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熟词熟义造句对应熟词熟义造句对应 A 1 absent缺席的,不在场的[(+from)] Three members of the class were absent this morning. 今天早晨该班有三人缺席。 2 abuse滥用,妄用 He abused his power while in office. 他在职时滥用权力。 辱骂;毁谤 You are always abusing and offending people. 你总是出言不逊得罪人。 4 ache (持续性地)疼痛 Mother s...

熟词熟义造句对应 A 1 absent缺席的,不在场的[(+from)] Three members of the class were absent this morning. 今天早晨该班有三人缺席。 2 abuse滥用,妄用 He abused his power while in office. 他在职时滥用权力。 辱骂;毁谤 You are always abusing and offending people. 你总是出言不逊得罪人。 4 ache (持续性地)疼痛 Mother says she is aching all over with fatigue. 母亲说她累得浑身疼痛。 5 act行动[(+on/for)] We should act immediately. 我们应该立即行动。 6 address住址,地址[C] What's your home address? 你的家庭住址呢? 8 against反对;违反 The fight against inflation has been going on for almost two years. 抑制通货膨胀的战斗已展开近两年了。 逆;对着 They sounded a sharp warning against all these tendencies. 对于这种种倾向,他们发出了严厉的警告。 倚;靠 His desk is against the wall. 他的办公桌靠墙放着。 9 age年龄[C][U] What's the age of that old building? 那座古老的建筑有多久的历史了? 10 air空气;大气[U] Better let in some fresh air. 最好放些新鲜空气进来。 11 alone单独地 For years Mary lived alone in New York. 玛丽孤身一人在纽约生活了好几年。 12 amount数量 We need a small amount of fuel. 我们需要少量的燃料。 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 13 announce宣布,发布[+that] They announced that she would give one extra song. 他们宣布说她将再唱一首歌。 The vote was completed. The chairman announced the result. 投票完毕。主席宣布了结果。 14 appreciate欣赏,赏识 Her talent for music was not appreciated. 她的音乐才能无人赏识。 感谢,感激 They deeply appreciated his kindness. 他们对他的好意深 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 感谢。 15 attend出席,参加 He did not attend the meeting yesterday. 昨天他没有参加会议。 B 16accompany陪同,伴随 He wished her to accompany him. 他希望她陪他。 为...伴奏,为...伴唱 The pianist accompanied her singing. 钢琴家为她的歌唱伴奏。 17allow允许,准许[O2][+v-ing] Swimming is not allowed at this beach. 这片海滩禁止游泳。 18 approach接近,靠近 He cautiously approached the house. 他小心地走近那房子。 19 available 可得到的,可买到的 Is there water available around here? 附近弄得到水吗? TV sets are available in any department stores. 电视机在任何一家百货公司里都能买到。 20 become变成,成为;变得,开始变得[L] Phil became acquainted with them. 菲尔和他们熟识起来。 It seems that he has become very fond of the boy. 似乎他变得十分喜爱这男孩。 21 behavior行为,举止;态度 He was on his best behavior. 他表现极好 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 22 blank空白的 He handed me a blank check. 他递给我一张空白支票。 23 blue蓝色的;天蓝色的;青色的 The sky was bright blue. 天空一片蔚蓝。 24 bare裸的 The child was bare to the waist. 那孩子打赤膊。 25 bear支持,承受;承担 Mrs. Ann Bader bears all expenses. 安妮?巴德太太承担一切费用。 26 bound极可能的,必然的[F][+to-v] He's bound to notice your mistake. 他必定会觉察到你的错误。 C 27 cause导致,使发生,引起[O1][O2] What caused him to quit his job? 是什么原因使他辞职的? I'm afraid I'm causing you much trouble. 我怕给你增添很多麻烦。 28 celebrate庆祝 We held a party to celebrate our success. 我们举行宴会庆祝我们的成功。 29 climate气候[C][U] He could not stand the terrible English climate. 他忍受不了糟糕的英国气候。 30 cloudy多云的,阴天的 The sky was cloudy, so I took my umbrella. 天阴,所以我带了把伞。 31 coach (运动队的)教练;(协助应付考试的)家庭教师 Our football team has got a very experienced coach. 我们的足球队有了一个很有经验的教练 32 count计算,数 They are counting the books they collected. 他们正在数收集来的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 。 33 couple (一)对,(一)双[(+of)] 夫妇;未婚夫妻;一对舞伴[G] The young couple decided to start their tour immediately. 那对年轻夫妇决定立即开始旅游。 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 34 course过程;进程[U] It was one of those ideas that change the course of history. 这便是那些能改变历史演进的观点之一。 35 cross横穿,横渡 They crossed through the great desert. 他们横穿过大沙漠。 名词 n. [C]十字形;十字形记号 This island is in the shape of a cross. 该岛呈十字形。 36 case事实,实情[C] He thought he had already solved the problem, but that was not the case. 他以为他已经解决了这个问题,可是实际情况并非如此。 37 casual偶然的,碰巧的 My car had stalled and I sought help from casual passers-by. 我的车发动不起来了,我就向碰巧路过的人求助。 随便的,漫不经心的 He tried to appear casual. 他试图显得随便一点. 38 cater提供饮食;承办宴席[(+for)] He runs a restaurant and also caters for weddings and parties. 他经营饭店,还承办婚礼和宴会酒席。 为...提供饮食,承办(宴会等)的酒席 Who's catering your daughter's wedding? 谁给你女儿承办婚宴? 39 challenge挑战;邀请比赛[C][+to-v] He received a challenge to a TV debate. 他接到电视辩论的挑战。 40 chance偶然;运气;侥幸[U] Chance led to the finding of the diamond mine. 这座钻石矿完全是偶然发现的。 41 charge索价;对...索费;课(税)[O1][(+for)] This store often charges only 65 US cents a dozen for large eggs. 一打大鸡蛋在这家店里常常仅卖六十五美分。 控告,指控[(+with)] He was charged with stealing. 他被控犯有偷窃行为。 42 clean清洁的;未被污染的 The room is spotlessly clean. 房内极其干净。 43 consume花费;耗尽 She consumed most of her time in reading. 她把大部分时间都花在读书上。 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line D 44 damage损害;损失[U][(+to)] The earthquake caused great damage. 地震造成了极大的损害。 45 dawn黎明,拂晓[C][U] We must get up at dawn. 我们必须天一亮就起来。 46 desert沙漠, 荒地, 应得(的惩罚或奖励) Two thirds of the country is dry or desert 这个国家有三分之二的地方气候干燥,或者是沙漠。 47 develop;发展 Swimming develops the muscles. 游泳能使肌肉发达. 开发 The builders are developing that part of the city. 建筑商正在开发这座城市的那个地区。 48 difficult 需要精力或技术的;困难的[+to-v] It's very difficult to swim across the Yangtze River. 游过长江很难。 49 dismiss免...的职;解雇;开除[(+from)] He was dismissed from his job. 他被开除了。 50 drive驾车旅行;(开车)兜风;车程[C] We went for a drive in the afternoon. 我们下午开车出去兜风。 51 divorce与...离婚,使离婚[(+from)] Mr. Hill divorced his wife at the age of 70. 希尔先生七十岁的时候与他妻子离婚。 52 draw画,绘制,描写 I think it's very well drawn. 我认为画得很好。 Mary drew a house on the paper. 玛丽在纸上画了一栋房子。 拉,拖;拉长,拖长 The cart was drawn by two horses. 大车由两匹马拉着。 E principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 53 engage使从事,使忙于[H] He was busily engaged in painting the furniture. 他忙于油漆家具。 54 excuse原谅[(+for)] Please excuse the offence this time: I will not do it again. 请原谅这次冒犯:我以后再也不会了。 55 express表达,陈述;表示[+wh-] Really, I hardly know how to express my gratitude. 我真不知道如何表达我的感激之情。 56 encourage鼓励;怂恿[O2] She encouraged him to talk to her. 她鼓励他与她交谈。 57 escape 逃跑;逃脱[(+from)] The soldier escaped from the enemy's prison. 这个士兵从敌人的监狱里逃了出来。 58 explode爆发,突发,迸发[(+in/into/with)] The boss exploded with anger when he saw the sales report. 当老板看到销售 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 时,他气炸了。 59 exploit 剥削 He is accused of exploiting child labor. 他被指控剥削童工。 开发,开采,开拓 They are exploiting the oil under the sea. 他们在开发海底石油。 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line
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