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中国日报双语版20150730中国日报双语版20150730 2015-07-30 1/6 【Morning Buzz】 Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. (Albert Einstein, German-born American phys...

中国日报双语版20150730 2015-07-30 1/6 【Morning Buzz】 Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. (Albert Einstein, German-born American physicist, 1879-1955) 想像力比知识更重要。因为知识是有限的,而想像力是无限的,它包含了一切,推动着进步, 是人类进化的源泉。(阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦,德裔美籍物理学家,1879-1955) 【Highlights】 >Chinese spend most on tour 国人出境游出手最阔绰 >Malicious apps discovered 80款手机软件登上'黑榜' >Part of MH370 debris found? 法属留尼汪岛现飞机残骸、专家称不排除来自MH370 >Voice-lift hit among Koreans 韩国渐现嗓音'整形'潮 >Panda fakes pregnancy 熊猫圆圆为吹空调假孕 >Globes float in sky 日本上空惊现神秘球体 >Suits to combat mosquito 日发明防蚊连体衣(图) >Who's your celeb body match? 测你跟哪个明星撞身材? 【Top News】 >Chinese spend most on tour国人出境游出手最阔绰 Chinese spend the most on travelling, according to a research conducted by Visa Korea on outbound tourism for China, South Korea and Japan. The average tourist spending for every Chinese stands at $4,780, twice more than the world's average. South Korean tourists travel abroad most frequently, but only spend $1,808 per person on average. The average tourist expenditure of Japanese people is $3,165. In terms of accommodation, 62% of Chinese tourists and 41% of South Korean tourists prefer a four-star hotel at least, while 49% Japanese tourists would like to choose a 1-3 star hotel. Besides, by 2020, outbound mainland tourist number will reach 200m, predicts a latest report published by CLSA. 维萨韩国日前就中韩日3国出境游进行的一项调查显示,中国人旅游支出规模最大,每人平 均支出4780美元,超出全球平均值的2倍多。韩国游客出境游次数最为频繁,但人均花费 仅为1808美元;而日本游客出境旅游平均支出为3165美元。其中就住宿而言,62%的中国 游客与41%的韩国游客偏好四星级以上的酒店,49%的日本游客偏好1-3星级酒店。此外, 法国里昂证券公司发布的一份最新报告预测,到2020年,中国大陆的出国旅游将达到2亿 人次。 >Malicious apps discovered 80款手机软件登上'黑榜' The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology found 80 malicious mobile apps in the 2nd quarter of 2015, the ministry said on its official microblog Tuesday. Many of the apps were developed to steal data from your phone or sip money from your account, while others are bundled with irrelevant apps. Most of the listed apps have benign names such as "Sniper Shooter" 2015-07-30 2/6 (from hiapk.com), "Baofeng Player HD" (from hiapk.com), "Baby and Toddler Cookbook" (from ztems.com) and "Strategies for Playing 'Swords of Legends 2'" (from ztems.com). 工信部官方微博28日 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示,二季度工信部检测发现不良手机应用软件80款,涉及违规收集 用户个人信息、恶意扣费、强行捆绑推广其他无关应用软件等问题。安卓网的"火柴人狙击 手"、"暴风影音HD版",中兴应用商店的"宝宝辅食儿童食谱大全"、"古剑奇谭2游戏攻略" 等游戏、软件应用上榜。(信息时报) >Part of MH370 debris found?法属留尼汪岛现飞机残骸、专家称不排除来自MH370 A piece of plane debris was found on the French Indian Ocean island of La Reunion on Wednesday, which is likely to be part of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 that disappeared in March 2014, a regional media reported. Citing Xavier Tytelman, an expert in aviation security said "incredible similarities between a B777 flaperon of the missing Boeing and the debris found". He also noted a reference on the wreckage - BB670 - which according to the expert "is not a plane's registration number, nor serial number. However, it's clear that this reference would allow a quick identification". "In a few days, we will have a definitive answer," Tytelman said. 据地方媒体报道,29日,位于印度洋的法属留尼汪岛海滩上出现一块飞机残骸,或来自2014 年3月消失的马航MH370航班。法国航空安全专家格扎维埃?泰特尔曼说,发现的残骸与 消失的这架波音777型客机的襟副翼之间有"非常大的相似性"。他还指出,残骸上有一个编 号BB670,但是这既不是一架飞机的牌照,也不是飞机的序列号。然而,这一编号很明显 能让他们进行快速识别。泰特尔曼说:"几天后,我们将会有确定性答案。"(新华网) >Voice-lift hit among Koreans 韩国渐现嗓音'整形'潮 Cosmetic surgery for the voice - the voice lift - is becoming more popular among young people in South Korea, who want to have a deeper voice. In order to achieve that goal, otolaryngologists have to perform a surgery on certain part of their vocal chords, injecting botox into it to paralyze parts of the nerves. To sustain the effect, customers have to get the injection once a month or two. 在整形界,除外表可以整,声音也可以。越来越多的韩国年轻人为改变嗓音,前往耳鼻喉科 进行声带整形。具体方式是往喉部声带的特定部位注射肉毒杆菌,麻痹部分声带神经以创造 更低沉的嗓音。若要维持,须每一两个月注射一次。(韩国广播公司电视台) >Panda fakes pregnancy 熊猫圆圆为吹空调假孕 Panda experts determined that signs of pregnancy displayed by the giant panda Yuan Yuan at Taipei Zoo appear to have been faked by the animal in order to secure better conditions during the summer. Yuan Yuan, given to Taiwan as a gift by the Chinese mainland, had shown signs of pregnancy such as loss of appetite, thickening of the uterus and increased fecal progesterone 2015-07-30 3/6 concentration since June 11. But experts determined through ultrasound checks that Yuan Yuan was not pregnant. Pandas thought to be pregnant are moved into single rooms with air conditioning and round-the-clock care and also receive more fruits and bamboo. Experts believe clever pandas display behavior similar to pregnancy to improve their quality of life after noticing the difference in treatment they receive. 熊猫专家们日前确认,台北市立动物园大熊猫圆圆为在夏天获得更好的待遇而假怀孕。自6 月11日起,大陆赠台大熊猫圆圆就表现出怀孕迹象,如食欲不振、子宫内膜增厚和粪便孕 酮浓度增加。不过专家们通过超声波检查断定它并没有怀孕。据悉,疑似怀孕的熊猫会转移 至有空调的"单人间",享受24小时的照顾,还有更多的水果和竹子。专家们认为,聪明的 熊猫发觉受到不同待遇后,会表现出类似怀孕的行为来改善生活质量。(中国日报) >Globes float in sky 日本上空惊现神秘球体 Witness recently captured 10 white circular balls floating in the sky above Osaka in Japan, they are quick moving in the two-minute long video which was uploaded to YouTube. The white lights are similar to those spotted in Hyde Park in June, but in the London sighting the globes hovered in the sky for just a brief moment, while the Osaka ones are seen for much longer. Last month, NASA's live feed appeared to show three blurry UFOs, but NASA has then abruptly cut off the footage, convincing the conspiracy theorists that the clip was more proof of alien visitors. 目击者近日在日本大阪市上空抓拍到10个悬浮的白色球体,并在YouTube上传了一段长约 2分钟的视频,视频中球体在快速移动。据悉,这些白色球体与6月在海德公园发现的很相 似。但伦敦上空的球体只是昙花一现,而大阪的球体持续时间更长。上个月,美国国家航空 航天局的直播中曾出现3个模糊的不明飞行物,但该镜头随后被突然剪掉,阴谋论者相信剪 掉的视频更能证明外星人的存在。(外媒) 【Kaleidoscope】 >Suits to combat mosquito 日发明防蚊连体衣(图) In a bid to combat the mosquito menace that plagues Japan every summer, a Japanese company has released a body suit that can fully protect a person from head to foot. Made from polyester mesh with breathable holes all over, the body suit has a net hood to cover the head, hands and feet. The suit has a zipper around the waist so that going to the bathroom will never be a hassle. It comes in three colors: blue, white and pink. The suit is now available on sale at 6,600 yen. 每年夏天日本蚊虫肆虐,为抵御蚊虫的威胁,日本一家公司推出了一款可从头到脚全副武装 的连体套装。这款连体衣用遍布呼吸网格的聚酯网布做成,还有覆盖头、手和脚的网罩。该 套装在腰部位置设有拉链,不会对用户如厕造成困难。防蚊连体衣有3种颜色:蓝色、白色 和粉色。目前这一套装已经在售,标价6600日元(约合人民币330元)。(外媒) 2015-07-30 4/6 >Who's your celeb body match? 测你跟哪个明星撞身材? Do you have Jessica Alba's lithe legs, Kim Kardashian's bottom or Justin Bieber's arms? Now, a new website lets you find out exactly who your celebrity body double is. Called Fitbay, it first asks users to input details about gender, height and weight. It also asks questions about body shape. Users must also choose whether they have short, regular or long torso as well as the length of their arms. The tool then comes up with the top three celebrities across the world who best match that body type. 你是否拥有杰西卡?阿尔芭的美腿、金?卡戴珊的翘臀或是贾斯汀?比伯的手臂,现在,一 家新网站可以准确地识别出你和哪一位名人的身材相同。这家网站名叫Fitbay,首先用户需 要输入性别、身高和体重的详细信息。接下来,网站会询问用户的体型。用户还必须选择他 们的躯干和臂长是短、正常、还是长。随后这个工具就会找出世界上与此身材最匹配的三位 名人。(英语点津网) 【实用口语】 *穷困落魄用英文怎么形容*(2) 4. As poor as a church mouse指"一贫如洗"。 Although very rich in his youth, he is now as poor as a church mouse. 虽然年轻时很有钱, 他现在却穷得一贫如洗。 5. Keep body and soul together指"挣钱糊口"。 I hate my job, but I have to keep body and soul together somehow. 我讨厌我的工作,但不管怎么样我得挣钱糊口。 6. Feel the pinch指因缺钱而陷入困境。 The high rate of unemployment is making many families feel the pinch. 失业率很高,许多家庭感到日子不好过了。 7. Chicken feed指"微不足道的钱"、"零钱"。 My salary is chicken feed compared with hers. 与她相比,我的工资少得可怜。 【本期难词汇编】 botox: 肉毒杆菌(n.) uterus: 子宫(n.) fecal: 粪便的(adj.) progesterone: 孕酮(n.) ultrasound: 超声(n.) blurry: 模糊的(adj.) UFO: 不明飞行物(abbr.) conspiracy: 阴谋(n.) polyester: 聚酯(n.) zipper: 拉链(n.) hassle: 困难,麻烦(n.) double: 一模一样的人(n.) torso: 躯干(n.) 【Highlights】 >Young people return home 京津冀生活圈引返乡潮 >Wreckage under investigation 马确认残骸属于波音777、接近证实其为MH370残骸 >Monkey King from India? 孙大圣起源于印度神猴? >Chinese in Russian gaokao 俄高考外语拟包含中文 2015-07-30 5/6 >UK MPs visit porn sites 英议员忙于看色情网站 >Yao speaks for Olympic bid 姚明将担任申奥陈述人 >Crowdbirthing phenomenon 亲友围观分娩渐成风气 >Fireflies light up the forest 有声:萤火虫点亮仲夏夜 【Top News】 >Young people return home京津冀生活圈引返乡潮 More young people are starting to choose cities around Beijing as their base for work and living as the integrated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region provides new opportunities. With the construction of the cross-regional traffic network, a one-hour commuting circle is forming around Beijing. With the integrated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, many people's hometowns have new growth points and they are considering coming back to look for a job. In addition, housing loan policies have paved a way for regional integration. A total of RMB120m worth of loans in 470 payments were allocated from Beijing authorities for buying houses in Qinhuangdao in Hebei as of February. 因为京津冀协同发展提供了新机遇,越来越多的年轻人开始选择在北京周边城市生活和工 作。随着京津冀三地间道路交通的建设,以北京为核心的"一小时生活圈"正逐渐形成。许多 人的家乡因为京津冀地区的协同发展有了新的增长点,这些人正在考虑回家找工作。此外, 住房贷款政策为区域一体化铺平了道路。截至今年2月,使用北京住房公积金在河北秦皇岛 贷款购房的大约有470笔,总金额达1.2亿元。(中国日报) >Wreckage under investigation马确认残骸属于波音777/接近证实其为MH370残骸 Malaysia is "almost certain" that plane debris found on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean is from a Boeing 777, its deputy transport minister said on Thursday, heightening the possibility it could be wreckage from missing Flight MH370. The two-meter-long piece of wreckage washed up on the island, about 600km east of Madagascar, late on Wednesday. There have been other plane crashes much closer to Reunion, but flight MH370 is the only Boeing 777 to have disappeared in the area. 马来西亚副交通部长30日称,马来西亚"几乎可以确认",在印度洋留尼旺岛上发现的飞机 残骸属于一架波音777客机,该残骸属于消失的MH370的可能性因此大大提高。这块长两 米的残骸28日晚些时候被冲到位于马达加斯加以东约600千米处的留尼旺岛上。虽然在距 离留尼汪岛更近的地方也曾发生过坠机事件,但MH370是唯一一架消失在该区域的波音777 飞机。(路透社、英国广播公司) >Monkey King from India?孙大圣起源于印度神猴? When reporting on "Monkey King: The Hero is Back" breaking box office record, The Times of India headlined its story with "Chinese animated film based on story about India creates record". The animated version of "Journey to the West" is a Chinese epic about the journey of monk 2015-07-30 6/6 Xuanzang protected by a playful monkey character to India, said the newspaper. Sun Wukong, the monkey king, has some attributes, fighting and magical skills as India's lord Hanuman (see photo), the media added. 《印度时报》近日以题为"根据印度故事改编的中国动画电影破纪录"的文章,报道了《大圣 归来》票房破纪录一事。这家报纸说,《大圣归来》由中国史诗《西游记》改编,而《西游 记》讲述的是一只顽皮的猴子保护僧人唐三藏前往印度的故事。《印度时报》还表示,猴王 孙悟空与印度神猴"哈努曼"(见图)的某些特点、打斗方式和法术是一样的。(广州日报) 哈努曼是印度最古老的史诗《罗摩衍那》中的一个角色,是一只拥有超凡力量的神猴,他是 毗湿奴的第七个化身罗摩最忠实的仆人和朋友。他神通广大,本领高强,而且会变。有一次, 罗摩的妻子被魔王劫走了,哈努曼受罗摩的委托率领猴子大军渡海攻城,战胜魔王,解救出 罗摩妻子。 >Chinese in Russian gaokao俄高考外语拟包含中文 Chinese will be tested as a foreign language for Russia's college entrance exam starting from 2016, Russia's Deputy Minister of Education and Science Natalia Tretiak recently confirmed. Tretiak said they will start the trial period in some selected cities and regions such as Moscow, St Petersburg and some Far East regions. Currently their mandatory foreign languages for college enrollment are English, French, Spanish and German. 俄罗斯教育科学部副部长娜塔莉亚?特列季亚克近日透露,2016年起,中文将成为俄罗斯 大学入学考试的外语科目之一。特列季亚克称,该考试将首先在莫斯科、圣彼得堡和远东的 部分地区进行试点。目前俄大学入学考试的必考外语科目有英语、法语、西班牙语和德语。 >UK MPs visit porn sites英议员忙于看色情网站 A new revelation shows that British MPs tried to watch pornography on their computers inside parliament at least 247,000 times last year - 700 times per day, though watching porn inside the Palace of Westminster is blocked. April has been recorded as the worst month with 42,000 attempts made to pornographic pages - more than 1,300 a day. 最新披露的数据显示,尽管威斯敏斯特宫严禁浏览色情网站,但去年英国议员在国会试图通 过电脑访问色情内容的次数依然超过24.7万,合每天700次。其中,4月是浏览色情网页的 高峰期,达4.2万次,合每天1300多次。(印度时报)
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