首页 3万吨三聚氰胺试生产车方案



3万吨三聚氰胺试生产车方案3万吨三聚氰胺试生产车方案 3万吨/年三聚氰胺项目 试生产方案 山东新泰联合化工有限公司 二〇一一年四月二十日 试生产方案编制人员组成 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "s...

3万吨三聚氰胺试生产车 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 3万吨/年三聚氰胺项目 试生产方案 山东新泰联合化工有限公司 二〇一一年四月二十日 试生产方案编制人员组成 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 序号 姓名 所在单位 职务、职称 签字 1 范修巨 总经理 2 王君 安全生产 安全生产总监 3 齐元山 技术设备 技术设备总监 4 马学伟 生产科长 科长 5 赵新旺 安全环保科 科长 副科长 6 李元功 技术设备 7 陈光锋 技术设备 副科长 主任 8 杨淑迎 尿素车间 副主任 9 杨超 尿素车间 10 何淼 河北辛集九元化工 外聘专家 11 李可大 河北辛集九元化工 外聘专家 12 目 录 -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and - 2 - 一 建设项目概况................................. 04 二、编制依据 05 三、装置试车应具备的条件 06 四、试车的组织与指挥系统 06 五 生产、储存的危险化学品品种和设计能力.................07 六 试生产过程中可能出现的安全问题及对策.................07 七 采取的安全措施...................................... 09 八 试车前的准备工作................................ 09 九 机泵单体试车........................................ 13 十 联动试车.............................................13 十一、三胺装置安全操作规程 14 十二、开停车规程......................................... 26 十三、安全环保 30 十四 事故应急救援预案................... .............. 31 十五 试生产(使用)起止日期............................. 37 十六 附表 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 3 - 一、工程概况 1.1山东新泰联合化工有限公司蜜胺废液联产纯碱资源综合利用项目采用节能节资型气相淬冷法蜜胺,装置建设规模为3万t/年,工艺流程简述: 尿素和工艺气体的处理 本系统的工艺目的:(1)获取满足工艺的尿素。(2)回收未反应物。(3)获取结晶冷气及反应器载气。 熔融尿素由尿素工段进入尿洗塔塔釜,大部分熔融尿素由液尿泵输送,经位于塔上部的三组喷头循环进入尿素洗涤塔,少部分被送入流化床反应器反应生成三聚氰胺。 冷气风机把自成品旋风分离器出来的工艺气体输送到尿素洗涤塔与塔内的液尿并流而下,气液充分混合,完成传热和传质。其中未反应物尿素、异氰酸和成品旋风分离器未捕集到的三聚氰胺被熔融尿素洗涤下来,并混入尿素之中得以回收利用。 被净化的工艺气体,进入冷气总管被分配成三部分,分别作结晶器冷气、反应器载气和尾气。 三聚氰胺的生成 本系统的工艺目的:将尿素转化为三聚氰胺,并尽可能获得较高的三聚氰胺收率。 载气压缩机出口的载气,先进入载气预热器加热,从底部进入反应器。触媒受到载气搅动,上下浮沉,处于类似流体的状态。 由于触媒颗粒在反应器内的激烈翻动和返混,使得反应器内的熔盐加热管与触媒颗粒及气体之间传热迅速,加热管内熔盐的热量很快散传到管外的流体中,并使整个触媒床层温度趋于一致,以保证尿素转化为三聚氰胺吸热反应的需要。 液尿泵将熔融尿素经尿素喷嘴送入反应器。 喷入反应器内的尿素,被390?左右的载气和触媒迅速分散和加热,分解成异氰酸和氨,异氰酸在触媒的作用下,生成三聚氰胺和其他生成物。反应生成气体和少量细粉则从旋风顶部流出反应器。 反应器内,尿素反应生成三聚氰胺所需的大量热量,由浸没在触媒层内的熔盐加热管内的熔盐提供。 反应生成气的冷却和除尘 本工艺步骤的目的:除去反应生成气中的高沸点杂质及其他固体杂质。 从反应器顶部出来的反应生成气 进入热气冷却器进行冷却。然后进入热气过滤器过滤去生成气中的三聚氰胺脱氨物和催化剂。它们会在过 mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-- 4 - 滤管外的过滤介质上形成滤饼,增加过滤阻力。为此,在热气过滤器的生产运行中,需要对热气过滤器的过滤管进行反吹,落下的滤饼汇集于热气过滤器下部锥形封头,维修过滤器时集中排出。 热气过滤器的保温气循环系统 为防止反应生成气在热气过滤器内降温,造成三聚氰胺损失和缩短使用周期,热气过滤器设计有夹套保温气循环系统。 三聚氰胺结晶和分离 本步骤的工艺目的:把三聚氰胺从反应生成气中结晶析出并从中分离出来。 分离了三聚氰胺脱氨产物及催化剂粉末的反应生成气,从顶部进入结晶器。 三聚氰胺结晶所需的冷却气,来自尿素洗涤塔,温度135,140?,经过冷气旋风分离器除沫后,从结晶器下部的冷气喷口喷出。 结晶器内,自上而下的反应生成气与向上而行的冷气接触,并充分混合,进行热量交换,反应生成气中的三聚氰胺结晶析出,随气体一并下行,流向结晶器出口。 从结晶器出口出来的含有三聚氰胺粉末的工艺混合气体,通过出口管道切向进入三胺成品分离器的上部,在离心力作用下,三聚氰胺粉末被甩向器壁并沿壁而下,汇集于三胺成品分离器底部,经输料系统送往包装岗位。 工艺流程简图见附表一 1.2建设项目施工完成情况 山东新泰联合化工有限公司3万吨/年三聚氰胺工程,由大连化工研究设计院设计,2011年2月经泰安市安监局审查同意后开工建设,土建工程由沂源欣欣园建筑工程有限公司,三聚氰胺工程设备、工艺管道、电气仪表安装工程由肥城第一安装公司施工,目前该工程已整体建设安装完成。 工程的安全设施严格按照安全设施设计专篇进行,与主体工程同时施工完成,肥城第一安装公司对安装施工质量严格把关,逐阶段进行把关验收,全部施工完成后又进行了总体验收,我公司也组织工程技术人员和包括设计单位、三聚氰胺同行在内的专家对安装施工情况进行了复查,认为施工符合设计要求。目前所有设备已经过了试车调试,自控连锁系统、消防系统、防雷防静电设施、设备管道的安全附件(安全阀、压力表、温度计、自动报警等)、安全警示牌、个体防护用品、应急救 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 5 - 援器材等全部安全设施处于良好备用状态。我公司的生产人员经过外部同类装置操作实践学习和内部培训考核,掌握了生产操作知识并有一定生产经验。从硬件和软件两方面看本项目具备了试生产的条件。 二、试车方案的编制依据 《山东化工装置安全试车工作规范》 《安全设立评价报告》 三、装置试车应具备的条件 1、三胺装置各系统经过清洗、吹除、试压、气密性试验;拆卸的管线、法兰及阀门已恢复并确保无误。 2.所有临时设施已经拆除,通道畅通,地面及设备清洁。 3、.DCS系统及现场仪表系统调试正常:现场调节阀动作平稳,阀位与DCS输出校正正常; 4.热气过滤器反吹系统阀位与反馈信号校正正常;压缩机、冷气风机等连锁、报警校正正常。 5.电器及事故处理电源处于良好工况。 6.各公用工程装置能连续正常供应。 7.通讯联络设备良好。 8.所有安全阀、连锁系统及其它安全装置已经校验并合格。 9.准备有充足的原料、其它辅助材料及备品备件。 10.消防及各类安全器具、器材到位,数类齐全,性能良好。 四、试车的组织与指挥系统 4.1试车领导小组及成员: 组 长:范修巨 finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se - 6 - 副 组 长;王君、齐元山 技术顾问组:何淼、李可大 安全环保消防小组:赵新旺 杨廷玉 郭奇 电器仪表小组:李元功 付美庆 王利 路高 五、生产、储存的危险化学品品种和设计能力 本装置三聚氰胺设计能力为3万吨/年生产储存涉及的危化品有:二氧化碳、氨水、亚硝酸钠、硝酸钠、硝酸钾、压缩空气、氮气等。 表3-1危险化学品表 物危险货物编号 序物质名称 危险类别 备注 质 CN号 UN号 号 状 态 1 二氧化碳 气22011013 第2.2类不燃气原料、副产 态 9 体 品 2 氨水 液82502672 第8.2类碱性腐中间产品 态 3 蚀品 3 空气(压缩气22001002 第2.2类不燃气辅助材料 的) 态 3 体 4 氮气(压缩气22001066 第2.2类不燃气辅助材料 的) 态 5 体 5 亚硝酸钠 固51521500 第5.1类氧化剂 熔盐主要 态 5 成分 6 硝酸钠 固51051498 第5.1类氧化剂 熔盐主要 态 5 成分 7 硝酸钾 固51051486 第5.1类氧化剂 熔盐主要 态 6 成分 六.试生产(使用)过程中可能出现的安全问题及对策 本装置试生产过程中可能出现的安全问题有:设备管道损坏事故;火灾、爆炸事故;机械伤害事故;灼、烫伤事故;触电伤害事故;中毒、窒息事故;高处坠落及物体打击伤害事故等。一旦发生上述事故,可能造成财产损失,甚至会造成人员伤亡。下面对可能发生的安全问题进行分析,提出防范对策: finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 7 - 1.防设备管道损坏事故 在试生产中发生设备管道的损坏是最有可能发生的问题,主要原因有两个方面:一是生产装置方面,本身存在设计缺陷,不满足生产运行要求,而未被发现或认识到,或者安装质量把关不严、试车调试过程不细致达不到开车要求,或对潜在的隐患未能在验收中发现,在试生产时才反应出来;二是试生产人员对生产装置和开车方案生疏,操作不熟练甚至出现误操作,引发设备损坏事故发生。一旦发生此类事故,轻则造成财产损失,影响试生产进度,重则造成人员伤亡。为对该工程的设计和施工质量客观评价,发现和整改装置在设计或施工方面存在的不足,公司聘请多位生产实践专家,对3万吨/年三聚氰胺装置现场验收并全程指导开车。 为确保开车安全顺利,把整个装置开车按流程先后,分别制定详细的开车方案。严格按照开车方案,使整个装置全面稳妥开车。把装置化整为零,也相当于逐台设备逐段管线投入试生产,把安全风险降至最低,最大可能避免设备管道损坏等事故发生。 2.防火灾、爆炸 操作人员要严格遵守安全操作规程,杜绝违规操作,严格装置区防爆电器、照明设施的检查维修,保持电器的防爆性能,防止电器火花的产生;保持防雷防静电设施的完好适用;严格动火管理,做好动火分析,不经批准或未办理动火作业证,不准动火检修。 压力容器、压力管道超温超压运行可能引发爆炸事故。操作人员必须经培训合格后持证上岗,要严格执行工艺指标,按时进行巡回检查,及时对设备维护保养,保持安全附件完好。 3.防机械伤害 本装置的工序都有大量的转动设备,都存在机械伤害的危险因素,试生产中要全面加以预防,对转动机械设备的传动装置全部安装防护栏、防护罩,采用密封隔离措施。要求员工正确穿戴防护用品,操作转动设备不准戴手套,必须戴工作帽,尤其是女工,不准把长发露出帽外,防止机械转动部分缠住,造成伤害。 4.防灼、烫伤 试生产中直接接触熔盐、液尿、高低压蒸汽等高温物料可能会造成人员烫伤。氨水具有腐蚀性和刺激性,人体特别是眼部等敏感部位直接接触可能造成化学性灼伤。应采取的措施有:?在容易发生高温、腐蚀物料伤害处设置明显的安全警示标志,对操作人员提示;?各设备、管道的连接处螺栓紧固件齐全,在人员操作区的蒸汽管道连接处设置防喷溅设施;?配备相应的个体防护用品;?配备应急器材和急救药品,一旦发生灼烫伤事故立即救护。在易发生化学腐蚀伤害区域设置淋浴器、 the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-- 8 - 洗眼器,在各操作岗位备有急救药品。 5.防触电伤害 本装置中电气设备较多,高低压并存,绝缘不良、安全防护不全、电器设备检修时操作不当、电气及线路腐蚀损坏、露天电气设备、开关进水受潮、防护用品和工具质量有缺陷等原因均能引发触电伤害事故,因此,在试生产过程中要加强对电器设备的检查维护,特别是露天设置的电器设备、开关及接零或接地保护装置的检查维护,确保电机接地或接零设施完好,防止接零接地装置失效造成触电事故;手持或移动电动工具要有漏电保护装置,电工作业工具要完整好用,无缺损;严格执行电器作业有关安全规程,电气设备检查检修时必须执行拉闸、断电、挂牌、接地、联锁等电力安全规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,办理作业票,防止误操作及意外触电造成触电伤害; 进塔入罐检修作业,要用安全电压照明灯具,并作好监护,有抢救措施,防止触电伤害。 6.防中毒、窒息 工艺过程中的二氧化碳、氮气属窒息气体,设备和管道密封不严,或发生泄漏事故,会因起中毒、窒息事故。在试生产过程中要加强对设备、管道密封点的管理,减少介质泄漏的可能性,一旦出现的跑、冒、滴、漏现象应及时消除,加强个体防护,配备足量的防毒面具、化学物质防护服。加强装置内通风,同时对操作人员加强培训,使其熟知本岗位安全防护知识,会正确使用防护器具。 7.防高处坠落及物体打击 三聚氰胺和碳酸氢铵厂房进行的部分操作和巡回检查,在二层以上甚至超过15米处进行,高处坠落及物体打击也是试生产中容易出现的事故。因此做到及时检查防护栏杆及平台、斜梯、直梯的完好性;高处作业要严格办理登高作业证,并落实好安全措施,如系好安全带,戴好安全帽,使用的工具、材料、零件等必须装入工具袋,上下时手中不得持物,不准投掷工具、材料及其他物品,易滑动、易滚动的工具、材料堆放在脚手架上时,应采取措施防止坠落,尽量避免上下交叉作业,防止高处落物伤人;车间及室外操作平台的巡回检查路线上要保持足够的照明亮度,方便工人检查操作。 七.采取的安全措施 1.明确试生产的组织领导和分工,成立试生产指挥部,下设安全调度、技术保障、工艺、电器、仪表职能组,负责整个试生产过程中的组织协调。邀请部分专家全程指导3万吨/年三聚氰胺的开车试生产工作。 2.组织公司的安全、技术部门对工程的安全设施施工情况全面检查,DCS自控系统,消防系统,防雷防静电设施,设备管道的安全附件(安全阀、压力表、温度计、自动报警连锁等),装置区防护栏杆及平台、斜 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 9 - 梯、直梯,转动机械设备的传动部位的防护栏(防护罩),安全警示牌,个体防护用品,应急救援器材等全部按设计安装完成,并调试到良好备用状态。 3.制定了生产工艺技术规程、安全技术规程、生产控制分析化验规程、各岗位安全操作规程、事故应急救援预案3万吨/年三聚氰胺装置试车方案,组织员工进行了认真学习,并对业务知识掌握情况考核验证,保证上岗员工能胜任工作。 4.在劳动卫生防护方面有效控制试生产中有毒介质泄漏的可能性,装置内通风良好,,配备防毒面具、化学物质防护服,要求员工正确穿戴。 5.在试生产前对电器设备、电缆线路全面检查,确保电器设备、开关及接零或接地保护装置完好,电缆线路绝缘良好,电缆沟保持干燥并加盖盖板,配电室表盘操作区地面铺盖了绝缘胶垫。电工作业工具齐全完整好用,作业中严格执行电器作业有关安全规程,执行拉闸、断电、挂牌、接地、联锁等电力安全规章制度,办理作业票,防止误操作及意外触电造成触电伤害,检维修使用安全电、漏电保护等措施防止触电伤害。 八、 试车前的准备工作 1 系统的吹扫 1.1各种Ø600以上的槽罐,塔器等设备及DN600以上的管道应先进行人工清洗。 1.2吹除前应考虑管道与架、吊架牢固程度,必要时应予以临时加固。 1.3吹除前管道、设备内所有的过滤网、孔板、喷嘴、阀门、疏水器、流量仪表、塔内填料、除沫网等易损部件应拆下,待吹除工作完毕后复位。以防止过程中损伤或损坏。 1.4吹除时,出有色金属管道外,应用木锤敲打管线,对焊缝、死角和管底等部位应重点敲打,但不得损伤管子。 1.5吹除工作,无论以空气、蒸汽或水为介质,其吹除方法应以分段除净方式进行。待前一点段管线吹净装上后,方可进行下一段管线的吹净工作。凡与设备相连接的管道,将其连接法兰拆下,待管道吹净后再装上,以免管道中的脏物进入设备(必要时设备进口加盲板)。 1.6因吹洗需要,凡上盲板和滤网处,必须挂牌作为标记,并安排专人负责,吹洗完毕后拆除。 1.7吹扫时。管道气体以60m/s为佳,一般不下于20m/s。可用反复升压、卸压办法进行。 1.8水冲洗应以管内可能达到的最大流量或不少于1.5m/s的流速进行,冲洗流向尽量由高往低处冲水。 -mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules- 10 - 1.9对未能吹洗或吹洗后可能留存脏污、杂物的管道、设备,应用其他方法补充清理。 2吹洗介质 2.1蒸汽外管用蒸汽吹扫,界区内蒸汽及其凝结水管线视情况可用蒸汽吹扫,也可以接临时固定管线,用仪表空气或工厂压缩空气吹扫。 2.2仪表空气管线必须用仪表空气吹扫。 2.3水管线用汽水冲洗。 2.4 N气管线用仪表空气或工厂压缩空气吹扫,之后用N置换。 22 2.5氨系统用工厂压缩空气吹扫。 2.6熔盐系统用清水冲洗。 2.7熔融尿素用氯离子含量小于100ppm的水清洗,清洗完后宜用氯离子含量小于5ppm的脱盐水置换。 2.8道生系统用仪表空气吹扫。 2.9载气及反应生成系统用载气压缩机送出的空气吹扫。 2.10结晶冷气循环系统采用冷气风机和载气压缩机送出的空气吹扫。 2.11成品输送及包装系统采用成品输送风机送出的空气吹扫。 3吹除压力规定 管道吹除应有足够的流量,吹洗压力一般不超过管道设计压力。 4系统吹洗合格的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 每段管道吹洗是否合格,应由安装及生产人员双方共同检查;经确认后方能进行下一段吹洗,吹洗合格标准如下: 4.1空气吹扫时,应以检查装于排气管用白布或涂有白漆的靶板为准。如5分钟内靶板上无生锈、尘土及其他脏物即为合格。 4.2蒸汽吹扫时,应以检查装于排气管的铝板为准。靶板表面应光洁,宽度为排气管内径的5%——8%,长度等于管子内径。连续两次更换靶板检查,如靶板上肉眼可见的斑痕不多于10点,每点不大于1毫米,即认为合格,也可用刨光木板置于排气口处检查,板上应无铁锈、脏物。 4.3水冲洗时,以出口水无杂质,水色和透明度与入口处目测一致即为合格。 5 吹洗注意事项 5.1 吹洗时应有吹洗流程图,并在图上做好 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。 5.2 参加吹洗人员应配备有必要的劳保用品和工器具,防止人身安全事故 5.3用蒸汽吹扫前,应缓慢升温暖管,且恒温1小时后进行吹扫,避免冷凝液积聚,防止产生水锤现象。 5.4 蒸汽吹扫的排气管应引至室外,并加明显标志,管口应朝上倾斜, finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 11 - 保证安全排放。排气管应具有牢固的支承,以承受其排空的反作用力。排气管直径不小于被吹扫的管径。 5.5 冬季冲洗系统,注意防冻工作。冲洗后应将水排净,需要时,用压缩空气吹干。 5.6 吹洗过程中,拆下的仪表元件,设备的零部件以及管道上的管件等,应妥善保管,吹洗后及时复原。 6、严密性试验 6.1 严密性试验目的 检查所有工艺设备、管道及阀门之间联结是否严密,为联动试车做好准备。 6.2 严密性试验准备工作 6.2.1 严密性试验必须在水压试验及吹扫合格后进行。 6.2.2 系统各设备内的内构件、填料、除沫网、零部件以及各联接管、阀门、仪表等必须全部按设备要求安装好。 6.2.3 除设计和试验所需隔离各系统的盲板外,其余盲板必须拆除。 6.2.4 系统各处积水必须排净。 6.2.5 不同系统可用盲板隔开,分系统单独试验。 6.2.6 试验用的压力表、温度计必须经过校验合格。严密性试验时所选用的压力表精度应为0.5或1级表。 6.2.7查漏用的肥皂水、毛刷、纸条、粉笔等工器具应准备齐全。 6.2.8 根据现场实际情况可编制严密性试验流程及说明。 6.3严密性试验压力(严格按设计院的设计文件执行,以下数据仅供参考) 6.3.1载气及反应生成气系统:载气压缩机工艺气出口至热气过滤器0.2MPa(表压)。 6.3.2 结晶器冷气循环系统0.1MPa(表压)。 6.3.3道生系统0.4 MPa(表压)。 6.3.4熔盐系统0.6MPa(表压)。 6.3.5尿素系统液尿泵出口管路及设备0.8MPa。蒸汽系统1.3MPa(g),0.45MPa蒸汽系统0.5MPa(表)。 6.4 试验用介质 6.4.1 道生、工艺气循环等系统采用工厂压缩空气或仪表空气。 6.4.2熔盐及尿素系统的管道及有关设备可用系统水压试验代替。 6.4.3蒸汽及凝结水系统用水压试验代替。 6.5 试验方法及停留时间 6.5.1严密性试验压力必须缓慢上升,按每次增加规定压力的四分之一,分四个阶段升压,每个阶段必须停压检查。如无问题后,方可继续 protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -- 12 - 升压。 6.5.2 首先做好系统查漏工作,采用肥皂水查漏。检查到的泄露点必须处理好,然后再提压至试验压力。稳定10分钟并经安装、生产人员共同认可后,开始计算保持压力时间。此时做好系统的压力和温度记录。有条件时。可将总控室的自动记录仪表投入运行。 6.5.3 工艺气、道生、氨等系统在规定压力下保持24小时,系统内气体泄露率每小时平均不超过0.5%即认为合格。 6.5.4 水压试验系统在规定压力下保持4小时。未发现泄露即认为合格。 6.6 气体泄露率计算 泄露率计算公式: ,,PT10021,,, A= 1%,,tPT12,, 式中 A——每小时平均泄露率,% P——试验开始时的绝对压力,MPa; 1 P2——试验结束时的绝对压力,MPa; T1——试验开始时气体的绝对温度,K; T2——试验结束时气体的绝对温度,K; t——试验时间,小时 6.7 严密性试验的注意事项 6.7.1 系统加压前应由专人检查阀门的开关位置。压力控制应由生产人员负责,防止系统出现超压事故。 6.7.2 泵等运转设备,视情况可用盲板与系统隔离,注意因泵填料泄露而使严密性试验失败。 6.7.3 安全阀检漏,可拆其出口法兰,用纸条检查。如泄露严重,可在阀前插盲板,安全阀拆下重新调试校验。 6.7.4 用肥皂水查漏时,应注意检查焊缝,法兰及仪表联接处,做好泄露记录。 6.7.5 不准带压拆卸法兰联结需检修更换法兰垫片时,系统先卸压,检修后重新充压试验。 6.7.6 抽插盲板应由专人负责,盲板处应有挂牌标记。 6.7.7 夜间作业,厂房应有足够照明。登高时,应按照安全规定戴上安全带。 6.7.8 系统严密性试验所做的泄露记录,在试验结束后应及时消除。 7仪表系统调试 联动试车前,操作人员应对仪表工作性能进行试验。 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 13 - 7.1控制器及调节阀的检验 7.1.1当有仪表空气时,检查仪表管线有无泄露。 7.1.2 手动调节控制器,按25%、50%、75%和100%的位置,调整控制阀的阀位,并检查阀的开度比例。重复上述动作几次,阀位应与控制器相对应。 7.1.3 检查控制阀的气开(FC)、气闭(FO)的性能是否正确。 7.2声光报警信号的检查 7.2.1检查声光报警信号是否齐全,处于备用状态。 7.2.2 运转设备在单体试运转时,应注意声光报警信号。确认无误。 7.2.3 未经检查的报警信号应进行仪器检查。 7.3联锁试验 装置内的所有联锁系统,须经试验合格,信号动作准确无误。 九、 机泵单体试车 1、 试车条件 (1) 与机组有关的各项土建工程竣工,并达到使用要求,二次灌浆层 必须达到要求。 (2) 机组各设备及其连接管道已安装完毕,各项安装记录齐全,符合 设计要求,各润滑部位及运动件清洗合格,并具备试车条件。工艺 管道经吹洗试压合格,界区内脱盐水充足。 (3) 与机组有关的电器和仪表工程安装完毕并经调校和试验合格,并 具备试车条件,安全阀需经调校和试验合格。 (4) 必须具备经考试合格或有经验的熟练操作工进行操作和记录,安 装单位负责处理试车中出现的机械问题。 (5) 现场要有足够的照明 (6) 经三查四定检查确认存在问题已全部消除。 2、 试车前的准备工作 (1) 复测并检查安装找正精度应在设计要求范围内。 (2) 检查机组组合部位的紧固和地脚螺栓应按要求拧紧,无松动泄漏 现象。 (3) 完成冷却水系统通水试验和润滑系统开停车,开动润滑油泵,按 说明书要求调节油压至0.25-0.35MPA,并保持稳定。 (4) 配合电气人员进行单体试车,合格后复测靠背轮对中情况。 (5) 盘车检查机组内部运动机构是否灵活,如有异常应予排除。 (6) 熟悉机组操作说明书及技术文件,操作工与安装工要配合试车。 (7) 向各润滑部位提前人工加油,以保证开车时充分润滑。 十、 联动试车 -the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at- 14 - 联动试车是对整个装置的安装情况做一次全面检查,也是对操作人员进行一次全面训练,使操作人员能够模拟化工操作,达到熟练掌握操作方法,为化工投料做好准备。 1、 联动试车应具备的条件; (1)、岗位责任制已健全; (2)、专职技术人员已确定; (3)、公用工程系统已稳定运行,冷却水、脱盐水、蒸汽、仪表、空气、电等均能满足全系统联动试车要求; (4)、试车方案和操作规程公布; (5)、各项工艺指标经生产管理部门批准公布。 (6)、全装置经吹洗,严密性实验,蒸发真空试验合格。 (7)、全部仪表经校验合格,各仪表联锁、报警定值已批准公布。 (8)、各设备、管道防腐、保温施工完毕。 (9)、各安全阀按设计整定压力检验合格。 (10)、运转设备易损件要有备件。 (11)、安全消防设施备齐,各岗位联络信号好用,通信设备畅通。 (12)、维修工具齐全。 (13)、记录本、记录表准备齐全。 (14)、经过“三查四定”确定后,方可联动试车。 2、试车前应加的临时措施 (1)、尿素熔融罐加入循环水,使尿素洗涤塔液位达到80%。 (2)、压缩空气于氮气系统串联。 十一、三胺装置安全操作规程 1. 岗位任务 1.1 本岗位操作人员在值班长的领导下,负责三胺装置系统的开停车和正常生产时工艺指标的控制,确保安全生产。 1.2 将尿素工段送来的液尿加入反应器生成三聚氰胺,调节好反应温度、载气流量、系统压力、结晶温度等工艺指标,将合格的三聚氰胺送往包装岗位。 2 专责范围 2.1 领导关系及分工 2.1.1主操作:在当班值班长和工段长的领导下,负责反应工序的的生产控制;负责过滤器的反吹、结晶温度的控制,将合格的三聚氰胺成品送往包装岗位。负责三胺主装置系统开车停车处理和大、中、小检 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 15 - 修工作;落实安全责任制,搞好安全生产;负责本岗位设备的维护保养工作;加强业务学习积极参加岗位培训;遵守厂规厂纪,搞好文明生产;组织协调副操作和辅助操作的工作,并负责本岗位的交接班工作。 2.1.2副操作:在当班主操作的领导和指挥下协助主操作做好2.1.1中的各项工作,主操作需要暂时离开时代理主操作进行一切操作,并负责本岗位所有设备、管线、仪表、仪器的维护及防护用品和工器具的管理。 2.2 工作职权 2.2.1有权向车间提出技术操作的不同意见,对于违反操作规程的行为,有权提出纠正并报告车间。 2.2.2有权禁止非本岗位人员进行操作。 2.2.3对不正常的设备及不灵敏的仪表,有权向工段长或值班长提出修理或更换,对不安全的设备有权拒绝操作和向车间反应汇报。 2.2.4当发生紧急事故而值班长、工段长不在现场时有权自行进行处理,并立即向值班长和当班调度汇报。 2.2.5当水、电、气供应不正常时有权向值班长提出要求使相关岗位立即采取措施,恢复正常情况。 2.2.6有权询问进入本岗位所管范围的外来人员,查阅外来人员的证件,有权制止未经值班长允许而到本岗位的见习、实习人员擅自进行操作。 2.2.7本岗位操作受其它岗位影响而发生变化时,有权向其他岗位联系以满足本岗位的要求。 2.2.8对于干扰损害岗位操作和清洁卫生者,本岗位人员有权制止。 2.3、工作联系 2.3.1本岗位操作工受本班值班长的直接领导,发现不正常情况,及时汇报值班长,在值班长的领导下进行妥善处理,如果有紧急情况或联系不到值班长可直接做处理后再汇报。 2.3.2 与熔盐炉岗位联系,保证反应温度,开停车时让熔盐炉岗位做好准备以便及时稳定生产。 2.3.3 与尾气岗位联系,主要是开停车时尾气处理提前做好准备以便稳定生产。 2.3.4与包装岗位联系,成品输送料时保证三胺成品顺利包装。 2.3.5与分析岗位联系,以便及时了解、分析本系统的运行情况。 2.3.6与其他岗位联系,如循环水、软水、配电、仪表等岗位。 2.4 应管设备及管线:三胺主装置除熔盐系统的所有管线及设备至去尾气处理岗位的管线。 3 工艺规程 -mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules- 16 - 3.1反应原理 3.1.1 主反应 第一步 尿素热解为异氰酸和氨: 6(NH)CO?6HNCO+6NH,235.1KCal/mol 223 第二步 异氰酸在催化剂作用下转化为三胺和二氧化碳: 6HNCO?CN(NH)+3CO,84.8Kcal/mol 33232 总反应式为: 6(NH)CO?CN(NH)+3CO+6NH,150.3Kcal/mol 22332323 上述第一步为吸热反应,第二步为放热反应,总反应为吸热反应。 3.1.2 副反应 三聚氰胺的副反应除上述主反应外,还有其热解脱氨产物三聚氰酸、密白胺(CHN)、密勒胺(CHN)、密弄(CHN)以及三聚氰胺与69116610639三聚氰酸反应生成的三聚氰胺氰尿酸酯: CN(NH)+CH(OH)?CN(NH)•(HOCN) 33233333323 3.1.3 温度、压力、催化剂、水对三聚氰胺反应的影响 温度低易产生酰胺类,温度高则产生高聚物; 压力有利于聚合反应平衡向右移动;催化剂与反应物接触时间长短对反应的影响; 水对三胺反应是极其有害的。 4技术操作条件: 4.1尿素洗涤工段的日常操作及管理 4.1.1 主要工艺参数的操作范围 (1) 温度 位号 操作范围(?) 报警值(?) TIR138 135140 AL=135,AH=145 ~ TIR137 13514O ~ TIR130 158168 ~ (2) 压力 操作范围位号 报警值(KPa) (KPa) PIRC110 100150 AH=90,AHH=220 ~ (3) 流量及液位 位号 操作范围 报警值 3FIR101 8001000m/h ~3FIC102 400500m/h ~ LICA101 3050% AL=20%,AH=55% ~ LIR102 1.72.1m ~ 5.1.2 日常操作及管理 (1 )根据LICA101液位值变化,及时调节提供尿素洗涤塔的熔融尿素量,保证LICA101在操作范围内。 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 17 - (2) 根据尿素洗涤塔内尿素分析结果的缩二尿含量及熔点,调整尿素操作温度(控制TIR138温度在135140?),保证熔融尿素的品质在工~ 艺许可范围内。 (3) 通过调节液尿循环泵出口阀门开度,将FIR101控制在 38001000m/h范围内。 ~ (4) 根据反应器内的情况,及时调节反应器尿素投入量,并注意及时调节各投料喷嘴均匀进料。 (5)保持尿素洗涤塔内冷器壳程内的水位在工艺操作范围内。 (6)每小时巡回检查一次液尿泵、空气冷却器及尿素洗涤塔顶部刮刀等各设备的润滑及运行情况。每班记录液尿泵的电流值。 (7) 运行过程中,要定期进行液尿泵备用泵的切换。 1) 用蒸汽加热备用泵35分钟。 ~ 2) 关闭泵进出口排污及吹扫阀。 3) 迅速开启备用泵进口阀,并启用备用泵,待电机电流平稳后,开启出 口阀。 4) 关闭要切换下来的运行泵出口阀,按相应泵的停车按钮,然后迅速关 闭进出口阀。 5) 迅速开启切换下来的泵的进出口导淋阀,用蒸汽吹出设备及相应管道 内的尿素,最后在用汽水冲洗干净,作备用。 (8) 反应器停止投料或切换尿素喷嘴的操作 1) 开启管道蒸汽吹扫三阀组中的蒸汽导淋阀和蒸汽阀,将蒸汽管内的冷 凝水排净后再关闭蒸汽阀.然后适当开启三阀组中的尿素导淋阀,观 察其是否畅通,如已被尿素凝固堵塞。则应设法处理畅通。 2) 逐一全开正在使用的尿素喷嘴阀芯,关闭蒸汽导淋阀,开启三阀组中 的蒸汽阀,然后在迅速关闭尿素总切断阀,同时打开尿素导淋阀,周 全开进料调节阀,用大量蒸汽吹扫尿素喷嘴约5分钟,将进料管内尿 素全部吹入反应器内。 3) 确认每个喷嘴都畅通后,关严各喷嘴的阀芯。 4) 切换尿素喷嘴时,应该按上述方法先停料吹洗管道及正在使用的喷 嘴,然后再用蒸汽吹洗新喷嘴,最后投用新喷嘴,向反应器投料。 5.2反应工段的日常操作及管理 5.2.1 主要工艺参数的操作范围 (1) 温度 位号 操作范围(?) 报警值(?) AH=378;TIR104 387393 ~AH=395 TIR105 385?5 TIR106 385?5 finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semi- 18 - TIR100 133~140 TIR103 385?5 (2) 压力及压差 操作范围位号 报警值(KPa) (KPa) PICA100 1015 AL=18 ~ PIR102 180 PIR104 1801 (3) 流量 操作范围报警值位号 (Nm3/h) (Nm3/h) FIR100 3000035000 ~ FIC103 1012 ~ 5.2.2 日常操作及管理 (1)控制载气流量FIR100在范围内。 (2)通过调节熔盐炉出口熔盐出口温度,控制反应温度TIR104在范围内。 (3)根据PIR102、PIR104压差情况分析反应器触媒存留量,载气分布器及床内工作状况是否正常。 (4) 根据热气过滤器排出的触媒数量,最好每57天补加一次新触媒,~ 保持反应器内的触媒数量180-200吨。正常生产过程中,通过触媒加料罐用CO将触媒吹入反应器内。 2 说明: 在正常生产中,由于旋风分离器对粉尘的捕集能力有限,因此反应器内触媒会有少量的损耗,为保证触媒的尿素投料负荷在触媒的承受能力范围内,必须定期向反应器补加触媒。一般的,每吨三聚氰胺允许的触媒消耗约38公斤,因此57天(据触媒的实际消耗决定)向反应器补~~ 加一触媒加料罐的触媒即可。一触媒加料罐的触媒45m3,约合2.43.0~~吨。 特别注意:在生产过程中补加触媒,不能有空气进入反应器内,为此,向反应器压送触媒不允许采用空气,必须采用CO或N气等。 22 (5) 根据反应器内触媒堆积密度或有机物含量的分析结果或产品质量状况,决定是否对触媒进行活化。 5.3冷却、除尘、结晶系统 5.3.1 主要工艺参数的操作范围 (1) 温度 位号 操作范围(?) 报警值(?) TIR109 320-325 TIR161 300320 ~ TIR112 320-325 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 19 - TIR118 205-215 (2) 压力及压差 操作范围位号 报警值(KPa) (KPa) PIRA111 250340 AL=240;AH=350 ~ PIR108 10-15 5.3.2日常操作及管理 (1)通过控制PIRA111的压力,控制热气冷却器出口的反应生成气温度TIR109320-325?,以保证产品质量。 (2)通过控制冷气风机液力耦合器的输出值,控制结晶器出口气体温度205215?。 ~ (3)通过过滤器反吹,控制热气过滤器进出气压差不大于70KPa。 (4) 每2小时巡回检查一次各设备的运作情况。 5.4料输送及产品包装系统日常操作及管理 5.4.1操作范围 温度 位号 操作范围(?) 报警值(?) TIR125 ?140 TIR126 ?140 5.4.2日常操作及管理 1) 每小时巡回检查一次三胺成品旋风刮刀。压力螺旋机、螺旋输送机动设备的轴端密封、润滑及运行情况。 2) 经常检查压力螺旋机的料封及动作情况,不得有大量的工艺气体泄露至气流输送系统内。 3) 根据反应器尿素投入量,每班检查一次出料量,如不相符,则应及时查找有关原因。 5.5载气压缩机、冷气风机的日常操作及管理 载气压缩机、冷气风机日常操作及管理按厂家设备操作说明书进 行。 5.6熔盐系统 (1)按熔盐炉厂家说明书进行熔盐炉的日常操作及管理。 (2) 经常检查熔盐经反应器、载气预热器回熔盐储罐的回流情况以及熔盐泵的小回流情况。 (3) 每2小时检查熔盐泵的润滑、冷却及运行情况,注意熔盐泵的电流值。 (4) 每小时检查一次本系统所有设备、管线及用户有否泄漏现象。 (5) 反应器正常投料期间,确保出熔盐炉盐温不高于450。 (6) 经常关注熔盐槽内熔盐的液位是否在正常范围内。 finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se- 20 - 5.8 装置故障处理 5.8.1公用工程中断 突然停电 若装置短时间停电,则只需对各系统进行迅速的防堵处理,恢复送电后,系统恢复运行。短时间停电(2小时以内可以恢复送电) (1)停电后装置的紧急处理 1)迅速关闭系统压力调节阀,保持系统压力,关小载气压缩机、冷气风机的密封气控制阀,减少系统进气量。 2)停止加熔融尿素,用蒸汽吹扫尿素管线。 3)除控制室主操作人员外,装置其余人员分成两组,迅速且同时处理好以下两个系统: a:迅速吹洗净液尿泵等及其进出口管线待液尿泵等出口管线的尿素流回尿素洗涤塔后,关闭液尿泵总切断阀,关闭尿素洗涤塔的尿素喷嘴的切断阀,将液尿泵等及其进出管与尿素洗涤塔隔离。开泵出口高点吹扫蒸汽,将液尿泵及液尿管道内的液尿吹扫干净。 b:迅速清洗净反应器的尿素喷嘴,然后,关闭喷嘴阀芯。 (2) 恢复送电后,系统恢复运行 1)用热气冷却器电加热器,将热气冷却器内道生液温度控制在325335?范围内。 ~ 2)由蒸汽活化切换到氨气: ?现场操作逐步开启AG301至PG301的截止阀。 ?总控逐步关小FV10305的阀开度直至全关。(切换过程中要密切注意PI10401/10402压力变化情况,注意在切换过程中不得出现大幅度的扰动。)关闭FV10305后切断阀。 ?稳定PICA-10202压力略高于尾气系统压力。 3)恢复冷气运行。 4)恢复液尿泵的运行 5)热气冷却器内道生液温度在325?以上,恢复载气压缩机的运行。 6)恢复熔盐炉运行,熔盐泵熔盐小循环,将熔盐储罐内盐温重新升至400420?. ~ 7)恢复循环风机保温气系统的运行,并对热气过滤器进行适当的反吹和排灰。 8)依次恢复载气预热器及反应器送盐。停熔盐管道伴热蒸汽。 9)恢复出料系统的运行。 10)在反应器顶温(TI-10414)在380400?范围内,系统NH?70%~3的条件下进行活化,至催化剂的堆密度合格为止。 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 21 - 11)当结晶器顶温(TI-10703a)达320330?,反应器恢复投尿素。 ~长时间停电(2小时以上不能对装置恢复送电) 若整个装置长时间停电,应迅速对各系统进行处理,为下次开车及运行创造好条件。 (1)停电后装置的处理;长时间停电除按短时间停电时的方法进行处理外,应从液尿泵进口总管排放管线将尿素洗涤塔内尿素排往地池。用蒸汽从尿素洗涤塔喷头前的三阀组吹扫系统,吹扫进料及相关所有管线。 (2) 系统压力缓慢降低 (3) 系统切氮气置换 (4)来电后系统的处理 1)启动出料系统,将三胺捕集器内的三胺输送至成品料仓内。 2)除熔盐系统外,停其余蒸汽伴热。 3)开启尿素洗涤塔顶部人孔,热气过滤器换气人孔,系统通风降温。 4)关闭与洗涤塔相连的工艺气管路上的阀门;启动液尿泵,用水清洗尿素系统。 5)清理工艺气系统 蒸汽中断 蒸汽短时间中断时,可以不排放尿素,只需中断反应器投料;关闭尿素管道上的切断阀,吹扫此管道及反应器尿素喷嘴。其他按正常生产运行。待恢复送气后,即可恢复生产。在装置“空负荷运行”期间,须注意以下几个问题。 (1)注意保持系统压力,保持熔融尿素的温度高于其熔点约5?的状态下运行,防止尿素熔融物中缩二脲含量过高。 (2)反应器停止投料1小时后,停三胺成品旋风出料刮刀,停压力螺旋机,停止成品输送。 5.8.2设备故障熔盐炉故障 处理方法及步骤:装置无需停车,但须停止投料,并及时修复。 (1)反应器停止投料 (2)维持系统正常压力 (3)注意熔盐储罐内盐温,低于200?应及时送上加热蒸汽。载气压缩机故障 处理方法及步骤:应迅速停止向反应器投料,吹洗进料管线、反应器尿素喷嘴。及时排出故障,恢复生产。 但要注意以下几方面问题:载气压缩机停止运行后,应及时将熔盐炉出盐温度降至385~395?. protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -- 22 -注意保持熔融尿素品质在载气压缩机停车的情况下,热气过滤器可进行反吹工作。 5.8.2. 3 冷气风机故障 冷气风机跳车并长时间无法恢复运行时,要尽快停止液尿泵的运行。 逐步降低系统的压力。同时维持压缩机运行,对反应器进行置换。停止向反应器送熔盐,系统降温将反应器温度逐步降至300?以下。 6 安全技术规程 6.1岗位生产特点和危险性 6.1.1 生产特点 本三聚氰胺工艺是一个高温、非均相、介质易结晶的生产过程。在生产中还要接触和处理气氨、二氧化碳以及高温的熔盐、液尿、道生等物质。为了确保安全、稳定、连续生产,杜绝各种不应发生的设备,人身事故,操作人员必须实行科学的、安全的操作和管理。 6.2 工艺物料的特性及防护 6.2.1 二氧化碳 CO是无色气体,有窒息和麻醉作用。空气中CO浓度>360mg/I时能22 立即致死;在90-120 mg/I浓度下,一小时内能使人致命。厂房中的CO2浓度应<0.5%(体积)。 CO比空气重,一般多积聚于地沟和容器底部。 2潮湿的CO和含CO的氨水对碳钢有腐蚀作用。 22 对CO的防护用具 2 对高浓度CO应采用隔离式氧气呼吸器或长管式防毒面具。 2 6.2.2 氨、CO混合气 2 本三聚氰胺生产工艺中产生的氨、碳混合气,氨约65% CO2约35%(V),常压下,温度低于60?,易生成固体氨基甲酸铵晶体。正常生产中,NH、CO混合气为有毒高温介质,与人体接触易32 引起窒息和烫伤。 对氨、碳混合气的防护同氨气的防护。 6.2.3 熔融尿素本生产工艺中,熔融尿素为高温介质,与人体接触易引起烫伤。 熔融尿素具有较强腐蚀性,凡与之接触的管道、管件和设备必须采用不锈钢材质。尿素的熔点远高于常温,降温会成固体结晶。 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 23 - 对熔融尿素的防护 (1)取样或与该物质接触时应戴防护眼镜和胶皮手套。 (2)如有熔融尿素飞溅至眼睛或皮肤时,可用大量的生活水冲洗,并立即送至医疗站处理。 6.2.4 熔盐 熔盐的熔点高于142?,降温至熔点温度会凝固。熔盐中的硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐均属于氧化剂,温度超过460?亚硝酸钠易分解放出N气。 2 高温熔盐与人体接触,会引起严重烫伤。温度超过600?后,熔盐对碳钢有腐蚀性。对熔盐的防护 (1)取样或生产操作中,应戴上防护眼镜和耐高温的电焊手套,在开关带压的阀门时,应使用“F”型扳手,人体不要正对阀门手轮,应站在手轮侧面操作。 (2)生产过程中,熔盐不能与镁、铝等金属和各类有机物接触。 (3)生产过程中,温度严格控制在460?以下,熔点控制在140160?~之间。 (4)当熔盐系统着火时,应使用干砂或干粉、CO灭火器灭火,绝不能2 用水,以免熔盐飞溅伤人。 (5)如有熔盐溅上人体,应立即用大量的生活用水冲洗,并立即送往医院。 6.2.5 道生液 道生是联苯(26.5%)和联苯醚(73.5%)的混合物,熔点约12?,正常沸点约257?.道生液渗透性极强,因此法兰垫片须采用符合温度限制的柔性石墨垫片。道生液或其蒸汽对人体有较微毒性。本装置生产中,道生液或其蒸汽属高温介质,与人体接触易引起烫伤。 对道生液的防护 (1)在操作或维修道生设备时,应戴耐温的电焊手套和其他防护用品。 (2)在开关带压的阀门时,应使用“F”型扳手,人体不要正对阀门手轮,应站在手轮侧面操作。 (3)道生液不慎溅在眼睛或皮肤时,应立即用生活水冲洗,如有烫伤,应立即送医院处理。 (4)开车或维修前,须用N气置换出设备、管道内的空气或道生气。 2 6.3 基本安全要求 finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semi- 24 - (1)文明生产,生产场所严禁吸烟。车间检修动火须按生产厂统一规定“动火制度”执行。 (2)不得将液氨滞留于不应存液氨的工艺设备及管道中。 (3)停车后所有尿素管道和设备必须用蒸汽或水冲洗排放干净,严防结晶堵塞。 (4)停车后,熔盐不得滞留于除熔盐储罐以外的任何设备及管道内。 (5)总控制室的紧急停车按钮及岗位联络信号必须经常检查,保证完好,处于备用状态。 (6)注意各传动设备的电机温升、油位、转动部件及声响有无异常情况。 (7)工器具及备用设备处于备用完好状态 (8)灰暗地区工作应有照明,移动照明灯不得超过36V,进设备的安全灯为12V。 (9)生产操作人员应熟悉使用各种消防器材和防护用品。 (10)操作传动设备的女工必须将长发戴入工作帽内。 (11)压缩机房,原料间,产品包装间保证良好的通风。 (12)熔盐、尿素、道生系统、氨及工艺气系统检修后,须经严格细致的试压、严密性试验以及设备管道法兰面升温热紧后,方可进行法兰连接处的保温。 6.4 电气方面的要求 (1)电气设备线路的一切修理工作必须由考试合格的电气人员进行。 (2)电气设备要注意保护,防止水、蒸汽、尿素和酸碱等影响绝缘质量。 (3)电气设备应有完好的接地线,禁止用湿手或戴湿手套接触电气开关。 (4)电机长期备用或检修后试车应由电工检查,同意后方可启动。 (5)载气压缩机、冷气风机、循环风机等大功率设备必须得到生产调度室和值班电工同意后方可启动。 6.5 检修设备维护及检修注意事项 (1)各种安全装置必须灵敏好用,压力表、安全阀、爆破板等的切断阀严禁随便关闭。 (2)安全阀、压力表应定期校验,保证灵敏,操作中要经常注意压力表指示情况,防止堵塞造成虚假显示。 (3)易结晶管道必须保持良好保温,冬天停车检修应排尽设备、管道内积水,防止冻坏设备。管沟、楼面管道孔必须加盖板。 (4)高温管道应有牢固的管卡固定,如发现松动应及时处理。 (5)盲板应设有标志。 (6)运转设备应有完好的安全罩。 (7)设备在交付检修前必须切断电源,卸去压力,对有毒或能引起爆炸、燃烧的介质应冲洗干净或用惰性气体置换。 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 25 - (8)进入有毒介质容器内部进行清理维修时,在设备清洗干净后,应分析有毒介质含量是否符合规定,要加强通风,准备好防护器材,并禁止一个人单独工作,必须有人在容器外进行监护。 (9)在处理含有氨、熔融尿素、高温熔盐及道生液时应穿戴防护用品,如眼镜、手套或面具等。 (10)载气压缩机、冷气风机、熔盐炉等大型设备的检修必须严格按生产厂家的检修程序和要求进行。 7 岗位责任制: 7.1 交接班制度 7.2 设备维护保养制度 7.2.1大力开展完好设备及无泄漏等活动,实行专机、专责制或包机制做到分工到人。 7.2.2操作人员学习岗位操作法和设备维护检修规程,做到“四懂”、“三会”。 7.2.3严格操作规程进行设备的启动、运行与停车。严禁超温、超压、超负荷运行。 7.2.4认真做好设备的润滑工作,做到“五定”、“三过滤”。 7.2.5保持设备整洁,及时消除跑冒滴漏。 7.2.6操作人员发现设备有不正常情况时,应及时检查原因及时反映。 7.2.7维修人员要明确分工,对分工负责的设备,负有保证维修质量的责任。 7.2.8所有备用设备应有专人负责定期检查维护,注意防尘、防潮、防冻、防腐蚀,对于转动设备还要定期进行盘车。 7.2.9车间设备管理人员应对设备维护保养制度,贯彻执行情况进行监督检查。 7.3 巡回检查制度 7.3.1 严格执行巡检制度 ,按时认真填写记录表,发现不正常的情况及时汇报工长岗长及车间作出处理。 7.3.2 每小时检查一次对所属设备的运转情况、工艺指标的执行情况,及时调整,完成岗位生产任务。 7.3.3 检查内容 ?各设备的现场压力、温度是否在指标之内。 ?各设备阀门的开度情况是否与生产负荷相符,各管路设备固定情况。 ?各设备、管道、阀门是否有泄漏情况,及时处理;若处理不好,可挂牌做好记录。 ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi- 26 - ?运转设备的电流、压力、温度、润滑情况是否良好。 ?三胺的输送情况。 ?缓冲槽、一、二分、一、二冷等现场液位变化情况并做好记录。 7.3.4巡检路线 主装置1楼—2楼—3楼—4楼—5楼 7.3.5 岗位设立巡检牌,每半小时巡检拨表一次。 7.4 设备润滑制度 7.4.1 设备润滑必须严格执行“五定”“三级过滤”标准,实行设备润滑交接班。 7.4.2 稀油润滑必须符合规定的油位,油压油位应位于视镜的1/2-1/3处。 7.4.3 若因油润滑不好而造成设备损坏,按事故赔偿制处理。(循环水泵) 7.5 清洁制度 7.5.1 严格按照“文明岗位”标准执行,搞好岗位卫生清理工作。 7.5.2 操作室内的所有物品实行定置摆放,操作人员应养成良好的卫生习惯。 7.5.3 操作室内所有物品每班彻底清理一次,厂房地面不得有积水、油污、杂物。 7.5.4 厂房内二、三楼每班清理一次,四、五、六楼每两天清理一次,门窗玻璃、室内橱柜及其仪表盘每班清理一次。 7.5.5 设备管道阀门2米以下每班清理一次,保证清理时不留卫生死角。 十二、三胺工序开车规程 1.装置开车 1.1 开车条件 1.1三胺装置各系统经过清洗、吹除、试压、气密性试验;拆卸的管线、法兰及阀门已恢复并确保无误。 1.2单体试车、单元系统实物料试车、装置热联动试车完毕并合格。 1.3所有临时实施已经拆除,通道畅通,地面及设备清洁。 1.4DCS系统及现场仪表系统调试正常:现场调节阀动作平稳,阀位与DCS输出校正正常;热气过滤器反吹系统阀位与反馈信号校正正常;压缩机、冷气风机等连锁、报警校正正常。 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 27 - 1.5电器及事故处理电源处于良好工况。 1.6各公用工程装置能连续正常供应。 1.7通讯联络设备良好。 1.8所有安全阀、连锁系统及其它安全装置已经校验并合格。 1.9准备有充足的原料、其它辅助材料及备品备件。 1.10消防及各类安全器具、器材到位,数类齐全,性能良好。 2、开车的准备工作 2.1熔盐系统 2.1.1熔盐系统清洗干净并水压试验合格。记录水压试验时的相关液位。 2.1.2熔盐熔化与熔盐炉的烘炉同时进行。 2.1.3向熔盐槽按53%KNO、40%NaNO、和7%NaNO的比例将固体熔323 盐加入熔盐槽。盐量保证盐泵小循环。打开盐槽蒸汽对熔盐进行加热。 2.1.4熔盐炉点火,根据厂家的烘炉方案进行烘炉。 2.1.5检查熔盐泵润滑油、冷却水并正常。熔盐炉去反应器、载气预热器及反吹加热器的熔盐管线加盲板,全开小回流阀,使其走小循环路线(熔盐仅通过炉返回盐槽)。 2.1.6利用蒸汽,将熔盐加热到142?以上,使熔盐熔化。 2.1.7炉顶温度超过300?时,按规程启动熔盐泵。防止炉内盐管烧空管。 2.1.8根据烘炉方案继续升温。当熔盐温度升到200?时,及时关闭盐槽蒸汽,并将放空打开。当熔盐温度的高于400?时,继续按比例向盐槽补加新盐,直至能够保证盐泵大循环及反吹加热器用量,约100吨。 2.1.9烘炉结束后,按规程停炉、停泵撤盐备用。 2.2道生系统 2.2.1道生系统经过吹扫、试压及气密性试验,气密性保压试验平均泄漏 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs- 28 - 率?0.5%时为合格。 2.2.2向道生系统充N置换,使热气冷却器、道生冷却器中O含量小于221%,低处排水,确保系统内无积水。 2.2.3关闭热气冷却器道生溢流阀、道生冷凝器放空阀,打开热气冷却器的液相联通阀,拆掉一只液位阀。 2.2.4连接齿轮泵,用泵将道生直接从桶内经液位阀泵入热气冷却器中。 2.2.5控制室开启道生系统仪表,注意热气冷却器液位。当液位达到溢流口时停止添加,液位阀复位。 2.2.6打开道生储罐放空阀,打开热气冷却器溢流阀,将多余的道生流回道生储罐,溢流结束后将其阀门及道生冷凝器放空阀关闭。 2.2.7如果气温低于12?,道生伴热系统开少量蒸汽保温,防止道生凝固。 2.2.8对道生冷凝系统进行调试:向1.3MPa蒸汽闪蒸罐补充软水,设定液位0.5m,开启蒸汽闪蒸槽于蒸汽相连截止阀并启动液位的自动控制,开启废热锅炉安全阀前截止阀,开启中压蒸汽储槽蒸汽阀。 2.2.9检查道生远红外加热器,确保其正常后,开启电加热,观察升温情况。在道生升温过程中,控制好温升速率并记录,巡检人员随时对道生系统进行检查,发现问题及时处理。当热气冷却器道生温度升至150?时,巡检人员对道生系统进行一次全面检查是否有泄漏点。确保无泄漏后继续升温。升温至300?时,停道生加热器,由于道生受热膨胀,需打开溢流阀,将多余道生排放到道生储罐,道生系统备用。 2.2.10升温过程中,在温度150?和200?时分别打开道生冷却器的放空阀,放掉系统中的水蒸气及不凝性气体。 2.2.11热气冷却器道生溢流阀后、道生加热器压料阀前加盲板。 2.3反应器装填催化剂及脱水 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 29 - 2.3.1反应器清扫干净,尿素加料喷嘴调试完毕。 2.3.关闭反应器底部进气阀,关闭尿素进料喷嘴,封好中、底部人孔,打开顶部人孔,向反应器装填硅胶,装填高度8m,约190吨。装填时禁止混入杂物。 2.3.2打开热气冷却器入口集器罐的三个人孔,以及液尿洗涤塔顶部、上部人孔、压缩机入口管线人孔,其它人孔全部封上。 2.3.3两台热气冷却器入口全部加盲板。 2.3.4液尿洗涤塔、压缩机入口人孔加筛网,防止杂物吸入。 2.3.5载气压缩机经试车正常,开启润滑油、冷却水,相关的仪表开始运行。 2.3.6开载气压缩机,缓慢加量,向流化床送空气,进行硅胶除尘、脱水。通过入口蝶阀、喘振阀、进床阀控制主流量气量大小。如果温升过慢,可开熔盐泵向载气预热器送盐,提高气体温度,保证加料口的升温速度。 2.3.7硅胶的升温速率TR-106控制在5—10?,当达到110?时恒温2小时,再升温至130?,恒温2小时,停压缩机。 2.3.8要求总控岗位认真记录、描升温图。 2.3.9硅胶除水完毕后,拆除筛网、封好人孔,把要投入使用的热气冷却器入口盲板切换到开的位置。 2.4热气过滤器内的过滤管按照要求安装完毕。 2.5向四台成品旋风小搅拌内各装填三胺料约25袋,做好料封。 2.6碳铵具备开车条件。 2.7外供蒸汽锅炉具备使用条件,可以随时产出蒸汽。 3、系统开车 3.1开启空气压缩机,制取合格的压缩空气。 -mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules- 30 - 3.1联系仪表工开启仪表,并对现场仪表做全面检查校对,确保仪表准确好用,设定各调节回路的调节范围。开启仪表的辅助设施,如伴热蒸汽、吹扫气等。 3.2电工检测电器、电机设备的绝缘并合格,相关的电器、设备陆续送电。 3.3设备管线上的安全阀根部阀打开、调节阀前后切断阀打开,现场液位计根部阀打开;检查连锁系统及其它安全装置,使之处于工作状态。 3.4确认设备管线上的阀门开关状态符合要求。 3.5检查并确认各运转设备润滑油的油位正常。 3.6确认系统人孔全部封好、放空阀关闭后,系统开始气密。联系开启制氮机组经过反应器进口向系统内充入N,开各密封气及吹扫气,关闭载2 气分配罐去反应器的阀门,当系统压力达到15Kpa时,系统进行气密检查。气密合格后进行置换,开压缩机入口放空阀放空。 3.7通知开启软水系统,向废热锅炉、道生冷凝器、液尿洗涤塔内水冷却器等加软水。 3.8开启道生远红外加热器,道生液开始加热。 3.9取样分析,系统中O含量小于1%时置换合格。 2 3.10熔盐系统的所有盲板处于关闭状态,所有回流阀打开。熔盐炉点火,待炉顶温度达到300?时,开启熔盐泵向熔盐炉送盐,保证盐温350?备用。 3.11开启准备使用的初级分离器和热气冷却器的保温循环气入、出口阀门,熔盐炉运行的同时启动保温风机,为初级分离器和热气冷却器升温。 液尿洗涤塔换热器通入低压蒸汽进行预热 3.12启动载气压缩机 3.12.1取样分析,系统O含量低于1%做好开启载气压缩机的准备。 2 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 31 - 3.12.2电源和自控连锁系统检查,确认冷却水和密封气正常,油箱油位、液力偶合器油位正常。 3.12.3提前1小时启动润滑系统,开油加热器,启动油泵,高位槽见回油。检查油总管压力、去轴瓦各支管路油压及回油量。 3.12.4盘车自如,装好防护罩,系统阀门检查。确认防喘振全开,放空阀全关,进反应器阀门全关。 3.12.5系统压力保持10Kpa,进气蝶阀微开,液力偶合器调至0%位置。全部检查完毕后,总控人员对压缩机系统复位。压缩机具备开车条件后,联系电工要电,启动载气压缩机。 3.12.6压缩机运转平稳后,缓慢调节液力偶合器转速。(偶合器在1470r/min为压缩机临界转速区,因此,调节偶合器迅速越过此区域,防止发生喘振。)待稳定后,再逐渐调节直至正常转速。 3.12.7压缩机运行平稳后,逐个打开反应器底部阀门,向反应器送气要 3缓慢,当床层松动后,再逐渐将气量调至30000-35000Nm/h,系统进行升温。升温速度?10?/h。 3.12.8当预热器出口温度?150?时,拆除连接熔盐泵至载气预热器熔盐管线上的两块盲板,关小载气预热器撤盐阀门,启动熔盐泵向载气预热器送盐,流化床进行升温。控制加料口温度升温速度?10?/h。 3.12.9开启载气管线至反吹加热器阀门,打开过滤器内两组三通阀,使其处于反吹状态,让载气经过反吹器加热器进入过滤器,给反吹加热器升温。 3.13流化床加料口温度达到240?时,关闭过滤器三通阀及进反吹加热器的载气阀。准备向反应器送盐。停熔盐泵,拆熔盐进床管线盲板、流化床至载气预热器熔盐管线上盲板、反吹加热器进盐管线上盲板;加熔 finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se- 32 - 盐泵至载气预热器熔盐管线上两块盲板,小回流阀关小。启动盐泵向流化床送盐,送盐时盐温?350?,开泵送盐后继续关小回流阀,直至各回流见盐流回。小回流阀及载气预热器撤盐阀微开(这两个阀门任何时候都不能关死),随时保证其管线畅通。送盐的同时,开启熔盐炉给盐升温。控制加料口温度升温速度?50?/h。 3.14调节道生系统压力,控制液位调节罐的液位在70-80%。调节、检查中压及低压蒸汽。 3.15启动压缩机后,开始熔化尿素或通知送液尿。 3.16.启动冷气风机。 3.16.1当压缩机进口温度接近140?时,按规程启动冷气风机。 3.16.2冷气风机运行平稳后,启动结晶器搅拌、洗涤塔顶部搅拌。 3.17启动液尿循环泵。 3.17.1当压缩机进口温度接近140?、尿洗塔塔釜温度达到140?,尿素总量达到40吨时,关闭液尿泵出口吹洗蒸汽阀、入口导淋阀,全开泵进口阀、出口阀,让液尿充满泵腔后,关闭泵出口阀,启动液尿泵。当泵的电流下降后,慢慢打开泵出口阀,建立液尿循环,直至流量达到 33800m/h。调节液尿洗涤塔至尿素熔融槽流量约400m/h。 3.17.2根据尿素熔融槽及液尿洗涤塔底部液位,可继续引液尿。保持塔釜液位,尿素熔融槽液位。注意系统压力维持10kpa。调整热交换器的冷却水量,控制液尿温度。循环12小时内在136-140?之间,12小时后132-134?之间。 3.18送上系统所有的伴热蒸汽 3.19向反应器投料 3.19.1当加料口温度达到390?、热气冷却器出口温度到320?,过滤 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 33 - 器出口温度到280?以上时,准备向反应器投尿素。 3.19.2分别关闭4根加料管线上的导淋阀,打开吹洗蒸汽的导淋阀,待排净冷凝水后关闭导淋阀,打开蒸汽阀,调节进料调节阀设定为“手动”,开度100%,打开4个加料口喷嘴顶针(另外4个加料口可以提前加上盲板),用蒸汽吹洗加料管线5分钟。 3.19.3通知熔盐炉岗位做好提温准备;通知吸氨岗位开车。 3.19.4在确认加料管线畅通后,迅速关闭吹洗蒸汽阀门,打开加料管线根部阀,开始向流化床加料。调整加料量达到设定值,稳定后将进料调节阀投入“自动”运行。 3333.19.5加料控制量:4.0m/h运行8小时,6m/h运行8小时,7.5m/h 3运行24小时,10m/h运行24小时,之后可以满负荷加料。 3.19.6通知吸氨岗位,保证吸氨泵、冷排及冷却水泵正常运行,系统压力稳定后,控制系统压力5—10kpa,投“自动”运行。 3.19.7投料4小时后,启动成品旋风大搅拌,根据电流启动出料系统。依次开启成品输送引风机、鼓风机、压力螺旋输送机、小搅拌,调节料仓略成负压,观察设备电流变化情况。 3.20.8因为是原始开车,系统内水分含量高,应先将湿料就地出净,见干料后再输送。 3.21当料仓内有成品时,经过取样分析即可开始包装成品。 4、正常停车 4.1 反应器停料 4.1.1接到停车指令后,首先停止补加液尿或固体颗粒尿素。 4.1.2当尿素熔融罐及液尿洗涤塔底部的液位降到最低后,停止向流化床进料。 4.1.3打开蒸汽导淋阀,排净管线的冷凝水,关闭导淋阀,关闭进料管线根部阀门,打开蒸汽阀门,全开进料调节阀,用蒸汽吹扫加料管线及 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs- 34 - 液尿喷嘴5—10分钟,确保加料管线及液尿喷嘴畅通,停吹扫蒸汽,关闭顶针。拆加料管线盲板,蒸汽继续吹扫。 4.2系统进入活化状态,控制加料口温度在395—400?,维持载气的正常流量不变,通过调节液力偶合器转数及防喘振调节主气量,活化2—4小时。 4.3调整熔盐系统操作,保证加料口温度;逐渐关小冷气风机的液力偶合器的转数,保证结晶器出口温度不低于于200?。 4.4根据成品旋风内物料情况停止出料系统,保证料封不破。 4.5取样分析催化剂,确认催化剂内的吸附物基本解吸出来后,活化结束。 4.6活化结束前通过热气过滤器反吹阀向系统内充入CO,降低系统中氨2 含量,注意控制压缩机及冷气风机的电流,保证尾气压力为5Kpa,压力低可停吸氨泵。 4.7 主工艺循环系统停车 4.7.1停载气压缩机C100,逐渐打开防喘振阀门,控制气量在15000— 320000Nm/h关流化床底部蝶阀,关分配器去流化床阀门,全开防喘振阀门。调节、降低载气压缩机C100的液力偶合器转数,停机。继续保证油循环和密封气1小时。手动盘车,观察震动值大小,并做好记录。 4.7.2停冷气风机,继续保证油循环及密封气半小时,手动盘车。 4.7.3停止尿素熔融泵,关闭熔融槽进出口气动阀门,防止系统气体泄漏,保持系统正压。接管线外排液尿,系统排净,液尿熔融罐加清水,启动液尿泵清洗液尿塔20分钟,如此进行二,三遍。 4.7.4系统内液尿排净后,继续开吸氨泵吸收,系统压力降为零后停吸氨泵。 4.8停止熔盐炉鼓、引风机和炉排,根据需要停止熔盐泵(熔盐泵冷却水不停)。 4.9空压机系统维持运转。 4.10各运转设备相继停车。 4.11投入道生加热器,保证道生温度300?。 4.12关闭所有吹扫气阀门。 4.13停伴热蒸汽。 4.14拆设备、管线人孔,通风降温。 十三、安全、环保职业卫生及消防概况 1、经过风险评估,已制订相应的安全措施和事故预案。 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 35 - 2、安全生产 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 、规程、台帐齐全,安全管理体系建立,人员经安全教育后取证上岗。 3、动火制度、禁烟制度、车辆管理制度等安全生产管理制度已建立并公布。 4、安全警示标志齐全。 5、岗位消防器材、护具已备齐,人人会用。 6、气体防护、救护措施已落实, 7、现场人员劳保用品穿戴符合要求,职工急救常识已经普及。 8、生产装置、罐区的消防水系统、烟火报警器、可燃气体和有毒气体监测器已投用,完好率达到100,。 9、安全阀试压、调校、定压、铅封完毕。 10、生产装置“三废”处理设施已建成投用。 11、环境监测所需的仪器、化学药品已备齐,分析规程及报表已准备完。 12、环保管理制度、各装置环保控制指标、采样点及分析频次等经批准公布执行。 十三、事故应急救援预案 1、公司的基本概况 山东新泰联合化工有限公司地处于新泰市楼德镇,前身楼德化肥厂始建于1966年,1968年投产(原为济南军区“五七”化肥厂),后经两期扩建,填平补齐和引进新项目,目前已发展成为年产合成氨6万吨,尿素10万吨、、甲醇1.5万吨中型综合化工企业。 公司占地总面积10.13万平方米,建筑总面积4.9万平米,地处鲁中南地区,在新泰、泰安、宁阳、泗水四县市交界处,位于楼德镇南部,北靠磁(窑),莱(芜)铁路距离1公里。生产厂区门口是09公路,南通徐州。北达济南,公司内有铁路专用线,,东、西二面为农田,南为中 -mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules- 36 - 天精细化工有限公司。 气象状况:最高气温39?,最高年平均气温18.9?,最低年平均气温7.6?,历年来平均气压1003.9毫巴,平均最大风速阵风8m/s,常年主导风向北风和东南风。历年来平均降雨量659.5?/年,最高降雨量1082.7?,年最低降雨量454?,暴雨持续时间最长5天(累计411.2?),历年积雪最大厚度150?,基本地耐力12吨/?,地震裂度6度。 生产装置是一个高温、易燃、易爆、易中毒、易窒息、具有腐蚀性介质,容易发生堵塞的工艺过程。所用物料介质有氨气、液氨、二氧化碳、各种浓度的甲铵液、尿液、熔盐、导生等,这些介质可能给人带来危险。为杜绝各类事故的发生,我们要严格执行安全操作规程,严格遵守各项规章制度和有关安全规定,并熟悉和掌握有关安全防护知识。 装置共设有消防栓7个,灭火器38个,消防沙池1个,备有消防沙、消防桶、消防铣等消防设施,各岗位设有防毒面具等劳动防护用具,以确保事故预案顺利实施。 一、 危险源的确定与分布 根据公司生产状况,确定以下部位为应急救援危险源。 1、熔盐泄露。主要可能漏盐的部位有:熔盐炉、熔盐槽、熔盐输送管道及法兰、流化床内置熔盐盘管、载气熔盐预热器。 2、烫伤(熔盐、导生、蒸汽、蒸汽冷凝液、液尿) 熔盐烫伤:主要发生在熔盐岗位,操作工巡检、送盐、撤盐、补加熔盐以及保全维修过程中。 蒸汽、冷凝液:主要发生在巡检和开关阀门过程中。 液尿:主要发生在由于溢罐、泄露、取样、化尿素、开停车过程中造成烫伤。 导生烫伤:三胺系统在补加导生,导生放压,在巡检时因导生系统压力高安全阀起跳,以上过程中可能引起导生中毒或烫伤。 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 37 - 3、二氧化碳中毒、窒息 三胺系统在操作、检修过程中,可能因CO浓度高而造成中毒、2 窒息。 三、应急救援指挥领导机构职责与分工 1、指挥机构 公司设立化学事故应急救援指挥小组,成员组成如下。应急救援办公室设在综合办公室,负责日常工作,发生化学事故时,以指挥小组为基础,立即成立指挥部及救援工作组,全力做好应急救援工作。 化学事故应急救援领导小组成员: 组 长: 范修巨 副组长: 王 君 齐元山 成 员: 马学伟 赵新旺 贾志国 王志勇 杨淑迎 杨 超 2、职责: (1)指挥领导小组职责: 负责本公司应急救援预案的制订、修订; 组织应急救援专业队伍,并组织实施和演练; 检查、督促做好重大事故的预防措施和应急救援的各项准备 工作。 (2)指挥部职责: 事故发生时,由指挥部发出和解除救援命令、信号; 组织指挥救援队伍实施行动,保证事情发生后当班人员准确 到位,在自我保护的情况下,熟练操作及时制止事故的蔓延扩大; 向园区管委会汇报和向安监局通报事故情况,必要时向安监、 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs- 38 - 消防等部门发出救援请求。 组织事故调查,总结应急救援工作教训,组织并迅速恢复生产。 (3)指挥部人员分工: 总指挥:1.组织指挥全公司应急救援工作 2.负责事故上报及事故处置工作 3.负责事故现场通讯联络及对外联系 副指挥:1.协助总指挥负责现场的抢救、抢修指挥工作 2.负责事故状态时的生活保障工作 3.负责事故现场及有害物质扩散区域的洗消监测工作 4.负责抢修救援物资的采购、供应、运输工作 5.负责现场医疗救护指挥及中毒受伤热人员的分类抢 救和护送转院工作 6(负责事故处置时生产系统开、停车调度工作 7(负责事故状态下的设备抢修指挥、联系处理工作 成员: 1.负责危险目标区域的日常防火、防爆及事故状态下 的灭火、抢救工作 2.负责事故状态下的警戒、治安保卫、疏散、管制工作 四、救援应急措施及处理程序 (一)物料特性及救援应急措施 1、导生(联苯26.5,、联苯醚73.5,) 结晶点:12.7? 沸点:257? 着火点127? 自燃点:620? 措施:导生粘到皮肤上,要用肥皂水冲洗,应避免重复或长时 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 39 - 间让皮肤接触导生,从管线阀门处泄露的导生由于会浸入保温层,保温材料具有虹吸作用和空气接触面积较大,同时保温伴随高温有可能造成火灾,泄露处应尽快更换保温。 系统中进入蒸汽,系统压力升高很快,要及时停车处理,卸压时要看好风向,带好劳保用品,切勿吸入过多的导生气体。 2、尿素溶液 尿素熔点:132.7?;液尿为高温高压介质,易引起烫伤。 措施:操作时应穿工作服、工作鞋,戴手套,开关阀门不能过度用力,要侧身避开阀门易泄露方向,一旦溅到身上,要立即用清水冲洗,用剪刀割破衣服冲洗,严重者要在处理后立即就医。 3、熔盐 特性:(亚硝酸钠40,、硝酸钠7,、硝酸钾53,) 熔点:142.3?,强氧化剂,与有机物接触易发生燃烧,与镁铝接触能发生爆炸。 措施:一旦溅到身上,要立即用清水冲洗,就医。及时清理现场杂物,禁止现场存有有机杂物,维修加油时要防止油进入盐槽。一旦着火,要立即用干粉灭火器灭火,并上报处理。 4、二氧化碳 CO是无色气体,有窒息和麻醉作用。空气中浓度大于360mg/l2 时能立即致死;在90—120mg/l浓度下,1小时能使人致命;一般多积聚于地沟和容器底部。 措施:厂房中的CO浓度应小于0.5%(V);吸入应迅速脱离现2 场至空气清新处,保持呼吸畅通,若呼吸困难,给予吸氧。如浓度过大,可用防毒面具或空气呼吸器及长管式防毒面具防护。 finished products. Education staff at-the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se- 40 - 5、蒸汽、冷凝液:操作巡检要注意防止烫伤,一旦发生烫伤,要立即用清水冲洗。 6、发生坠落碰伤事故后,要立即作现场处理,并向职工医院求援。 (二)、熔盐化学事故处理: 在生产过程中,主要可能漏盐的部位有:熔盐炉、熔盐槽、熔盐输送管道及法兰、流化床内置熔盐盘管、载气熔盐预热器。 一般法兰泄漏,可由操作人员或维修人员发现处理 熔盐炉、熔盐槽、氨—熔盐预热器或流化床内置盘管泄漏,则可能造成设备损坏及人员伤亡。 如发生泄漏,可采取以下救援措施: 1. 操作人员及时向当班班长汇报,如熔盐槽液位急剧下降,则应立 即停炉、停泵、回盐。 2. 当班班长接到汇报后应立即通知指挥部,并组织紧急停车。 3. 救援小组到达现场后,应立即检查有无人员伤亡并对受伤者立即 送往医院治疗。 4. 根据实际情况,判断熔盐系统的具体泄漏位置,指挥小组应立即 作出抢修方案,待温度下降后,进行抢修。 5. 指挥部成立两个小组: a. 事故调查小组,调查事故原因和制定防范措施。 b.设备抢修小组,研究制定抢修方案,并立即进行抢修,如果是 夜间发生事故,由经理及当班班长带领抢修。 (四)、其它事故处理程序 发生事故后,现场人员应立即将伤者移至安全地带,根据物料 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 41 - 特性采取应急措施,同时向班长报告。 班长接到报告后,一方面对受伤人员救护,一方面积极采取措 施控制现场事态发展,然后向指挥部汇报。 指挥部接到报告后,立即到现场指挥处理伤员救护。着手展开 事故调查、制定预防措施;研究制定方案恢复生产。 四、信号规定: 公司救援信号主要以电话报警联络 报警电话 :7645194 7645104 救援指挥部:7645194 五、有关规定和要求: 为能在事故发生后,迅速准确、有条不紊的处理事故,尽可能减少事故造成的损失,平时必须做好应急救援的准备工作,落实好岗位责任制和各项规章制度,强化劳动纪律。具体措施有: 1、 应急救援组织,本着便于领导,便于集结和开展救援的原则,建立组织,落实人员。事故区严禁无关人员滞留、围观 2、 按分工做好物资器材准备工作。所有参与救护人员必须做好个人的防护,听从指挥,不得各行其是。 3、为做到事故发生后处理快速准确,减少损失,平时要做好应急事故救援准备工作,落实劳保防护消防器材的配备完好,及时维护更新救护器材。 4、 对全体员工进行经常性抢救常识教育,熟练使用防护器具、消防器材,对员工进行灾害发生时的抢救方法的培训和训练。 5、完善各项制度: a.夜间巡检制度,由厂级值班人员、各班长执行; the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -protection of all the construction finished and semi ng thereening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancinstruction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, gnd the co12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ation among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collabor----egular inspection, timely scoring, reward. f the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not rfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts o----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-mithe time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or se finished products. Education staff at-- 42 - b.检查制度,每月结合实际情况进行救援工作联查; c.例会制度,每季召开领导小组会议,研究应急救援工作; d.总结评比制度,与安全生产同时进行评比表彰; e.奖惩制度,对玩忽职守的员工,一律进行严肃处理。 十一、试生产起止日期 自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-partially completed finished or semi andfinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -min quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and sefinished products for education. Ofte-5dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semiite "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <5nd the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction s12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----when dealt with properly. ve progress in contradiction to consult each other11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----ruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. tfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----urity measures taken. 9, post signslevel of security personnel on duty, fire sec- 43 -
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