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柯林斯词典版—人教版高中英语选修7U4词汇表M7 Unit4 1、 airmail  /ˈɛəˌmeɪl/  n.  航空邮件 N-UNCOUNT  Airmail is the system of sending letters, parcels, and goods by air. 航空邮递 例: ...an airmail letter.  …一封航空信。 2、△Papua  巴布亚新几内亚 3、fortnight  /ˈfɔːtˌnaɪt/  n.  两星期(fortnights) N-COUNT  A fortnight is a period o...

M7 Unit4 1、 airmail  /ˈɛəˌmeɪl/  n.  航空邮件 N-UNCOUNT  Airmail is the system of sending letters, parcels, and goods by air. 航空邮递 例: ...an airmail letter.  …一封航空信。 2、△Papua  巴布亚新几内亚 3、fortnight  /ˈfɔːtˌnaɪt/  n.  两星期(fortnights) N-COUNT  A fortnight is a period of two weeks. 两周[英国英语] 例: I hope to be back in a fortnight. 我希望两周后回来。 4、hear from 接到……的信 5、(be) dying to 极想;渴望 6、roof /ruːf/  n.  屋顶;车顶(roofs) 1、N-COUNT  The roof of a building is the covering on top of it that protects the people and things inside from the weather. 屋顶 例: ...a small stone cottage with a red slate roof. …一座有一个红石板屋顶的小石屋。 2、N-COUNT  The roof of a car or other vehicle is the top part of it, which protects passengers or goods from the weather. (车的) 顶篷 例: The car rolled onto its roof, trapping him. 那辆小汽车翻了个底朝天,把他困在里面。 3、N-COUNT  The roof of your mouth is the highest part of the inside of your mouth. 上腭 例: She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth.  她用舌头抵着上腭发出咔哒声。 4、PHRASE  If the level of something such as the price of a product or the rate of inflation goes through the roof, it suddenly increases very rapidly indeed. 突然猛涨[非正式] 例: Prices for Korean art have gone through the roof. 韩国艺术品价格突然猛涨了。. 5、PHRASE  If you hit the roof or go through the roof, you become very angry, and usually show your anger by shouting at someone. 怒气冲天[非正式] 例: Sergeant Long will hit the roof when I tell him you've gone off. 如果我告诉朗警官你已经走了,他一定会怒火冲天的。 6、PHRASE  If a number of things or people are under one roof or under the same roof, they are in the same building. 在同一建筑物里 例: The firms intend to open either together under one roof or alongside each other in shopping malls. 这些公司打算要么开在同一栋楼里,要么在商业街上比邻而开。 7、muddy /ˈmʌdɪ/ adj.  泥泞的;泥土般的(muddying, muddied, muddier, muddies, muddiest) 1、 ADJ  Something that is muddy contains mud or is covered in mud. 泥泞的 例: ...a muddy track. …一条泥泞的小路。 2、V-T  If you muddy something, you cause it to be muddy. 使沾上泥巴 例: The ground still smelled of rain and they muddied their shoes. 地面仍散发着雨水的气息,他们的鞋沾上了泥巴。 3、V-T  If someone or something muddies a situation or issue, they cause it to seem less clear and less easy to understand. 搅乱 (局势、问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 等) 例: It's difficult enough without muddying the issue with religion. 即使不和宗教搅在一起,这个问题也已够难的了。 4、PHRASE  If someone or something muddies the waters, they cause a situation or issue to seem less clear and less easy to understand. 搅浑水 8、textbook /ˈtɛkstˌbʊk/ n.  教科书;课本(textbooks) 1、N-COUNT  A textbook is a book containing facts about a particular subject that is used by people studying that subject. 教科书 例: She wrote a textbook on international law. 她写了一本国际法的教科书。 2、ADJ  If you say that something is a textbook case or example, you are emphasizing that it provides a clear example of a type of situation or event. 典型的[强调][ADJ n] 例: The house is a textbook example of medieval domestic architecture. 这座房子是中世纪民居建筑的典型范例。 9、concept /ˈkɒnsɛpt/  n. 观念;概念(concepts) N-COUNT  A concept is an idea or abstract principle. 概念; 观念 例: She added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west. 她补充说包办婚姻的概念在西方被误解了。 10、△bucket  /ˈbʌkɪt/ n.  水桶;吊桶;提桶(buckets) 1、N-COUNT  A bucket is a round metal or plastic container with a handle attached to its sides. Buckets are often used for holding and carrying water. (有提梁的) 桶 例: We drew water in a bucket from the well outside the door. 我们用水桶从门外的井里提水。 2、N-COUNT  A bucket of something such as water is the amount of it that is contained in a bucket. 一桶之量 例:She threw a bucket of water over them. 她向他们泼了一桶水。 11、the other day 不久前的一天 12、weekly /ˈwiːklɪ/ adj. & adv.  每周(的)(weeklies) 1、ADJ  A weekly event or publication happens or appears once a week or every week. 一周一次的; 每周的[ADJ n] 例: Each course comprises 10-12 informal weekly meetings. 每门课程包括10至12次每周1次的非正式见面会。 例: We go and do the weekly shopping every Thursday. 我们每星期四采购一次。 2、ADV  Weekly is also an adverb. 每周一次地[ADV after v] 例: The group meets weekly. 小组每周见面一次。 3、ADJ  Weekly quantities or rates relate to a period of one week. 按周计算的[ADJ n] 例:Of course, in addition to my weekly pay, I got a lot of tips. 当然,除了周薪外,我还得到很多小费。 4、N-COUNT  A weekly is a newspaper or magazine that is published once a week. 周报; 周刊 例: Two of the four national daily papers are to become weeklies. 4家全国性的日报中有2家要改为周报。 13、△bubble /ˈbʌbəl/ vi.  起泡;沸腾;汩汩地流动(bubbling, bubbled, bubbles) 1、N-COUNT  Bubbles are small balls of air or gas in a liquid. (液体中的) 气泡 例: Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface. 墨点吸附在气泡上,升到表面。 2、N-COUNTA bubble is a hollow ball of soapy liquid that is floating in the air or standing on a surface. 肥皂泡 例: With soap and water, bubbles and boats, children love bathtime. 因为有肥皂、水、肥皂泡和小船,孩子们都喜欢洗澡。 3、N-COUNT  In a cartoon, a speech bubble is the shape which surrounds the words which a character is thinking or saying. (圈注漫画中人物心理活动或对白的) 泡状框 例: All that was missing were speech bubbles saying, "Golly!" and "Wow!" 漏掉的都是写着“呀!”和“哇!”的泡状话框。 4、V-I  When a liquid bubbles, bubbles move in it, for example, because it is boiling or moving quickly. 冒泡; 沸腾 例: Heat the seasoned stock until it is bubbling. 把这些调了味的汤汁加热至沸腾为止。 例: The fermenting wine has bubbled up and over the top. 这些发酵的酒已经冒泡溢出来了。 5、V-I  A feeling, influence, or activity that is bubbling away continues to occur. 继续发生[usu cont] 例: ...political tensions that have been bubbling away for years. …持续了若干年的政治紧张局势。 14、relevant /ˈrɛlɪvənt/ adj.  有关的;切题的 ADJ  Something that is relevant to a situation or person is important or significant in that situation or to that person. 相关的 例: Is religion still relevant to most people's lives? 宗教和大多数人的生活还有关系吗? 15、remote /rɪˈməʊt/ adj.  遥远的;偏僻的(remoter, remotes, remotest) 1、ADJRemote areas are far away from cities and places where most people live, and are therefore difficult to get to. 边远的; 偏僻的 例:Landslides have cut off many villages in remote areas. 滑坡阻隔了许多边远地区的村子。 2、ADJ  The remote past or remote future is a time that is many years distant from the present. 遥远的; 久远的 例: Slabs of rock had slipped sideways in the remote past and formed this hole. 在遥远的过去,大块的岩石向旁边滑落,形成了这个洞。 3、ADJ  If something is remote from a particular subject or area of experience, it is not relevant to it because it is very different. (关系) 疏远的 例: This government depends on the wishes of a few who are remote from the people. 这个政府按照那几个疏远群众之人的愿望行事。 4、ADJ  If you say that there is a remote possibility or chance that something will happen, you are emphasizing that there is only a very small chance that it will happen. 极小的; (可能性或机会) 微乎其微的[强调] 例: I use sunscreen whenever there is even a remote possibility that I will be in the sun. 我无论什么时候都用防晒霜,哪怕是有一点点晒到太阳的可能。 5、ADJ  If you describe someone as remote, you mean that they behave as if they do not want to be friendly or closely involved with other people. 与人疏远的; 孤傲的 例: She looked so beautiful, and at the same time so remote. 她看上去如此漂亮,但同时又那么孤傲。 6、N-COUNT  A remote is the same as a . 遥控器 例: He flipped through the channels with the remote. 他用遥控器快速浏览了各个频道。 16、△ridge /rɪdʒ/  n.  山脊;屋脊(ridges) 1、N-COUNT  A ridge is a long, narrow piece of raised land. 脊; 山脉 例: ...a high road along a mountain ridge. …一条沿山脊而建的公路。 2、N-COUNTA ridge is a raised line on a flat surface. (平面上的) 隆起线 例: ...the bony ridge of the eye socket. …眼窝的骨质隆起线。 17、weed /wiːd/ n.  杂草;野草vt. & vi.除杂草(weeding, weeded, weeds) 1、N-COUNT  A weed is a wild plant that grows in gardens or fields of crops and prevents the plants that you want from growing properly. 杂草 例: With repeated applications of weedkiller, the weeds were overcome. 反复的施除草剂后,杂草终于被消灭了。 2、V-T/V-I  If you weed an area, you remove the weeds from it. 除草 例: Caspar was weeding the garden. 卡斯帕正在给花园除草。 例: Try not to walk on the flowerbeds while weeding. 除草的时候尽量不要在花坛上走。 18、△hut /hʌt/ n.  棚屋;小屋(huts) 1、N-COUNT  A hut is a small house with only one or two rooms, especially one which is made of wood, mud, grass, or stones. (木头、泥、草或石头搭成的) 小屋 2、N-COUNT  A hut is a small wooden building in someone's garden, or a temporary building used by builders or repair workers. () 木屋; (工人住的) 临时工棚[英国英语] 19、rectangle /ˈrɛkˌtæŋɡəl/ n.  矩形;长方形(rectangles) N-COUNT  A rectangle is a four-sided shape whose corners are all ninety-degree angles. Each side of a rectangle is the same length as the one opposite to it. 长方形 20、rectangular /rɛkˈtæŋɡjʊlə/ adj.  长方形的;矩形的 ADJ  Something that is rectangular is shaped like a rectangle. 长方形的 例: ...a rectangular table.  …一张长方形的桌子。 21、adjust /əˈdʒʌst/ vi. & vt.  调整;(使)适合(adjusting, adjusted, adjusts) 1、V-T/V-I  When you adjust to a new situation, you get used to it by changing your behaviour or your ideas. 调整以适应 例: We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to civil society. 我们一直在让我们的战士们准备好自我调整以适应普通社会。 例: I felt I had adjusted to the idea of being a mother very well. 我感到我已经很好地适应了做母亲的想法。 2、V-T  If you adjust something, you change it so that it is more effective or appropriate. 调整 例: To attract investors, Panama has adjusted its tax and labour laws. 为了吸引投资者,巴拿马已经调整了其税务及劳动法规。 3、V-T  If you adjust something such as your clothing or a machine, you correct or alter its position or setting. 调节 例: Liz adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking space. 莉兹调节了她的后视镜,然后把车慢慢地开出了停车位。 4、V-T/V-I  If you adjust your vision or if your vision adjusts, the muscles of your eye or the pupils alter to cope with changes in light or distance. 适应 例: He stopped to try to adjust his vision to the faint starlight. 他停下来,试着使眼睛适应昏暗的星光。 22、platform /ˈplætfɔːm/  n. 台;平台;讲台;(火车站的)月台(platforms) 1、N-COUNT  A platform is a flat raised structure, usually made of wood, that people stand on when they make speeches or give a performance. 讲台; 舞台 例: Nick finished what he was saying and jumped down from the platform. 尼克讲完话,从讲台上跳了下来。 2、N-COUNT  A platform is a flat raised structure or area, usually one that something can stand on or land on. (用于放置物品或着陆的) 平台 例: They found a spot on a rocky platform where they could pitch their tents. 他们在一个岩石平台上找到了一处可以搭帐篷的地方。 3、N-COUNT  A platform is a structure built for people to work and live on when drilling for oil or gas at sea, or when extracting it. (在海上为钻探石油或天然气而建的) 平台 例: The platform began to produce oil in 1994. 1994年,这个钻井平台开始产油。 4、N-COUNT  A platform in a train or subway station is the area beside the tracks where you wait for or get off a train. (火车或地铁站的) 站台 例: The train was about to leave and I was not even on the platform. 火车就要开了,而我甚至还没有赶到站台上。 5、N-COUNT  The platform of a political party is what they say they will do if they are elected. (政党的) 施政纲领 例:The party has announced a platform of political and economic reforms. 该党已宣布了一份关于政治和经济改革的施政纲领。 6、N-COUNT  If someone has a platform, they have an opportunity to tell people what they think or want. 发表意见的机会 例: The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross-section of speakers. 那次示威为广泛代表各方的发言者们提供了一个发表意见的机会。 23、broom /bruːm/ n.  扫帚(brooms) 1、N-COUNT  A broom is a kind of brush with a long handle. You use a broom for sweeping the floor. 扫帚 2、N-UNCOUNT  Broom is a wild bush with a lot of tiny yellow flowers. 金雀花 24、tin  /tɪn/ n.  锡(tins) 1、N-UNCOUNT  Tin is a soft silvery-white metal. 锡 例:...a factory that turns scrap metal into tin cans. …一个将废金属制成马口铁罐的工厂。 2. N-COUNT  A tin is a metal container with a lid in which things such as biscuits, cakes, or tobacco can be kept. 金属罐 例:Store the biscuits in an airtight tin. 把这些饼干存放在一个密封的金属罐里。 3. N-COUNT  You can use tin to refer to a tin and its contents, or to the contents only. 罐; 罐中之物 例:...a tin of paint. …一罐油漆。 4. N-COUNT  A tin is a metal container which is filled with food and sealed in order to preserve the food for long periods of time. 罐头[英国英语] 5. N-COUNT  You can use tin to refer to a tin and its contents, or to the contents only. 罐头; 罐中之物[英国英语] 6. N-COUNT  A baking tin is a metal container used for baking things such as cakes and bread in an oven. (蛋糕、面包等的) 烤模[英国英语] 7. to have a tin ear See: ear 25、jar /dʒɑː/.  n.  罐;广口瓶(jarring, jarred, jars) 1. N-COUNT  A jar is a glass container with a lid that is used for storing food. (用于存放食物的) 玻璃罐 例:...cucumbers in glass jars. …玻璃罐里的黄瓜。 2. N-COUNT  You can use jar to refer to a jar and its contents, or to the contents only. 一罐的量或物 例:She opened up a jar of plums. 她打开了一罐李子。 3. N(of a door) slightly open; ajar (门)微开的 4. Na jolt or shock 颠簸; 摇晃 5. V-T/V-I  If something jars, or jars you, you find it unpleasant, disturbing, or shocking. 令人不快; 产生不快影响 例:...televised congressional hearings that jarred the nation's faith in the presidency. …令国民对总统执政产生动摇的电视国会听证会。 6. Jarring  ADJ令人不快的 例:In the context of this chapter, Dore's comments strike a jarring note. 在本章的语境中,多尔的评论显得刺耳。 7. V-T/V-I If an object jars, or if something jars it, the object moves with a fairly hard shaking movement. 震动 例:The ship jarred a little. 船轻微震了一下。 例:The sudden movement jarred the box and it fell off the table. 这突然一动震动了那个箱子,然后它从桌上掉了下去。 26、sniff /snɪf/ vt. & vi.  嗅;闻;用鼻子吸(sniffing, sniffed, sniffs) 1、V-I When you sniff, you breathe in air through your nose hard enough to make a sound, for example, when you are trying not to cry, or in order to show disapproval. 抽鼻子 (用来忍住哭声或表示不赞同) 例: She wiped her face and sniffed loudly. 她擦擦脸,大声地抽着鼻子。 例: Then he sniffed. There was a smell of burning. 然后他抽了抽鼻子。空气里有一股烧焦的味道。 2、N-COUNT  Sniff is also a noun. 抽鼻子声 例: At last the sobs ceased, to be replaced by sniffs. 最后呜咽声终于停止了,取而代之的是抽鼻子的声音。 3、V-T/V-I  If you sniff something or sniff at it, you smell it by sniffing. (吸着气) 闻 例: Suddenly, he stopped and sniffed the air. 突然他停下来,嗅了嗅空气中的味道。 4、V-T You can use sniff to indicate that someone says something in a way that shows their disapproval or contempt. 嗤之以鼻地说 例: "Tourists!" she sniffed. “观光客!”她鄙夷地说。 5、V-T/V-I  If you say that something is not to be sniffed at, you think it is very good or worth having. If someone sniffs at something, they do not think it is good enough, or they express their contempt for it. 轻视[usu passive, usu with brd-neg] 例: The salary was not to be sniffed at either. 当时的工资也是不容轻视的。 6、V-T  If someone sniffs a substance such as glue, they deliberately breathe in the substance or the gases from it as a drug. 用鼻子吸 例: He felt light-headed, as if he'd sniffed glue. 他觉得头晕,好像吸了胶毒一样。 27、participate /pɑːˈtɪsɪˌpeɪt/ vi.  参与;参加(participating, participated, participates) 1、V-I  If you participate in an activity, you take part in it. 参加 例: They expected him to participate in the ceremony. 他们希望他参加这个典礼。 例:Over half the population of this country participate in sports. 这个国家一半以上的人参加体育运动。 2、participation  N-UNCOUNT参加 例: ...participation in religious activities. …对宗教活动的参与。 28、interpreter /ɪnˈtɜːprɪtə/ n.  作口译的人(interpreters) N-COUNT  An interpreter is a person whose job is to translate what someone is saying into another language. 口译员 例: Speaking through an interpreter, Aristide said that Haitians had hoped coups were behind them. 通过口译员,亚里斯蒂德说海地人希望政变再也不发生了。 29、grill /ɡrɪl/ n.  烤架;大平底锅vt.烧烤;炙烤(grilling, grilled, grills) 1、N-COUNT  A grill is a flat frame of metal bars on which food can be cooked over a fire. (置于火上的) 烤架 例: Jerry forced scrap wood through the vents in the grill to stoke the fire. 杰里从烤架的通风孔塞一些小木片来使火更旺一些。 2、N-COUNT  A grill is a part of a stove which produces strong direct heat to cook food that has been placed underneath it. (烤炉内的) 烤架[英国英语] 例: Remove from heat and finish off under the grill until cheese melts. 把它从火上拿开,放在烘烤器下面烤到奶酪熔化为止。 3、V-T/V-I  When you grill food, or when it grills, you cook it on metal bars above a fire or barbecue. 烧烤 例: Grill the steaks over a wood or charcoal fire that is quite hot. 在相当热的柴火或木炭火上烤牛排。 4、V-T/V-I  When you grill food, or when it grills, you cook it in a stove using very strong heat directly above it. 烘烤[英国英语] 例: Grill the meat for 20 minutes on each side. 把肉的两面分别烤20分钟。 例: Apart from peppers and eggplant, many other vegetables grill well. 除了甜椒和茄子,许多别的蔬菜烤起来也不错。 例: I'll grill the lobster. 我来烤龙虾。 5、grilling  N-UNCOUNT烤 例: The breast can be cut into portions for grilling. 胸脯肉可以切成小块来烤。 6、V-T  If you grill someone about something, you ask them a lot of questions for a long period of time. 盘问[非正式] 例: Grill your travel agent about the facilities for families with children. 向旅行社多问问为有孩子随行的家庭提供的设施。 7、grilling  N-COUNT盘问 例: He faced a hostile grilling from the committee's Republicans. 他面临来自委员会中共和党人不怀好意的盘问。 8、N-COUNT  A grill is a restaurant that serves grilled food. 烤肉餐馆 例: ...patrons of the Savoy Grill. …萨沃伊烤肉店的常客。 9、N-COUNT  a variant spelling of grille 30、dry out  (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透(drying, dried, dryer, dries, driest) 1、RASAL VERB  If something dries out or is dried out, it loses all the moisture that was in it and becomes hard. 使…干硬; 干硬 例: If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die. 如果让土壤干硬,树就会死掉。 2、RASAL VERB  If someone dries out or is dried out, they stop drinking alcohol. 使…戒酒; 戒酒[非正式] 例: He checked into Cedars Sinai Hospital to dry out. 他住进了雪松西奈医院去戒酒。 31、△leftover /ˈlɛftˌəʊvə/ n.  剩余物;残留物;剩饭adj.剩余的(leftovers) 1、PLURAL  You can refer to food that has not been eaten after a meal as leftovers. 剩余食物 例:Refrigerate any leftovers. 把剩饭冷藏起来。 2、ADJ  You use leftover to describe an amount of something that remains after the rest of it has been used or eaten. 剩余的[ADJ n] 例: ...leftover pieces of wallpaper. …剩余的壁纸。 32、△evil /ˈiːvəl/ adj.  邪恶的n. 邪恶;罪恶(evils) 1、N-UNCOUNT  Evil is a powerful force that some people believe to exist, and that causes wicked and bad things to happen. 恶; 邪恶 例: There's always a conflict between good and evil in his plays. 他的戏剧中总是有善与恶的冲突。. 2、N-UNCOUNT  Evil is used to refer to all the wicked and bad things that happen in the world. 恶行 例: He could not, after all, stop all the evil in the world. 他毕竟不能阻止世上所有的恶行。 3、N-COUNT  If you refer to an evil, you mean a very unpleasant or harmful situation or activity. 不愉快的事; 有害的事 例: Higher taxes may be a necessary evil. 提高税率虽不是件令人愉快的事,但可能是必要的。 4、ADJ  If you describe someone as evil, you mean that they are very wicked by nature and take pleasure in doing things that harm other people. 邪恶的; 凶恶的 例: ...the country's most evil terrorists. …该国最凶恶的恐怖分子。 5、ADJ  If you describe something as evil, you mean that you think it causes a great deal of harm to people and is morally bad. 伤天害理的 例: A judge yesterday condemned heroin as evil. 一名法官昨天谴责海洛因伤天害理。 6、ADJ  If you describe something as evil, you mean that you think it is influenced by the devil. 受恶魔影响的 例: I think this is an evil spirit at work. 我想这是恶魔在作祟。 7、PHRASE  If you have two choices, but think that they are both bad, you can describe the less bad one as the lesser of two evils, or the lesser evil. 两害之中的轻者 例: People voted for him as the lesser of two evils. 人们投票选他只是出于两害相权取其轻罢了。 33、dry up (指河流、井等)干涸(drying, dried, dryer, dries, driest) 1、PHRASAL VERB  If something dries up or if something dries it up, it loses all its moisture and becomes completely dry and shrivelled or hard. 使…干枯; 干枯 例: As the day goes on, the pollen dries up and becomes hard. 随着日子一天天过去,花粉变得又干又硬。 2、PHRASAL VERB  If a river, lake, or well dries up, it becomes empty of water, usually because of hot weather and a lack of rain. 干涸 例: Reservoirs are drying up and farmers have begun to leave their land in search of water. 水库正在干涸,农民开始离开田地去寻找水源。 3、PHRASAL VERB  If a supply of something dries up, it stops. (供应) 停止 例: The main source of income, tourism, is expected to dry up completely this summer. 作为主要收入来源的旅游业预计将在今年夏天彻底枯竭。 4、PHRASAL VERB  If you dry up when you are speaking, you stop in the middle of what you were saying, because you cannot think what to say next. (讲话时) 语塞 例: When he turned around and saw her, his conversation dried up. 他转过身来看见她时,他的谈话就出不来词儿了。 34、otherwise /ˈʌðəˌwaɪz/ conj.  否则;不然adv.用别的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ;其他方面 1、ADV  You use otherwise after mentioning a situation or telling someone to do something, in order to say what the result or consequence would be if the situation did not exist or the person did not do as you say. 否则[ADV with cl] 例: Make a note of the questions you want to ask; you will invariably forget some of them otherwise. 把你想问的问题记下来;否则你准会忘记其中几个。 例: I'm lucky that I'm interested in school work, otherwise I'd go crazy. 幸好我对学校作业还感兴趣,不然会疯的。 2、ADV  You use otherwise before stating the general condition or quality of something, when you are also mentioning an exception to this general condition or quality. 除此以外[ADV group] 例: The decorations for the games have lent a splash of colour to an otherwise drab city. 运动会的装饰为这个平时乏味的城市增添了几抹色彩。 3、ADV  You use otherwise to refer in a general way to actions or situations that are very different from, or the opposite to, your main statement. 以不同方式[书面][ADV with v] 例: Take approximately 60 mg up to four times a day, unless advised otherwise by a doctor. 每天4次,每次约60毫克,或遵医嘱。 例: There is no way anything would ever happen between us, and believe me I've tried to convince myself otherwise. 无论如何,我们之间不会发生什么。而且,相信我,我已经努力说服自己了。 4、ADV  You use otherwise to indicate that other ways of doing something are possible in addition to the way already mentioned. 用别的方法[ADV before v] 例: The studio could punish its players by keeping them out of work, and otherwise controlling their lives. 电影公司可以通过让演员无角色可演或其他途径控制他们的生活,以惩罚他们。 5、PHRASE  You use or otherwise or and otherwise to mention something that is not the thing just referred to or is the opposite of that thing. 或其相反 例: It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence. 应由警方来评价证据的有效与否。 35、privilege /ˈprɪvɪlɪdʒ/ n.  特权;特别优待(privileges) 1、N-COUNT  A privilege is a special right or advantage that only one person or group has. (某人、某团体拥有的) 特权 例: The Russian Federation has issued a decree abolishing special privileges for government officials. 俄罗斯联邦已颁布了一条取消政府官员特权的法令。 2、N-UNCOUNT  If you talk about privilege, you are talking about the power and advantage that only a small group of people have, usually because of their wealth or their connections with powerful people. (一小部分人因其财富或与有权人的关系而拥有的) 特权 例: Pironi was the son of privilege and wealth, and it showed. 皮罗尼是富贵人家的子弟,这一点明摆着。 3、N-SING  You can use privilege in expressions such as be a privilege or have the privilege when you want to show your appreciation of someone or something, or to show your respect. 荣幸 例: It must be a privilege to know such a man. 认识这样一个人必是一种荣幸。 36、paperwork /ˈpeɪpəˌwɜːk/ n.  文书工作 N-UNCOUNT  Paperwork is the routine part of a job that involves writing or dealing with letters, reports, and records. 文书工作 例: At every stage in the production there will be paperwork—forms to fill in, permissions to obtain, letters to write. 在生产的每一阶段都将有文书工作—要填的 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 ,要获得的许可,要写的信。 37、arrangement /əˈreɪndʒmənt/ n.  安排;排列(arrangements) 1、N-COUNT  Arrangements are plans and preparations that you make so that something will happen or be possible. 安排 例: The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit. 工作人员在紧张忙碌地为该峰会做最后的安排。 例: She telephoned Ellen, but made no arrangements to see her. 她给埃伦打了电话,但没安排见她。 2、N-COUNT  An arrangement is an agreement that you make with someone to do something. 商定[also 'by' N] 例: The caves can be visited only by prior arrangement. 这些洞穴只能预约参观。. 3、N-COUNT  An arrangement of things, for example, flowers or furniture, is a group of them displayed in a particular way. 布置 例: The house was always decorated with imaginative flower arrangements. 该房子那时经常装饰着富有创意的插花。 4、N-COUNT  If someone makes an arrangement of a piece of music, they change it so that it is suitable for particular voices or instruments, or for a particular performance. (乐曲的) 改编 例: ...an arrangement of a well-known piece by Mozart. …对莫扎特的一首名曲的改编。 38、toast /təʊst/ vt.  烤(面包等);敬酒 n。面包(片);吐司面包;干杯(toasting, toasted, toasts) 1、 N-UNCOUNT  Toast is bread which has been cut into slices and made brown and crisp by cooking at a high temperature. 烤面包片 例: ...a piece of toast. …一片烤面包片。 2、V-T  When you toast something such as bread, you cook it at a high temperature so that it becomes brown and crisp. 烤 (面包等) 例: Toast the bread lightly on both sides. 把面包的两面稍微烤一下。 3、N-COUNT  When you drink a toast to someone or something, you drink some wine or another alcoholic drink as a symbolic gesture, in order to show your appreciation of them or to wish them success. 敬酒 例: Eleanor and I drank a toast to the bride and groom. 埃莉诺和我给新郎和新娘敬了酒。 4、V-T  When you toast someone or something, you drink a toast to them. 为…举杯祝酒 例: We all toasted his health. 我们大家为他的健康举杯祝酒。 39、comb /kəʊm/ n.  梳子vi.梳(发)(combing, combed, combs) 1、N-COUNT  A comb is a flat piece of plastic or metal with narrow, pointed teeth along one side, which you use to make your hair neat. 梳子 2、V-T  When you comb your hair, you make it neat using a comb. 梳 例: Salvatore combed his hair carefully. 萨尔瓦多仔细地梳理了他的头发。 3、V-T  If you comb a place, you search everywhere in it in order to find someone or something. 彻底搜查 例: Officers combed the woods for the murder weapon. 警官们彻底搜查了那片树林,寻找杀人凶器。 4、V-I If you comb through information, you look at it very carefully in order to find something. 仔细查看 例: Eight policemen then spent two years combing through the evidence. 8名警察后来用了两年的时间仔细审查那些证据。 40、astronaut /ˈæstrəˌnɔːt/ n.  宇航员;太空人(astronauts) N-COUNT  An astronaut is a person who is trained for travelling in a spacecraft. 宇航员 41、angle /ˈæŋɡəl/ n.  角;角度(angles) 1、N-COUNT  An angle is the difference in direction between two lines or surfaces. Angles are measured in degrees. 角 例: The boat is now leaning at a 30 degree angle. 这条船现在正以30度角倾斜着。 2、e also right angle 3、N-COUNT  An angle is the shape that is created where two lines or surfaces join together. 角 例: ...the angle of the blade. …刀刃的尖角。 4、N-COUNT  An angle is the direction from which you look at something. 角度 例: Thanks to the angle at which he stood, he could just see the sunset. 多亏他站的角度,他刚好能看到日落。 5、N-COUNT  You can refer to a way of presenting something or thinking about it as a particular angle. 视角 例: He was considering the idea from all angles. 他从所有的视角考虑着这个观点。 6、N-COUNT  any piece of fishing tackle, esp a hook 渔具中的任何部分,尤指鱼钩[OBSOLETE] 7、N-COUNT  to fish with a hook and line 用鱼钩和鱼线钓鱼 8、N-COUNT  to move in or bend into angles or an angle 斜移进来; 折弯成角 9、PHRASE  If something is at an angle, it is leaning in a particular direction so that it is not straight, horizontal, or vertical. 成一定角度 例: An iron bar stuck out at an angle. 一根铁条成一定角度地突出来。 42、catalogue /ˈkætəlɒg/ n.  目录(catalogues) 1、N-COUNT  A catalogue is a list of things such as the goods you can buy from a particular company, the objects in a museum, or the books in a library. 目录 例: ...the world's biggest seed catalogue. …世界上最大的种子目录。 2、N-COUNT  A catalogue of similar things, especially bad things, is a number of them considered or discussed one after another. 一连串 (尤指不幸的事) 例: His story is a catalogue of misfortune. 他的经历中充满了接二连三的厄运。 43、donate /dəʊˈneɪt/ vt.  捐赠(donating, donated, donates) 1、V-T  If you donate something to a charity or other organization, you give it to them. 捐赠 例: He frequently donates large sums to charity. 他经常向慈善机构大笔捐款。 2、donation  N-UNCOUNT捐赠 例: ...the donation of his collection to the art gallery. …他向艺术馆所做的收藏品捐赠。 3、V-T  If you donate your blood or a part of your body, you allow doctors to use it to help someone who is ill. 捐献 例: ...people who are willing to donate their organs for use after death. …愿意在死后捐献器官的人。 4、donation  N-UNCOUNT捐献 例: ...measures aimed at encouraging organ donation. …旨在鼓励器官捐献的措施。 44、voluntary /ˈvɒləntərɪ/ adj.  自愿的;志愿的;无偿的 1、ADJ  Voluntary actions or activities are done because someone chooses to do them and not because they have been forced to do them. 自愿的 例: Attention is drawn to a special voluntary course in Commercial French. 注意力被吸引到一门特别的商务法语选修课上。 Voluntarily  ADV自愿地[ADV with v] 例: I would never leave here voluntarily. 我永远不会自愿地离开这里。 3、ADJ  Voluntary work is done by people who are not paid for it, but who do it because they want to do it. 义务的 例: In her spare time she does voluntary work. 她在业余时间做义工。 4、ADJ A voluntary organization is controlled and organized by the people who have chosen to work for it, often without being paid, rather than receiving help or money from the government. 志愿的[ADJ n] 例: Some voluntary organizations run workshops for disabled people. 一些志愿组织为残障人士开办讲习班。 45、in need  在困难中;在危急中 46、purchase /ˈpɜːtʃɪs/ vt. & n.  买;购买(purchasing, purchased, purchases) 1、V-T  When you purchase something, you buy it. 购买[正式] 例: He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck. 他买了张票,上了顶层。 2、purchaser  N-COUNT购买者 例: The broker will get 5% if he finds a purchaser. 这个中间人如果找到一个买主就将提成5%。 3、N-UNCOUNT  The purchase of something is the act of buying it. 购买[正式] 例: This week he is to visit China to discuss the purchase of military supplies. 本周他将访问中国,讨论军用物资的采购。 4、N-COUNT  A purchase is something that you buy. 购买的东西[正式] 例: She opened the tie box and looked at her purchase. It was silk, with maroon stripes. 她打开领带盒子,看着自己买的东西。那是真丝的,有栗色的条纹。 47、anniversary /ˌænɪˈvɜːsərɪ/ n.  周年纪念(日)(anniversaries) N-COUNT  An anniversary is a date that is remembered or celebrated because a special event happened on that date in a previous year. 周年纪念日 例: Vietnam is celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Ho Chi Minh. 越南正在庆祝胡志明的百年诞辰。 48、seed /siːd/ n.  种子;萌芽(seeding, seeded, seeds) 1、N-VAR  A seed is the small, hard part of a plant from which a new plant grows. 种子 例: I sow the seed in pots of soil-based compost. 我把种子种在一盆盆施有堆肥的土里。 2、V-T  If you seed a piece of land, you plant seeds in it. 在 (地里) 播种 例: Men mowed the wide lawns and seeded them. 男人们修剪了大片的草坪,然后在上面播了种。 例: The primroses should begin to seed themselves down the steep hillside. 报春花应该开始沿那个陡峭的山坡一路撒播种子了。 3、N-PLURAL  You can refer to the seeds of something when you want to talk about the beginning of a feeling or process that gradually develops and becomes stronger or more important. (事物的) 起源[文学性] 例: He raised questions meant to plant seeds of doubts in the minds of jurors. 他提出了一些问题,意欲引起陪审员的疑心。 4、N-COUNT  In sports such as tennis or badminton, a seed is a player who has been ranked according to his or her ability. 种子选手 例: ...Roger Federer, Wimbledon's top seed and the world No.1. …罗杰·费德勒,温布尔登网球赛的头号种子选手,世界排名第一。 5、V-T  When a player or a team is seeded in a sports competition, they are ranked according to their ability. 将 (选手或球队) 排列名次[usu passive] 例: The Longhorns have won a national title and are seeded first overall. 朗霍恩队曾得过一次全国冠军,整体排名第一。 例: He is seeded second, behind Brad Beven. 他排名第二,位于布拉德·贝文之后。 6、PHRASE  If vegetable plants go to seed, they produce flowers and seeds as well as leaves. 开花结籽 例: ...plants that had long since flowered, gone to seed, and died. …已经开花好久、结过籽并死去的植物。 7、PHRASE  If you say that someone or something has gone to seed, you mean that they have become much less attractive, healthy, or efficient. 衰退; 退化 例: He says the economy has gone to seed. 他说经济已经走向衰退。 例: ...a retired cop who has gone to seed. …一名衰老的退休警察。 49、△seedling /ˈsiːdlɪŋ/ n.  秧苗;树苗(seedlings) N-COUNT  A seedling is a young plant that has been grown from a seed. 幼苗 50、△vaccination n.  接种疫苗 51、△loan /ləʊn/ n.  贷款(loaning, loaned, loans) 1、N-COUNT  A loan is a sum of money that you borrow. 贷款 例: The country has no access to foreign loans or financial aid. 该国得不到外国贷款或财政援助。 例: The president wants to make it easier for small businesses to get bank loans. 总统想使小公司能更容易地获得银行贷款。 2、see also bridge loan, soft loan 3、N-SING  If someone gives you a loan of something, you borrow it from them. 借用 例: I am in need of a loan of a bike for a few weeks. 我需要借辆自行车来用几周。 4、V-T  If you loan something to someone, you lend it to them. 借出 例: He had kindly offered to loan us all the plants required for the exhibit. 他友好地主动提出了借给我们展览会所需的全部植物。 5、PHRASAL VERB  Loan out means the same as . 借出 例: It is common practice for clubs to loan out players to sides in the lower divisions. 将球员借给下级球队是俱乐部的惯例。 6、PHRASE  If something is on loan, it has been borrowed. 借来的 例: ...impressionist paintings on loan from the National Gallery. …从国家美术馆借来的印象派画作。 52、sew /səʊ/ vi.  (用针线)缝vt.缝制;缝合(sewing, sewed, sewn, sews) V-T/V-I  When you sew something such as clothes, you make them or repair them by joining pieces of cloth together by passing thread through them with a needle. 缝制; 缝补 例: She sewed the dresses on the sewing machine. 她在缝纫机上缝制了这些衣服。 例: Anyone can sew on a button, including you. 任何人都能缝钮扣,包括你。 53、sewing machine 缝纫机(sewing machines) N-COUNT  A sewing machine is a machine that you use for sewing. 缝纫机 54、△supplement /ˈsʌplɪmənt/ n.  增补的事物;补充;附录;增刊(supplementing, supplemented, supplements) 1、 V-T  If you supplement something, you add something to it in order to improve it. 补充 例: ...people doing extra jobs outside their regular jobs to supplement their incomes. …在固定工作之余做兼职以增加收入的人们。 2、N-COUNT  Supplement is also a noun. 补充 例: Business sponsorship must be a supplement to, not a substitute for, public funding. 商业赞助必须是公共资助的补充而非替代物。 3、N-COUNT  A supplement is a pill that you take or a special kind of food that you eat in order to improve your health. 养生片剂 例: ...a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement. …一种复合维生素和矿物质养生片剂。 4、N-COUNT  A supplement is a separate part of a magazine or newspaper, often dealing with a particular topic. (报纸或杂志的) 增刊 例: ...a special supplement to a monthly financial magazine. …一份金融月刊的特别增刊. 5、N-COUNT  A supplement to a book is an additional section, written some time after the main text and published either at the end of the book or separately. (书籍的) 附录; 补编 例: ...the supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica. …《大不列颠百科全书》补编。 6、N-COUNT  A supplement is an extra amount of money that you pay in order to obtain special facilities or services, for example when you are travelling or staying at a hotel. (旅行或住宾馆等所付的) 额外费用 例: If you are travelling alone, the single room supplement is $25 a night. 如果你独自一人旅行,单人间的额外费用是每晚$25。 55、ox /ɒks/ n.  公牛(oxen /ˈɒksən/ ) N-COUNT  An ox is a bull that has been castrated. Oxen are used in some countries for pulling vehicles or carrying things. 阉公牛 56、△plough /plaʊ/ vi.  (犁)地;(耕)地(ploughing, ploughed, ploughs) 1、N-COUNT  A plough is a large farming tool with sharp blades that is pulled across the soil to turn it over, usually before seeds are planted. 犁 例: There are new tractors and new ploughs in the machinery lot. 机器设备场里有新拖拉机和新耕犁。 2、see also snowplough 3、V-T  When someone ploughs an area of land, they turn over the soil using a plough. 犁 (地) 例: They were no longer using mules and horses to plough their fields. 他们那时已不 57、trunk /trʌŋk/ n.  树干;躯干;大衣箱(trunks) 1、N-COUNT  The trunk of a tree is the large main stem from which the branches grow. 树干 例: ...the gnarled trunk of a birch tree. …一棵长满节瘤的桦树的树干。 2、N-COUNT  A trunk is a large, strong case or box used for storing things or for taking on a trip. 大箱子 例: Maloney unlocked his trunk and took out some coveralls. 马洛尼把他的大箱子的锁打开了,拿出了一些工作服。 3、N-COUNT  An elephant's trunk is its very long nose that it uses to lift food and water to its mouth. 象鼻 例: Manfred the elephant reached out with his trunk and gently scooped up the baby. 大象曼弗雷德伸出它的鼻子,轻轻地抱起了幼仔。 4、N-PLURAL  Trunks are shorts that a man wears when he goes swimming. 男式游泳裤 5、N-COUNT  Your trunk is the central part of your body, from your neck to your waist. (人体的) 躯干[正式][usu sing] 例: The leg to be stretched should be positioned behind your trunk with your knee bent. 要伸展的那条腿应该放在躯干的后面并弯曲膝盖。 6、N-COUNT  The trunk of a car is the same as the . 后备箱[美国英语] 58、trunk library 箱式(柜式)图书馆 59、tractor /ˈtræktə/ n.  拖拉机;牵引机(tractors) 1、N-COUNT  A tractor is a farm vehicle that is used to pull farm machinery. 拖拉机 2、N-COUNT  A tractor is a short vehicle with a powerful engine and a driver's cab. It is used to pull a trailer, such as in a tractor-trailer. 牵引车头 例: The truck was an 18-wheeler with a white tractor. 这辆卡车有18轮,还有一个白色牵引车头。 60、Kenya ['kenjə; 'ki:njə] n.  肯尼亚(非洲国家) 61、△Bangladesh  n.  孟加拉国(亚洲国家) 62、click /klɪk/ vi. & vt.  (使)发出咔嗒声n.咔嗒声(clicking, clicked, clicks) 1、V-T/V-I If something clicks or if you click it, it makes a short, sharp sound. 使发咔嚓声; 发出咔嚓声 例: The applause rose to a crescendo and cameras clicked. 掌声越来越来响,照相机咔嚓咔嚓地响。 例: He clicked off the radio. 他咔嗒一声关上了收音机。 2、N-COUNT  Click is also a noun. 咔嚓声 例: The telephone rang three times before I heard a click and then her recorded voice. 电话响了3次后我听到了咔嗒一声响,然后是她的录音留言。 3、V-T/V-I  If you click on an area of a computer screen, you point the cursor at that area and press one of the buttons on the mouse in order to make something happen. (用鼠标) 点击[计算机][no passive] 例: I clicked on a link and recent reviews of the production came up. 我点击了一个链接,最近的演出评论就出来了。 例: Click the link and see what happens. 点击那个链接,看看会发生什么。 4、N-COUNT  Click is also a noun. 点击 例: You can check your e-mail with a click of your mouse. 通过鼠标的一点你就能查电子邮件。 5、V-I  When you suddenly understand something, you can say that it clicks. 恍然大悟[非正式] 例: When I saw the television report, it all clicked. 当我看到电视报道时,一下就恍然大悟了。 6、 click into place See: place 63、tailor /ˈteɪlə/ n.  裁缝vt.剪裁;缝制(衣服)(tailoring, tailored, tailors) 1、N-COUNT  A tailor is a person whose job is to make men's clothes. (缝制男装的) 裁缝 2、V-T  If you tailor something such as a plan or system to someone's needs, you make it suitable for a particular person or purpose by changing the details of it. 调整 例: We can tailor the programme to the patient's needs. 我们可以根据病人的需要调整这个 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 64、△Tanzania [,tænzə'niə; ,tɑ:nzɑ:'ni:ɑ:] n.  坦桑尼亚(东非国家 65、△economic /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/ adj.  经济的;经济学的 1、ADJ  Economic means concerned with the organization of the money, industry, and trade of a country, region, or society. 经济的 例: ...Poland's radical economic reforms. …波兰激进的经济改革。 2、economically  ADV经济地 例: ...an economically depressed area. …一个经济萧条地区。 3、ADJ  If something is economic, it produces a profit. 盈利的 例: Critics say that the new system may be more economic but will lead to a decline in programme quality. 批评家们说该新系统也许更有利可图,却会导致项目质量的下降。 66、political /pəˈlɪtɪkəl/ adj.  政治的;政党的 1、ADJ Political means relating to the way power is achieved and used in a country or society. 政治的 例: All other political parties there have been completely banned. 那里的其他所有政党都已经完全被取缔了。 例: The government is facing another political crisis. 该政府正面临着另一场政治危机。 2、politically  ADV政治上地 例: They do not believe the killings were politically motivated. 他们相信这些谋杀案没有什么政治动机。 3、ADJ  Someone who is political is interested or involved in politics and holds strong beliefs about it. 对政治感兴趣的; 有坚定政治信仰的 例: Oh I'm not political, I take no interest in politics. 哦,我不关心政治,对政治不感兴趣。 67、△Nepal [ni'pɔ:l; -'pɑ:l] n.  尼泊尔(亚洲国家) 68、△Uganda [ju:'ɡændə] n.  乌干达(东非国家 69、distribute /dɪˈstrɪbjuːt/ vt.  分配;分发(distributing, distributed, distributes) 1、V-T  If you distribute things, you hand them or deliver them to a number of people. 分发 例: Students shouted slogans and distributed leaflets. 学生们高呼口号,散发传单。 2、V-T  When a company distributes goods, it supplies them to the stores or businesses that sell them. 配销[商业] 例: We didn't understand how difficult it was to distribute a national paper. 我们不明白配销一份全国性的报纸有多么困难。 3、V-T  To distribute a substance over something means to scatter it over it. 散布[正式] 例: Distribute the topping evenly over the fruit. 将浇头均匀地浇在水果上。 70、distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃən/ n.  分配;分发;分布状态(distributions) 1、N-UNCOUNT  The distribution of things involves giving or delivering them to a number of people or places. 分发 例: ...the council which controls the distribution of foreign aid. …掌管分发国外援助的委员会。 2、N-VAR  The distribution of something is how much of it there is in each place or at each time, or how much of it each person has. 分配; 分布 例: Mr. Roh's economic planners sought to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth. 罗欧先生的经济规划者们努力实现更公平的财富分配。 71、△financial /fɪˈnænʃəl, faɪ-/ adj.  财务的;金融的;财政的 1、ADJ  Financial means relating to or involving money. 金融的; 财政的 例: The company is in financial difficulties. 这个公司处于财务困难之中。 2、financially  ADV金融上; 财政上 例: She would like to be more financially independent. 她想要在财政上更加独立。 72、security /sɪˈkjʊərɪtɪ/ n.  安全;保护;保障(securities) 1、N-UNCOUNT  Security refers to all the measures that are taken to protect a place, or to ensure that only people with permission enter it or leave it. 保安措施; 安全措施 例: They are now under a great deal of pressure to tighten their airport security. 他们目前承受着加强机场保安措施的巨大压力。 例: Strict security measures are in force in the capital. 严格的安全措施在首都实施。 2、N-UNCOUNT  A feeling of security is a feeling of being safe and free from worry. 安全感 例: He loves the security of a happy home life. 他非常喜欢幸福的家庭生活所来的那种安全感。 例: If an alarm gives you that feeling of security, then it's worth carrying. 如果一个报警器能给你那种安全感,那就值得携带。 3、PHRASE  If something gives you a false sense of security, it makes you believe that you are safe when you are not. 虚假的安全感 4、N-UNCOUNT  If something is security for a loan, you promise to give that thing to the person who lends you money, if you fail to pay the money back. 抵押品[商业] 例: The central bank will provide special loans, and the banks will pledge the land as security. 中央银行将提供特别贷款,而各家银行将以土地作为抵押品。 5、N-PLURAL  Securities are stocks, shares, bonds, or other certificates that you buy in order to earn regular interest from them or to sell them later for a profit. 有价证券[商业] 例: National banks can package their own mortgages and underwrite them as securities. 国家银行可以组合包装自己的的抵押贷款,以证券形式承销。 6、see also Social Security 73、operate /ˈɒpəˌreɪt/ vi.  工作;运转vt.操作(operating, operated, operates) 1、V-T/V-I  If you operate a business or organization, you work to keep it running. If a business or organization operates, it carries out its work. 经营; 运营 例: Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard. 直到1986年去世,格林伍德一直拥有并经营着一个规模巨大的梨园。 例: ...allowing commercial banks to operate in the country. …允许商业银行在本国运营。 2、operation  N-UNCOUNT经营 例: Company finance is to provide funds for the everyday operation of the business. 公司财务将为公司业务的日常运转提供资金。 3、V-I  The way that something operates is the way that it works or has a particular effect. 起作用 例: Ceiling and wall lights can operate independently. 天花板和墙上的灯能够独立操控。 例: How do accounting records operate? 结算 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 是如何运作的? 4、operation  N-UNCOUNT运行 例: No money can be spent on the construction and operation of the tram. 没有钱可以用于有轨电车的建设和运行。 5、V-T/V-I  When you operate a machine or device, or when it operates, you make it work. 操作; 运转 例: A massive rock fall trapped the men as they operated a tunnelling machine. 那些男人在驾驶隧道掘进机时,一次大面积的岩崩困住了他们。 6、operation  N-UNCOUNT操作 例: ...over 1,000 dials monitoring every aspect of the operation of the aeroplane. …监控着飞机每项操作的1000多个调节控制器。 7、V-I  When surgeons operate on a patient in a hospital, they cut open a patient's body in order to remove, replace, or repair a diseased or damaged part. 动手术 例: In March 2005, surgeons operated on Max for a brain aneurysm. 2005年3月,外科医生们为马克斯做了脑部动脉瘤手术。 74、△Sudan n.  苏丹(非洲国家 75、clinic  /ˈklɪnɪk/ n.  门诊部;小诊所(clinics) N-COUNT  A clinic is a building where people go to receive medical advice or treatment. 诊所 例: ...a family planning clinic. …计划生育诊所。 76、△Malawi [mɑ:'lɑ:wi] n.  马拉维(非洲国家)
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