首页 abfrgf塑钢门窗加工安装合同



abfrgf塑钢门窗加工安装合同abfrgf塑钢门窗加工安装合同 -+ 懒惰是很奇怪的东西,它使你以为那是安逸,是休息,是福气;但实际上它所给你的是无聊,是倦怠,是消沉;它剥夺你对前途的希望,割断你和别人之间的友情,使你心胸日渐狭窄,对人生也越来越怀疑。 —罗兰 塑钢门窗加工、安装分包合同 甲方:歌山建设集团达州“西苑佳居”项目部 乙方: 经甲乙双方协商,甲方施工的达州“西苑佳居”工程B标段 号楼的塑钢门窗加工、安装由乙方分包完成,为了明确双方的责任、应有的权利和履行的义务,依据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《中...

abfrgf塑钢门窗加工安装 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 -+ 懒惰是很奇怪的东西,它使你以为那是安逸,是休息,是福气;但实际上它所给你的是无聊,是倦怠,是消沉;它剥夺你对前途的希望,割断你和别人之间的友情,使你心胸日渐狭窄,对人生也越来越怀疑。 —罗兰 塑钢门窗加工、安装分包合同 甲方:歌山建设集团达州“西苑佳居”项目部 乙方: 经甲乙双方协商,甲方施工的达州“西苑佳居”工程B标段 号楼的塑钢门窗加工、安装由乙方分包完成,为了明确双方的责任、应有的权利和履行的义务,依据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《中华人民共和国建筑法》及其它法律法规和行政法规,遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实守信的原则,特签订本合同。 一、分包范围: 达州“西苑佳居”工程B标段 号楼施工图(包括二次设计)及设计变更所涉及的塑钢门窗的加工的安装。 二、材料选用标准 1、塑钢门窗型材 本工程门窗主型材采用未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC,U)型材,并按规定要求使用型钢; 2、塑料型材颜色 本工程采用华塑品牌双色共挤国标型材; 3、增强型钢的要求 3.1增强型钢应符合现行国家标准《聚氯乙烯(PVC)门窗增强型钢》JG/T131的规定。并满足抗风压设计要求; 3.2增强型钢厚窗不应小于1.5mm,门不应小于2.0mm。断面尺寸应符ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 合规范和设计要求; 3.3采用不低于GB/T 11253规定中Q235钢带力学性能的材料轧制,表面冷镀锌防腐处理。 4、玻璃: 4.1选用原片产于明达玻璃厂或三峡新型建筑材料厂的玻璃,白色透明玻璃,厚度详下列规定: ?采用5+9A+5mm中空钢化玻璃或6+12A+6mm中空钢化玻璃; ?中空玻璃加工厂不限; 4.2钢化玻璃的使用,所有门窗玻璃应采用钢化玻璃(中空玻璃采用双钢化中空); 4.3一般要求: ?按要求提供的玻璃,应具有上佳的装饰效果和采光、视觉作用。并能根据使用环境的要求,具有良好的隔音降噪、 阳光控制、减少热传递、抗冲击等适应和改善建筑环境的功能。 ?外观质量及尺寸偏差:必须符合国家现行规范及技术要求,在外观上不允许存在气泡、裂痕、缺角、夹印、叠层、磨伤、脱胶等缺陷。 ?中空玻璃的中空铝框四段拼接成型;分子筛(干燥剂)填充,采用全自动灌充工艺,中空玻璃结露点?-40?。 ?玻璃原片采用优质浮华玻璃,质量满足GB11614-1999要求。 ?钢化玻璃平整度要求:弓形度?0.2%,波形度?0.1%,质量满足国家标准GB/T9963-1998要求。 )密封胶及发泡剂满足相关规定。 4.4技术要求 -oncrete curing: release time after flamefully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of c perature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading notretardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold tem-the vertical transportation, fire 80) for-crete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBTTo shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of con mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss.-e time of 1.5 times. 2 transport readyde. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperatur, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigra?to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c -readyhe surface covered withulation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, tresistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calc2 ?有足够的强度,能满足建筑结构的要求; ?阻燃性能强 ?良好的导电性能,30米及30米以上的外窗与建筑物预留引下线连接后可作为避雷设施。 5、附件 5.1五金件: ?五金配件选用浙江“春光”五金件;外露五金件与型材室外侧同色,五金配置应满足强度需要,平开门需采用角部铰链。 5.2玻璃密封胶条、外墙密封胶及发泡剂 ? 玻璃密封使用密封胶条,胶条应符合《塑料门窗用密封条》(GB12002)的有关规定。 ?外墙防水密封胶选用高级防水嵌缝胶; ?密封胶条采用三元乙丙胶条,与型材配套; ?门、窗与洞口之间的伸缩缝选用 5.3密封毛条 ?选用常州“窗友”硅化毛条,符合现行标准《建筑门窗密封毛条技术条件》(JC/T635) . 所有安装五金件及固定增强型钢螺钉均采用镀锌螺钉。 6、塑钢门窗构造说明: ?窗型选择:平开窗:选用60系列平开窗 主型材可视面最小实测壁厚?2.5mm; 推拉窗:选用60系列推拉窗 主型材可视面最小实测壁厚?2.2mm; 平开门:选用60系列平开门 主型材可视面最小实测壁厚?2.8mm; f the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete haresistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness o-ed. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flameis usto impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjectedretardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat -80) for the vertical transportation, fire-ete pumps (HBThe pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, t mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to-room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready ing athan 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirr, casting temperature is greater t?r temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot wate-readys been poured, the surface covered with3 7、门窗及材料应满足设计所规定的节能要求 ?门窗应满足设计和规范规定抗风压、水密性、气密性、防火、隔音、隔热等各项技术指标; ?外窗热工性能应满足设计所规定的传热系数、遮阳系数、气密性等 各项指标。 三、作业内容及质量标准: 1技术准备: 1.1塑钢门窗安装前,应先认真熟悉图纸,核实门窗洞口位置洞口尺寸,检查门窗的型号,规格,质量是否符合设计要求,如图纸对门窗框位置无明确规定时,施工负责人根据工程性质及使用具体情况,作统一交底,明确开向,标高及位置(墙中,里平或外平等). 1.2 安装门窗框前,墙面要先冲标筋,安装时依标筋定位. 1.3 二层以上建筑物安装门窗框时,上层框的位置要用线坠等工具与下层框吊齐,对正;在同一墙面上有几层窗框时,每层都要拉通线找平窗框的标高. 1.4门窗框安装前,应对+50cm线进行检查,并找好窗边垂直线及窗框下皮标高的控制线,在可能的情况下,拉通线,以保证门窗框高低一致. 1.5 制订该分项工程的质量目标,检查验收 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 等保证工程质量的措施. 2 材料要求: 2.1塑钢门窗的制作和安装必须按设计和有关图集要求选料和制作;不得用小料代替大料,不得用塑料型材代替塑钢型材. 2.2 塑钢型材表面应经过处理,表观应光滑,色彩统一. 2.3 下料切割的截面应平整,干净,无切痕,无毛刺. the vertical transportation, fire 80) for-crete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBTTo shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of con mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss.-e time of 1.5 times. 2 transport readyde. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperatur, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigra?to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c -readyhe surface covered withulation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, tresistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calc-oncrete curing: release time after flamefully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of c perature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading notretardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold tem-4 2.4下料时应注意同一批料要一次下齐,并要求表面氧化膜的颜色一致,以免组装后影响美观. 3、一般规定 3.1塑钢门窗安装前,应对门窗洞口尺寸和标高尺寸进行复核;连接片质量、数量、间距等进行复核; 3.3建筑外门窗的安装必须牢固; 3.4塑钢门窗安装应采用预留洞口的方法施工,按照尺寸留设洞口,安装后洞口每侧有5mm的间隙,不得采用边安装边砌口或先安装后砌口的方法施工. 3.5塑钢门窗组合时,其拼樘料的尺寸,规格,壁厚应符合设计要求. 3.6立门窗樘前,应核对门窗樘的型号,规格,开启方向,安装位置及连接方式等,应符合设计要求,门樘下口的锯口线应与楼地面标高相同. 3.7塑钢门窗扇必须安装牢固,并应开关灵活,关闭严密,无倒翘,回弹现象,推拉门窗扇必须有防脱落措施,门窗扇的安装应在室内,外装修基本完成后进行. 3.8塑钢下滑道要设泻水孔,以便排水,推拉窗扇上口要设止卸块,两侧框要有防撞块,下槽口两端要加设橡胶角垫,并用玻璃胶满打,推拉窗扇下的滑轮应安装在同一条直线上. 3.9塑钢门窗的抗风压性能,抗空气渗透性能,抗雨水渗漏性能均应符合国家标准的规定,满足使用要求. 3.11门窗构件应连接牢固,需用耐腐蚀的填充材料使连接部位密封,防 80) for the vertical transportation, fire-ete pumps (HBThe pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, t mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to-room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready ing athan 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirr, casting temperature is greater t?r temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot wate-readys been poured, the surface covered withf the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete haresistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness o-ed. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flameis usto impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjectedretardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat -5 水. 3.12塑钢推拉门窗扇开关力应不大于100N. 3.13塑钢门窗扇的橡胶密封或毛毡密封条应安装完好,不得脱槽. 3.14塑钢门窗的所有五金配件均应安装牢固,位置端正,使用灵活. 4、质量标准 4.1塑钢门窗的品种,类型,规格,尺寸,性能,开启方向安装位置,连接方式及塑钢门窗的型材壁厚应符合设计要求:塑钢门窗的防腐处理及填嵌,密封处理应符合设计要求. 4.2塑钢门窗框的安装必须牢固;预埋件的数量,位置,埋设方式,与框的连接方式必须符合设计要求. 4.3塑钢门窗扇必须安装牢固,并应开关灵活,关闭严密,无倒翘;推拉门窗扇必须有防脱落措施. 4.4塑钢门窗配件的型号,规格,数量应符合设计要求,安装应牢固,位置应正确,功能应满足使用要求. 4.5塑钢门窗表面应洁净,平整,光滑,色泽一致,无锈蚀;大面应无划痕,碰伤;漆膜或保护层应连续. 4.6塑钢门窗框与墙体之间的缝隙应填嵌饱满,并采用密封胶密封;密封胶表面应光滑,顺直,无裂纹. 4.7塑钢门窗安装的允许偏差和检验方法应符合表国家检验标准 四、双方责任: 1、甲方责任: fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of c perature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading notretardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold tem-the vertical transportation, fire 80) for-crete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBTTo shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of con mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss.-e time of 1.5 times. 2 transport readyde. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperatur, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigra?to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c -readyhe surface covered withulation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, tresistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calc-oncrete curing: release time after flame6 1.1 负责工地现场的工程质量、安全生产、工程进度、配料用料的指挥、监督与管理。 1.2 负责提供设计文件及相关技术文件; 1.3 负责安排乙方工作量及现场进度,审核完成工程量,并根据所完成的工程量拨付工程款。 1.4乙方货到现场,甲方应提供堆放场所,用电、抹灰、收口由甲方负责。 2、乙方责任: 2.1严格按照施工图纸与设计变更通知施工,严格执行国家现行《施工技术验收规范》。尊重和服从业主、监理单位及甲方管理人员的监督与指挥,对工程质量全面负责并确保达到优良等级以上。 2.2 强化本施工队伍的安全生产教育,严格按操作规程施工,不乱搭乱拉电路管线,不私自安装电源插座,不强行、违章施工,严格杜绝火灾等其他安全事故的发生。否则由乙方承担由此产生之全部责任。 2.3 工人进入施工现场必须穿反光背心,佩带安全帽,不穿拖鞋,做到文明、安全施工、工完场清。 2.4 负责编制施工组织设计,由甲方负责以甲方名义上报各级部门审批。做到绝对服从甲方工程进度安排;班组长每天必须在作业现场, -80) for the vertical transportation, fire-ete pumps (HBThe pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, t mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to-room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready ing athan 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirr, casting temperature is greater t?r temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot wate-readys been poured, the surface covered withf the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete haresistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness o-ed. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flameis usto impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjectedretardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat 7 未经项目经理同意不得擅自离开工地。 2.5必须保证充足的施工人员及技术力量,人数稳定,工作效率高,否则因此而造成的延期交工、工程质量等问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 均由乙方承担。 2.6 确保安全、文明施工,否则由此造成之一切后果均由乙方自行负责,相关费用由乙方自承担。 2.7 乙方及其施工人员必须严格遵守、执行甲方制定的各项 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 及有关条例。如有违反且情节严重、严重影响甲方及公司声誉,甲方可责令乙方清场并另行安排其他施工队伍组织施工,剩余工程之进度款将不再支付。同时乙方应对由此给甲方造成之损失予以赔偿,由此产生之一切法律后果均由乙方自行负责。 2.8 该工程完工并移交甲方前,乙方应保障甲方不承担任何因人身伤亡或财产损失所发生一切责任,保障甲方不承担任何属于乙方及其施工人员引起之诉讼、控告、索赔责任及可能发生之相关费用。 2.9 乙方不得将依据本责任书取得,经甲方委托施工之施工任务再行转包,否则甲方有权立即收回本施工项目。 2.10建立健全安全生产责任制,进入施工现场人员,应严格遵守安全生产规章制度,做好各级 安全技术交底 冠梁施工技术交底夜间施工技术交底钢筋安全技术交底内容挡土墙混凝土技术交底灾后复工安全技术交底 ,加强安全教育和安全检查,做好新工人,零散作业人员的安全培训工作. fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of c perature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading notretardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold tem-the vertical transportation, fire 80) for-crete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBTTo shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of con mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss.-e time of 1.5 times. 2 transport readyde. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperatur, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigra?to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c -readyhe surface covered withulation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, tresistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calc-oncrete curing: release time after flame8 五、工程工期: 1、本工程塑刚门窗框施工工期自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止,施工工期为 日。 2、本工程塑刚门窗扇施工工期自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止,施工工期为 日。 六、塑刚门窗面积计算方式: 安装完成后,以框外围为准计算门窗面积。 七、付款方式 1、每栋门窗框安装完成后,按已完门窗框的70%支付; 2、门窗扇安装期间,按每月实际门窗扇安装完成量的60%支付 3、门窗安装后,初步验收合格,支付至已完工作量的70%; 4、结算办理完毕,提供完满足要求的相关资料后,支付至结算价款的80%; 5、职能部门验收合格后,至已完工程的90%; 6、协助业主交房率达到70%后十日内,支付至结算价款的97% 7、至验收合格之日起满2年后,支付结算价款的3%。 八、劳动纪律与安全责任 1.甲方应根据国家、公司的有关劳动法律、法规,政策,制定和完善项目部的规章制度,依法管理乙方。 2.乙方应有责任严格遵守国家、地方政府的各种法律、法规及政策,遵守甲方的各项规章制度、劳动纪律,无条件服从甲方的管理和教育。 3. 乙方应如实呈报进场人数及进场人员身份证(复印件),不得使用童 s been poured, the surface covered withf the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete haresistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness o-ed. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flameis usto impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjectedretardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat -80) for the vertical transportation, fire-ete pumps (HBThe pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, t mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to-room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready ing athan 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirr, casting temperature is greater t?r temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot wate-ready9 工,不得带小孩进入工地。 4.乙方进场人员严禁私接电源和使用电发热用具。严禁在工地内打架斗殴,有盗窃行为,所造成的一切费用自理。 5.安全责任按国家有关安全法规另行签定安全合同。 八、保修责任 塑钢门窗完安装经甲方验收后,由甲方负责成品保护。质保期2年,乙方负责在2年之内产品若因质量问题包修包换,二年之后负责终身维修(有偿服务)。 九、违约责任:按总金额的5%,由违约方赔偿另一方。 十、履约保证金 为确保整个工程的施工进度、质量要求,甲方向乙方收取履约保证金5,(承办内容的工程造价),在一次付款时返还。 十一、乙方负责所完成工程的检测验收及所含费用; 十二、本合同的未尽事宜按国家的法律、法规及有关政策执行。 十三、本合同一式四份,甲乙双方签字、盖章后生效。双方各总执两份。 甲方: 乙方: 甲方代表: 乙方代表: perature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading notretardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold tem-the vertical transportation, fire 80) for-crete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBTTo shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of con mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss.-e time of 1.5 times. 2 transport readyde. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperatur, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigra?to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c -readyhe surface covered withulation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, tresistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calc-oncrete curing: release time after flamefully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of c 10 合同签定时间: 年 月 日 -80) for the vertical transportation, fire-ete pumps (HBThe pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, t mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to-room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready ing athan 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirr, casting temperature is greater t?r temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot wate-readys been poured, the surface covered withf the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete haresistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness o-ed. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flameis usto impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjectedretardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat 11
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