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苏州装饰合同范本苏州装饰合同范本 编号: 苏州市室内装饰工程施工合同 装饰工程名称: 建设单位(甲方): 施工单位(乙方): 苏州市经济贸易委员会 制定 苏州市工商行政管理局 监制 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded...

苏州装饰 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 范本 编号: 苏州市室内装饰工程 施工合同 综合布线施工合同下载隔墙施工合同工厂拆除工程施工合同工程地板砖施工合同协议书范本广场地砖施工合同 装饰工程名称: 建设单位(甲方): 施工单位(乙方): 苏州市经济贸易委员会 制定 苏州市工商行政管理局 监制 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 苏州市室内装饰工程合同 甲方(委托人): 乙方(被委托人): 一、 装饰施工项目: 1、装饰施工地点: 2、房屋结构: 3、装饰施工内容及要求:(详见报价单,并以报价单为准)。 二、工程期限及保修期: 1、工期: 天。因天气变化造成施工难度,影响施工进度,工期顺延。 自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。 2、工程保修期: 12 月。保修期: 24 月。保修期自本工程竣工验收合格之日起,由乙方开具工程保修单。 3、在工程保修期内,如甲方人为造成损坏,要求乙方维修,甲方应全额付给乙方材料费及人工维修费。 三、工程造价及付款方式: (小写) 元。 工程总造价:(大写) 合同生效时,甲方支付总造价的 20 %,其余价款根据施工进度 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 分期支付:水电施工完,瓦工材料进场施工之前,支付总价款的35 %,瓦工结束,木工材料进场施工之前,支付总价款的40 %,余款:5%,于工程验收合格后付清。双方款项往来,均应出具正式收据。 四、材料、设备的供应 1、甲方提供的材料、设备: 本工程甲方负责采购供应的材料、设备,应为符合设计要求的合格产品,并应按施 工进度计划及时供应到现场。 2、乙方采购的材料、设备: 凡由乙方采购的材料、设备必须与报价单中注明的品牌、规格、型号、质量、计量 标准相符,经由甲方签字认可后再行使用。乙方采购的材料、设备,如不符合质量 要求或规格有差异应禁止使用,如已使用,对工程造成的损失由乙方负责。 3、 甲、乙双方采购的材料,必须符合国家质量监督检验检疫总局发布的室内装饰材料estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 有害物质限量强制性国家标准。 五、施工前准备细则 1、甲方 ? 开工前,向乙方提供经确认的施工图纸或工艺质量说明1份,并向乙方进行现 场交底,全部腾空或部分腾空房屋,清除影响施工的障碍物。对只能部分腾空的房 中所滞留的家具、陈设等采取保护措施。 ? 向乙方提供施工需用的水、电等必备设施,并说明使用注意事项。 ? 施工中使用公用部位操作,由甲方负责协调邻里关系,保证乙方正常施工。 ? 如需要拆改原建筑物结构或设备管线,负责到有关部门办理相应的审批手续。 ? 协调有关部门做好现场保卫、消防、垃圾处理等工作,并承担相应费用。 ? 甲方要求比合同约定的工期提前竣工时,需征得乙方同意并应支付赶工费,待 签订工期变更 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 、确定赶工费后再行赶工。 ? 甲方代表对工程质量、进度进行监督检查,办理验收、变更、登记手续。甲方 其他家庭成员对工程及乙方的意见均需甲方代表与乙方代表接触。 2、乙方 ? 组织施工图纸或工艺质量的现场交底,拟定施工方案、进度计划,交甲方审定 并签字认可。 ? 工程竣工未移交甲方之前,负责对现场的一切设施和工程成品进行保护。 ? 乙方委派: 为驻工地代表,负责合同履行,按要求组织施工,协调 由乙方负责的各项事宜。 六、施工安全与防火 1、甲方或乙方提供的施工图纸或工艺质量说明,应符合《中华人民共和国消防条例》 和有关防火设计 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 。 2、乙方在施工期间内应严格遵守1993年7月29日发布的中华人民共和国行业标准《室 内装饰工程质量规范》、《建筑安装工人安全操作规范》,注意施工安全。 3、由于乙方在施工过程中违反有关安全操作规程、消防条例,导致发生安全或火灾事故,乙方应承担责任并承担由此引发的一切经济损失。 七、工程施工变更 1、工程施工过程中甲方提出设计修改意见及增减工程项目时,须提前与乙方代表联系, 签订变更单后方能进行该项目施工,所引起增减费用,可在工程第三批付款时,一 并结清。如需减项不可超过总价的5%。 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 八、工程质量、验收及结算 1、工程质量按1997月3日发布的中华人民共和国行业标准《家庭装饰工程质量规范》 以施工图纸、工艺质量说明,设计变更的内容为合格标准依据。 2、甲乙双方应及时办理隐蔽工程和中间工程的检查与验收手续。 3、工程竣工验收,乙方应通知甲方竣工验收。甲方自接到验收通知3日内组织验收, 验收合格办理移交手续。如甲方在规定时间内不能阻止验收,需及时通知乙方,另 定验收日期,但甲方应承认竣工日期,并承担乙方的看管费用和相关费用。 4、工程竣工结算,乙方应提交工程结算单及有关资料给甲方,甲方自接到上述资料5 天内审查完毕,到期未提出异议,视为同意。并在3天内结清尾款。 九、违约责任 1、甲方责任 ? 未按合同规定的时间和要求提供原材料、设备、场地、资金、技术资料以及由甲 方引起的其他原因等,除工程日期得予顺延外,还应偿付乙方因此造成停工、误 工的实际损失。每停工或误工一天,甲方支付乙方工程造价的1‰。 ? 由于甲方提供的材料、设备质量问题或规格差异,乙方向甲方提出,甲方仍表示 使用的而影响工程质量,其返工费用由甲方承担,工期顺延。 ? 工程未经验收,提前使用,发现质量问题,自己承担责任。 ? 甲方未按合同的约定付款,每逾期一天,按逾期未付款的1‰支付违约金。 ? 甲方未办理任何手续,要求乙方拆改原有建筑物及设备管线,乙方有权拒绝施工。 2、乙方责任 ? 工程质量不符合合同规定,甲方有权要求限期无偿修理或返工,造成损失由乙方负责。 ? 由于乙方原因逾期竣工,每逾期一天,乙方按甲方已累计付款额的1‰支付违约金。 ? 乙方应妥善保护甲方提供的设备及现场陈设和其他物品,如有损失,应视情况予以赔偿。 ? 未经甲方同意,擅自拆改原有建筑结构或设备管线,由此发生的损失或事故(包括罚款)由乙方负责。 3、本合同生效后甲乙双方应严格履行合同所规定的各项条款,不得擅自变更或解除合同,否则违约方将付给对方工程预算总价的20%的违约金,并承担由此造成的其他经济损失。 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 十、争议或纠纷的处理 1、本合同履行期间上方发生争议时,在不影响工程进度的前提下, 上方可采取协商解决或请装饰市场管理办公室及有关部门进行调解。 2、双方协议或调解不成时,双方同意由 仲裁委员会仲裁(当事人双方不在合同中约定仲裁机构,事后又未达成书面仲裁协议的,可以向人民法院起诉)。 十一、附则 1、本合同一式四份,双方各执二份。 2、本合同甲乙双方签字后,即可生效。 十二、其他约定 1除甲方不能按时付款外,乙方不得停工。 2乙方施工期间,水电费由甲方自理。 3严格按照报价表中所列项目施工。 甲方(签章): 乙方(签章): 代表人: 法定代表人: 单位地址: 单位地址: 年 月 日 年 月 日 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction.
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