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材料力学复习重点(中山大学)材料力学复习重点(中山大学) 第一章:绪论及基本概念 1、构件安全性指标有哪些 2、材料力学的任务 3、对可变形固体的基本假设及其意义 4、杆件变形的基本形式 第二章:轴向拉伸和压缩 1、外力、内力、应力的基本概念及相互关系 2、通过等直拉杆内任一点处的正应力和切应力随横截面与斜截面夹角 ,变化的定量关系,分析最大正应力和最大切应力的截面 3、绘制轴力图(四要素:填充表示截面、正负表示方向、数值大小、对应段位置) 4、低碳钢单向拉伸的主要变形阶段及各有何特征 5、简述单向拉压杆的强度条件及其应...

材料力学复习重点(中山大学) 第一章:绪论及基本概念 1、构件安全性指标有哪些 2、材料力学的任务 3、对可变形固体的基本假设及其意义 4、杆件变形的基本形式 第二章:轴向拉伸和压缩 1、外力、内力、应力的基本概念及相互关系 2、通过等直拉杆内任一点处的正应力和切应力随横截面与斜截面夹角 ,变化的定量关系, 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 最大正应力和最大切应力的截面 3、绘制轴力图(四要素:填充 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示截面、正负表示方向、数值大小、对应段位置) 4、低碳钢单向拉伸的主要变形阶段及各有何特征 5、简述单向拉压杆的强度条件及其应用(强度校核、设计截面、求许可载荷) [,]= ,/n 以及 , , [,] umax 第三章:扭转 1、薄壁圆筒扭转角,及切应变,的定义及其相互关系 2、外力偶矩、扭矩及切应力的基本概念及相互关系 、简述等直圆杆某横截面上任一点处切应变及切应力随该点与圆心的距离的变3 化规律。 4、绘制扭矩图(四要素:填充表示截面、正负表示方向、数值大小、对应段位置) 5、切应力互等定理及其讨论 6、等直圆杆扭转时拉应力和切应力随横截面与斜截面夹角 ,,变化的定量关系,分析最大正应力和最大切应力的截面,分析最大拉应力及最大且应力的截面。 7、等直圆杆扭转时的强度条件及应用(两个方程) TTT180max ,,,,,[,] ,, ,, (rad/m) , ,,,, (:/m) 或 maxmaxWGIGI,ppp 第四五章:弯曲 1. 支座的基本形式及梁的分类。 2. 弯矩及弯矩图 3. 给出梁的正应力强度条件和切应力强度条件,并根据强度条件讨论在梁的合理设计中强度问题。 第五章:材料单向静拉伸的力学性能 1、弹性变形的特点及影响弹性模数(量)的因素有哪些, 2、材料的非理想弹性行为的类型及其含义。 3、塑性形变及机理 第六章:材料在其他静载下的力学性能 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 不考 第七章:材料的冲击韧性及低温脆性 1、影响材料低温脆性的因素 第八章:材料的断裂韧性 1、影响材料断裂韧度的因素有哪些, 2、简述断裂韧度在 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 中的应用 第九章:材料的疲劳性能 1、简述疲劳破坏的特点 2、材料疲劳形式的分类 第十章:材料的磨损性能 1、磨损的概念及基本类型 2、提高材料耐磨性的途径 第十一章:材料的高温力学性能 1、蠕变的定义及其一般规律 、蠕变的性能指标 2 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 课堂作业 (选做) 1、以低碳钢为例,指出塑性材料“应力-应变曲线”的典型特征。为何工程上大理石、铸铁等脆性材料常作为受压构件使用, 2、在设计构件时,为何塑性材料可取较小的安全系数,而脆性材料反之,静载时应力集中是对塑性材料及脆性材料而言哪个影响更大, 3、工程上许用应力的选择对塑性和脆性材料有何不同之处,简述其依据。 4、根据切应力互等定理,判断图中所示的各单元体上的切应力是否正确。 ,, ,,,,,, ,,,(C)(B)(A)10kN30kN 30kN50kN 20kN10kN50kN 30kN20kN30kN(D)(E) 13 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis ,任选一题, 1、描述右手定则,并画出图示圆轴1,1截面和2,2截面上的扭矩图,已知轮上的转矩分别为m,A4kN?m, m,10kN?m, m,6kN ? m。 BC 轮 轴 轴承 mBmmC1A2 2 1 2、设计了功率P为150kW,转速为15.4转/秒的电动机转子轴如图,许用切应力 [,]=18M Pa, 试校核其强度。 23 提示: 3 PkW M,9.55,10N.m e nr/minAgglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 要求掌握的重要例题: 1、已知 F= 10 kN;F = 20 kN;F = 35 kN;F = 25kN;试画出图示杆件的1234 轴力图。 2、一等直杆及其受力情况如图a所示,试作杆的轴力图。 3、已知一传动轴, n =300r/min,主动轮输入 P1=500kW,从动轮输出 P=150kW,P=150kW,P=200kW,试绘制扭矩图。 234 提示: 3 PkW M,9.55,10N.men r/min 4、由两种不同材料组成的圆轴,里层和外层材料的切变模量分别为G1和G2,Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 且G1=2G2。圆轴尺寸如图所示。圆轴受扭时,里、外层之间无相对滑动。关于横截面上的切应力分布,有图中(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)所示的四种结论,请判断哪一种是正确的。 5、长为 L=2m 的圆杆受均匀分布力偶 m=20Nm/m 的作用,如图,若杆的内外径之比为, =0.8 ,G=80GPa ,许用剪应力 [,]=30MPa,试设计杆的外径;若[,]=2º/m ,试校核此杆的刚度。 提示: 3 4,D W ,(1,,) p16 6、图示三角架,杆AC由两根80 mm , 80 mm,7 mm等边角钢组成,杆AB由两根10号工字钢组成。两种型钢的材料均为Q235钢,许用应力[s]=170 MPa试求许可荷载[F]。 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 7. 一长为4m的均质木料,欲锯下0.6m长的一段。为使在锯开处两端面的开裂最小,应使锯口处的弯矩为零,木料放在两只锯木架上,一只锯木架放置在木料的一端,试问另一只锯木架放置何处才能使木料锯口处的弯矩为零。 q ABDC x a=0.6m l=2m Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis
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