首页 二甲医院复审护理需备材料目录



二甲医院复审护理需备材料目录二甲医院复审护理需备材料目录 一、确立护理管理组织体系 【C】 1、《护理质量与安全管理委员会的通知》 2、护理质量管理委员会会议记录,有分管院长参加的专题会议记录。 3、护理管理岗位结构图 4、护理管理人员职责(护理部主任、护理部干事、护士长) 【B】 对护理部人员、护士长考核记录。 【C】 1、《“十二五”护理发展规划》 2、护理部2012年度工作计划 落实实施:护理人员知晓规划与计划主要内容。 【B】 1、护理质量与安全委员会护理工作进程会议记录 2、...

二甲医院复审护理需备材料目录 一、确立护理管理组织体系 【C】 1、《护理质量与安全管理委员会的通知》 2、护理质量管理委员会会议记录,有分管院长参加的专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 会议记录。 3、护理管理岗位结构图 4、护理管理人员职责(护理部主任、护理部干事、护士长) 【B】 对护理部人员、护士长考核记录。 【C】 1、《“十二五”护理发展规划》 2、护理部2012年度工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 落实实施:护理人员知晓规划与计划主要内容。 【B】 1、护理质量与安全委员会护理工作进程会议记录 2、护理部对2012年第一季度护理工作总结报告 3、护理部对2012年上半年度护理工作总结报告 【A】 1、护理质量与安全管理委员会2012年第一季度、上半年护理工作会议记录(会 议主题、汇报工作情况、工作中的问题、讨论解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 、下阶段工作重点) 【C】 1、建立护理垂直管理体系的工作方案。(何谓护理垂直管理体系,) 2、护理部主任、病区护士长三级管理(聘任文件) 【B】 1. 二级护理管理图 2. 护理管理人员工作考勤表 【A】 1、《关于成立护理日常工作协调组的通知》 2、2012年护理工作协调组上半年工作联席会会议记录(成员、工作汇报) 【C】 1、《护理人员执业准入制度》。 2、《护理人员岗前培训制度》。 3、《护理人员继续教育制度》。 4、《护理人员业务学习制度》。 5、《护理人员技能定期评估制度》。or(护士分层级 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ) 6、《护理人员职业暴露防护管理制度》。 7、《护理人员独立值班准入管理办法》。 8、《特殊岗位护理人员准入管理办法》。 9、科室护理人员执业证书、准入证书齐全。 f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select 10、护理人员准入审批表及名单。——待完成 11、《护士条例》。 【B】 1、《护理岗位资质准入人员名单》及执业证书复印件。 2、独立值班护士考试考核材料:申请表、理论和技能考试成绩、证书复印件。 3、特殊岗位护理人员准入材料:(待完善) 3、2012年医院护理人员培训计划 4、《2012年全院护理大讲座目录》 5、护理部培训督导记录(待完善) 【C】 护士岗位责任制整体护理的工作方案与具体措施 1. 建立 2. 护理人员岗位职责 3. 护理人员分级管理档案(护士N0、N1、N2、N3、N4) 落实实施:1、护理人员知晓本岗位的职责要求。2、科室执行护士分层级管理 方案。3、科室按护士层级排班,落实岗位责任制。 【B】 1. 科室自查、分析、整改记录(每季度一次)。 2. 护理部督导检查的结果反馈和整改意见(每季度一次)。 3. 责任制整体护理工作规范明示 【A】 1、责任制整体护理工作开展前后患者满意度调查汇总表 2、护理部督导检查的结果分析记录 【C】 1、《护理管理目标》。 2、各项护理质量控制标准。 3、科室护理管理目标完成指标。 落实实施:护理人员知晓上述内容并落实质量标准 【B】 1、《科护士长职责》。——见“护理管理人员职责” 2、科护士长 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 。 2、科护士长对护理管理目标及护理质量的评价与分析 。 3、护理部对护理管理目标及护理质量的评价与分析 。 【A】 1、护理部抽查科室管理记录 【C】 1、《护理常规》。 2、《临床护理技术操作规范》。 3、《基础护理操作技术》DVD光盘(待做)。 4、《护理工作制度、流程及应急预案》。 5、病区护士培训考核记录. f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select 6、护理部培训考核记录。 落实实施:护理人员知晓上述内容并落实核心制度、护理常规 【B】 1、病区《护理培训手册》及考试试卷(待完善) 2、全院护士考核汇总(待完善) 3、科室、护理部督导检查及整改。(待完善) 【A】 1、病人满意度调查结果及分析 2、不良事件发生率降低(详见不良事件汇总分析表) 【C】 1、《护理常规》中《专科护理》 2、科室护理人员培训考核记录(待完善) 落实实施:护理人员知晓上述内容并落实护理常规. 【B】 《护理常规》(2004年、2012年修订) 【A】 1.护理部督导检查记录(待完善)。 2、护理新项目护理常规 3、专科护理常规考核培训记录 【C】 1、关于医院规章制度、岗位职责、操作常规变更审批规定(红头文件 )。 2、关于修订护理规章制度、护理常规、操作规范的批准决定(红头文件)。 3、相关制度手册有实施、修订标识。 【B】 1、病区培训考核记录(待完善) 2、护理部培训考核记录(待完善) 3、落实实施: 4、护理人员知晓制度与规定。 【A】 1、科室落实规章制度。 2、护理部抽查记录 【C】定期护理管理制度培训 1、护理人员培训计划 2、病区专项考核登记 。 3、全院护理人员培训考核记录。 落实实施:护理人员知晓相关制度 【B】 护理部检查记录 【A】 护理部抽查总结 二、护理人力资源管理 f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select 【C】 1、《护理人员管理规定》。 2、《护理岗位说明书》。 3、病区考核记录。 4、护理部考核记录。 【B】 1、全院护理人员信息表 2、护理部考试记录 【A】 1、考核优秀人员名单。 2、护士考核情况汇总 【C】 1、《护理人员执业准入制度》 。 2、《护理岗位资质准入审批表》。——待完成 3、病区护理人员培训考核记录。 【B】 1、《护理岗位资质准入人员名单》。 、《护理岗位资质准入审批表》。 2 3、护理部考核记录(待完善)。 【A】 护理岗位资质准入管理持续改进记录 【C】 1、《护理人员岗位说明书》医院2012年聘用制护士招聘启事。 2、《人事代理人员工资福利待遇》。 3、2012年聘用制职工工资明细。 落实实施:护理人员知晓本岗位资质与履职要求 【B】 聘用制人员合同期满考核表 【A】 聘用护理人员薪酬满意度调查结果及分析 【C】 1、《职工福利待遇制度》 2、护理人员奖金发放、福利发放、加班费发放明细表 3、护理人员离职率统计表 【A】 1、医院未对薪酬和福利做过满意度调查 2、护理人员离职率统计表 【C】 1、《医务人员职业安全防护制度》(待修订,医务部、感染办、护理部联合) f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select 2、《医务人员职业暴露管理的有关规定》 3、《关于对本院职工医疗费用照顾的暂行规定》 落实实施:护士知晓上述规定内容 【B】 1、职业健康监护查体结果报告书 2、科室个人防护用品配置清单 3、医院护理人员查体名单 【A】 1、监测报告 2、体检报告书 【C】 护理人员分布表、床护比。 1. 全院 2. 病区护理人员排版、分工表。 【B】 病区护理人员排班表,每位护理人员平均负责病人数?8人,体现能级对应。 【C】 1. 科室、护理部有《护理人力资源调配制度》 2. 护理人员调配记录,体现调配事由,如:群体烧伤,重大车祸等情况人 员调配。 落实:护理管理人员知晓紧急护理人力资源调配规定的主要内容与流程。 【B】 1. 机动护士名单 2. 机动护士培训计划 3. 机动护士培训目录 4. 机动护士考核成绩 【A】 1. 科室、护理部有《护理应急预案演练记录》 2. 机动护士与护士总数比例表 【C】 1、《全院护理人员配置与分析表》。 2、《护理岗位说明书》 3、《专业技术职务评审、聘任管理办法》 【B】 1. 护理人员配置与分析表 2. 病房床护比 【C】 1、《护理人员弹性调配方法》 2、机动护士名单 3、护理人员调配记录,体现调配事由,如:工作量增加、护士休假等情况时的 人员调配。 f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select 【B】 人员调配记录 1. 护理 2. 病区排班表 【A】 1、护理人员调配汇总 2、护理人员科室间援助工作记录 【C】 1、科室护理人员绩效考核方案。 2、科室绩效方案征求意见记录。 3、病区绩效分配明细表。 4、护理部护理人员绩效分配指导方案。 【B】 1. 病区绩效分配明细表 2. 绩效考核结果与评优,晋升,薪酬挂钩 【A】 1、医院绩效考核方案 2、病区绩效分配明细表 【C】 1、《护理人员继续教育制度》 2、《护理人员外出培训、进修制度》 3、2012年全院护理人员培训计划 4、2012年医院护理人员培训落实记录 5、护理部人员分工表 6、《护理人员外出进修、学习、参加学术会经费汇总》 【B】 1、《2012年医院护理人员培训计划》。 2、《关于开展2011年度评先树优工作的通知》。 3、《专业技术岗位竞争聘任实施办法》(关于进修的规定)。 4、培训经费。 【A】 1、护理人员外出进修、会议、学习培训登记 【C】 1、医院专科护士培养方案。 2、专科护士培训计划。 3、开展专科护士日常训练所需的师资,设备设施。 4、医院专科护理学术小组培训计划。 5、专科护士培养师资名单。 【B】 1、专科护士培训证书 f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select
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