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剑桥少儿英语三级单词剑桥少儿英语三级单词 Unit 9 Shall we go camping next year? Words: go camping 野营group组 群 so 因此如此 may-might可以 可能 (过去式) boring无聊的 else 其他的 tell a story讲故事 go for a walk 去散步 Australia澳大利亚 enjoy喜欢 欣赏 hope 希望 different不同的 museum 博物馆 playground 操场countryside乡下 乡村 waterfall 瀑...

剑桥少儿英语三级单词 Unit 9 Shall we go camping next year? Words: go camping 野营group组 群 so 因此如此 may-might可以 可能 (过去式) boring无聊的 else 其他的 tell a story讲故事 go for a walk 去散步 Australia澳大利亚 enjoy喜欢 欣赏 hope 希望 different不同的 museum 博物馆 playground 操场countryside乡下 乡村 waterfall 瀑布 bookshop 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 店 swan天鹅 idea主意 办法 anything一些东西 任何东西 camel骆驼 bike-riding 骑自行车 Sentences: Shall we go camping next year? 明年我们去野营好吗, Which summer camp would you like to go to? 你想参加哪个夏令营, What shall we do? 我们应该做什么, What do camels eat? 骆驼吃什么, How does a computer work? 电脑是怎么运行的, What does “science” mean? Science 是什么意思, Where are the pyramids? 金字塔在哪儿, Why am I short? 为什么我这么矮, What would you like to know? 你想了解什么, Anything was better than doing nothing. 做什么都比无事可做好。 Unit 10 Have you ever been to a science museum? Words: science museum科技馆 airport飞机场 chemist’s 药店 golf club高尔夫俱乐部 fire station 消防站police station警察局 restaurant饭店 age 年龄 indeed的确 确实 tape recorder录音机 jam 果酱businessman商人 college大学 fridge冰箱 freezer冷藏室 crowd人群 wish希望 exhibit展览 circus 马戏团lucky 幸运的 break-broke-broken 打破 弄坏 drop 掉下 落下crumb碎屑 enough足够的 on a holiday度假 change变problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 化 runny water流水 自来水 movement运动 earth地球 rise升起 set落下 midday中午 periscope 潜望镜 diagram 图示 图解sticky tape胶带 bottom底部 face脸 面对 corner角落 Sentences: Have you ever been to a science museum? 你去过科技馆吗, Which exhibit do you like best? 你最喜欢那个展览, Did you have a good time there? 你在那里玩得开心吗, Where does the light come from, 光来自哪里, I haven’t seen you for ages? 我好久没见你了。 Unit 11 What’s it made of? Words: carefully小心地 special特别的 material材料 plastic塑料 bookcase书柜 wood 木头 paper纸 metal金属 glass玻璃 wool 羊毛 silver银 others其他的 plate盘子 cupboard橱柜 shelf架子 fork 叉子chopsticks筷子 cooker炊具 scissors剪刀 spoon汤匙 glove手套 shell贝壳 seashore海边 recycle再循环 回收利用 empty空的 useful有用的 reuse重新利用 happen发生 china 瓷器 light轻的 weak弱的 易毁坏的 expensive昂贵的 noisy 吵闹的 hard硬的 困难的 heavy 沉重的 ugly丑陋的 cheap便宜的 Sentences: Look carefully at these things. 仔细看看这些东西。 What’s special about them? 它们有什么特殊的, What’s it made of? 它是什么做的, It’s made of plastic. 它是塑料做的。 How about that one? 那一件呢, It’s too light. 它太轻了。 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police Unit 12 Going for gold Words: Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 athlete运动员 gold medal金牌 high jump 跳高 long jump跳远 diving跳水 water polo 水球 badminton羽毛球 boxing 拳击 baseball棒球 basketball篮球 rowing划船 skating 滑冰 sailing帆船比赛 running 跑步volleyball 拍球 shooting射击 tennis网球 cycling骑车 hockey 曲棍球 handball手球 wrestling摔跤 protect environment 保护环境 volunteer志愿者 historical interest历史名胜 human beings人类 mixed double混合双打 directly直接地 diagonally 斜向地 对角地cheer加油 欢呼 greet问候 招呼 smile微笑 unfriendly不友好的 centimeter厘米 team 队 several几个 match比赛 childhood童年 whoever 无论谁 skin 皮肤 land陆地 wide宽阔的 blood血 pain疼痛 痛苦 joy 高兴 快乐 Sentences: Olympic Games are going to be held in Beijing. 奥运会将在北京举行。 Who is the best player? 谁是最好的运动员, Gold medals will be given to the best athletes。 金牌将发给最好的运动员。 What can you do for Olympics? 你能为奥运会做什么, When was Yao Ming born? 姚明什么时候出生的, Where was he born? 他出生在什么地方, When did Yao Ming begin to like basketball? 姚明从什么时候开始喜欢篮球的, Unit 13 Christmas fun problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police Words: Christmas 圣诞节 space空间 miss失去 丢失 businesswoman 女商人 forget忘记 treasure财务 宝藏 present礼物 Santa圣诞老人 stairs 楼梯 policeman警察 winner胜利者 address地址 wardrobe衣柜 jingle 叮当声 bell铃铛 deliver 送 hand递 交付 fall over 摔倒 code密码 list单子 stocking长筒袜 wreath花环 reindeer驯鹿 carol赞美诗 dashing through迅速穿过 sleigh雪橇 bobtail 短尾巴spirit精神 season季节 summer夏天 winter冬天 gift礼物 rucksack旅行背包 belt腰带 famous 著名的mouse 老鼠 鼠标 Sentences: Help a little boy find his mom. 帮一个小男孩找到妈妈。 Speak nicely to the businesswoman. 有礼貌地和一个女商人谈话。 The first person to get home is the winner. 第一个到家的人获胜。 Move on a space. 前移一格 Miss a turn. 失去一次机会。 Take a shortcut to 15. 走捷径到15格。 Stand on their own feet. 自立。 Unit 14 We love to play games. Words: leave 离开around 在周围 大约soon 很快 马上laugh笑 finish完成 score分数 得分Emma David Harry Fred William Daisy Katy airport飞机场 café咖啡馆 快餐店 cinema 电影院museum 博物馆 station车站 hospital医院 library 图书馆stone石头 soup汤 whole整个的 everything 每一个东西 taste –tasty味道好的 excellent非常好的 棒极了 pot锅 stranger陌生人 village –villager村民 colourful多彩的 fit for适合 wonder想知道 wonderful 精彩的 绝妙的 milk 挤牛奶ill生病的 lose-lost丢失 失去 bridge 桥 Sentences: We love to play games. 我们喜欢做游戏。 Our ship is leaving soon. 我们的船马上要离开了。 We are going around the world. 我们准备环游世界。 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police What kind of game do you like to play? 你喜欢玩什么种类的游戏, What am I going to draw? 我准备画什么呢, What made you so happy? 什么使你如此高兴, Unit 15 How to ask questions Words: question问题 what什么 where在哪里 which哪一个 who 谁 how many多少个 how much多少 newspaper 报纸 fruit水果 Jill Jane Paul Betty Mary Ben Jim Sam Ann Bill castle城堡 treasure财宝 宝藏 suddenly突然 coin硬币 throw 扔flute笛子 country国家 send-sent-sent送 worry about 担心 着急angry生气的 not…any more不在、、、 Sentences: Here’s a letter for you. 这有一封你的信件。 Where does Miss Wang live? 王小姐住在哪里, How do you spell Green? 你怎么拼写green这个单词, What books did you buy? 你买的什么书, What is the first day of the week? 一周的第一天是什么, What is your favourite colour? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么, Have you ever been to the US? 你去过美国吗, Who is the oldest person in your family? 你们家谁的年龄最大, How many people are there in your family? 你家有多少人, How did you go to the zoo yesterday? 你昨天怎么去公园的, Have you got an English name? 你有英语名字吗, problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police Unit 16 When I grow up Words: businessman商人 businesswoman女商人 nurse护士 doctor医生 policeman警察 policewoman女警察 actor演员 actress女演员 journalist记者 astronaut宇航员 fireman消防员 firewoman 女消防员 secretary秘书 farmer 农民pilot飞行员 cook 厨师photographer摄影师 engineer 工程师 dentist牙医 painter画家 footballer 足球运动员 spacecraft 宇宙飞船 theatre剧院 grown-up成人 through 穿过 通过 timeline 年代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 时间表 flashlight手电 knock敲 horrible可怕的 mechanic修理工 cleaner 清洁工 Sentences: When I grow up, I might be an astronaut。 当我长大后,我可能会成为宇航员。 This way, please. 请这边走。 A clown is a person who makes people laugh.小丑就是都人发笑的人。 You can have dinner here. 你可以在这吃晚饭。 When did the story happen? 故事发生在什么时候, Where was Emma watching the stars from? 爱玛从哪里观察到星星的, What did Emma see at the door? 爱玛在门口看到了什么, problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police
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