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[论文]热点话题词汇[论文]热点话题词汇 一、文化教育 2ll工程2ll Project (大学)代理校长Acting President (大学)副校长Vice President (大学)校长President; Chancellor (大学)专科Junior college (大学的)研究小组; 讨论会seminar (国家)助学金(state)stipend,subsidy (小学)校长Head; Master (职工)子弟学校school for children of workers & staff membe...

[论文]热点话题词汇 一、文化教育 2ll 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 2ll Project (大学)代理校长Acting President (大学)副校长Vice President (大学)校长President; Chancellor (大学)专科Junior college (大学的)研究小组; 讨论会seminar (国家)助学金(state)stipend,subsidy (小学)校长Head; Master (职工)子弟学校school for children of workers & staff members 爱国主义教育education in patriotism 百分制l00-mark system 班主任Class Discipline Adviser; Head teacher 办学效益efficiency in school management 半工半读学校part-work and part-study school 半文盲semiliterate; functional illiterate 包分配guarantee job assignments 被授权be authorized to do 必修课required,compulsory course 毕业典礼graduation ceremony; commencement 毕业鉴定graduation appraisal 毕业论文thesis; dissertation 毕业设计graduation design 毕业生graduate 毕业实习graduation field work 毕业证书diploma; graduation certificate 博士doctor(Ph. D) 博士后post doctorate 博士后科研流动站center for postdoctoral studies 补考make-up examination 补习学校continuation school 不及格fail 财贸学校finance and trade school 财政拨款financial allocation 成绩单school report; report card; transcript 成人教育adult education 成人学校adult school 成人夜校night school for adults 初等教育elementary education 初中junior middle school 创新精神be innovation-minded; to have a creative mind 辍,失学青少年school dropout,leaver 大专生junior college student 大专文凭associate degree 德才兼备to combine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and ability 低年级学生lower grade pupil,student; pupil, student in junior grades 电力学校electric power school 电视大学T. V. university 定向招生students are admitted to be trained for pre-determined employers 动员mobilize 短训班short-term training course 多学科的multi-disciplinary 发挥学生的主动性、创造性to give scope to the students’ initiative and creativeness 反复灌输inculcate 分数mark; grade 分校branch school 服务性行业service trade 辅导员assistant for political and ideological work 附属中学attached middle school 副教授associate professor 副修minor 副主任vice-chairman 岗位 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 undergo job-specific training 高等教育higher,tertiary education 高等学校institution of higher education 高年级学生upper,higher grade pupil,student; pupil,student in senior grades 高中senior middle school 工业大学polytechnic university 工业学院engineering institute 公费生government-supported student 公开课open class 共产主义道德品质communist ethics 共产主义教育education in communism 广播电视大学television and radio broadcasting university 贵族学校exclusive school(美); select school(英) 国际文化交流intercultural communication 国际主义教育education in internationalism 国家发明奖National Invention Prize 国家教育经费national expenditure on education 国家科技进步奖National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology 国家统计局the State Statistical Bureau 国家自然科学奖National Prize for Natural Sciences 函授大学correspondence college 后勤服务社会化make logistic services independent in their operation 护士学校nurses’ school 化工学校chemical engineering school 会计学校accountant school 伙食补助food allowance 伙食费board expenses 基本框架basic framework 基础科学the fundamentals 基础课basic course 基金会foundation 及格pass 积极发展民办教育Efforts should be made to develop schools not operated by government education departments. 集体主义教育education in collectivism 记者招待会press conference 技工学校school of technology 寄宿生boarder 假期工作vacation jobs 坚持社会主义方向to keep to the socialist orientation 兼职教授part-time Professor 建筑工程学校building engineering school 建筑系Department of Architecture 讲师lecturer,instructor 奖励rewards 奖学金scholarship 奖学金生prize fellow 教材编写组Teaching Materials Writing Group 教师进修学校teachers’ college for vocational studies 教授professor 教书育人to educate the person as well as impart book knowledge 教务长Dean,Director of Teaching Affairs 教学大纲teaching program; syllabus 教学内容content of courses 教学人员the faculty; teaching staff 教学组teaching group 教研室,组teaching and research section,group 教研室主任Head of the Teaching and Research Section 教育部Ministry of Education 教育程度educational background 教育方针guideline(s),guiding principle(s) for education 教育程度educational status; education received 教育程度比率educational attainment ratio 教职员teaching and administrative staff 结合、使加人incorporate 进修班class for advanced studies 进修课程refresher course 考试examination 考研take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate study 考研热the craze for graduate school; graduate mania 客座教授visiting professor; guest professor 课程course; curriculum 课程包括curriculums include 课程表school timetable 课程重点部分educational highlights 课堂讨论class discussion 课外辅导instruction after class 课外活动extracurricular activities 课外阅读outside reading 理工科大学college,university of science and engineering 理科大学university of science 领取助学金的学生a grant-aided student 留级to repeat the year’s work; to stay down 留学生international student 聋哑学校school of deaf-mutes 论文答辩(thesis)oral defense 论文导师supervisor 盲人学校school for the blind; blind men’s school 美术学院academy of fine arts 私立学校private school 名誉教授honorary professor 母校Alma Mater 年龄段(层)age bracket 农学院agricultural college 农业大学agricultural university 农业中学agricultural middle school 旁听生(美)auditor 旁听生(英)guest student 培养独立分析问题和解决问题的能力to cultivate the ability to analyze and solve concrete problems independently 培养学生自学能力to foster the students’ ability to study on their own 普遍教育general education 普及教育universal education 启发式elicitation method(of teaching); heuristic method 启发学生独立思考的能力to help develop the ability of the students to think things out for themselves 切实减轻中小学生过重的作业负担effectively reduce too heavy homework assignments for primary and secondary school students 人才枯竭exhaustion of human resources 三学期制the trimester system 扫盲班literacy class 商业学校commercial school 社会参与communal participation 社会活动social activities 社会实践social practice 升级to be promoted to a higher grade 升学to go to a school of a higher grade; to enter a higher school 升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade 师范大学normal university; teachers’ university 石油地质学校petroleum geological school 实习生intern 实行分区规划practice regional planning 实验室主任laboratory chief 实验员laboratory technician 实验中学experimental middle school 示范试点demonstration pilot project 实现基本普及九年义务教育The goal in the effort to make nine-year compulsory education basically universal has been attained. 授予(学士)confer 授予某人学位to confer a degree on sb. 暑期工作summer jobs 双学士制a double bachelor’s degree system 水产技术学校marine products technical school 水利学校water conservancy school 税收tax revenue 硕士master 所学课程courses taken 特别训练special training 提高„的思想品德enhance the moral awareness of. . . 体育活动physical activities 体育学院physical culture institute 填鸭式教学法cramming,forced-feeding method of teaching 铁路机械学校railway machinery school 铁路技术学校railway. engineering school 听课to visit a class; to sit in on a class; to attend a lecture 图书管理员librarian 托儿所nursery; creche 脱产培训off-job training 外籍教授foreign professor 外语学校foreign languages school 卫生学校health school 文科liberal arts 文科大学university of liberal arts 五分制the 5-grade marking system 舞蹈学校dancing school 希望工程Project Hope 系主任Department Chairman; Department Head 系主任办公室Office of the Department Head 小学primary(elementary)school 校友alumnus; alumna 协调发展coordinated and balanced program of development 新增劳动力incoming labor force 选修课elective,optional course 学费tuition(fee) 学分credit 学分制the credit system 学历education; educational background; record of formal schooling 学龄儿童school-ager 学年school,academic year 学期(school) term; semester 学前教育preschool education 学生会students’ union 学士bachelor 学术报告会, 专题讨论会symposium 学术活动academic activities 学位degree 学习成绩academic record; school record 学习年限period of schooling 学院院长Dean of College; Head of College学制educational system 研究生graduate student; postgraduate (student) 研究生毕业学位证graduate diploma; graduate degree’s diploma 研究生指导教师graduate teacher; research supervisor; faculty adviser 药科大学pharmaceutical university 冶金机械学校metallurgical machinery school 兼职工作part-time jobs 业余学校spare. time school 业余艺术amateur arts 体育学校athletic school 业余职工大学spare-time college for staff and workers 夜校evening(night)school 医科大学medical university 义务教育compulsory education; free education 艺术学校art school 音乐学院conservatory of music 应届毕业生graduating student; this years graduates 应试教育exam-oriented education 优化教师队伍optimize the teaching staff 优秀干部excellent leader 优秀团员excellent League member 邮电学校posts & telecommunications school 幼儿园kindergarten 娱乐活动recreational activities 渔业航海学校fishery and navigation school 在职博士生on-job doctorate 在职进修班in-service training course 招生就业指导enrolment and vocation oance 在职培训on-the-job,in-service training 政治思想教育political and ideological education 职工大学college for workers & staff members 职前教育pre- service education 职业道德professional ethics 职业技术教育vocational and technical education 职业学校vocational school 职业中学vocational middle school 中、小学校长headmaster,headmistress; principal 中等技术学校secondary technical school; technical secondary school 中等教育secondary education 中等专业学校secondary specialized school; polytechnic school 中学middle (secondary) school 中医学院institute of traditional Chinese medicine 终身教授lifetime professor 重点大学key university 重点学科key disciplinary areas or priority fields of study 重点学校key school 主副修制a system of a major field (specialization) plus a minor field 主修major 住宿生boarder 助教Teaching Assistant(T. A. ) 注册人数enrollment 专门课程specialized courses 专任教师full-time teacher 专修科special (training) course 专业specialty; major 专业课specialized course 专职教师full-time teacher 资料中心data center 中专生secondary specialized or technical school student 自费生commoner 自学成才to become educated through independent study 自学考试self-taught examination 综合性大学comprehensive university 总务长Director in Charge of General Affairs 走读生day student; non-resident student; extern 二、生活就业 安居工程housing project for low-income families 安居小区a neighborhood for tow-in-come families 按劳分配distribution according to one’s performance 保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women’s right to employment 奔小康strive for a relatively comfortable life 城镇居民最低生活保障guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents 城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical allowances system for urban medical insurance system for un-employees 春运(passenger)transport during the Spring Festival 待业人员job seekers 待遇优厚的工作a well-paid job 单亲家庭single parent family 定向培训training for specific posts 独生子女the only child 对口扶贫provide poverty alleviation aid to the designated sister regions 恶性犯罪major crimes 反对迷信be against superstition 福利分房buy a benefit-oriented apartment from the organization one works with 复式住宅compound apartment 干部年轻化rejuvenation of cadres 岗位培训on-job training 高度重视精神文明建设pay close attention to cultural and ethical progress 搞好优生优育promote good prenatal and postnatal care 个人自愿计划voluntary private plans 工伤保险制度the on-job injury insurance system 工资收入分配制度the wage and income distribution system 关系国计民生的大事matters vital to national well-being and the people’s livelihood 关心老龄人care for senior citizens 国企下岗职工基本生活保障guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises 过紧日子tighten one’s belt 过温饱生活live a life at a subsistent level 合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure 基本养老金basic pensions 计划生育责任制responsibility system of family planning 住房分配货币化capitalization of housing distribution,location 加强计划生育工作further improve family-planning 加强舆论监督ensure that the correct onentatmn is maintained in public opnion 家庭美德family virtues 建立集体 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 制度to establish a group contract system 建立市场导向的就业机制to establish a market-oriented employment mechanism 建立新型的劳动关系to establish a new type of labor relations 建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府build a clean and diligent, pragmatic and efficient government 建设一个富强、民主、文明的国家build a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced country 减员增效downsizing for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency 戒毒所drug rehabilitation center 精算界actuarial profession 精算师actuary 扩大就业和再就业to expand employment and reemployment 劳动保障监察制度the labor security supervision system 劳动标准体系labor standard system 劳动争议处理体制the system of handling labor disputes 面临困境face adverse conditions 努力稳定低生育水平work to stabilize the low birth rate 培养创新精神和实践能力help them develop practical abilities and a spirit of innovation 破案率rate of solved criminal cases 强制性普及 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 universally compulsory program 人口出生率birth rate 人口老龄化aging of population 人口增长的高峰期baby boom 人民生活水平quality of life; the living standards 弱势群体disadvantaged groups 扫除青壮年文盲eliminate illiteracy among young and middle-aged people 伤残保险disability insurance 社会保障social security 社会福利制度the social welfare system 社会公德social morality 社会互助制度the social mutual help system 社会治安状况好转see an improved law-and-order situation 生活待遇material amenities 生活费收入income available for cost of living 生活费用cost of living; income maintenance; subsistence cost 生育保险制度the childbirth insurance system 失学儿童dropouts 失业保障guarantee of unemployment insurance benefits 失业保险unemployment insurance 失业保险金unemployment insurance benefits 失业保险制度the unemployment insurance system 失业率rate of unemployment 实施积极促进就业的政策to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment 实现小康目标attain the goal of ensuring our people a relatively comfortable life 实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式to adopt elastic, flexible, diversifted forms of employment 实行计划生育、控制人El数量、提高人口素质promote family planning and control the population size and improve the health of the people 实行劳动合同制度to institute a labor contract system 树立正确的价值观、世界观、人生观foster the morally sound values and out-look on the world and life 提高劳动者素质to enhance workers’ quality 统筹兼顾城乡就业to make overall plans for urban and rural system 推动就业服务向社区延伸, 形成多层次的就业服务网 络to encourage the formation of community??run agencies at a part of the multi-level employment service network 推进素质教育push ahead with education for all-around development 推行职业资格证书制度to introduce vocational qualification credentials system 退休基金pension fund 脱贫lift off poverty; cast off poverty 完善和落实再就业优惠政策to improve and plement rerential reprove implement prelerennat employment 完善失业保险制度to improve the unemployment insurance system 文明城市modern city; culturally advanced city 物业管理estate management; property management 下岗职工laid-off workers 消费价格总水平the general price level 小家庭nuclear family 小康生活enjoy a fairly comfortable life; be moderately better off 新生儿死亡率infant mortality rate; neonatal mortality rate 行行出状元Every profession produces its own leading authority. 养老保险retirement insurance 养老保险制度the old-age insurance system 医疗保险medical insurance 医疗保险制度the medical insurance system 优抚安置制度the special care and placement system 优化就业结构to optimize employment structure 有公德心be civic-minded 舆论导向direction of public opinion 舆论监督supervision by public opinion 预期寿命life expectancy 灾害救助制度the natural disaster lief system 争取实现高等教育大众化work to make regular higher education accessible to the majority of young people 政府主导计划government-sponsored programs 职业道德ethics of profession 重视发展具有比较优势和市场潜力的劳动密集型 企业to stress the development of labor--intensive enterprises with comparative advantages and market potential 抓好农村和流动人El计划生育管理与服务devote efforts to the management of family planning and related services in rural areas and among the floating population 自然增长率natural growth rate 自学成才self-taught and self-made person; become a qualified professional through self-taught way 最低生活保障制度the minimum living standard security system 三、环境保护 地球村global village 世界环境日World Environment Day (June 5th each year) 中国环保基本方针China’s guiding principles for environmental protection 坚持环境保护基本国策adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection 推行可持续发展战略pursue the strategy of sustainable development 促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth 实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一bring about harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and environmental protection 环保基本政策the basic policies of environmental protection 预防为主、防治结合的政策policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control 污染者负担的政策“the-polluters-pay policy 强化环境管理的政策policy of tightening up environmental management 对新项目实行环境影响评估conduct environmental impact assessments (EIA) on start-up projects 提高全民环保意识raise environmental awareness among the general public 查处违反环保法规案件investigate and punish acts of violating laws and regulations on environmental protection 环保执法检查environmental protection law enforcement inspection 限期治理undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time 生态示范区coo. demonstration region; environment-friendly region 对水质和空气质量的影响impact on the quality of the water and the air 治理环境污染curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control 工业固体废物industrial solid wastes 白色污染white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics) 城市垃圾无害化处理率decontamination rate of urban refuse 垃圾填埋场refuse landfill 垃圾焚化厂refuse incinerator 防止过度利用森林protect forests from overexploitation 森林砍伐率rate of deforestation 水土流失water and soil erosion 农药残留pesticide residue 水土保持conservation of water and soil 生态农业environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture 水资源保护区water resource conservation zone 海水淡化sea water desalinization 保护珊瑚礁、红树林和渔业资源protect coral reefs, mangrove and fishing resource 绿化祖国turn the country green 全民义务植树日National Tree-Planting Day 造林工程afforestation project 绿化面积afforested areas; greening space 森林覆盖率forest coverage 防风林wind breaks 防沙林sand breaks 速生林fast-growing trees 降低资源消耗率slow down the rate of resource degradation 开发可再生资源develop renewable resources 环保产品environment-friendly products 自然保护区nature reserve 野生动植物wild fauna and flora 保护生存环境conserve natural habitats 濒危野生动物endangered wildlife 珍稀濒危物种繁育基地rare and endangered species breeding center 自然生态系统natural ecosystems 环境负荷carrying capacity of environment 三废综合利用multipurpose use of three types of wastes 先天与后天nature and nurture 美化环境landscaping design for environmental purposes 防止沿海地带不可逆转恶化protect coastal zones from irreversible degradation 环境恶化environmental degradation 城市化失控uncontrolled urbanization 温饱型农业subsistence agriculture 贫困的恶性循环vicious cycle of poverty 大气监测系统atmospheric monitoring system 空气污染浓度air pollution concentration 酸雨、越境空气污染acid rain and trans-boundary air pollution 二氧化硫排放sulfur dioxide emissions 悬浮颗粒物suspended particles 工业粉尘排放industrial dust discharged 烟尘排放soot emissions 二氧化氮nitrate dioxide 矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气)fossil fuels; coal, oil, and natural gas 清洁能源clean energy 汽车尾气排放motor vehicle exhaust 尾气净化器exhaust purifier 天然气汽车gas-fueled vehicles 电动汽车cell-driven vehicles; battery cars 温室效应greenhouse effect 噪音noise(分贝db; decibel) 四、经济发展 包干到户work contracted to households 包干制overall rationing system; scheme of payment partly in kind and partly in cash 保税区the low-tax, tariff-free zone; bonded area,zone 不良贷款non-performing loan 产值output value 吃大锅饭egalitarian practice of“everybody eating from the same big pot’’ 吃皇粮receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government 第一产业primary industry 第二产业secondary industry 第三产业tertiary industry 独资企业wholly foreign owned,funded enterprise 发电量electric energy production 发挥市场的调节作用to give play to the regulatory role of the market 发展过快excessive growth 防范和化解金融风险take precautions against and reduce financial risks 防洪工程flood-prevention project 非法外汇交易illegal foreign exchange transaction 非公有成分non-public sectors 非贸易收汇foreign exchange earnings through non-trade channels 非银行金融机构non-bank financial institutions 分配形式forms of distribution 风险资金risk funds 副业sideline production 改善经济环境improve economic environment 搞活企业invigorate,revitalize,rejuvenate enterprises 各尽所能, 按劳,需分配from each according to his ability, to each according to his work,needs 公有制public ownership 鼓励give incentive to 管理不善poor management 国民生产总值GNP (Gross National Product) 国内生产总值GDP(Gross Domestic Product) 国有经济, 即社会主义全民所有制经济, 是国民经济 中的主导力量The state economy is the sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people; it is the leading force in the national economy. 国有资产state-owned assets 合资企业joint venture 合作企业cooperative enterprise 和平演变peaceful evolution 实行宏观控制exercise macro-control 机电产品electromechanical products 积极的财政政策active fiscal policy 计划经济和市场调节相结合的机制a hani; thai corn]"planned mechanism that combines planned economy and market regulation 家庭联产责任承包制family-contract responsibility system 结售汇制度the system of exchange settlement and sales 解放生产力liberate,unshackle,release the productive forces 经济计划和市场调节相结合to combrae economic planning with market regulation 经济结构改革reform in economic structure 经营机制operative mechanism 拉动经济增长fuel economic growth 粮食收储企业grain collection and storage enterprise 粮食销售市场grain sales market 劣质工程shoddy engineering 林业forestry 零售retail 流通制度circulation system 全民所有制ownership by the entire,whole people 全体会议plenary session 人均国民生产总值per capita GNP 人均收人per capita income 融资渠道financing channels 商品经济commodity economy 商业信贷原则the principles for commercial credit 社会主义集体所有制socialist collective ownership 生活资料means of livelihood,subsistence 剩余劳动力surplus labor 实际增长率actual growth rate 实事求是seek truth from facts 私有制private ownership 外资企业foreign-funded enterprise 引进、输人importation 有效地控制通货膨胀effectively control inflation 整顿经济秩序rectify economic order 总工资total wages 五、社会焦点 AA制Dutch treatment; go Dutch B to B(B2B)business to business B to C(B2C)business to consumer 艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合征) AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) 安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents 按揭贷款mortgage loan 暗恋unrequited love; fall in love with someone secretly 白手起家starting from scratch 摆谱儿put on airs; show off; keep up appearances 拜年pay New Year calls or visits 搬迁户relocated families 半拉子工程uncompleted project 傍大款(of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags 包二奶have a concubine 包工包料contract for labor and materials 保健食品health. care food 保证重点支出ensure funding for priority areas 便携式电脑portable computer; laptop; notebook computer 拆东墙补西墙rob Peter to pay Paul 拆迁户households or units relocated due to building demolition 长江三角洲Yangtze River delta 超高速巨型计算机giant ultra-high-speed computer 超前消费over-consuming; excessive consumption 朝阳产业sunrise industry 促进全球经济一体化foster integration with the global economy 大款tycoon 大路货staple goods 大排档sidewalk snack booth; large-stall 大腕top notch 倒计时countdown 倒爷profiteer 盗版VCD pirated VCD 盗用公款embezzlement 地方保护主义regional protectionism 地区差异regional disparity 第三代移动电话(3G手机)third generation mobile; 3 G mobile 电脑犯罪computer crime 电信运营商telecom operators 电子商务认证e-business certification 豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects 厄尔尼诺现象El Nino phenomenon 恶性循环vicious circle 二手房second-hand house 翻两番quadruple 反腐倡廉combat corruption and build a clean government 防抱死系统ABS(anti-lock braking system) 防洪工程flood-prevention project 房管real estate management 非对称数字用户环路Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL) 分流reposition of redundant personnel 分期付款installment payment 风险投资venture capital; risk investment 扶贫poverty alleviation 福利彩票welfare lotteries 福利分房welfare-oriented public housing distribution system 港人治港Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong 高度自治high degree of autonomy 高新技术产业开发区high and new technology industrial development zone 工薪阶层salariat; state employee; salanecl pe~on 工业园区industrial park 公费医疗medical services at state expense ‘ 公告板服务Bulletin Board Service (BBS) 公积金public accumulation funds; public reserve funds 挂靠be attached to; be affiliated to; be subordinate to 广域网wide area network(WAN) 国际惯例international common practice 国际化战略internationalization strategy 国脚player of the national football team; footballer of the national team 国库券treasury bonds 国民经济支柱产业pillar industries in national economy 海湾战争综合征the Gulf War syndrnmP 航母aircraft carrier 好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbuster 黑客hacker 黑社会Mafia-style organizations; gangland 红包(中)red paper containing money as a gift; (贬)bribe; kickback 红筹股red chips 呼啦圈hula hoop 户口簿residence booklet 户口 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 domicile system; residence registration system 华表ornamental column,cloud pillar,stele 婚外恋extramarital love 货币化monetization 积压产品overstocked commodities (inventories) 吉尼斯世界记录Guinness (Book of Records) 集体婚礼collective wedding ceremony 计算机中央处理器central processing unit(CPU) 加班work extra shifts 家族企业family firm 嘉宾distinguished guest; honored guest 假唱lip-synch 假动作deception; feint 假日经济holiday economy 尖端产品highly sophisticated products 剪彩cut the ribbon 脚踩两只船sit on the fence 金融危机financial crisis 紧追cling to,shadow,thunder on one’s trail 禁渔期closed fishing seasons 京剧票友Peking Opera fan 经济全球化economic globalization; economic integration 精简机构streamline government organs 精品competitive products 景泰蓝cloisonn 敬业精神professional dedication; professional ethics 九五攻关State Key Task 95 居委会 neighborhood committee; residents’ committee 局域网local area network(LAN) 举报电话informants’ hot-line telephone 拒载refuse to take passengers 君子之交淡如水the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal 竣工仪式completion ceremony 开小灶give special favor 开夜车burn the midnight oil; work over night 看守政府, 看守内阁, 过渡政府care-taker cabinet 科技含量technology content 科技是第一生产力Science and technology constitute a primary productive force. 科教兴国rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation 科研攻关scientific research and tackle the key research project 可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development 空中小姐air hostess; air stewardess 口蹄疫foot-and-mouth disease 跨世纪工程a trans-century project 跨越式发展great-leap-forward development 快速反应部队rapid response force 宽带接入broadband access 宽带网broadband networks 亏损企业enterprises running in the red,under deficit 困难职工the needy 扩大内需to expand domestic demand 拉关系try to curry favor with 拉拉队cheering squad 拉拉队长cheer-leader, rooter king 蓝筹股blue chips 劳动合同制labor contract system 老字号an old and famous shop or enterprise ‘ 礼尚往来courtesy calls for reciprocity 礼仪小姐ritual girl 理货公司tally company 立体农业three-dimensional agriculture 利改税substitution of tax payment for profit delivery 连带责任joint liability 良性循环virtuous circle 猎头公司head-hunting company 领头羊bellwether 流动人口transient population 停薪留职retain the job but suspend (the salary) 龙头老大leading enterprise; flagship of the industry 路演road show 旅行结婚have a honeymoon trip 绿地覆盖率forest coverage rate 绿色急救通道emergency green path 绿色食品green food 买一送一two-for-one offer; buy one get one free 满意度degree of satisfaction 帽子戏法hat trick 朦胧诗misty poetry 民办教师teachers in rural schools 民工潮farmers’ frenzied hunt for work in cities 模拟测试mock test; simulated exam 纳米nanometer 耐用消费品durable consumer items (goods) 男权主义思想male chauvinism 南水北调工程divert water from the south to the north project 难得糊涂where ignorance is bliss, it’s folly to be wise 闹情绪be disgruntled; be in a fit of pique 台旨官能民be ready to both serve as an official and be one of the common people 台黾进台旨出, 台皂上l; 皂下competent to work both at the top and at the grass roots 年夜饭family reunion dinner 偶像idol 派出所local police station 跑龙套utility man; play a bit role; general handyman 泡沫经济bubble economy 碰钉子get snubbed 碰头会brief meeting(A brief, small-scale, mlormal meeting with no fixed agenda, the main purpose of which is to exchange information. ) 皮包公司bogus company 疲软股票soft stock 啤酒肚beer belly 票贩子ticket scalper; ticket tout 票房box office 贫富悬殊polarization of rich and poor 平均主义equalitarianism 平面设计师graphic designer 瓶颈制约“bottleneck”restrictions 普选制general election system 期房forward delivery housing 旗袍cheong-sam; Chi-pad 企业文化corporate culture 千禧婴儿millennium infant; millennium baby 强化班intensive training program,class 勤工俭学part-work and part-study system; work-study program 轻轨火车light, rail train 情感消费emotional consumption 情有独钟show special preference (favor) to… 区位商业location-based commerce 圈外人士people out of the loop 全方位外交multi-faceted diplomacy 全景电影cine-panoramic 全能冠军all-around winner 全球定位系统global positioning system(GPS) 全天候服务round-the-clock service 裙带风nepotism; petticoat influence 裙带关系networking through petticoat l niluence 绕圈子beat around the bush 热岛效应tropical island effect 人才流失brain drain 人浮于事overstaffing 人海战术huge-crowd strategy 人机交互human-computer interaction 人际交往human communication 人口负增长negative population growth (NPG) 人情债debt of gratitude 软着陆soft landing 塞翁失马, 焉知非福Misfortune may be an actual blessing. 三好学生merit student; three good student(good in study, attitude and health) 三角恋爱love triangle 三角债chain debts 三资企业foreign-invested enterprises; Sino-foreign joint ventures(中外合资企业), cooperative businesses(中外合 作企业)and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises’ China enterprises In hina(外商独资企业) 沙尘暴sand storm; dust storm 上网to get on the Internet 社会热点问题hot spots of society 社会治安情况public security situation/order situation law-and-order situation 涉外经济foreign-related business 审时度势size up the situation 失恋be disappointed in love; bejilted 时不我待Time and tide wait for no man. 事业单位public institution 试用期probationary period 灰色收入invisible income; off-pay-roll income; side money 收视率audience ratings; television viewing 首期按揭down-payment 售后服务after-sale services 双刃剑double-edged sword 水货smuggled goods 司仪MC (master of ceremonies)死机system halted 跳槽job-hopping 跳槽者job-hopper 跳蚤市场flea market 铁饭碗iron rice bowl 铁哥们faithful pal; buddies; sworn friend 筒子楼tube-shaped apartment 脱口秀talk show 外卖take-out 外卖店take-out restaurant 汪辜会谈Wang Daohan Koo Chen fu Talks(Wang-Koo talks) 网吧Internet bar 网关gateway 网恋online love affairs 网络出版online publishing 网络管理员network administrator 网络经济cyber-economy 网络空间cyberspace 网民netizen; net citizen; cyber citizen 网上冲浪surf the Internet 网上购物shopping online 网上交易平台online trading platform 网友net friend 卫冕世界冠军reigning world champion 温饱工程bring-warmth-fill-bellies project 无人售票self-service ticketing 无绳来电显示电话cordless telephone with caller ID 无形资产intangible assets 武侠小说tales of roving knights; martial arts novel; kung fu novel 西部大开发Development of the West Regions of China 西气东输transport the natural gas from the West to the East 吸收游资absorb idle fund 洗钱money laundering 下线off line 下游行业downstream industry 险胜cliff-hanging win, narrow victory, nose out 消费信贷consumer credit services 消费者协会consumers’ association 小康之家well-off family 小农经济small-scale peasant economy; autarkical small-scale farming 效益工资achievements-related wages; wages based on benefits 效益农业profitable agriculture 写真集special album of photos for kids, women wedding, Kl S women or weddings 心理素质psychological quality 新官上任三把火a new broom sweeps clean 新新人类New Human Being; X Generation 信息港infoport; cyber port 信息化information-based; informationization 信用紧缩credit crunch 信用危机credit crisis 形式主义formalism 虚拟网virtual net 虚拟现实virtual reality 选举权和被选举权the right to vote and the right to be elected 亚健康sub-health 言情小说romantic fiction; sentimental novel 养老金pension 养路费road toll 摇钱树cash cow 摇头丸dancing outreach 液晶显示屏liquid crystal display (LCD) 一次性筷子throwaway chopsticks 一国两制One country, two systems 易拉罐pop can 因材施教teach students according to their aptitude 优势互补(of two countries or companies) have complementary advantages 有勇无谋use brawn rather than brain 舆论导向direction of public opinion 舆论监督supervision by public opinion 元宵节Lantern Festival 远程教育distance learning 远景计划long-term development targets 运球dribble 再贷款re-lending; subloan 早恋puppy love 战略伙伴关系strategic partnership 站票standing-room-only ticket 站台票platform ticket 掌上电脑palm computer 招标投标制the system of public bid- ding for project 招商引资attract,bid for,invite investments(from overseas) 政策性住房policy-related house; policy-based house 政府职能转变transform,shift the government functions 政企分开separate government functions from enterprise management 政务公开make government affairs public 政治迫害political prosecution; witch hunt 知识产权intellectual property rights 知识经济knowledge economy; knowledge??base economy 盲播live broadcast, live telecast 职业经理人professional manager 致命要害Achilles’heel 智力密集型concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive 智囊团、思想库the brain trust; think tank 中关村科技园区Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park 中介intermediary agent 中央国家机关China’s state organs 中央商务区central business district (CBD) 重点发展prioritize 主体经济the mainstay of the economy 住房分配货币化进程capitalization process of housing distribution,allocation 住房零首付zero-yuan first payment (for apartments) . 助跑approach run; run-up 驻港部队People’s Liberation Army garrison in Hong Kong 专卖店exclusive agency; franchised store 专门术语buzzword; jargon 转基因食品GM food(genetically modified food) 追赶型和跨越式发展pursuant and great-leap-forward development 资源配置the distribution(allocation) of resources 自动柜员机automatic teller machine (ATM) 自律机制the self-discipline system 自然保护区natural reserve; nature preservation zone 自然耗损natural wearing 自我保护意识self-protection awareness 自营self-run 自由港free-trade port; free port 自助银行self-help bank 自作自受stew in one’s own juice 综合国力comprehensive national strength 综合业务数字网integrated service digital network (ISDN)
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