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仁爱英语七年级下册教案仁爱英语七年级下册教案 仁爱英语七年级下册教案Unit6 仁爱英语七年级下册教案Unit 6 Our Local Area Topic 1 Is there a sofa in your study Section A Section A needs 12 periods Section A 需用12课时 The main activities are 1a and 2a 本课重点活动是1a和2a Aims and demands目标 1 Learn the words of rooms in hom...

仁爱英语七年级下册 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 仁爱英语七年级下册教案Unit6 仁爱英语七年级下册教案Unit 6 Our Local Area Topic 1 Is there a sofa in your study Section A Section A needs 12 periods Section A 需用12课时 The main activities are 1a and 2a 本课重点活动是1a和2a Aims and demands目标 1 Learn the words of rooms in homes bedroom kitchen dining room living room 2 Learn other new words and phrases second floor upstairs come in garden grandfather in front of house behind door 2 1 Learn some prepositions of positions in on next to in front of behind 2 Master how to use the structure of揟ohere be Oh there are so many books on the shelf Is there a study on the first floor No there isnt Are there any books in the study Yes there are 3 Review the present continuous tense Important and difficult points 重难点 Learn some prepositions of positionsin on next to in front of behind Master how to use the structure ofThere be ? Teaching aids 教具 录音机挂图 Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 Step 1 Review 第 一步 复习 时间10分钟 1 呈现1a挂图 TI like the nice house Do you have a nice house S1 Yes I do S2 No I dont T Do you have your own study 向学生解释study v学习 n书 Ss Yes I do No I dont T What can we do in the study Ss We can read books in the study T S3 Which room do you sleep in S3 卧室 T Yes In the bedroom 板书 study bedroom 方案二叫几学生表演在不同地点的动作 如学习睡觉洗澡用餐煮饭看电视 让其他学生逐一猜这些动作和地点 此活动复习Unit 5的现在进行时 同时呈现出表示房间的名词 living room 客厅起居室 dining room 餐厅 kitchen 厨房 garden 花园 study 书房 Example T Whats heshe doing S4 HeShe is watching TV T And heshe is watching TV in the living room T Then whats heshe doing S5 HeShe is studying T You are right T Wheres heshe S6 HeShe is in the study T Good 呈现1a挂图 2 指着1a图上的卧室问 指导学生答 T What do you do in the bedroom Ss We sleep in it 指着图上的书房 T Wheres the study Ss Its next to the bedroom T So there is a study on the second floor And there are two bedrooms on the second floor 板书短语和新句型 并进行适当的讲解 on the second floor Is there a computer in your study There are so many books on the shelf Is there Yes there is No there isnt 3 让学生根 据1a的图练习There be句型的疑问句形式 T Is there a living room on the first floor Ss Yes there is T Are there two bedrooms on the first floor Ss No there arent 让学生之间进行对话 S1 S2 Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 时间5分钟 1 课前设置好听力任务 板书 Wheres the bedroom 2 Wheres the study 3 Are there many books on the shelf T Now lets listen to 1a and find out the answers to these questions Are you ready Ss Yes T OK Lets begin 播放1a录音 2 核对答案 板书关键词 T Who can answer the first question S1 Its on the second floor T Well done What about the second question S2 Its next to the bedroom T Good Thank you The last question S3 Yes there are T Good job bedroomsecondfloorstudynext tobooksshelf Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 时间5分钟 1 再放1a录音 学生跟读 用铅笔标重读与语调 T Now please follow the tape and with your pencil 2 让学生擦去所标记号 先自读核对语音语调 T and read 1a by yourselves then check your pronunciation and intonation according to the tape 3 人机对话 T Now listen to me carefully Suppose you were Jane 学生 两人一组上台表演 完成1b T Now boys and girls please look at the key words and act out the dialog G1 T Wonderful Any other groups G2 对学生表演进行点评 Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 时间15分钟 练习2a 完成2b 1 1 让学生认真听2a的录音并独立完成2a 主要让学生了解 关于房间的名词 T OK Now listen to 2a and do it by yourselves Do you understand Ss Yes 2 呈现2a挂图 让学生拿着教师已准备好的地点名词卡片 根据录音内容到黑板前粘贴 并用一句话说出它的位置 T Boys and girls put up the cards of places on the blackboard and say a sentence Example There is a study on the second floor 3 核对答案 T Now lets check the answers Listen to me carefully and correct them Rooms on the first floor C D E from left to right Rooms on the second floor A A B from left to right In front of the house F 2 让学生看2a的图 与搭档对话完成2b给学生几分钟准备 然 后找一些小组表演对话 T Now lets look at the picture in 2a then finish 2b according to the example with your partner 几分钟后 让学生表演 T Which group can act your dialog out G1 We can 表演对话 T Great Any more 3 教师与一名学生先做示范 再让其他学生仿照示范完成3 T Please be quiet Listen to us carefully Example T Wheres your father S1 He is in front of the house T Whats he doing S1 Hes cleaning the car 让学生跟搭档讨论 完成对话 S2 S3 让学生根据对话和3中的短语连句 Example Father is cleaning the car in front of the house Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 时间10分钟 通过活动 增强学生的综合运用能力 1 呈现给学生一张 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 介绍自己的教室 There is a teacher a clock a blackboard There are students books desks T Introduce our classroom according to the form then report to the class Example 陈述形式 There is a teacher in our classroom There are some students in our classroom There isnt a cat There arent any 或问答形式 S1 Is there a teacher in our classroom S2 Yes there is S1 Are there any students in our classroom S2 Yes there are S1 Is there a cat S2 No there isnt 2 完成4 1 让学生自己画一张自己家的图片 并用英文标出所画房间名 称 T Draw a picture of your own house 2 运用演讲形式 让学生介绍自己最喜欢的房间及房间里都有 什么 Example My favorite room is my study I can do my homework there Theres a computer in it Theres also a TV in it I often watch TV in my study 3 让学生四人一组做一个关于Whats your favorite room的 调查报告 然后全班分组调查 最后随机抽学生向大家汇报 Example ××s favorite room is hisher study HeShe can study in hisher study 4 找找看 出示一张房间的图片 让学生找物品的位置 引出Whats in that room为下一课作铺垫 T Boys and girls where is the desk Ss Its near the window T Whats in that room Ss There is a bed a light T Very good Lets begin 3 家庭作业 让学生画一幅自己理想中的房子并用英语进行简单的描述不 少于6个句子 T Draw a picture of your ideal house Then write a short passage about it At least six sentences ?疑点探究 play with意为玩耍游戏玩乐多指儿童的活动如 The child is playing with a ball 这个孩子正在玩球 play意为打玩踢等意思时常指正式的球类运动和演奏活动如 They are playing basketball on the playground 他们正在操 场上打篮球 Section B Section B needs 12 periods Section B需用12课时 The main activities are 1a and 3 本课重点活动是1a和3 ? Aims and demands目标要求 1 1 Master the names of home items lamp clock table key window 2 Learn other new words and phrases talk about put away thing dad model under river 2 Go on learning how to use the structure of揟here be and the prepositions of positions 梂hat需s on your desk 桾here is a lamp a computer some books and so on 桯ow many boats are there on the river 桾here are two 3 Talk about positions os and existence 桰s there a sofa in your study o梇es there is Itns near my desk Important and difficult points 重难点 Go on learning how to use the structure ofThere be and the prepositions of positions ? Teaching aids 教具 录音机挂图实物 ? Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 时间10分钟 复习There be句型 导入1a 1 在黑板上呈现一张漂亮的两层楼挂图 有书房卧室厨房餐厅 客厅卫生间花园此活动的目的是复习There be句型 把图拿走 要求学生凭着记忆 描述这张图 采用竞赛的形式 可 采用小组竞赛 也可以个人为单位竞赛 教师给予奖励 激发学生的学 习热情 竞赛规则如下参赛者只能在 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 的两分钟内描述这张图 说对 一句 得一分 谁得的分最多 谁就获胜 T Look at the picture for one minute Then Ill take it away You need to say as many sentences as possible about it in two minutes Example Theres a study on the second floor Theres a garden in front of the house There are some flowers in the garden The living room is next to the dining room 2 利用1a的挂图 引导学生复习There be句型 并引入新单词 和新句型 T What can you see in the picture S1 I can see a sofa S2 I can see a family photo and a clock T Whats on the desk Ss There is a lamp a computer some books and so on T We can also say There are some books a lamp a computer and so on Is there a clock on it Ss No there isnt 让学生通过观察去发现规律 板书 1 Whats on your desk There is a lamp a computer some books and so on 台灯 2 Is there a clock on it 钟 Yes there isNo there isnt Step 2 Presentation 第二 步 呈现 时间5分钟 呈现1a 1 让学生听1a的录音 回答教师的问题 T Listen to 1a and answer the questions 听完后 教师问 学生回答 T Now please answer my questions Wheres the sofa S1 Its near Janes desk T Next whats on the desk S2 There is a lamp a computer some books and so on T Good Next where is the clock S3 2 让学生分角色朗读1a T Please work in pairs and read the dialog Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 时间5分钟 巩固1a 完成1b 1 让学生合上书本 看1a的挂图 描述Jane的书房 用There be 句型 T Please close your books and look at the picture in 1a then describe Janes study OK 2 根据1a 两人一组谈论自己的书房卧室 并完成1b T Now Ill give you some minutes to talk about your studybedroom Then act out your dialogs in pairs Example S1 Whats in your study S2 There isare S1 Is there aan S2 Yes there isNo there isnt Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 时间15分钟 通过练习 完成2 3 4 1 1 让学生看2的图 听录音 完成2 T Look at the pictures in 2 and listen to the tape and finish 2 2 听完录音 核对答案 T Who can tell us your answers S1 on Therere keys S2 behind Theres T Thats right 2 可以用课前准备好的实物 让学生用There be句型回答 出示橘子 T Now please look at my hand Whats in it S3 There is an orange in it 从书包中取出香蕉藏在身后导出新句型 板书 How many可数名词复数形式are there There be T Are there any bananas in my bag Ss No there arent They are behind you T How many bananas are there Ss There are two T Well done 3 让学生看3的图片 完成3 T Lets go to 3 There are eight pictures in it First read Picture 1 and 2 by yourselves for 1 minute 一分钟以后 T Now lets look at Picture 3 and 4 Make new dialogs according to Picture 1 and 2 两分钟以后 挑选两组表演 T Ill choose two pairs to act them out G1 Whats near the window There is a guitar near it G2 Is there any milk in the glass Yes there is 让学生看图56 完成对话78 T Read the dialogs below Picture 5 and 6 and make similar dialogs with Picture 7 and 8 G3 Whats in the tree Therere some birds in it How many birds are there There are three G4 4 看4的图片 两人一组编对话 T Please look at the picture in 4 then work in pairs and make new dialogs like this Dialog 1 S4 Whats in the picture S5 There are some dogs in it Dialog 2 S6 Are there any monkeys in the tree S7 Yes there are S8 How many monkeys are there S9 There are three 要求学生用同样的方法编对话 完成4 Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 时间10分钟 通过活动培养学生实际操作能力 1 找找看课前把一些实物 如铅笔尺子书包小刀等放在教室的 不同位置 让学生找到物品并 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 某地有什么 Example S1 Where is the pencil-box S2 Its on the desk S1 Whats under the desk S2 There is a pencil a ruler a knife and two pens S1 S2 在开展以上对话活动时 要求学生特别注意in on next to in front of behind等介词的使用 重点练习Whats oninnext toThere isare 2 方案一 让学生两人一组用图文形式介绍自己家里某一房间 物品的摆放其中一名学生画图 另一名学生配文字说明 并站在讲台 前向学生们描述 Example My Study Theres a family photo on the wall A clock is next to it There is a desk and a chair in the study Whats on the desk There are some books and a computer Theres a football under the chair Behind the desk theres a cat Do you like the study 活动结束后 由学生们选出最佳搭档 教师给予鼓励表扬 方案二 两人一组活动 其中一名学生用文字描述某一房间 另 外一名学生画图 最后 把图展示出来 由学生们选出最佳搭档 教师 给予鼓励表扬 3 家庭作业 让学生根据4中的图片写一篇小短文不少于60字 Section C Section C needs 1 period Section C需用1课时 The main activities are 1a and 2 本课重点活动是1a和2 I Aims and demands目标要求 1 Learn some new words beautiful flower large bathroom drawer chair keyboard 2 Go on learning the prepositions of positions and the structure of There be 1 Talk about positions 梂here is the lamp 桰td s on the desk 梂here are my shoes 桾heyhere under the bed 2 Talk about existence There is a small garden in front of my house There are many beautiful flowers in the garden but there arent any trees in it Are there many beautiful flowers in the garden Is there a kitchen on the first floor Important and difficult points 重难点 There is a small garden in front of my house There are many beautiful flowers in the garden but there arent any trees in it Are there many beautiful flowers in the garden Is there a kitchen on the first floor ? Teaching aids 教具 录音机挂图图片简笔画 ? Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 时间10分钟 复习There be 句型 引出1a 接龙游戏将全班分成几组 利用1a的图片 组与组之间进行问 答比赛 竞赛规则1组与组之间的竞赛 2开始第一个问题由教师来问 3 每组在回答问题后 提出一个新问题 让另外一组的学生回答 4每个 问题不能重复 T Whats in the picture G1 Theres a nice house Wheres the garden G2 Its in front of the house Whats in the garden G3 There are many beautiful flowers in it Is there a big tree G4 Yes there is Where is it G5 Its behind the house 假设是第2组获胜进行下一轮比赛 T Its great Stop Group 2 is the winner Now please go on with next round Whats on the first floor in the house G1 There is a big living room Is there a dining room next to it G2 Yes there is Whats in the dining room G3 There is a table and some chairs in it Can you find out the bathroom G4 Yes I can Where is it 总结学生比赛结果 进行鼓励表扬 T How wonderful You are the best 用两个学过的句型来呈现1a中的新单词板书 The flowers in the garden are beautiful 花 漂亮 John is having a bath in the bathroom 浴室 Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 时间5分钟 呈现1a 1 设置听力任务 听1a的录音并回答问题 T Listen to 1a carefully and answer my questions Questions 1 Whats in front of the house 2 Are there any trees in the garden 3 Is there a study on the first floor 核对答案 T Are you ready Ss Yes T Who can answer my first question S1 There is a small garden in front of the house T Well done The second question S2 2 让学生快速朗读1a 并完成正误判断题 然后核对答案并改正 T Read 1a quickly and then finish the true or false questions then check the answers and correct them T Finish Ss Yes T Who can answer the first question S3 T T Oh it is wrong S4 F There arent any trees in it T Wonderful Next S5 用同样的方法完成剩下的问题 Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 时间5分钟 巩固1a 完成1b 1 让学生阅读1a 完成1b 然后教师核对答案 T Now please read 1a Finish 1b then I will check the answers 2 把全班分成四组 让学生把1a中的关键词句找出来列于纸上 并画出一幅简笔画选出每组一名成员按照要点和简笔画复述短文 T The class will be divided into four groups List some key words and sentences on your paper and draw a stick figure on it Retell the passage according to the key words and the picture Ill choose one of you in each group to retell it Example This is my home There are seven rooms in my home On the first floor there is a living room a bathroom Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 时间15分钟 练习方位介词 完成2 3 1 老师把已准备好的图片贴在黑板上 如树椅子 找学生在图片 上画出其他的东西并运用已学过的方位介词和There be句型造句 Example There is a red car in front of the classroom 2 出示图片或用简笔画教学新单词drawer chair keyboard 并 对介词in on under behind in front of进行操练 出示有抽屉椅子和键盘的简笔画 T Look at the stick figure and learn the new word drawer Ss Drawer 跟读 在简笔画中添上一支笔 操练介词in和under Example T Whats in the drawer Ss There is a pen in it T Whatre under the drawer Ss There are some pens under it 用同样的方法 完成介词操练 3 让学生独立完成2 教师核对答案 T Finish 2 by yourselves then check the answers together 核对完答案后 让学生两人一组练习对话 T OK Practice the dialogs in pairs After a while Ill ask three groups to read the dialogs 4 让学生两人一组根据3的AB图片分角色编对话并根据对话 内容和图片填空 T Now work in pairs and make new dialogs according to Picture A and B in 3 Example S1 What color is the bag in Picture A S2 Its green S1 What about the bag in Picture B S2 Its yellow Whats on the desk in Picture A S1 There is a computer and a keyboard S2 Whats on the desk in Picture B S1 There are some pencils some books and a lamp S2 Is there a shelf in Picture A S1 Yes there is Whats on the shelf S2 There are some books and a model plane 核对答案 Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 时间10分钟 通过活动 培养学生创新能力 1 双人活动 让其中一名学生向另一名学生描述他她的卧室书 房客厅里的物体 要求另外一名学生把房间里的这些物体放在合适的地方 使得房间更加大方漂亮 并用图描绘出来最后两人一起用文字表达出来看哪组设计的卧室书房客厅最佳 给予鼓励 Example S1 There is a desk a chair a bookcase a computer a soccer a TV a lamp a kite a guitar a vase a map of China a family photo a clock some flowers some pictures and some books in the study S2 OK I can draw them well 2 家庭作业 1 给学生两张卧室的挂图要求学生写一篇关于两个卧室不同之处的短文 2 让学生预习Section D ?疑点探究 英语中的介词运用很灵活 它往往根据具体的位置选用对应的介词 而不是根据汉语直译去选择 如 onin the wall There is a window in the wall 墙上有一扇窗户 There is a picture on the wall 墙上有一幅画 Section D Section D needs 1 period Section D需用1课时 The main activities are 1 and 5 本课重点活动是1和5 ? Aims and demands目标要求 1 Learn the vowels 2 1 Review the prepositions of positions in on behind under near next to in front of 2 Review the structure ofThere be There is a small garden in front of my house There isnt a computer in Picture B There are two bedrooms and a small study There arent any trees in it Is there a computer in your study Yes there is No there isn t Are there any shoes under the bed Yes there are No there arent Whats on the desk There are some model planes on it How many pairs are there There are two pairs 3 Review home items Important and difficult points 重难点 There is a small garden in front of my house There isnt a computer in Picture B There are two bedrooms and a small study There arent any trees in it Is there a computer in your study Yes there is No there isn t ? Teaching aids 教具 录音机图片音标卡片 ? Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 时间10分钟 复习单词 导入1 1 单词竞赛把本单元单词按功能归类 制成单词卡片 要求每名 学生必答两个单词 教师给出中文意思 学生说英文一词一分然后进 行全班抢答 T Now lets have a word competition Ill give you Chinese meanings Please say them in English Each word youll get one point Are you ready OK Go T Well done This time lets have a quick answer If you know you can stand up and answer quickly Yeah begin 必答单词如下 bedroom kitchen bathroom study garden flower lamp clock key CD chair keyboard behind under second floor wall model beautiful large drawer 抢答词组如下 dining room living room in front of put away look after 通过对单词和词组的必答和抢答 进一步巩固本单元的词汇 培 养竞争意识 调动学习积极性 2 1 呈现含发音的单词卡片 让学生熟悉这些发音 为下面的 操练做准备 T Whats this Ss Its bird T Whats that Ss Its girl 板书girl bird并画线ir要求学生找规律 girl bird Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 时间3分钟 呈现1 让学生听1的录音并跟读 T Listen to the tape and then read after it Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 时间5分钟 巩固1 1 再听1的录音 让学生每听完三个单词后 快速说出它们的汉 语意思 T Listen to 1 again and say their Chinese meanings quickly 2 T Lets sum up the words that have the pronunciations Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 时间15分钟 通过练习完成2 3a 3b和4 1 1 让学生根据所听到2的录音 完成2 T Listen to 2 and draw a picture according to what you will hear 让学生可以先写下关键词 录音停止后再画 2 核对完答案 选出最佳图画 张贴在教室里接着要求学生看 图写出刚才听到的句子 以巩固所学介词及There be句型 T Please write the sentences that you heard just now 2 告诉学生3a和3b是本单元重点 翻开书齐读 T Please open your books Read 3a and 3b together 3 用所学的介词及There be句型 让学生完成4 T Write a letter to your friend about your house Use the prepositions that we have learnt and the structure of There be Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 时间12分钟 通过活动 培养学生实际运用能力 1 双人活动 把一张图案鲜明的图片给S1 但不让S1看到图中 内容S1把图面向其他学生 让其他学生来描绘这张图 S1根据学生们 的描述在黑板上画出一幅图S1可以问问题 其他学生回答最后让学 生们给S1打分此活动能够活跃课堂气氛 激发学生兴趣 Example S1 What can you see in the picture S2 There is a horse in the picture S1 What else S3 There is a man on the horse S1 Is the horse running or walking S4 The horse is running S1 What else can you see S5 The sky is blue and there are many trees in the picture 增加教学弹性 可以换图多做一两次 2 完成5让学生四人一组 做调查 看同伴的房间里有什么东西 先作汇报接着选一个同伴并把其房间里的东西放在合适的地方 用图 体现出来看谁设计的效果最好 张贴在教室里 给予表扬 1 T Work in groups of four Make a survey Name Things in the room T Report to your group using the sentences like this There is There isnt There are There arent Its oninbehindin front of Theyre oninbehindin front of 2 T Then draw a room The student who draws the things in the best place is the winner 3 让学生自主归纳整理本话题重点 以加深印象 巩固记忆四人 一组 进行自主学习 每名学生负责归纳整理一个section的重点句 型与词组最后四名学生将总结的结果合并到一起 向全班学生汇报 与全班共享话题1的重点句型与词组 并与课本3a和3b对照 4 家庭作业 让学生给他她的朋友写一封信介绍一下自己家的房间分类及房子周围的环境不少于70字 Unit6 Topic 2 Section A 教学目标1学习谈论居民建筑名称和居家方位2能看懂并会写租赁房屋广告3继续学习there be结构 本课重点 1a2a和2b方位教具 录音机 五指教学方案 课时建议1,2 教学过程 第一步复习 1教师出示图片以My house或My apartment building为题介绍自己的居住环境和室内布置等 2学生出示自己的居家图片或理想家园图片向其它同学介绍其周围环境和室内布置每张图片5,8句话 3边画图边问学生喜欢住在哪里apartment building townhouse 还是farmhouse 第二步呈现 1教师介绍对话的大致内容 Wang Wei and Kangkang are talking about their houses and their grandparents houses Listen carefully and try to find out where they and their grandpenrents are living now in an apartment house in a townhouse or in a farmhouse 2布置听力任务听录音 Where are Wang Weis grandparents living Where are Kangkangs grandparents living Could Wang Wei go to play soccer with Kangkang 3完成1b 4师生共同完成1c通过下列问题进行回答 Who lives in apartment buildings Who lives in townhouses Who lives in farmhouses Who lives in dormitories 第三步巩固 1读2a中的广告弄清哪些是租房广告哪些是赁房广告 2读广告找出生词rent furniturequietsingleper 3根据广告内容完成2b 第四步练习 学生活动谈论怎样写租赁房广告广告内容包括对所租房的要求 对所赁房的简单描述和联系方式等 第五步综合探究活动 1教师展示教师本人先说出想租房的条件看学生中谁家的房子更 合适然后写成广告的形式 2学生活动学生说出并写出租赁房屋的广告贴在墙上租房南墙赁 房北墙学生分别找出自己的理想之家 Section B 教学目标1学习小区设施名称2描述自己的居住环境3学习用打 电话寻求帮助 本课重点 1a 和2a方位打电话寻求帮助教具 录音机 五指教学方案 课时建议1,2 教学过程 第一步复习 1出示一张小区生活示意图教学挂图介绍小区内的公共设施和功 能 2学生谈一谈自己所住的小区有哪些设施 There is a small garden in front of my house There are a lot of tall buildings in our area 第二步呈现 1出示教学挂图图片讲解1a教师介绍图片内容使听力容易一些 如 Mike is Marys new neighbor He is looking for a store There is a store in front of their building Also there is a bank on the street corner 2听录音模仿语音语调 3读对话做结对练习 4完成1b1c 5游戏时空以小组为单位要求一个学生用英语描述所看到的图片另一个学生说出那个词如 学生AWe can park our cars there 学生BParking lot 学生AWe can eat meals there 学生BRestaurant 先小组比赛然后小组的获胜者在黑板前进行比赛 第三步巩固 1图片描述Linda正在给绿色社区服务中心打电话一个男人正在接电话讨论修理厨房排气扇的问题 2听录音两人一组练习完成2a 3两人一组的长时间的对话练习 第四步练习 1完成2b学生通过听说读然后进行链状对话检查训练学生的流利程度 2学生从机械练习过渡到有意义的练习可以进行人称地点和物品的替换如对下列词的替换manLindaGreen Community Service CentreApartment 606Building Akitchen fan等 第五步综合探究活动 做调查调查你的社区有哪些公共设施这些公共设施给你的生活带来了什么方便和实惠你认为还需要增加哪些设施使你的生活更美好如 In my area life is easy If you want to eat out you can go to a restaurant A man from Hunan runs it The dishes there are cheap and delicious If you want to And in my opinion I think a bank is necessary Section C 教学目标1谈论社区环境2继续学习there be结构3谈论如何 更好地与邻居相处 本课重点 1和3athere be结构打电话寻求帮助教具 录音机 五指教学方案 课时建议1 教学过程 第一步复习 1谈论你所生活的社区情况回答下列问题 问题1Is there a bank around you 问题2Where can you buy fruits 问题3Is there a community service centre in your area 2讨论如果你家中的东西坏了谁能帮你的忙 3展示1教师出示图片1教学挂图尽量多地用there be结构讲 述1 4对1部分进行师生问答检查理解的程度口头 Where is your home Are there many buildings in your area Are there many shops and restaurants there Whats near the supermarket 5学生独自完成2 第二步呈现 1图片引入3a教师根据图片内容复述对话然后问问题 Look Dave is playing the piano He is playing beautifullybut it is too loud Mr Smith is knocking at the door Mr Smith is talking about it to Dave Dave is really sorry He will try to play quietly 2听录音回答问题 What is Dave doing Who is Daves neighbor What is happening to them 3读课文学生间互问互答 第三步巩固 学生两人一组练习3b并表演对话 第四步练习 1说一说How do you get on well with your neighbors Are you a good neighbor 2完成4学生两人一组做结对练习然后再做小组练习最后让学生 把问题的答案串成一篇文章 3歌曲时空完成5 第五步综合探究活动 分别描述各自邻居的生活起居情况然后让学生写出来尽量多地 用上Section B 中学过的词题目My Neighbor Section D 教学目标复习there be结构 本课重点 12a和5there be结构教具 录音机 五指教学方案 课时建议1 教学过程 第一步复习 1开始歌曲Home on the Range 2谈一谈居住的房子回答下列问题 Which type of home do you live Where do you want do live Do you have a good neighbor 3完成1找出更多, , , , 音的单词 第二步呈现 1图片引入2a简单介绍图片内容 2读课文填表格用suburbs或cities a house with lawn a big yard noisy clean low cost quiet busy traffic 3回答问 题 Why do so many people dislike living in the cities Why do they like living in the suburbs Which one do you preferliving in the cities or living in the suburbs Whats the opinion of your classmates 4完成2b 第三步巩固 1继续学习3a3b总结归纳there be结构和习惯用语 2听录音完成4 第四步练习 1回答问题完成5 2整理问题的答案写出一篇文章 第五步综合探究活动 1写一篇50字左右的文章参考题目为我喜欢住在城市郊区 2完成6使语言的学习更加有趣 Unit6 Topic 3 Section A 教学目标1复习交通工具的名称2学习问路指路3认识交通标志 本课重点 1a学习问路指路教具 录音机 五指教学方案 课时建议1,2 教学过程 第一步复习 1出示教学挂图1a学习社区建筑名称 你能在1a地图上找出清华大学北京大学海淀桥仁爱教育研究所 的位置吗 2画出自己所在社区的简易图并写出英语名称 第二步呈现 1你能用英语谈谈上学的路线吗 2看地图1a听录音找出对话中提到的地方 3老师和全体学生进行对话练习然后学生两人一组练习 4学生做链状练习chain work 第三步巩固 1情景设置完成1b假设教师本人分别在ABCD点怎样到达不同的地方 从A点到Renai Education Institute从B点到Peking University 从C点到Tsinghua University从D点到Park 21完成1c复习第5单元学过的交通方式 by boatshipseaby trainby busby subwayon footby carby bikeby planeairairplane 2把教室当作模拟社区model community在教室内标出建筑物名称building names并且给rowsteams命名当你在教室旅游travel时练习学过的英语老师可把1a地图搬到教室来 3完成23 第四步练习 1教师展示教师拿出自己的上班线路图说出自己的行走路线 2学生展示学生两人一组说出自己所经过的社区建筑名称说出自 己的上学路线 第五步综合探究活动 画出地图并完成下列短文 本周五晚上你要在家中开一个生日晚会请你在你的请柬上写清楚时间地点并画出到你家的路线图Section B 教学目标1复习Section A中学过的问路和指路2认识街上的交通标志 本课重点 1a和2学习问路指路教具 录音机 五指教学方案 课时建议1 教学过程 第一步复习 1熟悉社区各种建筑的名称 2把教室当作模拟社区在教室内标出建筑物的名称如北京大学清华大学等并命名道路即把Section A 1a地图搬到教室进行模拟活动可以使用的句式 1Excuse me How can I get to Go straight aheadon turn right 2Excuse me Which is the way to Go along turn left Its on your leftright You cant miss it 第二步呈现 1听录音1a并回答如下问题 Is the man in Picture B new here How far is it from the station to Beitai Road Which bus can he take 2再听一遍录音核对答案 3教师和全体学生做对话练习 4两人一组对话练习 第三步巩固 1听录音填空完成1b 2分角色朗读完成1c 3学生4人一组练习然后表演出来 第四步练习 1假设你是一个司机当你看到这些标志你该怎么办 When you see this signyou can turn left You can not park your car here when you see this sign 2两人一组练习一个人描述图片一个人画出找出图片 3看图完成3 4轻松一下Lets chant 第五步综合探究活动 假设你是一名首都警察一外地出租车司机正在拿着北京市地图 Section A 1a向你询问去北京大学西门怎么走请写一段对话尽量多 地用上问路指路的用语 注意出租车司机正在Section A 1a的A点 Section C 教学目标1学习交通规则2学习交通设施3学习祈使句 本课重点 1a学习祈使句教具 录音机 五指教学方案 课时建议1 教学过程 第一步复习 1向全体同学迅速地展示有关交通标志的图片让他们集体说出其含义 2展示Section A 1a的地图带领全班同学一起描述如何从地铁站到清华大学给几分钟准备时间可以用多种表达方式 第二步呈现 1略读1a然后完成1b中的真假判断题并核对答案 2精读1a将要点列于黑板上并给出必要的解释 3老师按要点复述短文给学生做出示范 4然后让全体同学按黑板的提示改写短文最好不要看课本然后选取几名同学将他们的短文读给大家听 第三步巩固 1先让学生说出自己所知道的社会公共设施的名称老师将答案收集写到黑板上 2再将2中的图片展示给学生让他们辨认并试着说出其英文名字 3最后再教授生词 第四步练习 1完成3的练习看谁可以写出更多的交通规则画出更多的交通标 志注意使用祈使句 2放歌曲的录音先让学生听几遍然后让学生跟着录音一起学唱 3学会后给歌曲配上动作让学生进行表演 第五步综合探究活动 1假设老师打算到学生家进行家访但不知路线两人一小组来编排 一个师生间有关指路问路的对话然后选取几组进行表演 2让学生尽可能多地用祈使句说出一些交通规则和学校的规章制 度如 Dont play in the streetDont talk in class Section D 教学目标1复习总结本单元内容2学习元音音标, 本课重点 1 2和5学习问路指路学习祈使句教具 录音机 五指教学方案 课时建议1 教学过程 第一步复习 1齐唱第46页4的歌曲并选几组表演 2以3a3b为线索来复习there be结构和有关方位的介词 第二步呈现 1先给出1的图片让学生说出英文 2将单词一一无规律地写在黑板上 3让学生们集体总结出发音的规律 4尽可能地添加更多的含有同样发音的其它单词 5听录音完成2的对话填空然后集体检查纠正错误 第三步巩固 1让学生们单独画出自己家到学校的路线图 2两个一组活动向对方介绍如何从自己家到学校如This is my house When I go to school first second Last 3选几名同学上讲台向全班汇报他们写的小短文 第四步练习 1向学生解释如何操作5 2四人一组进行活动 3将方框内的词分别配给ABCDEF 4每人选定一条路线来描述 第五步综合探究活动 将全体同学分为两组A组的第一个同学开始提问B组的第一个同学如果他她可以流利地回答的话就可以去提问A组的第二个同学如果不能的话就被淘汰出局由A组的第二个同学提问B组的第二个同学由此进行下去看哪组剩下的人多就获胜可提问如下问题 Is there a computer in your study Are there any books in your bookcase Whats in your desk
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