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安全生产大检查简报安全生产大检查简报 高新,2013,17号 签发人:郭海平 安阳市高新建筑有限责任公司 开展建筑施工现场综合检查情况的通报 公司各科室、项目部: 为进一步加强我公司建筑施工现场质量、安全管理,减少和避免各类质量、安全事故的发生,根据市住建局《关于开展住建系统安全生产大检查的通知》(安住建【2013】370号)文件的要求,公司工程部组织三个专项检查小组(质量,安全文明施工、工程资料),于12月14日,开展了施工现场质量、安全综合大检查,现将检查情况通报如下: ready-mixed concrete m...

安全生产大检查简报 高新,2013,17号 签发人:郭海平 安阳市高新建筑有限责任公司 开展建筑施工现场综合检查情况的通报 公司各科室、项目部: 为进一步加强我公司建筑施工现场质量、安全管理,减少和避免各类质量、安全事故的发生,根据市住建局《关于开展住建系统安全生产大检查的通知》(安住建【2013】370号)文件的要求,公司工程部组织三个专项检查小组(质量,安全文明施工、工程资料),于12月14日,开展了施工现场质量、安全综合大检查,现将检查情况通报如下: ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 一、基本情况 此次专项检查采用随机抽查的形式进行,对建筑现场的质量管理、文明施工、技术安全资料、临时用电、消防安全、建筑起重机械设备、日常安全管理等方面进行了检查,此次共检查在建的6个项目部。从检查情况看,我公司建筑施工质量、安全生产形势保持稳定,大多数项目部安全生产管理日趋 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 化和专业化,能认真落实各项质量、安全 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,采取积极有效的措施加强对现场的检查和隐患排查,现场施工文明,安全整洁。 二、存在的问题 通过检查,个别项目部存在质量、安全意识不强,工程实体观感质量较差,施工现场安全 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化程度不高,安全防护不到位,资料整理混乱等问题。各项目部具体存在的问题: 1、金色维也纳1#、9#楼项目部: 质量方面: ?、1#、9#楼,二次结构砌块墙部分灰缝不均匀,灰缝厚度不应大于15mm,部分墙拉筋设置不规范 ?、1#楼24-25层楼梯间二次结构墙体有位移现象。 安全文明施工、临时用电方面 ?、1#、9#楼,一、二级配电箱前无操作空间,安全通道不畅通,堆满各种杂物。 ?、9#楼西侧钢筋机器配电箱接地线串联。 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with ?、9#楼西侧山墙存在木制配电箱。 ?、1#楼塔吊基坑支撑杆严禁作用在塔吊标准节上。 ?、1#、9#楼临边防护不到位。 资料方面: ?、1#、9#楼,钢筋原材料合格证,复印件应加盖经销商红章。 ?、1#、9#楼,施工组织没有施工平面布置图、进度 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 表、人员组成图。 ?、1#、9#楼,临时用电 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 不规范,缺少临时用电平面图,规格配电接线图。 2、 金色维也纳2#楼项目部: 质量方面: ?、2#楼部分丁字墙搭接不规范。 ?、2#楼个别墙体一砌到顶。 ?、2#楼部分马牙槎无退台。 安全文明施工、临时用电方面 ?、2#楼一、二配电箱接地线不牢固。 ?、2#楼龙门架未接限位器。 资料方面: ?、2#楼,钢筋原材料合格证,复印件应加盖经销商红章。 ?、2#楼,临时用电方案不规范,缺少临时用电平面图,ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 规格配电接线图。 3、 紫薇壹号13#、18#楼项目部: 质量方面: ?、钢筋绑扎间距不均匀,楼面钢筋绑扎完成以后没有采取任何有效措施进行保护,任意被后续工序人员踩塌. ?、电渣压力焊焊包不均匀,偏心,焊包没有清除。 ?、模板下垂,没有起拱,模板支撑杆顶丝严禁朝下。 安全文明施工、临时用电方面 ?、施工现场未设置重大危险源标识牌。 ?、施工现场主干道不畅通。 ?、主体上下楼梯未设置防护栏杆和未挂设安全网。 ?、安全员没有写安全日记、检查记录、三级教育记录。 资料方面: ?、施工组织设计里面缺少管理人员组成图。 ?、钢筋的合格证与现场原材料不符合。 4、紫薇壹号12#、17#楼项目部: 质量方面: ?、钢筋绑扎间距不均匀,楼面钢筋绑扎完成以后没有采取任何有效措施进行保护,任意被后续工序人员踩塌. ?、电渣压力焊焊包不均匀,偏心,焊包没有清除。 ?、混凝土梁根部翘层,洞口边胀模。 ?、混凝土外观出现蜂窝麻面,错台。 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 安全文明施工、临时用电方面: ?、主体上下楼梯未设置防护栏杆和未挂设安全网。 ?、施工现场未设置重大危险源标识牌。 ?、主体上下楼梯未设置防护栏杆和未挂设安全网。 ?、外脚手架立杆没有油漆。 ?、平面洞口防护高度不够。 资料方面: ?、安全资料有待完善、签字、盖章。 5、紫薇壹号16#、19#楼项目部: 质量方面: ?、钢筋绑扎间距不均匀,楼面钢筋绑扎完成以后没有采取任何有效措施进行保护,任意被后续工序人员踩塌. ?、电渣压力焊焊包不均匀,偏心,焊包没有清除。 安全文明施工、临时用电方面 ?、施工现场未设置重大危险源标识牌。 ?、主体上下楼梯未设置防护栏杆和未挂设安全网。 ?、安全员没有写安全日记、检查记录、三级教育记录。 ?、没有设置楼层的安全通道标志和楼层标志。 资料方面: ?、安全教育、安全检查表有待完善。 ?、临时用电方案现场临时平面图模糊,配电接线图不标准。 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 6、紫薇壹号20#楼项目检查结果如下: 质量方面: ?、钢筋绑扎间距不均匀,楼面钢筋绑扎完成以后没有采取任何有效措施进行保护,任意被后续工序人员踩塌. ?、电渣压力焊焊包不均匀,偏心,焊包没有清除 ?、混凝土外观出现蜂窝麻面,错台。 安全文明施工、临时用电方面 ?、施工现场未设置重大危险源标识牌。 ?、施工现场无序,存在脏、乱、差现象。 ?、主体上下楼梯未设置防护栏杆和未挂设安全网。 ?、安全员没有写安全日记、检查记录、三级教育记录。 资料方面: ?、安全教育、安全检查表有待完善。 ?、临时用电方案现场临时平面图模糊,配电接线图不标准。 三、下一步要求: 1、各项目部要高度重视此次检查中暴露出来的质量、安全生产问题,进一步强化质量、安全责任意识,认真学习并掌握各类质量、安全标准和技术要点,制订并落实相应的整改措施和长效机制。 2、各项目部管理人员要对存在的问题立即整改,定人、定措施限期整改到位。公司工程部将对整改情况进行复查,ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 整改不到位将依照公司项目管理制度进行处罚。 3、各项目部要对此次综合大检查认真总结,项目部管理人员动员和引导各施工班组努力提高质量安全文明施工意识,形成重视质量安全文明施工进步的良好氛围,不断提高公司各项目部建设工程质量安全文明施工管理水平。 主题词: 综合大检查 通报 安阳市高新建筑有限责任公司 2013年 12月17日印发 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with
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