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仔仔市场营销策略与技巧仔仔市场营销策略与技巧 市场营销策略与技巧 公选课课程作业 市场营销计划 题目:苹果手机市场营销策划计划 姓名: 董玉坡 所在院校 、系:机电工程学院机电122 指导教师:王世法 联系方式: that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the ri...

仔仔市场营销策略与技巧 市场营销策略与技巧 公选课课程作业 市场营销 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目:苹果手机市场营销策划计划 姓名: 董玉坡 所在院校 、系:机电工程学院机电122 指导教师:王世法 联系方式: that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 摘要 苹果电脑公司总裁史蒂夫.乔布斯宣布iphone正式发布后的言论:“我们重新发明了手机”。这标志着手机革命进入一个新时代,手机功能变得越来越强大。Iphone似乎改变手机的概念,具有当时其他手机无法比拟的强大功能。而手机这个名词也逐渐被淘汰,很多报道都称手机为移动终端。2010年9月25日,iphone手机正式在中国内地发售。着实引发了一股“苹果热”的潮流,现在来介绍苹果公司以及手机行业市场状况, 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 了苹果公司新产品iphone手机的目标市场选择和产品定位,指出苹果公司及iphone的主要竞争优势。分析苹果公司iphone智能手机的市场营销策略,,指出其营销特点,传统的营销方式如何创新,迅速占领了市场。 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 目 录 一、市场分析 ,一,企业的目标和任 务…………………………………………………………………………4 ,二,当前市场和战略描 述………………………………………………………………………4 1. 当前市场状 况……………………………………………………………………………4 2. 传略描 述…………………………………………………………………………… ……4 ,三,主要竞争者和他们的优劣 势……………………………………………………………5 ,四,外部环境分 析………………………………………………………………………………5 1. 经 济…………………………………………………………………………… …………5 2. 法律法 规…………………………………………………………………………… ……5 3. 成 本…………………………………………………………………………… …………6 4. 竞 争…………………………………………………………………………… …………6 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 5. 技 术…………………………………………………………………………… …………6 6. 社会因 素…………………………………………………………………………… ……6 ,五,内部环境分 析………………………………………………………………………………6 二、营销策略 ,一,营销目标/预期收益…………………………………………………………………………6 ,二,目标市场描 述………………………………………………………………………………7 ,三,营销组合描 述………………………………………………………………………………7 1. 产品/服 务…………………………………………………………………………… ……7 2. 分 销…………………………………………………………………………… …………7 3. 定 价…………………………………………………………………………… …………7 4. 促 销…………………………………………………………………………… …………8 ,四,定位分 析……………………………………………………………………………………8 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 三、活动计划 ,一,活动日程安 排………………………………………………………………………………9 ,二,评估程 序.……………………………………………………………………………………9 四 总结 苹果手机市场营销策划计划 一、市场分析 (一)企业的目标和任务 一年内销售1000万个iphone是苹果的直接目标。更重要的目标是让年轻人从购买 ipod过渡到购买iphone,让年轻人从诺基亚、摩托罗拉、三星等传统品牌中走出 来,接受iphone的理念,选择iphone手机。最重要的是改变通讯业的固有模式。 (二)当前市场和战略描述 1、当前市场状况 手机市场饱和,手机生产商竞争激烈,产品技术更新快。苹果手机市场 面临一定的挑战。 2、战略描述: 过去公司总体战略选择:密集型战略---产品开发战略。 现在公司总体战略选择:成长型战略---一体化战略 业务单位战略:差异性战略 (三)主要竞争者和他们的优势/劣势 主要竞争者: that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 目前手机市场存在好多品牌,如诺基亚、三星、索尼、多普达、小米、联想„„„ 1、 诺基亚 优势: 诺基亚手机的性能是有口皆碑的,信号良好,即使信号标示只有一格,也依 然可以确保良好的通话质量;其次工艺质量好,即使摔过N次,大多数仍可正常 使用。 用户拥有量全球第一的事实说明了他的好。绝大多数使用者对诺基亚手机还是比较 认同的。 2、三星 优势: 时尚的外型、精密的工艺质量、令人满意的屏幕和铃声是其它品牌手机所不 具备的。这些优点在其翻盖手机中尤其体现的突出。靠着以上优点,三星牢牢占 据着中高端手机市场,为其赚取了丰厚的利润,也为其发展提供了雄厚的资金支 持。 3缺点: 尽管三星手机的发展势头很猛,但三星手机也有缺点,有些缺点是其市场选 择所带来的。比如,三星手机基本不考虑低端市场,价格偏高;三星手机的功能 与其他手机相比有些少,这点已经在改进;三星手机被人说成花瓶等等;在 CDMA领域不如LG。 (四)外部环境分析 1、经济 随着经济科学的发展,手机的经济越来越好,一边机遇,一边挑战。 2、法律法规 一切利益取之有道 3、成本 以普遍的成本谋取最大的利益。根据国外调查公司初步估计,16GB版 iPhone5的物料 清单 安全隐患排查清单下载最新工程量清单计量规则下载程序清单下载家私清单下载送货清单下载 成本约为167.50美元,与相同级别的iPhone4S相比要高出that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 35美元左右。iPhone5单个部件价格相差最大是处理器。价格为28美元比 iPhone4S高出7美元。 4、竞争 苹果的竞争企业很多:诺基亚、三星、索尼、、、、、、 5、技术 A、人脸识别技术 B、防水技术 6、社会因素 (五)内部环境分析 二 营销策略 ,一,营销目标/预期收益 目标:扩大苹果知名度、影响力~增加苹果的文化魅力~为了基层的人可以更加了解苹果~扩大苹果的购买对象~最终实现苹果的普遍化。 预期收益: 苹果普及 ,二,目标市场描述 全球都是我们的市场~市场全球化。 Iphone的目标群体主要定在年轻人和中年人这个区间。Iphone具有年轻人热爱的时尚、个性、潮流~同时也具备中年成功的商业人士和职业人士的追捧。 ,三,营销组合描述 1、产品/服务 iPhone由苹果公司首席执行官史蒂夫?乔布斯在2007年1月9日举行的Macworld宣布推出 2007年6月29日在美国上市 将创新的移动电话、可触摸宽屏iPod以及具有桌面级电子邮件、网页浏览、搜索和地图功能的突破性因that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 特网通信设备这三种产品完美地融为一体。iPhone引入了基于大型多触点显示屏和领先性新软件的全新用户界面 让用户用手指即可控制iPhone。iPhone还开创了移动设备软件尖端功能的新纪元 重新定义了移动电话的功能。iPhone是结合照相手机、个人数码助理、媒体播放器以及无线通信设备的掌上设备。 2、分销 全球销售。 据国外媒体报道,2012年第一季度苹果手机销量占全球手机销量的7.9%。苹果公司仅依靠iPhone手机就成为全球第三大手机制造商。 根据市场调查公司Gartner的相关数据,2012年第一季度苹果手机销量达到3310万台,占全球手机销量的7.9%。与出货量不同,销量指的是最终消费者购买的数量。这一数据较此前苹果公司公布的3510万台低了200万台。 苹果公司手机的市场份额较2011年同期翻了一番。2011年第一季度公司手机销量为1680万台,占全球手机销量的3.9%。 2012年第一季度,苹果手机销量为全球第三,位居三星和诺基亚之后,在中兴和LG之前。一季度全球手机销量为4.191亿台,同比下降2%。 3、定价 苹果4 2000-3000 苹果4S 3000-4000 苹果5 4000-5000 4、促销 苹果iPhone的销售渠道包括运营商渠道和自有渠道 其中自有渠道又包括自营店、网络商店、渠道商三种。虽然苹果对运营商和授权经销商的管控不如自营店 但是苹果加强了对渠道商的管理力度 对于国美、苏宁、各地区授权经销商的每个店面都由苹果公司配备了专业的人员 负责店面的形象、演示文件、人员行为等 从终端的硬件 店面形象、产品及样机文件 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 和软件 人员行为 上满足了用户的体验 保证了苹果销售的核心理念------体验式销售的执行。其实个人觉得iPhone没有什么促销活动 它貌似永远都受人们欢迎 永远都是香饽饽 不需要什么促销活动 (四) 定位分析 一: 智能、美观、大气、有面子、 二: 消费群体要多样化,让老百姓也能耍起苹果。 三: 手机的技术含量,要最完美、最好。 三 活动计划 1、传统节假日可以和运营赞助商一起搞活动 2、具体内容: A、通过网上或短信参与节目中有奖活动 B、现场有奖活动 四 总结 销量起来 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 苹果行天下 苹果走乡下 人人有苹果 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly
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