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抓住机遇,落实责任,切实做好信息宣传工作抓住机遇,落实责任,切实做好信息宣传工作 北京市林业保护站 2008年4月17日 各位领导、各位同仁: 很高兴与大家相识~并能坐在这里和各位进行交流。首先感谢国家林业局森防总站和各兄弟省市同行给我们的这次学习机会。其实~北京市林业保护站能获得2006,2007年度全国森防宣传工作先进集体殊荣~主要是形势的发展给了我们一个充分展示的机会~没有各级领导的支持~没有各省市的帮助~也就没有今天的成绩。所以~在这里再次对所有帮助过我们~支持过我们的各级领导和同志们表示感谢。 下面我就从以下几方面向各位汇报我市近两年...

抓住机遇,落实责任,切实做好信息宣传工作 北京市林业保护站 2008年4月17日 各位领导、各位同仁: 很高兴与大家相识~并能坐在这里和各位进行交流。首先感谢国家林业局森防总站和各兄弟省市同行给我们的这次学习机会。其实~北京市林业保护站能获得2006,2007年度全国森防宣传工作先进集体殊荣~主要是形势的发展给了我们一个充分展示的机会~没有各级领导的支持~没有各省市的帮助~也就没有今天的成绩。所以~在这里再次对所有帮助过我们~支持过我们的各级领导和同志们表示感谢。 下面我就从以下几方面向各位汇报我市近两年来的信息宣传工作情况和几点工作体会: 一、 我市信息宣传工作的主要做法 ,一,抓住机遇~积极宣传~努力提升行业地位 自2003年~我市首次监测到美国白蛾以来~我市抓住在首都北京召开奥运会的契机~抓住美国白蛾这一国际性检疫害虫对生态环境的破坏和对居民正常生活秩序的影响~积极向各级领导、向社会广泛宣传森防工作~普及美国白蛾等林木有害生物知识~宣传防控工作成就~以争取各级领导对林木有害生物防治检疫工作~特别是美国白蛾等危险性林木in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 有害生物防控工作的支持~争取社会各界的广泛关注。两年来~我市以信息报送方式、《北京防控工作信息》和《林保情况》等方式向各级领导和业务主管部门编发各类工作信息和业务情况~其中共编印《北京防控工作信息》72期~9720份~《林保情况》46期~3220份,及时组织上报各类林木病虫害防治检疫工作信息200余条。通过我们的积极宣传和努力工作~我市林木有害生物防治检疫工作行业地位不断提升~美国白蛾防控工作也得到了国务院及市政府的高度重视~为进一步做好美国白蛾等林木有害生物防治检疫工作奠定了坚实基础。 ,二,落实责任~确保信息宣传工作取得实效 为进一步做好林木有害生物防治检疫信息宣传工作~我市将此项工作纳入市政府与各区县政府签订的《北京市林木有害生物防治检疫责任书,2006,2010年,》中~明确各级政府的宣传任务~并积极组织落实宣传责任~使得信息宣传工作成效显著。两年来~我市各区县积极采取各种群众喜闻乐见的方式进行宣传~比如~充分利用电视、报刊、宣传画、标语、横幅、折页等宣传载体~广泛宣传林木有害生物防治基础知识,在区县电视台新闻栏目~每日播报虫情发生动态及防控工作的进展情况~并滚动播放“全民参与~防控美国白蛾~保护绿色家园”等字幕和图片,与区科委合作~利用科技直通车把防控知识、防控信息带到田间地头,与中国移动北京公司合作~开通林木有害生物防治短信服务平台,设立流动宣传站~深入乡镇~组织科技赶集活动,一些街道办 appeexceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not e withs. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordancyear, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more time5 times a -sing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increa-ate for the last time in midimprove resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be lseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, -mn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warmautu role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in fter applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play ain building lawn, lawn built in growing season required ation purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedspromo ment. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growthfertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and manageter, seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for wa times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion willo 1.5 th the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases wi5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to t-weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4awn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, September. 3, trimming the l-improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in midseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, -ing of warme sprr the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is latis best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, afte g timem, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressinal management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple triationweed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the r arance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so2 事处还组织流动电影放映车~进入居民小区宣传防控知识和技术。通过多种方式的广泛宣传~提高了全社会的防控意识~激发了广大群众积极参与美国白蛾防控工作的热情~形成了群防群治的防控工作格局。 ,三,充分发挥新闻媒体作用~形成宣传热点~提高社会关注度 近两年~我市抓住林木有害生物防治检疫工作重点~根据防治检疫工作的特性~将日常宣传选题与专题策划结合起来~进一步加大了宣传工作的力度~多次邀请中央电视台、北京电视台、北京日报、北京晚报、北京青年报、北京广播电台等多家新闻媒体~进行宣传报道活动。一是针对每年飞防工作新的特点~进行宣传报道,二是以周氏啮小蜂防治美国白蛾为工作亮点~大力宣传生物防治成效,三是就生物防治林业有害生物有关问题~进入北京人民广播电台“城市管理广播”和“城市零距离”直播间~与听众面对面~现场解答提问,四是就市林保站承担的市科委重大科研项目组织开展宣传报道,五是配合中央电视台“科技之光”栏目~制作美国白蛾专题宣传片,六是在《中国绿色时报》上~刊登整版的照片与文章~宣传林业有害生物防治检疫工作成绩,七是配合国家林业局组织的新闻发布会和市园林绿化局组织的新闻发布会~编发宣传材料。另外~在中国绿色时报、中国花卉报、京郊日报等报刊上分别就加大春季造林苗木检疫和复检工作力度~无检疫对象苗圃建设新进展~快速远程诊断林业有害生物措施等 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 进行报道~扩大了宣传面~提高 es the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, tuce timnoted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twients, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be 5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirem-trimmed at least 4ork. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive w-. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in midonths of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping onseason grasses. In a month or 2 m-essing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warmfirst green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop drearly spring and fall. After the in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best inrtilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsmaintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fe f lawngrass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part oweed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and t. 4, tting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified heigherage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cumore times. Leaves of grass density and cov 5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning-the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4sing September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increa-Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in midseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. -rtilizer the time is late spring of warmf second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies feowth old season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the grweeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cowith ion and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitivenessrass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed preventtive grf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objec3 了社会关注度。两年来~在市级以上新闻媒体上刊发,播出,稿件近100余件。 ,四,加大资金投入~提高宣传普及力度和专业防控水平 近两年来~我市仅市级财政投入林业有害生物防治检疫宣传经费就达80万元~共印发各种宣传材料260万张,册,~包括美国白蛾识别及查防宣传折页~“林业检疫宣传册”和“北京市林业保护站行政许可事项”宣传册~美国白蛾和红脂大小蠹张贴画~危险性林木有害生物宣传笔记本~美国白蛾科普宣传扑克~及其它病虫害宣传折页~“奥运期间北京市可能发生灾害的林业有害生物简介”~“2001,2007年林保情况汇编”等。这些宣传材料全部发放到区县、乡镇,街道,、村,社区,及有林单位各级林保专业人员手中~同时~将宣传折页发放至各区县重点乡镇、重点村、重点社区的居民家中~使美国白蛾家喻户晓~使林木有害生物防治检疫工作基础知识得到普及。 二、 信息宣传工作体会 ,一,领导重视~组织落实是做好信息宣传工作的关键 为了做好我市的林木有害生物防治检疫信息宣传工作~我站成立了信息宣传工作领导小组~组长由一把手担任~成员由各科室负责人组成~并组建了一支由9名即懂业务、又有一定写作基础的同志组成的信息宣传员队伍~其他业务人员也都有义务承担所负责业务的信息宣传素材提供任务~站里还 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 各科室平均每月不少于2篇信息稿件~使我站信息 arance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, soappeexceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not e withs. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordancyear, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more time5 times a -sing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increa-ate for the last time in midimprove resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be lseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, -mn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warmautu role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in fter applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play ain building lawn, lawn built in growing season required ation purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedspromo ment. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growthfertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and manageter, seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for wa times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion willo 1.5 th the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases wi5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to t-weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4awn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, September. 3, trimming the l-improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in midseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, -ing of warme sprr the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is latis best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, afte g timem, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressinal management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple triationweed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the r4 宣传工作能紧密地围绕各项工作重点有的放矢的开展~并在组织上得到了落实和保证~形成了领导亲自抓~人人动笔写的良好信息宣传氛围。我站领导对信息报送质量相当重视~有时会亲自动笔撰写信息~还根据日常工作实际~反复讲解公文写作要求~一篇上报信息往往都要经过至少2,3遍的修改~有时甚至4,5遍才能报出~确保了信息质量。 ,二,各项业务工作开展的有声有色~是信息宣传工作的源泉 俗话说“巧妇难为无米之炊”。我站的信息宣传工作虽然由办公室负责~但离不开各业务科室的配合~不光有政务宣传任务~同时~还肩负着业务信息的传递~其所反映和涵盖的内容则以林业有害生物监测、检疫、防治及危险性林木有害生物的防控工作为主。在注重加强信息工作~不断增强工作主动性的同时~紧紧围绕中心工作~在“重点、亮点、难点”上下功夫~并根据不同的工作任务和工作时期~及时通报工作动态~并向各区县、各有林单位发送林业有害生物的监测预报信息~用以指导基层单位科学防控林业有害生物。 ,三,加强业务学习~是提高信息质量的前提 林木有害生物防治检疫行业专业技术性强~搞信息宣传的同志不光要具备文字写作基础~还要掌握一定的本专业知识~需要不断更新和提高自己的业务水平。为此~我站要求信息员在完成自己的本职工作的基础上~要尽可能地多参加各类业务 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 班的学习~不断丰富知识~充实自我~提高工 rass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed preventtive grf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objeces the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, tuce timnoted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twients, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be 5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirem-trimmed at least 4ork. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive w-. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in midonths of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping onseason grasses. In a month or 2 m-essing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warmfirst green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop drearly spring and fall. After the in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best inrtilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsmaintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fe f lawngrass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part oweed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and t. 4, tting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified heigherage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cumore times. Leaves of grass density and cov 5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning-the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4sing September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increa-Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in midseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. -rtilizer the time is late spring of warmf second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies feowth old season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the grweeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cowith ion and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness5 作能力~在实际工作中认真做好信息的采编、写作、上报等~及时、准确、全面地报送信息材料~为保质保量地完成信息宣传任务奠定基础。 在林木有害生物防治检疫宣传工作中~我市虽然取得了一些成绩~但与形势的发展和时代的要求还相差很多。今后~还要不断加强学习~尤其要学习兄弟省市号的经验和做法~拓宽思路~提升信息宣传工作水平~努力适应林业发展新形势、新任务对信息宣传工作的要求~力求把我市信息宣传工作做得更好。 北京市林业保护站 刘寰 e withs. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordancyear, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more time5 times a -sing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increa-ate for the last time in midimprove resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be lseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, -mn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warmautu role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in fter applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play ain building lawn, lawn built in growing season required ation purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedspromo ment. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growthfertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and manageter, seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for wa times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion willo 1.5 th the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases wi5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to t-weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4awn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, September. 3, trimming the l-improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in midseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, -ing of warme sprr the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is latis best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, afte g timem, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressinal management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple triationweed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the r arance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, soappeexceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not 6
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