首页 2012入党培训教材测试题



2012入党培训教材测试题2012入党培训教材测试题 《入党培训教材》2012版测试题 一、填空 1-1、马克思主义认为 政党是一定阶级、阶层或集团的积极分子为 维护本阶级、阶层或集团的利益 围绕着 夺取政权、巩固政权或影响政府 而结合起来采取共同行动的政治组织。 1-2、政党的 阶级 性是政党的本质属性。 1-3、按照阶级基础分类 政党主要可分为 资产阶级政党 和 无产阶级政党 两大类 按照政党的政治地位划分 政党可以划分为 执政党、参政党和在野党 。 1-4、拥有一定的 政治纲领 这是政党区别于其他社会组织的一个主要标志。 2-1、...

2012入党培训教材测试题 《入党培训教材》2012版测试题 一、填空 1-1、马克思主义认为 政党是一定阶级、阶层或集团的积极分子为 维护本阶级、阶层或集团的利益 围绕着 夺取政权、巩固政权或影响政府 而结合起来采取共同行动的政治组织。 1-2、政党的 阶级 性是政党的本质属性。 1-3、按照阶级基础分类 政党主要可分为 资产阶级政党 和 无产阶级政党 两大类 按照政党的政治地位划分 政党可以划分为 执政党、参政党和在野党 。 1-4、拥有一定的 政治纲领 这是政党区别于其他社会组织的一个主要标志。 2-1、政党 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 就是指一个国家或由 法律规定 或通过长期的 政治角逐 也可以是两者共同作用下 实际地表现在社会生活当中的各个政党 权力和地位的划分 的制度性规定和运行模式。 2-2、一个国家的政党制度同该国的 国体、政体 具有很强的一致性。 2-3、政党制度可以具体划分为 一党制、两党制、多党制和共产党领导的多党合作制 等四种表现形式。 2-4、资本主义的多党制起源于 法国 以 法国和意大利 最为典型。 2-5、中国共产党和各民主党派实行 长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 的方针。 3-1、所谓政党章程 是一个政党为保证全党在 政治上、思想上的一致和组织上、行动上的统一 所制定的章程 是政党内部最基本的行为规范 是一个政党的 政治态度和组织形态 的集中体现 是完备的政党组织所不可缺少的组成部分。 3-2、中国共产党从成立到今天共召开了 十七 次全国代表大会 共形成了 16 部党的章程。 3-3、 中国共产党章程 是中国共产党的根本法规。其内容包括党的 政治纲领、组织纲领 以及有关党的 组织制度、活动方法 等基本问题的规定。是党的建设的全面性的指导文件 也是 党内生活 的最高法规。 4-1、改革开放以来我们取得一切成绩和进步的根本原因 归结起来就是 开辟了中国特色社会主义道the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 路 形成了中国特色社会主义理论体系 。 4-2、中国特色社会主义理论体系 就是包括 邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想以及科学发展观 等重大战略思 、中国特色社会主义理论体系是不断 发展的开放想在内的科学理论体系。 4-3 的 理论体系。 4-4、中国特色社会主义理论体系 坚持和发展了 马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想 。 5-1、自 1921 年中国共产党建立以来 就一直领导中国工人阶级和最广大人民群众为实现自己的历史使命和自身的解放而奋斗。 5-2、中国共产党是 中国工人阶级 的先锋队 同时是 中国人民和中华民族 的先锋队。 5-3、中国共产党是中国特色社会主义事业的 领导 核心。 5-4、“三个代表” 即代表 中国先进生产力的发展要求 代表 中国先进文化的前进方向 代表 中国最广大人民的根本利益 。 6-1、中国共产党以 马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想 作为自己的行动指南。 6-2、马克思、恩格斯 1847 年在正义者同盟的基础上建立了第一个无产阶级政党——“共产主义者同盟”。 6-3、1848年 《共产党宣言》 的发表标志着马克思主义的诞生。 6-4、邓小平理论第一次比较系统、比较完整的回答了在中国这样的经济文化落后的国家 如何建设社会主义、如何巩固和发展社会主义 等一系列基本问题。 6-5、贯彻“三个代表”重要思想 关键在 坚持与时俱进 核心在 坚持党的先进性 本质在 坚持执政为民 。 6-6、科学发展观 第一要义是 发展 核心是 以人为本 基本要求是 全面协调 根本方法是 统筹兼顾 。 7-1、中国共产党从成立时起 就明确规定了党的最终目标是实现 共产主义 的社会制度。 7-2、坚持 党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国 有机统一 走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路。 7-3、在优化结构、提高效益、降低消耗、保护环境的基础上 实现 人均国内生产总值 到2020年比2000年翻 两 番。 7-4、社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领 是党 family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hidingthe Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich ide inives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to ho break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrin court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces t Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is ates of Hades and survive. d of rin, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, heaath squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power aganizing dea stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated orga--N elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only accessTroops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DU ng more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fightient. watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclem explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert,the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of 2 的基本理论的重要内容 是党的基本路线在 经济、政治、文化和社会 等方面展开的。 8-1、 全心全意为人民服务 是中国共产党的根本宗旨。 8-2、党从成立时起 就是 中国人民和中华民族 利益的忠实代表。 8-3、 立党为公、执政为民 是我们党的政治本色。 8-4、1945年7月 毛泽东在和黄炎培谈到中国共产党如何跳出历史周期率的问题时 明确表示了共产党要走 民主 新路 来跳出历史周期率的支配。 9-1、 民主集中制 是中国共产党的根本组织制度和领导制度。 9-2、民主集中制是 民主基础上的集中和集中指导下的民主 相结合。 9-3、党的最高领导机关 是 党的全国代表大会和它所产生的中央委员会 。 9-4、党的各级委员会在处理重大问题时 要按照 集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿 、会议决定的原则 由党的委员会集体讨论 作出决定。 10-1、共产党员必须自觉接受 党的纪律 的约束。 10-2、党的纪律的主要特征是 自觉性、客观性、严肃性 。 10-3、党的纪律又具体分为 政治纪律、组织纪律、群众纪律、宣传纪律、保密纪律、经济纪律、人事纪律、外事纪律 等等。 10-4、 党章 是党的最高的行为规范。 10-5、共产党员在纪律面前 人人平等 。 11-1、共产党员所以光荣是由其 承担的义务 决定的。党章规定了党员的 八 项义务。 11-2、马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想 是我们党的 理论基础和行动指南 。 11-3、共产党员必须具有高度的 组织 观念、 纪律 观念和 法制 观念。 11-4、党的团结和统一 是指全党在马克思主义原则基础上形成的 思想上、政治上、组织上和行动上 的一致。 11-5、 批评和自我批评 是共产党员正确处理和解决党内矛盾的武器。 12-1、对应于共产党员应该履行的义务 党员的权利也有 八 项。 12-2、党员有权参加党的 有关 y has e enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberrorganized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under thin court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is unsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Fan Chemendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five ated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tra stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repe--f only accessnsive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village oTroops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offe the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attackedJia strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong , a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department tothe Department during a visit to the campnd House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hidingnowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, a3 会议 党员有阅读党的 有关文件 的权利 在党的会议上和党报党刊上党员有参加党的政策问题的 讨论 的权利 党员有对党的工作提出 建议和倡议 的权利。 12-3、党员的权利和义务是辩证统一的 既没有 无权利的义务 也没有 无义务的权利 。党员行使权利的过程 也是 履行义务 的过程。 13-1、 年满十八岁 强调了申请入党的人必须具备的年龄条件。 13-2、申请入党的人必须承认党的 纲领和章程 。 13-3、党章规定的申请入党的人必须愿意参加 党的一个组织并在其中积极工作 是由党的高度组织性和党员的先锋模范作用所决定的。 13-4、中国共产党党员是 中国工人阶级的有共产主义觉悟的先锋战士 。这从根本上界定了共产党员的政治身份。 14-1、要求入党的同志 必须个人自愿向所在单位党组织提出 书面 申请。 14-2、申请入党的人 要有 两名 正式党员作介绍人。 14-3、新的社会阶层也是社会主义的 建设者 。 14-4、党支部要将被批准的预备党员及时编入一个 党小组 。 14-5、预备党员的预备期 从 支部大会通过他为预备党员 之日算起。 15-1、入党不是要捞取什么好处 而是 为人民服务 。 15-2、入党积极分子应当具备的基本素质包括 思想素质、政治素质、组织素质、道德素质、文化素质、心理素质 等。 15-3、党员是党的细胞 是党的战斗力的 基础 。 15-4、 艰苦奋斗 是我们党的优良传统和作风 是共产党员应有的政治本色和高贵品质。 15-5、要始终保持共产党人的高尚情操与革命气节。要筑起拒腐防变的牢固思想防线 做到 自重、自省、自警、自励 。 二、选择 1-1、政党的前身或者说萌芽 首先在 C英国 产生。 1-2、世界历史上第一个无产阶级政党是 B共产主义者同盟 。 1-3、无产阶级政党的组织纪律是无产阶级阶级性的集中表现 是建立在 A民主集中制 基础之上、通过党员高度的自觉性来实现的。 2-1、起源于英国的 B两党制 和起源于法国的 B多党制 是资本 family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hidingthe Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich ide inives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to ho break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrin court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces t Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is ates of Hades and survive. d of rin, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, heaath squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power aganizing dea stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated orga--N elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only accessTroops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DU ng more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fightient. watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclem explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert,the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of 4 主义国家政党制度的两种主要形式。 2-2、在中国共产党的多党合作制度体系中 共产党是 C执政党 民主政党是 C参政党 共同管理国家。 2-3、中国共产党和各民主党派共同协商、管理国家事物的合作方式主要包括 A中国人民政治协商会议 中国共产党召集的协商座谈会 共同参加国家政权 等几种形式。 3-1、党的 B二大 上诞生了我们党历史上的第一部党章。 3-2、 A政党章程 是立党之本。 3-3、 A党徽党旗 这一章内容是十七大党章沿用十六大党章的规定。 4-1、中国特色社会主义理论体系的精髓是 A解放思想 B求真务实 C与时俱进 D实事求是 。 4-2、中国特色社会主义理论体系的主题是 B发展 。 4-3、高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 最根本的就是要坚持 A中国特色社会主义道路、C中国特色社会主义理论体系 。 4-4、党的 C十七大 首次提出了中国特色社会主义道路的科学内涵和完整表述。 5-1、中国共产党成立时 以 C工人阶级 为其阶级基础。 5-2、中国共产党始终成为中国工人阶级的先锋队 与自觉成为中国人民和中华民族的先锋队 二者是 A统一的 。 6-1、马克思主义哲学即 A辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义 。 6-2、 B实事求是 是毛泽东思想的根本点 是党的思想路线的核心。 6-3、毛泽东思想的活的灵魂有三个基本方面 即 A实事求是 群众路线 独立自主 。 6-4、邓小平理论是在 B和平与发展 成为当代世界两大主题的历史条件下形成和发展起来的。 6-5、 A立党为公 执政为民 是实践“三个代表”的根本要求。 6-6、深入贯彻落实科学发展观 要求我们 A始终坚持“一个中心 两个基本点”的基本路线 B积极构建社会主义和谐社会 C继续深化改革开放 D切实加强和改进党的建设 。 7-1、1956年的党的 B八大 通过了社会主义建设的纲领。 7-2、我国正处于并将长期处于 B社会主义初级阶段 。 7-3、我们党是 A执政党 党的路线、方针、政策的实现要靠党的领导 也要靠 nd House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hidingnowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, ay has e enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberrorganized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under thin court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is unsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Fan Chemendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five ated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tra stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repe--f only accessnsive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village oTroops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offe the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attackedJia strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong , a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department tothe Department during a visit to the camp5 广大党员充分发挥先锋模范作用 身体力行。 7-4、我们是阶段性纲领与最高纲领的 C统一论者 。 8-1、除了 A法律和政策规定的范围内 的个人利益和工作职权以外 所有共产党员都不得谋求任何私利和特权。 8-2、中华人民共和国的一切权力属于 C人民 。 8-3、党除了 A广大人民群众的利益 没有自己的特殊利益 没有自己的特权。 8-4、领导干部是人民群众的 B公仆 。 8-5、我们党是受 A人民群众 的委托行使领导国家的权力的。 9-1、党是根据自己的纲领和章程 按照 B民主集中制 组织起来的统一整体。 9-2、党的民主集中制的“四个服从”是指 个人服从组织 少数服从多数 C下级服从上级 全党服从中央。 9-3、 A党内民主 是党的生命 对人民民主具有重要的示范和带动作用。 9-4、在一般情况下 党的全国代表大会每 B五 年举行一次 有中央委员会召集。 10-1、党按照 A德才兼备 的原则选择干部。 10-2、党之所以有力量 不仅在于它是先进的理论武装起来、他有政治纲领基础上的统一意志 还在于它在 B组织 上是一个整体。 10-3、 A集体领导和个人分工负责相结合 的制度 是民主集中制原则在党的领导活动中的体现。 10-4、党 A不承认 任何只享有权利 不承担义务的特殊党员。 10-5、《中国共产党纪律处分条例》于 A2003.12 颁布实施。 11-1、共产党要始终做到个人利益服从 C党和人民利益 。 11-2、我们党的最大政治优势是 A密切联系群众 党执政后的最大危险是 A脱离群众 。 12-1、党员作为批判主体 其批评客体或者说被批评的对象是 B没有限制的 。 12-2、在党的会议上 所有参加会议有表决权的正式党员 可以投 C既可投赞成票 也可投反对票 还可投弃权票 。 12-3、党纪处分 是指党组织对犯错误的同志 按照 A情节轻重 和党章规定作出的处罚决定 党员的鉴定 是党组织 family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hidingthe Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich ide inives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to ho break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrin court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces t Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is ates of Hades and survive. d of rin, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, heaath squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power aganizing dea stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated orga--N elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only accessTroops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DU ng more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fightient. watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclem explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert,the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of 6 对党员个人所作出的 A书面评价 13-1、把工人、农民、军人、知识分子以外的其他社会阶层中的先进分子吸收到党内来 有利于增强党的 A阶级基础 扩大党的 A群众基础 。 13-2、党员的先进性 党员与一般群众的根本区别 就在于党员具有高度的 B共产主义觉悟 。 13-3、共产党员既是工人阶级的有共产主义觉悟的先锋战士 又是劳动人民的普通一员 二者之间是 B统一的 。 13-4、要达到党对共产党员的基本要求 B不能 只做到党章对党员基本要求的某一方面或某几个方面。 14-1、发展党员工作 要 B坚持标准 保证质量 有领导、有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的进行。 14-2、预备党员的预备期为 C一年 。 14-3、发展党员必须坚持入党自愿的原则和 C个别吸收 的原则。 14-4、如果一次支部大会讨论两个以上的人入党时 应该 C逐个讨论 逐个表决 。 14-5、预备党员在预备期期间不履行党员义务 不具备党员条件的 应当 A取消预备党员资格 。 15-1、把入党看作是谋求私利的一种手段或途径 是 B不正确的入党动机 。 15-2、申请入党的积极分子必须 A自觉 接受党组织的培养教育和考察。 15-3、入党积极分子要 A主动 向党组织汇报思想、工作和学习情况。 15-4、确认入党积极分子已经 A完全 具备党员条件 才能按照入党的程序 加入中国共产党。 15-5、发展党员 是党的组织的一项 C经常性 的工作 也是党内的一项十分严肃的政治任务。 Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is unsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Fan Chemendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five ated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tra stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repe--f only accessnsive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village oTroops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offe the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attackedJia strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong , a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department tothe Department during a visit to the campnd House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hidingnowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, ay has e enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberrorganized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under thin court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi 7
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