 知识就是力量 Knowledge is power. 45. 加强 strengthen 自力更生 Regeneration through one’s own efforts. 46. 实行 implement, carry out 整天工作不玩耍,孩子变成大傻瓜 All work and no play makes 47. 自信心 confidence Jack a dull boy. 48. 战略目标strategic goal 自助者天助 God help those who help themselves. 49. 吃饭穿衣 food and clothing 第四部分:常用句式 50. 得传染病 contract infections 一、十大功能段落??? 51. 达到目标 attain our goals 52. 良好的沟通技巧 good communication skill 1)话题引出段 Nowadays, there is a growing concern over the issue of …… 53. 可以毫不夸张的说 it would be no exaggeration to say that People in growing numbers are directing their attention to …… 54. 危害harm----endanger/damage/threaten When it comes to ……, people’s notions may vary from one to 55. 获得get -----obtain/acquire/derive from another. 56. 解决solve----settle/resolve/tackle Recently, a heated discussion has sprung up as to …… 57. 问题/危机/灾难problem---difficulty/crisis/disaster 2)图画图表描述段 58. 著名的famous ----distinguished/prestigious 59. 充足的enough----sufficient/adequate/abundant As is vividly shown in the picture,…… 60. 出色的good/great-----remarkable/marvelous/impressive It is clearly depicted in the picture that…… This picture depicts a thought-provoking scene of …… 61. 严重的bad -----serious/severe/grave cing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgradednan"SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively fibuilding onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing -reto increase funding in infrastructuthis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is 10 2009考研英语作文背诵精华之十三章经 沪江 风中劲草 倾力打造 www.hjbbs.com 转载请保留此信息 The chart above provides a series of essential figures, illustrating frequently use them to enlighten the changes taking place in a time span of …years. 8、What the picture conveys goes far beyond only a……Instead, it 3) 观点对比段 carries cultural meanings. The fact that Opposite voices are now rising in the debate. Some people firmly 9、The picture below illustrates the real meaning of……by believe that……. On the contrary, quite a few people argue stressing the fact that that…… 10、I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the The controversial issue has aroused opposite opinions. One following example: focuses on …….. ;the other opinion revolves around…… 11、I believe that the relationship between people will be 4)利弊列举段 harmonious and that our society will be a better place for us to live Every coin has two sides, and this issue is no exception. Above in……(总结) all, …In addition…More importantly… However, the negative 12、The purpose of this picture is to show us that due (great influence it renders should not be neglected. ..not only …but also enough) attention has to be paid to…… Is this phenomenon a blessing or a curse.? The following list of 13、Why does this phenomenon appear? There are several advantages and disadvantages can explain everything. possible reasons for this. Above all……In addition 三、常用于开头的句式 5)举例说明段 例句:Recently, the problem of unemployment has been The following illustrations can serve as strong evidence of the phenomenon. brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels 6)原因列举段 place it on the agenda as the first matter. Why should this phenomenon take place? There are generally 例句:In the eyes of the public, official corruption means taking three factors accounting for it. bribes. But such corruption comes in many different forms. Having taken everything into consideration, we may attribute the 例句:Nowadays, a heated debate about whether one should sharp change to three aspects. step forward bravely in the event of crime is under way in China. 7)意义阐释段 Some people believe that one should step forward bravely no The purpose of the picture is to show us that due attention has to matter how dangerous it is, whereas others argue that one be paid to…. should put his or her own safety above anything else. Having scrutinized the details of the picture, we can discuss the 例句:When it comes to fake commodities, most people implications subtly conveyed from it. contend that people should battle against the falsehood of the 8)归纳结论段 fakes, but other people consider that buying fake commodities Taking into account all the analyses above, we may confidently means nothing but “unlucky” which is hard to avoid. come to the conclusion that…… 四、 常用于结尾的句式 9)预测趋势段 例句:It is hoped that we should pay more attention to the There is no denying that ……will continue increasing/decreasing problems of unemployment. in the better/worse direction. 例句:As long as we persist in spreading scientific knowledge Undoubtedly, the tendency reflected from the chart will undergo a among the masses, all the superstitions are bound to go out of continuous increase/decrease in the near future. our life. 10)建议措施段 例句:It is high time that the issue were to be solved so as to Therefore, it is imperative that we should take some drastic promote the economic development. measures. 例句:All the above evidence goes to show that the birth of As far as I am concerned, two effective measures must be computer has benefited our life greatly. immediately taken to pull through the crisis. 例句:My suggestion is that effective measures should be 二、精选句式 1、The picture is thought- provoking. What it illustrates is a taken to check population growth; otherwise, the potential common phenomenon in today's society consequences are unimaginable. 3、Examples to prove the view are abundant. The most persuasive 例句:Therefore, we should not only realize that competition and are the cases cooperation, like two sides of the coin, have to go hand in hand, 5、The set of drawings above vividly depicts……As is shown in the but fix more attention on how to make full use of … as well. first cartoon 五、 常用的过渡句式 6、To begin with, the purpose of the drawings is to show us 例句:Although lots of people follow the fashion, I still set my that……yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be heart on its negative effect on our society. taken more seriously. 例句:It is no easy job to find every reason for the increase in the 7、Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implication from number of teenagers who run away from their homes, but, on the these thought-provoking drawings. On the one hand, we can whole, two factors shout louder than others. First of all, …. 劲草出品,必属精品 沪江论坛,真诚奉献 re facilities have been upgradedhardwarmal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive ge. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and nobuilding onto a new sta-to increase funding in infrastructurethis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is 11 Second, … Tell him 1) why you ask for leave 例句:It is obvious that radio cannot compete with television in 2) what you will do to make up for it visuality, but it still possesses substantial advantages over Dear Mr. Wang, television. (One of these is…Another…Still another…) I very much regret I was unable to attend your English class 例:At first glance, the western-type democracy seems superior next Friday. to any other types. But on close examination, it does not entitle As you may know, we senior students have been busy every citizen of the same nation to the equal freedom to act. looking for jobs since the beginning of this semester. Luckily, I have got an opportunity to be interviewed by a well-known large 六、常用于描述漫画的句式。 pubic company, which I have longed to enter. Unfortunately, the 例句:The two pictures here illustrate how a flower in a interview is scheduled for next Friday. I really don’t want to miss this valuable chance, so I have to ask for leave. I know mid-term greenhouse is destroyed when exposed to a storm. exam is approaching, and next Friday’s class is important. In 例句:In the first picture, a lonely small boat, in spite of the good order to make up for it, I will ask a classmate to copy your PPT catch, does not disturb the fishes that are swimming leisurely. and take notes for me. I will study them carefully and hand in all While in the second one, the sea is over-crowded with fishing the homework on time. boats, and a lonely fish, desperately trying to escape, finds no I shall be very much obliged if you can approve my place to hide. application. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by my absence. 例句:As can be seen from the picture, the car breaks stops on Your sincerely the way and cannot move any further. Li Ming 必背大作文之一[背] ????? 例句:It is most likely that by drawing the pictures, the artist Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which intends not only to tell us the story of fish but also to set us you should1)describe the drawing, 2)interpret its symbolic thinking more about nature. meaning , and 3) give your comment. 图画内容:两人开着帆船在星空照耀下航行。文字:“理想如星辰---七、常用图表作文的句式: 在星光的指引下,我们可像航海者一样,勇敢前行„„” 例句:According to the figures shown in the table, we can see What a thought-provoking picture: two people are braving that great changes have been taking place in people’s diet over the world in their small boat at night, the waves roaring and the stars shinning. Inevitably there are dangerous rocks at sea, but the period from 1988 to 1998. with their ideals in mind, they pluck up their courage to forge 例句:After considering the information in the graph, we might ahead. conclude that the energy structure in rural areas has been What the cartoon symbolically reveals is that ideals, just like greatly improved over the past 15 years. stars, can spur us to break through the darkness into our desired goal. Life is unimaginable without ideals. Helen Keller, 例句:By comparison with 1990, it dropped by 15 percent. without ideals inspired by her dearest teacher, would not have 必背小作文之一 [备忘] “seen ” so many things through mere touch, and hence would not You are the manager’s assistant, and your company is going have moved the world by her touching story. In the same way, to donate some medicine to the patients in poor areas. Please Zhang Haidi, given her poor physical condition, would not have become a well-known writer without her ambition to rival life. write a memo to inform the faculty to have a meeting next week to With ideals encouraging us, we are moving forward more discuss about the donation。 eagerly and confidently. As dark night is formidable, so is a life void of ideals. Ideals To: All the faculty(收笺人) are stars overhead, leading us to plough the sea of From: Li Ming, Manager’s Assistant(发笺人职能部门) difficulties. With ideals in mind, we can cure fatal diseases; Date: May 26,2005 tame the ocean and we have every reason to believe that the future can only be better. Subject: Donation of Medicine to Patients in Poor Areas 必背大作文之二[推荐背诵] ????? All staff is required to attend the meeting, which will be held Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which next Monday in the meeting room. you should The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss the medicine 1. Describe the drawing, donation to the patients in poor areas, where the medical 2. Interpret its symbolic meaning, and conditions are extremely bad and the patients are in great need of 3. Give your comment. our help. Before the meeting, a detailed donation plan is required 图片内容:三个登山者在雪山攀登,尽管环境险恶,仍然不断向前。 for every department. Vitality on Great Peaks The meeting will begin at 2 o’clock in the afternoon and In the picture, we cannot simply see a quite snow-covered everyone should be present on time. mountain, but a mountain of vigorous life. A hard indisputable Li Ming reason remains: three mountain-climbers just represent “vitality on great peaks”, which is written at the bottom of the picture. 必背小作文之二[请假条] It is those people who dare to challenge the highest peaks 要点: 1) 请假原因,请假时间,理由要讲充分 2)你的补救措施 that deserve the most fascinating sight of life. Only when you You will have an English class next Friday, but you can’t attend it. dare to burn the bridge, can you push forward whole-heartedly Write a letter to your English teacher, Mr. Wang, to ask for leave. and win the battle wonderfully. Only when you are willing to leave cing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgradednan"SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively fibuilding onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing -reto increase funding in infrastructuthis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is 12 2009考研英语作文背诵精华之十三章经 沪江 风中劲草 倾力打造 www.hjbbs.com 转载请保留此信息 the clam life of dwelling on your quiet farm, can you appreciate the overwhelming beauty of surging billows, which will inspires you to find the true meaning of life. And the true meaning of life lies in the challenging of the past, which is symbolized by the foot of the snow mountain when it comes to the picture offered above. In reality, some people are inclined to be content with their present life and they are willing to pass their life in a steady lifestyle. Some others, however, are constantly aggressive, almost restless in pursuing their aims. It is hard to say the former way is dull but it is really the latter that will make our life as colorful and beautiful as the magnificent scenery. Put it the other way around, when the sightseer is standing on the top of a mountain, his sense of victory is beyond any limited description. 必背大作文之三[推荐背诵] Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the drawing, 2) interpret its implications 3) give your comments 漫画内容:图画中,可以看到一匹抬起前腿、将要奔驰的骏马,题On Education of China 目为:千里之行,是从第一步开始的。可见,文章主题应围绕“第The two pictures look so similar at one glance, but they 一步”语“千里之行”的关系展开讨论,可以讨论“起步”或“行are totally different. In the first picture, a peasant boy, carrying 动”的重要性。再看指导语可知,文章应以图画展开的内容为主题,a heavy bundle of rice straw is out of breath under the great (1)描述图画(2)阐述图画表达的含义(3)发表自己的看法。 pressure. His hope is to have a school to attend. In the second picture, a student is on his way home from school, a heavy bag of As we can see in the picture, a horse is starting the first books on his back. What he wishes is that he didn’t have to go to step in his journey vigorously. The prancing horse, together school any more. How can the two boys at the same age have with the line of words beneath that every journey begins with the such different ideas about attending school? first step, implies the importance of beginnings, and the necessity of getting off to a right start in anything that one undertakes. The two pictures show some problems in the present As we all know, the foundations of a building must be education system in China. In the poor countryside, especially strong, or else the whole structure will fall down someday. in some western parts of China, the education is also poor. There The pioneering of any enterprise always contains the soul of it, in are no buildings for classrooms, let alone good teachers. which is wrapped the whole motive, purpose and plan of the Children there cannot have regular education. They are venture. The success of autumn crops depends on the initial sometimes forced to leave their studies because their families steps taken in the spring. Therefore, it seems that the cannot afford the necessary fees. However, the situation is beginning point is dynamic and alive and often more totally different in the cities. Almost all the children in the cities can have regular education. They can enjoy the bright important than any other point in the journey. When asked classrooms and adequate facilities. But they have their own about the key to success, a successful author replied that the problems. What they face is the endless homework, which most helpful thing was to start writing. Without taking the first step, puts so much pressure on them that some students don’t want potential genius will contents itself with mediocrity. Only by to continue their studies. trying, the first can produce the second, the second the third, and so on to the very goal. Given the problems above, our government has taken some In sum, there is a magic potential in the first step taken measures. “The Hope Project” has been in operation to ensure toward a successful end in view. that children in the poor areas can achieve education. Some 必背大作文之四[重点推荐] strategies have also been put into force to reduce the pressure Study the two pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled on the students. Teachers are asked not to give too much “On Education of China” In the essay, you should (1) describe the homework. Emphasis should be put on the improvement of the pictures (2) interpret their meaning (3) give your opinion about the quality of the students. However, there is a long way to go in phenomenon 。 the improvement of our education conditions. The whole society should be mobilized to make some contributions to our education. 关注两图或者多图对比的漫画,话题为积极意义,涉及人的品 质特别是美德方面。可以参考背诵01年范文“爱心是一盏灯”和 04年范文“终点又是新起点”。 劲草出品,必属精品 沪江论坛,真诚奉献 re facilities have been upgradedhardwarmal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive ge. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and nobuilding onto a new sta-to increase funding in infrastructurethis precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is 13
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